An Application of Optimisation & Simulation for Solvency II By Vojo Bubevski ( 12 April, 2011 Abstract The Solvency II regulations are fundamentally redesigning the capital adequacy regime for European (re)insurers and will be effective from 31 October 2012. The Solvency II objectives are to establish a set of EU-wide capital requirements and risk management standards replacing the current Solvency I requirements. Solvency II establishes two levels of capital requirements: i) Minimal Capital Requirement (MCR), i.e. the threshold below which the authorization of the (re)insurer shall be withdrawn; and ii) Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR), i.e. the threshold below which the (re)insurer will be subject to a much higher supervision. The SCR should deliver a level of capital that enables the (re)insurer to absorb significant unforeseen losses over a specified time horizon. It should cover, at a minimum, insurance, market, credit and operational risks, corresponding to the Value-at-Risk (VAR) of the (re)insurer’s own basic funds, subject to a confidence level of 99.95% over a one-year period. Solvency II offers two options for calculating SCR, i.e. by applying either: i) a standard model, which will be provided by the regulator; or ii) an internal model, which will be developed by (re)insurers. A standard model cannot consider the company’s specific factors, thus the SCR will be higher. In contrast, an internal model results in a lower SCR as all the (re)insurer’s specific factors are considered. Therefore, Solvency II offers capital-reduction incentives to insurers that invest in developing best practices in risk management and control. Basic principles of an internal model are presented from practical aspect. The model uses Palisade’s @RISK® and RISKOptimizer®, i.e. Optimization and Monte Carlo simulation, to calculate the VAR (SCR). It is applied on real market data. It can help (re)insures to reduce their SCR (VAR) providing higher underwriting capabilities and increasing their competitive position, which is their ultimate objective. 12 April, 2011 1 Agenda • • • • • • • • • • Introduction Solvency II Risk Risk Models & Risk Metrics Solvency II Standard Model – An Example Solvency II Internal Model – Examples using Palisade @RISK® & RISKOptimizer® Models’ Results Comparison Conclusion References Questions & Answers 12 April, 2011 2 Introduction: • Insurance Companies: Economy & competition put pressure to apply more risky strategies to gain higher returns; • Supervisory Authorities: Demand for guaranties for the policy holders and solvency of the re(insurers); • Solvency I (January 2004): Solvency capital is derived deterministically from the premiums and losses not considering the companies’ individual business profiles and their specific asset portfolios; • Credit Crunch (2007-2008): Failure of institutions to appreciate and manage the interconnection between the risks inherent in their business; • Observation: Current risk & decision management methods are insufficient; • Need for Change: New risk & decision management methods are required; • Value-Based Management: Strategic & tactical decisions based on rate of return and objective risk assessment considering the correlation between the risks and identifying the sources of risks; • Solvency II (November 2012): New level of supervisory requirements challenging every aspect of the insurance businesses and promoting Value-Based-Management; • Major Solvency II Activities: Asset Management, Actuarial Practice, Underwriting Policy, Reinsurance Policy, Controlling, Internal Revision, Planning and IT; 12 April, 2011 3 Solvency II: An Overview • Objectives: – – – – Establish new supervisory system combining quantitative & qualitative methods (Three Pillars Approach) Provide for assessment of overall solvency of insurance companies/groups based on risksensitive approach; Give additional incentive for proper risk management; Ensure consistency between financial sectors; • Pillar 1 – Establishes Quantitative Requirements for insurance companies: – – Minimal Capital Requirement (MCR): The threshold below which the authorization of the (re)insurer shall be withdrawn; Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR): The threshold below which the (re)insurer will be subject to a much higher supervision. The SCR should deliver a level of capital that enables the (re)insurer to absorb significant unforeseen losses over a specified time horizon. It should cover, at a minimum, insurance, market, credit and operational risks, corresponding to the Value-at-Risk (VAR) of the (re)insurer’s own basic funds, subject to a confidence level of 99.95% over a one-year period. • Pillar 2 – Institutes Qualitative Control of insurance companies; • Pillar 3 – Found Rules on Supervisory & Public disclosure (reporting). 12 April, 2011 4 Solvency II: An Overview… • Purposes of Solvency Capital Requirement: – – – – – – Provides a guarantee fund to cover possible losses; Motivates companies to avoid undesirable level of risk; Promotes a risk measurement and risk management culture within a company; Provides a supervisors’ tool to assume control over failing or failed companies; Alerts supervisors to emerging market trends; Ensures that the insurance portfolio of a failed insurer can be transferred to another provider with a higher certainty. • Fulfillment of Solvency Capital Requirement: – The sum of company’s available assets must exceed the sum of technical liabilities . Not all the assets of the company are allowed to be considered in this calculation; • Standard Model – Uniform model for EU to calculate SCR using generic methods: – i) Provided by the regulator; ii) Applies generic assumptions; iii) Conservative as specific company’s spectrum of relevant risks is not considered; iv) Results in a higher SCR. • Internal Model – Created by the company’s Risk Management Department: – i) Accounts for the specific company’s spectrum of relevant risks and their correlations; ii) Applies specific company’s assumptions; iii) Offers better and more reliable information on the company’s solvency situation; iv) Reduces SCR; v) Must not be less prudent than the standard model; vi) Must be validated and approved by the competent authorities. 12 April, 2011 5 Risk • A Definition: – Risk is the chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives. It is measured in terms of consequences and likelihood. • Risk – The core of Insurance Business: – – Insurance Contract is a classic example of Risk Transfer; Individuals, companies and governments protect themselves from various risks such as death, disability, property damage due to a natural disaster, illegal actions, accident, unexpected expenses as result of business interruption, legal proceedings, bad debt, etc. • Additional Insurance Business Common Risks: – – – Company specific risks, which arise from individual company activities; Systematic risks, which are shared whole (re-)insurance industry; Systemic risks, which arise from changes in the general economic conditions and concern all industries; • Solvency II Risk Classification: – – – – – Underwriting Risk: Specific insurance risk arising from the underwriting of insurance contracts; Credit Risk: Risk of default and change in the credit quality of the issuers of securities, counterparties and intermediaries; Market Risk: Risk arising from the level or volatility of the market prices of financial instruments; Operational Risk: Risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people, systems or from external events; Liquidity Risk: Exposure to loss in the event that insufficient liquid assets will be available. • Impact of four quantifiable risks on the economic capital of insurance companies: – i) Investment ALM Risk (Market Risk): 64%; ii) Operating Risk: 27%; iii) Credit Risk: 5%; iv) Insurance Risk: 4%. 12 April, 2011 6 Risk Models and Risk Metrics (VAR & Tail VAR) • Risk Models Classification: – Scenario Base Models: Imply measuring the impact of specific scenarios on the total Profit & Loss Distribution. A scenario is as a complete alternate state of the world (e.g. major financial crisis, earthquakes, windstorms, etc.); – Static Factor Models: The risk capital calculation is based on a linear combination of static factors (i.e. risk weights) multiplied with company specific size measures; – Covariance Models: The calculation of resulting portfolio value (also SCR) is based on the sensitivity of Risk-Based Capital to changes in determined risk factors; – Stochastic Models: Advanced risk models including economical scenario generators, which produce a pseudorandom realization of the risk factors. The risk capital is determined by applying a risk measure to the total Profit & Loss Distribution. • Value-at-Risk (VAR): The most used metrics (Harry Markowitz, “Portfolio Selection”, 1952); – VAR is the predicted worst-case loss at a specific confidence level over a certain period of time based on probability distribution. It is characterized by two parameters, i.e. time horizon and a percentile. α-percentile is the probability of realization which is below α. I.e. α is reverse to the Confidence Level (α = 100% - Confidence Level). For Solvency II, the Confidence Level is 99.5%, thus α = 0.5%. • Tail Value-at-Risk (Tail VAR), also referred to as Expected Shortfall: – An alternative risk metrics which is defined as the mean of the outcomes that exceed VAR level. Tail VAR returns a greater loss figure than the VAR and in the context of Solvency II will require respectively larger solvency capital. It provides a higher Confidence Level. 12 April, 2011 7 Standard Model: An Example of Market Risk Model (ALM) • Swiss Solvency Test (SST) Model (i.e. SST Asset Model): – – – • SST – – – A risk-factor based Covariance Model, which considers the effects caused by changes in the market factors on assets and liabilities; Calculations are based on the market value of the assets and liabilities, normally distributed risk factors, linear correlation between risk factors and Tail VAR; Includes 23 risk factors: Discrete term interest rate structure (9 factors), Implied volatility of interest rates, Exchange rates of CHF (four factors incl. EUR, GBP, USD & JPY), Implied volatility of FX rates, Share price index, Private equity, Hedge funds, Participations, Other equity, Implied volatility of share price index, Property and Credit spread; Asset Model Process: Inference (proscribed by regulator / modeled by companies): i) Modeling of individual risk factors; ii) Derivation of a joint distribution of the risk factors; Mapping (performed by companies): i) Derivation of the sensitivities of Assets & Liabilities to individual risk factors; ii) Derivation of the total sensitivity of RBC (i.e. SCR) to individual risk factors; Transformation (proscribed by regulator): i) Derivation of joint distribution of RBC deltas; ii) Application of the Tail VAR. • Major Limitations of Swiss Solvency Test (SST) Model (i.e. SST Asset Model): – – – – No differentiated approach to investments (e.g. rating based, previous performance, etc); Linear dependency between the risk factors and the RBC is assumed; Volatilities of the risk factors are proscribed deterministically; Approximated Tail VAR is applied at the end on the results of the deterministic modelling. 12 April, 2011 8 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Fund 1 Return Distribution Fit Comparison for Ln(1 + Fund 1 Return) RiskBetaGeneral(0.33128,0.44435,-0.00017875,0.0036737) -0.163 7000 3.576 5.0% 10.8% 90.0% 79.3% 5.0% 9.8% 6000 Input 5000 Minimum -0.000179 Maximum 0.00367 Mean 0.00152 Std Dev 0.00162 Values 47 4000 3000 BetaGeneral 2000 Minimum -0.000179 Maximum 0.00367 Mean 0.00147 Std Dev 0.00143 1000 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 0 Values in Thousandths 12 April, 2011 9 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Fund 2 Return Distribution Fit Comparison for Ln(1 + Fund 2 Return) RiskBetaGeneral(0.44456,0.52559,-0.00068717,0.0035115) -0.659 2500 3.340 5.0% 7.3% 90.0% 81.9% 5.0% 10.8% 2000 Input Minimum -0.000687 Maximum 0.00351 Mean 0.00127 Std Dev 0.00162 Values 47 1500 BetaGeneral 1000 Minimum -0.000687 Maximum 0.00351 Mean 0.00124 Std Dev 0.00149 500 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 0 Values in Thousandths 12 April, 2011 10 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Fund 3 Return Distribution Fit Comparison for Ln(1 + Fund 3 Return) RiskLogistic(0.0086857,0.029917) -0.0925 5.0% 3.3% 10 0.0798 90.0% 88.2% 5.0% 8.5% 9 8 Input 7 Minimum -0.1506 Maximum 0.0836 Mean 0.00426 Std Dev 0.0537 Values 47 6 5 Logistic 4 Minimum −∞ Maximum +∞ Mean 0.00869 Std Dev 0.0543 3 2 1 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 0 12 April, 2011 11 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Fund 4 Return Distribution Fit Comparison for Ln(1 + Fund 4 Retrn) RiskLogistic(0.0074862,0.029965) -0.0941 5.0% 3.3% 9 0.0786 90.0% 88.2% 5.0% 8.5% 8 7 Input Minimum -0.1518 Maximum 0.0827 Mean 0.00305 Std Dev 0.0538 Values 47 6 5 4 Logistic Minimum −∞ Maximum +∞ Mean 0.00749 Std Dev 0.0544 3 2 1 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 0 12 April, 2011 12 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Fund 5 Return Distribution Fit Comparison for Ln(1 + Fund 5 Return) RiskLogistic(0.0062831,0.030012) -0.0956 5.0% 3.2% 10 0.0775 90.0% 88.2% 5.0% 8.5% 9 8 Input 7 Minimum -0.1530 Maximum 0.0818 Mean 0.00184 Std Dev 0.0538 Values 47 6 5 Logistic 4 Minimum −∞ Maximum +∞ Mean 0.00628 Std Dev 0.0544 3 2 1 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.00 -0.05 -0.10 -0.15 -0.20 0 12 April, 2011 13 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal SCR – Maximal VAR Maximal VAR Portfolio ‐ Minimal Solvency Capital Requirement Fund 1 Fund 2 Monthly Return Fund 3 0.001466673 Fund 4 Fund 5 Total 0.001236822 0.0086857 0.0074862 0.0062831 Monthly Sigma 0.001450572 0.001513639 0.053405725 0.053379087 0.053265154 Yearly Return 0.017600079 0.014841863 0.1042284 0.0898344 0.0753972 Yearly Sigma 0.005024929 0.0052434 0.185002858 0.184910583 0.184515904 Asset Allocation 0.113424523 0.129607724 0.62518024 0.037091935 0.094695577 1 Correlation Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) 1 Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 Ln(1 + F2) 0.992694444 1 ‐0.223112875 ‐0.222717225 ‐0.222332623 Ln(1 + F3) ‐0.243339016 ‐0.223112875 1 0.999995559 0.999982439 Ln(1 + F4) ‐0.24329726 ‐0.222717225 0.999995559 1 0.999995632 Ln(1 + F5) ‐0.243263357 ‐0.222332623 0.999982439 0.999995632 1 Portfolio Return 0.07955335 Portfolio Return Mean 0.106196776 Portfolio Variance 0.234397662 Portfolio Sigma 0.484146323 Portfolio VAR (0.5%) >= 0.08 8% ‐0.170381837 Percentile (X for given P) (Best Simulation) = -0.1704 12 April, 2011 14 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal SCR – Maximal VAR RISKOptimizer: Optimization Summary Performed By: Vojo Date: 06 March 2011 23:36:42 Model: Max VAR Portfolio.xlsx Goal Cell to Optimize Statistic to Optimize Statistic Parameter Type of Goal 'The Model'!$D$18 Percentile (X for given P) 0.005 Maximum 12 April, 2011 15 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal SCR – Maximal VAR 12 April, 2011 16 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal SCR – Maximal VAR 12 April, 2011 17 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal SCR – Maximal VAR 12 April, 2011 18 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Maximal Mean Return Maximal Mean Return Portfolio Fund 1 Monthly Return Monthly Sigma Yearly Return Yearly Sigma Asset Allocation SigmaY*AsstAllocn Fund 2 Fund 3 Fund 4 Fund 5 Total 0.001466673 0.001236822 0.0086857 0.0074862 0.0062831 0.001426431 0.001487721 0.054472553 0.054794804 0.054685974 0.017600079 0.014841863 0.1042284 0.0898344 0.0753972 0.004941303 0.005153617 0.188698458 0.189814768 0.18943777 0.003254566 0.016745434 0.9 0.04 0.04 1.60818E‐05 8.62995E‐05 0.169828612 0.007592591 0.007577511 1 Correlation Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 1 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 0.992694444 1 ‐0.223112875 ‐0.222717225 ‐0.222332623 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.223112875 1 0.999995559 0.999982439 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.222717225 0.999995559 1 0.999995632 ‐0.243263357 ‐0.222332623 0.999982439 0.999995632 1 Portfolio Return Portfolio Return Mean Portfolio Variance Portfolio Sigma Portfolio VAR (0.5%) Risk Free Rate (assumed 5%) Portfolio Sharpe Ratio 0.100720638 Mean (Best Simulation) = 0.1229 0.122856705 0.410571771 0.640758746 ‐0.763815244 0.05 0.1137038 12 April, 2011 19 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Maximal Sharpe Ratio Maximal Sharpe Ratio Portfolio Fund 1 Fund 2 Fund 3 Fund 4 Fund 5 Total 0.001466673 0.001236822 0.0086857 0.0074862 0.0062831 0.001447794 0.001511091 0.053255056 0.053184966 0.053230668 0.017600079 0.014841863 0.1042284 0.0898344 0.0753972 0.005015305 0.005234574 0.184480924 0.184238127 0.184396443 0.228655293 0.018298648 0.692479157 0.058632855 0.001934047 0.001146776 9.57856E‐05 0.127749195 0.010802407 0.000356631 Monthly Return Monthly Sigma Yearly Return Yearly Sigma Asset Allocation SigmaY*AsstAllocn 1 Correlation Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 1 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 Portfolio Return Portfolio Return Mean Portfolio Variance Portfolio Sigma Portfolio VAR (0.5%) Risk Free Rate (assumed 5%) Portfolio Sharpe Ratio Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 1 ‐0.223112875 ‐0.222717225 ‐0.222332623 ‐0.223112875 1 0.999995559 0.999982439 ‐0.222717225 0.999995559 1 0.999995632 ‐0.222332623 0.999982439 0.999995632 1 0.081885001 0.107600683 0.230716614 0.480329693 Result (Best Simulation) = 0.1199 ‐0.201416194 0.05 0.119919055 12 April, 2011 20 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal Downside Risk Minimal Downside Risk Portfolio (Min Target(0.08)) Fund 1 Fund 2 Fund 3 Fund 4 Fund 5 Total Monthly Return 0.001466673 0.001236822 0.0086857 0.0074862 0.0062831 Monthly Sigma 0.001426431 0.001487721 0.054472553 0.054794804 0.054685974 Yearly Return 0.017600079 0.014841863 0.1042284 0.0898344 0.0753972 Yearly Sigma 0.004941303 0.005153617 0.188698458 0.189814768 0.18943777 Asset Allocation 0.003254566 0.016745434 0.9 0.04 0.04 SigmaY*AsstAllocn 1.60818E‐05 8.62995E‐05 0.169828612 0.007592591 0.007577511 1 Correlation Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) Ln(1 + F1) 1 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 Ln(1 + F2) 0.992694444 1 ‐0.223112875 ‐0.222717225 ‐0.222332623 Ln(1 + F3) ‐0.243339016 ‐0.223112875 1 0.999995559 0.999982439 Ln(1 + F4) ‐0.24329726 ‐0.222717225 0.999995559 1 0.999995632 Ln(1 + F5) ‐0.243263357 ‐0.222332623 0.999982439 0.999995632 1 Portfolio Return 0.100720638 Portfolio Return Mean 0.122856705 Portfolio Variance 0.034215907 Portfolio Sigma 0.184975423 Portfolio VAR (0.5%) ‐0.763815244 Target (P for given X) (Best Simulation) = 0.4727 12 April, 2011 21 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal Probability of Loss Minimal Probability of Loss Portfolio (Minimal Target(0)) Fund 1 Fund 2 Monthly Return 0.001466673 Monthly Sigma 0.001444208 Yearly Return 0.017600079 Yearly Sigma 0.005002884 Asset Allocation 0.01 SigmaY*AsstAllocn 5.00288E‐05 Fund 3 0.001236822 0.001490878 0.014841863 0.005164553 0.002770611 1.4309E‐05 Fund 4 0.0086857 0.05525772 0.1042284 0.191418357 0.9 0.172276521 Fund 5 0.0074862 0.055364661 0.0898344 0.191788811 0.04 0.007671552 Total 0.0062831 0.055570209 0.0753972 0.192500851 0.047229389 0.009091698 1 Correlation Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 1 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 1 ‐0.223112875 ‐0.222717225 ‐0.222332623 ‐0.223112875 1 0.999995559 0.999982439 ‐0.222717225 0.999995559 1 0.999995632 ‐0.222332623 0.999982439 0.999995632 1 Portfolio Return Portfolio Return Mean Portfolio Variance Portfolio Sigma Portfolio VAR (0.5%) 0.101177022 0.104563916 0.035730163 0.189024238 ‐0.99488519 Target (P for given X) (Best Simulation) = 0.4091 12 April, 2011 22 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal Risk – St. Deviation Minimal Risk Portfolio ‐ Minimal Standard Deviation Fund 1 Fund 2 Fund 3 Fund 4 Fund 5 Total Monthly Return 0.001466673 0.001236822 0.0086857 0.0074862 0.0062831 Monthly Sigma 0.001429882 0.001491334 0.053664559 0.053587252 0.053744215 Yearly Return 0.017600079 0.014841863 0.1042284 0.0898344 0.0753972 Yearly Sigma 0.004953258 0.005166133 0.185899487 0.185631687 0.186175421 0.13429812 0.057712464 0.485270702 0.02901306 0.293705654 0.000665213 0.00029815 0.090211575 0.005385743 0.054680774 Asset Allocation SigmaY*AsstAllocn 1 Correlation Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) 1 Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 Ln(1 + F2) 0.992694444 1 ‐0.223112875 ‐0.222717225 ‐0.222332623 Ln(1 + F3) ‐0.243339016 ‐0.223112875 1 0.999995559 0.999982439 Ln(1 + F4) ‐0.24329726 ‐0.222717225 0.999995559 1 0.999995632 Ln(1 + F5) ‐0.243263357 ‐0.222332623 0.999982439 0.999995632 1 Portfolio Return 0.078550162 Portfolio Return Mean 0.088692491 Portfolio Variance 0.022515637 Portfolio Sigma Portfolio VAR (0.5%) 0.150052115 ‐0.386396248 Standard Deviation (Best Simulation) = 0.1501 12 April, 2011 23 Internal Market Risk Model (ALM): Minimal Variance Minimal Variance Portfolio Fund 1 Monthly Return Monthly Sigma Yearly Return Yearly Sigma Asset Allocation SigmaY*AsstAllocn Fund 2 0.001466673 0.00142988 0.017600079 0.004953251 0.267078683 0.001322908 Fund 3 0.001236822 0.001489523 0.014841863 0.005159859 0.026966994 0.000139146 Fund 4 0.0086857 0.053368073 0.1042284 0.184872426 0.650903743 0.120334154 Fund 5 Total 0.0074862 0.0062831 0.053448075 0.053506146 0.0898344 0.0753972 0.185149562 0.185350728 0.017714614 0.037335967 0.003279853 0.006920249 1 Correlation Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) 1 0.992694444 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.243263357 0.992694444 1 ‐0.223112875 ‐0.222717225 ‐0.222332623 ‐0.243339016 ‐0.223112875 1 0.999995559 0.999982439 ‐0.24329726 ‐0.222717225 0.999995559 1 0.999995632 ‐0.243263357 ‐0.222332623 0.999982439 0.999995632 1 Ln(1 + F1) Ln(1 + F2) Ln(1 + F3) Ln(1 + F4) Ln(1 + F5) Portfolio Return Portfolio Return Mean Portfolio Variance Portfolio Sigma Portfolio VAR (0.5%) 0.077349911 0.083904635 0.016949151 0.130188904 ‐0.196435206 Variance (Best Simulation) = 0.0169 12 April, 2011 24 Comparison of Portfolios Vs Maximal VAR Portfolio Portfolio Mean Return Mean Return Delta VAR VAR Delta Maximal VAR 0.106196776 0 -0.170381837 0 Maximal Mean Return 0.122856705 0.016659929 -0.763815244 -0.593433407 Maximal Sharpe Ratio 0.107600683 0.001403907 -0.201416194 -0.031034357 Minimal Downside Risk 0.122856705 0.016659929 -0.763815244 -0.593433407 Minimal Probability of Loss 0.104563916 -0.00163286 -0.99488519 -0.824503353 Minimal Risk 0.088692491 -0.017504285 -0.386396248 -0.216014411 Minimal Variance 0.083904635 -0.022292141 -0.196435206 -0.026053369 12 April, 2011 25 Conclusion: Major Points to Emphasise • Solvency II Standard Model: – Provided by the regulator; – Uniform across EU to calculate SCR using generic methods; – The risk models are deterministic, not stochastic; – Applies generic assumptions; – Specific company’s spectrum of relevant risks is not considered; – It is conservative and results in a higher SCR; • Solvency II Internal Model: – Created by the company’s Risk Management Department; – Applies specific company’s assumptions and accounts for the specific company’s spectrum of relevant risks and their correlations; – Offers better and more reliable information on the company’s solvency situation reducing SCR; – Must not be less prudent than the standard model; – Must be validated and approved by the competent authorities. • Microsoft™ Excel® and Palisade™ @RISK® & RISKOptimizer® were used; • Presented RISKOptimizer® Models are advanced stochastic models using optimization and simulation; • Presented models can help (re)insures to reduce their SCR (VAR) providing higher underwriting capabilities and increasing their competitive position, which is their ultimate objective. • . 12 April, 2011 26 References 1.Cruz, Marcelo, The Solvency II Handbook, Risk Books, London, 2009. 2.Winston, Wayne, Decision Making Under Uncertainty, Palisade Corporation, Ithaca NY, 2010. 3.Rusalovskiy, Artem, Challenges of Solvency II Implementation, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Germany, 2008. 12 April, 2011 27 Questions & Answers 12 April, 2011 28 Thank You 12 April, 2011 12 April, 2011 29