FIFTH ANNUAL CATALOGUE oI, OFFICERS AND STUDENTS op Oth (=) CORVALLIS, OREGON. 1869-1870. + CORVALLIS, OREGON: V1LLAIETTE VALLEY MERCURY BOOK AND JOB OFFICE 1870. Riv. B. F. BURCIT, B. B. BIDDLE, ESQ, fl S. '1'. BROWN, FSQ, J.WM. B. BRYAN, ESQ, REv. B. R. BAXTER, B. W. BROOK ESQ. JAS. A. CAUTHORN, ESQ, 4JD. F. CRABTREI ESQ. JJ. B. CARDWELL M. D., HA. OAU'I'HORN, ESQ SILAS J. DAY, ESQ, REV. JOSEPH E VI ERY, J. L. FERGUSON ESQ, J. P. FRIEDLEy, ESQ, 4' CHAS. GAYLORD Tn C. KINNEY Es' LTGGET'p, ESQ, ! A. N. LOCKE EsQ, HJOSEPH j REV. R. C. MARTIN, B. A MCFARLAND ESQ., REv. C. H. E. NEWTON REV. B. C. OGLESRY 1! HENRY I'INKS'I'ON ESQ, J JACKSON RADER, ESQ, 4 A. ROBERTS ESQ., Rsv. A. E. SEARS, 4 G. B. SMITH, EsQ REv. J. W. STAhL, H HON. R. S. STRAHAN 2 W. A. WILLIS. EsQ, d.REy. W. A. FINLEY (ex-officio) , Independence Corvallis. Dixie. Brownsville Corvallis. Linu County. Portland. Corvallis. J'cksonvjl1e Corvallis. Lafayette. Corvallis. Salem. Dallas. Corvallis. Brownsville. Linn County. Umatilla. Jacksonville. Roseburg. Jacksonville. Portland. Oallas. Corvallis. Jacksonville. Corvallis. Roseburg. Corvallis 4 (ORVLLI COEA.EGE. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD Rev. A. E. SEARS, Fresicent. B. H. BIDDLE, HoN. H. S. STRAHAN, Secretary. Vice President. S. T. BROWN, A. CAIJTHORN, Collector. Treasurer. FINANCIAL Alil) AUDITING COMMITTEE, A. HOLDER. HON. B. S. STRAHAN. JAS. A. CAUTELORN. CONFERENCB VISITING COMMITTEE, REV. B. R. BAXTER. REV. C. H. E. NEWTON. REV. J. W. STAHL. COLLEGE AGENT, REV. B. F. BURCII. YOUNG LADIES' BOARDING HOUSE, Riv. W. A. FINLEY, YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S BOARDING HOUSES, REV. JOSEPH EMERY. A. N. LOCKE. Ray. W. A. FINLEY, A. M., Languages. Pi.esident and Professor of Rv. JOSEPH EMERY, Natura' Science. pi.ofessor of Mathematics and Mas. S. E. FINLEY Primary Department. MSTE1 JACOB BRENNER, Music Departmd1t. Department, Assistants in PreparatorY W. B. PRIVETT. 3. B. McFARLA 7; CORVALLIS COLLEGE. Sain'l G. Irvin Simon L. Cline Leander N. Liggett Alonzo J. Locke John B. McFarland Kieber F. Osborn Newton A. Thompson Jas. K. P. Weatherford Polk County. Corvallis. Linn County. Benton County. Linn County. SENIOR PREPARATORY DEPART \I ENT. SENfOR CLASS. H James K. P. Cm rio Charles J Mulke Robert M Veatch . Alice E. Biddle . . Cottage Grove. Corvallis. Cottage Grc,ve. Corvallis. JU1O4 CLASS. 'rims. . Alexander Geo F. Burkliart Hugh MeN. Finley Benton County. Linn County. Corvallis. Linn County. Corvallis. Lion County. Jas. D. Fountain Wm. H. Holder 'Win. R. Privett Eninia Cauthorn Mary J. :Elarris Fannie J Kendoll Corvallis. Ben ton County. i\faliaa Srcwart Jas. C vy* FRESHMAN CLASS. liiac W Berry Win H. Chapman Frahhlln Cral)trec John B Egliii Gilbert lord Corvallis. Corvallis. Jacicoii County. Josephine County. ...Liun County. Benton County. Corvallis. George W. Belt George C. Blakely Daniel L. Carroll Ross F. Chenoweth French. H. Chrissinger Charles N. Clark William T. Cochran Joseph L. Dickson Augustus Ebell Pleasant L. Fountain Jerome Gaylord George Grimes Ananias Harris James R. Horning Oscar L. Ison Isaac Jacobs Thomas J. Keeton Perry L. Keeton Alfred Locke John F. MeGhee George F. MeClane James M. Privett Henry D. Randle Adam Ritchev Frank I'. Robertson Joseph S. Schooling John Scott...... Andrew J. Smith George W. Sperry Salem. Brownsville. Union County. Corvallis. Linn County. Uinatilla. ..Linu County. Baker County. ....Linn County. Corvallis. TjlUli Connty. King's Valley. Benton Connt5r. Baker County. Corvallis. Grant County. £ Corvallis. Lion County. Salem. Linn County. Benton County. Lane County. Corvallis. Linn County Benton County. Polk County. Lion County. L_::T: 'p - .-, --,',----- Jehiel Stewart Corvallis. Ernmet Taylor. William B. Westlake. Albany. John F. Westlake Franklin B. Wrenn Flora L. Canterbury. Coia L A. Couch Rachel M. Crahtree, Corvallis. Corvallis. Linn County. Annie S. Dohse Amna Hamilton 'Fannie B. Hamilton Sarah L. Jeifreys I Corvallis. Jennie F. Locke Melissa Stewart Clara M rplla).ei. Mary B. Wheeler Mr. Frank Johnson (Music only) Myer Harris Lafayette Wilson Mrs. S. 11. Stralian " S. B. Finley Miss Coia Bayley Mary T. Clienoweth '' Rosa Jacobs Caroline Harris Mary J. Graham Polk County. Corvallis. . . . Benton County. Linn County. Corvallis. '' 'C 'C '' C' Elvin J. Glass William H. Graham Milton Hamilton Thomas P. Horning Zephin Job Charles B. Johnson Joseph Kennedy William Mobley Moses Neugass James L. Oshurn John R. Right Hezekiah N. Roun' Lafayette Stewart John W. Vineyard William H. Whe& Willard P. W11° Hiram Wood Amos Wood Walter H. Wrenn Elizabeth Adams Mary M. Bryant Frances M. Bryant Adelia Burkhart Mary A. Eglin Lizzie Hamilton Florence Haskins JUNiOR PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. Corvallis. Lane County. Corvallis. C' Rob't. M. Chrissinger. Anderson Cox Edwin Cox Benjamin C. Eghn Stephen Gaylord Benton County. Corvallis. C' '' Benton Couny. Corvallis. Linn County. Corvallis. C' Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Linni Conty. Douglas County. King's Valley. Benton County. 'C Bellë"Wilson Frank 0. Cauthorn James 0. Fuller '' Mary C St. Clair Napoleon $very . Th Q. Butler Orville B. Carter 9 CORVALLIS COLLEUE. CORVALLIS ('OLLE(;E 8 Liun County. Corvallis. Sarah L. Kline Maria B. Murray Alice Newbouse Lucretia OgIsby Sarah B. Putinan Maggie 0. Ramsdell Alice M. Wrenn Mary H. Wrenn Corvallis. Yaquiva. Linn County. 1t Benton County. .Oorvallis. Corvallis. .Linn County. .aqui .McMinnville. Corvallis. Benton County. -4 Ii ?-i;W - - At_, _L...__._____.S.__- 10 - CORVALLIS COLLEGE. PRIMARY DEPA1TMENT Edwin Burkliart George F. Eglin Willie 0-. Emery Jas. M. Emery Norton Gaylord Charles Horning George Horning.. Mark A. Lewis David A. Oshur Johnson M. Porter....... ..... CORVALLISCOLLEGE. Sarah B. Smith.. Liun County. Benton Count. .......Corvallis. Ella Smith ..................... Fannie Strahan 11 Corvallis. '' Benton County. Corvallis. Thomas Ramsdefl Thomas J. Right* David Robinett Prier Scott............... SUJYLIVIARY, Benton County. James Scott Mezaldus Scott Freddie Scott. George W. Smith Portland. ......Corvallis. James M. Upton......... Bettie Brown ........ Emma A. Burnett Ida H. Burnett Annie C. Cauthorn Maggie Dorr...... Lavina Eglin Corvallis. Benton County. Corval1s. Fannie Elliott............. Elizabeth Emrick Maggie E. Friedley Lizzie Gaylord I Sarah Hodges Edie Jacobs Hettie Morehouse.......... Bertha Neugass Mary L. Osburn Amanda L. Price Lillie Ramsdell..... Mary A. Right Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. ... Corvallis. U U Senior Class. Junior Class Freshman Class Preparatory Classes Primary Classes Total . 4 10 14 . 1O 40 GORY ALIAS COLLRGE. :1 13 suCOcD T1E)i. ........................ Geometry (five books) ......... Davies' f,cqcndre. Algebra(eompleted) .................................... ................... Greek...................... Elocution Tatin Q Ov1l and Vzryil. Jlerodotus. .................. Classical Literature Fis1e. TiU dl) 1'EP.M. Vryl. ............................. Iloniet's Iliad Greek ..................... Geometry (onipletcd) ........ Davies' icge.n.c7re Latin PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Orthography (Sanders Wilison). Mental Arithmetic. First Lessons in Geogra. P cad rig (Wilison.) phy. Object Lessons. i Writing. PREPARATORY DR PARTMFINT. Pending (Willson's series). aturalPhi1osopliv(Quac.kArithmetic (Thompson enbos). Robinson). trouoriy(Mattison). English Grammar (Ken Latin Render. Quackenbos). Creek Reader. history of the tTnited Latin (Ccsar's Corn., 4 States. books). Writing (Speneerian sys. Greek Testament.. tern). first lessons Latin, first book(McClin- Physiology, (Cutter). took Crook's). Elementary Algebra (Da. Greek, first 1)00k. vies). Book-Keeping (Fulton & Eastman. . . COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. FRuSTIMAN CLASS-----1iRST TERM. Algebra ........................... Davies' Bourdon.. Physiology.................................. Cutter. Composition and Ihetonic ............... Quaeke:ribos. Latin........................................ &diust. Greek ........................ X'nopho.r's Annbasis. I ................. .................. cLAssvnsr Tuluir. General history Classical Literature lVillson. Fiske. SOUIIOMORE pluic 'fiionometry ........ e.qencfrc and Loomis. I: ,tensunation of Surfaces, Heights and J)istances Latin ........... /ie Odt:. r, horace. Oth,sseit. .................. ZTh.aer's Zoology .................................. Ig .is. ((11(7 EpO(7C8 Greek SECOND TEEM. Spllenical Trigonometry Leyendre and Loom is ;\iciisurntion of Solids Latin The Satires and Rpi,tlea of horace Greek Homer's Odyssey i Politicid Economy 1Vylan.d TIITIiD TERM. Surveying and Navigation 1?obinson Latin Uicero's Dc &neetute et Amicitia Greek Xcnopkon's tlTeniorabilia Political Science Story JUNiOR OLASSU5T TERM. Analytical Geometry Rhetoric Latin Greek .Too?n1.s IV/wtel?/ tcit U.S Sophocles' Electra 14 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. SECOND TERM. Calculus Chemistry Logic Latin Loomis Porter Whately .Juvenal MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. TIII]iT) TERM. Mechanics Olmstead Wood Botany. I'hysical Geography Gieek Demosthenes De Corona SENIOR CLASSFIRST TERM. Natural Philosophy Olm8tead Moral Science Wayland and Rivers Paley Natural Theology SECOND TERM. Astronomy English Literature Gelogy anc1 Mineralogy Mental Philosophy Olmstead aw Hithcock tfpham Ti-iIRi) TERM. Analogy of Religion Butler Kames Law of Nations Vattel Evidences of Christianity Paley There will be weekly exercises in Composition, Declamation and Original Addresses. Criticism AD),IISSION, EXAMINATION, ETC. Candidates foradmission, if from another Institution, must satisfy the Faculty with respect to their honorable withdrawal from the same. None will be admitted into the Freshman Class under fourteen years of age; nor into any advanced class without a corresponding age. Candidates will be examined on the studies previously pursued by the class which they propose to enter. Public examinations of the classes are macic at the close of the year, and no student who absents himself from the examination, or fails to master the studies of the session, will be permitted to proceed with his class. SCIENTIFIC COURSE. The full Collegiate Course above prescribed, is earnestly recnminendcd as best for all, but if any prefer to omit the Ancient Languages, they can pursue the Scientific Course, embracing the remaining studies in the foregoing scheme. DEGREES. The degrees of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts, are the regular degrees conferred by the College. The first named is granted to those who complete, in a satisfactory manner, the scientific course. The degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred on those, only, who pursue the full course, Classical and Scientific. The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred, in course, on every Bachelor of Arts of three years standing, or more, who has been engaged, since his graduation, in some literary occupation, and has sustained a good moral character. It will be confer'ed only on I CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 16 those who apply for it at leasta week before commencement, and provide for the payment of the customary fee. FEMALE DEPARTMENT. Young ladies will be addmitted into all the College Classes, and will be entitled to the same honors and diplomas as are conferred upon young gentlemen. In addition to the thorough mental discipline that this arrangement will give them, competent instructors vilI be secured for the departments of Music, Painting, Drawing, etc. LOCATION, The College is located in Corvallis, Benton County, To those who have once visited Corvallis, there is no need of mentioning that our city, in point of climate and natural scenery, is unsurpassed in the State. Corvallis is justly noted for the salubrity and healthOregon. fulness of its climate. The School Year s divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each. There is one vacation of ten weeks. MERIT AND DEMERIT. A daily record of the merit and demerit of each pupil is kept, wiuch is at all times subject to the examination of parents and guardians. EXPENSES. 6 00 TUITION PER SESSION, Primary Dep't Preparatory (English) "8 00 &1O 00 (Classical) " Modern Languages, each Graduating Fee, Classical Course Scientific Course per cent. additional will be charged. No one living out of the county will be admitted into the classes until tuition fees are paid. Special conditions to Clergymen. Pupils can enter at any time, and pay from the time of entering to the close of the session. No deduction is made for absence of less than two weeks, and then only in cases of sickness. Payment required in U. S. GOLD COIN. FUNDS. The parent of each minor in the male department, is expected to name some member of the Faculty as the guardian of his son while attending College, with whom his funds shall be, deposited, and to whom he shall be accountable for their proper use. The funds for young ladies must he deposited with the keeper of the boarding house. Most of our difficulties arise from the improper use of money injudiciously intrusted to pupils. SESSIONS. Collegiate (Irregular) " ' (Regilar) EXTRAS, Music, (Piano) 17 12 00 13 00 1500 17 50 8 00 10 00 5 00 PAYMENT Tuition is payable in all cases in advance. 'When payment is delayed until the close of the session, ten All persons are forbidden to trust a minor without the consent of his or her guardian. BOARDING. No pupil wili be allowed to board at a place not approved by the Faculty; and no pupil will be allowed to change from one boarding house to another without permission. Young Ladies will be required to board at the Young Ladies' Boarding House, unless they have near relatives who can receive them, and who are willing to assume the entire responsibility of their government. Boarding four dollars per week. Young men, by renting rooms, can board themselves at half this amount. LITERARY SOCIETIES. There are two Literary. Societies (the Adeiphian and Philomathian) in connection with the College, which meet weekly for Debate, Declamation and Composition. GOVERNMENT. The discipline of the Institution will be mild, but 0 ' 18 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. firm. Our rules are such as we believe best calculated to develop the mental and moral fiteulties. No pupil who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is detrimental, will be permitted to remain. All pupils over fourteen years of age will be required to sign the laws before entering the classes. RELIGIOUS EXERCISES. The public duties of each day are opened with appropriate religious exercises. Attendance upon these, and a'so at some place of worship on the Sabbath, is required of all pupils. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. out the written consent of their pare1ts, under such restrictions as the Faculty may require. 6. All students will be required to practice punctuality and diligence, and to yield prompt and cheerful: obedience to such additional regulations as the Faculty may from time to time find it expedient to adopt. COLLEGE LIBRARY AND CABINET. Donations to the Library and Cabinet of Natural Ouriosites are solicited from friends throughout the State. CALENDAR FOR 1870-71. First Session begins September 14, 1870. First Session ends December 16, 1870. Second Session begins December 19, 1870. Second Session ends March 23, 1871. Third Session begins March 27, 1871. Annual Examination begins June 26, 1871. Commencement Exercises, Thursday, June 29, 1871. COLLEGE LAWS. El 19 Believing that the perfection of government consists in teaching others to govern themselves, the Trustees publish the following rules, more to indicate the principles which students will be required to observe than to constitute a code of statutes: i. Students will be required to abstain from all ob- scene and profline language. 2. They will be expected to maintain a gentlemanly deportment towards the teachers and one another. 3. No student shall play at cards or billiards, or frequent places of gambling or drinking, or buy, keep, or use in his room or elsewhere, any intoxicating liquors. 4. No one can remain a menil)er of the Institution who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is considered detrimental to the cliscipli ne or reputation of the College. 5. Young ladies boarding in the village or vicinity, who are under the cal-c of the Faculty, will not be pci-mitted to receive the visits of young gentlemen, w'ith.1 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. The Legislature, at its last session, by the passage of the following bill, designated ColivALus COLLEGE as the Agricultural College of the State AN ACT to secure the Location of theLands Donated by Congress to the State for an Agricultural College, and to establish such College. Be it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon: SECTION 1. That J. F. Miller, J. H. Douthit, and J, C. Avery are hereby constituted a Board of Commissioners, with powerTo locate all the lands to which this State is entitled by act of Congress, for the purpose of estab. lishing an Agricultural College; and, as soon as such locations are made, to report the same to the Secretary of State; To take into consideration the further organization and perfecting of a plan for the permanent establishment of such College, in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress making such donation, and report the same to the Governor by the first day of August, 1870; To fill all vacancies in the College, by appoint- ment, that may occur in ay senatorial district under the provisions of this Act. SEc. 2. That until other provisions are made, the CORVALLIS COLLEGE is hereby designated and adopted as the Agricultural College, in which all students sent under the provisions of this Act shall be instructed in all the arts, sciences, and other studies, in accordance with the requirements of the Act of Congress making such donation. SEC. 3. Each State Senator is hereby authorized and empowered to select one student, not less than sixteen years of age, who shall be received by the Facult3 said College, and instructed by them in the man provided in this Act, for the space of two years, uril such student shall be discharged for misconduct; vided, however, That this Act shall not be binding notil the Trustees of said College shall adopt a resolution, and file a certified copy thereof with the Secretary it State, assenting to and aglecing on their part to faithfully carry out the provisions of this Act. SEC. 4. , Upon the certificate of the President of the Corvallis College that any student so appointed is I in attendance at school, it shall be the duty of the ee' retary of State, at the middle of each quarter to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of the said College for the sum of $11.25 for each student so attending. And it shall be the duty of the State Treasurer to pay such warrants out of any funds in )os hands not otherwise appropriated, and a separate s count of such funds shall be kept, and designated tht "Agricultural College funds." SEC. 5. All funds paid out in accordance with th provisions of the foregoing sections, with inteiest thereon at ten per cent, per annum, shall be refunded to the State Treasurer from the first interest that shil accrue from the proceeds of the sale of any lands located for said College. SEC. 6. The Board of Commissioners hereby createl shall make all the reports required by law, and shid each receive a salary of five dollars per day for te number of days actually employed, to be paid upon the sworn statement of such Commissioner. WHEREAS, It appears that, unless an agriculturil college is provided by law at this session of the Legis- H lature, the grant by Congress will be lost, therefore this Act shall take effect from the date of its passagc Approved October 27, A. D. 1868. The Trustees of the College met on the 31st day October, A. D. 1868, when the following preamble aol resolution, accepting the donation made by the Legslative Assembly wore read, and on motion, adopted: WHEREAS, The Legislative Assembly of the State 'hf, CORVALLIS COLLItGE. CORVALLIS COLLEGE. red-on did, on the twenty-fifth of October, A. D. 8OS, au Act entitled "Al) Act tO SeCUre the location of the lands donated to the State for an Agricultural Col- Liege, and to establish such College, the same having been approved October 27th ; and Wuiuus, Said. Legislative Assembly did. designate and adopt CouvLLIs I Cou.scnu :li the Agricultural College, in which all students seat nader the provhdons ist meted in all the arts, sciOf said Act slioulil be anti other studies, in accordance with the reenees, quirements of the Act of Congress making such donation; therefore. College, Be it resoleed by f/to Tiufes of CorcalJ I That said Act, with all hs iiiivile es and retluu'emenls, is hereby accepted, and we prouiliso on our part faith- fully to carry out tile iiovion of said Act. 'l'lie work laid down in the following course is dcsigned at once to supplement and explain the Lectures delivered fi'om time to U inc on the various branches of Agriculture, and to afford such general education as is in any direction, and absolutely necessary to pOg which must, for the present, be provided for students here, since they do not bring it with them. Students desiring to remain buit a sin1c year and ursue special branches during that time, vill 1)0 alIowcd to do so. AZPAZLATUS. During the IJast year the College has received from New York a splendid P1iilosohical and Chemical titis .Depai-t uncut. coxci ei' pamatus,a desideratum W. 1k Bi VAN, President p-o tern. B. 1'. fli tItLE, Secretary. The J'cirJ, at a sitbsc1tcnt meeting, appointed COIluuittte hti' the pnrpoe of prcpariri a coa'o a ttf iin Aricniture and the _\Jceitanic Arts, snit) inittee to i-cpott at the next session of the Board of :tiiiI,, Trutcs. _t.'J mAy U Fiasr YEA)L.Ffrst rnm. ----- Chemical Physics and Inorganic Chemistry, Structural amid Physiological Uutaii y. Fi ist five 1ooks of J);nies' Legcn(lre. (! '/t;?Ii.Orgnnic Chemistry. how Crops EtIisR Laaguiage. of ?/,itd 'imi.Qualitative Analysis. Detection Systematic U iii IV. the .mikahi:s, tIh:thiuc-eamiiis, (trti1s, etc. ifut:oiv ; l-xc-tlFicas and Cohlectiois. Fnhisli Lan- &Jt liSge. SucoNo eo;ni ii ned. (1, iii "Chemistry is the corner-stone of Scientific Agriculture."T.)u. ,Jouux A. WAai)in. "\Vitiiout a knowledge of Physics, of Chemistry, and of Agneuiltumal U eOloy in tile widest siguifiioai ion, is no in)dei'stantling of Plant and Annual life to be taiiied. The Natural Sciences can never be learned, thor(Jl#iJItl?J, that is, so that ractical apl.tlication of them (-all be made in Ii l, from books or lectu yes. The sluii cut wdl grasi, llildCrSt3 nd, anti assi nulate men tall v what lie has learned, and read only w lien he aZ-es C/teat ital JLejt(,'i,iie,it,s, PIij/.sical Jihperiiiicats, (7acet5 Plants, anti iitvcstijatcs and 23 obsoi-ves foi- /tiiiise/f" Yiit.Fitst 'iintn.Qualitative Analysts Detection a ad Sepai-ati on d1 the Etc let, t. U cometmical Snrvcyi rig and Mensuration. General I'minciplesof Zoology, (or German). ii)i.GCnCrttl Principles of Geology. Voget tl,1 e leonoumi y ; ITo w l'bmnts Feed. Topographical Aninial Phi ysiologv, (or U eruuia 1). 1) ma iv ii ? '/,-om---G eulogy of Oregon. Vegetable PeonTI' 1)1-a wing. - omy. Eimtomnology, (or Gem-main). CATALOGUE o:' iTUDENTS. -1 lexander. 'I' C ---------------------- entomi County. Belt, G. W ------------------------- Marion 24 CORVALLIS COLLEGE Berry, I. W Burkhart, U. F Carroll, D. L.... Chapman, %\T H.. Chenoweth, R. F Clark, 0. N. . .. Orahtree, F Currin, J. K P Dickson, J L. Eglin, J. B Fountain, J. D Harris. A. Ison, 0. L Keeton, T. J. . Kennedy, J Locke, A J. . 'C 'C '' Lrnn .Lane .Linn . 'C Grant 'C Linn Benton Marion . Benton C' Polk . 'C .Linn .Benton . Baker . .. 'C 'C . Sperry. U. W. . Stewart, J. . . Veatch, R. Mc Weatherford, J. K. P. " Benton . Itandle, H. D.. Smith, A. J '' . .. McClane, U. F. i Jackson . Linu . Union Josephine . Benton .Umatilla Linu .' Benton Lane .Linn RECAPITULA'rION. Baker County. Benton Grant " Jackson Josephine" Lane Linn Marion Polk Urnatilla Union Total............. PORTLA 'C C' C' '' '' 'C 'C ''