Economics 1010-001 Principles of Microeconomics Maymester 2016 Professor: Joe Craig Office: ACAD 211 Office Phone: (719) 255-4002 E-mail: Office hours: MTWR 1300-1430 Lecture: MWTRF 0800-1300 Columbine 115 Required Text: • Mankiw, N. Gregory, (2008), Principles of Microeconomics, ISBN-13: 9780324589986, South-Western College Publishers – I would suggest looking for used/new copies online before buying at the bookstore to compare prices. Also, the best strategy for doing well in class and understanding the material is to read the corresponding textbook chapters before class. I follow the book topics fairly closely but will add a few additional things as I see fit. Course Description: Microeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how individuals, households, and firms make decisions to allocate limited resources, typically in markets where goods or services are being bought and sold. We will examine how these decisions and behaviors affect the supply and demand for goods and services, which determines prices, and how prices, in turn, determine the supply and demand of goods and services Lectures: In lecture, new material will be presented that will follow topics from the textbook, but may differ in emphasis. If your cell phone rings, text alerts, e-mail alerts, etc. during class I get to answer it. Grading: Your course grade will be based on the breakdown below. I reserve the right to curve any scores on any assignment up, but will never curve scores down. Assignment Attendance Exams (2) Value 20% 80% (40% each) Grades will be assigned based on the following: 92.5-100 89.5-92.4 87.5-89.4 82.5-87.4 79.5-82.4 77.5-79.4 68.5-77.4 58.5-68.4 0-58.4 A AB+ B BC+ C D F Attendance: Attendance counts for a large portion of your grade. You can miss one day of class. After that any other day missed will cost you a letter grade up to a maximum of 2 letter grades. Examinations: The exams will take place during regular class time in the regular class room on the dates listed below. They will be multiple-choice questions. You’ll probably also want to bring a calculator (no cell phone calculators or any calculators capable of storing information i.e. graphing calculators). Exam questions will be based on material covered in lecture and the homework sets/quizzes. I’ll talk more about each exam as the exam date approaches. Quizzes: Quizzes will be posted online with solutions for extra work Homework: Problem sets will be posted online with solutions for extra work Cheating: If you cheat you will be caught and I will enforce campus policies to their fullest extent. Schedule Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Date Assignment Reading 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-20 3 4 5 5-19 Exam 1 7 Monday 5-23 Tuesday 5-24 Wednesday 5-25 Thursday 5-26 Exam 2 Friday 6,8 10,11 13,14 Date Assignment Reading 21