Biannual Environmental Newsletter of the City of Cape Town

Biannual Environmental Newsletter of the City of Cape Town
Published by the City of Cape Town Environmental Resource Management Department, in
partnership with City Transport, Spatial Development, Solid Waste, Town Planning and Parks.
Volume 2/08
December 2008
Putting policy
into practice
Local government has many excellent environmental policies and
strategies, but without a firm commitment to implementation,
these have little value – and sustainability is a mere pipe dream
… Hence the ‘new’ Integrated Metropolitan Environmental
Policy (IMEP), which instead of being a freestanding policy, will
be integrated with every City function.
ape Town has its own social,
economic and environmental
challenges, and sustainable
development in our unique context means
development that delivers environmental,
social and economic services to all in
a balanced manner, without threatening
the viability of the natural, built and
social systems upon which these
services depend.
This is why the Department of Environmental Resource Management (ERM)
has recommended a new City of Cape
Town environmental agenda, under which
all relevant and appropriate existing
policies and by-laws are to be amended
to incorporate environmental principles,
goals and issues. Core elements of the
environmental agenda are also to be
incorporated into the City’s Five-Year Plan
(IDP), City scorecards, key performance
indicators and annual budgets.
ERM has also recommended that
See page 32
the city use financial incentives and
disincentives to drive environmental
behaviour change, and make sure that those
who deplete resources pay for doing so.
1–2 Putting policy into practice
2 Message from Councillor
Marian Nieuwoudt
Cape Town in the long term
3 Message from Piet van Zyl
Message from Osman
We can talk about sustainability, write
about sustainability and even believe that
we set an example of sustainability, but
researchers note that unless the metro
includes the following in its long-term
development strategy, our city will never
actually be sustainable …
• Clearly defined development parameters
• Focus on city densification as opposed
to urban sprawl
• Priority attention to transport and
• A radical shift away from ‘business as
• Protect and manage ecologically healthy
and functional open spaces
4–5 News and staff
6–7 Local Action for
Biodiversity (LAB)
8 Urban spatial planning
9 Environmental
Management Systems
10–11 Transport
12 Solid waste
13 Air quality
14–19 Environmental education
20 Event greening
21 Sustainable livelihoods
22–25 Biodiversity
26–27 City greening
28–30 Energy and climate change
Cape Town’s natural heritage is more likely to be preserved, thanks to the
City’s new environmental agenda, which ensures that all policies and by-laws
incorporate environmental principles, goals and issues.
31 What’s new on our website
32 New publications
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
Always keeping IMEP in mind
• Integrate the Biodiversity Network with long-term City
development plans
• Provide quality open spaces and build communities
• Focus on corridors and connectivity
Instead of IMEP being a free-standing and independent environmental
policy, every City policy, proposal or report will now need to comply with
IMEP principles. Every report tabled to Council or relevant portfolio committees will carry an IMEP compliance table (shown below).
Does your report result in any of the following (tick if yes):
Loss of or negative impact on natural space and/or natural
vegetation, rivers, vleis or wetlands?
Loss of or negative impact on the city’s heritage, cultural and
scenic resources?
An increase in waste production or concentration, pollution or
water usage?
Development or any construction within 500 m of the coastline?
Does your activity comply with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA)?
Does your report complement and support the City’s approved IMEP strategies (tick if yes)?
Biodiversity Strategy and Biodiversity
Coastal Zone Management Strategy
Energy and Climate Change Strategy
Environmental Education and Training
Heritage Management Strategy
Air Quality Management Plan
Integrated Waste Management Strategy
Invasive Species Strategy
Do the activities/actions arising from your report:
Enhance Cape Town’s unique environmental assets?
Negatively impact on Cape Town’s unique environmental assets?
uring these past few months, Cape Town has stepped up its focus on building a greener city.
Not only greener in terms of renewable energy and energy efficiency (see page 28), but also
greener in the more ‘traditional’ sense – trees!
As part of Arbor Month, we have planted more than 700 trees, and by the time the Soccer World Cup
kicks off, we will have planted at least 2010 trees.
Greening is not simply about making our city and our communities look better for beauty’s sake. A city
filled with indigenous trees absorbs more greenhouse gases, encourages us to feel pride in our unique biodiversity, provides better public open spaces and therefore better neighbourhoods and communities, and offers an outlet for recreation and relaxation
– creating the kind of city we all want to live in.
Of course renewable energy and energy efficiency are also particularly important, which is why as a City we’re proud of our
Smart Living guide (see page 19). We have updated this handbook during the last few months, and look forward to seeing more
residents and visitors live the ‘smart’ way as we build a sustainable future together.
With best wishes
Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt
Mayoral Committee Member: Planning and Environment
Message from PIET VAN ZYL
ur directorate, together with the rest of the City, is particularly proud that Cape Town was recently
named as a ‘2020 Global Sustainability Center’ by the Ethisphere Institute. The Ethisphere Institute,
based in New York City, recognises the cities that plan for sustainable growth of their population and
economy, while considering the environment and future generations. Hundreds of cities were considered, and
this is a tremendous honour for Cape Town.
Global Sustainability Centres are large, international cities that have demonstrated a strong, dedicated commitment to long-term sustainability without sacrificing economic potential and quality of life.
The other top ten cities are Toronto, Hyderabad, Singapore, Abu Dhabi, New York, London, Frankfurt,
Curtiba and Melbourne.
The Ethisphere Institute, which is dedicated to the research and promotion of profitable best practices in
governance, business ethics, compliance and corporate social responsibility, says the cities were chosen because they are large, cosmopolitan and economically significant centres that are preparing for the future, today.
To determine which cities qualified, the Institute considered several factors including economies and populations – qualifying cities had
to have a population over 600 000. Cultural activities, universities and international acclaim were also taken into account to make sure
the global sustainable centres were relevant and significant around the world.
They also needed a plan in place to shift to an environmentally sustainable path so that by 2020 they will be sustainability role models.
Cape Town has received acclaim for its energy plan to help meet the growing energy needs of the city. This includes aiming to have
10% of homes using solar power by 2020, as well as to have 10% of the city’s energy consumption coming from renewable sources in
the same timeframe. Among Cape Town’s strengths is it being a top tourist destination in the world.
We would like to thank everyone in Cape Town, whether or not you work for the City of Cape Town, for your contribution to making
our city a place to be proud of.
Piet van Zyl
Executive Director: Strategy & Planning
Message from Osman Asmal
ince the last edition of Enviroworks (May 2008), the Integrated Metropolitan Environmental Policy (IMEP) Review has been approved by Council. The Policy forms the foundation for an environmental management strategy for the City of Cape Town and was originally adopted in 2001, with the review approved in June this year.
In line with Council’s commitment to IMEP, the Environmental Resource Management Department has initiated
working discussions with a number of City departments including Housing, Specialised Technical Services, Com­
munity Services and Finance. Interviews with various departments have indicated that in the past issues of the
environment have been poorly integrated into other Departments work. The review of IMEP will ensure that there
is a more holistic approach where environmental considerations are integral to City policies across all departments.
Together with the Finance Directorate a process plan is being formalised that will define the greening of the City’s procurement process.
In partnership with the Specialised Technical Services Department, and the Health, Finance and Transport Directorates, the City has made its
first major impact in terms of ‘greening’ the procurement process. The City’s tender for large vehicles was amended to include various environmental efficiency specifications that would result in better performing vehicles from a financial, as well as environmental perspective.
A motivation is currently being prepared for the greening of the offices at 44 Wale Street, the head office of the Environmental Resource
Management Department. The creation of an environmentally efficient office through retrofitting and refurbishing will be in line with the commitments made by the City through the IMEP Review, such as the City’s commitment to reduce its own resource consumption and improve
resource efficiencies by at least 30% within a 24 month period. The City also releases its draft Green Building Guidelines during this quarter.
The City continues to build on work initiated around greening of the City’s office buildings and facilities and looks forward to being a
leading stakeholder through its actions.
Best regards
Osman Asmal
Director: Environmental Resource Management
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
news and staff
• Nature Reserve Management
• Biodiversity Strategy Co-ordination
• Monitoring & Evaluation
• Protected Area Status
• Alien Invasive Species Co-ordination
Tel 021 511 2041 or e-mail
• Environmental Impact Assessments
• Heritage Resource Management
• Local Heritage Improvement Projects
• Outdoor Advertising and Signage Control
• Environmental Monitoring of EIA and HIA Conditions and Outdoor
Tel 021 400 3620 or e-mail
What are ERM’s
Nine staff members have embarked on an Environmental Education (EE) Learnership, where they will learn to implement environmental learning programmes in their individual work contexts.
Each of these staff members have changed careers, from a
technical field to an environmental education field, and will
benefit from the programme that enables them to make a meaningful contribution to environmental change through education.
The EE Learnership, taught by WESSA (Wildlife and Environment
Society of South Africa), is equivalent to a first-year university course.
BELOW: Front, left to right: Lewine Walters, Esmay Swarts,
Paul Arends, Velile Dingaan, Haricharan Ramblass, Gaynor
Daniels, Sally Hey, Patrick Dowling; Back, left to right:
Lindie Buirski, Joint Xingashe, Mlindazwe Gxakuma,
Jerome September, Sandra Hustwick, Alexander Forbes.
• Environmental Review Coordination
• Heritage Resource Management
• Environmental Management Systems & Audit Protocol
• Environmental Law, Monitoring & Enforcement
Tel 021 487 2283 or e-mail
• Environmental Policy & Strategy
• Environmental Performance & Information
• Strategic Co-ordination (Poverty Alleviation & Extended Public
Works Programme)
• Project & Partnership Development
• Coastal Co-ordination & Coastal Zone Management
• Strategy Development & Coordination
Tel 021 487 2239 or e-mail
• Environmental Education
• Training
• Communication & Advocacy • Sustainable Livelihoods
• Public Awareness
• Greening
Major Programmes and Projects
• Table Mountain National Park Liaison/Partnership
• 2010 World Cup: Environmental Workstream/Green Goal
• ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) Liaison/Partnership
• Local Action for Biodiversity
Tel 021 487 2236 or e-mail
• Energy & Climate Change • Clean Development Mechanism
• Renewable Energy Projects
• Cleaner Production & Sustainable Procurement
Tel 021 487 2319
Cape Town to get
even more beautiful
When Cape Town looks significantly more elegant in 2010,
it’ll be partly due to the work of intern Abigail Joustra, with
Lorraine Gerrans of Green Goal 2010 (see page 18).
Joustra was involved with the 2010 Green Goal Mouille Point
Student Landscape Design Competition (held in January),
where landscape design and architecture students from the
University of Cape Town and the Cape Peninsula University
of Technology produced conceptual designs to landscape and
furnish the Mouille Point Promenade and beachfront area.
Joustra collected competition entries and organised the
judging and awards ceremony.
The winning designs will be sent to the appointed consultants on the Mouille Point Promenade upgrade project, for
incorporation into the final design.
A new 2010 project, in which Joustra was also involved, is
the beautification and decoration of Cape Town. “We are
compiling a discussion document on the beautification and
decoration of the city for the 2010 events, and aim to identify
key areas and issues that need to be addressed,” says Joustra. “This includes both infrastructure upgrades, tree planting
and identifying ways to decorate the city with banners and
other displays during the event.”
interns up to this year?
Chances for bikes in Cape Town
living’ goes
Although it’s true that ‘smart
living’ starts at home, it
continues at work.
Gail Jennings
hat can we do to get more bicycle
traffic in Cape Town? Why is so
little being done to promote bikes
as transport – and what is the best ‘first step’
to get more commuters onto bikes?
These are some of the questions occupying the minds of ERM interns Martin Krings
and Abigail Joustra.
Krings, who is from Germany, arrived in
Cape Town to see road congestion, air pollution, lack of access by the urban poor and
energy shortages … and wondered why one
of the obvious solutions, bicycles, was being
given little attention.
“The need for more extensive bike use in
Cape Town is obvious, but bikes are a rare picture in the city,” he says.
“The idea of our study is therefore to assess the overall chances and obstacles for
bicycle traffic as one of the elements of public transport in Cape Town,” he adds.
Together with Joustra he is undertaking a qualitative assessment of relevant stakeholders’ experiences, attitudes toward, and opinions about biking in Cape Town, and will
use this research as a foundation for a pilot project.
Is Cape Town ready for a bike rental system such as the Paris Velib (above), which
put 20 000 bikes onto the streets almost overnight.
Growing an energy efficiency network
What are the chances of an energy efficiency learning network working in Cape Town?
When intern Martin Krings is not planning to get more bikes on the road, he’s
thinking about other ways in which to reduce Cape Town’s carbon footprint …
Energy Efficiency Networks have been successful in Europe – where 15 to 20
businesses meet regularly to share ways in which to reduce their carbon emissions.
A local pilot project, which is gaining support from the City’s Electricity Department,
would include the top 20 energy consumers in Cape Town and will give the energy
efficiency network the spark it needs.
ore than 400 staff members at
businesses around Cape Town
have participated in ‘smart living’
training workshops, which aim to encourage corporates to conserve resources both
at home and at work.
Participating businesses were the Spur,
Fairfield Tours, the Vineyard Hotel and the
Handy Man. Each group received a copy of
the SMART Living Handbook and attended
workshops on changing environmental
behaviour patterns.
The City also assisted the participating
businesses to develop or review their environmental policies and establish environmental committees or forums.
For more information, e-mail
Grace Stead on
How much paper do you use each week?
Samornay Alkaster and Alicia Ndlovu are two interns working closely with Gregg
Oelofse (Environmental Policy and Strategy) to conduct a resource survey within
the City.
The survey will eventually include water and electricity, but right now the team is
investigating how much paper City employees use, and what for …
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
local action for biodiversity
Cape Town pioneers next phase of
international biodiversity project
ICLEI invites local governments to join LAB
Under the auspices of ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability),
21 pioneer local governments from around the world – including Cape Town – have been participating in the urban biodiversity
project Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB).
As the three-year pioneering phase of LAB draws to a close,
ICLEI and IUCN (the International Union for Conservation of Nature)
are now initiating a new phase in which many more local governments will benefit from cooperation, exchange, knowledge transfer,
the availability of guiding and training material, relations with the
scientific community and targeted advocacy efforts. Cities globally
are now invited to join a new LAB project starting in March 2009.
LAB was pioneered in 2006 with the aim of improving
Cape Town
commits to Global
Biodiversity Practise
OPPOSITE: LAB’s 21 pioneering
local governments from all corners
of the globe.
biodiversity management at local
government level. LAB is an ICLEI
initiative in partnership with the IUCN,
Countdown 2010, the South African
National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
and RomaNatura.
South Africa is regarded as a
biodiversity hotspot and a world leader
in planning and managing biodiversity.
Cape Town has been host to the ICLEI
Africa Secretariat, the LAB project’s
operational centre since its inception
in 2006.
Says Stephen Granger, Chair of the
LAB Steering Committee and Manager
of Major Programmes and Projects
(ERM): “LAB will raise the profile of
biodiversity in cities by launching five
new biodiversity projects in each of
the 21 LAB cities by June 2009. This
amounts to 100 new biodiversity
projects in urban areas around the
world – a substantial benefit to the
planet’s resources.”
LAB’s goals include facilitating the
sharing of lessons (challenges, successes, views, experiences) between
local governments from around the
world with the aim of improving
biodiversity management; and raising the profile of biodiversity, both
within local governments (for example
by helping to make various departments and councillors aware of its
importance) and of local government
(for example by showcasing a local
government through its achievements
in biodiversity management).
LEFT: Elisa Calcaterra
(IUCN Countdown 2010)
with Deputy Mayor
Grant Haskins and
Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt
from Cape Town after
they signed the
Countdown 2010
n September, the second international
LAB Workshop in Durban saw the signing
ceremony for the Durban Commitment, a
groundbreaking international commitment
that forms part of the LAB project process
and which was developed and founded by
the 21 pioneers themselves.
The Durban Commitment is a commitment and model by local government, for
local government and the communities they
serve, to protect and enhance biodiversity at
the local level.
It recognises that biodiversity is the
variety of life on earth on which human
wellbeing is dependent, and that it provides
ecosystem services that underpin all of our
communities’ needs.
In addition, the signatories will entrench
their commitment to global biodiversity by
becoming a formal partner of Countdown
2010 and signing its declaration.
The following are the five steps in the
LAB project process, which participant cities
ASSESS: Prepare a Biodiversity Report to assess the state of biodiversity in the city
COMMIT: High-level political commitment to biodiversity targets
COMMIT: Political commitment to
PLAN: Prepare a Local Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP)
indicating priorities over 10 years
DO: Implementation of five new
biodiversity interventions within
the city
For more information, contact Kate Berrisford, Local Action for Biodiversity, ICLEI Africa Secretariat, on 021 487 2070, e-mail or visit
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
urban spatial planning
Dense cities = better neighbourhoods
The City is preparing a densification strategy that aims to protect our valuable natural resources and
biodiversity, as well as create a city that’s safer, has improved public transport, and offers more
housing choices for different income groups and lifestyles.
e all want a city that’s efficient, safe and sustainable,
and that offers high-quality public spaces and access to
good public transport, services and recreation.
And this is only possible in a city that’s dense and compact.
Cape Town, at the moment, is quite the opposite – it has undergone fast and continuous low-density development, better known
as urban sprawl.
Urban sprawl is a threat to the long-term sustainability of Cape
Town. As a city grows outwards, good agricultural land is destroyed,
along with valuable biodiversity, natural areas and scenic views.
A sprawling city also means long travel distances to work as
well as places of education, recreation or other services. Public
transport is not viable in spread-out cities, as the population densities are too low and there are not enough potential passengers;
however, because spread-out cities rely on private vehicles, there’s
always traffic congestion and poor air quality.
Cities like Cape Town, where a large proportion of the city is designed on a ‘one plot, one house’ model, don’t offer many choices
of housing types and living environment.
Low-density cities seldom have a vibrant sense of neighbourhood and community; they’re also less safe.
And on top of it all, low-density cities are more expensive and
inefficient when it comes to delivering services and providing infrastructure; they waste resources and limit access to opportunities
and facilities.
What is densification?
Densification simply means making more efficient use of our limited
urban space – in other words, finding space for more people to live and
work in Cape Town. We can do this by sub-division and consolidation,
and by building townhouses, second dwellings (‘granny flats’) or second
storeys, semi-detached houses, double-storeys, low-rise apartments and
where appropriate, higher-rise flats (see above).
Why do we need to densify?
• Density helps make better neighbourhoods.
• Density offers more housing choices and accommodates
different kinds of lifestyles.
• Density makes better use of the City’s limited resources and cuts
infrastructure costs.
• Density helps protect the environment. By concentrating people in
the urban environment, natural spaces and habitats are conserved.
• Density makes neighbourhoods more safe, as there are more ‘eyes
and ears’ on the streets; criminals prefer quiet, desolate places.
• Density supports more transport options, because there are
enough people to make public transport viable.
• Density offers a better lifestyle for people who can’t drive, such
as elderly, very young or disabled people.
• Density builds communities, with better access to schools, work,
parks and services.
For more information, contact Norah Walker on e-mail or visit
environmental management systems
To comply … or not to comply
Both compliance and non-compliance with environmental legislation has its risks, whether its
resource loss or development delays. The City’s new Environmental Management Systems and
Audit Unit is set to manage these risks.
he environment of the Western Cape
is probably its greatest economic and
social asset, and this places a special responsibility on local government to preserve it.
From economic development to tourism, conferencing to quality open spaces,
the natural environment is what makes the
city the special place it is.
And of course, the City’s mandate is also
to provide services and infrastructure on a significant scale to the citizens of Cape Town.
One of the strategic goals of Cape Town
is to be a sustainable city. This shows a
commitment to ensure that developments
meet the needs of the present generation
without compromising those of the future
generation – which is why the City must
always act or conduct its business in a way
that complies with environmental legislation
(e.g. our Bill of Rights as well as the National
Environmental Management Act (NEMA)
and local by-laws).
Non-compliance with environmental
legislation, procedures and guidelines can
result in significant impacts and liabilities,
with associated penalties. Yet, compliance
can result in delays and other impacts,
particularly where complex decisions are
required, objections are received from
affected communities, or in cases where insufficient skills and resources are available.
Ultimately, these risks and impacts can
be managed by the establishment of an
Environmental Management System (EMS).
The EMS provides the core structure by
which the industry and/or environment
interaction is managed, and enables organisations to come to grips with the environmental obligations in a structured manner.
In order to achieve this, the City has
created the position of Head: Environmental
Management Systems and Audit. Funding
from National Treasury has been obtained
for the development of a broader Environmental Compliance Strategy, and includes
funding for the training of City staff in
relevant aspects of environmental legislation
and compliance, including environmental
auditing and Environmental Management
Systems (EMS). The City has also appointed
the service provider for the preparation of an
Aspects and Impacts Register.
ERM is implementing a number of
strategic environmental projects in order to
improve the City’s compliance and ensure
the sustainability of service delivery. These
include the development of an Aspects and
Impacts Register for Utilities Departments
(Electricity Services; Solid Waste Services
and Water and Sanitation as a start), and
the appointment of a service provider to
assist in the formulation of an Environmental Compliance Strategy for capital
programmes and project planning.
The City has also identified a shortage of EMS and audit skills among its own
staff, and is providing training to Water and
Sanitation, Solid Waste, Electricity and ERM
staff. This will form an important milestone
in the development of the City’s Environmental Compliance Strategy.
BELOW: Our built and natural
environments are the city’s greatest
assets, and it is local government’s
duty to care for them.
For more information, contact Linda Ndlela, Head: Environmental Management Systems and Audit, on
021 487 2840, or e-mail
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
Cape Town to implement
Integrated Rapid Transit System
n August 2008, the City of Cape Town
approved the initial phase of an ambitious integrated rapid transit system that
will change the face of public transport.
The decision was prompted by the
recognition that the current fragmented
and unplanned public transport services are
unsustainable – creating daily hardship for
thousands of residents, especially poorer
communities living far from the centre of
economic activity, and hampering economic
growth and development.
As a host city for the 2010 FIFA
World CupTM, Cape Town has contractual
obligations to meet in terms of transport.
Funding made available to cities for this
event will be used to fund the initial phase
of the system to ensure a lasting legacy
for Cape Town commuters from the major
investment in infrastructure ahead of the
World Cup.
The initial phase of the transport system
includes a service between the Cape Town
CBD and the airport, throughout the inner
city and surrounding areas, and through
to the Green Point Stadium precinct, with
an extension up the Atlantis Corridor to include the communities of Mamre, Atlantis,
Doornbach and Du Noon.
This will be expanded in the full Phase
1 to include Century City and Montagu
Gardens and four more links from the
airport to areas such as Bellville, Strand, the
southern suburbs and Table View
via Century City.
After building on the requirements for
2010, the priority will be to link the densely
populated Metro Southeast, which includes
Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha, to destinations across the Peninsula.
Within a period of 10 to 12 years, the
City’s vision is to establish an integrated
rapid transit network across the city that
will place over 75% of the population
within 500 m of a high-quality public
transport system.
Why the need for change?
In Cape Town a large percentage of the
population relies on public transport. While
rail is the backbone of commuter transport
in the Peninsula, many thousands also
travel by bus and minibus taxi.
The disadvantages of the current public
transport services are:
• They are concentrated in the morning
and afternoon peak hours, with limited
services during the day or late in the
• There are no scheduled services and
there is no integrated ticketing system
between the various modes.
• There are major safety issues, with
especially women and children feeling vulnerable when they use public
• Regulation and law enforcement are
• There is no integrated planning of
public transport services.
Part of this transformation process is to draw
lessons from successful examples in countries
ABOVE: Unlike the current bus system,
the rapid transit vehicles will be articulated, and operate in dedicated lanes.
in South America and Asia, and increasingly in
North America and Europe, for Bus Rapid
Transit Systems. Cape Town is one of four South
African cities implementing these road-based
systems that prioritise public over private
vehicles and offer commuters a fast, modern,
comfortable, safe and affordable way to
move around the city.
Finally, growing congestion on roads and
concerns around air quality and long-term
sustainability mean that change is inevitable
if our cities are to meet the needs of residents
in the coming decades.
What is Bus Rapid Transit?
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a high-quality
bus-based transit system that delivers fast,
comfortable and cost-effective urban mobility
with segregated right-of-way infrastructure,
rapid and frequent operations, and excellence
in marketing and customer service.
BRT has virtually all the performance and
comfort of a modern rail-based transit system,
but at a fraction of the cost – typically four to
20 times less than a tram or light rail transit system and ten to 100 times less than a rail system.
The BRT was successfully implemented in
Latin American cities, such as Curitiba, Bogotá
and Sao Paulo, and now there are similar systems in Brisbane, Los Angeles, Ottawa, Rouen,
Beijing, Delhi, Jakarta, Nagoya and Taipei.
The most defining feature of BRT is its focus
on customer service. Dedicated median busways
provide customers with dramatically reduced
travel times. Because the vehicles move quickly
in peak hour, more people are encouraged to
switch from private car-use to public transport,
which makes the whole system far more viable.
The dedicated lanes also reduce operating
costs so that fares are quite affordable. Special
attention is also given to safety and security
through the presence of security personnel
and the use of closed-circuit television (CCTV)
Bike-commuter lanes
proposed alongside
BRT route
he City of Cape Town is to build a route between Cape Town Station and
Milnerton that is dedicated to public transport as well as bicycles.
The proposed route forms part of the City’s vision for improving the travel
times and safety of public transport passengers and cyclists, especially on heavily
congested routes.
It is expected that this will save 10 to 15 minutes travel time during peak periods
for public transport passengers, and will provide cyclists with a safe route.
The proposed public transport route (busway) and bicycle way will run between
Cape Town railway station and the R27/Milner Road intersection in Paarden Eiland.
The location of the bus way and cycle way together with landscaping in the disused rail siding through Paarden Eiland will also result in an attractive environmental
improvement of this area.
The City is also planning to construct cycle lanes on Koeberg Road and the R27
as far as Blaauwberg Road and beyond. It is estimated that 5 000 public transport
passengers per hour in the peak direction would immediately benefit from these
improvements during peak periods, and it is hoped that the demand for public
transport, rather than for private car travel, will increase in future.
RIGHT: In early 2008, consultants,
including highly respected international experts with experience
in delivering BRT systems, were
contracted to develop the operational and business plans for the
Cape Town system.
Two of these experts were
Enrique Peñalosa (left), economist and former Mayor of Bogotá, Colombia; and Oscar
Edmundo Diaz (back), Institute
for Transport Development
Policy pictured here with Gail
Jennings (right), Enviroworks.
While mayor, Peñalosa promoted a city model giving priority
to children and public spaces
and restricting private car use,
building hundreds of kilometres
of pavements, bicycle paths,
pedestrian streets, greenways
and parks.
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
solid waste
Turn your waste into worth
In Cape Town, there’s no such thing as waste. For almost any item
you throw away, there’s someone else waiting to use it. And now
all you need to do is to register on
and find out who wants what.
he City of Cape Town has launched a new, free online system for waste generators
and waste users to exchange waste.
IWEX (Integrated Waste Exchange) is available to businesses, individuals, institutions, schools, NGOs or community groups – anyone and everyone, in fact.
Operating on the principle that ‘one person’s garbage is another person’s gold’, IWEX
facilitates the re-use of waste, thereby conserving energy, minimising resource use and
reducing the pressure on landfill space.
More than 80% of the waste we currently generate in Cape Town goes to landfill, so its
potential economic value can never be realised. From July 2006 to June 2007, Cape Town
disposed of 2,8 million tons of waste, and this figure is increasing by more than 6% per
The City of Cape Town has only three landfill sites still in operation – Vissershok, Coastal
Park and Bellville South. These are filling up fast, with two of them having only enough
space for another ten years or less.
A new regional landfill site is planned for the City of Cape Town, but this will be situated over 40 km further away than the current sites, considerably increasing the costs to
dispose of the waste. In addition, when we send waste to landfill, we can end up contaminating groundwater and the natural environment.
IWEX is an efficient, cost-effective way to avoid these environmental impacts and
increased costs by conserving energy, minimising resource use and reducing the need for
landfill space.
Metal sludges
Motor oils/greases
Builder’s rubble
Oils and waxes – food and other
Compostable wastes
Pharmaceutical wastes
Plastics/composite packaging
Computers/electronics (e-waste)
(e.g. Tetrapak)
Fluorescent tubes/CFLs
White goods (e.g. stoves, fridges, etc.)
Industrial/other equipment
Why use IWEX?
• IWEX can turn your fixed costs
for waste storage, transport
and disposal, into savings.
• IWEX can give your company a
competitive edge in the
sustainable use of resources.
• IWEX can unlock a market for
your unwanted materials.
• IWEX can uncover a supplier
of materials who offers the
perfect input material for your
business, at a competitive price,
lowering raw material or input
• IWEX can improve your company’s environmental and social
responsibility image.
The IWEX Catalogue
Once you have logged onto the IWEX site, you’ll be able
to click on a specific type of wanted material to see if
someone wants the specific material you have to offer.
Once you have found the customer for your specific
material in the catalogue, you’ll be able to get the contact details of the customer.
In the table on the left are examples of the types of
‘waste’ available for exchange. All you need to do is to
register, and ‘advertise’ your unwanted ‘waste’ or list
the waste materials you would like to obtain. The waste
is then posted onto the IWEX Catalogue, which is
updated daily. Available waste must be based in Cape
Town, although waste collectors may be from any
part of the country.
For more information on IWEX, contact Dorah Mulidzi on 021 400 4529 or e-mail
air quality
Air pollution feels the sting
in Cape Town
Residents can breathe more easily since the
addition of seven new ‘Green Scorpions’ to the
City Health team.
ix members of the City’s Specialised Health Services (Air
Quality) and one member of the Noise Control Unit attended
a three-week Environmental Management Inspectorate (EMI)
certificate course at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology
recently. The course was presented by various lecturers under the
auspices of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.
The EMI is a network of environmental enforcement officials sourced from different government departments (national,
provincial or municipal). The inspectorate, known as the ‘Green
Scorpions’, was created in terms of the National Environmental
Management Act, No 107 of 1998 (NEMA).
EMIs must monitor compliance with and enforce the specific
environmental legislation they have been mandated to enforce in
their designations by the Minister or relevant provincial Member of
the Executive Council (MEC). The EMIs will be able to perform their
duties once they have been appointed by the MEC, which is likely
to be in mid 2009.
“We as municipal officials will have to be appointed by the MEC
and not by the Minister of Environmental Affairs,” says Dave Arnott
of the City’s Air Quality Unit. “Should we be successful in obtaining
the certificate, we will be empowered to enforce any authorisation
issued under the mandated legislation, including permits, licences
(listed activities) and EIA authorisations (records of decision pertaining to air quality).”
The ‘Green Scorpions’ have a range of powers that may be
used in routine inspections (such as entering premises to ascertain
things YOU can do
to improve air quality
Reduce, re-use, recycle
Buy local produce
Walk, cycle or take public transport
Be energy efficient
Keep your car in good working order
“Good morning Cape Town! You’re listening to Good
Hope FM …
“It is time to rise and shine. It’s cold outside, and the
brown haze hasn’t budged at all! That’s 24 consecutive
days of smog. At this rate we will break last year’s record
– 167 days with pollution exceeding internationally
accepted levels …”
City Health’s Air Quality Management Unit has produced
a DVD for high schools, businesses and anyone who’s
interested, about the causes of poor air quality in Cape
Town, what the City is doing about it, and how we can
all help …
The DVD is narrated by DJ Suga from Good Hope FM,
Ravi Pillay, Manager: Air Quality, Specialised Health
Services, and Cllr James Vos.
compliance, and siezing of evidence), investigation (inspection
and/or removal of articles or substances), and enforcement (search
and seizure of premises, containers, vessels and vehicles).
“With the establishment of the EMI, we as environmental
enforcement officials will for the first time be part of a national
network sharing intelligence and experience, and will have standardised training and procedures,” says Arnott.
“Being part of the national EMI network, we will break through
the traditional barriers of separation between various levels of government and government institutions, as we are charged with the
protection of different aspects of the environment.
“This may include involvement and interaction with park rangers; air quality officers; and marine, coastal enforcement, pollution
and waste enforcement officials.
For more information, contact Niel Rossouw on 021 590 1419 or e-mail
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
environmental education
YES Programme celebrates
10th anniversary on
World Environment Day
he hugely successful Youth Environmental School (YES) Programme,
which started in 1999 with 2 000
learners, has increased its reach to more
than 60 000 learners in the decade since
its inception.
And if there’s any doubt about its
extraordinary success, simply page through
this issue of Enviroworks to learn more
about its programmes and projects.
The 10th anniversary celebration was
held at the River Club in Observatory,
where the very first YES programme was
hosted as part of the Cape Metropolitan
Festival of the Environment in 1999.
YES is an ongoing, extensive, integrated youth capacity-building programme,
achieving the goals of environmental
education and awareness through a variety
of projects, activities, resources and opportunities. YES is open to all schools (learners
and educators) in Cape Town.
YES has traditionally been a weeklong event held at a central venue during
World Environment Week in June, but in
late 2007 it expanded to a year-long programme that takes place across the whole
The YES team from ERM works with
a wide range of partners (more than
130 organisations) to present interactive,
curriculum-based lessons and activities
to learners.
YES focuses on all aspects of sustainable development by linking themes to
major commemorative days and weeks.
Key themes are wetlands, air quality, water
and sanitation, waste, GIS, biodiversity, energy and climate change, heritage, tourism,
marine and coastal management, sustainable transport, and HIV and Aids.
ABOVE: Representatives from various organisations recognised for their outstanding contribution to environmental education were (back, from left) Weston
Barwise, Debra Michaels, Ally Ashwell, Lucille Boonzaaier, Rene Simpson, Daphne
Kayster, Irene Toerien, Pakama Matotie, Lindie Buirski, (front, from left) Brian
Foster, Thembi Nomkala, Dawn Glover, Andreas Groenewald, Anton Fortuin, Nikki
Hoal and Andrea Gordon.
RIGHT: Lindie Buirski (centre) was presented with an award for her inspiration and
dedication to the YES Programme since its inception. With her are Daphne Kayster
(Metrorail) and Esmay Swart (YES team).
For more information about the YES Programme, contact Lindie Buirski, Head: Environmental Capacity Building,
Training & Education Unit, on 021 487 2839 or e-mail
Cape Town youth take
charge of their future
At the City’s third Youth Conference on Sustainable Development
in August, learners from secondary schools in Cape Town made
recommendations on the power of choice and how to start living smartly.
he conference, with the theme of ‘Smart Living’, focused not
on the negative impact of our lifestyles, but instead promoted
positive actions that support sustainable living.
The schools presented solution-oriented projects based on the
Smart Living themes of water, energy, waste and biodiversity, using
posters and or presentations.
Opening the conference, Cllr Grant Haskin, Deputy Mayor of
the City of Cape Town, said he hoped schools would “use the
conference as a platform to share their ideas and initiatives, address
their concerns, and take responsibility for their lifestyles, so that
there is a future for the generation that will follow”.
Some of these ideas and initiatives included Bishops’ plan to
set up a car-pool system for parents; using a GPS to map routes;
and the use of solar laptop chargers. Already the four kitchens
The modern Ms Cape Town’s a saver
She makes sure that nothing is lost
She gets off her arse,
Saves all paper and glass
And turns kitchen waste into compost!
Mondale High School:
`Becoming a recycling home’
at the school have been centralised to form one more efficient
kitchen, and the swimming pool is solar heated. The learners
have also reduced their use of paper through an online syllabus
and electronic work.
Macassar High School learners are concerned about the sandmining activities in their neighbourhood, which contribute to loss
of biodiversity. There is no rehabilitation, no monitoring, and illegal
selling of topsoil, the learners say, so they have implemented and
monitored a rehabilitation project at the Mac Sand Mining site. In
particular, they are monitoring the indicator species of Pelargoniums
(wilde malva), Helicharysum (kooigoed), Chrysanthemoides monilifera (bitou), Carpo Brotus Spp (sour fig), Condropelatium tectorum
(thatching reed/restio/dektriet), and P. rigida (gonnabos).
Mondale High School conducted a waste audit among 120
households in Portland, Mitchells Plain, with an excellent response
from 85 households. They have subsequently raised awareness
about the recycling of organic household waste through composting, worm gardens and organic vegetable gardening – and came up
with the ‘inspiring’ limerick above. Read it and you’ll never forget
to recycle again.
The Youth Conference is part of the City’s commitment to the
United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
(2005-2014) and falls under the banner of the City’s YES Programme.
Six projects were presented
at the conference:
Bishops Diocesan College: Going for Green – energy
consumption at Bishops
Somerset College: Rehabilitation of the school dam and river
Mondale High School (pictured right): ‘Becoming a
recycling home’
Macassar High School: Loss of Biodiversity in the
Macassar Sand Dunes as a result of sand mining
Bishops Diocesan College: What a Waste – a recycling journey
Mpetha High School (pictured above): Oscar Mpetha
Energy Murals
ABOVE: Maarten de Wit from UCT handing the African Corridors Game to Monique Peterson, Joretha Houlies, Navelle
Abrahams and Garreth le Roux from Mondale High School
and Lindie Buirski from the City of Cape Town.
For more information, contact Lindie Buirski, Head: Environmental Capacity Building, Training & Education Unit,
on 021 487 2839 or e-mail
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
environmental education
his winter, learners from 11 schools
took the stage with dramatic stories
to tell about waste management,
water conservation, energy efficiency and
biodiversity conservation at the City’s first
ever YES Drama Festival.
Held in the Arena Theatre at the
Artscape Theatre Complex, the environmental drama festival was designed to
explore the messages in the Smart Living
Handbook, which encourages people to
live smartly and sustainably by making
wise choices about their environment and
resources. And never before has sustainable living looked so stylish, so glamorous, and so possible.
In preparation for this festival, schools
attended creative workshops at the Artscape Theatre Complex on script-writing,
acting and technical stage skills.
The Smart Living Handbook was used
as a resource for the schools to develop
their scripts and explore solutions to environmental challenges particularly relevant
to the community in which they live and
go to school. Schools were asked to focus
ABOVE: Learners from Scottsdene High were awarded Most Promising Production at the Yes Drama Festival with their play,
‘Cholera...not gorilla!’ They were also the winners of the Best Novice award at the Artscape High Schools Drama Festival with
this play. OPPOSITE TOP: ‘Biodiversity’ by learners from Malibu High. Benefit Gaabusi (left) won the Best Performer award.
OPPOSITE BOTTOM: Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt with the winners.
And the winners were …
Most Promising Production – Scottsdene High
Best Supporting Performer – Yandisa Magagana
Best Performer (joint award) – Benefit Gaabusi (Malibu
High) and Nonceba Quku (Isilimela)
Best Script – St Cyprian’s
Judges Award – Table View in recognition of a script
that explored the environmental issues particularly
Best Production – Immaculata
The following two schools were chosen to join the
Artscape High Schools Festival – St Cyprian’s and
Scottsdene (Immaculata was already entered)
The following two schools were chosen to perform at the
Youth Conference on Sustainability – Malibu High and
Chris Hani
The judges asked that Islamia College receive a special letter congratulating them on their efforts and
on one of the four themes presented in
the handbook.
The 11 participating schools (by invitation only) were Chris Hani Secondary,
Immaculata (RC) Secondary, Isilimela Comprehensive, Islamia College, Malibu High,
Rhodes High, Scottsdene High, Simanyene
High, St Cyprian’s, Table View High and
Tuscany Glen High.
The five judges were Abduraghmaan
Adams, a theatre and film actor, playwright,
director and drama educator; Ina Bruce,
Curriculum Advisor for the subject Dramatic
Arts at the Western Cape Education Department; Luke Ellenbogen, resident director
and lighting designer for Theatre for Africa;
Dr Glenda Raven of the C.A.P.E. Bioregional
Programme, an environmental educationist
and trainer; and Mzwakhe ‘Sticks’ Mdidimba,
the Indigenous Arts Manager for Artscape.
For more information, contact Lindie Buirski, Head: Environmental Capacity Building, Training & Education Unit,
on 021 487 2839 or e-mail
For more information on the YES Programme and to download a copy of the Smart Living Handbook, visit
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
environmental education
Putting knowledge into action
Hout Bay schools waste no time in making their planet a more beautiful place.
ine schools from Llandudno and Hout Bay celebrated World Environment Day in June by showing off
their knowledge of the environment and sustainable living, and exhibiting artworks they had made with
recycled materials.
After weeks of preparation, the six primary and three
high schools put their knowledge to the test as they
competed for first place in the Sentinel Schools EnviroQuiz,
organised by the Sentinel News newspaper and the 3Rs
environmental awareness group.
Since the beginning of May, learners had been studying
the City of Cape Town’s Smart Living Handbook as well as
articles written by Hout Bay-based environmentalists, such
as Guy Preston, on topics such as sustainable living, waste
management, biodiversity and water.
Llandudno, Ambleside, Oranjekloof, Hout Bay International, Kronendal and Sentinel primary schools entered the
quiz. But it was Llandudno Primary that walked off with the
first prize in the junior quiz; Ambleside was the runner-up.
In the senior quiz, Hout Bay International won first; runnerup was Hout Bay High.
Contestants in the EnviroArt competition, in which
schools were challenged to make sculptures or useful items
from waste materials, really wowed the judges, but it was
Oranjekloof’s huge plastic mural and book artwork that
won them first place in the junior art section.
They won R1 000, with joint runners-up Dominican
Grimley and Llandudno Primary each taking home R500.
Hout Bay High won first place in the senior section.
In her opening speech at the event, Chantal Erfort, the
quizmaster and Acting Editor of Cape Community newspapers (which publishes Sentinel News), told the learners that
“the future of our beautiful planet depends on the knowledge you arm yourself with, but more importantly, how you
put that knowledge into action”.
Top left: Hout Bay High, Sentinel High, Hout Bay
International, Ambleside, Dominican Grimley and
Llandudno schools all participated in the inaugural
Sentinel News EnviroQuiz in May 2008.
Left: The EnviroQuiz also promotes recycling initiatives
at school in Hout Bay, and learners exhibited art-fromwaste at the quiz evening.
Source: Sentinel News, Hout Bay Photographs: Quinton Davis
smart living
Never too late to live smartly
Think you’re too old to learn? Too set in your habits to change your ways? This is
an extract from the Smart Living Handbook, which the learners (left) studied for
their enviroquiz …
Conduct a mini audit of water use in your home (page 84)
How much water is your household using? Where do you use the most water in your home? Are there areas where you could make water
savings? Increase your knowledge and awareness of water use in your home through the exercise below.
Water audit at your home
Average litres of water
used per activity (litres)
Number of times activity done each day
Total water used by a
person each day (litres)
Number of people in the Total household water
consumption per day
Example: Wash hands
and face
Wash hands and face
1,5 litres
3 times a day
1,5 litres x 3 times a day
= 4,5
4 people
5-minute shower
Teeth cleaning (tap on)
Toilet flushing
Drinking (cup)
Washing dishes (hand)
18 single basin
36 double basin
Washing machine
(one 3 kg load)
Hand washing (1 tub load)
4,5 litres x 4 people = 18
Leaking/dripping tap
(1 drop/ second each day)
Food garden (per m2 per day) 4
Cooking (meal for 5 people)
Using the garden hose
for an hour
Think about where you use the most water every day. Explore this chapter for helpful advice on better water choices you could be making.
Work out what your consumption breakdown looks like. This will make you see where your biggest areas of water use are and will help
you to make choices about where water efficiency improvements can be made in your home. Often as much as 35% to 50% of household
water is used for non-essential purposes, such as watering gardens and filling pools.
For more information about the Smart Living Handbook, e-mail To download
your own copy, visit
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
event greening
2010 FIFA World Cup aims to score ‘green’ goals
he Host City Cape Town is implementing
an official 2010 FIFA World CupTM greening programme to make the soccer world
cup as environmentally responsible as possible.
The programme, called Green Goal 2010, is
supported by the Department of Environmental
Affairs and Tourism (DEAT), FIFA and the Local
Organising Committee (LOC) in collaboration
with the host cities. It draws on Germany’s
2006 FIFA World CupTM experience, in which
the organisers focused on reducing the event’s
greenhouse gas emissions by increasing energy
efficiency and using renewable energy wherever
Host City Cape Town has developed an
action plan to implement the Green Goal programme, with indicators, milestones, budgets,
potential partners, timelines and targets for 41
projects in nine target areas. The action plan
focuses on stadium and citywide greening
initiatives, carbon reduction and offset, water
conservation, sustainable transport, integrated
waste management, biodiversity awareness
raising, green procurement processes, responsible tourism and environmental awareness and
communication. The themes and projects are
elaborated in the table on the right.
The action plan was developed following a
series of workshops and discussion forums with
experts, stakeholders and interested parties
from government, the private sector and civil
society. The workshop series was sponsored
by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, a Host City
Green Goal contributor.
For more information,
contact Lorraine Gerrans on
021 400 5465 or e-mail
Target area
Energy conservation and
climate change
Minimise the event’s carbon footprint
1. Determine the carbon footprint of the 2010 event
2. Identify and implement carbon offset project(s) in Cape Town/
Western Cape
3. Energy-efficient technologies in stadiums and training venues, at
fan parks, PVAs and other facilities
Minimise the use of potable water and
promote conservation of water resources
1. Identify alternative sources of water to irrigate the Green Point
2. Install water-saving devices in the stadium and training venues
Integrated waste management
Reduce, re-use and recycle waste
1. Operational waste minimisation in the stadium, fan parks, PVAs
and training venues
2. Green Goal branding of recycling bins and waste minimisation
3. Recycling drop-off centres in the CBD and Atlantic Seaboard
Transport, mobility and access
Promote energy efficient and universally
accessible means of transport that also
minimise air pollution
1. Develop bicycle and pedestrian facilities
2. Develop public transport infrastructure
3. CBD bicycle services
4. Eco-taxis
Landscaping and biodiversity
Promote indigenous landscaping and
enhance biodiversity
1. Indigenous gardening training programme for Urban Park staff
2. Biodiversity showcase garden at Green Point Urban Park
3. Student landscape design competition for Mouille Point
beachfront and promenade
4. City beautification and tree planting campaign
‘Green’ building and sustainable
Promote environmental awareness,
sustainable lifestyles and environmentally
efficient building practices
1. Green Point Urban Park and ECO Centre
2. Undertake and monitor Green Review for Green Point and
Athlone stadiums
3. Cape Town green map
4. Green Goal volunteers and training programme
5. Green Goal soccer club competition
6. Soccer and environment educational poster and guide
7. Green Goal short films
8. Anti-littering and waste recycling campaign
9. Drink tap water campaign
10. Green procurement for 2010 FIFA World CupTM events
11. Green building handbook and toolkit
12. Greening of 2010 FIFA World CupTM events
Responsible tourism
Promote responsible tourism for 2010
and beyond
1. Code of responsible conduct for visitors
2. Environmental accreditation system for accommodation sector:
3. Responsible tourism awareness and training
Green Goal communication
Communicate the Green Goal message to
residents and visitors
1. Green Goal workshop series
2. Green Goal brand development and activation
3. Briefing for potential Green Goal funders
4. Green Goal marketing and communication
5. Green Goal Ambassadors
6. Green Goal project website and online media resources
7. Green Goal 2010 exhibition
8. Green Goal 2010 awards
Monitoring, measurement and
Monitor, measure and report on progress
with the implementation of Green Goal
1. Procedures and methodologies
2. Targets and baseline studies
3. Annual reports and legacy report
sustainable livelihoods
Orchid growers find paradise
ince its launch, the Londolozani Orchid Legacy Project has evolved
and is on its way to becoming a fully-fledged Sustainable Livelihoods
Although the number of project beneficiaries has decreased, the level
of ownership has increased and the project is set to benefit many poor
people directly. Two of the women working on the project have put their
entrepreneurial skills to work and as a result a new project has emerged,
called the Umyezo Plant Project (‘umyezo’ means paradise).
Umyezo grows and markets South African and African orchids (many of
our indigenous orchids are endangered). Initial training in orchid propagation methods was conducted by Michael Tibbs of the Cape Orchid Society
and The Exotic Plant Company (TEPC).
ABOVE: Joyce Dladloti and Nikiwe Madalane from the
These dramatic changes came about shortly after a project evaluation,
Londolozani Orchid Legacy Project holding up one of
taught some significant lessons. To ensure sustainability, for example,
the orchids they have propagated.
the transport costs needed to be reduced; hence the project is moving from
the Helderberg Nature Reserve to the College of Cape Town’s Gugulethu Campus, much closer to where the participants live.
Project participants needed more specific training. The ladies will now be trained to hand-pollinate and germinate the seed pods in partnership with Erica Primary School in Belhar, where an orchid project teaches primary school learners about orchid growing.
The Sustainable Livelihoods and Greening
Programmes Unit is conducting research on
the role of social capital in the creation of
sustainable livelihoods, working with the
Siyazama Community Allotment Gardening
Association (SCAGA) as a case study. The latter
is an initiative of Abalimi Bezekhaya, a partner
in the Aachen-CCT LA21 Partnership.
This food gardening project addresses current
challenges facing the poor, particularly food insecurity. It enables poor people, especially women,
to produce good-quality, organic vegetables
close to where they live, in this way saving on
travelling costs as well as food purchase costs.
The vegetables they produce are not solely for
consumption, though; the urban farmers also sell
their vegetables at local markets, thus finding a
way to fund their other household requirements.
RIGHT: One of the women who works at SCAGA,
previously known as the Powerline Project on
marginal city-owned land in Khayelitsha.
Both programmes are part of ERM’s newest unit for Sustainable Livelihoods and Greening Programmes, which aims to
improve the quality of life of Cape Town’s most vulnerable communities.
The Sustainable Livelihoods approach addresses many of the millennium developments goals by creating an enabling platform
for people to benefit from Cape Town’s environmental resources, and not only make a living wage, but also create a sustained
quality of life.
For more information, contact Jacques du Toit, Head: Sustainable Livelihoods and Greening Programmes, on
021 487 2229 or e-mail
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
biodiversity management
Clearing up the crime and grime
New facilities, better roads, committed fieldworkers and international partnerships are all helping to
draw more visitors to the False Bay Ecology Park.
ABOVE: (from left) Fieldworkers
Jonathan Marthinus Fisher, Ricardo
Fortune, Crystal April, Berenice Joyce
Zimri, Felicia Rochelle Meyer, Elizabeth
Abrahams and Grant Abraham Revell
(in front).
TOP: Luqmaan Jabaar gets to work
clearing hyacinths from the vlei.
really love my work here,” says
False Bay Ecology Park field
worker Felicia Rochelle Meyer. “I
love my group, and I always go home feeling like I’ve done something.”
Felicia is one of seven field workers
who’re participating in a programme run
by the Cape Town Environmental Education
Trust, under contract to the City. Based in
Zeekoe­vlei, they work on alien-clearing,
as well as general facilities maintenance,
building, tiling and litter clean-ups, and receive lifeskills training at least once a week.
“It all started with the hyacinths,” says
Elizabeth Abrahams, who has worked
on alien-clearing contracts at the Park
for many years. When the time came for
the City to select workers for this new
programme, “they liked us old hyacinth
workers,” she laughs, ‘’as we had already
shown what we could do.”
“It’s true these are alien plants, but
they put work into our hands and therefore
food on the table,” she adds, showing a
keen understanding of the economic value
of environmental work.
The team members all cite hyacinthclearing as their favourite work activity,
especially when the weather is hot, but add
that there is nothing like the adrenalin rush
of fire-fighting. “It’s quite an experience,”
says Grant Abraham Revell.
The fieldworkers, along with the Park’s
four new visitor control officers, have
without doubt made a positive impact on
the area.
The visitor control officers patrol the
area on foot and by quad bike, and have already arrested 12 people for illegal activities
within the Park. The number of people who
visit the Park has grown enormously, thanks
to this increased safety and improved cleanliness. From July to September, over 16 000
people visited the park (10 000 to ‘braai’
and picnic), compared to 17 000 visitors
over the whole of the previous year.
A platform to
make a difference
Look what ends
up in the vlei …
Every year, before the winter rains,
the False Bay Ecology Park team
lowers the water level of Zeekoevlei
to flush out contaminated and
polluted water, as well as enable
litter clean-ups resulting mainly
from dumping in and adjacent to the
Lotus and the Little Lotus Rivers.
This autumn the team found a
veritable ‘shopping list’ of discarded
items: two fridges; 18 parts of motor
vehicles; four shopping trolleys;
four baths; one washing machine;
plus enough rubbish to fill 9 000
black bags.
The Park, on the other hand, has made
a positive impact on its workers. “When I
started off working here, I was just all for
myself,” says Grant. “Here, I’ve learned to
work with others, and nature – and have
learned to give back to the community.”
The 1 200 hectare False Bay Ecology
Park includes the Cape Flats Wastewater
Treatment Works, the Rondevlei Nature
Reserve, the Zeekoevlei Nature Reserve,
the Coastal Park Landfill Site, and a
contiguous coastal strip. The craft and
culture centre of the Cape Flats Development Association (Cafda), adjacent
to Rondevlei, is integral to the vision of
the Park. The Park is home to one of the
most important wetland bird habitats in
South Africa.
oung adults from the United Kingdom are gaining a new perspective on their
own life circumstances by volunteering at False Bay Ecology Park and its neighbouring communities.
Platform2 is a programme that enables 18–25 year old volunteers for ten weeks in
a number of developing countries including South Africa, Ghana, India and Peru. It is
aimed at young adults who are culturally or financially disadvantaged, and would not
otherwise have had the chance to volunteer their time and enthusiasm.
Based at the Park, the 12 volunteers from Platform2 participate in conservation
work with the fieldworkers, and spend one day a week at a community project.
Four weeks into the programme, the volunteers are still talking about how different
Cape Town compares to their expectations. They were pleasantly surprised to find electricity and good accommodation, but are horrified by the living and learning conditions
of young children in the nearby community.
Julie Anne Lennox: “It makes us so sad to see what is almost normal here –
children who are so disadvantaged they might never have improved lives.”
“Back home, children in those situations would make national news,” says Laura
“But we still love your country,” says Ishfaq Kahn. “We’ll go home and promote the
project, pass on our new skills, and re-think our own situations at home.”
The programme is funded by the UK Department for International Development
(DFID), Christian Aid, Islamic Relief and British Universities North America Club (BUNAC).
LEFT: (from left) Volunteers Emma
Corbett, Sara Webb, Kirstie Arrol,
Harmieda Begum, Iftikaar Hussain,
Laura Brumford, Julie Anne
Lennox and Ishfaq Khan.
Did you know that there are more than 23 ‘user-groups’ who enjoy the
False Bay Ecology Park? There’s something for everyone, from cycling,
picnicking and walking to sailing, power-boating, model aircraft flying,
fishing and birding.
To find out if the Park caters for your particular pastime, telephone
021 706-2404.
For more information, contact Joanne Jackson, Head: Project Development and Partnerships,
on 021 487-2184 or e-mail
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
biodiversity alien invasive species
New plan to control invasive alien species
Invasive alien species are one of the biggest threats to the loss of biodiversity in Cape Town – a fate
the City’s new Alien Invasive Species Strategy hopes to counter.
Louise Stafford
lthough there are many initiatives to conserve and
manage the unique biodiversity within the boundaries of
Cape Town, critical areas are being lost at a faster rate than
conservation measures can counter.
The biggest threats are land transformation and invasive alien
plant species.
Although the City covers an area of only 2 400 km2, it contains
nine of the 24 of South Africa’s critically endangered ecosystems (as
defined by the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity
Act of 2004), with six endemic vegetation types, of which three are
critically endangered.
Invasive alien species (IAS) include animals (vertebrates and invertebrates), plants (woody and weeds) and microbes. IAS invade terrestrial habitats, fresh water, marine areas and forests. Invasive alien
plants are regarded as the second biggest threat to biodiversity – the
biggest threat is habitat loss due to development and agriculture.
Impact of invasive alien plants
The species currently covering the largest surface areas in Cape
Town are Port Jackson, Rooikrans and Kikuyu grass. The control of
invasive alien plants places a huge burden on the already struggling
economy and costs the country millions every year.
The Working for Water Programme alone spends more than
R400 million annually while the City spends about R8 million controlling invasive alien plants (see above left, clearing Port Jackson).
The most damaging species, such as the Australian acacias
(Black wattle, Longleaved wattle and Port Jackson) and some pines
(Pinus pinaster, P. radiata and P. halepensis) transform ecosystems
by using excessive amounts of resources, change the nitrogen composition, promote and/or suppress fire (see left, during and after
a fire fuelled by alien invasive species), stabilise sand movement,
promote erosion, and accumulate litter.
Research shows that dense stands of Port Jackson (Acacia
saligna) cause a decline of soil-stored seed banks of indigenous
plants, leading to local extinction of species.
Invasive alien animals
Lauren Waller
Examples of invasive alien animals specific to the City include the
invasive Indian house crow and mallard ducks.
The house crow (opposite top)
The house crow (Corvus splendens) is indigenous to the Indian
sub-continent, Sri Lanka, Burma, Malaysia and southern China.
The Biodiversity Management Branch is responsible for
the conservation of biodiversity within the City’s boundaries. One of the important aspects of this branch’s work
is to ensure that biodiversity and nature become part of
ordinary, ‘everyday’ life.
More specifically, this branch is responsible for con­serv­
ation planning, biodiversity management and invasive
alien species management and control. However,
managing biological invasions in an urban environment
is complex.
The City’s new framework for invasive alien species
provides a platform for collaboration between partners,
improved planning and prioritisation, and implementing
best practice.
But without support from you and the City’s decisionmakers, implementing the framework will not be as
successful as it could be.
Dini Gudlindlu
It was introduced in Africa in the late 1800s, and was already
considered a pest in Zanzibar by 1917. It spread from Zanzibar to
Africa mainland by ship, and was recorded in Durban in 1972 and
in Cape Town in the 1980s.
But why are house crows a problem? Because they are omni­
vorous and will eat insects, small vertebrates, birds’ eggs, fledglings,
seeds … almost anything, in fact. As a result, they are a serious
threat to other species.
In addition, they are aggressive scavengers and feed on carrion,
crops, refuse and human faeces. They are known to store food
once they have eaten their fill, and carry diseases such as salmonella, entamoeaba, dysentary, cholera and typhoid.
At least eight species of animal intestinal parasites are known
to be harboured by the house crow, while disease-causing
organisms can also be transmitted passively via their feet, bills
and bodies. They often deposit infected organic matter into water
as well as open-air food stalls and markets. They roost near clinics, food and meat vendors in informal settlements, specifically
Nyanga. It’s no surprise, then, that they are regarded as a health
The mallard duck (above)
The mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) plays havoc with indigenous
waterfowl worldwide, and threatens a significant number of
indigenous waterfowl species in South Africa, such as the yellowbilled duck (Anas undulata), red-billed teal, Cape shoveller and
African black duck.
Mallard ducks are an introduced species from the northern
hemisphere, and cause severe ‘genetic pollution’ of the endemic
yellow-billed duck through cross-breeding.
In fact, they are known to breed with about 45 other species
of waterfowl, and the hybrids of mallard ducks and yellow-billed
ducks are fertile and can produce even more hybrid offspring.
Mallards also out-compete indigenous birds for resources such
as food, nest sites and roosting.
If this continues, only hybrids will occur, and in the long term
this will result in the extinction of the indigenous species.
For more information, contact Louise Stafford, Invasive Alien Species Coordinator, Biodiversity Management
Branch on 021 514 4162, or e-mail
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
city greening
From ‘gloom’ to ‘bloom’
The once dreary Civic Centre in Delft has been transformed
into a vibrant indoor garden.
he Delft Civic Centre is not merely a building with no human activity
and connection. It’s a service centre, the face of the City of Cape
Town, a place where public representatives have their offices, and
from which they serve the greater Delft community.
“Sadly, however, this important facility was being vandalised,” says
Councillor Frank Martin (far left). “We decided that something had to be
done – and a beautification initiative, linked to environmental education,
seemed like a good solution.”
Cllr Martin roped in the local school and the YES Programme, and applied for a ward allocation of R40 000 for the greening venture.
“It’s for us to take ownership of our facilities,” he says. “Through this
project, our working environment looks so much better, it’s as if it has had
a face-lift – and our whole community is proud of our Civic Centre now.”
For more information about the YES Programme, contact Lindie Buirski, Head: Environmental Capacity Building,
Training & Education Unit, on 021 487 2839 or e-mail
City lights up to raise awareness of
lmost 800 trees were planted in Cape Town in celebration of
Arbor Month in September. The City’s tree-planting initiative was part of local government’s commitment to promote
healthy neighbourhoods and beautify the urban environment.
Plants act as natural filters to clean our air by reducing carbon
emissions, thus mitigating some of the effects of climate change.
The wild plum (Harpephullum caffrum) is the common tree of
2008, and the bladder-nut tree (Diospyros whyteana) is the rare
(uncommon) official tree of the year.
A few wild plum trees were planted in the Strand area. The
bladder-nut tree is not suitable for planting in the Western Cape
Greening comes to Heinz Park
n Heinz Park, a relatively poor community in the Southern
District of Cape Town, Arbor Month was celebrated with
the planting of 30 ficus trees.
The Heinz Park community is active in improving their surroundings. One such community member is Rose Claasen,
who told media and guests at the event about the history of
Heinz Park. She has been involved in many of the developments that have taken place in the area, such as the Nobuhle
Women’s Organisation, which runs a community food garden
next to the park. Community partnerships such as this one
with City Parks assists in reducing vandalism in parks through
community involvement.
ABOVE: Joseph Nhose, Area Manager, and Cllr Shehaam Sims,
Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services.
LEFT: Pupils from Heinz Park Primary School looking on as
Rodnick Minnies, one of the workers in the area, demonstrates how to plant a tree. The children were accompanied
by their teachers who wanted them to see the ceremony as
part of the school’s environmental awareness programme.
trees for Arbor Month
region due to the different soil types in the Peninsula. The City
therefore planted other species of indigenous trees such as Ficus
rubignosa (fig) and Acacia xanthoploea (fever tree) and Acacia
karoo (sweet thorn) best suited to the soil of a specific area.
South Africa first celebrated Arbor Day in 1983. So positive was
the reaction that the authorities extended the celebration period
to create Arbor Week. Schools and businesses were encouraged to
participate and contribute to the greening of the country, and to
recognise the advantages of trees in improving air and water quality
and as a renewable source of food, shelter and fuel. With the theme ‘Plant a tree for life’, Cape Town’s Arbor Month
festivities kicked off with special lights in Adderley Street and from the
main entrance to the Company’s Garden down Government Avenue.
These lights are similar to the lights put up in the festive season.
City Parks adopted a theme of ‘Healthy parks, healthy people’
for Arbor Month, and ensured that some of the trees were planted
in parks, cemeteries and other council facilities such as civic centres
and libraries.
FAR LEFT: Cllr JP Smith with Cllr Belinda Walker, Mayoral
Committee Member for Corporate Services and Human
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
energy and climate change
Cape Town leads by example
Cities must manage their own energy futures
to protect their economies, infrastructure and
vulnerable communities.
in the cities, this is where the
responsibility of leading the
way in reducing carbon emissions will rest. Thus the City
has to prepare itself to take
on this new role of managing
and implementing the actions
required to ensure a sustainable energy future.
Strategic focus
area: Energy for a
Sustainable City
nergy plays a central role in the economic development, social welfare
and environmental sustainability for
a city. Climate change and the global and
local energy crisis, clearly marked by the
rapidly increasing oil and coal prices, as well
as South Africa’s electricity supply shortages, have heralded a new era in which
cities must take a proactive role in managing their energy futures to safeguard their
economies, infrastructure and vulnerable
The reality of climate change means
that industrialised developing countries
such as South Africa are highly likely to
soon be required to meet carbon emission
reduction targets. As most energy is used
ERM is the custodian of the
Energy and Climate Change
Strategy (2006). The second State of Energy Report for the City was completed in
2007, and in 2008 the City adopted Energy
for a Sustainable City as one of its eight
strategic focus areas.
Energy Committee
To give expression to this new focus area,
a Section 80 Energy Committee has been
established, which must address energy
security, carbon mitigation and climate
change impacts. (A Section 80 committee
is an advisory committee to an executive
The Energy Committee will work through
four workstreams: Energy and Climate
Change Strategy; Energy Security and Carbon
Mitigation; Adaptation and Climate Proofing;
and Communication and Education.
Energy Action
The City intends to lead by example by
tackling energy efficiency in its buildings,
fleets, water and sewerage operations
and other facilities. It is already running
information and education programmes for
City staff and for schools through its YES
Programme. During this past year it has
been involved in:
• Climate change risk assessment
• Introducing fuel efficiency as a criterion
in its fleet tenders;
• Energy efficiency projects in the
City’s buildings;
• Concluding its power purchase
agreement for wind power from the
Darling Wind Farm;
• Developing a Solar Water Heater
• Kuyasa energy efficiency in low-cost
housing project;
• The installation of solar water
heaters in facilities in the City’s
nature reserves; and
• Developing Draft Green Building
Guidelines (pictured above left) which
are now available for public comment.
For more information contact Sarah Ward, Manager: Energy and Climate Change, on 021 487 2124/2200
or e-mail To download a copy of the State of Energy Report 2007 and of the
Energy and Climate Change Strategy, or for tips on how to be more energy efficient yourself, visit
‘No regrets’ about future planning
Climate change will have significant social,
economic and environmental impacts on Cape
Town, unless the City understands these
implications, and develops ways to adapt.
rise: the ‘no regrets’ option and ‘additional’ options, which plan
ahead for ways in which to counter sea-level rise events.
The DOs and DON’Ts of the ‘no regrets’ option
ne of the ways in which the City is planning for a hotter,
colder and wetter future, is by investigating what might
happen if sea levels rise as predicted, and the size and frequency of storms increases (see Enviroworks Volume 1/08, page 10).
In May 2008, the City’s coastal management research team presented
the results from the third and fourth phases of its Sea-Level Rise Risk Assess­
ment to the Planning and Environment Portfolio Committee for discussion.
The risk-analysis phase of the study identified three scenarios.
Scenario 1:
A 2,5 m increase in sheltered environments, a 4,5 m increase in
exposed environments, and a 6,5 m increase in very exposed environments. This scenario would see 25,1 km2 covered by the sea (1% of
the Cape Metro’s total area of 2 499 km2), although for a short time.
This scenario has a 95% chance of taking place in the next 25 years.
Scenario 2:
A 4,5 m sea-level rise event, which would see 60,9 km2 (2% of the
total Metro area) covered by sea for a short period. This scenario 2
has an 85% probability of occurring in the next 25 years.
Scenario 3:
A 6,5 m sea-level rise linked to the melting of the Greenland and West
Antarctic ice shelves. This rise would be permanent, and would cover
95 km2 of land around the Cape coastline (4% of the total area of land
under the City’s jurisdiction). Until recently, this scenario was considered unlikely in this century, but that has since changed. However,
scenario 3 only has a 20% chance of occurring in the next 25 years.
The risk-reduction phase of the study focussed on two strategies
that would significantly lower the risk and the costs of the sea-level
The City should not:
• reclaim additional land;
• further degrade wetlands and estuaries; and
• further degrade dune cordons and systems.
The City should:
• maintain drains and stormwater systems;
• incorporate sea-level rise scenarios into future planning decisions;
• incorporate sea-level rise risks into disaster management strategies;
• decentralise strategic infrastructure so that a single event does
not disable core services;
• prioritise poverty alleviation and improve living conditions, as
this makes communities more resilient to disasters;
• identify communities and locations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change; and
• adopt and enforce legislation about coastal zone development.
In addition …
Under the ‘additional options’, the study recommends that the City
build sea walls, groynes, revetments and dolosse only where appropriate. Physical sea defences are no longer considered ‘best practice’
to manage sea-level rise, as they constitute mal-adaptation and amplify risks. Instead, the City should protect, conserve and rehabilitate
existing dune systems, estuaries and wetlands, as well as protect and
monitor kelp beds along the coast (and leave kelp on the beaches
rather than remove it as part of waste management).
Institutional options must include clear management, budgets
and responsibilities within City structures, to ensure the necessary
institutional expertise and capacity to manage the coastal zone.
ABOVE: Flooding of Beach Road in the Strand after the storm
on the 30 August 2008.
For more information on any coastal management projects, contact Gregg Oelofse, Acting Manager:
Environmental Strategy and Partnerships, on 021 487 2239 or e-mail
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
energy and climate change
New State of Energy Report released
Cape Town takes a close look at its energy profile
Unless we take energy efficiency and renewable energy more seriously, Cape Town will not be
able to meet its future energy demands.
he City has released the first revision
of its State of Energy Report, making
it the first city in South Africa to have
been through a cycle of two such studies.
The first study was completed in 2003.
This State of Energy Report details the
energy profile of Cape Town, including
energy policy and demand and supply options, and considers issues such as energy
security, energy access and climate change.
The report was released in August at a
meeting of the City’s new dedicated
Energy Committee.
“The high rate of liquid fuel use in
the city is a direct result of the geographic
sprawl of our city and inadequate public
transport,” says Committee Chairperson
Councillor Marian Nieuwoudt, Mayoral
Committee Member for Planning and
Environment and Chair of the City’s Energy
Cape Town still has an unacceptably
high carbon emission profile of 6,4 tons
of CO2 per person per year. The norm in
Western Europe is 4,5 tons, and in the rest
of Africa 0,6 tons.
“The City has undertaken to lead by
example and to work with residents to
reduce the city’s carbon footprint, and
the State of Energy Report provides a
practical blueprint for all future energy
conservation programmes,” says Councillor Nieuwoudt.
Compared to the 2003 study, the latest
ABOVE: Pages from the State of
Energy Report
report reflects an increase in the number
of informal households that do not use
electricity as their main energy source.
Although coal-fired electricity accounts
for 28% of Cape Town’s total energy
consumption, it generates 66% of the total
carbon emissions.
Electricity is still the primary energy
source in both the commercial (63%) and
industrial (82%) sector.
In Cape Town, the demand for
energy is most affected by population
growth (an increase in population results
in an increase in the household consumption of energy), economic growth
(as the economy grows, more industries
demand more energy), and addressing
the housing backlog (more houses mean
more electricity connections – unless
alternative energy sources such as solar
energy and liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
for cooking are used for water heating
and cooking respectively).
The report concludes that clearly, the
future supply of energy to Cape Town
needs to be more diverse and complemented by energy-saving measures if the
future demand for energy is to be met.
The report recommends improved energy
efficiency (in City-owned buildings and
operations, as well as in the residential,
commercial and industrial sectors), and
increased renewable energy (solar energy,
wind power and energy from waste).
For more information contact Sarah Ward, Manager: Energy and Climate Change, on 021 487 2124/2200
or e-mail To download a copy of the State of Energy Report 2007 and of the
Energy and Climate Change Strategy, or for tips on how to be more energy efficient yourself, visit
WWW is where you want to be
ERM’s website is updated every few weeks, with sustainable living tips, policies and
projects, photographs and publications. And by the time you read this, there’ll be even more
that’s new on the web.
Updating your environmental education skills
Did you know that if you’re a qualified and registered Western Cape Education
Department (WCED) educator, you may register for FREE for the City’s EduNet programme,
part of the YES Programme).
You’d know this if you visited, and looked
under the What’s New section.
EduNet has been established to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for environmental
educators to:
• obtain resources such as posters, leaflets, lesson plans, books and information on
environmental issues;
• receive invitations to workshops and special outings;
• get information on upcoming events, campaigns and competitions;
• share information with other educators;
• showcase projects and more.
To become a member, educators must complete the registration form by hand
(available on the website), and fax it to 021 487 2255.
Ponder where to live in Cape Town
In August, daily and weekly newspapers reported on a possible rise in sea-level in
Cape Town (see page 28), and struck fear and anxiety into quite a few residents and
readers. To read the City’s sea-level report, visit,
and follow the links to ‘Publications’, and ‘Reports and Scientific Papers’.
Calculate your carbon footprint
Every time you switch on a light, drive your car, run water or put out
your rubbish, you’re making a decision that affects the environment.
Natural resources – water, coal, oil, land and fresh air – will run out
if we use them faster than they can replenish themselves. There are
many indications that this is already happening. Each person living on
earth has a carbon footprint, and produces carbon emissions directly
or indirectly, which have a combined negative long-term effect on
the environment.
The good news is that you can make
a difference. Every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of
electricity you don’t use saves over a kilogram of carbon dioxide that would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.
You can calculate your carbon
footprint using the resources and links on ERM’s website – follow
the links and read about energy efficiency at home.
You’ll be asked to think about things such as your:
• type of home – flat, semi-detached or free-standing home;
• lifestyle – heating, air conditioning, appliances and lighting
• habits – switching off lights and appliances, recycling,
showering or bathing;
• technology – solar heating, photovoltaic (PV) panels or
renewable energy;
• use of public transport;
• personal travel with your car (yearly mileage) and aeroplane
(yearly air miles); and
• business travel with your car and aeroplane.
If you missed the last issue of Enviroworks (Volume 1/08, May 2008), visit
environment, and follow the links to ‘Publications’. The full copy is a PDF document of 3,1 megabytes.
Volume 2/08 • December 2008
New publications
Turn the pages to
find Cape Town’s
network of amazing
urban biodiversity
his beautiful, colourful and comprehensive booklet
showcases the City’s 24 nature reserves and
natural areas.
In this first decade of the 21st century, more than 3,5 million
people have made a home in Cape Town, within the Cape
Floristic Region.
Yet, as more people are drawn here because of the city’s
biodiversity-based economic and recreational opportunities,
less of this biodiversity remains. As more land is used for
housing, facilities and farming, less of the natural vegetation
can be found amid the urban and agricultural sprawl.
The City of Cape Town – as the local government responsible
for this region – is determined to preserve this biodiversity
to meet national and local conservation targets through a
Biodiversity Network, a representative set of sites with core
conservation areas linked by corridors.
Each of the City’s 24 nature reserves, which form part of this
network of representative sites, are featured in this publication, with details of opening hours, entry fees, facilities and
activities, and the type of fynbos conserved.
Nothing, however, compares with visiting these nature
reserves for yourself!
To download a copy of this publication, visit and follow the
links to ‘Publications’ and ‘Brochures and Booklets’.
Acknowledgments Publisher: City of Cape Town – Communication Department; Production Coordinator: Amina Taylor;
Writer: Gail Jennings; Environmental Resource Management: Michelle Preen and Shona Young; Photographer: Bruce Sutherland;
Design: Cornelle Ellis; Proofing: The Language Studio; Printer: Forms