COLUMN SYLVESTER EIJFFINGER Hoogleraar Financiële Economie Financials and soft skills Law is everywhere and everyone has to deal with it in daily life. However, maybe you have not always been aware of this. Even a simple transaction like buying bread is governed by different regimes of contract law, commercial law and liability law. The meaning of law in contemporary society cannot be underestimated. Law regulates most social aspects and influences virtually all transactions. Many laws customer, which should be the main focus of will be more closely involved in financial insti- were adopted during the last few decades. bank’s business. tutions and will know exactly what happens More procedures in conflicts between people An important statement, but why did the AFM inside. The prudential supervisor has to focus are conducted. We can speak of a legalization not warn about misconduct sooner? The argu- rather on a principle-based than on a rule- of society. The role of government in society ment that they have only be allowed to call based supervision. Financial institutions should is growing, including the enforcement of the names since 2007 and that, in combination with not be tested only formally, that is if they have rule of law. In these turbulent times it seems a fine, after ample research, meaning they could a risk management model and formalize their more than necessary that politics has taken only fine DSB in the recent summer does not risk management according to certain proce- more control than in normal times. hold. It seems that the AFM did not make use dures. The supervision of DNB has become too of its existing competences in the last couple formalistic and legalistic, because of the legaliza- However, with the legalization of society, bank- of years. Therefore, its plea for more preventive tion of society and possible liability suits. DNB ing supervision threatens to rely too much on instruments seems to be inappropriate. Further- should rather focus particularly on the behav- rules instead of on behaviour of bankers. The more, it is unfortunate that the AFM lumps all ioral aspects of bankers, the so-called ‘soft skills’. failure of DSB Bank has shown that banking banks together. That undermines trust in the The financial world innovates very quickly, supervision needs to change. banking sector and creates an atmosphere of implying that the supervisor has to be very There has been silence after the media storm suspicion against those banks that are fighting good informed about the developments in around the failure of DSB. An independent to function flawlessly. the financial industry. And especially now, this research committee, led by Michel Scheltema, Besides the AFM, we need to throw more light is urgent, when we need financials institutions started in November to check, among others, on why and on what terms DNB as a prudential that are aware of their role in society. Financials whether the Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) supervisor decided to grant a banking license should not only be driven by shareholder value, has failed as a supervisor of the conduct of busi- to DSB four yours ago. Maybe, because they but also by the interests of their other stakehold- ness and/or De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB) as hoped DSB would shake up the Dutch bank- ers (customers, savers and the society at large). a prudential supervisor for safeguarding the ing landscape thoroughly. With the benefit of To come to a really sustainable banking sector liquidity and solvency of financial institutions. It hindsight we know now that DNB has not set supervision focused on ‘soft skills’ of bankers, can be argued, that both supervisors could have conditions severe enough for the integrity and together with the check of the formal criteria, is played this role better. expertise of the members of the executive and the secret weapon for a long term sound finan- Concerning AFM, in an interview in Het Finan- supervisory board of DSB Bank. In the future, this cial sector. ciëele Dagblad (November 10th, 2009) one of can be done more completely and thoroughly. its directors, Theodor Kockelkoren, pleads for After all, since January 1st, 2010 with the com- more legal authority to verify the development mencement of the Code Banking, DNB has of financial products of banks and insurers. They been allowed to test not only their integrity, but still make their customers believe the moon is also the expertise of executive and supervisory Sylvester Eijffinger made of cream, according to Kockelkoren. The board members. in collaboration with Annemarie Hinten-Nooijen banks often still do not act in the interest of their Supervision may also be improved when DNB (Centre for Science and Values) Asset Magazine 27