Biodiversity 3A iological diversity, or biodiversity, is the

C O A S TA L A N D M A R I N E L I F E : G E N E R A L
Biodiversity 3A
iological diversity, or biodiversity, is the
total complexity of all life, including not
only the great variety of organisms but also their
varying behaviour and interactions. Scientists often
describe biodiversity in terms of species diversity,
which refers to the variety of species within a region
turing and maintenance, or even the buying power of people
employed in the fishing industry. Likewise, the economic worth
of recreational fishing lies not necessarily within the value of fish
caught, but in the turnover of bait and tackle shops, skiboat
and off-road vehicle dealers, and other supporting industries.
The non-consumptive use of resources for ecotourism (e.g.
whale-watching) and recreational diving also generates income
(species richness); genetic diversity, which refers to
through, for example, scuba equipment sales, boat trips and
the variation of genes within species, or ecosystem
hotel accommodation. In the White Paper for Sustainable
and community diversity, including the relation ships between species and their habitats. As such,
Coastal Development in South Africa, the value of direct benefits obtained from coastal goods and services was estimated
at R168 billion annually. Indirect benefits, including ecosystem
its value is immeasurable. South Africa’s marine
services such as erosion control and waste treatment, were
life is extremely diverse, attributable largely to the
said to be worth a further R134 billion annually.
contrasts between the warm Agulhas Current on
Our coast also provides a range of aesthetic, cultural,
the east coast and the cold Benguela Current on
educational and spiritual benefits, so the value of biodiversity
the west coast, with a convergence zone on the
cannot be measured in economic terms alone. Furthermore,
south coast. These conditions result in a low
biodiversity has the potential for yielding natural products with
species richness on the west coast, a sharp rise at
medicinal or commercial value; the search for such products is
Cape Point, and consistently high levels from there
eastwards. Total numbers of endemic species (those
termed bioprospecting. Worldwide, marine natural products are
being used for the development of antibiotics, pain suppressers,
anti-inflammatory agents, molecular probes, skin care products,
found nowhere else) are greatest along the south
sunscreens and anti-cancer agents. However, the development
coast between Cape Point and Port Elizabeth.
of a new pharmaceutical from a natural resource can cost in
excess of $300 million over a time frame of 10-30 years, with
a success rate of just one in 10 000. For example, both the
Marine species diversity
In excess of 11 000 species of marine animals have been
recorded from around South Africa, representing just over 5%
of the global total. Of these, approximately 17% are believed to
be endemic. However, these statistics are unreliable as some
sponge Spirastrella spinispirulifera and the marine worm
Cephaoldiscus gilchristii collected from South African waters
during the 1970s have been found to contain anti-cancer
compounds, which are still being tested in clinical trials.
Threats to biodiversity
taxonomic groups have been poorly studied, and there are
undoubtedly many undescribed species.
Overexploitation of marine resources is the major threat to
marine biodiversity. Most linefish stocks in South Africa are
About 800 species of macroalgae (seaweeds) have been
recorded in South Africa. This represents a rich marine flora by
world standards, with high levels of endemism. For example,
over 50 % of west-coast species are endemic to temperate
overfished, and catch rates have declined significantly over the
last century. Abalone is threatened by poaching, while hake
and pilchard stocks are still recovering from overexploitation
during the 1970s.
southern Africa. There are also 48 species of encrusting coralline
algae, 15 of which are endemic. The diversity of marine and
Apart from the direct effects on fish abundance, fishing
estuarine microalgae (phytoplankton, benthic diatoms and
impacts marine biodiversity by:
blue-green algae) is not well known, due to the sophisticated
• disturbing the benthic environment (e.g. trawl gear scraping
microscopy techniques needed to identify them to species level.
The value of biodiversity
Putting a monetary value to biodiversity is a difficult undertaking.
If based solely on the consumptive use of marine biodiversity,
the wholesale value for all commercial fishing sectors totals
about R2,5 billion. However, this does not take into account
secondary industries such as fish-packing, vessel manufac-
the sea-bottom)
• changing community structure by selecting for certain sizes
and species (e.g. top predators are removed, allowing prey
species to increase in abundance, or prey species are
removed, with ripple effects higher up the food chain)
• altering the gene pool (e.g. by selecting against traits such
as fast growth or schooling behaviour)
• causing incidental mortality of non-target species (e.g. bycatch of juvenile linefish in inshore prawn trawls).
Habitat destruction and pollution from industrial and sewage
effluent, litter, oil spills, mariculture operations and run-off from
fertilised lands also impact on marine biodiversity. This is
particularly true of estuaries, which are often surrounded by
clam fishery there in the 1950s. Fortunately it does not seem
to have spread much beyond the Cape Peninsula, probably
because it is confined to sheltered waters. There are also
concerns that new species of plankton responsible for red
tides will be introduced via the ballast water of visiting ships.
The effect of climate change on marine biodiversity is
intense human development and may also be affected by
unknown, although it is likely that changing temperature
activities in distant catchment areas. For example, poor
regimes and rising sea level could alter species distribution
agricultural practices may increase erosion and hence the silt
patterns, reproductive success and production rates.
load reaching estuaries. Large quantities of silt not only smother
animals, but also inhibit plant growth by reducing light penetra-
Conserving marine biodiversity
tion in the water column. Together with upstream abstraction or
As a signatory to the United Nations Convention on Biological
impoundment (damming) of water, which inhibits the scouring
Diversity, South Africa has an obligation to conserve marine
effect of floods, siltation may result in the estuary gradually
biodiversity. Marine reserves, or marine protected areas (MPAs),
filling in or the mouth closing unseasonally. Buildings situated
are one of the most effective means of achieving this, either by
too close to the water’s edge may be at risk of flooding when
protecting ecosystems that support high biological diversity,
the estuary is closed, leading to artificial breaching of the
such as coral reefs, mangrove forests and estuaries, or by
mouth in response to pressure from property-owners. All
conserving populations of rare and threatened species. At the
these factors may negatively affect biodiversity.
same time, MPAs can be used to promote ecotourism and
The intertidal life of rocky shores is heavily impacted in places
environmental education and to provide undisturbed commu-
by trampling and over-exploitation of food and bait species.
nities for scientific study. In addition, MPAs are an important
The use of off-road vehicles is a threat to the biodiversity of
tool for fisheries management, by preventing over-exploitation,
sandy shore ecosystems, which are also disturbed by any
protecting vulnerable life-history stages, and improving fish
activities or features that remove sand or inhibit its movement.
yields in adjacent areas. At present there are 13 marine
This includes construction on or flattening of the foredunes,
reserves, 11 restricted areas, 4 National Marine Parks, 23
structures such as groynes and piers that extend from the
estuarine reserves, 6 single-species sanctuaries and 13
beach into the sea, and even the artificial stabilisation of dunes
trawling restricted areas.
by alien plants.
Outside MPAs, the exploitation of marine resources is
Invasive alien species, which are capable of spreading and
controlled using other fisheries management tools according
displacing indigenous species, are also a threat to biodiversity
to the principles of the Marine Living Resources Act (1998).
in the marine environment. In South Africa the only marine
However, monitoring and enforcement is poor, so marine
alien species that is known to have become invasive is the
biodiversity remains threatened by overfishing. A variety of
Mediterranean mussel Mytilus gallopovincialis, which has
legislation relating to environmental management in the
become the dominant intertidal organism along 1000 km of
coastal zone exists, but improved co-ordination is needed if
coastline. Another potentially invasive species is the European
the loss of biodiversity due to environmental degradation is to
shore crab, Carcinus maenas, also known as the green crab.
be prevented. This is the aim of the Coastal Management
This is a voracious predator with a particular appetite for
Policy Process, which is currently at the implementation phase.
bivalve molluscs. It is rapidly invading the United States
coastline and was implicated in the demise of an east coast
Author: Sue Matthews, December 2000
• Durham, BD & Pauw, JC (Eds). 2000. Summary Marine Biodiversity Status Report for South Africa, National Research Foundation, Pretoria. (website:
• White Paper on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Biological Diversity, May 1997
• University of Cape Town (Zoology and Botany Departments), Rondebosch, Cape Town.
RELATED FACTSHEETS: • Marine Protected Areas • Ecosystems in the Sea • Classification of Marine Life • Pollution
For more information, please contact: The Coastal Management Office, Marine and Coastal Management, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Private Bag X2,
Roggebaai 8012, Cape Town, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)21 402-3208 Fax: +27 (0)21 418-2582 e-mail: Website:
C O A S TA L A N D M A R I N E L I F E : G E N E R A L : C L A S S I F I C A T I O N
Classification of Marine Species 3A
Scientists classify living things, or organisms into groups called kingdoms. The five kingdoms
are Bacteria, Protoctists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals. Organisms that are related are classified
together. Within each kingdom the organisms are divided into groups called phyla (singular
phylum). The phyla are further divided into more closely related classes, which in turn contain
orders and finally families, genera (singular genus) and species. Every species is allocated a
pair of names. The first word in this binomial identifies the genus (always written with an initial
capital letter) while the second identifies the individual species (written lower case). Closely
related species will share the same generic name.
The names of the genus and species are always printed in italics or if hand written are
underlined. For example the classification of the common dolphin is as follows:
Chordata (all animals with backbones)
Mammalia (all the mammals)
Cetacea (whales and dolphins)
Delphinidae (dolphins and killer whales)
delphis (unique combination of names for the common dolphin)
Classification can change!
Since organisms that are related are classified together their classification can change if
biologists discover new relationships. For example scientists recently grouped single-celled
plants and animals as well as the algae into the Kingdom Protoctista. All protoctists are
micro-organisms and their descendants, that evolved from the combination of two or more
different kinds of bacteria. Formerly the single-celled animals were in the Animal Kingdom
under the phylum Protozoa and the single-celled plants and algae were placed in the Plant
Kingdom. Whatever criteria are used, however, there is a greater difference between the
various protoctists than between the plants, animals and fungi, and hence the need to
recognise the Protoctista as a Kingdom in their own right.
As another example of changing classification, the comb jellies were at one time, grouped
with the anemones and jelly fishes in the phylum Coelenterata, which are animals with simple
sac-like bodies with two cell-layers to the body wall. But the comb jellies are actually very
different from the other groups, and nowadays are placed in a separate phylum, the
Ctenophora, while all the anemones and jelly fish with distinctive stinging cells belong to the
phylum Cnidaria (meaning ‘nettle’).
The Animal Kingdom can be broadly divided into invertebrates (animals without backbones
such as crabs and starfish) and vertebrates (animals with backbones such as fishes and
whales). Adult seasquirts have no backbones but their tadpole-like larvae have a primitive
‘backbone’ so they are grouped with the vertebrates in the phylum Chordata.
Comparing land and marine species
Life began in the sea and many of the phyla of marine organisms were not able to make the
transition to life on land. The result is that there are more phyla in the sea than are found on
land and in fresh water. There are however, more species on land, the vast majority of which
are insects. Groups that are confined to the sea include the Echinodermata (starfish and sea
urchins), Ctenophora (comb jellies), Sipunculida (peanut worms), Polychaeta (bristle worms),
Bryozoa (moss animals), Brachiopoda (lamp shells), Tunicata (sea squirts) and Pycnogonida
(sea spiders). Three large groups that are mainly marine are the Cnidaria (including the
anemones, jellyfish and corals), the Crustacea (crabs, barnacles etc.) and the Mollusca (snails,
slugs, octopus etc.).
C O A S TA L A N D M A R I N E L I F E : G E N E R A L C L A S S I F I C A T I O N – B A C T E R I A A N D F U N G I
Classification of Marine Species 3A
1 . K I N G D O M BA C T E R I A
Bacteria are found everywhere. They are the simplest forms of life consisting of
cells that lack nuclei and chromosomes (which house the genetic material in other
organisms) and have a single layer to the cell wall. Bacteria reproduce by splitting
in two. They do this very rapidly and can produce 4 000 million, million, million
offspring in just 24 hours. Some can make their own food using the sun’s energy,
but most live by decaying plants and animals, or as parasites of living things.
‘Germ’ is a common name for bacteria. They are some of the oldest forms of
—————————— genetic
life, and fossils exist of bacteria that lived 3.5 billion years ago when
temperatures were high and there was no oxygen on the earth. Some bacteria
can respire anaerobically by breaking down sulphur compounds; others use
——— single wall
Bacterium cell
hydrogen to reduce carbon dioxide. Salt-loving forms regulate the global salinity.
Subkingdom Archaea
Ancient bacteria that evolved under ferociously hot conditions.
• Methane producing bacteria, salt-loving bacteria and
sulphur bacteria.
Subkingdom Eubacteria
More recent very diverse group of bacteria.
Bacterium dividing
Fungi are the recyclers of the biosphere. They release enzymes and feed by
absorbing the digested plant and animal material. They feed saprophytically on
dead organic material or are parasites of living plants and animals. There are few
fungi in the sea and so the Kingdom Fungi, which includes mushrooms, moulds
and yeasts is not dealt with any further here.
C O A S TA L A N D M A R I N E L I F E : G E N E R A L : C L A S S I F I C A T I O N – P R O T O C T I S T A
Classification of Marine Species 3A
3 . K I N G D O M P R O T OC TI S TA
Marine examples
The Protoctista are micro-organisms and algae in which the cells have a nucleus with
a double layered membrane and at least two different chromosomes which house
the genetic material. Cells divide by mitosis. Most use oxygen to respire and contain
mitochondria. Many photosynthesise (make their own food using the sun’s energy),
but this process always occurs inside plastids. They evolved from symbioses
between two different kinds of bacteria, or three or more kinds in the case of algae.
Amoebae are single-celled organisms that move and feed by means of pseudopodia (flowing extensions of the body). May be naked or enclosed in a test. Many
form cysts as a resting stage.
Foramenifera are omnivorous marine organisms related to amoebae and enclosed
in a tiny shell riddled with pores. They are a valuable geological tool for mapping
the strata of rocks and the sea bed and are used to indicate petroleum deposits.
food vacuole
Radiolarians are radially symmetrical single-celled organisms with long slender projections of cytoplasm supported by spines. These projections retard sinking,
absorb nutrients and trap tiny food items for the animal.
Ciliates are covered with cilia and have two types of nuclei a giant macronucleus
and many tiny micronuclei. They engulf their prey in a food vacuole where it is
PHYLUM DINOMASTIGOTA: Dinoflagellates and Zooxanthellae
Dinoflagellates spin through the water driven by two flagella. Most have a shell with
a girdle separating the top and bottom halves. Some dinoflagellates are responsible
for toxic red tides. Zooxanthellae are photosynthetic, single-celled organisms, living
symbiotically with corals, sea anemones and other animals.
Diatoms are the most abundant aquatic organisms after bacteria. Diatoms are
enclosed in a beautifully sculpted shell (test), made up of two valves composed of
pectin, impregnated with silica. The two valves are held together by a girdle and
may be roughly circular pill-box shaped or boat-shaped. They photosynthesise and
have brown pigments (fucoxanthin). The food reserve they produce is the oil
chrysolamanarin. Diatoms have a sexual stage in the life cycle.
Brown algae are largest of the protoctists. Nearly all are marine and include the giant kelps, wracks and
sargassum. They have single-celled spores that can swim actively using hair-like flagella. Their life cycle
consists of a large multicellular, diploid, spore producing generation (the sporophyte) alternating with a small
sexually reproducing stage (the gametophyte) with male and female plants. They store carbohydrates in the
form of lamanarin (not starch) and are brown because they contain a unique brown pigment fucoxanthin in
addition to the green pigments chlorophyll a and c that absorb sunlight for photosynthesis.
Red algae are amongst the largest and most complex protoctists, with complicated life histories. They have
no motile stage although they form sperm that fertilise eggs. Red algae are distinguished by unique red and
blue pigments, phycocyanin and phycoerythrin, although they also contain green chlorophyll a. The food
reserve is floridean starch, which is different from the starch stored by higher plants. They are a source of
the gelling agent agar and are economically important as a food.
Green algae are algae with grass-green chloroplasts due to the presence of chlorophyll a and b and
carotenoids. They produce motile zoospores or gametes during their life-cycles. There are many marine
and fresh water species. Green algae are considered to be the ancestors
of the land plants which have the same pigments.
Red Alga
Red Alga
(Brown Alga)
Green Alga
Green Alga
C O A S TA L A N D M A R I N E L I F E : G E N E R A L : C L A S S I F I C A T I O N – P L A N T S
Classification of Marine Species 3A
The Kingdom Plantae contains multi-cellular organisms that can produce their own food using sunlight, a process known as
photosynthesis. Unlike animals, plants cannot move around freely. During their life-cycle they alternate between a haploid,
gamete-producing stage (the gametophyte) and a diploid spore-producing generation (the sporophyte). Most of them live
on land or in fresh water. Only a few flowering plants such as eel grass and mangrove trees are found in shallow salt water.
The Algae were formerly included in the Plant Kingdom but they now belong to the Kingdom Protoctista.
These are small plants in which the haploid gametophyte generation is dominant. They occur in
moist places or fresh water as they require a surface film of water for reproduction. The sperm
swim to reach the flask-shaped archegonia containing the eggs. After fertilisation of the egg, the
sporophyte develops on the female gametophyte.
Class Marchantiopsida:
Class Antherocerotopsida:
Class Bryopsida:
Liverworts – Gametophyte a
flattened thallus
Hornworts – Gametophyte a
flattened thallus, but the
sporophytes form a horn-shaped
capsule that splits
into two valves to release
the spores.
Mosses – Gametophytes are leafy
upright plants, the sporophyte consists of a capsule on a stalk.
These are plants in which the diploid sporophyte generation is dominant. They are differentiated into distinct leaves, stems
and roots with strengthening and transporting tissues.
The gametophytes are free-living and develop
to a moderate size. The sporophyte produces
spores that are dispersed by the wind.
Class Lycopodiopsida:
Class Equisetopsida:
Class Polypodiopsida:
Club mosses
Subphylum Coniferophytina (Gymnosperms, the Conifers)
Large trees, shrubs or plants in which the gametophytes are
reduced to cones bearing the pollen and ovules. These large
woody trees are abundant in the fossil record.
Class Gnetopsida:
Welwitschia – Specialised plants
with few large leaves
Class Pinopsida:
Class Ginkgoopsida:
Class Cycadopsida:
Pines, Yellowwoods
Ginkgo – with distinctive fan
shaped leaves
Cycads – Palm-like plants
bearing large cones
Subphylum Magnoliophytina (Angiosperms, the Flowering plants)
This large diverse group of plants is characterised by bearing flowers and producing
seeds. Many are pollinated by insects.
Class Magnoliopsida:
Class Liliopsida:
(Dicotyledons): roses, daisies,
mangroves etc.
(Monocotyledons): grasses, sedges,
lilies, orchids etc.
C O A S TA L A N D M A R I N E L I F E : G E N E R A L : C L A S S I F I C A T I O N – A N I M A L S
Classification of Marine Species 3A
The animal kingdom includes multicellular organisms that are able to move around, and survive by eating other animals
and plants. There may be 10 million species in the animal kingdom.
Some animals have a circular body plan (radial symmetry) and can move in any direction but are generally not very active
(e.g. Cnidaria (jelly fish) and Echinodermata (starfish and sea urchins)). Most other, more active animals, have a definite
front and back and have bilateral symmetry. The coiled gastropod snails are asymmetrical.
Coiled Snail
Sponges are simple sedentary animals without a mouth or any organs and consist of a
colony of cells loosely held together in a fibrous or glassy skeleton. (About 5 000 species)
Comb jellies are spherical, gelatinous planktonic animals with rows of hair-like cilia.
Cnidarians are simple, radially symmetrical, sac-like animals with only two cell layers, that possess
specialised cells with coiled stings (nematocysts). The mouth is the only opening to
the central cavity, which serves as the gut. (About 10 000 species)
Class Hydrozoa:
Class Scyphozoa:
Class C u b o z o a :
Hydroids, Fire corals,
Bell-shaped jellyfish
Box-shaped jellyfiah
Class Anthozoa:
Subclass Octocorallia:
Soft corals, Sea fans, Sea pens
Sea fan
Subclass Zoantharia:
Sea anemones, Zoanthids, Corals
PHYLUM PLATYHELMINTHES: Flat worms and parasitic tape worms and flukes
These are fllat unsegmented worms. Free living flatworms capture food using a proboscis and the gut is
a blind branching tube without an anus. (About 5 500 species)
These worms are long, thin, ribbon-like creatures that extend a proboscis to collect food. The gut is an
open tube ending in an anus. (About 10 000 species)
Ribbon worm
Round worms are very common, unsegmented cylindrical worms, many of which live among
sand and mud or parasitically in the guts of fishes and birds. (About 12 000 species)
Round worm
Peanut worms are tough unsegmented worms with a short bulbous body and an elongate front end,
the introvert, which can be forced out by muscular contraction or rolled back into the body.
Tentacles surround the mouth at the tip of the introvert.
Peanut worm
PHYLUM ANNELIDA: Segmented worms
Segmented worms include earthworms and leeches but
the most numerous marine worms are bristle worms,
in which each segment has lateral protuberances
bearing tufts of bristles. (About 12 000 species)
Scale worm
Class Polychaeta: Bristle-worms
Class Oligochaeta: Earthworms
Class Hirudinea: Leeches
Bristle worms
Tube worm
Class Polychaeta:
PHYLUM ARTHROPODA: Insects, spiders, crabs
Arthropods are animals with jointed limbs and a segmented body that is covered by a hard, jointed, external skeleton.
There are few marine insects and spiders. Crustaceans are by far the most numerous and diverse arthropod group in
the sea, (about 40 000 species). There are more than 1 million species of insect, mainly on land.
Class Pycnogonida:
Class Pycnogonida:
Class Arachnida:
Sea spider
Class Copepoda:
Class Cirripedia:
Class Malacostraca:
Plus other small classes not mentioned here)
Hermit crab
PHYLUM BRYOZOA: Moss or lace animals
Bryozoans are colonies of numerous, tiny individuals, each encased in a box-like skeleton. The colonies take on many different
forms including flat crusts, upright bushes and lacy corals. These animals are very common but often confused with other plants
and animals. (Over 4000 species)
Moss or lace animals
Lamp shells outwardly resemble clams but are totally different inside. They have two calcium carbonate plates
(valves) to their shells, one ventral below the body and the other dorsally above it. Most are attached by a
short stalk. Brachiopods dominated ancient seas but only a few species remain today.
Lamp shell
PHYLUM MOLLUSCA: Snails, clams, squid and their kin
All molluscs have an unsegmented body divided into a head, a foot and a lump of body
organs (the visceral mass). Most have a ribbon-like rasping tongue (a radula).
Nearly all secrete a calcium carbonate shell that covers the body. (About 40 000
species, over 8 000 species in southern Africa.)
Chitons, with 8 shell
Mussels, clams,
oysters, with two
lateral shells
Octopus, squid, with
suckered tentacles
around the head
Tusk shell
Tusk shells, with tusklike shells
Sea slug
Snails, limpets, seaslugs,
with coiled shells and
twisted bodies
PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA: Starfish and sea urc h i n s
These are animals with five-rayed symmetry, often star- or ball-shaped. All have spines or spicules in their skin.
(About 6000 species)
Class Asteriodea:
Class Crinoidea:
Class Ophiuroidea:
Brittle star
Class Echinoidea:
Sea urchin
Class Holothuroidea:
Sea cucumber
PHYLUM CHORDATA: Rod-backed animals including vertebrates
Chordates are advanced animals with a dorsal backbone and a nerve cord. The seasquirts are included with the
vertebrates because their tadpole larvae have a primitive back rod although it is lost in the adults. (About 44 000 species)
Compound ascidians
Class Ascidiacea:
Sea squirts
SUBPHYLUM VERT E B R ATA: Animals with backbones
Superclass Agnatha:
Superclass Pisces:
Hagfish, jawless fish
Class Chondrichthyes:
Class Teleostomi:
Sharks, rays, chimera, cartilaginous fish
Bony fish with scales
Superclass Tetrapoda: Animals with four limbs
Class Reptilia:
Turtles, snakes
Class Aves:
Class Mammalia:
Mammals such as
whales, seals, otters
and humans
Author: Margo Branch, April 2001
• Barnes, R. S. K. 1998. The Diversity of Living Organisms. Blackwell Science Ltd. Oxford.
• Branch, G. M. & Branch, M. L. 1981. The Living Shores of Southern Africa. Struik, Cape Town.
• Branch, G. M., Griffiths, C. L., Branch M. L & Beckley, L. E. 1994. Two Oceans: A guide to the marine life of southern Africa, David Philip, Claremont, Cape Town.
For more information, please contact: The Coastal Management Office, Marine and Coastal Management, Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Private Bag X2,
Roggebaai 8012, Cape Town, South Africa. Tel: +27 (0)21 402-3208 Fax: +27 (0)21 418-2582 e-mail: Website: