Associate Professor, (Tenured, 1997).Undergraduate Program and Graduate Program
University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi
Organization of Higher Education and Student Personnel
Belhaven College, Jackson, Mississippi
Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi
Texas Women’s University
Dallas, Texas
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, Indiana
Indiana University
Indianapolis, Indiana
M.S.N. 1979
Professional Experiences
Academic Appointments
Daniel’s Fund Ethics Fellow, College of Nursing & Health Science
Advisor, You Can Serve: Americorp Educational Awards
Coordinator, Undergraduate Nursing Scholarships
Chair, Department of Undergraduate Nursing
Associate Professor -Beth-El College of Nursing and Health
Sciences at UCCS, Colorado Springs, CO
Wellness Program Coordinator- County/City Employee Medical Clinic
Associate Dean - Beth-El College of Nursing and Health
Sciences at UCCS, Colorado Springs, CO
Director - Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences at
UCCS, Department of Graduate Nursing, Colorado Springs, CO
Associate Professor - University of Mississippi, School of
Nursing, Jackson, MS
Assistant Professor - Mississippi College, School of Nursing,
Clinton, MS
Assistant Professor - Texas Christian University, School of
Nursing, Fort Worth, TX
Instructor - Baylor University, School of Nursing, Dallas, TX
Instructor – Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN
Nursing Experiences
National Leadership Academy for the Public’s Health
NLN Academy of Nursing Education Fellow
American Association of Colleges of Nursing Fellow
Director, Colorado Community Center Collaborative
National League of Nursing Ambassador
Coordinator, Health Services, Comcor, Inc
Director, Women’s Way Home Project
Co-Director; Parish Nurse Basic Preparation Program
05/2004- 08/2005
2012- present
2009- present
2006- 2008
Mammacare BSE Specialist Training.
Wellness Coordinator; El Paso County Medical Clinic
Volunteer Staff, Maternal/Child Health Services, El Paso County
Fall 2007
Department of Health & Environment, Colorado Springs, CO
Coordinator, Health Care Service, Sky High Ranch, Wagon
Wheel Council Girl Scouts of America, Divide, CO
Colorado State Department of Health, Medication Administration. Vendor
Volunteer Staff Nurse, West Central Public Health, District V,
Mississippi State Department of Health, Jackson, MS
Contract Home Health Nurse, Mississippi Methodist Rehabilitation Center, Jackson, MS
Staff Nurse, Fort Worth City Health Department, Fort Worth, TX (summers only)
06/80-08/80 &
Staff Nurse, PRN, Arlington Community Hospital, Arlington, TX
Charge Nurse, Part-time, Union Hospital, Terre Haute, IN
Charge Nurse, Union Hospital, Terre Haute, IN
Charge Nurse, Medical/Geriatrics, St. Catherine’s Hospital, East Chicago, IN
Refereed Publication, Galleries, Performances, etc.
Publications in Review
Joyce, B. and Kates, B. (In Review). The Colorado Community Center Collaborative: Promoting Health
Equity by Supporting Positive Youth Development.
Publications in Print
Kamau-Small, S., Bermingham, N., Joyce, B., Roberts, J., & Robbins, C. (In Press). The Impact of the Care
Equity Project with Community/Public Health Nursing Students. Public Health Nursing.
Joyce, B., O’Brien, K., Dorjee, T., Belew-LaDue, B. (In Press). The Lived Experience of a Public Health
Nurse. Public Health Nursing. DOI: 10,1111 phn12113.
Najera, S., Joyce, B., & Brown, N. (2014). The impact on Violence on Nursing Students in Mexico.
The International Journal of Health, Wellness and Society. 3(3): 57-67.
Callen, B., Block, D., Joyce, B., Lutz, J., Schott, N, Smith, C. (2013). Teaching/learning strategies for the
Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education for Entry Level Community/Public Health Nursing. Public
Health Nursing. 30 (6) 537-547.
Callen, B., Block, D., Joyce, B., Lutz, J., Schott, N, Smith, C. (2012). Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing
Education for Entry Level Community/Public Health Nursing. Journal of Public Health Nursing.
Vol 27. Number 4. pp. 371-382. 2010
Joyce, B.
Abstract: “Women’s Way Home: A Corrections, Community & Faith
Based Re-Entry Partnership” ACHNE Annual Institute Proceedings.
Joyce, B.
Abstract: “Congregational Breast Health Advocates”. ACHNE.
Annual Institute Proceedings. 06/02/07
Joyce, B. & Lee, S.
Abstract: “Relationship of Perceived Health Knowledge, Health
Behavior & Health Status of Individuals at High Risk for
Cardiovascular Disease” .ACHNE Annual Institute Proceedings.
Joyce, B.
Abstract: “ Women’s Way Home”. University of Tennessee Health
Science Online Conference Proceedings. 05/03/07
Joyce, B.
Abstract: “The Insured Population as a Focus of Community Based
Practice. ACHNE Annual Institute Proceedings. 06/2006
Joyce, B
“Students Academic Performance in Nursing as a Function of
Student/Faculty Learning Style Congruency” Journal of Nursing Education
Joyce, B. (guest editorial)
“Gerontological Nursing Issues and Demands Beyond the Year 2000”.
Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 06/95
Lewis, K., Joyce, B., & Fite, E.“Effects of Time and Temperature on Blood Glucose Measures” Home
Health Care. 05/06/92
Burch, S., Joyce, B., & Reeb, R. “Comparison of Expected and Evidenced Associated Degree
Competencies”. Advancing Clinical Care, Vol. 6, No. 1: 33-36. 1991
Joyce, B. & Lewis, K.
“Quality Laboratory Outcomes”.Home Health Care. 07/08/91
Lewis, K., Joyce, B., & Fite, E.
“Effects of Time and Temperature on Blood glucose Measures”. Home
Health Care. 04/89
Joyce, B., Reeb, R., & Burch, S. “Comparison of Expected and Evidenced Baccalaureate Degree
Competencies”. Journal of Nursing Education, 28-7: 314-321. 1989
Non-Referred Publications, Galleries, Performances, etc.
Joyce B. Interview. Westside Pioneer. Study by nursing students includes ideas for center. December 8,
Joyce, B. Interview. Westside Pioneer. Health Fair at Westside Center. November 23, 2011.
Joyce, B. Interview. First News 5. Single Moms Entering Midlife May Lead to Public Health Crisis.
June 23, 2011.
Joyce, B. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Continuous Improvement Progress Report
(CIPR) 2/1/2008
Joyce, B., Gunn, J. ”Using a Spirituality Scale to Facilitate Planned Heath Care Encounters for Elderly
Individuals”. Association of Community Health Educators, Institute Papers, pg 28. 2002
Joyce, B. “The Influence of Planned Health Care Encounters on Spiritual and Functional Well-Being of
Elderly Individuals”.6th National Health Promotion Conference, Conference Proceedings. 04/09/02
Joyce, B., Nelson, J., Chambers, J., Krause-Reinsch, D., Zobec, A. “Breast Health and Cancer Screening”
6th National Health Promotion Conference, Conference Proceedings 04/08/02
Joyce, B., White, C. DePalma, R. “Partners in Education and Practice: The Colorado Academic/ Public
Health Nursing Collaborative”Association of Community Health Educators, Conference Proceedings, pg
26. 2001
Joyce, B., Chambers, J., Nelson, J., Krause-Reinsch, D., Zobec, A. “Girl Scouts a Rich Resource for
Community Based Practice”.Association of Community Health Educators, Conference Proceedings, pg 25
Gunn, J. & Joyce, B. Chaplaincy Collaboration for Healing and Wholeness. Vision, Volume 10, No. 7
Joyce, B. “Full Steam Ahead – Bridging the Gap Between Education and Practice”. PRN, Newsletter, Vol.
XXXIV, Number 3, Mississippi Association of Student Nurses. 04/89
Joyce, B. “MNA Committee Addresses Final Report”. Mississippi Nurses Association Institute News. 1989
Joyce, B. “C.E. Update” The Mississippi R.N., Jackson, MS, 50-6:8. 1988
Joyce, B. “C.E. Update”. The Mississippi R.N. , Jackson, MS: 51-1:5. 1988
Joyce, B. “Membership: Who is Eligible?” Sigma Theta Tau-Theta Beta Newsletter. 10/88
Joyce, B. “Bridging the Gap”. The Mississippi R.N., Jackson, MS: Mississippi Nurses’ Association 49-5: 2930. 1987
Joyce, B. “Membership in a Special Interest Group”. The Mississippi R.N., Jackson, MS, Nurses’
Association, 49-3:20. 1987
Books and Book Chapters
Joyce, B.
“Helping the Elderly Who Need Long Term Care to Manage Alone at Home”. Ed. Mildred
Hogstel, Management of Long Term Care, Maryland: Prentice-Hall, 24-46-265. 1983
Presentations at Meetings and Seminars Presented
Burns, J., Kates, B., Joyce, Townsley, C. Paper Presentation. Improving Community Health through Inter
& Intra Disciplinary Partnerships with Public Health, Parks & Recreation, Schools and the Community.
Colorado Park & Recreation Annual Conference. Steamboat, Colorado. September 18, 2014.
Kates, B., Joyce, B., Hanson, M. & Chavez, R. Paper Presentation. Improving Community Health through
Inter & Intra Disciplinary Partnerships with Public Health, Parks & Recreation, Schools and the
Community. Public Health in the Rockies Annual Conference. Fort Collins, Colorado. September 17,
Joyce, B. & Kates, B. Paper Presentation. Collaborating with the Hatfields & McCoys while Keeping up
with the Joneses. El Paso County Department of Health & Environment: Healthy Community
Collaborative. Colorado Springs, Colorado. August 27, 2014.
Hoener, V., Joyce, B., Peterson, K., Brownrigg, V. Sievers, V. Research Presentation. Parental Support
and the Relationship to Health and Lifetime Experience of Abuse. National Commission on Correctional
Health Care: Mental Health Care Conference. July, 21, 2014.
Joyce, B. & Kates, B. Paper Presentation. Collaborating with the Hatfields & McCoys while Keeping up
with the Joneses: Champions for Social Justice. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators
Annual Institute. San Antonio, Texas. June 6, 2014.
Joyce, B., O’Brien, K., Kelly, G. Research Presentation. Advocating for the Public Health Nursing Role.
Association of Public Health Nurses Annual Conference: Shaping the Future of Population Health. Santa
Fe, New Mexico. May, 5, 2014.
Joyce, B. & Kates, B. Paper Presentation. Practicing Social Justice in a Market Justice World. Daniels
Fund Presentation. University of Colorado Springs. April 11, 2014.
Hoener, V., & Joyce, B. Research Presentation. Parental Acceptance/Rejection Study. Women’s Advisory
Board. ComCor, Inc. Colorado Springs, Colorado. March 14, 2014.
Hoener, V., & Joyce, B. Research Presentation. Parental Acceptance/Rejection Study. ComCor, Inc.
Board of Directors and ComCor, Inc. Foundation Board. Colorado Springs, Colorado. November, 21,
Joyce, B., Hoener, V., Brownrigg, V. Research Presentation. Relationship Between Parental Acceptance
and Rejection, Documented Health Status and Life Time Experiences of Violence Among Incarcerated
Women. 13th Biennial International Conference on the Nurse’s Role in the Criminal Justice System.
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. October 2, 2013.
Joyce, B., Kates, B., Christians, K., Eepstien, E., Ramariz, M. Paper Presentation. Colorado Community
Center Collaborative. Colorado Park & Recreation Association Annual Conference. Vail, Colorado.
September 25, 2013.
Joyce, B. Lecture Presentation. The Use of the Omaha System for Assessment and Documentation.
City of Colorado Springs, Park and Recreation. Colorado Springs, Colorado. September 17, 2013.
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Developing Community Boundary Leaders through Team-Based Learning.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Joint Meeting ACHNE & APHN. Raleigh, North
Carolina. June 6, 2013.
Joyce, B., Bermingham, N., Kamau-Small, S. Paper Presentation. A Multidisciplinary Approach to
Culturally Congruent Practice. UCCS Diversity Summit. Colorado Springs, April 18, 2013.
Joyce, B., Bermingham, N., Kamau-Small, S. Paper Presentation. Improving Health Care Cultural Humility
and Care Equity. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. 14th International Summit. Scottsdale, Arizona.
April 7, 2013
Joyce, B. & Garrett, S. Poster Presentation. Utilizing the Omaha System to Document Undergraduate
Community/Public Health Nursing Student Interventions. Omaha System International Conference: A
Key to Practice Documentation & Information Management. Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota.
April 4-6, 2013
Najera, S., Joyce, B., & Brown, N. Research Presentation. The Impact of Violence on Nursing Students in
Mexico. Third International Conference on Health, Wellness and Society. Sao Paulo, Brazil. March 15,
Joyce, B., Obrien, K., Dorjee, T., Belew-LaDue, B. Research Presentation. The Lived Experience of a Public
Health Nurse. American Public Health Association. San Francisco, CA. October 31, 2012.
Obrien, K., Dorjee, T., Belew-LaDue, B., Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Advocating for the Public Health
Nursing Role. Colorado Public Health Association. Public Health in the Rockies Conference. Pueblo,
Colorado. September 20, 2012.
Joyce, B., Roberts, J., Kamau-Small, S. Podium Presentation. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Culturally
Congruent Practice. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators 2012 Annual Institute. Portland,
Oregon. June 8, 2012.
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Leading Causes of Life and the Structure of Community Belonging.
La Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez. El Paso, Texas. May 25, 2012.
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Transformational Leadership and Use of the Logic Model to Influence
Community Change. La Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez. El Paso, Texas. May 25, 2012.
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Boundary Spanning Leadership for Influencing Community/Public Health.
La Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez. El Paso, Texas. May 24, 2012.
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Nursing Theory as Language for Change in Nursing Education and Practice.
La Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez. El Paso, Texas. May 24, 2012.
Joyce, B., Peachey, K. Paper Presentation. Social Media, Communication and Flu Prevention. CDC/Emory
Rollins School of Public Health. Interfaith Health Program. Atlanta, Georgia. April 17, 2012.
Wacker, C., Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Colorado Springs: Building Relationships Face to Face.
CDC/Emory Rollins School of Public Health. Interfaith Health Program. Atlanta, Georgia. April 16, 2012.
Joyce, B., & Hoener, V. Poster Presentation. Academic/Community Corrections Partnership for Health.
Mountain Lion Research Day. UCCS. Colorado Springs, CO. April 13, 2012.
Joyce, B., & Hoener, V., Paper Presentation. Academic/Community Corrections Partnership for Health
and Wellness Services”. ComCor Foundation, Sponsored Luncheon. November 9, 2011.
Joyce, B., & Hoener, V., Paper Presentation. Academic/Community Corrections Partnership for Health
and Wellness Services. International Conference on the Nurse’s Role in the Criminal Justice System.
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. October 7, 2011.
Joyce, B., Hopkins, A., Hageman, H., Pershing, R. Paper Presentation. Building Capacity for Public Health
Nursing Research. Colorado Public Health Association. Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
September 23, 2011
Belew-LaDue, B., Tsering, D., Joyce, B., O’Brien, K. Research Presentation. Public Health Nursing
Advocacy. Colorado Public Health Association. Steamboat Springs, Colorado. September 22, 2011.
Joyce, B., Hopkins, A., Hageman, H., Pershing, R. Poster Presentation. Practice Research for Public
Health Nurses. Colorado Public Health Association. Steamboat Springs, Colorado. September 22, 2011.
Joyce, B., Wacker, C. Paper Presentation. Educating Nurses to Cross Boundaries to Transform
Communities. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute. Chicago, Illinois. June
11, 2011.
Callen, B., Block, D., Joyce, B., Brown-Schott, N., Lutz, J., Smith, C. Plenary Session Presentation.
Innovative Strategies for Teaching the Essentials. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators
Annual Institute. Chicago, Illinois. June 10, 2011.
Wacker, C., Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Reaching Vulnerable Populations for Influenza Immunization.
Center of Disease Control. Atlanta, Georgia. April 15, 2011.
Wacker, C., Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Faith Based Community Partnerships: Reaching Vulnerable
Populations. Institute for Public Health & Faith Collaborations. Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. April
14, 2011.
Shin, JY., Joyce, B., Poster. Disparities in the Awareness of Heart Attack Symptoms Among College
Students. Eastern Nursing Research Society. Philadelphia, PA. March 25, 2011.
Joyce, B. Lecture. Creating Culturally Sensitive Boundary Leaders. Penrose/St. Francis Health Care
System. Mission Outreach. Colorado Springs, Colorado. March 25, 2011.
Martin, K., Joyce,B., Morrissette, F., Correll,P., The Omaha System and Meaningful Use: Practice and
Education Applications. Poster Presentation: Health Information and Management Systems Society.
Orlando, Florida. February, 2011.
Belew-LaDue, B., Tsering, D., Joyce, B., O’Brien, K. Plenary Keynote Presentation. Finding Our Public
Health Nursing Voice. Public Health Nursing Association of Colorado. Winter Conference. February 17,
Joyce, B., Sievers, V. Lecture. Nursing Theory Foundations for Curriculum Development. Universidad
Autonoma De Ciudad Juarez. Faculty Development Workshop. El Paso, Texas,
January 10 & 11, 2011.
Martin, K., Joyce,B., Morrissette, F., Correll,P., Omaha System: A Useful Strategy for Practice &
Education. Poster: American Public Health Association. Denver, CO., November 7, 2010.
Callen, B., Block, D., Joyce, B., Lutz, J., Brown-Schott, N., Smith, C., Essential Content Linkages for
Community/Public Health Nursing Education. Paper Presentation: Joint Meeting: Association of
Community Health Nurse Educators and the Association of State and Territorial Directors of Nursing,
June 10, 2010.
Brown-Schott, N., Callen, B., Block,D., Joyce, B., Lutz, J., Smith, C., Essential Content Linkages: Changing
Practice through Research. Poster: University of Toledo College, Toledo, Ohio. April 26, 2010.
Callen, B., Block, D., Joyce, B., Lutz, J., Brown-Schott, N., Smith, C., Content Linkages for
Community/Public Health Nursing Education. Poster: Jefferson College of Health Sciences. Roanoke, VA.,
April 17, 2010.
Lutz, J., Callen, B., Block, D., Joyce, B., Brown-Schott,N., Smith, C., Revision of the Essentials of
Baccalaureate Education for Entry Level Community Health Nursing Practice: Updating 15 Core
Competencies. Poster: University of Tennessee, Gamma Chi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau. March 23, 2010.
Joyce, B. Breast Health Resources: Identification and Analysis. Paper Presentation: Pikes Peak Breast
Health Connection. Colorado Springs, CO. January 19, 2010.
Bay, MJ and Joyce, B. Research Presentation: Community Benefit and Outcome Measurement
of Service-Learning. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute. Chicago, Ill.
Joyce, B. and Bay, MJ. Poster Presentation: The Community Modifier: Community Benefit and
Outcome Measurement. Omaha System International Conference: A Key to Practice, Documentation
and Information Management. Eagan, MN. 04/16/09
Joyce, B. Podium Presentation: Women’s Way Home: A Correction, Community
And Faith Based Re-entry Partnership. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual
Institute. Atlanta, Georgia 06/05/08
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation: Women’s Way Home. Community Education
Centers. Denver, Colorado . 05/15/08
Joyce, B. Lecture Presentation: “Women’s Way Home”. Christian Nurses Fellowship Meeting. Beth-El
College of Nursing 04/09/2008
Joyce, B. Poster Presentation: Women’s Way Home: A Corrections, Community
And Faith Based Re-entry Partnership. Mosby Faculty Development Institute. San Fransciso,
California .01/7-8/2008
Joyce, B. Lecture. Individual, Family & Community Assessment. Parish Nurse Basic Preparation
Program. Colorado Springs, CO. 9/28/07
Joyce, B. Lecture. Health Promotion and Wellness for Faith Based Community Nurses. Parish Nurse
Basic Preparation Program. 9/28/07
Joyce , B. Paper Presentation. Leading Causes of Life. Congregational Health Workshop. Penrose-St.
Francis. 6/27/07
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Considering Involvement in Prison Ministry. Penrose-St. Francis. Colorado
Springs, CO. 06/23/07
Joyce , B. & Lee, S. Research Presentation. Relationship of Perceived Health Knowledge, Health
Behavior & Wellness of Individuals at High Risk For Cardiovascular Disease. Association of Community
Health Nurse Educators. Kansas City, Missouri. 06/02/07
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Congregational Breast Health Advocates: Multi-Denominational Health
Promotion Program. Association of Community Health Nurse Educators. Kansas City. 06/02/07.
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Women’s Way Home. National Public Health Nursing Conference.
Public Health with Disadvantaged Populations. Memphis, Tennessee. 05/03/07
Joyce, B. Poster Presentation. Mandorian Model: Transformation of Prisons and Community Reentry. Mosby’s Faculty Development Conference. San Diego, California. 01/07/07
Joyce, B.
Presentation: Support for Women Ex-Offenders. Colorado Department of Corrections:
Faith-Based Community Partners. 01/17/07
Joyce, B.
Poster Presentation: Transformation of Prisons and Community Re-entry. Mosby Faculty
Development Institute. Beyond the Box; Meeting the Challenges of Being a Nurse Educator.
San Diego, California 01/7-9/07
Joyce, B. Presentation: Reflective practice and the heart of Coaching. Restorative Justice Ministries.
Colorado Springs, CO
Joyce, B. Presentation: Considering Prison Ministries. Hospice of Larimer County. Ft. Collins, CO.Rocky
Mountain Parish Nurse Ministry. 11/13/06
Joyce, B., Elliot-Lee, D. Presentation: Introductory Process & Model for Criminal Justice
Ministries. Colorado Springs, CO 11/2/06
Glittenberg, J., Joyce, B., Riemer, G., Sievers, V. Poster Presentation: Mandorian Model:
Transformation of Prisons and Community Re-entry. Transcultural Nursing Society. 32ned Annual
Conference. Annapolis, MD 11/1-4/06
Joyce , B., Glittenberg, J., Reimer, G., Sievers, V. Poster Presentation: Mandorian Model: Transformation
of Prisons And Community Re-entry. National Conference on Correctional Health Care. Atlanta, Georgia
Joyce, B., Campbell, E. Poster Presentation: Sustainability and Health. UCCS Sustainability Fair.
Joyce, B., Bay, MJ. Poster Presentation: Congregational Breast Health Advocates.
Race for the Cure: Colorado Springs 09/06
Joyce, B. Lecture. Health Advocacy and Referral. Parish Nurse Basic Preparation Program.
Colorado Springs, CO. 9/21/06
Joyce, B. Lecture. Violence Across the Lifespan. Parish Nurse Basic Preparation Program.
Colorado Springs, CO. 9/21/06
Joyce, B. Lecture. Congregational Breast Health Education. Parish Nurse Basic Preparation Program.
Colorado Springs, CO. 9/20/06
Joyce, B. Lecture. Function of the Parish Nurse: Health Educator. Parish Nurse Basic Preparation
Program. Colorado Springs, CO 9/20/06
Joyce , B. Lecture. Individual, Family & Community Assessment. Parish Nurse Basic Preparation
Program. Colorado Springs, CO 9/20/06
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. The Insured Population as a Focus of Community-Based Practice.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute. Pasadena, CA. 6/3/06
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Breast Health Education for Young Adults. Planned
Parenthood/HealthSouth. Colorado Springs, CO. 11/30/05
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Parent Power and Teen Pregnancy. Wagon Wheel
Council Girl Scouts of America. Parent/Teen Development Program. Colorado Springs, CO. 11/29/05
Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. Developing Teen Assertiveness Wagon Wheel Council. Parent/Staff
Training. Girl Scouts of America. Colorado Springs, CO.
Joyce, B.
Lecture. Breast Health Education for Young Adults. HealthSouth, Colorado Springs, CO.
Joyce, B.
Lecture. Ethics in Congregational Nursing Practice. Parish Nurse Currriculum, Estes Park, CO
Joyce, B.
Lecture. Health Promotion & Health Maintenance of Target Populations. Parish Nurse
Curriculum, Estes Park, CO. 10/23/03
Joyce, B.
Lecture. Health Education as a Role Function in Practice. Panel Participant, Parish Nurse
Curriculum, Estes Park, CO. 10/22/03
Joyce, B.
Panel. Young Women’s Workshop. Panel Coordinator & Facilitator, Sheraton Hotel,
Colorado Springs, CO 09/23-25/03
Joyce, B., White, C., DePalma, R., & Farkas, C. Paper Presentation. An Interactive Website to Facilitate
Recruitment of Public Health Staff and Clinical Placement of Students. Association of Community Health
Nurse Educators Annual Institute. 05/28/03
Joyce, B., Nelson, J., Chambers, J., Krause-Reinsch, D., Zobec, A. Paper Presentation. Breast Health and
Cancer Screening. Center for Economic and Policy Development Conference, University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs.
Joyce, B., White, C., DePalma, R., & Farkas, C. Presentation. An Interactive Website to Facilitate
Recruitment of Public Health Staff and Clinical Placement of Students. Colorado Public Health
Association Annual Conference, Pueblo, CO. 09/23-25/02
Joyce, B., Gunn, J. Research Presentation. Using a Spiritual Injury Scale (SIS) to Facilitate Planned Health
Care Encounters for Elderly Individuals. Association of Community Health Educator Spring Institute: New
Challenges, Innovative Responses, St. Louis, MO. 05/31/02
Joyce, B., White, C., DePalma, R. Paper Presentation. Partners in Education and Practice: The Colorado
Academic/Public Health Nursing Collaborative. Association of Community Health Educators, St. Louis,
MO. 05/30/02
White, C. & Joyce, B. Paper Presentation. State Approaches to Workforce Development Association of
State and Territorial Directors of Nursing Annual meeting, Colorado Springs, CO. 05/22/02
Joyce, B. Research Presentation. The Influence of Planned Health Care Encounters on Spiritual and
Functional Well-Being of Elderly Individuals. 6th National Health Promotion conference, Partnership
Research for Health and Social Change, Victoria, Canada.
Joyce, B., Nelson, J., Chambers, J., Drause-Reinsch, D., Zobec, A. Paper Presentation. Breast Health and
Cancer Screening. 6th National Health Promotion Conference: Partnership Research for Health & Social
Change, Victoria, Canada.
Joyce, B. & Chambers, J. Paper Presentation. Breast Health Project: ‘Girl Scouts’ A Rich Resource for
Practice. Faculty Development Institute: Nurse Educators – Building Bridges, Scottsdale, AZ. 01/03/02
Joyce-, B., Keynote Speaker. Collaborative Research: Influencing Healthy Outcomes. Sigma Theta Tau,
Theta Beta Chapter, Mississippi Nurses Association Annual Convention Biloxi, MS. 10/25/01
Joyce, B., Chambers, J. Paper Presentation. Girl Scouts: A Rich Source for Community Based Practice.
Colorado Public Health Association, Steamboat Springs, CO 10/04/01
Joyce, B., Chambers, J. Paper Presentation. Thriving Communities: Harnessing Gifts, Nurturing
Partnerships. Colorado Public Health Association, Steamboat Springs, CO 10/04/01
Joyce, B., Bryant, L., Crook, D., DePalma, R., & Wingrove, C. Paper Presentation. Partners in Education
and Practice. Association of Community Health Educators, Annual Meeting, Charlottesville, VA. 06/01/01
Joyce, B., Nelson, J., Chambers, J. Paper Presentation. Girl Scouts: A Rich Resource for Community
Based Practice. Association of Community Health Nursing Educators, Charlottesville, VA 05/31/01
Joyce-Nagata, B., Nelson, J., Chambers, J., Krause-Reinch, Zobec, A. Paper Presentation. Girl Scouts:
Breast Health and Screening. Community/Campus Partnership for Health, University of San Franciso,
annual meeting, San Antonio, TX 05/07/01
Joyce, B., Gunn, J. Research Presentation. Using a Spiritual Injury Scale (SIS) to Facilitate Planned Health
Care Encounters for Elderly Individuals. Spirituality: Education, Research & Practice, Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
Joyce, B., Bryant, L., DePalma, R., Wingrove, C. Paper Presentation. Collaboration as an Approach to
Meeting the Needs of Population Groups. Colorado Public Health Association, annual meeting,
Breckenridge, CO 10/01/00
Joyce, B., McGrain, M., Gunn, J. & Patterson, M. Paper Presentation. Health Care Encounters for Well
Elders. Colorado Public Health Association, Teamwork 2000: Practical Applications for Healthy Colorado
Communities, Estes Park, CO 09/22/99
Joyce, B., & Gunn, J. Research Presentation. Using a Spiritual Injury Screening Tool. The Society of
Prospective Medicine 35th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO 09/25/99
Joyce, B. Presentation. Nursing Research in the 1990’s: What’s Happening. U.S. Air Force Academy,
Colorado Nurses Association District #3, Colorado Springs, CO 10/06/05
Joyce, B. Presentation. Nursing Practice Issues. El Paso County Health Department, Colorado Springs, CO
Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative. August 2014- May 2015. Funded. $5000.00. College of Nursing & Health
Sciences Ethics Fellow.
Champions for Healthy Kids. General Mills Foundation. $20,000. Unfunded. March 14, 2014.
“Faith-Based Commuity Partnerships: Reaching Vulnerable Populations”. Emory University/CDC.
October 2013- March 2014. Funded. $6,750.00. Co-Director. Community Partnership.
Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative. August 2013- May 2014. Funded. $5000.00. College of Nursing & Health
Sciences Ethics Fellow.
Diversity and Excellence Grant. University of Colorado. January 2012. Funded.$3000.
Bryant, L., Joyce, B. UCAN Serve Educational Award Program Grant. Colorado Compact. August 2012August 2013. Funded. $35,250.00.
“Faith-Based Commuity Partnerships: Reaching Vulnerable Populations”. Emory University/CDC.
October 2012- March 2013. Funded. $10,000. Co-Director. Community Partnership.
Joyce, B. Faculty Association Women’s Committee Mini-Grant. University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
Nursing Theory As Language for Change in Nursing Education and Practice. March 2012. Funded. $500.
Joyce, B., Roberts, J., Kamau-Small, S. University of Colorado System Diversity & Excellence Grant.
2011-2012. Funded. $3000.
Wacker, C., Joyce, B. “Faith-Based Commuity Partnerships: Reaching Vulnerable Populations”. Emory
University/CDC. October 2011- March 2012. Funded. $11,000. Co-Director. Community Partnership.
Joyce, B. UCAN Serve Educational Award Program Grant. Colorado Compact. August 2011- August 2012.
Funded. $49,650.00.
Wurtele, S., Kaukinen, K., Joyce, B., Sievers, V. “Engaging Health Care Providers in the Movement to End
Child Sexual Abuse”. $50,000. Unfunded. January 2011.
Wacker, C., Joyce, B. “Faith-Based Community Partnerships: Reaching Vulnerable Populations” Emory
University/CDC. October 2010-March 2011. Funded $10,000. Co-Director: Community Partnership.
Joyce, B. “Identification and Analysis of Breast Cancer Resources Through Use of Geographical
Information Systems”. Southeastern Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation. Funded. $4750.
Fisher, M. & Joyce, B. Kaiser Permanente Safety Net Scholarship Program, Kaiser Permanente, August
2010. Funded $140,000. Co-Director.
Joyce, B. UCAN Serve Educational Award Program, Colorado Compact. August 2010- August 2011.
Funded: $62,275.20.
Joyce, B. UCAN Serve Educational Award Program, Colorado Compact. August 2009- August 2010.
Funded $82,000.
Joyce, B. & Wacker, C. “Engaging Non-traditional Sites in H1N1”. Rollins School of Public Health, Emory.
$20,000. Funded. 10/1/09
Joyce, B. “Bacchus Student Video Project” The BACCHUS Network. Funded $1200. 06/2009
Bay, M. & Joyce, B. “Nursing Student Documentation of Service Learning and Intervention Outcomes.”
Funded $1500 . 04/2008
Joyce, B. “Colorado Collegiate Tobacco Prevention”. The BACCHUS Network. Funded $ 3,000. 08/08/08
Joyce, B. “Colorado Collegiate Tobacco Prevention”. The BACCHUS Network. Funded $12,000. 08/08/07
Joyce, B. “Health Integration Patterns of Women Ex-Offenders”. Association of Community Health Nurse
Educators. $2,391.Unfunded. 05/08/07
Wacker, C., Joyce, B., Brown, S., Angotti,B. Zielinski, A. “Public Health & Faith Collaboration Leadership”.
Wheatridge Foundation. Funded $7,500. 04/05/07
Joyce, B. “ Violence, Intervention & Prevention Center” Take Action: Healthy People, Places, and
Practices in Communities Project. Office of Disease Prevention & Health Promotion. Department of
Health & Human Services. $4,600. Unfunded. 03/30/07
Joyce, B. “Support Re-entry of Women Offenders through Transformative Congregations”. SCMinistry
Foundation. Funded $11,000. 06/21/06
Joyce, B. “Colorado Collegiate Tobacco Prevention”. The BACCHUS Network. $12,000 Funded. 09/21/06
Joyce, B. “Congregational Breast Health Advocates”. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Educational Grant. $18,653. Funded. 04/01/06
Joyce, B. “Educating Young Women about Breast Cancer”. Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer 11/01/05
Foundation Mini Grant. $1277 Funded.
Joyce, B., & Bay, M. “Evaluating Lifestyle Change Programs in Overweight Government Employees”
Department of Health and Human Services/Public Health Services.
Community Participation in Research. $343,750. Unfunded. 5/17/05
Joyce, B. & Bay, M. “Tri-Lakes Health Protection Project”. Community Service Block Grant. Unfunded.
Joyce, B. “Tri-Lakes Health Ministry”. Cooperation for National and Community Service Grant.
Next Generation Grant. Unfunded $186,000 11/03
Joyce, B. Professional Nurse Traineeship Grant. DHHS. Funded. $52,000. 2003-04
Joyce, B. “Center on Aging Curriculum Development”. Unfunded. 04/03
Joyce, B. Basic Nurse Education/Practice Program Grant, DHHS, Public Health Nursing Field Experiences.
Unfunded $19,000 11/02
Joyce, B. Professional Nurse Traineeship Grant. Department of Health & Human Services. Funded
$41,000. 2002.
Joyce, B. Professional Nurse Traineeship Grant. Department of Health and Human Services. Funded
$53,000. 2001
Joyce, B. Get SET for Better Health. Pfizer Health Literacy Program Grant. Unfunded. 03/02
J. Nelson, Joyce, B., Chambers, D., Straus-Reich, A, Zobec, A. “Breast Health and Cancer Screening”,
Komen Foundation. Funded $17,336. 12/00
Joyce, B. and Blair, R. Collaborative Career/Health Workshop, El Paso County Physicians Foundation.
Unfunded 04/00
Joyce, B. Grant Letter of Intent: Prevention of Violence Project (submitted for review) Colorado Trust.
Unfunded. 11/96
Director, Health Care Services, ComCor, Inc.
Director, Health Care Services, ComCor, Inc.
Girl Scouts of America, Wagon Wheel Council
Director, Health Care Services, ComCor, Inc.
Girl Scouts of America, Wagon Wheel Council
Director, Health Care Services. ComCor, Inc.
Girl Scouts of America Wagon Wheel Council.
Girl Scouts of America Wagon Wheel Council.
Najera Aguirre, S., Joyce, B., & Brown, N. The Impact of Violence on Nursing Students in Mexico: A Lived
Experience. Unfunded. December 2011.
Joyce, B., Hoener, V., Parental Acceptance/Rejection and the Relationship to Health & Life Time
Experience of Abuse Among Incarcerated Women. Unfunded. June 2011.
Joyce, B., O’Brien, K., Dorjee, T., Belew-LaLDue, B., The Lived Experience of the Public Health Nurse.
Unfunded: February 2011.
Shin, JY., and Joyce, B. Disparities in the Awareness of Heart Attack Symptoms Among College Students.
Unfunded: January 2010.
Wacker, C. & Joyce, B. Health Beliefs related to Adult Vaccinations. October 2009
Joyce, B. Campus Tobacco-Free Policy Survey: Funded. $1000. May 2009
Joyce, B. & Bay, M. Nursing Student Documentation of Service-Learning and Intervention Outcomes.
CRCW Award . UCCS. Funded. $1500 .April 2009
Joyce, B. Partners Assessing Chew Tobacco: Community Participatory Research. Funded: $450
Research Assistant/Partner: Statewide Steering Committee. April 2008
Joyce, B. Tobacco Use and Attitude Survey. (TUAS) Funded: $1000 . Feb, 2008
Joyce, B. Descriptive Study of the Perception of the Health Integration Process of Women Offenders,Exoffenders, and Offender Case Managers. October, 2007
Joyce, B. Tobacco Cessation Program Evaluation. September, 2007.
Glittenberg, J. & Joyce, B. Replication of Program Evaluation of Community Education Center Services.
Co-Investigator. $58,187. Funded. March 2007
Glittenberg, J. & Joyce, B. Replication of Program Evaluation of Community Education Center Services.
Co-Investigator. $54,904. Funded. April 2006
Joyce, B. Relationship of Perceived Health Knowledge,Health Behavior, and Health Status of Individuals
at High Risk for Cardiovascular Disease. June, 2006
Joyce, B. Birth Outcomes of At Risk Pregnant Women. Principal Investigator. Funded $1000. 2005, 2006.
Joyce, B. Tobacco Use and Attitude Survey. Principal Investigator. $12,000 Funded. 2006
Joyce, B. Congregational Breast Health Advocates. Principle Investigator. Colorado Springs Affiliate of
The Susan G. Komen Foundation. $18,653. Funded . April 2006
Joyce, B. The influence of planned health care encounters on spiritual and functional well- being of
elderly individuals. Principal investigator. 1999
Courses Taught
Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Nurs 110 Health Communication
Nurs 220 Fundamentals of Nursing
Nurs 440 Community Health Nursing
Nurs 370/470 Partners in Practice
Home Health Nursing
Nurs 4401 Nursing Research
Nurs 611 Health Care Policy
Nurs 615 Clinical Specialist Seminar
Nurs 663 Community-Rural Health
Nurs 666 Health Promotion/Disease Prevention
Nurs 627 Family Theory
Nurs 782 Clinical Specialist Practicum
Nurs 783 Community Assessment
Regis University. Preceptorship. Graduate Student. 2007
Thesis Chair - Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences/UCCS
Irene Taliaferro, “The Relationship Between Health Promoting Lifestyle Behaviors and Job Satisfaction”
Kim Colleymore, “Nursing Perceptions of the Application of American Nurses Association Standards of
Nursing Practice in Correctional Facilities in Colorado Prisons”
Naeda Wardwell, “The Relationship Between the Number of Nurse Case Management Services Provided
and the Perceived Health Status of Injured Workers” 1996
Thesis Chair - Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences/UCCS – continued
Dorothy Roberts, “Preoperative Education as a Determinant of Hospital Length of Stay in Total Joint
Arthroplasty Patients” 1996
Academic Reports
AACN Continuous Improvement Progress Report
Campus Tobacco Report: Administrative Team Report.
CNS Option Review
Wellness Program Annual Report
Wellness Program Strategic Plan and Budget Justification
Accreditation Report: Commission of College Nursing Education
Accreditation Report: EMT-P National Accreditation Association
Colorado State Department of Transportation – EMT-B Proposal
University of Colorado Diversity and Excellence Award/Grant
NLN Academy of Nursing Education Fellow
Faculty Award for Outstanding Contributions to Diversity and Inclusiveness.
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. $1000
AACN American Association of Colleges of Nursing Fellow
NLN Ambassador
Kaiser Permanente Professorship: $20,000
CADE Scholarship $1500
Knapsack Institute Scholarship $1000
College Enhancement Grant $1500
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). Nominated and selected to
Serve as a prospective on-site evaluator for CCNE.
Vision Achievement Award
Solid Rock Ministry
Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of valuable contribution
Mountain and Plains Partnership
National Guard and Reserve
Certificate of Appreciation for Continuing Support, Office of the Assistant Secretary
of Defense governing Committee
Certificate of Appreciation
Volunteer SET of Colorado Springs
Nomination: Salute to Partners District 11
Committee Chair Award
National Committee for Employee Support of the Guard & Reserve
Honor: Recognition of Dedication UCHSC School of Nursing, Dean
Colorado AHEC System
Chapter Counselor
Xi Phi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau
Leadership Nominee
Dec. 2008
March 2007
May 2010
10/01, 11/01
05/01, 08/02
2000 National Volunteer Week Award
Outstanding Nurse of the Year
Memorial Hospital, Colorado Springs, CO
Professional Organizations
American Public Health Association
American Public Health Association. Public Health Nursing Section.
Colorado Public Health Association
Public Health Nursing Association of Colorado
Colorado Rural Health Center
American Association of Community Health Educators
Sigma Theta Tau, Xi Phi Chapter, Beth-El College of Nursing
Colorado Nurses Association, District 3
American Nurses’ Association
Community – Campus Partnership for Health
Emergency Medical Services Association of Colorado
National Association of Emergency Medical Service Educator
2011- present
Offices and Other Elected Positions
Xi Phi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau. Chair, Scholarship Committee. Board of Directors.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators. Board of Directors.
2010-2012: 2013-2014
Public Health Nursing Association of Colorado. Public Health Nursing Practice Council.
2010- 2013
Public Health Nursing Association. Chair, Research/Practice Workgroup
SET of Colorado Springs
Board of Directors
Chair Board of Directors
Executive Committee and Vice President
Chair, Program Committee
Tri-Lakes Health Advocacy Program
Board of Directors
Vice President
First Visitor Program of Colorado Springs – Board of Directors
Colorado Nurses Association, WIC, Council on Nursing Practice
American Nurses’ Association, Mississippi Delegate
Committees – Community
Pikes Peak Workforce Center Youth Council. Member.
Chair, Colorado Community Center Collaborative.
Public Health Accreditation Site Visit
Healthy Community Leadership Collaborative. El Paso County.
Live Well Colorado Springs Coalition: School Council
School District 2: Harrison Wellness Council
Interfaith Health Partnership of Colorado Springs
APHA Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee
Tobacco Education Coalition. El Paso County Department of Health.
University of Colorado Health Science Center. Participatory Community Research,
Partners Assessing Chew Tobacco. Partner.
University of Colorado Denver School of Public Affairs. Advisory Committee
Certificate on Interpersonal Violence and Health Care
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators. Education Subcommittee
2008, 2009
Public Health and Faith Collaborative
Colorado Department of Corrections: Community Alliance Steering Committee.
Colorado Parish Nurse Consortium
2002- present
El Paso County Department of Health & Environment
Strong and Healthy Families Advisory Committee
Faith and Health Connection Project
Nurse Family Partnership Advisory Committee
2006- 2011
NFP Program Development and Evaluation Committee
Community Advisory Council for Health Education, Prevention, Chronic Disease
Child Health and Safety Advisory Committee
CCPD Advisory Committee
Emerging Infectious Disease Coalition
West Nile Virus Executive Committee
Prenatal Task Force Advisory Committee
Infant Mortality Task Force
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators – Program Committee
2001, 2002
Advisory Council: Tri-Lakes Interfaith Respite Program
Penrose/St. Francis Health Services
African American Health Ministries
Tri-Lakes Health Advocacy Partnership
Executive Committee
Program Committee
State of Colorado – Academic/Public Health Collaborative
Colorado Council of Nurse Educators
Colorado Association of Colleges of Nursing
Colorado Consortium for Nursing Workforce Development,
Colorado Springs Regional Council
Colorado Nurses Association, Workplace Initiative Committee
Mississippi Nurses’ Association, Board of Directors
Committees – University
International Scholarship and Education
UCCS Graduate Department: Graduate Fellowships Review Committee.
UCCS Health Fair Committee
Sustainability Task Force
2006, 07
Campus Tobacco Control Initiative Taskforce
Operation Power Plant: Mock Disaster Evaluator
CLC Mentor Program
Disability Committee
Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee
Center for Policy and Economic Development Planning Committee
Campus Safety Committee
Academic Planning Committee
Associate Deans Council
Student Success Initiative
Graduate Executive Committee
University Budget Advisory Committee
Faculty Grievance Committee
Faculty Assembly Budget Committee
Ad Hoc Committee: Graduate Policies
Graduate Marshall
Committees - Beth-El College of Nursing
Member, Faculty Organization
Member, Violence Intervention & Prevention Center
Member, Undergraduate Nursing Department
Member, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Chair, Undergraduate Curriculum Committee
Member, Compass Curriculum Task Force
Member, Search Committee, Colorado Foundation Grant
Member, Search Committee, UG Department
Chair, Bylaws Committee UG Department
Member, Accelerated Admin Committee
Chair, Committee for International Nursing. UG Department
Member, Faculty Affairs Council
Chair ,UG Merit Review Committee
Member, Extended Studies
Chair, Scholarship Committee
Chair, Faculty Search Committee
Chair, Department of Undergraduate Nursing
Chair, Research Committee
Member, Faculty Work Group
Chair, Primary Review Committee
Member, Dean’s Review Committee
Tenured Faculty Committee
Scholarship Laision to Financial Aid
VIP Center Advisory Committee
VIP Community Alliance
TPR Guidelines Committee- Service
County-City Medical Clinic Administrative Committee
Curriculum Committee
Director and Chair – Department of Graduate Nursing
Chair – Department of Health Sciences
Interim Director – Emergency Health Service –
Member – Undergraduate Nursing Department
Chair – Faculty Search Committee
Member – College Advisory Board
Member- Faculty Handbook Revision Committee
Chair – EMS Advisory Committee
Chair – EMS Teaching Team
Deans Review Committee
Chair – Faculty Recruitment/Search Committee
1997- 2000, 2005-2008
1999, 2007
08/08- 02/09
1994-01, 2003-2006, 2009-2011
Fall 1998
1997-1998, 2004-2012
1997-1999, 2007
Primary Review Committee, Chair
Faculty Reappointment, Tenure, Post Tenure Review and Annual Review
Director, CCNE Self Study Report, Graduate Department of Nursing
Faculty Recruitment/Search Committee
Research Committee
Institutional Review Board
Graduate Department, Chair
Graduate Admission and Recruitment
Department of Health Sciences, Chair
UCCS Transition Committee
UCCS Merger Steering Committee
Faculty Welfare & Development
Strategic Planning
Curriculum Committee, Member
Curriculum Committee, Chair
Faculty Evaluation and Reappointment, Chair
Faculty Evaluation and Reappointment, Member
Collaborative Education Subcommittee
Alumni Affairs Committee
1994-1998, 2004-2007
Committees – System
Colorado Council on Nursing Education
Colorado Workforce Summit Planning Committee
Mountain Plains Partnership – Site Visit
1999-2002, 2008
Committees – Other
Member, Mountain and Plains Partnership Administrative Committee
Personnel Committee, First Visitor Program
Steering Committee, Community of Caring, Carmel Middle School, Colorado Springs, CO
Steering Committee, Communities in School, Colorado Springs, Colorado
By-Laws Committee, First Visitor Program
Program Committee, SET of Colorado Springs
Komen Foundation Southwestern Affiliate. Community Profile.
Associate Editor, Spaces and Flows: International Journal of Urban & Extraurban Studies.
Dec. 2013
Journal of Forensic Nursing. Manuscript Review.
University of Connecticut. External Review.
Colorado Campus Compact. Healthcare Site Placement Criteria.
Strong and Healthy Families. Consultant. Program Evaluation
Old Dominion University School of Nursing. External Review.
University of Colorado at Denver Health Science Center.
Graduate Certificate in Interpersonal Violence.
Traditional and Web-based Mental Health Training for Allied and Home Health Professionals.
UCCS Gerontology Center
Consultant: Elsevier Publishing. Textbook Review
Health Care Advisory Consultant: Wagon Wheel Council, Girl Scouts of America,
Colorado Springs, CO
Westmorland Coal: Health Insurance Claims Evaluation Project
Namaste Alzheimer Center: Program Evaluation
El Paso County Department of Health & Environment:
Grant Consultant: “Screening for Multiple Risk Factors During Preconception
Through Postpartum”: Program Evaluation
West Nile Virus Program Evaluation Project
Centura Health – Penrose/St. Francis Health Service Pastoral Care: Program Evaluation
Family Learning Center Grant, U.S. Department of Education,
Principal Investigator: Lyman Kaiser
RN/BSN Program – UCHSC, Principal Investigator – Judy Igoe
District 11, Colorado Springs English as a Second Language Program, Grant
Memorial Hospital, “Take Care to Learn”, Partnerships for Quality Education, Grant
Tri Lakes Health Advocacy – Interfaith Caregiving, Respite Grant
Girl Scouts Wagon Wheel Council – El Paso Medical Society – Grant
Penrose-St. Francis Health Service Preceptor Education Program
Memorial Hospital, Community – Based Grant
University of San Francisco School of Nursing External Tenure Evaluation
Community Service
Kaiser Permanente: Southern Colorado Nursing & Allied Health Workforce
El Paso County Tobacco Education Coalition
El Paso County Healthy Community Collaborative
Live Well Colorado School Collaborative
Adult Immunization Project. Penrose-St. Francis Health Services.
Pikes Peak Breast Health Coalition
District #2 School District: Harrison Wellness Council
American Cancer Society, Volunteer.
Solid Rock Family Life Center, Back to School Fair
Volunteer, Bicycle & Trails Festival. Blood Pressure Screening
Coordinator, Health Resource Center, Hillside Community Center
Tri Lakes Chamber of Commerce: Health & Wellness Committee
Tri Lakes Area of Christian Ministries
Volunteer: Punt for Health: Health Fair
Health Promotion Advisory Council: Out Lady of Guadalupe church
Coordinator, Health Ministries, Little Log Church, Palmer Lake, CO
Member, Advisory Committee, Carmel Community of Caring
Volunteer March of Dimes, Mother’s March Coordinator
Member, District 38, Accountability Committee
Member, Palmer Lake Elementary Accountability
Volunteer, Flu Shot clinic, American Red Cross Homeless Shelter, Sierra Madre Clinic
Presentation: “High School Career Seminar” Fountain-Fort Carson High School
Presentation: “Health Field Alternatives” UCCS Science Club
revised 9/2014
July 2005
2002, 2003
2002, 2003, 2004
1997, 2004-2008
11/95 & 11/96
Educational Conferences Attended: 2013
Webinar: National Public Health Enumeration and Characterization of the PHN Workforce. Center of
Excellence in Public Health Workforce Studies. University of Michigan School of Public Health. January
31, 2013.
Public Health Nurses Association of Colorado. 2013 Winter Conference: Communication: The Key to
Using Your Voice. Denver, Colorado. February 20-21, 2013.
Nurses Engagement in the Policy Process: Nursing Leadership from Bedside to Boardroom. Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation. March 11, 2013.
Third International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society. Universidad Federal De Sao Paulo. Sao
Paulo, Brazil. March 15-16, 2013.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement. 14th Annual International Summit. Scottsdale, Arizona. April 7-10,
Faith Based and Public Health Partnerships: Strengthening Community Networks”. Emory University,
Rollins School of Public Health, Interfaith Health Program. Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Atlanta, Georgia. April 15 & 16, 2013.
University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Diversity Summit: Rising Spirit, Uniting Through Difference.
UCCS, April 18, 2013.
Sigma Theta Tau, Xi Phi Chapter, Annual Meeting. Case Management. Colorado Springs, Colorado.
May 7th, 2013.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators & Association of Public Health Nurses. Joint Meeting.
Evidenced-based Population Nursing. Raleigh, North Carolina. June 6-8, 2013.
National League for Nursing Educational Summit: Opening Doors to Leadership, Purpose, Power,
Passion. Anaheim, California. September 19-22, 2013.
Colorado Park & Recreation Association. Recreate: Annual Conference. Vail, Colorado. September 24-27,
Custody & Caring. 13th Biennial International Conference on the Nurse’s Role in the Criminal Justice
System. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. October 2-4, 2013.
Webinar: Collecting the Data: First Steps in Achieving Health Equity. Public Health Live Broadcast.
University of Albany School of Public Health. October 17, 2013.
American Public Health Association. 141st Annual Meeting & Expo. Think Global, Act Local. Boston, MA.
November 2-6, 2013.
Public Health Nursing: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow. Quad Council Educational Event. Boston,
Massachusetts. November 3, 2013.
Public Health Nursing Section. American Public Health Association. 90th Anniversary Celebration.
Boston, Massachusetts. November 3, 2013.
Webinar: Population Health Nursing Series Part 1: Population Health in Baccalaureate Nursing
Education. American Association of Colleges of Nursing. November 12, 2013.
The Colorado Trust. The Patient-Centered Medical Home: A Path Toward Equity. Colorado Springs,
Colorado. November 15, 2013.
Educational Conferences Attended: 2012
Public Health Nurses Association of Colorado. Winter Conference. Denver, Colorado. February 16-18,
Novartis Vaccines Before They Visit: An Update on Select Travel Vaccines Promotional Education
Program. Medical Decision Point. Denver, Colorado. February 16, 2012.
Colorado Nurses Association. Legislative Conference. Denver, Colorado. February 15, 2012.
Sigma Theta Tau. Annual Meeting. Wounded Warriors. Colorado Springs, CO. May 1, 2012.
Omaha System Application for Nurse Family Partnership. El Paso County Department of Health.
Colorado Springs, CO., May 8, 2012.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators. Annual Institute. Portland, Oregon. June 7-9, 2012.
Southern Colorado Nursing and Allied Health Workforce Discussion. Kaiser Permanente Administration.
Colorado Springs, Colorado. June 19, 2012.
El Paso County Speaks: Health. Bighorn Leadership Development Program. Wyndham Grand Hotel,
Colorado Springs, Colorado. September 4, 2012.
National League for Nursing 2012 Educational Summit. Opening Doors to Leadership: Purpose, Power,
Passion. Anaheim, CA. September 19-22, 2012.
American Public Health Association 140th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 27-31, 2012.
Educational Conferences Attended: 2011
Southern Colorado Nursing and Allied Health Workforce Discussion. Kaiser Permanente Administration.
Colorado Springs, Colorado. January 18, 2011.
Public Health Nurses Association of Colorado. Winter Conference. Denver, Colorado. February 16-18,
Interfaith Health Program. Joint Meeting of Emory Rollins School of Public Health and Center of Disease
Control. April 13-15, 2011.
Innovate, Educate, Graduate 2016. School District 2 Superintendent, Mike Miles. April 20, 2011.
Oh No! Not Another Meeting: Strategies to Make Your Meetings More Effective. Live Well Colorado.
Colorado Springs, Colorado. May 17, 2011.
Show Me the Evidence: Evidenced-based Public Health Nursing Practice. Webinar, Part 1. University of
Minnesota, School of Nursing. Linda Olson Keller. June 1, 201l.
A Culture of Excellence: Evidence-based Public Health Practice. Evidence Exchange.
Webinar, Part 2. University of Minnesota, School of Nursing. Linda Olson Keller. June 16, 2011.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Conference. Chicago, Ill.
June 8-11, 2011.
Medication Administration Instructor Training. Colorado State Department of Health.
Denver, Colorado. June 27, 2011.
Putting County Health Rankings into Action. FitCity Tyler Initiative Smith County, Texas.
Webinar. September 13, 201l.
Colorado Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
September 21-23, 2011.
Partnership for Communicable Disease Prevention. Wyoming Department of Health and Wyoming
Department of Corrections. CPHA. Steamboat Springs, Colorado. September 22, 2011.
Regional Approaches and Shared Services Across Public Health Jurisdictions. CPHA. Steamboat Springs,
Colorado. September 22, 2011
International Custody and Caring Conference. Regina, Canada. October 5-8. 2011.
A Brighter Future: Improving the Standard of Living Now and for the Next Generation.
Colorado Center for Policy Studies Economics Department. UCCS. October 20, 2011.
International Conference of the Danish Sisterhood. San Franciso, California. October 27-29, 2011.
Xi Phi Annual Research Conference. UCCS. November 4, 2011.
Educational Conferences Attended: 2010
Community Engagement: The Structure of Belonging. Peter Block author. Colorado College. January 11,
Inclusive Engagement in Learning Services: Diversity and Inclusiveness. UCCS. January 21, 2010.
Dream City Vision 2020. Translating Dialogue to Action. Pikes Peak Library District. Colorado Springs,
CO. January 27, 2010
Americorp Coordinator Team Training. Denver, Colorado. January 28, 2010.
2010 UCAN Serve Coordinator Conference. Salt Lake City, Utah. February 19-20, 2010.
Prison Spending, Sentencing and the Colorado Budget: How many more prison beds can we afford?
Colorado Attorney General, John Suthers. Antlers, Colorado Springs, CO. February 5, 2010.
Tina Rowe: U. S. Marshall. School of Public Administration. UCCS. February 9, 2010.
Xi Phi Annual Research Conference. UCCS. February 12, 2010.
Evaluations & Performance Review: Employee Motivation & Recognition. UCCS. 3/19/2010.
National Public Health Performance Standards Program, Local Public Health System Assessment. El Paso
County Department of Health & Environment. April 13, 2010.
Xi Phi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau. Annual Meeting. “Diversity in Nursing Leadership”. Deb Beatty. May 4,
Faith and Health. Gary Gunderson, author. St. Francis Health Center. Colorado Springs, Colorado. May
19, 2010
Knapsack Institute. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. June 2-5, 2010.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute. Embracing Diversity: Innovations in
Education, Policy and Practice. Arlington, Virginia. June 10-12, 2010.
Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation. Patricia Benner, author. Anschutz Medical Center,
Denver, Colorado. September 28, 2010.
National Conference on Correctional Health Care. Las Vegas, Nevada. October 9-13, 2010.
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado. November 6-10, 2010.
Public Health Nursing Section Annual Luncheon. APHA. Denver, Colorado. November 7, 2010.
Educational Conferences Attended: 2009
Dream City Vision 2020. Colorado Springs, Colorado. UCCS. February 13, 2009.
National Conference for Advisors of Collegiate Tobacco Prevention. Denver, CO. Feb 26-27, 2009
Mountain Lion Research Day, UCCS, Colorado Springs, CO. April 3, 2009.
Engaging the Community. Community Tobacco Coalition. ECDHE. April 9, 2009.
National Conference on Information Management and Documentation, Minneapolis, MN. April 17-19,
Sigma Theta Tau, Chapter Annual Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO. May 5, 2009
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators, Chicago, Ill. June 10-13, 2009
Colorado Department of Health and Environment. Medication Administration Training.
Denver, CO. June 26, 2009.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing: AACN Leadership for Academic Nursing Program
Fellowship. Kansas City, MO. August 2-6, 2009
American Correctional Association, Nashville, TN. August 7-12, 2009
GIS for Health Professionals, Colorado Health Institute. Pueblo, CO. August 19, 2009.
Reflective Practice. UCCS Beth-El College. Chris Johns. September 15, 2009.
Community and Faith-Based Organizations and Response to 2009 H1N1 Flu. Secretary of Health and
Human Service, Kathleen Sebelius. Conference call. September 24, 2009.
Tobacco Policy Communications Guide Training. The Bacchus Network. Webinar. September 24, 2009.
Colorado Department of Health and Environment. Academic/Public Health Collaborative.
Denver, CO. October 7, 2009.
AACN Baccalaureate Education Conference. Chicago, Ill. November 18-21, 2009
The Governor’s Commission on Community Service: The Spirit of Life: Americorps 2009 State Service
Conference. Estes Park, CO. October 11-13, 2009.
National Commission on Correctional Health Care, Orlando, Florida. October 17-21, 2009
Doctorate of Nursing Practice: Consultant: Dr. Hathaway, University of Tennessee Health Science Center.
UCCS Beth-El College of Nursing. November 20, 2009.
Managing International Travel Risks. UCCS Webinar. December 3, 2009.
Educational Conferences Attended: 2008
Westside Cares Annual Meeting “ The Plight of the Undocumented” . Colorado Springs,
Colorado. January 22, 2008
UCCS Seminar: “Branding”. Dr. Bob Sevier. Stamats. January 29, 2008
Sigma Theta Tau Research Program. Beth-El College of Nursing. February, 2008
SET Women’s Retreat. “Experiencing God: The Sacred Soul Journey” Mt. Saint Francis,
Colorado Springs, Colorado. February 16, 2008
CADE Web Seminar. “Partnering with Faculty”. Denver, Colorado. February 6, 2008
7th National Tobacco Symposium on Young Adults: Creating Tobacco Free Generations.
Sacramento, California. March 2-4, 2008.
Public Health Nurses Association of Colorado. “Steps to Leadership” Denver, Coloradao.
March 5-7, 2008.
University of Colorado Health Science Center. “Partners Accessing Chew Tobacoo Training”
Denver, Colorado. April 1st, 2008.
El Paso County Department of Health. “ The Basics of the Omaha System” . Colorado Springs,
Colorado. April 22, 2008
El Paso County Department of Health. “Annual Meeting: Local Public Health, End of the Road
Or a New Beginning” Colorado Springs, Colorado April 7, 2008
National League for Nursing. “Rebuilding Your Nursing Curriclum to Reflect Today’s Practice
Reality”. Indianapolis, Indiana. April 27-28, 2008.
Association of Research and Enlightment. “Ancient Alchemy: The Secrets of Healing and
Transformation” . Denver, Colorado. May 17, 2008.
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute.
“Effective Educational Methods in Community/Public Health Nursing”. Atlanta, Georgia. June 5-7, 2008.
Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences. “Self-Identify through Ho opohopono:
Your health concerns and proposed remediation”. Colorado Springs, CO. Sept 27, 2008.
Colorado Council on Nursing Education. Fall Meeting. Pueblo, Colorado.
October, 13, 2008.
American Academy of Colleges of Nursing. “2008 Baccalaureate Education Conference”.
San Antonio, Texas. December 4-6, 2008.
Educational Conferences Attended: 2007
Mosby’s Faculty Development Institute. San Diego, California. January 7-9,2007.
Winds of Change: UCCS Faculty & The New Academy. UCCS. January 26, 2007.
Sigma Theta Tau: Research Program. Colorado Springs. February 9, 2007.
National Tobacco Symposium on Young Adults. Denver, CO. March 22-23, 2007.
Reaching Beyond Ourselves to the Uninsured. Colorado Springs. April 24, 2007.
Application of Evidenced Based Practice to Parish Nursing. Penrose-St. Francis. Mission Outreach.
April 30, 2007.
National Public Health Nursing Conference: Public Health Nursing with Disadvantaged Populations.
University of Tennessee Health Science Center. Memphis. TN. May 3, 2007
National Conference for Advisors of Peer Education Groups. Denver, CO. June 17-20, 2007
Advances in Forensic Science. Beth-El College of Nursing. UCCS. Sept 6-7, 2007
Blue Ribbon Commission for Health Care Reform. Colorado Springs. October 5, 2007
White House Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: National Summit on Prisoner Re-entry.
Los Angeles, California. November 27-28, 2007
Educational Conferences Attended: 2006
“ Involuntary Exposure: Protecting Children from Secondhand Smoke”. American Lung
Association. Castle Rock, CO. January 30, 2006
“MCH Education Series: An Update on Maternal and Child Health Program Efforts”
Colorado Department of Public Health. Denver, CO. February 9, 2006
“Citizen Emergency Response Training. (CERT).” American Red Cross. Colorado Springs, CO.
February 16 & 23, 2006
“Spring Into Action” Beth-El College at UCCS. VIP Center. Colorado Springs, CO. May 1, 2006
“Is Sleep the New Vital Sign?” Beth-El College at UCCS.
Manitou Springs, CO. May 11, 2006
Understanding the Times We Live In” Association for Research and Enlightenment.
Denver, CO. May 20, 2006
Association of Community Health Nurse Educators Annual Institute. Pasadena, CA. June 1-4, 2006
“Status of the Community/Public Health Nursing Workforce”
“Increasing Public Health Nurses Access to Evidence Based Practice”
“Rethinking and Restructuring the Community Health Clinical Experience”
“Education for Advance Practice Community/Public Health Nursing”
“Matching a Graduate Curriculum in Community/Public Health Nursing to Practice Competencies”
“Doctorate of Nursing Practice: Assessing the Market”
“National Conference for Peer Education: Re-Tool and Re-Energize”. The Bacchus Network.
Denver, Colorado. June 28-30, 2006
“Colorado Collegiate Tobacco Prevention: New Advisors Training” The Bacchus Network.
Denver, Colorado. July 24, 2006
“Hope Shines On” Colorado Springs Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Foundation.
Colorado Springs, CO. August 16, 2006
“Learning Styles”. Teaching Round Table. UCCS. September 12, 2006
“Colorado Alcohol and Drug Education Training”. CADE. Lakewood, CO. September 15, 2006
“Teaching Round Table: Classroom Assessment.” UCCS. September 26, 2006
“Jails Are Full, Now What?” Restorative Justice/VIP Center. September 26, 2006
“New Beginnings: A Congregation of Women Behind Walls”. Denver, CO. September 30, 2006
“ Project COPE”. Prison Congregations of America. Wheatridge, CO. October 1, 2006
“The Way We Really Are”. Stephanie Coontz. Womans Studies. UCCS. October 12, 2006
“Community Alliance Network Conference”. CO Department of Corrections.Colorado Springs, CO.
November 9, 2006
“Women Offenders”. Denver Prison for Women. Colorado Department of Corrections.
Denver, CO. December 14, 2006