THIRD ANNUAL CATALOGUE OF OFFiCERS AND STUDENTS OF CORVALLIS COLLEGE, CORVALLIS, OREGON. 1867-1868. PORTLAND, OREGON. A G WALLING, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER. i868. / BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Rev B. F. Burch, Independence. Robt Kinney, Esq., Lafayette B. R Biddle, Esq, Corvallis A. N. Locke, Esq , Corvallis. S. T. Brown, Esq., R. A. McFarland, Esq , Linn Co Wm B. Bryan, Esq Rev. R C Martin, Brownsville M. Canteibury, M. D , Dallas E T. Perkins, Esq , Linn Co D F. Crabtree, Esq., Linn Co Hairy Pincston, Esq , Roseburg Silas Day, Esq., Jacksonville Jackson Rader, Esq , Jacksonville J. L. Ferguson, Esq., Lafayette. A Roberts, Esq , Poitland. J. P. Friedley, Esq., Corvallis Rev. A E. Senis, Dallas. W B. Hamilton, Esq., G. B Smith, Esq , Corvallis A. Holder, Esq, Rev.C.]l E.Newton, Jacksonville Rev. Jas Kelsay, W. A. Willis, Esq , Rosebuig Rev. W A Finley, (ex-offlcio) Corvallis OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. Rev. JAMES KELSAY, Piesident B R Bincis, Esq, Sec'y M CANTERBURY, M D., Treas. Rev. W. A FINLEY, Assistant Treasurei CONFERENCE VISITING COMMITTEE. Rev. C. H E. Newton, Rev. J W. Stahl. Rev. A. E Sears, COLLEGE AGENT. Rev. B. F. Bureh. YOUNG LADIES' BOARDING HOUSE. Rev W. A Finley YOUNG GENTLEMEN'S BOARDING HOUSE. Rev. Joseph Emery. STUDENTS FACULTY. REV. W. A. FINLEY, A. M., President and Professor of Languages. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Benton County Louis F Tlormng. Corvallis Charles J Mulkey. Alice E. Biddle Annie E Finley, PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT. . Bei iton County Corvallis REV. JOSEPH EMERY, Professor of Mthematies. WILLIAM W. MORELAND, B. S., Primary Department. Mus. FANNIE ARMSTRONG, Music Department. Thomas Alexander. Ralph H Amen George W Avery. . James C. Avery . * Charles A Adams Thomas E Cauthorn....... County French M (Thrissrnger...........Linn Benton County Johii W Collins William R Dixon Ilenry Dolise John B Eghn ....................Yaquina .............Corvallis II ugh M Finley . . Co Henry A Fuller ............. .. .Polk Corvallis. Gilbert Gaylord . . . ...... .rc rome Gaylord.. * Milton hamilton Anamas Harris ............Bentoii County William W. Harris........................." Elias II Harris.................Corvallis William II holder ....... Monroe John H hlaskins. - . * James B. Horning Moses Hurt Benton County. Corvallis. William W. hurt Samuel C-. Irvin Isaac Jacobs Zephin Job Simon Ti. Kline Logan P. Mulkey Moses Neugass Walter S. Norton Kieber F. Osburn James L. Osbura Yesalius M. Preston James W. Rayhurn William F. Rayburn Andrew J. Record Frank P. Robertson John Scott Franklin Scott John H. Simpson John Smith Granville Q Stewart Nathaniel Stewart Jehiel Stewart Wayinan St. Clair Newton A. Thompson Joseph A. Tyler Flenry Tyler William H. Wheeler Oliver Witham Charles Witham Franklin E. Wrenu James 0. Writsman 7 CORVALLIS COLLEGE CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 6 Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Bcnton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Linn County. Benton County. .Corvalhs. Octavia Bryant Emma Cauthorn Mary T. Obenoweth Henrietta Dohse Annie S. Dobse Mary E. Dorr Mattie J. Graham Amna Hamilton Mary E. ilaskins Matilda J. lull Cynthia A. Horning Frances J. Irwin Rosa Jacobs Sarah L. Kline Annie E. Montgomery Laura A. Mehlree Clara A. Read Lorra 0. St. Clair Mary C. St. Clair Benton County. Corvallis. 'I M oliroc. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Linn County. Benton County. Corvallis. Mahala Stewart Melissa Stewart Clemmie M. Tuller Benton County. Corvallis. Alice Wreun Linn County. Mary E. Wheeler.. Benton County. Mary J. Witharn Josephine Wiles Corvallis. Mrs. S. E. Finley, (Music only) Miss Caroline Harris Miss Mary J. Graham Benton County. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Jane Butterfield Lizzie Butterfield Maggie Butterfield Ella Butterfield Mary M. Bryant Mary F. Bryant Corvallis. "'' Yaquina. Benton County. James Adams Napoleon Avery Charles A. Bell Johi.inie Butterfield James M. Boyd Cor allis. S CORVALLTS C0LLEG}. Rob't. M. Chrissiuger Charles Douse Beiijaniui C. Eglin Willie G. Emery Stephen Gaylord Thomas }Iornirig Charles Horning David Lindsay Richard Lindsay Williani Mobley Johnson Porter James Scott Prior Scott Lafayette Stewart Charles Tyler Linn County. Corvallfs. Benton County. " " COURSE OF STUDY. Corvallis. PRIMARY DEPARTMEN'J' Benton County. Corvallis, Orthography, (Sanders & Willson)Mental Arithmetic, -Reading, (Wilison) First Lessons in Geography, Writing, Object Lessono PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT Mary J. Malbert Jenrite E. Hurt Polk County. Ida L. Josh11 I auline Kline Martha Lindsay Liun County. Emma Lindsay Jennie Mulke Elizabeth Record Nettie 0. Robertson Mary L. Scott Bridget A. Wiles Eliza A. Wiles Fannie Witham Corvallis. Corvallis. Benton County. Corvallis. Benton County. Reading, (Willson's series) Natuinl Philosophy, (Pamkei) Arithmetic, (Thomson !s Robinson)Astronomy, (Mattison) English (irammar, (Clarke and Latin oacler, Quackenbos,) Greek Readei, History of the United States, Latin, (Cmesar's Cons ' four Books) Writing, (Spencerian System,) Greek Testament, Latin; ist Book, (McClintock and Physiology, first lessons, (Cutter) Crook's) Elementary Algebra, (Davies) Greek, 1st Book, Book-Reoping, ( Fniton AEastmnan) COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT FRESHMEN CLASSFiRST SERM Algebra, Physiology . Engiish Literature Latin , Females Total Slime. Sallimsi Xeiiophos'o tumabasii . Greek Males Dories' iomirdomi ('utte, SNCONO TERs 76 50 126 Algebra, (Boursion completed), Geometry, (five books) Composition and Rhetoric Elocution Latin Greek Classical Literatuie Diii ice' £eyriide .. Qme1enboi Russe(/ Cud nod Viiqil hem odotos Fs1e 10 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. THIRI) CORVALLIS COLLEGE VERSE. SENSOR CLASSFIRST TERM Latin (ireok (Teoinetiy completed General History Classical Literature Virgil. Homer's Iliad. Davies' Legendre. Natural Philosophy Moral Science I"ie/ce. SOPROSIOHE ClASSFIRST TERM. Plane Trigonometry Leqendre and Loomis. Mensuration of Surfaces, Heights and Distances Latin The Odes and Epsodes of Horace. Greek Homer'8 Odysecq. SECOND TERSE. Leqendre and Loomis. Latin Time Satires and Epistles of Horee. Homer's Odyssey. Greek TRial) TERSE. Surveying and Navigation Latin Robisson. . Uicero' Tuecu1n Disputations. Greek Xenophon's 2Uemora bitia. Political Text Book Story. JUNIOR CLASSFIRST TERSE. Analytical Geometry Rhetorie Latin loomis. Whafrly. Tacitus. Greek Sophocles' Electra. SECOND TERM. Calculus Loomis. Oheinitry Porter. Logic Whately. Wayland. Juvenal. Political Economy Latin THIRD TERM. Mechanics Botany Oisssteel. Wood Physic0l Geography Drmosthenes De Corona 2 'Lovej BOOK ; L9' POmrtl.A Wayland. Natural Theology Wi/leon. Spherical Trigonometry Mensuration of Solids 11 Pa leg. SECOND TERM Astronomy Olin sted Butler's Analogy Geology and Mineralogy Mental Philosophy llztchcocic Uphani. THIRD TERSE Criticism Law of Nations Evidences of Christianity Kai sacs Vattel Palemj. There will be weekly exercises in Composition, i)eclamation and original Addresses MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. ADMISSION, EXAMINATION, ETC Candidates for admission, if from another Intitution, must satisfy the Faculty with respect to their honorable withdrawal from the same None will be admitted into the Freshman Class under fourteen years of age; nor into any advanced class without a corresponding age. Candidates will be examined on the studies previously pursued by the class which they propose to enter. Public examinations of the classes are made at the close of the year, and no student who absents him- self from the examination, or fails to master the studies of the session, will be permitted to proceed with his class. SCIENTIFIC COURSE The full Collegiate Course above prescribed, is earnestly recommended as best fbr all, but if any prefer to omit the Ancient Languages, they can pursue the Scientific Course, embracing the rcminning studies in the foregoing scheme Lovej '0oo 14 15 CORVALLIS COLLEGE. CORVALLIS COLLEGE DEGREES. in point of climate and natural scenery, is unsurpassed in the State. Corvallis is justly noted for The degree of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts, are the regular degrees confbrrcd by the Oolkge. The first itarned is granted to those who complete, iii a satisfactory manner, the Scientific course. 'phe degree of Bachelor of Arts is conferred on those, only, who pursue the full course, Classical and Scientific. The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred, in course, on every Bachelor of Arts of three years' standing, or more, who has been engaged, since his graduation, in some literary occupation, and has sustained a good moral character. It will be conferred only on those who apply for it at least a week before commencement, and provide for the payment of the customary fee. FEMALE DEPARTMENT. the salubrity and healthfulness of its climate SESSIONS. T.he School Year is divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each. There is one vacation of ten weeks. MERIT AD DEMERIT A daily record of the merit and demerit of each pupil is kept, which is at all times subject to the examination of parents and guardians. EXPENSES. TC1TION PER SF.SSION $ S 00 Collegiate Pep' t (In egnlas$1 3 00 Primary Department (Reguiai 15 00 (English 10 00 Preparatory (Classical, 12 00 EXTRAS. Young ladies vilI be admitted into all the College Classes, and will be entitled to the same honors and diplomas as are conferred upon young gentlemen. In addition to the thorough mental discipline that this arrangement will give them, competent iustructors will he secured for the departments of Music, Painting, Drawing, etc. LOCATION. The College is located in Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon. To those who have one visited Corvallis, there is no need of mentioning that our city, il7 51) S 00 Muaic, (Piano Modern Langusges, each PAYMENT. Tuition is payable in cdi ('useS in advance. When payment is delayed until the close of' the session, ten per cent. additional will be charged No one living out of the county will be admitted into the classes until tuition fees are paid Special conditions to Clergymen Pupils can enter at any time, and pay froni the time of entering to the close of the session. No deduc- OCR VALLIS COLLEGE CORVALLIS COLLEGE. 16 CALLENDAR FOR i868-69 tion is made for absence of less than two weeks, and then only in cases of sickness Payment required in U. S. Goin Cw N. BOARDING. No pupil will be allowed to board at a place not approved by the Faculty; and no pupil will be allowcd to change from onc boarding house to another without permission. Young ladies will be required to board at the Young Ladies' Boarding House, unless they have near relatives who can receive them. and who are willing to assume the entire responsibility of their government. Boarding ibur dollars per week. Young men, by renting rooms, can board themselves at half this amount GOVERNMENT. COLLF.GL LAWS goverlluiellt conBelieving that the perfection of' govern themselves, the sists in teaching others to rules, more to indicate trustees publish the following will be required to the PRINCIPLES which students of statutes observe than to constitUte a code abstain from all Students will be required to obseence and profane language a gentleThey will be expected to maintain teachers and one manly deportment towards the another. cards or billiards, or No stndelit shall play at drinkiug, or buy, or frequent places of gambling elsewhere. any hitoxikeep, or USC in his room or The discipline of the Institution will be mild, but firm. Our rules are such as we believe best calcu- lated to develop the mental and moral faculties. No pupil who is idle or vicious, or whose influence is detrimental, will be permitted to remain. All pupils over fourteen years of age will he required to sign the laws before entering the classes. RELIGIOUS EXERCISES. The public duties of each day are opened with appropriate religious exercises. Attendance upon these, and also at some place of worship on the Sabbath, is expected of all pupils. "l" Second See'n begins Dee 28, 1868 First Sess'n begins Sept. is, 1S68 Second Sess'n ends April 2, 1869 First Sess'fl ends Dee. 24, 1868 Third SeesiOn begins April 5, 1S611. Third Session ends July 5, 1869. , .: Love 0 eating liquors. of the instituNo one can remain a member whose influence is tion who is idle or vicious, or or reputaconsidered detrimental to the discipliiie tion of the College. village or vicinYoung ladies boarding in the of the Faculty, will not ity who are under the care of young gentlebe permitted to receive the visits consent of their parents, men, without the writteli Faculty may require under such restrictions as the to practice puncAll students will be required \anddili01 18 CORVALLIi4 COLLEGE. ful obedience to such additional regulations as the Faculty may from time to time find it expedient to adopt COLLEGE LIBRARY AND CABINET Donations to the Library and Cabinet of Natural Curiosities are solicited from friends throughout the State