SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v1) Summary of the Results of STIS SMOV4 Calibration Activities Charles R. Proffitt1,2, Alessandra Aloisi1, Ralph Bohlin1, Colin Cox1, Paul Goudfrooij1, Theodore R. Gull3, Mary Beth Kaiser1,4, Matt Lallo1, Daniel J. Lennon1, Don J. Lindler5, Russ Makidon1, Sami-Matias Niemi1,6, Beverly Serrano7, Thomas Wheeler1, Michael A. Wolfe1, Bruce Woodgate3, and Wei Zheng1,4 1 Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD Science Programs, Computer Sciences Corporation, Baltimore, MD 3 NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 4 John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 5 Sigma Space Corporation, 4600 Forbes Boulevard, Lanham, MD 6 Tuorla Observatory, University of Turku, Väisäläntie 20, Piikkiö, Finland 7 Raytheon/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 2 17 January, 2014 ABSTRACT After HST Servicing Mission 4 (SM4), there was a period of Science Mission Observatory Verification (SMOV4), to check out the new and repaired instruments. Here we summarize the execution and results of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) SMOV4 activities undertaken to ensure that the repaired STIS instrument was ready to carry out its scheduled science program after a nearly five year hiatus in operation. The results of the initial aliveness and functional tests are reviewed, anomalies that affected the execution of the STIS SMOV plan are discussed, and the results of each STIS SMOV activity executed are summarized. In most respects the performance of STIS after the SM4 repair is very similar to that seen prior to the 2004 failure. Notable changes include a significant and unexpected enhancement of the NUV MAMA dark rate that has been declining only very slowly, and continued degradation of the CCD performance due to radiation damage. Postrepair throughputs of most modes are close to expectations based on extrapolation of previous trends. Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Contents • Introduction (page 2) • STIS SMOV Activity Plan (page 3) • Aliveness and Functional Tests (page 5) • SMOV Anomalies Affecting STIS (page 6) • Results of Individual Activities and Programs (page 7) • Summary (page 63) • Change History (page 63) • References (page 64) • Appendix – STIS SMOV Requirements (page 65) 1. Introduction The Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) was installed into the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), in February 1997 during HST Servicing Mission 2 (SM2). It operated successfully until May 2001, when there was a failure in side-1 of the instrument’s electronics. Operations were able to resume in July 2001 using the redundant side-2 electronics. Performance on side-2 was very similar to that on side one, expect that, on side-2, the temperature of the STIS CCD cannot be directly measured, and the STIS CCD thermoelectric cooler (TEC) must be run at constant current rather than in a controlled feedback loop that keeps the detector at a constant temperature. This means that the actual CCD temperature and dark current now vary as the thermal environment inside STIS changes. The CCD on side-2 also showed a slightly increased read noise (Jansen et al. 2010). Following the side switch, STIS continued to function well until August 2004, when a power converter in the side-2 electronics failed. This disabled the power needed to move the STIS mechanical mechanisms, as well as the power for the calibration lamps and heaters, rendering further scientific observations with STIS impossible. A plan was conceived to restore STIS to operations by replacing the side-2 circuit board containing the failed component during HST Servicing Mission 4 (SM4). Details of the repair plan can be found in Rinehart et al. (2008). Accessing the circuit board required removal of an access panel held in place by 110 small screws, but after some difficulty removing a rail that blocked access to that panel, astronauts Michael Good & Michael Massimo successfully made the repair on May 17, 2009. During the servicing mission, the success of the repair was tested by an Aliveness Test (AT) that verified the functioning of the replacement board, and by a Functional Test (FT) that checked the broader functionality of the STIS instrument. Following the release of HST by Atlantis, there was then a period of Science Mission Orbital Verification (SMOV) during which HST’s instruments were tested, calibrated, and prepared for their return to science operations. The STIS SMOV plan was “success-oriented” in that it assumed that the STIS instrument would function essentially in the same manner as it had prior to the 2004 Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 2 failure. Except where the health and safety of the instrument might be an issue, the sequence of activities was designed to proceed without necessarily waiting to analyze the results of the preceding activity. The goal was to allow a rapid return to science operations for STIS, accepting some risk that, if some unexpected problem were to arise, it might require that a number of activities be repeated at a later time. STIS SMOV plans only included those tests that are necessary to verify whether STIS could obtain data of the quality anticipated. Many time consuming calibrations that could be just as well be applied retroactively were deferred until after the SMOV period and the resumption of routine science operations. In many cases the analysis of the SMOV programs was also restricted to the minimum detail needed to meet the SMOV requirements, even when a more detailed analysis might have been possible. 2. STIS SMOV Activity Plan The high level requirements that needed to be satisfied by the STIS SMOV program were finalized in the spring of 2007. A full listing of these requirements are attached in an appendix to this document. Over these next two years a number of activities were designed and detailed observational programs were written to satisfy these requirements. Some requirements did not require an observational program to fulfill, while other requirements mapped to more than one program. This mapping is given in Table 1. The planned sequencing of STIS SMOV activities is shown in Figure 1. In section 5 we will discuss the results for each activity. Table 1: STIS SMOV Requirements and Mapping to Activities and Proposals SMOV4 RELEVANT PROPOSAL ID TITLE RQMT ACTIVITY Engineering Activities L. STIS-01 N/A Instrument States L. STIS-01 Various Detector States L. STIS-01 11347 Data Interface L. STIS-02 11347 Memory Dumps L. STIS-03 11348 CS Buffer RAM Test L. STIS-04 11349 Mechanism Mini-Functional L. STIS-08 11383 Calibration Lamps L. STIS-05 11399 CCD Annealing L. Engineering N/A Temperature Monitoring telemetry L. STIS-06 11382 CCD Mini-functional L. STIS-17, 18 11350; 11351 MAMA Recovery Procedures L. N/A N/A Wait 3 Weeks for Deuterium/Krypton Lamp Use Acquisition Activities L. STIS-09 11384 STIS-to-FGS Alignment L. STIS-13, 11388; ACQ and ACQ/PEAK Tests 15,16, 23 11401,11389, 11393 Alignment Activities L. STIS-11,12 11386, 11387 STIS Focus Check L. STIS-08 11383 Aperture Wheel Repeatability Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 3 L. STIS-08,10, 21, 22 L. STIS-13, 23, 24 L. STIS-16, 26 Calibration Activities L. STIS-07, 19, 20 L. STIS-14 L. STIS-15, 25 11383; 11385; 11391; 11392 11388; 11393; 11394 11389; 11395 MSM Optical Format Verification Spectroscopic Image Quality 11404; 11390; 11402 11400 11401; 11403 Dark Rate Measurements Pointing Stability Tests CTI Check Throughput Check Figure 1: The planned sequencing and dependencies of the STIS SMOV4 programs are shown above. White boxes show engineering activities, and yellow boxes show alignment activities. Activities oriented towards particular detectors are colored in light blue for the CCD, blue for the FUV MAMA and pink for the NUV MAMA. Activities that used external targets are enclosed with a double-lined boundary, while activities that were done with only internal instrument operations are enclosed in a single lined boundary. Activities that had to wait until after the pointing restrictions of Bright Earth Avoidance (BEA) period were relaxed, are grouped on the lower right and enclosed within a dotted line. 3. Aliveness and Functional Tests The STIS SM4 aliveness test (AT) was executed shortly after the astronauts finished the STIS repair. The AT demonstrated that STIS could be transitioned to hold and boot mode, and verified the relays and voltages needed to provide power to the lamps, Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 4 mechanisms, and heaters supplied by the new LVPS2 circuit board. The calibration insert mechanism and the slit wheel were also moved. The AT executed without incident and all tests were fully successful. The functional test (FT) began a few hours later. The goals of the functional tests included verification of most STIS mechanisms, including the CCD Shutter, the Calibration Insert Mechanism, the Mode Select Mechanism, the Aperture Wheel, and the External Shutter. The MAMA detectors would be tested by turning on their lowvoltage power supplies, doing a minimal HV ramp, and taking dark exposures. The CCD would be cooled with the TEC to a low enough temperature to operate, and then dark images and internal tungsten lamp images would be taken using each of the 4 STIS CCD amplifiers to perform the readout. This would verify the ability to get light to the detector, take images, and transfer those images to the ground. The FT encountered a number of issues. These were documented by HST Anomaly Reports (HSTARs). The first delay occurred when one of the bulkhead thermistors showed a violation of the allowed low temperature limit due to the cold state of STIS after the initial startup (HSTAR 11834). STIS safed, and could not be recovered until the thermistor warmed to within the allowed range. Another delay occurred when the initial set of images could not be dumped to the solid-state recorder (HSTAR 11836). It turned out that the STIS Science Data Formatter (SDF) relay was in the incorrect position, being configured for side-A instead of for side-B as required by the configuration of the HST Science Instrument Control and Data Handler (SI C&DH). Resetting this relay resulted in clearing the memory of STIS, so it was then necessary to repeat all of the FT science exposures, which where then successfully transferred to the ground. Examination of these images taken during the FT revealed two additional problems. The first of these was that there was no light visible on the CCD images that should have been illuminated by the tungsten lamp! Analysis quickly showed that this was again a configuration problem. The STIS TDF (Take Data Flag) Response had been mistakenly left enabled rather than disabled as is usual for internal exposures, and since the TDF was “down” the CCD shutter did not open for the lamp exposures (HSTAR 11837). There was some discussion of repeating this part of the FT yet again with the TDF response properly disabled, but it was decided to defer further CCD operations until another anomaly seen in the image was fully understood. This meant the ability of light to reach the CCD detector could not be directly confirmed until later in the SMOV period. This second problem was an apparently elevated bias level seen in the CCD images taken using the B Amp (HSTAR 11840). It was eventually concluded this anomaly resulted from a problem in the transfer of the digital science data from the CCD Electronics Board (CEB) to the Main Electronics Board (MEB). Only 15 of the 16 bits of each word are being transferred, resulting in the loss of the least significant bit and misalignment of the remaining bits. A small number of pre-launch images taken with Amp B had shown the same problem, and it was hoped that the anomaly would disappear under more normal operating conditions. However, subsequent operations have since shown that the Amp B serial transfer problem now appears to be permanent, and Amp B is no longer used for STIS operations. Since another amplifier, Amp D, is normally used for GO science exposures, the loss of Amp B affects only a limited number of calibration programs. Examination of the other FT CCD images showed that the CCD read noise was slightly enhanced compared to the levels seen in 2004. Measured read noise values in Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 5 electrons of the gain=1 exposures taken during the FT for each amplifier were A:8.96, B:9.42, C:6.97, D:5.79, compared to mean values in 2004 of A:8.73, B: 8.93, C: 6.77, D:5.49. Even after discarding the B amp value affected by the transfer anomaly, the remaining amps all show an increase in read noise of between 0.2 to 0.3 electrons. Subsequent calibration observations have shown that these increases appear to be permanent. 4. SMOV Anomalies Affecting STIS In addition to the difficulties during the FT, there were a number of subsequent instrument and observatory anomalies that delayed the STIS SMOV program. The event with the greatest impact on the STIS SMOV schedule was the hang up (HSTAR 1880) of the Science Instrument Control and Data Handler (SI C&DH). This component had been replaced during SM4, and the replacement unit locked up on June 15, 2009, preventing most communication with the HST instruments. Resetting of the SI C&DH cleared the problem and STIS CCD operations were resumed on June 24. However, during the lockup, the STIS MAMA detectors were in a state that might have allowed single-event upset events induced by high-energy particles to damage the detector. As a result, resumption of STIS MAMA activities were delayed until July 28, 2009 to allow software modifications intended to provide additional protection to the MAMA detectors in the event of future SI C&DH lockups. On July 6, 2009, STIS suspended due to a MAMA Interface Electronics (MIE) communications error (HSTAR 11917). This is believed to have resulted from a Single Event Upset (SEU) that interrupted the processing in this component. A similar event had been seen with the ACS MIE in 2006 (HSTAR 9980). Resetting the STIS MIE appears to have cleared the error. However, subsequent attempts to dump the MIE memory to provide further diagnostics information failed, (HSTARs 11922 and 11927), resulting in additional STIS suspend events. These were similar to a STIS suspend event while attempting to dump the MIE RAM that had occurred in 1997 (HSTAR 6235), but the cause of this behavior was never fully understood. Eventually STIS was recovered without further attempts to dump the MIE memory and normal operations were resumed on July 24, 2009. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 6 5. Results of Individual Activities and Programs Activity: STIS-01 Proposal: none, but see also activities STIS-06, 17, and 18. Title: Verification of Instrument and Detector States SMOV Requirements: L., L., L. Analysis Lead: Bev Serrano Other Personnel: Alan Welty, Dennis Garland Description: This activity demonstrated that STIS could transition to each of the defined instrument modes, (BOOT, HOLD, OPERATE, and OBSERVER), and detector states, and verified that the command and engineering data interface via the RIU. These transitions were verified by monitoring of the usual STIS recovery sequence and during the course of normal operations and did not require a separate proposal. While some of the allowed detector states were tested during the course of the recovery, others required waiting for the first proposals to use the detectors. Execution: STIS was recovered from SAFE to OPERATE on May 27, 2009. CCD TEC cooling was then started followed by a CCD transition to the STANDBY state. The MAMA low voltage (LV) power supplies were also turned on and normal cycling of the MAMA LV power supplies around SAA passages was initiated. Verification of the observational detector states was verified by activities STIS-17 (FUV), STIS-18 (NUV), and STIS-06 (CCD). Results: All executed transitions occurred nominally, and telemetry was nominal. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 7 Activity: STIS-02 Proposal: 11347 Title: Load and Dump STIS Onboard Memory SMOV Requirements: L., L. Analysis lead: Bev Serrano (GSFC) Other Personnel: Alan Welty, Charles Proffitt Description: This activity tested and verified the STIS dump of CS memory capability. Areas dumped include: EEPROM, PROM, EDAC RAM, and Buffer RAM with the CS in OPERATE mode. With the MAMA Interface Electronics (MIE) and CS both in OPERATE, a full dump of the Control Section's (CS) EEPROM, PROM, and EDAC RAM was performed. The MIE data was then copied from MIE RAM and MIE PROM to CS Buffer RAM. Finally, a portion of the CS Buffer RAM containing the data was dumped as normal science images. Execution: Visit 01 of program 11347 successfully executed on May 28, 2009. Results: The planned memory dumps all executed nominally. The Code 582 flight software team at GSFC compared the dumped memory with the ground reference image. No problems were found. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 8 Activity: STIS-03 Proposal: 11348 Title: STIS Science Data Buffer Check with Self-test SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis lead: Bev Serrano (GSFC) Description: Using the set buffer memory macro, zeros were written into CS Buffer RAM prior to passage into the SAA and then the buffer memory was dumped to the SSR after exit from the SAA to check for bit flips. Then the CS self-test macro was used to conduct a pattern test of CS Buffer RAM. The memory fail counter was checked after the test has completed. Execution: All three visits of 11348 successfully executed on May 29, 2009 Results: Code 582 flight software team at GSFC examined the zeroed-memory dumps – no bit flips were found. The formal monitoring of the memory fail counter was done by the FOT (Flight Ops Team) – the test passed. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 9 Activity: STIS-04 Proposal: 11349 Title: Mechanism Mini-Functional SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis lead: Tom Wheeler Description: All STIS mechanisms, with the exception of the corrector, were initialized and then commanded to selected positions. Verification of the corrector alignment mechanisms would have been done only as part of any alignment or focus adjustments. Each of these mechanisms was exercised over the full range of motion needed to support operational use of STIS. Telemetry was used to verify whether the commanded movements have actually occurred. Execution: Visit 01 of 11349 successfully executed on June 1, 2009. Results: All mechanism moves were verified successfully by STIS instrument FSW (no ESB messages) and via telemetry by STScI Engineering. No corrector movement was needed or performed. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 10 Activity: STIS-05 Proposal: 11399 Title: CCD Anneal SMOV REQUIREMENTS: L., L. Analysis Lead: Michael Wolfe Other Supporting Personnel: Paul Goudfrooij, Daniel Lennon Description: The purpose of this activity was to repair hot pixel damage to the STIS CCD that resulted from cosmic ray induced radiation damage due to cosmic rays. Radiation damage creates hot pixels in the STIS CCD detector. Many of these hot pixels can be repaired by warming the CCD from its normal operating temperature near -83°C to the ambient instrument temperature (~ +5°C) for several hours. Pre-anneal CCD characteristics were defined by a series of bias, dark and flatfield exposures (duration: 2 orbits). After these exposures executed, the CCD thermoelectric cooler (TEC) was turned off to allow the CCD detector temperature to rise (from ~ -80°C to +5°C). The CCD was left in the uncooled state for approximately 12 hours. The TEC was then turned back on and the CCD cooled to its normal operating temperature. Since the CCD on Side-2 does not have a thermistor, the actual temperature fluctuates depending on external conditions. After a 3 hour wait to allow the CCD to reach normal operational temperatures, the bias, dark and flat-field images were repeated to assess the post-anneal CCD performance (duration: 2 orbits). Flat field exposures permitted evaluation of any window contamination acquired during the annealing period. The CCD window is coolest during the annealing period because the TEC is powered off. Execution: The first set of anneal visits executed on June 2 and 3, 2009, and a second set executed on July 2 and 3, 2009. Results: The anneals were successful, but did not eliminate all hot pixels that accumulated during the period STIS was inoperative. The number of hot pixels is somewhat more than would be expected from an extrapolation of pre-failure side-2 data. The number of hot pixels as a function of time for pre- and post-SM4 STIS CCD data is shown in Figure 05-01, and the number of pixels with count rates of more than 0.1 e-/s before and after the anneal are compared in Figure 05-02. The anneal results are described in more details in Wolfe et al. (2009), while additional details are given in Goudfrooij et al., (2009) and Mason (2013). Reference files: Data taken during this program was combined with data from program 11404, STIS CCD Bias and Dark Monitor, and used in the production of the weekly superdark reference files. Documentation: STIS ISR 2009-01, STIS ISR 2009-02, STIS ISR 2012-02 Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 11 Figure 05-1: The number of post-anneal hot pixels only at various cut levels. All side-2 images were scaled to a housing temperature of 18 C. Both this figure and Fig. 05-2 also include data from the first 3 iterations of the cycle 17 STIS anneal program 11849. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 12 − Figure 05-2: The number of pixels with a dark current > 0.1 e /s as a function of observation date for before (red) and after (black) each STIS CCD anneal. For all values after the switch to side-2, the images are rescaled to a CCD housing temperature of 18 C before analysis. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 13 Activity: STIS-06 Proposal: 11382 Title: STIS SMOV4 CCD Functional SMOV REQUIREMENTS: L., Analysis Lead: Paul Goudfrooij Other Personnel: Michael Wolfe Description: The purpose of this activity was to measure the baseline performance and commandability of the CCD subsystem. This test assessesed several CCD functions and performance characteristics, including: bias levels, read noise, dark current, CTE, and gain. Bias, dark, and flat field exposures were executed to achieve these goals. Full frame and binned (2 x 1, 1 x 2, and 2 x 2) observations were made. Biases were taken at GAIN=1 and read-out in subarray mode to support target acquisition and peakup modes. Only the primary amplifier (Amp D) was used. All exposures were internals. Visits 1 and 2 acquired bias frames and flats at the four commandable gain settings, 1, 2, 4, and 8 e/DN. At each of the available but unsupported gain settings (GAIN=2, 8) 31 bias frames were acquired for construction of a superbias. At the supported gain settings (GAIN=1, 4) only 21 bias frames were acquired since the remaining frames necessary for construction of a superbias were acquired as part of the normal bias monitoring program. A pair of flats was acquired in camera mode at two signal levels (achieved by using the 50CCD and F25ND3 apertures) at each gain setting. The flats were analyzed to (1) provide a rough confirmation of the nominal gain calibration and (2) determine if there had been changes in the number or position of cosmetic artifacts, such as the shadows of particles on the detector window. Bias and internal lamp exposures were obtained for binned modes, with binning factors of 2 x 1, 1 x 2, and 2 x 2, for evaluation of read noise, bias level, and gain of the binned settings. Biases were acquired using a 100x100 and 1024x32 subarray readout (and gain=4) in support of target acquisitions and peakups. Visit 3 acquired dark frames and bias frames for evaluation of the mean dark current at the operating temperature of the CCD and the identification of hot pixels. Visit 4 acquired spectral flat field data at three different signal levels, spanning a factor of 100 in signal intensity, for evaluation of charge transfer efficiency (CTE) through the edge pixel response method. In addition 29 biases were taken at gain=1 to enable the construction of superbiases for each of the binned settings used in visit 2. Execution: All four visits successfully executed on June 3, 2009 Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 14 Results: The typical readnoise values for Amplifier D between the time of the initial switch to the side-2 electronics in 2001 and their failure in 2004, were 5.4e- for GAIN=1 and 7.7e- for GAIN=5. After SM4 these values increased slightly to 5.6 eand 8.0 e- respectively. An examination of superbiases, shows that at GAIN=1, the level of the “spurious charge,” which is effectively a position dependent background, was found to be about 60% larger than prior-to SM4. Estimates of CTE effects from the flat field suggest possible temperature dependence, but the overall scale of CTE losses appears to be similar to what an extrapolation of pre-SM4 trends would suggest. For additional details see Goudfrooij et al. (2009). Documentation: STIS ISR 2009-02 Reference files delivered: Information from this proposal was used to update values in the CCDTAB, including readnoise values, and CTE correction coefficients. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 15 Activity: STIS-07 Proposal: 11404 Title: STIS CCD Bias and Dark Monitor SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Michael Wolfe Other Supporting Personnel: Paul Goudfrooij, Daniel Lennon Description: This activity was the first in a series of measurements to characterize and monitor the CCD biases and darks. Bias program: This activity took full-frame bias exposures in the 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, and 2x2 bin settings at GAIN=1, and 1x1 at GAIN= 4 to monitor the bias and to build up high-S/N superbiases and track the evolution of hot columns. At GAIN=1, 14 bias frames were acquired in each visit with 1x1 binning and 2 bias frames with 1x2, 2x1, and 2x2 binning. At GAIN=4, 3 bias frames were acquired with 1x1 binning. Dark program: This activity obtained 1 long (1100s) and 2 short (60s) unbinned darks per visit at GAIN=1 to monitor CCD behavior and chart growth of hot and bad pixels. Acquiring dark exposures of different durations provided a test of low-level instrument noise over a wide range of observing conditions, provided high S/N calibration frames for subsequent SMOV activities, and permited hot pixel reference file updates on appropriate time scales. Execution: Execution of two daily dark visits started on June 3, 2009 and continued until August 2, 2009, when this program was replaced by the routine Cycle 17 monitoring programs. No visits were executed between June 15 and June 23 due to the HST SIC&DH lockup (HSTAR 11880). Visits 76 through 84, which were planned for July 7 to 9, were lost when STIS suspended due to an MIE communications failure (HSTAR 11917). As discussed in section 4 above, recovery efforts were delayed due to problems with performing memory dumps of the MIE (HSTARs 11922 and 11927). Routine STIS operations did not resume until July 23, 2009, resulting in the withdrawal of visits 85 through 93 of this program; the scheduling of some visits was slipped to extend the duration of this program. Results: Measured dark rates are similar to or slightly higher than predictions based on extrapolations of trends seen before STIS failure in August 2004, (see Fig. 07-1 below). Weekly superbias and superdark reference files were created, tested, and delivered to CDBS. Bias levels were systematically from 0.2e- to 0.3e- higher than in 2004. Additional details are discussed in Goudfrooij et al (2009). Reference files: Full sets of super-bias and super-dark reference files were delivered for pipeline use. Documentation: STIS ISR 2009-02 Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 16 Figure 07-1: Dark current at center and near the readout for STIS CCD with side-2 electronics. All results are scaled to a CCD housing temperature of 18 C. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 17 Activity: STIS-08 Proposal: 11383 Title: Aperture Wheel and Lamp Functional Test SMOV Requirements: L.,, Analysis Lead: Wei Zheng Other Personnel: Daniel Lennon Description: This activity verified the ability to accurately position the STIS aperture wheel, verified the functioning of the tungsten and wavelength calibration lamps, and demonstrated that the STIS CCD imaging and spectroscopic mode were aligned well enough to support normal science operations. The first part of visit 01 took tungsten lamp images, using the CCD imaging mode, while cycling through various STIS apertures. Frequent returns to the 0.2X0.2 reference aperture were interspersed throughout this sequence. The second part of this visit took a series of G230MB/2697 LINE lamp images while cycling through the 52X0.1, 52X0.2, and 52X0.5 apertures to verify the repeatability of the slit wheel mechanism. Visit 2 performed observations with the HITM1 and HITM2 lamps at both commonly used current settings (3.8mA and 10mA) using a variety of gratings to check lamp functionality for routine science operations. The lamp flux and location of the spectra on the detector was compared to previous side-2 values. Execution: Visit 01 and 02 executed on June 3, 2009 Results: After subtracting thermal trends, relative aperture positions were found to be within typical random measurement errors of < 0.2 pixels. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 18 Activity: STIS-09 Proposal: 11384 Title: STIS to FGS Alignment SMOV requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Charles Proffitt Other Personnel: Matt Lallo, Colin Cox, Ed Kimmer Description: This activity was executed during the BEA period and used to verify that the alignment of STIS with the FGSs was good enough to allow subsequent SMOV activities to continue. The target was a 10.6 magnitude A star, and both it and the two guide stars used were chosen from the Tycho catalog to ensure high astrometric precision. A small box pattern exposure of 0.3 s duration using 50CCD with a spacing of a few pixels was taken first at the center of the detector and then repeated at POS TARG positions of (+12, 0), (0,+12), (-12, 0), (0,-12). Three tungsten lamp images taken through the 0.2x0.2 aperture were interspersed with these observations to allow for measurement of internal instrument alignment changes. Execution: Visit 05 executed on June 3, 2009. The remaining visits, intended for other BEA periods appropriate for different possible launch dates, were withdrawn. Results: The Flight Ops Sensors and Calibrations group at GSFC (Ed Kimmer) took the guide star raw observations and applied the current FGS distortion and alignment matrices to obtain V2, V3 locations. They then fit these two points to the corresponding astrometric RA, Dec values provided by INS to obtain the pointing solution. Using this, they returned to INS a report giving V2, V3 values associated with the supplied target RA, Dec values at short time samples throughout the time period in question. This allows the expected position of the target on the detector to be calculated as a function of time during the visit. Note that while the GSC2 coordinates were provided by the ground system for the observation itself, the calculations described here rely only on the astrometric Tycho coordinates and the measured positions of the FGS’s. The STIS team at STScI then made detailed measurements of the x, y position of the target or lamp image in each of the exposures. Comparing the predicted and measured positions allows the error in the STIS-to-FGS offset to be determined. It was found that the offset of the detector reference point in V2/V3 coordinates was (+0.231”, 0.062”), while the offset for the lamp image of the reference aperture was (+0.299”, +0.042”). These should be compared with an estimated error in the positions of the guide stars and targets of 0.05”. As observations were taken at several dithered positions, it was also possible to verify the rotation and plate scale of the detector. The rotation measured within 1.1 arc-min of expected SIAF value, and the plate scale was differed from the SIAF value by < 0.1% Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 19 These results are all well within the SMOV requirements that the location of the reference STIS camera aperture be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of 1 arc second in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle. It was decided that no SIAF update was needed before continuing with SMOV operations. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 20 Activity: STIS-10 Proposal: 11385 Title: CCD Optical Format Verification SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Wei Zheng Other Personnel: Daniel Lennon Description: For each CCD spectral optical element in the MSM (G230LB, G230MB, G430L, G430M, G750L, and G750M), a HITM1 lamp spectrum was taken to match selected observations that were done as part of the cycle 11 STIS/CAL program 9617. The new observations only needed to be done for one CENWAVE value of each grating. These observations were intended to verify the optical paths and MSM positioning used for each of these modes and also allowed a check of the spectral resolution. The spectral format of CCD imaging modes was verified by activities STIS-08 and STIS-09. Note that program 9617 had switched to using the HITM1 in place of the LINE lamp previously used for CCD dispersion solution checks, because the HITM1 lamp gives much better illumination at the E1 aperture positions. Program 9617 was also executed after the switch to side-2 operations for STIS, and as such may provide a better comparison to SMOV4 data than would earlier programs. Results: All shifts with respect to the previous data were consistent with the expected 1 - 2 pixel variations due to MSM non-repeatability and thermal flexures. All positions checked were well within the range needed to support normal operations and calibrations. Rotations were < 0.3 pixels across the detector width. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 21 Activity: STIS-11 Proposal: 11386 Title: External Focus Check SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Charles Proffitt Other Personnel: Russell Makidon, Colin Cox Description: This program checked STIS image quality using two tests. In the first test, a dispersed light ACQ/PEAK with the G230LB grating was used to dither the 0.1x0.09 aperture across a point source to sample the PSF. Relative counts at different wavelengths gave a measure of the PSF shape at different wavelengths. A comparable ACCUM spectrum with the G230LB and a large aperture was also taken to provide a baseline flux for estimating the relative throughput of the 0.1x0.09 aperture. In the second test, a point source was imaged onto the CCD through the F28x50OII filter. The resulting PSF shape was compared with the pre-repair PSF. Sufficient S/N in the O II image was obtained to allow the use of phase retrieval techniques to estimate the focus position. Execution: Visit 01 executed on June 04-05, 2009. The sequence of G230LB ACQ/PEAK and ACCUM exposures described above was repeated a second time after the O II imaging exposures. Visit 11 was a shortened repeat of visit 01, that omitted this 2nd iteration of the G230LB exposures, and was executed on August 3, 2009 to recheck the STIS focus after a move of the HST secondary. Other visits were contingencies with alternate targets to allow this program to execute within the BEA period for a variety of launch dates. Results: The net count rate for the source was measured in the 0.1X0.09 G230LB peakup confirmation images and divided by the synphot predictions for that source, including time dependent sensitivity (TDS) corrections appropriate for the observation date. The measured count rates for the SMOV4 observations are between 94% and 97% of the predicted values (see Fig. 11-1). In addition, the ratio of these count rates to contemporaneous G230LB observations taken using a large aperture are consistent with measurements done in 1997 (see Fig. 11-2). The second iteration of the G230LB ACQ/PEAK and ACCUM exposures in visit 01 showed significantly higher throughput than did the first set that had been taken about 2 hours earlier, suggesting that the pointing of HST was more stable later in the visit. This variability in the throughput is consistent with level of pre-SMOV4 scatter in the integrated flux that is illustrated in Fig 11-1. Phase retrieval focus results for observations with the narrow band F28X50OII filter are also consistent with the expected historical range. We conclude that the NUV small aperture throughput of STIS is within 7% of nominal values as specified in the SMOV requirements. Therefore no adjustment of the corrector mechanism was necessary. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 22 Figure 11-1: Fraction of predicted count rate observed with STIS G230LB & 0.1X0.09 aperture in ACQ/PEAK exposures (before ~ MJD 51500 corresponding to November 1999 ACQ/PEAK exposures clipped the bias at too high a level causing underestimates of the throughput). In addition to the SMOV4 observations of BD+75 325 (diamond symbols) taken as part of 11386, this plot also includes an observation of the standard GD 153 (triangle) taken as part of the SMOV4 program 11403. Values calculated from the regular focus monitor over the years (+ symbols), are also shown. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 23 Figure 11-2: The ratios of 0.1x0.09 to large aperture net count rates as measured with deep G230LB ACCUM spectra are compared for data from 1997 (black) and 2009 SMOV4 (color). The 2009 observations bracket the 1997 measurement. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 24 Activity: STIS-12 Proposal: 11387 Title: Corrector and Focus Alignment SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Charles Proffitt Other Personnel: Colin Cox, Russell Makidon Description: This was a contingency activity only needed if STIS-11 would have found a significant problem with the STIS focus or optical alignment. SMOV4 visits were prepared to repeat the coarse alignment sweeps that were done during SMOV2 (program 7075), and the fine alignment sweeps that were prepared for SMOV3a/b (programs 8512/8966), and to repeat the checks done by STIS-11. Only those visits judged necessary during SMOV4 were to have been executed. Coarse sweeps would have been done by taking images of a bright star using the F28X50OII filter; phase retrieval techniques would then have been used to analyze the focus and alignment. Fine sweeps would have used the G230LB grating together with the 0.1x0.09 aperture, and the optimal focus and alignment would be defined as the settings that maximize the throughput for this combination. After the optimal corrector positions were determined and set, a version of the observations done by STIS-11 would have been repeated to confirm the success of these procedures. Since the STIS corrector mechanism has not been moved since 1997, two brief visits were also included to perform a functional test of the focus and tip-tilt movements respectively. The corrector system adjustments would have to be up-linked in real-time per design. The data would have been rapidly down-linked and analyzed to produce the corrector positions for each iteration in order to efficiently proceed through this serial activity. Execution: This contingency was unnecessary, so no visits were executed. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 25 Activity: STIS-13 Proposal: 11388 Title: CCD Spectroscopic Image Quality and ACQ Tests SMOV Requirements: L., Analysis Lead: Ted Gull Other Personnel: Don Lindler, Bruce Woodgate, Charles Proffitt Description: This program checked image quality along the 52x0.1 aperture in combination with the STIS G230LB grating. The target star was positioned at several positions along the aperture including 52X0.1 (nominal center position), 52X0.1E1 (CTE position) and 51X0.1D1 (MAMA acquisitions near low background for FUV MAMA). Positioning of the target was done utilizing PATTERN and offsets of 0.1” between seven positions perpendicular to the aperture. Additional image quality checks were done with PATTERN and SUBPATTERN for five positions along the aperture, centered on the nominal center position with 2” offsets. Execution: Visit 03 successfully observed the hot standard BD+75 325 on June 5, 2009. The other five visits in this program were contingencies with different targets to allow observations during the post-SMOV Bright Earth Avoidance (BEA) period for variety of possible SM4 launch dates. These extra visits were withdrawn after the execution of visit 03. Results: Comparison of the 2009 spectrum of BD+75 325 taken at the default detector location was compared with a similar 2002 spectrum. The 2009 spectrum was shifted by < 1 pixel in the dispersion direction and by about 5 pixels in the crossdispersion direction. Net count rates were approximately 4% less, but once the estimated TDS corrections were applied, the 2009 spectrum was only about 1% fainter than expectations based on extrapolated pre-SM4 trends. In the high S/N core of the observation, the collapsed cross-dispersion profile is essentially identical (Fig. 13-1) but the wings show evidence for changes in CTI, increasing the sag of the spectrum towards lower row numbers. Similar results were found for observations taken at other positions along the slit; results at the 52X0.1E1 position are shown in Fig. 13-2. Exposures that dithered the target out of the narrower 52X0.1 aperture along the dispersion direction, showed no evidence for unexpected levels of scattered light. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 26 Figure 13-1: This plot compares the cross dispersion profile of two G230LB 52X2 observations of BD+75 325 taken at the center of the detector, one done in 2002 and the second in 2009. The core of the PSF is essentially identical, but the wings of the later image show the effects of the decreased CTI, which causes the profile to sag towards lower row numbers. All target acquisition and peakup exposures in this program performed as expected. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 27 Figure 13-2: the same as the preceding figure, except that results are shown for observations done at the 52X0.1E1 aperture position. Again, the cores of the profiles are similar, but the postSM4 exposure shows a significant increase in CTI effects. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 28 Activity: STIS-14 Proposal: 11400 Title: STIS CCD CTI Check SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Paul Goudfrooij Other Supporting Personnel: Michael Wolfe, Paul Goudfrooij, Daniel Lennon Description: This activity was the first in a series of measurements that were made to characterize the dependence of the CCD Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) as a function of signal level, source position, and time. This activity executed during the SMOV period and enabled measurement of the magnitude of the CTI for a limited parameter set and provided a comparison of the current CTI performance with the CTI performance prior to the Side-2 failure. These CTI measurements were made using an "internal sparse field test", which illuminated the detector with a stripe of light along the parallel axis. This test utilized the ability of the STIS CCD and its associated electronics to read out the image with any amplifier, i.e., by clocking the accumulated charge in either direction along both parallel and serial registers. A sequence of nominally identical exposures was taken alternating the readout between amplifiers on opposite sides of the CCD. Amplifier D (the default) and amplifier B were used to check the parallel CTI at the default gain=1 setting. Comparison of the charge readout using the D and B amplifiers yielded a measure of the CTI. If there were no CTI, then the ratio of the signals read out using the two different amplifiers for a source at the same position would have been identically 1. First a series of bias images were taken with amplifier D and amplifier B. These were followed by a series of 5 tungsten lamp exposures with the 0.05X31NDA slit in mode G430M at the 5471Å central wavelength setting. The image of the long-slit, 0.05X31NDA, lies along the dispersion direction and has a narrow (2 pixel FWHM) profile. Measurement of the CTI using a slit oriented in the dispersion direction presents a “worst case” since there is no background source (“sky”) to fill the charge traps on the CCD. This test was executed for a single signal level and a single slit image position on the detector. Subsequent executions of the internal sparse field CTI test moved the mode select mechanism (MSM) over a range of MSM positions to vary the location of the slit image (and hence the number of parallel shifts) on the detector. Execution: Visit 01 executed on June 3, 2009, but the data was unusable due to the fault with the B amp. The first iterations of the Cycle 17 program 11400 were revised to use the A & C amps and were executed in July 2009 to allow an early CTI measurement. Results: The results from the substitute program 11400 are consistent with predictions based on extrapolations of trends seen before STIS failure in August Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 29 2004. The time constant coefficient of the CTI correction formula changed only slightly, from 0.218 to 0.216 %/yr. Documentation: STIS ISR 2009-002 Reference Files: The updated CTI time coefficient was incorporated into an updated CCDTAB reference file. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 30 Activity: STIS-15 Proposal: 11401 Title: CCD Spectroscopic Throughputs SMOV Requirements: L., L. Analysis Lead: Michael Wolfe Other Personnel: Ralph Bohlin, Charles Proffitt, Daniel Lennon Description: This activity had two functions: determination of the STIS sensitivity for the CCD spectroscopic modes and verification of the CTE correction at high signal levels. It also provided a measure of the resolution in the spatial direction at two positions along the slit for each CCD spectroscopic mode. The program obtained exposures in each of the 3 low-resolution CCD spectroscopic modes (G230LB, G430L, and G750L) to establish the post-SM4 STIS baseline sensitivity at both the nominal (central) target position along the 52X2 slit and at the E1 position, which is closer to the default CCD amplifier, minimizing the number of parallel transfers and the resulting CTI effects. The sensitivity of the medium resolution CCD modes (G230MB, G430M, G750M) is also checked at the nominal and E1 slit positions for two grating settings for each mode. To verify the applicability of the pipeline CTE correction at high signal levels, the target was also observed with the G430L at 7 positions along the 52X2 slit. Execution: Visits 01 and 02 executed on July 1, 2009 Results: For the CCD gratings, throughputs measured immediately after SM4 were very close to an extrapolation of pre-SM4 trends. Results for the low dispersion gratings are shown below in Figures 15-1 through 15-3 below. A comparison of the CTI effects on the dithered G430L data taken as part of this program are discussed in Goudfrooij et al. (2009); they found that the existing correction works well for these data. Documentation: ISR STIS 2009-01. A more detailed analysis of the sensitivity of STIS dispersed light modes over the whole history of the instrument is in preparation by Holland et al. (2013), and will be published shortly as a STIS ISR. Reference files: Reference files for the time dependent sensitivity of STIS modes were updated to reflect the new results. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 31 Figure 15-1: The relative sensitivity of the STIS G230LB grating over time is shown. The post SM-4 points shown include results from SMOV program 11401 as well as the first several visits of the follow-on Cycle 17 calibration program 11855. Figure 15-2: Relative sensitivity over time for the STIS G430L grating. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 32 Figure 15-3: Relative sensitivity over time for the STIS G750L grating. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 33 Activity: STIS-16 Proposal: 11389 Title: CCD Image and Pointing Stability SMOV Requirements: L., Analysis Lead: Ted Gull Other Personnel: Don Lindler, Bruce Woodgate, Charles Proffitt Description: The goal of this proposal was to measure image motion on the CCD detector over two orbits using both an external star field and internal apertures illuminated by a lamp. This activity was executed after a large angle maneuver was predicted to induce significant thermal change that might affect focal plane-to-STIS and internal STIS optical stabilities. Advice was sought from the scheduling team to produce a maneuver expected to produce a significant thermal change. The chosen target had been previously observed with the STIS CCD and used to verify the STISto-FGS alignment, which would have allowed this program to serve as backup to program 11836 in support of activity STIS-11, STIS-to-FGS alignment, had that been necessary. Execution: Visit 01 executed on June 30, 2009, observing a field in NGC 188. The contingency visit 02 targeting an M35 field was withdrawn. For approximately 12 hours prior to this visit, HST had been pointing near RA=17 44 00 -61 30 00, and was then maneuvered to RA=00 47 04.4 +85 16 32.6 immediately before this program. Results: Proposal 11389 consisted of a series of 47 individual 10 s external exposures centered on the V=14.5 magnitude cluster star NGC 188 UMK 183, taken with the MIRVIS optical element and the 50CCD aperture over the course of 2 orbits. Interspersed with these external observations there were also a number of HITM2 lamp images taken with the 0.1X0.09 and the 52X0.1slits. The lamp observations allow distinguishing between image motion internal to STIS and image motion caused by changes in the telescope pointing or the STIS-to-FGS alignment. A typical image is shown in Figure 16-1 and shows the five stars that were used for the stability analysis. The measured axis-1 or X direction displacements of each star from its mean position as a function of time are shown in Figure 16-1. Also shown are the shifts for the 0.1X0.09 aperture, and for two positions along the 52X0.05 aperture. During both orbits the image positions shifted slightly. For the external targets, the rate of change in the axis-1 direction was as large as 0.5 pixels/hour or 0.025”/hour with a total amplitude of about 0.25 to 0.3 pixels or about 0.015”. As would be expected for changes induced by telescope breathing, the pattern of shifts is similar from orbit-toorbit. The shifts in the axis-1 positions for the internal lamp images, show a similar pattern, but with about half the amplitude. This suggests that optical bench flexures within STIS and changes in the STIS-to-FGS alignment each make comparable contributions to the image shifts, and that the actual shifts of the stellar image in the Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 34 STIS aperture plane are of order 0.1” or about 1/5 of a pixel over the course of an orbit. Figure 16-2 shows the results for the measured axis-2 or Y direction displacements. The amplitudes in the axis-2 direction are considerably smaller, with an approximately 0.05” mean offset between the positions of the external images measured between the two orbits of observations. Program 11389 executed during a period when the STIS MAMA LVPSs were powered off due to concerns about the response of STIS during an SI C&DH anomaly. As the daily cycling of the MAMA LVPSs are the primary driver of temperature variations in the STIS optical bench, this may have resulted in STIS remaining more thermally stable than it would otherwise have been during this test. Empirical models of the focus variation also showed rather small amplitude for the predicted breathing changes during this visit (see the description of the MAMA stability tests and Fig. 26-5 later in this document). Some thought was given to the possibility of repeating this visit after the MAMAs were restored to normal operation, but after consideration of the results of the purely internal MAMA stability tests done in activity STIS-26 (program 11395), it was decided that STIS appeared to be sufficiently stable that a repeat visit of this program was not necessary. The most comparable program done during the original 1997 SMOV period was program 7087 which observed a stellar target over the course of 8 orbits with the G230MB grating and the 6X0.1 aperture. Shifts observed during that program were substantially larger than seen in 11389. The position of the 7087 target changed by nearly 0.9 pixels in the axis 1 and 0.5 pixels in axis 2 over the course of the 1st two orbits. The differential shifts between the external target and internal lamp image were up to 0.5 pixels. The measured flux began to drop substantially after the 7th orbit indicating that the target had moved in the dispersion direction to near the edge of the 0.1” wide aperture. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 35 Figure 16-1: An image from program 11389 centered on the cluster star NGC 188 UMK 183 (=FTS 56). The five stars used to monitor the image stability are marked; their primary identifications and V magnitudes given in SIMBAD are Star 1 = Cl* NGC 188 WV9 V=19.06, Star 2 = Cl* NGC 188 FTS165 V=15.29, Star 3 = Cl* NGC 188 FTS 68 V=14.74, star 4 = Cl* NGC 188 FTS 56 V=14.51, and star 5 = Cl* NGC 188 FTS 204 V=15.69. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 36 Figure 16-2: The motion in the axis 1 (X) direction of the stellar image centroids versus the time elapsed since the first lamp observation in the visit is plotted. Also shown is the motion of the 0.1X0.09 aperture illuminated by the HITM2 lamp and the 52X0.1 slit at Y-positions of 150 and 850 pixels. Much, but not all, of the stellar motion tracks with the internal lamp observations indicating that the motion is a result of changes internal to the STIS optics. The total range of Xmotion is approximately ¼ of a pixel or 0.0125 arc-seconds. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 37 Figure 16-3: Results are shown here for the axis 2 (Y) direction in a format similar to that of Fig. 16-2. The Y motion of the 52X0.1 slit was computed using the occulting bars at approximate Ylocations of 300 and 750 pixels. The total range of Y-motion was approximately 0.1 pixels or 0.005 arc-seconds. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 38 Activity: STIS-17 Proposal: 11350 Title: FUV MAMA HV Recovery SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis lead: Tom Wheeler Other Personnel: Charles Proffitt Description: This activity addressed the concerns over Cesium migration from the FUV-MAMA photocathode into the pores of the microchannel plate and laid out the procedures necessary to permit a safe and controlled recovery of the FUV-MAMA detector to science after 5 years of hiatus. The recovery consisted of four separate and unique procedures (visits) that were completed successfully and in order. They are: (1) a signal processing electronics check, (2) a 1st high voltage ramp-up to an intermediate MCP voltage of -1500V with limits modifications and voltage plateaus, (3) a 2nd high voltage ramp-up to an intermediate MCP voltage of -1950V (300V below the nominal MCP voltage) with limits modifications and voltage plateaus followed by a fold distribution test, and (4) a final high voltage ramp-up to the full operating voltage, again with limits modifications and voltage plateaus, followed by a fold distribution test. During the 1st high voltage ramp-up, a time-tag exposure and diagnostics were performed followed by a dark exposure. During the 2nd and 3rd high voltage rampups, time-tag exposures were taken, diagnostics were performed, followed by darks, flat field ACCUMs, and fold analysis tests. Execution: Visits executed successfully on June 2, 3, 5, and 7 of 2009. Results: The FUV detector successfully passed each test. The final fold distribution was within family, showing a slight shift in the folds towards higher fold numbers. This is consistent with aging expected for MAMA detectors. The diagnostic exposures showed no unusual or unexpected features. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 39 Activity: STIS-18 Proposal: 11351 Title: NUV MAMA HV Recovery SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Tom Wheeler Other Personnel: Charles Proffitt Description: This activity addressed the concerns over Cesium migration from the NUV-MAMA photocathode into the pores of the micro-channel plate and laid out the procedures necessary to permit a safe and controlled recovery of the NUV-MAMA detector to science. The recovery consisted of four separate and unique procedures (visits) that were completed successfully and in order. They are: (1) a signal processing electronics check, (2) a 1st high voltage ramp-up to an intermediate MCP voltage of -1500V with limits modifications and voltage plateaus, (3) a 2nd high voltage ramp-up to an intermediate MCP voltage of -1750V (300V below the nominal MCP voltage) with limits modifications and voltage plateaus followed by a fold distribution test, and (4) a final high voltage ramp-up to the full operating voltage, again with limits modifications and voltage plateaus, followed by a fold distribution test . During the 1st high voltage ramp-up, a time-tag exposure and diagnostics were performed followed by a dark exposure. During the 2nd and 3rd high voltage rampups, time-tag exposures were taken, diagnostics were performed, followed by darks, flat field ACCUMs, and fold analysis tests. Execution: Visits 01 and 02 executed successfully on June 8, and 9, 2011. Visit 03 on June 11 resulted in a detector shutdown (HSTAR 11875). The cause was an unexpectedly large NUV detector dark rate, which caused the count rate to exceed the conservative levels set during that stage of the HV rampup. Because of this anomaly, the event flag was not cleared for visit 04 and the visit executed with NUV MAMA commanding inhibited resulting in no useful data. Repeats of the failed visits were delayed due to the HST SI C&DH anomaly, and visits 3A and 4A finally executed successfully on July 29 and 31, 2009. Results: The NUV detector exhibited an initial dark count rate 4-5 X higher than predicted. This was attributed to increased window glow that had not been previously modeled. This led to a modification of the NUV monitored voltage ramp yellow an red counter limits increasing them from 15,000 to 25,000 counts/sec to allow visit 3A and 4A as well as subsequent observations to execute. No modification was required to the normal 770,000 counts/sec observing limit. The detector otherwise successfully passed each test once the problems discussed above were resolved. The final fold distribution was within family, showing a slight shift in the folds towards higher fold numbers. This is consistent with aging expected for MAMA detectors. The diagnostic exposures showed no unusual or unexpected features. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 40 Activity: STIS-19 Proposal: 11390 Title: FUV-MAMA Dark Measure SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Charles Proffitt Other Personnel: Tom Wheeler, Wei Zheng Description: The STIS MAMA HV power supplies are turned on only during each day’s block of SAA-free orbits. The FUV MAMA dark current glow has been observed to increase with the length of time the FUV HV power supply has been on. The rate of this daily increase has changed over the years and also appears to be sensitive to temperature. To measure the rate at which the dark current increases, a series of five 1380s FUV MAMA dark exposures spread over 5 or more orbits of a single SAA period was taken as soon as possible after the completion of activity STIS-17 which recovered the FUV detector to operation. All exposures were internals that fit into short occultation orbits. A second similar block of five exposures was done near the end of the SMOV period when the temperature of the aft-shroud and STIS were in the range expected for normal Cycle 17 operations. Execution: The first block of 5 visits executed on June 9 and 10, 2009, while the 2nd block of 5 visits executed on August 7, 2009. Results: While the initial dark rate seen in the first FUV MAMA dark exposures taken were surprisingly low, by the time the 2nd block of exposures were taken, the dark rate had returned to levels comparable to those seen from 2002 – 2004, (see Fig. 19-1 below). In both cases, however, the dark rate increased rapidly with time after the detector had been turned on. Since the behavior was very similar to that seen in 2004, there was no need to reconsider planned science or calibration exposures. Documentation: ISR 2011-03 Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 41 Figure 19-1: The FUV MAMA dark current is lowest immediately after HV turn-on and increases as a function of turn-on time. The symbol size scales with the estimated time from the most recent ramp up of the FUV MAMA voltage. The initial dark rate after SM4, as shown by the points just before MJD=55000, was substantially lower than during 2004, but within a few weeks this had increased to a level comparable to that seen prior to the 2004 STIS failure. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 42 Activity: STIS-20 Proposal: 11402 Title: NUV-MAMA Dark Monitor SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Charles Proffitt Other Personnel: Thomas Wheeler, Wei Zheng Description: The STIS NUV-MAMA dark current is dominated by a phosphorescent glow from the detector window. Meta-stable states in this window are populated by cosmic ray impacts, which, days later, can be thermally excited to an unstable state from which they decay, emitting a UV photon. The equilibrium population of these meta-stable states is larger at lower temperatures; so warming up the detector from its cold safing will lead to a large, but temporary, increase in the dark current. To monitor the decay of this glow, and to determine the equilibrium dark current for Cycle 17, four 1380s NUV-MAMA ACCUM mode darks were taken each week during the SMOV period. The observations were done in pairs, with the two observations of each pair separated by 4 to 7 orbits to ensure that they were taken at different parts of the same SAA-free block. Each pair was taken 3 to 4 days after the preceding pair. Once the observed dark current has reached an approximate equilibrium with the mean detector temperature, the frequency of this monitor was reduced to one pair of darks per week. Execution: The first visits of this program executed on August 2 and 3, 2009. The first visit resulted in a detector shutdown during the initial HV ramp up (HSTARs 11959 and 11961). The cause was shown to be incorrect values of the red and yellow limits in the real-time commanding that executed the HV ramp. The high voltage remained off for visit 02, and normal execution commenced with visit 03 on August 06, 2009. Due to the extended SMOV period and the much higher than expected NUV dark current, this program was expanded from the originally allocated 20 orbits to a total of 45 orbits. An additional 11 orbits were withdrawn as unnecessary. The program continued until Sep 6, 2009. Monitoring was continued by the follow-on cycle 17 calibration program 11857. Results: Initial measurements showed the NUV detector dark rate to be about 10X larger than expected. Initially this extra dark rate was declining with ~ 100 day efolding time, (see Fig. 20-1), but this time scale has lengthened as the dark current declined, and by mid-2013 the NUV MAMA dark rate was still about 50% higher than typical pre-SM4 levels. Observers with programs that might be sensitive to this substantial increase of dark rate were advised of the change in performance so they could reconsider their observational strategy. Documentation: ISR 2011-03 Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 43 Figure 20-1: The orange curve shows prediction of the pre-SM4 dark current model. The shortterm fluctuations are due to daily temperature cycling. The circles show results from actual dark exposures, while the X’s are estimated from telemetry. The black symbols show the actual postSM4 STIS NUV MAMA dark current measurements, which were far higher than expected. Also shown are curves that add a term proportional to exp(-ΔE/kT)exp(-t/τ) to the pre-SM4 prediction, with τ =100 days (red curve) and τ = ∞ (blue curve). Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 44 Activity: STIS-21 Proposal: 11391 Title: FUV-MAMA Optical Format Verification SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Wei Zheng Other Personnel: Don Lindler and Charles Proffitt Description: For each FUV-MAMA spectral optical element in the MSM (G140L, G140M, E140M, E140H), a LINE lamp spectrum was taken to match selected observations that were done as part of the cycle 11 STIS/CAL program 9618. The new observations needed only be done for one CENWAVE value of each grating. These observations verified the optical paths and MSM positioning used for each of these modes, and also allowed for a check of the spectral resolution. The normal monthly MSM offsetting was turned off and the zero-offset MSM positions were used for these observations. CENWAVE settings matched those used for the initial alignment checks done during SMOV2 by program 7078. Execution: Visits 01 and 02 executed on July 28, 2009 Results: The positions of the FUV spectra were compared with the templates from previous cycles. The shifts were all found to be consistent with the expected 1 to 2 pixel variations expected from MSM non-repeatability and thermal flexures of the STIS bench. Any rotations were < 0.3 pixels across the width of the detector. This easily meets the requirement that spectral images remain close enough to their old positions that no modification to planned observations are necessary. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 45 Activity: STIS-22 Proposal: 11392 Title: NUV-MAMA Optical Format Verification SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Wei Zheng Other Personnel: Daniel Lennon Description: For each NUV-MAMA spectral optical element in the MSM (G230L, G230M, E230M, E230H, and PRISM), a LINE or HITM1 lamp spectrum was taken to match selected observations that were done as part of the cycle 11 STIS/CAL program 9618. The new observations needed only be done for one CENWAVE value of each grating. These observations verified the optical paths and MSM positioning used for each of these modes, and also allowed for a check of the spectral resolution. The normal monthly MSM offsetting was turned off and the zero-offset MSM positions used for these observations. A subset of CENWAVE settings was taken to match those used for the initial alignment checks done during SMOV2 by program 7078. Settings used are: G230L 52X0.05 100s LINE lamp at 3.8mA; G230M 2338 52X0.05 100s; E230M 2561 0.2X0.06 120s; E230H 2513 0.1X0.09 872s; PRISM 2125 52X0.05 HITM1. Execution: Visits 01 and 2 executed on August 2, 2009, but due to the anomaly described in HSTAR 11959, (see also the description of activity STIS20 above), the HV was off and no useful data were obtained. These failed visits were successfully repeated as visit 03 and 04 on August 13, 2009. Results: The positions of the NUV spectra were compared with the templates from previous cycles. The shifts found were all consistent with the expected 1 to 2 pixel variations expected from MSM non-repeatability and thermal flexures of the STIS bench. Any rotations were < 0.3 pixels across the width of the detector. These results easily meet the requirement that spectral images remain close enough to their old positions that no modification to planned observations are necessary. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 46 Activity: STIS-23 Proposal: 11393 Title: FUV MAMA Image Quality SMOV Requirements: L., Analysis Lead: Ted Gull Other Personnel: Don Lindler, Bruce Woodgate, Charles Proffitt Description: A reference exposure of a bright standard star was first taken at the default 52X2 aperture position using the G140L grating. This source was then placed at five locations along the 52X0.1 aperture. Then at the nominal center of the 52X0.1 aperture, a pattern of five exposures were taken spaced at 0.1 arcsec intervals using a centered pattern to step the target perpendicular to the slit. This pattern was done at five locations, on the nominal aperture center and offset at 2 arcsecs intervals above the nominal aperture center (including the 52X0.1D1 position) and 2 arc seconds below aperture center. Execution: Visit 02 was executed on August 4, 2009. Results: The 52X2 observation of GD153 was compared to a similar observation of the star taken on July 16, 2002. The position of spectrum differed by only 2.3 pixels in the Y-direction and less than a quarter of a pixel in the X-direction. For the G140L spectra taken at the center of the 52X2, the cross dispersion profiles observed for this program are virtually identical to those seen in 2002 (see Figs. 23-1 and 23-2). Observations taken through the small 52X0.1 aperture appear as expected, and the FUV throughput of this narrow aperture relative to wider ones appears consistent with previous observations (see Fig. 23-3). It is concluded that the post-SM4 image quality of spectra taken using the G140L grating with the STIS FUV-MAMA is very similar to that obtained before the STIS failure in 2004 and subsequent repair in 2009. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 47 Figure 23-1: Comparison of the cross dispersion profile for G140L seen in 2002 with that of 2009. Figure 23-2: Central core of the cross-dispersion profiles shown in Figure 23-1. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 48 Figure 23-3: The throughput ratio of G140L observations taken in the 52X0.1 aperture to that of the 52X2 aperture is compared for data taken in both 1998 and 2009. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 49 Activity: STIS-24 Proposal: 11394 Title: NUV MAMA Spectroscopic Image Quality SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Ted Gull Other Personnel: Don Lindler, Bruce Woodgate, Charles Proffitt Description: A reference exposure of a bright standard star was first taken at the default 52X2 aperture position using the G230L grating. This source was then placed at five locations along the 52X0.1 aperture. Then at the nominal center of the 52X0.1 aperture, a pattern of five exposures will be taken spaced at 0.1 arcsec intervals using a centered pattern to step the target perpendicular to the slit. This pattern was done at five locations, on the nominal aperture center and offset at 2 arcsecs intervals above the nominal aperture center (including the 52X0.1D1 position) and 2 arc seconds below aperture center. Execution: Visit 02 was executed on August 5, 2009. Results: The 52X2 observation of GD153 taken during this program was compared to a similar observation of the star taken on July 17, 2002. The position of spectrum differed by less than one pixel in the Y-direction and approximately 3 pixels in the Xdirection. For the G230L spectra taken at the center of the 52X2, the cross-dispersion profiles observed for this program are virtually identical to those seen in 2002 (see Figs. 24-1 and 24-2). Observations taken through the small 52X0.1 aperture appear as expected, and the relative NUV throughput of this narrow aperture appear to be only a few percent below results measured from the ratio of previous narrow-to-wide slit observations (see Fig. 23-3). We conclude that post-SM4 NUV spectroscopic image quality remains similar to that seen prior to the 2004 STIS failure. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 50 Figure 24-1: Comparison of the cross dispersion profile for G230L between 2002 and 2009. Figure 24-2: Central core of the cross-dispersion profile shown in Figure 24-1. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 51 Figure 24-3: The throughput ratio of G230L observations taken in the 52X0.1 aperture to that of the 52X2 aperture is compared for data taken in 1997 and 2009. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 52 Activity: STIS-25 Proposal: 11403 Title: MAMA Spectroscopic Throughputs SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Michael Wolfe Other Personnel: Rachel Osten, Ralph Bohlin, Charles Proffitt, Azalee Bostroem, Daniel Lennon Description: This activity has two functions: Determination of the STIS sensitivity for the MAMA spectroscopic modes and checked the small aperture throughput at NUV wavelengths to verify the instrument focus. This activity comprises the three visits of the nominal Cycle 17 MAMA Spectroscopic Sensitivity Monitoring program: one visit each for the low-resolution (G140L, G230L), medium-resolution (G140M, G230M), and echelle (E140M, E140H, E230M, E230H) modes. As part of the low dispersion visit, a fine peakup in the 0.1X0.09 aperture is done with the G230LB grating to allow the throughput to be compared to previous measurements. The first-order medium-resolution spectral sensitivity visit includes an image taken using the F28X50OII aperture with the CCD as an additional verification of the focus. Execution: Visits 02, 03, and 05 executed on August 5 and 6, 2009. Visit 03 and 04 were contingency visits using alternate targets and were withdrawn after the successful execution of the primary visits. Results: As was the case with the CCD gratings, the post-SM4 throughputs of most STIS MAMA gratings were close to the extrapolation of the pre-failure trends. Results for the low-dispersion first-order modes are shown in Figures 25-01 through 25-03 below. The time dependent trends for the medium resolution first order modes appear to be consistent with the L mode trends to within 1%. Most echelle settings also appear to be consistent, but one significant exception was the E140H grating, where initial measurements of the throughput appeared to be 10% to 15% below expectations, and the image quality in the cross-dispersion direction was noticeably degraded (see Fig. 25-3 and Bostroem et al. 2009). Some of the other echelle gratings showed a similar, but milder, anomaly. However, this discrepancy faded over time, and by early 2010, throughputs and image quality had returned to the expected trends. Documentation: ISR STIS 2012-01, Holland et al. (ISR in preparation). Reference File Updates: Results of this program were used to provide preliminary updates to the time-dependent senility correction files used in the flux calibration of STIS MAMA spectroscopic and imaging data. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 53 Figure 25-1: Relative net count rates for G140L observations of the standard star GRW+70 324 obtained between 1997 and early 2010 are shown. The times of significant changes in the slope of the sensitivity as a function of time are marked by vertical dotted lines. Figure 25-2: Relative net count rates for G230L observations of the standard star GRW+70 324 obtained between 1997 and early 2010 are shown. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 54 Figure 25-3: Count rates for SMOV observations of some echelle gratings, especially the E140H, initially showed larger than expected sensitivity declines, but the throughput recovered over the next few months. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 55 Activity: STIS-26 Proposal: 11395 Title: MAMA Image Stability SMOV Requirements: L. Analysis Lead: Ted Gull Other Personnel: Don Lindler, Bruce Woodgate, Charles Proffitt Description: The maximum thermal motion of the MAMA detectors occurs in the first portion of the orbit immediately following a large angle maneuver leading to maximum external changes on the portion of axial bay closest to the STIS instrument. By the second orbit on the same target, the thermal motions settle down to a significant displacement right after target rise, a possible change later in the orbit due to sun/bright earth/dark earth/ deep space. This program followed these changes for two orbits with each MAMA using an internal wavelength calibration lamp and the medium dispersion echelle formats in order to obtain a two-dimension series of reference points on the 2-dimensional detector format. Exposures were done using the 0.1X0.03 aperture and medium resolution echelle gratings with exposure times of 120 seconds for deep, sharp spectral line images. In each orbit, six spectral line images followed each other, with interspersed dark frames of 300 seconds to 600 seconds duration. This sequence of exposures were designed to have good resolution near the portion of the orbit where thermal flexure is largest, while avoiding excessive lamp use when shifts are expected to be slower. Execution: Visit 01, using the FUV MAMA, executed on August 23, 2009 while the NUV MAMA visit 02 executed on August 24. Results: Each series of line lamp images was cross-correlated to find relative shifts. This was done for the entire image and for each half of the image, (left vs. right and top vs. bottom), to look for evidences of rotation or shearing during the sequence of observations. Results are shown in Figures 26-1 through 26-4. The E140M images showed a slow drift of the X position during the three hours of observations with a total shift of about 0.5 MAMA pixels. The E140M Y shift and both the X an Y shifts for the E230M observations changed by less than 0.5 pixels during each visit. There is no evidence for rotation or stretching of the images during the course of these observations. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 56 Figure 26-1: Relative shifts in the axis 1, (X or dispersion direction), for the E140M 0.1X0.03 wavelength calibration images taken during visit 01 of proposal 11395. Figure 26-2: Relative shifts in the axis 2, (Y or cross-dispersion direction), for the E140M 0.1X0.03 wavelength calibration images taken during visit 01 of proposal 11395. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 57 Figure 26-3: Relative shifts in the axis 1, (X or dispersion direction), for the E230M 0.1X0.03 wavelength calibration images taken during visit 02 of proposal 11395. Figure 26-4: Relative shifts in the axis 2, (Y or cross-dispersion direction), for the E230M 0.1X0.03 wavelength calibration images taken during visit 02 of proposal 11395. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 58 Figure 26-5: Predictions for the HST defocus in microns of secondary offset during the two visits of the MAMA stability test 11395 (solid line for the FUV E140M test and dashed line for the NUV E230M test) and the CCD stability test 11389 (dotted line). The focus model is based on an empirical fit to a variety of HST thermal and attitude parameters (see Di Nino et al. 2008 and also Cox & Niemi 2011). Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 59 Activity: N/A Proposal: N/A Title: Temperature Monitoring SMOV Requirements: L. Description: While not formally identified as a separate activity, there was a STIS SMOV requirement that detector temperatures be monitored and compared to prefailure values. Due to ongoing deterioration of HST’s multi-layer installation, temperatures in the aft-shroud have been increasing over time, but it is not possible to predict how this degradation affects instrument and detector temperatures. This is important not only because higher temperatures tend to increase detector background rates, but also because the ability to cool the STIS CCD is essential for its use. Results: Since switching to its side-2 electronics, the temperature of the STIS CCD cannot be directly measured, and the STIS CCD thermoelectric cooler (TEC) is run at constant current rather than in a controlled feedback loop that keeps the detector at a constant temperature. This means that the actual CCD temperature and dark current now vary as the thermal environment inside STIS changes. The temperature of the STIS CCD housing, as given by the keyword OCCDHTAV, can be measured and has been shown to provide a useful surrogate to track the temperature fluctuations of the detector during normal operations (Brown 2001). In Figure 27-1, OCCDHTAV measurements for the first several months of SMOV operations are compared to data taken at the same time of year for each pre-SM4 year of operation on the side-2 electronics, (modest seasonal temperature variations are expected due to the eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit). When the STIS MAMA detectors were off, OCCHTAV would drop to as low as 16 C, but if we only consider periods when both MAMA detectors were on, CCD housing temperatures averaged about 3 C higher than they had prior to the 2004 failure. OCCDHTAV averages (excluding anneals) • 22.1 C, 2009.65 - 2009.80 • 19.6 C, 2003.65 - 2003.80 • 19.5 C, 2002.65 - 2002.80 • 17.5 C, 2001.65 - 2001.80 While this higher operating temperature causes an ~20% increase in the detector dark current, the increase is not enough to significantly affect science operations. The STIS MAMA Tube temperatures also ran slightly warmer, showing increases of 1.1 to 1.3 C above 2003 levels (see Figs. 27-2 and 27-3). While this is expected to also result in slight enhancements of the dark rates, these are small compared to the dark rate changes from other causes, (see the results of activities STIS-19 and STIS20). Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 60 Figure 27-1: The CCD housing temperature between May and September 2009 (blue curve) is compared with the values from 2001 through 2004 taken at the same time of year (red curves). Figure 27-2: The FUV MAMA tube temperature, OM1TUBET, is plotted as a function of time over the history of STIS. Each telemetry point is marked by a small dot, but because of the quantization of the telemetry values, these blend together in horizontal bands. For each year the mean value of the data taken between August 25 and September 16 is also shown (large diamond symbols). This allows comparison of data taken at the same time of year as the SMOV period where there were no major interruptions to STIS MAMA operations. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 61 Figure 27-3: The NUV MAMA tube temperature, OM2TUBET, is plotted as a function of time over the history of STIS. Symbols have the same meanings as in Fig. 27-2. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 62 6. Summary For the most part, the performance and capabilities of STIS after SM4 have proved to be very similar to that exhibited prior to the 2004 side-2 failure. The most notable differences are the unexpectedly large NUV MAMA dark current discussed in the section on activity STIS-20, and the continued degradation of the STIS CCD due to radiation damage which was discussed in the sections on activities STIS-05 and STIS07. The increased NUV MAMA dark current primarily affects background-limited observations, which are a relatively minor part of STIS science. One example of the kind of science that was impacted by this change is studies of heavy elements in the spectra of cool metal poor stars. Such programs often require several orbits of echelle data at each setting to build up enough S/N to measure the weak lines seen against the faint NUV continuum flux. The CCD changes, while not unexpected, do affect a significantly larger fraction of the potential science done with STIS. The increased dark current, decreased charge transfer inefficiency (CTI), and increasing number of hot pixels especially impact observations of faint objects. Some examples of the impact these effects have on STIS data have been discussed by Dixon (2011). While moving the target as close as possible to the CCD readout can mitigate much of this impact, for some science programs this is not possible. Work is underway at STScI to both better understand the behavior of the CCD CTI and dark current, and to develop a pixel based correction algorithm similar to that described by Anderson and Bedin (2010) to mitigate the CTI effects, (see Lockwood et al. 2013). 7. Acknowledgements The success of SM4 and the STIS repair was the result of the hard work of a very large number of people including many at STScI and at several NASA centers. We would like to thank them all for their time, skill, hard work, and dedication that have made the continuation of STIS science possible. 8. Change History for STIS ISR 2013-­‐04 Version 0.1: 17 January 2014 – Original Document Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 63 References Anderson, J., & Bedin, L.R. 2010, PASP, 211, 1035 Bostroem, K.A., Aloisi, A., Bohlin, R., Hodge, P., & Proffitt, C. 2012 ISR STIS 2012-01: Post-SM4 Sensitivity Calibration of the STIS Echelle Modes Bostroem, A., Aloisi, A., Bohlin, R.C., Proffitt, C.R., Osten, R.A., & Lennon, D. 2010, in “The 2010 STScI Calibration Workshop”, Space Telescope Science Institute, 2010 Susana Deustua and Cristina Oliveira, eds., p 62 Brown, T. 2001, ISR STIS 2001-03: Temperature Dependence of the STIS CCD Dark Rate During Side-2 Operations Cox, C. 2013, ISR STIS in preparation, Dark Count Rates in the STIS MAMA Cox, C. & Niemi, S.-M. 2011, ISR TEL 2011-01: Evaluation of a Temperature-based HST Focus Model Di Nino, D., Makidon, R.B., Lallo, M., Sahu, K.C., Sirianni, M, & Casertano, S. 2008, ISR ACS 2008-03: HST Focus Variations with Temperature, Dixon, W.V. 2011, ISR STIS 2011-02: Effects of CTE Degradation on Cycle 18 Observations with the STIS CCD Goudfrooij, P., Wolfe, M.A., Bohlin, R.C., Proffitt, C.R., & Lennon, D.J. 2009, ISR STIS 2009-02: STIS CCD Performance after SM4: Read Noise, Dark Current, Hot Pixel Annealing, CTE, Gain, and Spectroscopic Sensitivity Holland, S. et al. 2013 ISR STIS in prep, Time Dependence of STIS Spectroscopic Sensitivity Jansen, R.~A., Windhorst, R., Kim, H., Hati, N., Goudfrooij, P., Collins, N.\ 2010, in Hubble after SM4. Preparing JWST, Space Telescope Science Institute, 2010 Susana Deustua and Cristina Oliveira, eds., p 50 Lockwood, S. A., Debes, J. H., Anderson, J., Aloisi, A., & Proffitt, C. R. 2013, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 221, #344.10 Mason, E. 2012, ISR STIS 2012-02: Post SM4 Behavior of STIS CCD darks Pascucci, I. , Hodge, P. Proffitt, C.R., & Ayres, T. 2011, ISR STIS 2011-01: Wavelength Calibration Accuracy for the STIS CCD and MAMA Modes Proffitt, C.R., Goudfrooij, P., Gull, T.R., Lennon, D.J., Wheeler, T., Wolfe, M.A., & Zheng, W., TIR STIS 2009-02, STIS SMOV4 Analysis Plan Pascucci, I., Proffitt, C., Ghavamian, P, Sahnow, D. Oliveira, C., Aloisi, A., Keyes, C,, Penton, S. V., ISR STIS 2010-01: Monitoring of the Wavelength Calibration Lamps for the Hubble Space Telescope, Proceedings of the SPIE, 7731, 105 Rinehart, S. A.; Domber, J.; Faulkner, T.; Gull, T.; Kimble, R.; Klappenberger, M.; Leckrone, D.; Niedner, M.; Proffitt, C.; Smith, H.; Woodgate, B. 2008, Proceedings of the SPIE, 7010, 138 Wolfe, M., Davies, J., Proffitt, C., Goudfrooij, P., & Diaz, R. 2009, ISR 2009-01: STIS CCD Anneal Results Zheng, W., Proffitt, C., & Sahnow, D. 2011, ISR STIS 2011-03: Dark Rate of the STIS NUV Detector Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 64 Appendix: STIS SMOV Requirements L.10.4.5 STIS Verification Requirements L. Engineering Requirements L. - STIS entry into each of four instrument states (Boot, Hold, Operate, Observe) shall be demonstrated. L. - STIS entry into each of the defined detector states needed to support normal operations shall be demonstrated. L. - STIS command and engineering data interface via the RIU and science data transmission via the Science Data Formatter (SDF) shall be verified by monitoring of normal configuration and science activities. L. - Onboard memory will be checked by performing dumps of EEPROM, PROM, EDAC RAM and Buffer RAM. (Special Commanding) L. - Conduct a test of the ability to write to and read from the CS (control section) Buffer RAM. (Special Commanding) L. - Verify the proper functioning of all STIS mechanisms needed for routine operations (the three MSM wheels, the aperture wheel, CIM, echelle blockers, CCD shutter, aperture door, & mode isolation shutter) over the full ranges of motion needed for normal operations. Contingency: verification of the corrector alignment mechanisms will be done only as part of any alignment or focus adjustments. Movement of the corrector mechanisms should otherwise be avoided. L. - Check the functioning of the calibrations lamps used for routine science and SMOV operations (LINE, Tungsten, HITM1, & HITM2), at each of the current levels used for normal operations. Contingency: if one or more of these lamps either shows significantly degraded behavior or fails to function, then make those changes which are necessary to support science operations; this contingency may include changes to the ground system and/or on-board tables to allow substitution of one of the operable lamps for the critical functions of a failed one. Verification of the Krypton and Deuterium lamps may be deferred until after SMOV. L. - The CCD shall be annealed as necessary to ameliorate accumulated hot pixels. L. - During the course of routine operations throughout SMOV, the temperature variations of each detector will be monitored and compared to previous side-2 values. The ability of the CCD TEC to cool that detector to the required operating temperature range will be evaluated. L. - Perform a mini-functional test of the STIS CCD. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 65 L. - Verify the proper functioning of the MAMA detectors by following procedures similar to those defined for MAMA anomalous recovery (ISR STIS 9803). A MAMA detector should not be otherwise used prior to completing this functional test. The high voltage for the STIS MAMA detectors will not be activated until at least four days after release and not until the pressure in the aft shroud has been below 5x10-6 torr for at least 24 hours. (Special Commanding. Four days wait to be confirmed based on contamination models). L. - The STIS Deuterium and Krypton lamps will not be operated until 3 weeks after release. L. Target Acquisition Requirements L. - The location of a reference STIS camera aperture shall be determined with respect to the FGS reference frames to an accuracy of 1 arc second in V2-V3 coordinates and 10 arc minutes in aperture rotation angle. L. - The ability to acquire and properly center targets with standard ACQs and the ability to center targets in small apertures with ACQ/PEAK exposures will be demonstrated for both standard and E1 aperture positions. (E1 aperture positions are defined near CCD readout; ~ 20” away from standard acquisition aperture. This requires a much larger pointing change after a standard ACQ than do other apertures). L. Optical Alignment Requirements L. - An aperture throughput test using a previously observed external point source calibration target shall be used to assess STIS focus. The slit plane encircled energy vs. wavelength shall also be measured using this external target. Contingency: if throughput is down by more than 3 sigma (7%), relative to the expected mean after correction for expected secular sensitivity changes, additional tests and perhaps a STIS corrector alignment and/or focus adjustment shall be done. This test is dependent on the setting of the HST secondary mirror position, which must have been first set to its expected nominal focus. (Contingencies to adjust alignment require special commanding. For STIS, best focus is set at the plane of the aperture wheel, not at the detectors). L. - The positioning of the STIS aperture wheel should be checked for a representative subset of STIS apertures, and compared to previous side-2 measurements. Contingency: if operationally significant discrepancies are found in relative aperture positions, all aperture locations will be remeasured, and appropriate updates made to ground and on-board calibration tables. L. - For each optical element in the MSM, (except for MAMA imaging modes), the location of a lamp spectrum or slit image on the detector appropriate for that optical element shall be compared to previous side-2 values. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 66 Contingency: operationally significant shifts shall be corrected by updating on-board mechanism calibration tables. Only one MSM position of each optical element need be tested. Checks of MAMA imaging mode alignments may be deferred until after SMOV. L10. - The spectroscopic image quality and cross dispersion PSF at each detector will be measured as a function of position and wavelength using an external point source calibration target. This test is dependent on the settings of the HST secondary mirror position and of the STIS corrector mechanism, which must have been first set to their nominal values. L. - The pointing stability of external targets on the STIS CCD detector, and the relative stability of the CCD detector with respect to the aperture plane, will be monitored over the course of the two orbits immediately following an attitude change that is expected to produce a significant thermal change in STIS. Separate test(s) will be done to measure the stability of at least one of the two MAMA detectors with respect to either the aperture plane or an external target, over two orbits following a similar large maneuver. L. Calibration Requirements L. - The dark rate for each detector shall be measured for normal operating temperatures and conditions. For the CCD, bias and read-noise measurements will also be made. Sufficient CCD dark and bias measurements will be done to allow proper calibration of other STIS SMOV and ERO data. Sufficient NUV MAMA dark measurements will be taken to determine whether the phosphorescent window glow has declined to a level that will support expected GO observations. The FUV MAMA dark rate will be monitored over at least one 5 orbit interval to measure how the dark rate increases as a function of time after detector high voltage turn-on. L. - A test will be done to check predictions for CTI losses on the STIS CCD detector. Results will be evaluated for any impact on planned GO observations. L. - For one wavelength setting of each STIS grating, the throughput will be checked using an external calibration target. Instrument Science Report STIS 2013-04(v0.1) Page 67