MINUTES OF THE BUSINESS MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Clark College, District No. 14 May 22, 2006 Penguin Student Union Building – Gaiser Hall Rooms 258B & 258C Present: Kim Peery, Chair, Rhona Sen Hoss, Vice Chair, Addison Jacobs, Sherry Parker Administrators: R. Wayne Branch, President; Bob Knight, Vice President of Administrative Services; Sylvia Thornburg, Acting Vice President of Instruction; Rachel Ruiz, Vice President of Student Affairs; Sue Williams, Associate Director of Human Resources; Lisa Edwards, Executive Dean of Workforce Development and Continuing Education; Candy Bennett, Executive Dean of Planning and Advancement; Barbara Kerr, Executive Director of Communications and Marketing; Wonder Baldwin, Executive Assistant to the President; Leann Johnson, Director for Equity and Diversity; Ray Korpi, Interim Dean of Basic Education, English, Communications and Humanities; Travis Kibota, Interim Dean of Life Sciences, Health and Physical Education; Ted Broussard, Dean of Student Enrollment and Financial Programs; Karen Wynkoop, Director of Business Services; Phil Sheehan, Director of Computing Services; Carl Flipper, Director of Auxiliary Services; Todd Oldham, Director of Corporate Education; Alice Phillips Director of Workforce Education; Robin Terjeson, Dean of Math, Physical Sciences and Engineering; Glen Jenewein, Director of Distance Learning; John McKee, Dean of Business and Technology; Tim Cook, Acting Dean of Student Success and Retention; Chuck Ramsey; Interim Dean of Social Science of Fine Arts; Tracey Reilly Kelly; Jim Green; Lee Brand, Melinda Talley; Lisa Quednow-Bickler; Alex Montoya; Karen Brown; Julie Taylor; Janis Miller. Faculty: Miles Jackson, Larry Mains, Roxane Sutherland, Darla Utter, Anita Kay, Ralph Stevens, Joan E. Carey, Judy VanPatten, Anita Fisher, Gail Liberman, Valerie Vest, Marcia Roi Staff: Billie Garner, WPEA; David Sims, WPEA; Jennifer Wheeler, Eugene Carroll Students: Benjamin Hayford, ASCC Finance Director; Amanda Mayeral, ASCC Vice President, Justin Taylor, Mariah Action, Lukas Bardue Others: Lisa Gibert, Clark College Foundation President; Barbara Chen, Foundation Director of Resource Management & Gift Planning; Michael Shinn, AAG; Jesse Ferrell, Howard Buck, Al Flory, Valree Joshua, Aqiylah Collins (NAACP), Cleo R. Smith, Shareefah Abdullah, Kris Long, Earl Ford (NAACP), Bob Andrews (NAACP), Jean Andrews, Bruce Davis, Lucien Loisedv, Omar Collins (NAACP), Joseph Harrison (NAACP), Vicki Cheng, Nicole L. Porter, J. Thompson, Ronald Sanders (NAACP), Donald Ricketts (NAACP), Ashley Hines (NAACP), Nadine Fattaleh, Dian Winer, Kitty Mackey, Robert Hughes, Ralph Stevens, Gordon Trousdale, Deborah K. Trousdale, Carol Beima, Judy Van Patten, Dan Anderson, Lory M., Shoshanna Porter, Chet Benson, Claudia Fife, Herman A. Flores, Natasha D., Gerald Baugh, John D. White, Charles L. Simmons, Roxanne D., Jenny F., Kenneth Pacheco, Don Gonser, Rick B., Mike Worthy, Lyn Kirby, Charles Smith, Joe Pitkin, Joan C., Skip Collier, Carol Collier, Diana Knight, Steven Befesford I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair Trustee Peery at 5:05 p.m. Trustee Peery began the meeting by stating that in consideration of the audience he would take the AHE report first. He continued to say that after the AHE report by Mr. Jackson, there are members from the audience representing the public and various community groups that would like to express their thoughts. Trustee Peery began the meeting by asking everyone to be professional and respectful. He stated that this meeting is not a referendum of employment of anyone at the College including the President, Dr. Branch; we are taking the report and community statements and presentations as input only. The Board is committed to following an established review and evaluation process and the contractual agreements. Trustee Jacobs gave an update of where they are in the process of the President’s evaluation. Trustee Peery stated again the Board is committed to following a process. Trustee Jacobs said she appreciated the passion that everyone brings to Clark College and their willingness to share their thoughts and understanding what the Board is undertaking. She explained the process that took place three years ago at the end of the Presidential search. The Board worked very diligently with Katrina Golder, the Associate Vice President of Human Resources and with Dr. Branch to develop a very clear evaluation performance review process for the time that he is here. She also explained that they looked at other college’s performance evaluations and developed an instrument that they all agreed upon. That process was an annual performance evaluation in June of every year, including this year, as well as quarterly informal evaluations using the same instrument. They have conducted this process faithfully since President Branch has joined Clark College and they will continue to honor this process as the Board moves forward. She continued to explain that in the fall of this year the Board will begin the process to address the third year of President Branch’s contract. The Board hired a consultant to assist them with the evaluation process. They signed with Gold Hill Associates this year and have consulted with Mr. Bob Barringer, a facilitator and consultant well-known in presidential searches. He worked with them to develop an evaluation instrument and establish a list of stakeholders. Mr. Barringer has completed the interviews and will provide the Board with a report in early June. Mr. Barringer will meet with Dr. Branch as well. An evaluation performance review with Dr. Branch will be held at the June Board meeting as announced three years ago. Trustee Jacobs mentioned that this is no different than an evaluation anyone gets in their employment and restated that it is not a referendum of employment. With that said, Trustee Peery invited Miles Jackson to speak on behalf of AHE. Miles stated his reluctance to give a report on a resolution; however, he explained that a year ago faculty began asking him to look into and to lead a no confidence vote against the President. He was skeptical at the time and noted some concerns, but as he had more meetings and conversations with faculty members, employees, former employees and people in the community, there appeared to be a pattern of concern that could not be ignored and that needed to be brought to the Board’s attention. He also wanted to make the Board aware that a number of faculty and staff administrators chose not to partake in the on-line survey for fear of retaliation and felt a “no confidence” vote would allow them to be publicly heard. Lastly, Miles stated that before he summarizes the results, this is not meant to be a referendum about the direction of the College, college initiatives or the strategic plan. The faculty is motivated by the ideas and goals in the strategic plan, e.g., open communication and shared governance and improving the college climate by collaborative decision-making. Therefore, the faculty voted on three clauses and a number of resolutions whereas President Branch has demonstrated the style of leadership that violates the College’s commitment to shared decision-making of open communication thereby hindering the effective functioning of the college. He continued by stating that President Branch has created a college climate that played a role in the resignations of a substantial number of highly qualified, experienced college personnel, thereby negatively effecting the morale of the campus community. The results of the faculty vote concluded that the faculty at Clark College has no confidence in President R. Wayne Branch’s leadership of Clark College and that the faculty strongly encourages the Board of Trustees to take this resolution into consideration as they deliberate whether to retain or dismiss President Branch. The faculty “exhorts” the Board to inform the College community about its decision before the end of the academic year, June 16, 2006. Miles continued by reporting that over a period of three days, 239 faculty participated in the in the vote, a 90% representation of full-time faculty. 229 supported the resolution, 8 opposed and 2 voted no opinion or abstained. In closing, Miles agreed with Trustees Peery and Jacobs that this important decision is the privy of the Board and that the intent of the faculty is not to usurp that decision-making power. II. BUSINESS MEETING A. Review of the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. B. Statements from the Audience Trustee Peery invited any additional comments from the audience. To insure that clear and accurate minutes are written, Trustee Peery asked that speakers talk into the microphone and identify themselves or the group they are associated with. Earl Ford, President of the Vancouver Branch of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) stated that the NAACP has provided over 61 years of service in Vancouver and to the Clark County Community. Mr. Ford stated that at no time before Dr. Branch’s arrival have they felt welcome at Clark College. He shared some personal remarks about the community and the changes that have taken place since Dr. Branch’s arrival. During President Branch’s leadership, Clark College has partnered with NAACP’s African American Rights of Passage Summer Academy, a cultural emerged program to sell children on academic performance and accountability. Billie Garner, representing the Washington Public Employees Association (WPEA), read a statement from the WPEA Executive Director. “The WPEA has not approached our bargaining unit members in seeking a no confidence vote in President Branch’s abilities, however; we have had our own difficulties in establishing a cooperative working relationship with President Branch. President Branch has chosen not to participate in our labor management communication committee meetings. We have invited him on several occasions to participate and be present at these meetings. WPEA believes participation in these meetings would have been an opportunity to facilitate better communication and also to demonstrate President Branch’s desire to work with and resolve issues that are concerns of classified staff. It is with great disappointment that President Branch has refused to participate in these meetings. His refusal to participate is also indicative of the management philosophy he has chosen to actively implement administratively at Clark College.” Ms. Kris Long, a resident of East County and a member of the NAACP referred to the policies and procedures of the Board upon learning of the “no confidence” vote. After reviewing the expectations of the Board, she believes President Branch has met them. As a parent, she stated her concerns regarding diversity and the stability of the College and community for her child and the importance of having a diverse ethnic leadership in our community. Mr. Arch Miller represented the Miller family and stated he was not surprised by the number of attendees at the meeting. He noted that he and his family invited President and Mrs. Branch into their home shortly after their move to Vancouver. He commented to Dr. Branch at that time that it would not be easy for people at Clark College to handle change. He stated his appreciation to Dr. Branch for the changes he has made at Clark College. He then expressed his personal thoughts, giving examples, on how the community does not welcome “strangers” and tends to promote people from within the community. He reminded the Board of why they brought President Branch here, because Clark College needed change. Mr. Mike Worthy, Chief Executive, Bank of Clark County, stated that he is not speaking on any official capacity. He has come to rely upon the workforce planning and opportunities at Clark College. He noted that he and the company he works for are donors to the Clark College Foundation and he is a member of the Higher Education Coordinating Board for the State of Washington. He considers himself to be an advocate of Clark College and is proud to share his praise of the college when he travels throughout the state. He stated that enrollment continues to be strong, partnerships and collaborations have evolved and notable co-admission agreements have been entered into thanks to the collaboration efforts of faculty and staff. He has had many constructive and communicative meetings with President Branch and appreciates the opportunity to be heard. He is unclear of what the issues are that resulted in the no confidence vote, but finds it damaging to the College and the community, particularly for those like himself that advocate for Clark College. He asked the Board to sustain the success of Clark College and make a decision that facilitates the outcome to focus on the primary constituents, the students of Clark College. Mr. Jesse Ferrell, expressing his perspective as a student, spoke to the remarkable changes that have taken place over the past three years under President Branch’s leadership. In working with Dr. Branch, Mr. Ferrell stated that it is apparent that students come first. Mr. Ferrell stressed his disappointment with the actions of the faculty, saying that they should lead and guide students in their higher education. Mr. John White, local business person and member of the Foundation Board of Director, provided a perspective from the community. The relationship between the Foundation and Clark College has improved tremendously since Dr. Branch’s leadership. In his role on the WSUV Advisory Board, he has watched WSUV and Clark College partner in a building exercise that resulted in a four-year program at WSUV that will serve Clark College well in the future. Ms. Cleo Smith, Vice President of NAACP, questioned the percentage of faculty/staff living in the community. She relayed her views on community involvement and diversity. Ms. Gail Thomas, member of the AME Zion Church praised President Branch’s outreach efforts and his involvement in the community. Ms. Mariah Action, student and College Council representative, stated her personal views on the detrimental effect the vote has taken on the students. She wants the best for the school, which she is very passionate about, and believes that examining these issues in an open and public manner may be the best step for resolution. Mr. Ralph Stevens, business person in the Community, came to congratulate the Board. He questioned why the community was present at the meeting. He stated that the Board put together a vision prior to hiring a new President and set out to find the best candidate for the job. President Branch has been out in the community with character and leadership and Mr. Stevens thanked the Board for their decision. Mr. Eugene Carroll, staff member, conveyed his personal views on the issues. He stated that management style is the main cause and that the problem should be handled internally. Trustee Peery explained that since it is being presented in a public meeting, it is not necessarily an internal matter. Another Gentleman stated he is completing his teaching courses for a certificate in paralegal from Clark College. He noted he applied for several positions before President Branch’s arrival to Clark College and no one would hire him. He believes the reason was because he was different. He noted the issues of the faculty need to be known. Shareefah Abdulla, business owner and Clark County resident, spoke in support of Dr. Branch and Clark College’s innovation, achievements, construction of new buildings and the effects it has on the community. She feels that under Dr. Branch’s leadership, the College has the potential of becoming a “business incubator”. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. and reconvened at 6:25 p.m. C. Statements and Reports from the Board Members Trustee Jacobs spoke on the 360–degree evaluation of the President. The Board appreciated the passion brought to Clark College. She explained the review process for the time that President Branch has been at Clark College. The Board of Trustees agreed on conducting an annual performance evaluation and quarterly evaluation every June. Trustee Jacobs reported this has been done faithfully. This is an additional process. They chose to have an outside consultant company, Gold Hill Associates conduct the President’s 360-degree evaluation. Mr. Bob Barringer, consultant with Gold Hill Associates, has worked hard in compiling a list of stakeholders. The consultants have completed the interview process and will provide a report in June. Trustee Jacobs noted that this is not a referendum of employment of President Branch. D. President’s Report – Dr. R. Wayne Branch President Branch recognized and thanked Lukas Bardue, ASCC Public Director for his role in the unveiling of the Phoenix. He also recognized Benjamin Hayford for the ASCC support of hosting the 10th Annual Women’s Conference. Trustee Jacobs asked President Branch if there was an update of the master facility plan. President Branch responded that there will be a full update presented to the Board at the June Work Session. He added that a meeting has been scheduled with the City of Vancouver in July to provide a glimpse of the Fourth Plain and Fort Vancouver Way Development. He will update the board on June 10th. Trustee Jacobs had a question on the updates of the East County Property and the search for the Vice President of Instruction. President Branch asked Mr. Bob Knight to respond to the question regarding the updates of the East County and asked Ms. Katrina Golder to provide an update to the Board on the Vice President of Instruction. Mr. Knight reported that construction will begin next July and added there will be a meeting with workforce development and the architects. President Branch added that a note was sent to the Legislature Delegation on the signage. Ms. Golder reported that the Vice President of Instruction position was reopened and a screening committee was formed. The interviews for the position are being conducted and the committee will be selecting two candidates from this group. Mr. Miles Jackson asked a question whether the first pool would consist of 5 or 3 candidates. Dr. Branch stated it could be up to 5. E. Association Reports 1. AHE – Miles Jackson, President - Mr. Jackson elaborated on the “no confidence” vote. 2. ASCC – Benjamin Hayford Acting President – He thanked Ms. Karen Brown, Dr. Rachel Ruiz and Dr. Tim Cook for working with the ASCC through some difficult issues and also thanked them for their continued support. 3. WPEA – Billie Garner - Billie Garner had one addition to his report. The May 18 communication meeting has been re-scheduled to May 30. F. Campus Reports 1. Instruction – Dr. Sylvia Thornburg had two additions to her report. The Women’s Conference of the previous weekend was a tremendous success with record numbers of participants and broad representation among college staff and faculty in the array of volunteers that made it possible. Dr. Thornburg also introduced Dr. Ray Korpi as the new Dean of Basic Education, English, Communications and Humanities. Trustee Jacobs asked what the NSF grant application for $142,228 was for (page 9). Dr. Robin Terjeson responded that it was for a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer to analyze the atomic structure of molecules in organic compounds. This provides students experience with realistic industry equipment. Trustee Jacobs commended the college for applying for grants of this size. Dr. Branch added that the college currently has roughly $1.3 million in grants submitted. 2. Administrative Services - Mr. Bob Knight introduced Mr. Jim Green as the new Director of Plant Services. Mr. Knight has no additions to his report. There was a discussion on budget and construction from Mr. Knight’s report. President Branch clarified a question asked by Trustee Jacobs she asked would a report of auxiliary services for grants and for distance learning be brought to the June board work session in addition to the report in workforce development corporate training. Dr. Branch stated that each area would provide updates and or reports at each of the next few board meetings. Workforce is scheduled for the June meeting. 3. Student Affairs – Dr. Rachel Ruiz had one addition to her report. She announced the commencement ceremony will be on June 15 and noted Governor Christine Gregoire is the keynote speaker. She also mentioned the GED Ceremony is June 17. 4. Human Resources – Ms. Katrina Golder had no additions to her report. Ms. Golder presented a PowerPoint presentation on the recruitment process of Administrative/Exempt, Faculty and Classified positions (hand-out included in the minutes). 5. Planning and Advancement – Ms. Candy Bennett had one addition to her report. She announced the award from the Education Assistance Foundation in the amount of $70,050 to develop and implement a one-credit college course creating a two year academic plan for students and focusing on low-income and first-generation students. Dr. Tim Cook, Ted Broussard and Dr. Sara Martin of Student Affairs collaborated with Grants Development Director, Kitty Brokaw, to prepare and submit the grant. A public announcement of the grant has not yet been made by the Education Assistance Foundation. Student Affairs will coordinate and implement the grant activities. 6. Workforce Development – Dr. Lisa Edwards has no additions to her report. Trustee Jacobs raised a question regarding the status of transportation work. Dr. Edwards replied that Clark College is in the process of the next phase. She noted workforce is working on a tool kit. Dr. Edwards also noted President Branch met with the President of Portland Community College, Dr. Pulliam on how we can submit a grant through the Department of Labor to access training dollars and will join them in pursuing this funding. She notes that Clark College has been collecting market data. Trustee Jacobs asked how the money will be divided between the colleges. 7. Communications and Marketing – Ms. Barbara Kerr had no additions to her report. 8. Clark College Foundation – Ms. Lisa Gibert had no additions to her report. G. Policy Discussion The policy discussion focused on the proportion of the tuition increase to be allocated for needy student waivers. The State Board in its provisions for a tuition increase is allowing institutions to provide up to 2% to needy students. Mr. Bob Knight informed the Board that the Executive Cabinet recommends that no percentage be allocated to needy students. Dr. Branch informed the Board that College Council recommends the full 2%. Mr. Jackson informed the Board that College Council had heard from various people and concluded that the 2% works in the best interest of the students. Mr. Alex Montoya, Director of Financial Aid stated that he believed the parameters for the use of the funds to be so narrow that the dollars would be best used for support services/staff. Trustee Jacobs stated she had concerns about not supporting putting funds into the needy student program. Trustee Sen Hoss commented that it seems like this is saying Clark is taking student financial aid and reallocating the funds elsewhere. Trustee Peery commented that these are tuition dollars in the operating budget. Trustee Peery announced that this will not be decided tonight, stating that more decision is needed. Trustee Peery commented that the Board will have time to announce action on a decision after the June 10 Board work session. President Branch noted that a proposed Budget A & B will be presented to the Board in June but will not include any realignment of appropriation in the growth FTE sector from the state board. He noted this will be reported in July. There was no action taken on the Policy Discussion. Trustee Peery noted this will be revisited. III. CONSENT AGENDA A. First Reading 1. Foundation Funds Allocation Recommendations 2. Tuition Increase/Needy Student Waiver – the Board reviewed the proposed Tuition Increase/Needy Student Waiver and will take action in the future. Trustee Jacobs moved the Foundation Funds Allocation Recommendations to consent agenda. Motion carried. The motion was approved unanimously and seconded. IV. Consent Agenda 1. Minutes for April 17, 2006 were approved by the Board. 2. Foundation Funds Allocation Recommendations Trustee Peery made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Trustee Parker seconded the motion. There was no discussion and the motion was unanimously approved. V. VI. Future Agenda Items 1. President’s Evaluation (June) 2. AHE Agreement (June) 3. Signage Plan (June) 4. Internal Communications Plan (June) 5. Planning/Budgeting & Workforce Continuing Ed. Update (June10th Board Work Session) 6. Accreditation (August) Date and Place of Future Meetings The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees will be held on Monday, June 26, 2006, in the Board Room. VII. Adjournment The Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. ______________________ Kim Peery, Chair Clark College Board of Trustees Wonder Baldwin, Recorder