A Case Study by Using Decision Suite 5.0 to Analyze Price Settings for An Electricity Distribution Company William Zhu WEL Networks 1 Limited P.O. Box 925 Hamilton, New Zealand 1 An electricity distribution company with 83,000 customers and assets of $400 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ million. October 2010 1 An asset based pricing model is constructed for an electricity company based on the Decision Suite 5.0. Key risk associated factors are identified. @Risk 5.0 is used to find the best distributions for the key factors, to compare the required with expected revenues, as well as to test the sensitivities of those factors. RiskOptimizer 5.0 is employed to find the best new tariffs. Finally, the expected revenue under different scenarios is summarised by utilising the Precision Tree 5.0. Key Words: Cost Recovery Model Required versus Expected Revenue Palisade Decision Suite V5.0 Stochastic Sensitivity Analysis, Optimization and Decision Tree Visual Basic Application and Built-in @Risk Functions in Excel William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 2 Brief Review of the Pricing Model Principles to Split Assets and Costs Introducing Stochastic Variables Sensitivity Analyses by Using Decision Suite Suggestions and Conclusions William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 3 Decision Suite Pricing Settings Sensitivity Report Tariff Report William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 4 Background Characteristics of Electricity Distribution Company Purpose of the Project Tariff Level versus Tariff Structure Changes Financial Analysis Chargeable Prices Based on A Variety of Energy Consumptions Likelihood of Expected Revenue Meeting Required Revenue Major Risks and Their Impacts Investment Optimization by Employing New Tariffs Model Description Methodology --- Top-down Asset Split + LRIC Framework of the Model William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 5 Aims --- Change/Remain Current Tariff Systems Tariff Levels Y Game Over Key Question Do customers pay what they consumed? N How do we know? Current Customer Profile Asset Distribution Profile Cost Profile Capex Opex PRICE SETTING Prospective Outlook Business Plan Targeted ROI Regulation Impacts Inflation Adjustment Counterpart’s Comparison Domestic Companies Overseas Experiences William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 6 Identification of Key factors Information Collection Split Assets and Costs into Different Groups Risk Specification Sensitivity Analysis Price Optimization Decision Tree Diagram Reports William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 7 Existing Assets at: Very High Voltage Level High Voltage Level Low Voltage Level Cost Capital Expenditure on Replacement(Capex 1) Capital Expenditure on Future Peak Load Growth (Capex 2) Operating Expenditure on Peak Load Related (Opex 1) Operating Expenditure on Non Peak Load Related (Opex 2) Other Operating Costs Customer Profiles Type and Number of Customers A variety of Energy Usages (eg; kWh, AMD, CMD, RCPD) Temperature Information William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 8 Line Services ($K) Value A. Return Network Assets Employed Network Existing Assets Network Invstmnt on RA Network Invstmnt on LG Network WACC (before tax) Target Total Asset Return 160,890 143,950 10,070 6,870 21.4% 34,476 B. Expenses Depreciation Maintenance Other Load Related Opex Wages, Salaries and Other Opex Total Distribution Costs 1 --- Required Lines Sales Revenue Pass Through Services ($K) Connection Inter-connection Other Charge 2 --- Total Pass Through Revenue Total Required Distribution Revenue ($K) William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ 6,220 1,975 1,616 1,364 11,174 45,651 Value 904 3,768 4,672 50,323 October 2010 9 INPUT TABLE No # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Item Unit Value Price Reference Year Year Start Apr-10 Asset Split for Vtg Grp RC% option Asset Split for Tarif Grp option Wgt A&C Winter Weather Avg option MASS Mthly ICP Growth Avg option Fixed Tariff Capped? option Cap? Instruction 1) Use drop-down arrow to choose price area; 2) Select parameters (Cells with Lime Color) 3) Enter Reference Year (the Cell with Green Color) 4) Go to the "Intro" sheet for Detailed Instruction OUTPUT TABLE 1 --- Electricity Distribution Tariffs Tariff Grp Tariff Type UN Energy Usage Distrib CN Energy Usage Tariff Peak Load Usage Fixed UN Energy Usage PassThgh CN Energy Usage Tariff Peak Load Usage Fixed UN Energy Usage Total CN Energy Usage Tariff Peak Load Usage Fixed Unit VHVUser HVUser LVUser1 LVUser2 c/kWh 2.29 6.29 4.67 3.78 c/kWh $/kW/mth 2.49 8.68 14.48 14.93 $/mth 23.33 23.33 23.33 23.33 c/kWh 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 c/kWh $/kW/mth 1.62 1.84 2.09 2.02 $/mth c/kWh 2.45 6.45 4.83 3.93 c/kWh $/kW/mth 4.11 10.52 16.57 16.95 $/mth 23.33 23.33 23.33 23.33 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 MASS 8.03 3.09 StLgt 11.71 1.00 0.81 0.32 0.75 8.84 3.41 1.00 12.46 - 10 Revenue Associated Per Customer Energy Usage in Winter Season Annual Increases of Number of Customer Pattern Changes of Customer Energy Usages Government Regulation --- Policy Related Cost Associated Capex --- Over/Under Investment Opex --- Inflation, Third Party Charges, etc. William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 11 Best Fit techniques to find proper distributions for core input factors Correlation relationships among input factors Stochastic sensitivity analysis Advanced @Risk techniques A Decision Tree Diagram William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 12 Fit Distributions on Input Factors Correlation Coefficient @Risk Output Distribution Sensitivity Analysis (A) CDF Curve Histogram Plot Price Optimization Goal Seek Stress Analysis Sensitivity Analysis (O) Sequential Analysis Decision Tree LeveL1 LeveL2 LeveL3 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ LeveL4 October 2010 13 Monthly Increases of Residential Customer # Monthly Temperature Monthly Energy Usages per Residential Customer Monthly Customer Growth Trend Stationary Normal distribution Different Patterns for Different Periods Due to Economic Boom/Recession Monthly Temperature More Stable in Non Winter Seasons Compared to Winter Seasons Focus on Winter Seasons – June to August Monthly Energy Usages per Customer Peaked in Winter season Correlated With Temperature (with Exception for August) William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 14 Fit Comparison for MICP Variation RiskNormal(-4.42884e-012,46.222) 90.0% 86.2% 0 5.0% 6.6% 0 0.01 69.7 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.006 Input 0.005 Normal 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.001 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 0 15 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 16 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 17 Category Mthly T Avg Mthly MICP Avg Mthly kWh/ICP Apr 14.4 50,058 649 May 11.8 50,115 753 Jun 9.7 50,173 817 Monthly Info for MASS Group ($K) Jul Aug Sep Oct 9.2 10.0 11.4 13.2 50,231 50,289 50,346 50,404 883 856 753 711 Category UN Energy Rev CN Energy Rev Peak Load Rev Fixed Rev Sub Total Rev Apr 2,241 244 May 2,602 283 Jun 2,826 307 ExpRev for MASS Group ($K) Jul Aug Sep Oct 3,056 2,968 2,614 2,470 332 323 284 269 50 2,535 50 2,935 50 3,184 50 2,789 Feb 18.9 50,635 570 Mar 17.0 50,693 647 Nov 2,255 245 Dec 2,177 237 Jan 2,075 226 Feb 1,988 216 Mar 2,262 246 50 2,551 51 2,464 51 2,351 51 2,255 51 2,559 ExpMASSRev Regression Coefficients Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Mthly kWh/ICP / May Mthly kWh/ICP / Oct Mthly kWh/ICP / Sep Mthly kWh/ICP / Apr Mthly kWh/ICP / Feb Mthly kWh/ICP / Jan Mthly kWh/ICP / Nov Mthly kWh/ICP / Mar Mthly kWh/ICP / Dec Mthly MICP Avg / Apr Mthly MICP Avg / May Mthly MICP Avg / Jun Mthly MICP Avg / Jul 0.51 0.48 0.40 0.34 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.23 0.22 0.20 0.16 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.1 Tariff Group MASS ReqRev ($) 33,114 ExpRev ($K) 33,351 Target Rev 35,000 Req ROI (%) 16.3% Iterat # 2,000 Mean 33,351 Mimimum 31,928 Maximum 36,088 Stdev 530 Prob < ReqRev (%) 34.3% Most Sensible Factors June kWh/ICP Usage July in Winter Months August May 50 2,949 Jan 18.4 50,577 595 0 Target ROI 50 3,341 Dec 17.0 50,519 625 -0.1 Start Simulation 50 3,439 Nov 14.8 50,462 648 Coefficient Value William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 18 Using @Risk Advanced Techniques to do the following three Important Analyses Goal Seek Stress Analysis Sequential Analysis William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 19 Goal Seek Purpose --- same as in the deterministic case, but under stochastic environment Results Compared to the deterministic case Goal Seek Result Item St Case Dt Case Target Revenue ($K) 33,351 33,114 Adjust ROI (%) to 16.1% 16.3% William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 20 Purpose of Stress Analysis Intuitive Explanation --- optimistic vs. pessimistic Views on input factors Statistical Explanation --- constrain distribution by “stressing” it to a pre-defined range so that Monte Carlo simulations only sample data from that specified range Stress Analysis on 12 kWh/ICP Factors Case Base Case Range: 0% ~ 25% Range: 75% ~ 100% Stress Results on kWh/ICP Mean Min Max StdDev 33,351 31,928 36,088 530 31,483 30,618 32,036 228 35,517 34,572 37,901 402 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ 5% 32,498 31,049 34,945 95% 34,282 31,810 36,249 October 2010 21 Purpose of Sequential Analysis Intuitive Explanation --- testing different scenarios as input factors change steadily Statistical Explanation --- Sampling input distributions (rather than “stressing” them) sequentially to run multiple Monte Carlo simulations through each case (comparable to what RiskSimTable() function does but with more flexibility) Sequential Analysis on Winter kWh/ICP Factors Sequential Results William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 22 Mean of ExpMASSRev V64 vs Input Distribution Percentile 34400 34200 34000 33800 33600 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun X49 33400 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Y49 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Z49 33200 33000 32800 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 32600 0% ExpMASSRev Sequential Sensitivty Analysis Input Output: ExpMASSRev Name Analysis Value Mean StdDev 5% 95% Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Perc%: 1% 702 32,910 461 32,166 33,721 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Perc%: 5% 726 33,000 461 32,257 33,811 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Perc%: 25% 768 33,162 461 32,418 33,973 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Perc%: 50% 806 33,307 461 32,564 34,118 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Perc%: 75% 854 33,491 461 32,749 34,303 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Perc%: 95% 948 33,852 461 33,111 34,665 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jun Perc%: 99% 1,037 34,194 461 33,451 35,007 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Perc%: 1% 715 32,709 472 31,966 33,547 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Perc%: 5% 776 32,940 472 32,197 33,777 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Perc%: 25% 843 33,198 472 32,455 34,035 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Perc%: 50% 883 33,351 473 32,609 34,189 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Perc%: 75% 923 33,505 473 32,762 34,343 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Perc%: 95% 990 33,763 473 33,021 34,601 Mthly kWh/ICP / Jul Perc%: 99% 1,050 33,994 473 33,252 34,831 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Perc%: 1% 801 33,140 483 32,363 33,925 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Perc%: 5% 804 33,148 483 32,372 33,934 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Perc%: 25% 817 33,199 483 32,422 33,984 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Perc%: 50% 839 33,286 483 32,509 34,071 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Perc%: 75% 878 33,434 483 32,656 34,219 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Perc%: 95% 967 33,778 483 33,001 34,563 Mthly kWh/ICP / Aug Perc%: 99% 1,057 34,122 483 33,347 34,907 Percentile October 2010 23 Aim to postpone capex and reduce TP charges Introduce a kW based tariff on MASS market Only record kW in winter but charge it annually Give customers incentives to shift kWh usages Survey customer response rate Randomize response rates at different levels Add constraints to key variables Maximize cost savings by using Optimizer 5.0 to find the best price William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 24 Input Table Item Max Load Shed Load Drop for individual ICP Invstmnt Cost Max Avg Tariff Change % New Tariff Threshold Level 1 New Tariff Threshold Level 2 New Tariff Threshold Level 3 Unit kW kW/ICP $/kW % $/kW $/kW $/kW Linked Parameters (to PM Model) Item Unit Diversified Pk Load kW/ICP ROI %/yr Total ICP # Deterministic ICP Growth No/yr Optimisation Annual Total Pk Load kW Orig Total Req Revenue $ PassThrgh Cost Savings $/kW Stochastic Analysis Item Unit ICP Slope Under $50 Svg ICP/$ ICP Slope Betwn $50 and $100 Svg ICP/$ ICP Slope Betwn $100 and $400 Svg ICP/$ ICP Slope > $400 Svg ICP/$ New Tariff Threshold Level 1 Mean (Best $/kW New Tariff Threshold Level 2 Simulation) $/kW = New Tariff Threshold Level 3 310073.66 $/kW Solver Parameters Target --- Best New Tariff $/kW/yr Maximum Cost Savings $ Value 36,000 1.2 17.3 10.0% 50 100 400 Value 2.0 15% 50,000 693 169,259 33,113,919 24.4 New Required Revenue Category Unit New Total Req Revenue $ UN kWh Rev $ Peak Load kW Rev $ Fixed Rev $ Value 32,803,844 21,798,833 10,396,695 608,316 New Tariffs Category Unit Overall Distribution Charge c/kWh kWh Usage Charge c/kWh Peak Load Charge in Winter Only $/kW/yr Fixed Charge Per Month $/mth Value 7.71 5.13 118.33 1.00 ICP Response 50,000 45,000 Value 60 157 50 100 400 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 118 310,075 10,000 5,000 Solver Constraints # of ICP Response (No) kW savings (kW) Avg Tariff Change % (%) - 9,579 11,495 6.3% <= 50,000 <= 36,000 <= 10.0% - 100 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ 200 300 400 October 2010 500 600 25 Reasons to Use Decision Tree Many cases/scenarios exist Easy to get lost without intuitive diagram Try to find the overall expected Revenue Factors/Cases for Building Decision Tree Winter Energy Usages --- 3 chance nodes; Customer Number Increases --- 3 chance nodes; Third Party Price Increases --- 2 chance nodes; Employ New Tariff System --- 2 Decision nodes. In total, there are 3 × 3 × 2 × 2 = 36 cases. Results William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 26 Expected Revenue Under Different Scenarios ($K) Tariff Structure New Tariff Current Tariff Case Pgh P↑ Pgh P- Pgh P↑ Pgh PICP Low and kWh/ICP Wint Low 32,173 32,373 31,973 32,173 ICP Low and kWh/ICP Wint Avg 32,946 33,146 32,746 32,946 ICP Low and kWh/ICP Wint High 33,719 33,919 33,519 33,719 ICP Avg and kWh/ICP Wint Low 32,309 32,509 32,109 32,309 ICP Avg and kWh/ICP Wint Avg 33,085 33,285 32,885 33,085 ICP Avg and kWh/ICP Wint High 33,860 34,060 33,660 33,860 ICP High and kWh/ICP Wint Low 32,421 32,621 32,221 32,421 ICP High and kWh/ICP Wint Avg 33,200 33,400 33,000 33,200 ICP High and kWh/ICP Wint High 33,978 34,178 33,778 33,978 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 27 New Tarif s TRUE 0 Expected Revenue TP Raise Price? + 33,293 Decision 33,293 Current Tarif s FALSE 0 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ TP Raise Price? + 33,155 October 2010 28 YES 90.0% 0 New Tariffs TRUE 0 + 33,279 TP Raise Price? 33,293 NO 10.0% 0 Expected Revenue ICP Grow th ICP Grow th + 33,415 Decision 33,293 YES 30.0% 0 Current Tariffs FALSE 0 ICP Grow th + 33,015 TP Raise Price? 33,155 NO 70.0% 0 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ ICP Grow th + 33,215 October 2010 29 Low 15.0% 0 YES 90.0% 33,279 Avg 55.0% 0 High 0 33,318 Winter Usages + 33,316 TP Raise Price? 33,293 Low 15.0% 0 NO 10.0% Winter Usages + 33,262 ICP Grow th 0 33,415 Avg 55.0% 0 High Winter Usages + 30.0% 0 Expected Revenue Winter Usages + 30.0% 0 New Tariffs 33,062 ICP Grow th 0 TRUE Winter Usages + 33,401 Winter Usages + 33,516 Decision 33,293 YES 30.0% 0 Current Tariffs FALSE 0 ICP Grow th + 33,015 TP Raise Price? 33,155 NO 70.0% 0 ICP Grow th + 33,215 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 30 15.0% Low 2.025% 32,173 Low 15.0% 32,173 Winter Usages 0 33,062 55.0% Avg 7.425% 32,946 30.0% High 32,946 4.05% 33,719 YES 90.0% 33,719 ICP Grow th 0 33,279 15.0% Low 7.425% 33,085 Avg 55.0% 33,085 Winter Usages 0 33,318 55.0% Avg 27.225% 33,085 30.0% High 33,085 14.85% 33,860 15.0% Low 33,860 4.05% 32,421 High 30.0% 32,421 Winter Usages 0 33,316 Avg 55.0% 14.85% 33,200 High 30.0% 33,978 New Tariffs TRUE 0 33,978 TP Raise Price? 33,293 NO 10.0% 0 Expected Revenue 33,200 8.1% ICP Grow th + 33,415 Decision 33,293 YES 30.0% 0 Current Tariffs FALSE 0 ICP Grow th + 33,015 TP Raise Price? 33,155 NO 70.0% 0 ICP Grow th + 33,215 William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 31 An asset based pricing model is constructed for an electricity distribution company Risk factors are identified and fit with distributions by using Decision Suite software Required versus expected revenue are compared based on the embedded @Risk distribution functions Key factors are analysed via the Advanced Stochastic Sensitivity Techniques Optimal New Price is found via RiskOptimizer 5.0 programme A simple decision tree is provided for summarizing different scenario results Excel macros are built into the model to allow users to use @Risk software easily William Zhu, WEL Networks, NZ October 2010 32