Instrument Science Report NICMOS 98-008 Statistics of Accumulating Signal W.B. Sparks, STScI May 1998 ABSTRACT NICMOS detectors accumulate charge which can be read non-destructively. The charge accumulation is a Poisson process, and readout noise is present. Here, formulae are presented for the variance (i.e., “error”) of two estimators of the underlying rate of accumulation of charge, or “countrate,” subject to these two processes only. The formulae are tested using Monte-Carlo simulations and are applied to the standard NICMOS MULTIACCUM sequences using the known NICMOS dark properties. These algorithms are essentially the current one employed by calnica, least-squares fit of a straight line, and the previous version, weighted mean of first differences. The usual formula for the error on the slope of the least-squares straight line is inapplicable because data points are not independent of previous data points. Also, the usual formula for the error on the weighted mean is inappropriate because of the presence of readout noise (which cancels out to a degree depending on the timing intervals). The results can be used to infer: (i) the least-squares fit algorithm gives a significantly better estimate of the countrate than the weighted mean of first differences, in the readnoise dominated regime (ii) the uncertainty goes down approximately linearly with exposure time in the readnoise dominated regime which suggests longer integrations should be used where possible (iii) Multiple Initial and Final reads (MIFs) improve the uncertainty by about 20% in regions of the detector where ampglow is small (cf. other sequences) (iv) there is little difference otherwise between any of the standard MULTIACCUM sequences. Tables are provided to allow optimal choice of sequence, and to show the characteristics of the uncertainties of MULTIACCUM data in various circumstances.These variances represent fundamental theoretical limits on the utility of the algorithms. Additional noise sources include cosmic rays and inaccuracies in the shading correction. A fairly high sensitivity to cosmic rays suggest using as many readouts as possible, but the consequent accumulation of ampglow can add significant noise. 1 1. Model of a MULTIACCUM sequence In NICMOS detectors charge accumulates in each pixel as incident photons are detected, and this charge can be read non-destructively. The accumulating charge between each readout is expected to obey Poisson statistics, and, in addition, associated with each readout there is electronic “readout noise” that imposes a random error on the measurement of the charge within an individual pixel. Hence if readouts are at times xi, and the actual accumulated charge is yi, then between xi–1 and xi the actual additional accumulated charge is yi – yi–1 = pi, where pi is drawn from a Poisson distribution with expected value b.(xi–1 – xi) and b is the underlying countrate sought. For example, if the underlying source countrate is 0.1 electrons/sec, and xi–1 = 256 sec and xi = 384 sec, then the expected value (mean) of the accumulating charge in that interval is 12.8 electrons. For any particular integration, there will be an actual value of charge accumulated in that period which is randomly drawn from a Poisson distribution of mean=12.8. Hence, yi = pi + yi–1 = pi + pi–1 + pi–2 ... or in other words yi is a type of random walk. It should be stressed that once the interval of time has elapsed and pi is measured, the actual value pi propagates throughout the subsequent series; it is fixed thereafter and no longer contributes a random element. In addition to the statistical fluctuations associated with the Poisson component of the accumulating signal in which the actual accumulated charge is the sum of the preceding Poisson trials, there is an uncertainty associated with the measurement of that charge, namely the “readout noise.” That uncertainty is assumed to be independent from one measurement to the next. Figure 1 illustrates. Figure 1: Charge y accumulates during the sequence, and is read at times xi. Actual charge increments are pi and there is superimposed readout noise. y Underlying countrate y3 } Charge Readout noise y2 y1 }p 0 0 } p3 p2 1 x2 x1 Time 2 x3 x Here, calculations are presented of the variance of estimators in use, or that have been used. The work does not attempt to calculate new estimators, nor reveal whether those used represent minimum variance estimates. Least squares fitting gives better answers than averaging first differences. 2. Model of a NICMOS MULTIACCUM observation This simple two component model is sufficiently flexible to capture the important elements of a NICMOS dark, see NICMOS ISR-026 by Skinner and Bergeron. The dark comprises (i) a time variable shading term, assumed here to be noiseless and known, (ii) a “linear dark” term which is conventional accumulating dark current, so that the amount of charge accumulated is proportional to the time since the last reset/read, i.e. the elapsed exposure time, and (iii) ampglow, in which every individual readout deposits a certain amount of charge into a pixel. The ampglow is strongly field dependent and varies from approximately 10–20 electrons/read in the detector centers to ten times that in the corners of the field of view. The linear dark term is low, and is approx 0.05 electrons/sec. We assume the values are known and the external countrate corrected accordingly. In addition to internal dark current, there is external background emission from zodiacal light and thermal emission from the HST optics, depending on wavelength and filter. For example, in the F160W “minimum background” wide band filter, where NICMOS is maximally sensitive, the estimated background countrate is approx 0.09 electron/sec. Finally, there is emission from the source itself. Conversion from countrate to flux obviously depends on the filter used, whereas the statistics depend on the detection process itself, i.e., the countrate, and can therefore be scaled. For example, a countrate of 0.1 electron/sec using the F160W filter corresponds to 3.17 x 10–7 Jy or H = 23.66. 3. Variance calculations Least squares fit of straight line If y i = a + bx i + ε i , the “least squares fit” which minimizes the weighted sum of the 2 squares of the residuals χ = ∑ ( wi ( yi – a – bxi ) 2 ) is Σ ⋅ Σxy – ΣxΣy 1 - ≡ --- ( Σ ⋅ Σxy – ΣxΣy ) b = -----------------------------------2 2 ∆ Σ ⋅ Σx – ( Σx ) where Σ denotes the sum of the weights, typically fit, and Σxy etc. are implicitly ∑ wi x i yi above, and i 3 1 w i = ------ , 2 σi 2 or wi = 1 for an unweighted ∆ = Σ ⋅ Σx – ( Σx ) 2 . If the data points {xi,yi} are independent, then the uncertainty of the estimator b is σb = Σ ⁄ ∆ . This “textbook” formula is the one used in calnica at the time of writing. Now, suppose b is the estimator used, given the model above we can calculate the actual variance of b once the equation for it is recast in a form that isolates terms which are independent of one another. As in Figure 1, ignoring readout noise for now, let y i = y i – 1 + p i where p i ≡ P ( b∆x i + d∆x i + A ) where d is the linear dark, A the ampglow and ∆xi the time interval between two readouts. P(a) represents the Poisson distribution of mean a from which pi is drawn. The sums involved in calculating the slope may be recast in a form which groups together statistically independent terms. n ∑ yi = y1 + y2 + y3 + . . . + yn = p1 + (p1+p2) + (p1+p2+p3) + ... i=1 =np1 + (n – 1) p2 + (n – 2) p3 + . . . + pn More generally, with weighting, n n n 1 2 3 Σw i y i = p 1 ∑ w i + p 2 ∑ w i + p 3 ∑ w i + … Similarly, Σ xi yi = x1 y1 + x2 y2 + x3 y3 . . . xn yn n = x1 p1 + x2 (p1 + p2) + x3 (p1 + p2 + p3) + . . . + xn ∑ Pi i=1 n n 2 3 = p1 (x1 + x2 + . . . xn) + p2 ∑ x i + p3 ∑ x i + . . . + xn pn and n ∑ Σw i x i y i = r=1 n pr ∑ wi xi i=r n Substituting for Σy and Σxy above and using ∑ i=r 1 b = --∆ n ∑ pr s ⋅ sr – 1 { x – xr – 1 } r=1 4 n =∑ – i=1 r–1 ∑ i=1 , we find n Where S = n r–1 ∑ wi , Sr – 1 = i=1 ∑ ∑ wi , x = i=1 i=1 r–1 n wi xi ⁄ ∑ wi , and xr – 1 = i=1 ∑ r–1 ∑ wi . wi xi ⁄ i=1 i=1 Hence, since pr are independent with variance (b + d) ∆xi + A, the variance of b is n 2 1 2 2 2 σ = -----2- ∑ s s r – 1 ( x – x r – 1 ) [ b∆x i + d∆x i + A ] b ∆ r=1 Similarly, if we work with estimates yi’ of the yi which are inaccurate due to the presence of readout noise r, we assume that the additional contribution to 2 σb 2 -------- , as given by is nr ∆ the “textbook” variance for independent data, which adds in quadrature to give a final formula for the variance of the countrate estimator b n 2 2 1 2 2 2 nr σ = -----2- ∑ s ( s r – 1 ) ( x – x r – 1 ) [ b∆x i + d∆x i + A ] + -------∆ b ∆ r=1 For completeness, the variance of the intercept is, by a similar route and neglecting readout noise, given by: 2 σ = a n ∑ r=1 2 sr – 1 1 + ---------- ( sx ⋅ x r – 1 – sxx ) ∆ n where sx = ∑ i=1 n wi xi and sxx = ∑ wi xi . 2 i=1 Weighted mean of first differences By “first differences” we mean the series yi ´ – yi–1´ using the same notation as above. Each “difference” provides an estimate of the countrate, bi = (yi ´ – yi–1´) / (ti – ti–1). Then the estimator of the countrate is the weighted mean of the bi. By taking first differences, the Poisson component is now independent of the history of charge accumulation, and it is correct to adopt a simple weighting scheme depending on the individual uncertainties of each difference. During mid-1997, calnica version 2.2 attempted to take advantage of this fact and utilized a “first differences” approach. However, in regimes where readout noise is important, this is not the case. To illustrate, suppose the only thing present is readnoise. The source countrate is zero, the dark is zero, and there is no ampglow. Then the underlying charge accumulated is always zero, however the measurement of that zero charge follows a Gaussian with standard deviation r (if r is the readnoise). Hence the set yi ´ is a set of random numbers r x N(0,1) and N(0,1) is 5 the zero mean, unit variance normal distribution. Let the first differences be di = yi ´ – yi–1´, and the countrate estimates bi = di / dti with dti = ti – ti–1. On taking the first differences, if terms are independent the formal error on each difference is 2 ⋅ r , and so the uncertainty on the mean would be ( 2 ⋅ r ) ⁄ ( N ) with r the uncertainty on the measurement as noted above, and N the number of measurements. But note that when taking the mean of the differences, cancellation occurs in the readout term: b1´ = (y1´ – y0´) / dt1 b2´ = (y2´ – y1´) / dt2 b3´ = (y3´ – y2´) / dt3 ... bN´ = (yN´ – y(n – 1)´) / dtN For example, if the dti are all the same equal to unity, the average is <b´> = Σ(bi ´) / N = (yN´ – y0´) / N, which has an uncertainty only 2 × r ⁄ N compared to the expected uncertainty on the mean in the case of independence of 2 × r ⁄ N . That is the uncertainty is less by a factor of 1 ⁄ N than in the case of independent data. The amount of cancellation depends on the spacing of the readout times, as shown below. Generally, we can calculate the variance, and incorporate the cancellation into an effective readnoise as follows: Let an individual count rate estimate from the first differences be d yi ′ – yi – 1 ′ b i = ------i- = ---------------------. ∆t i ∆t i Then form a weighted mean di ⁄ w ∑ wi ----∆t ∑ i 〈 b〉 = = wi - ( y′ – y′ i – 1 ) ⁄ Σw i ∑ -----∆t i i , then n–1 w1 wn w wi + 1 - r ⁄ Σw i 〈 b〉 = -------- y′ n – -------- y′ 0 + ∑ ------i- – ------------ ∆t i ∆t i + 1 i ∆t n ∆t 1 i=1 Consider the case where only readnoise is present, and the uncertainty on each yi´ is the same, r. Then 2 2 2 n–1 w w w w i + 1 2 2 σ ( 〈 b〉 ) = r -------n2- + -------12- + ∑ ------i- – ------------- ⁄ ( Σw i ) ∆t ∆t ∆t n ∆t 1 i = 1 i i+1 2 6 For readout noise only, and weighting 1 w i = ------ , 2 σi 2 we have ∆t w i = -------i2 2r since the uncertainty on 2 each bi is 2r -------2 ∆t i if r is the readout noise per read. Then substituting for wi, we obtain n–1 2 2 2 ∆t 1 + ∆t n + ∑ ( ∆t i – ∆t i + 1 ) 2 2r 2 i=1 σ ( 〈 b〉 ) = -----------2- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2 ∑ ∆t i Σ∆t i which can be made equivalent to the representation which would be valid if the data were 2 independent, 2 2r σ = ------------ , 2 Σ∆t i if we define an effective readout noise 1⁄2 n–1 r eff 2 2 2 ∆t 1 + ∆t n + ∑ ( ∆t i – ∆t i + 1 ) i=1 = r ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 2 ∑ ∆t i For example, if the data are equally spaced as in the example above, ∆t i = ∆t i + 1 = ∆t and r eff = r ⁄ n . Finally, therefore, in this scheme, we adopt a total variance that includes the Poisson ∆t 2 1 component σ ( 〈 b〉 ) = ------------ where w i = ------------------- . 2 di ∑ wi - + r eff --g 2 4. Validation of the formulae Monte Carlo simulations of the MULTIACCUM process were run for the standard NICMOS MULTIACCUM sequences and for each individual readout within the sequences. The formulae presented in the previous section give excellent agreement with the empirically derived distributions from Monte-Carlo simulations, as may be seen in the tables and figures that follow. The countrate estimators have expected values equal to the mean countrate so they are unbiased, and this too is born out in the testing. 7 5. Results Caveats: The exact numerical details in the tables may differ from real NICMOS observations because (1) readout noise is assumed per read, not per pair of reads, (2) only unweighted least squares regression line and a simple weighting were used (3) a zeroth read is included in the fit. Nevertheless, the qualitative conclusions will remain valid, and quantitative comparison is likely to reveal only minor differences. The variance associated with the least-squares straight line estimator of count rate is substantially lower than for the weighted mean of first differences. The corresponding standard deviation is about 50% lower for the line fit in the low background readout noise dominated regime. In a high countrate regime, the two methods are comparable. That is, least squares fitting is better than first differences. In the low countrate regime, the uncertainty on the countrate estimate declines linearly with time, as expected if the S/N has S ∝ t and N ~ constant. The cluster of final reads in the MIF1024 sequence reduces the uncertainty by about 20% compared to the same sequence just prior to the final cluster of readouts, in the low ampglow case. In other words, judicious choice of readout timing can make a significant difference to the performance. In the high ampglow case, the extra reads make little difference, and the overall uncertainty is higher by about a factor two. The countrate uncertainty in the low countrate (faint object) limit depends primarily on exposure time and not on the specific sequence chosen. Example: in Table 1, for a MIF1024 sequence and exposure 1024 sec, the uncertainty is 0.0275 using a least-squares fit prior to the final readout cluster, and 0.022 after. Hence a three sigma detection requires a countrate 0.0825 e/sec and 0.066 e/sec respectively, or 2.61x10–7 Jy and 2.09x10–7 Jy for the F160W filter, or H=24.1 and 24.35 respectively. The NICMOS exposure time calculator gives very similar answers, with S/N=3 for 0.1 e/s in slightly less than 1000sec. 6. Appendix: Tables of uncertainties for all the standard NICMOS MULTIACCUM sequences as a function of readout number follow for various circumstances. Table 1 gives the minimum background faint object limit near the detector center, i.e. low ampglow, and Table 2 gives the same table for near the detector corners. Table 3 gives an example run at high source countrate. External thermal emission is not distinguished from source emission in this case. The columns are (1) sequence name (2) readout number (3) old (incorrect) estimate of uncertainty from least squares fit of straight line (4) empirical estimate of the same quantity from Monte-Carlo simulation (5) revised formula for uncertainty of weighted mean of 8 first differences (6) empirical estimate of the same from Monte-Carlo simulation (7) revised analytical formula for uncertainty on least squares fit. THE FINAL COLUMN represents the current best estimate of the uncertainty associated with a particular observation. For Table 1: Output is sequence, read, texp, els_an,els_emp,ewt_an,ewt_emp Empirical estimate uses n = 100 Parameters of run: Source countrate: Readout noise: Amp glow: Linear dark: 0.0880000 30.0000 15.0000 0.0500000 electron/sec electron/sec electron/read electron/sec For Table 2: Output is sequence, read, texp, els_an,els_emp,ewt_an,ewt_emp Empirical estimate uses n = 100 Parameters of run: Source countrate: Readout noise: Amp glow: Linear dark: 0.0880000 30.0000 150.000 0.0500000 electron/sec electron/sec electron/read electron/sec For Table 3: Source has H=19.4, or 16 micro Jy. Empirical estimate uses n = 100 Parameters of run: Source countrate: Readout noise: Amp glow: Linear dark: 5.00000 30.0000 15.0000 electron/sec electron/sec electron/read 0.0500000 electron/sec Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MCAMRR 5 1.5116 23.8643 25.0058 28.5067 27.9717 25.2199 MCAMRR 6 1.8140 19.2578 22.9796 23.8821 28.1567 20.1916 MCAMRR 7 2.1163 15.5997 17.8739 20.5224 26.5162 16.6865 MCAMRR 8 2.4186 13.2298 13.4719 17.9593 18.3746 14.1204 9 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MCAMRR 9 2.7210 11.1009 13.2438 16.0267 17.9880 12.2362 MCAMRR 10 3.0233 9.6471 10.4646 14.4435 15.1183 10.7539 MCAMRR 11 3.3256 8.4961 9.1184 13.1587 12.2512 9.5952 MCAMRR 12 3.6279 7.5020 7.8468 12.1024 12.6695 8.6612 MCAMRR 13 3.9303 6.7196 7.2114 11.1944 11.5251 7.8790 MCAMRR 14 4.2326 6.0552 6.2886 10.4166 11.2036 7.2412 MCAMRR 15 4.5349 5.4956 6.3504 9.7330 10.9296 6.6914 MCAMRR 16 4.8372 5.0215 5.5613 9.1409 9.7090 6.2272 MCAMRR 17 5.1396 4.5636 5.4069 8.5968 8.5946 5.8301 MCAMRR 18 5.4419 4.1877 4.7314 8.1406 8.0359 5.4853 MCAMRR 19 5.7442 3.8947 4.6927 7.7290 7.9309 5.1731 MCAMRR 20 6.0466 3.5846 4.4911 7.3669 7.9788 4.9087 MCAMRR 21 6.3489 3.3224 4.1564 7.0110 7.2300 4.6718 MCAMRR 22 6.6512 3.1137 3.8241 6.7117 7.5770 4.4568 MCAMRR 23 6.9535 2.9346 3.7486 6.4049 6.4684 4.2659 MCAMRR 24 7.2559 2.7676 3.7513 6.1717 6.5212 4.0956 MCAMRR 25 7.5582 2.6088 3.8736 5.9203 5.9912 3.9478 MIF1024 5 1.5116 23.8643 25.0058 28.5067 27.9717 25.2199 MIF1024 6 1.8140 19.2578 22.9796 23.8821 28.1567 20.1916 MIF1024 7 2.1163 15.5997 17.8739 20.5224 26.5162 16.6865 MIF1024 8 2.4186 13.2298 13.4719 17.9593 18.3746 14.1204 MIF1024 9 63.9930 0.5077 0.5592 0.6911 0.7814 0.5205 MIF1024 10 127.9902 0.2219 0.2415 0.3417 0.3124 0.2451 MIF1024 11 255.9833 0.1137 0.1037 0.1957 0.2050 0.1237 MIF1024 12 383.9764 0.0692 0.0870 0.1180 0.1133 0.0789 MIF1024 13 511.9694 0.0513 0.0491 0.0848 0.0895 0.0570 MIF1024 14 639.9625 0.0385 0.0416 0.0667 0.0589 0.0449 MIF1024 15 767.9556 0.0292 0.0314 0.0550 0.0511 0.0369 MIF1024 16 895.9487 0.0241 0.0298 0.0469 0.0525 0.0315 MIF1024 17 1023.9418 0.0200 0.0252 0.0410 0.0422 0.0275 MIF1024 18 1024.2441 0.0181 0.0262 0.0409 0.0398 0.0254 10 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF1024 19 1024.5464 0.0168 0.0230 0.0410 0.0454 0.0243 MIF1024 20 1024.8487 0.0159 0.0216 0.0408 0.0407 0.0234 MIF1024 21 1025.1511 0.0149 0.0233 0.0409 0.0510 0.0229 MIF1024 22 1025.4534 0.0141 0.0245 0.0409 0.0430 0.0225 MIF1024 23 1025.7557 0.0139 0.0210 0.0409 0.0400 0.0223 MIF1024 24 1026.0580 0.0136 0.0204 0.0409 0.0446 0.0221 MIF1024 25 1026.3604 0.0130 0.0225 0.0409 0.0439 0.0220 MIF2048 5 1.5116 23.8643 25.0058 28.5067 27.9717 25.2199 MIF2048 6 1.8140 19.2578 22.9796 23.8821 28.1567 20.1916 MIF2048 7 2.1163 15.5997 17.8739 20.5224 26.5162 16.6865 MIF2048 8 2.4186 13.2298 13.4719 17.9593 18.3746 14.1204 MIF2048 9 127.9889 0.2575 0.2814 0.3402 0.3525 0.2581 MIF2048 10 255.9820 0.1176 0.1322 0.1703 0.1695 0.1228 MIF2048 11 511.9812 0.0567 0.0622 0.0982 0.1033 0.0627 MIF2048 12 767.9804 0.0377 0.0427 0.0598 0.0681 0.0407 MIF2048 13 1023.9797 0.0246 0.0284 0.0433 0.0461 0.0298 MIF2048 14 1279.9789 0.0188 0.0257 0.0341 0.0377 0.0236 MIF2048 15 1535.9781 0.0149 0.0204 0.0283 0.0299 0.0197 MIF2048 16 1791.9773 0.0123 0.0170 0.0243 0.0246 0.0170 MIF2048 17 2047.9766 0.0105 0.0130 0.0213 0.0217 0.0150 MIF2048 18 2048.2789 0.0092 0.0147 0.0213 0.0206 0.0141 MIF2048 19 2048.5812 0.0084 0.0146 0.0213 0.0214 0.0135 MIF2048 20 2048.8836 0.0078 0.0127 0.0213 0.0226 0.0131 MIF2048 21 2049.1859 0.0074 0.0125 0.0213 0.0216 0.0129 MIF2048 22 2049.4882 0.0073 0.0126 0.0213 0.0194 0.0127 MIF2048 23 2049.7905 0.0071 0.0123 0.0213 0.0245 0.0126 MIF2048 24 2050.0929 0.0069 0.0118 0.0213 0.0225 0.0125 MIF2048 25 2050.3952 0.0067 0.0127 0.0213 0.0225 0.0125 MIF3072 5 1.5116 23.8643 25.0058 28.5067 27.9717 25.2199 MIF3072 6 1.8140 19.2578 22.9796 23.8821 28.1567 20.1916 MIF3072 7 2.1163 15.5997 17.8739 20.5224 26.5162 16.6865 11 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF3072 8 2.4186 13.2298 13.4719 17.9593 18.3746 14.1204 MIF3072 9 127.9889 0.2575 0.2814 0.3402 0.3525 0.2581 MIF3072 10 255.9820 0.1176 0.1322 0.1703 0.1695 0.1228 MIF3072 11 639.9802 0.0451 0.0517 0.0820 0.0858 0.0519 MIF3072 12 1023.9784 0.0278 0.0304 0.0460 0.0448 0.0315 MIF3072 13 1407.9766 0.0183 0.0234 0.0323 0.0298 0.0225 MIF3072 14 1791.9748 0.0140 0.0182 0.0251 0.0228 0.0176 MIF3072 15 2175.9730 0.0106 0.0138 0.0207 0.0186 0.0147 MIF3072 16 2559.9712 0.0087 0.0132 0.0177 0.0175 0.0127 MIF3072 17 3071.9684 0.0070 0.0109 0.0170 0.0142 0.0110 MIF3072 18 3072.2707 0.0062 0.0093 0.0170 0.0156 0.0103 MIF3072 19 3072.5730 0.0059 0.0100 0.0170 0.0163 0.0099 MIF3072 20 3072.8754 0.0053 0.0090 0.0170 0.0173 0.0096 MIF3072 21 3073.1777 0.0051 0.0100 0.0170 0.0168 0.0094 MIF3072 22 3073.4800 0.0050 0.0088 0.0170 0.0185 0.0093 MIF3072 23 3073.7823 0.0047 0.0093 0.0170 0.0168 0.0093 MIF3072 24 3074.0847 0.0046 0.0092 0.0170 0.0165 0.0092 MIF3072 25 3074.3870 0.0045 0.0093 0.0170 0.0176 0.0092 MIF512 5 1.5116 23.8643 25.0058 28.5067 27.9717 25.2199 MIF512 6 1.8140 19.2578 22.9796 23.8821 28.1567 20.1916 MIF512 7 2.1163 15.5997 17.8739 20.5224 26.5162 16.6865 MIF512 8 2.4186 13.2298 13.4719 17.9593 18.3746 14.1204 MIF512 9 31.9879 0.9933 1.1105 1.4352 1.3700 1.0611 MIF512 10 63.9871 0.4685 0.5302 0.6929 0.7207 0.4953 MIF512 11 127.9843 0.2255 0.2553 0.3914 0.3819 0.2476 MIF512 12 191.9815 0.1427 0.1713 0.2344 0.2459 0.1562 MIF512 13 255.9786 0.0995 0.1102 0.1679 0.1718 0.1124 MIF512 14 319.9758 0.0758 0.0838 0.1314 0.1168 0.0872 MIF512 15 383.9730 0.0607 0.0732 0.1078 0.1004 0.0710 MIF512 16 447.9702 0.0497 0.0606 0.0918 0.0858 0.0602 MIF512 17 511.9674 0.0407 0.0542 0.0799 0.0794 0.0523 12 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF512 18 512.2697 0.0372 0.0445 0.0798 0.0766 0.0480 MIF512 19 512.5720 0.0346 0.0413 0.0796 0.0795 0.0454 MIF512 20 512.8743 0.0316 0.0438 0.0796 0.0782 0.0439 MIF512 21 513.1767 0.0307 0.0413 0.0796 0.0892 0.0428 MIF512 22 513.4790 0.0285 0.0430 0.0798 0.0790 0.0420 MIF512 23 513.7813 0.0281 0.0427 0.0797 0.0808 0.0416 MIF512 24 514.0836 0.0270 0.0392 0.0795 0.0800 0.0411 MIF512 25 514.3860 0.0261 0.0399 0.0796 0.0866 0.0408 SCAMRR 5 1.0150 35.5299 37.5637 42.4649 41.1513 37.5688 SCAMRR 6 1.2180 28.8540 33.2283 35.5759 41.5112 30.0638 SCAMRR 7 1.4210 23.2513 26.7798 30.5769 39.4040 24.8619 SCAMRR 8 1.6240 19.6624 20.3513 26.7506 27.1607 21.0262 SCAMRR 9 1.8270 16.5426 19.5679 23.8631 25.5942 18.2232 SCAMRR 10 2.0300 14.3859 15.6040 21.5127 22.4239 16.0164 SCAMRR 11 2.2330 12.6793 13.5172 19.5992 18.1764 14.2872 SCAMRR 12 2.4360 11.1566 11.6316 18.0262 18.6913 12.8978 SCAMRR 13 2.6390 10.0072 10.6676 16.6715 17.3404 11.7334 SCAMRR 14 2.8420 9.0000 9.3749 15.5174 16.3860 10.7837 SCAMRR 15 3.0450 8.1792 9.3620 14.4979 16.2808 9.9636 SCAMRR 16 3.2480 7.4726 8.3253 13.6139 14.2272 9.2757 SCAMRR 17 3.4510 6.8074 8.0471 12.8063 12.7877 8.6807 SCAMRR 18 3.6540 6.2411 6.9931 12.1249 11.9827 8.1684 SCAMRR 19 3.8570 5.8076 6.9105 11.5129 11.7062 7.7045 SCAMRR 20 4.0600 5.3509 6.6837 10.9756 11.7763 7.3116 SCAMRR 21 4.2630 4.9616 6.1870 10.4402 10.6698 6.9575 SCAMRR 22 4.4660 4.6420 5.7727 9.9932 11.6008 6.6377 SCAMRR 23 4.6690 4.3619 5.6821 9.5458 10.3087 6.3542 SCAMRR 24 4.8720 4.1140 5.5402 9.1971 9.5263 6.0997 SCAMRR 25 5.0750 3.8768 5.9579 8.8100 9.1325 5.8764 SPARS256 5 767.9930 0.0394 0.0449 0.0574 0.0551 0.0448 SPARS256 6 1023.9923 0.0297 0.0317 0.0436 0.0445 0.0331 13 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) SPARS256 7 1279.9915 0.0227 0.0241 0.0352 0.0346 0.0262 SPARS256 8 1535.9907 0.0178 0.0183 0.0297 0.0307 0.0218 SPARS256 9 1791.9899 0.0145 0.0165 0.0257 0.0234 0.0187 SPARS256 10 2047.9892 0.0128 0.0178 0.0227 0.0262 0.0164 SPARS256 11 2303.9884 0.0105 0.0172 0.0204 0.0205 0.0147 SPARS256 12 2559.9876 0.0094 0.0133 0.0185 0.0200 0.0134 SPARS256 13 2815.9868 0.0083 0.0124 0.0170 0.0170 0.0124 SPARS256 14 3071.9861 0.0078 0.0115 0.0157 0.0146 0.0115 SPARS256 15 3327.9853 0.0067 0.0111 0.0147 0.0141 0.0108 SPARS256 16 3583.9845 0.0060 0.0098 0.0137 0.0133 0.0101 SPARS256 17 3839.9837 0.0058 0.0092 0.0129 0.0139 0.0096 SPARS256 18 4095.9830 0.0052 0.0081 0.0122 0.0126 0.0091 SPARS256 19 4351.9822 0.0048 0.0089 0.0116 0.0109 0.0087 SPARS256 20 4607.9814 0.0044 0.0087 0.0110 0.0127 0.0084 SPARS256 21 4863.9806 0.0042 0.0075 0.0105 0.0114 0.0080 SPARS256 22 5119.9799 0.0039 0.0078 0.0101 0.0103 0.0077 SPARS256 23 5375.9791 0.0037 0.0076 0.0097 0.0094 0.0075 SPARS256 24 5631.9783 0.0035 0.0070 0.0093 0.0095 0.0073 SPARS256 25 5887.9775 0.0033 0.0067 0.0089 0.0090 0.0070 SPARS64 5 191.9869 0.1585 0.2018 0.2254 0.2617 0.1732 SPARS64 6 255.9841 0.1181 0.1407 0.1690 0.1661 0.1253 SPARS64 7 319.9813 0.0867 0.0890 0.1360 0.1235 0.0975 SPARS64 8 383.9784 0.0696 0.0729 0.1139 0.1175 0.0797 SPARS64 9 447.9756 0.0581 0.0619 0.0979 0.0975 0.0672 SPARS64 10 511.9728 0.0506 0.0522 0.0860 0.0870 0.0581 SPARS64 11 575.9700 0.0446 0.0487 0.0770 0.0835 0.0514 SPARS64 12 639.9671 0.0370 0.0432 0.0698 0.0713 0.0462 SPARS64 13 703.9643 0.0337 0.0361 0.0635 0.0696 0.0419 SPARS64 14 767.9615 0.0293 0.0405 0.0584 0.0557 0.0383 SPARS64 15 831.9587 0.0272 0.0360 0.0541 0.0598 0.0355 SPARS64 16 895.9558 0.0247 0.0301 0.0504 0.0498 0.0330 14 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) SPARS64 17 959.9530 0.0227 0.0284 0.0472 0.0526 0.0310 SPARS64 18 1023.9502 0.0209 0.0254 0.0444 0.0464 0.0292 SPARS64 19 1087.9474 0.0187 0.0283 0.0419 0.0449 0.0276 SPARS64 20 1151.9445 0.0177 0.0282 0.0398 0.0413 0.0263 SPARS64 21 1215.9417 0.0164 0.0259 0.0378 0.0363 0.0251 SPARS64 22 1279.9389 0.0152 0.0232 0.0360 0.0373 0.0240 SPARS64 23 1343.9361 0.0144 0.0239 0.0344 0.0356 0.0231 SPARS64 24 1407.9332 0.0132 0.0214 0.0330 0.0336 0.0222 SPARS64 25 1471.9304 0.0125 0.0189 0.0317 0.0278 0.0214 STEP1 5 2.9882 11.4805 14.0624 15.7885 17.0324 12.2786 STEP1 6 3.9859 8.5111 8.7712 11.1308 11.1848 8.6353 STEP1 7 4.9835 6.2441 6.4884 8.5717 9.0398 6.5581 STEP1 8 5.9811 5.0205 5.1499 6.9764 7.1908 5.2507 STEP1 9 6.9787 4.0450 4.2769 5.9057 6.4867 4.3656 STEP1 10 7.9764 3.2884 3.6860 5.1179 5.7295 3.7288 STEP1 11 8.9740 2.8166 3.1325 4.5207 4.5100 3.2520 STEP1 12 9.9716 2.5087 2.8503 4.0475 3.9113 2.8806 STEP1 13 10.9692 2.1946 2.4273 3.6644 3.7140 2.5877 STEP1 14 11.9669 1.9454 2.0679 3.3470 3.4024 2.3498 STEP1 15 12.9645 1.7605 2.1704 3.0804 3.1670 2.1512 STEP1 16 13.9621 1.5704 1.8134 2.8664 2.9961 1.9853 STEP1 17 14.9597 1.4618 1.7954 2.6628 3.0317 1.8484 STEP1 18 15.9574 1.3154 1.6624 2.5036 2.4317 1.7276 STEP1 19 16.9550 1.2240 1.6038 2.3469 2.3941 1.6243 STEP1 20 17.9526 1.1141 1.5359 2.2205 2.2244 1.5371 STEP1 21 18.9502 1.0280 1.3911 2.1013 2.2897 1.4557 STEP1 22 19.9479 0.9833 1.2881 1.9964 2.1929 1.3865 STEP1 23 20.9455 0.9005 1.2174 1.8999 1.8650 1.3238 STEP1 24 21.9431 0.8439 1.1875 1.8116 1.9239 1.2672 STEP1 25 22.9407 0.8042 1.0309 1.7315 1.5935 1.2157 STEP128 5 3.9846 8.7978 10.8038 13.2688 14.0003 9.3700 15 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP128 6 7.9784 4.1272 4.5065 6.5949 6.0530 4.4541 STEP128 7 15.9720 1.9204 2.2554 3.2808 2.9552 2.1444 STEP128 8 31.9651 0.9941 0.9860 1.6360 1.7167 1.0443 STEP128 9 63.9643 0.4879 0.4782 0.8197 0.8467 0.5142 STEP128 10 127.9615 0.2389 0.2738 0.4104 0.4322 0.2549 STEP128 11 255.9546 0.1169 0.1217 0.2066 0.1906 0.1273 STEP128 12 383.9477 0.0718 0.0885 0.1190 0.1304 0.0803 STEP128 13 511.9408 0.0495 0.0521 0.0842 0.0792 0.0578 STEP128 14 639.9338 0.0366 0.0458 0.0655 0.0617 0.0452 STEP128 15 767.9269 0.0300 0.0359 0.0540 0.0565 0.0372 STEP128 16 895.9200 0.0248 0.0282 0.0458 0.0441 0.0317 STEP128 17 1023.9131 0.0211 0.0277 0.0399 0.0435 0.0277 STEP128 18 1151.9062 0.0177 0.0235 0.0354 0.0345 0.0247 STEP128 19 1279.8992 0.0157 0.0205 0.0318 0.0281 0.0223 STEP128 20 1407.8923 0.0136 0.0190 0.0290 0.0304 0.0204 STEP128 21 1535.8854 0.0118 0.0168 0.0267 0.0267 0.0189 STEP128 22 1663.8785 0.0111 0.0181 0.0247 0.0248 0.0177 STEP128 23 1791.8716 0.0100 0.0167 0.0229 0.0206 0.0165 STEP128 24 1919.8646 0.0094 0.0147 0.0215 0.0223 0.0157 STEP128 25 2047.8577 0.0085 0.0149 0.0202 0.0232 0.0149 STEP16 5 3.9846 8.7978 10.8038 13.2688 14.0003 9.3700 STEP16 6 7.9784 4.1272 4.5065 6.5949 6.0530 4.4541 STEP16 7 15.9720 1.9204 2.2554 3.2808 2.9552 2.1444 STEP16 8 31.9651 0.9941 0.9860 1.6360 1.7167 1.0443 STEP16 9 47.9582 0.6099 0.7038 0.9425 0.9628 0.6524 STEP16 10 63.9513 0.4278 0.4505 0.6628 0.6544 0.4630 STEP16 11 79.9444 0.3197 0.3432 0.5133 0.5005 0.3557 STEP16 12 95.9374 0.2476 0.2562 0.4180 0.3914 0.2872 STEP16 13 111.9305 0.2076 0.2415 0.3538 0.3453 0.2409 STEP16 14 127.9236 0.1762 0.2192 0.3075 0.3460 0.2076 STEP16 15 143.9167 0.1514 0.1874 0.2710 0.3069 0.1821 16 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP16 16 159.9098 0.1306 0.1714 0.2426 0.2751 0.1626 STEP16 17 175.9028 0.1158 0.1652 0.2203 0.2707 0.1477 STEP16 18 191.8959 0.1037 0.1328 0.2011 0.2134 0.1346 STEP16 19 207.8890 0.0937 0.1273 0.1854 0.1983 0.1243 STEP16 20 223.8821 0.0863 0.1227 0.1725 0.1700 0.1154 STEP16 21 239.8752 0.0784 0.1077 0.1603 0.1538 0.1079 STEP16 22 255.8682 0.0714 0.0929 0.1508 0.1591 0.1015 STEP16 23 271.8613 0.0679 0.0872 0.1412 0.1518 0.0961 STEP16 24 287.8544 0.0627 0.0825 0.1337 0.1456 0.0911 STEP16 25 303.8475 0.0583 0.0750 0.1264 0.1165 0.0869 STEP2 5 3.9846 8.7978 10.8038 13.2688 14.0003 9.3700 STEP2 6 5.9786 5.6690 6.2578 7.6380 7.7076 5.7639 STEP2 7 7.9726 3.8650 4.2015 5.3642 5.8153 4.0555 STEP2 8 9.9665 2.9335 3.3699 4.1455 4.5818 3.1026 STEP2 9 11.9605 2.2671 2.1786 3.3821 3.0137 2.4914 STEP2 10 13.9545 1.7993 2.0394 2.8601 2.9205 2.0787 STEP2 11 15.9485 1.5547 1.8364 2.4748 2.6510 1.7799 STEP2 12 17.9424 1.3402 1.7416 2.1865 2.1592 1.5580 STEP2 13 19.9364 1.1811 1.3247 1.9568 1.9332 1.3818 STEP2 14 21.9304 1.0568 1.2120 1.7697 1.7893 1.2412 STEP2 15 23.9244 0.9161 1.2456 1.6235 1.5072 1.1337 STEP2 16 25.9183 0.8364 0.9857 1.4928 1.4912 1.0391 STEP2 17 27.9123 0.7523 1.0642 1.3859 1.4756 0.9617 STEP2 18 29.9063 0.6805 0.8819 1.2934 1.3870 0.8967 STEP2 19 31.9003 0.6240 0.8875 1.2089 1.2872 0.8402 STEP2 20 33.8942 0.5800 0.7704 1.1388 1.1210 0.7905 STEP2 21 35.8882 0.5288 0.7741 1.0742 1.1998 0.7477 STEP2 22 37.8822 0.4984 0.6793 1.0173 0.9873 0.7100 STEP2 23 39.8762 0.4650 0.6681 0.9640 0.9536 0.6776 STEP2 24 41.8701 0.4424 0.6716 0.9170 0.9554 0.6473 STEP2 25 43.8641 0.4092 0.5673 0.8761 0.9065 0.6201 17 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP256 5 3.9846 8.7978 10.8038 13.2688 14.0003 9.3700 STEP256 6 7.9784 4.1272 4.5065 6.5949 6.0530 4.4541 STEP256 7 15.9720 1.9204 2.2554 3.2808 2.9552 2.1444 STEP256 8 31.9651 0.9941 0.9860 1.6360 1.7167 1.0443 STEP256 9 63.9643 0.4879 0.4782 0.8197 0.8467 0.5142 STEP256 10 127.9615 0.2389 0.2738 0.4104 0.4322 0.2549 STEP256 11 255.9546 0.1169 0.1217 0.2066 0.1906 0.1273 STEP256 12 511.9538 0.0575 0.0670 0.1040 0.0994 0.0642 STEP256 13 767.9530 0.0358 0.0472 0.0605 0.0603 0.0412 STEP256 14 1023.9523 0.0251 0.0329 0.0430 0.0475 0.0301 STEP256 15 1279.9515 0.0188 0.0255 0.0336 0.0363 0.0238 STEP256 16 1535.9507 0.0148 0.0188 0.0277 0.0282 0.0198 STEP256 17 1791.9499 0.0122 0.0167 0.0237 0.0225 0.0171 STEP256 18 2047.9492 0.0103 0.0162 0.0208 0.0208 0.0151 STEP256 19 2303.9484 0.0086 0.0149 0.0186 0.0187 0.0136 STEP256 20 2559.9476 0.0077 0.0127 0.0167 0.0178 0.0124 STEP256 21 2815.9468 0.0070 0.0111 0.0153 0.0154 0.0115 STEP256 22 3071.9461 0.0061 0.0104 0.0141 0.0154 0.0107 STEP256 23 3327.9453 0.0056 0.0101 0.0131 0.0132 0.0101 STEP256 24 3583.9445 0.0050 0.0090 0.0123 0.0117 0.0095 STEP256 25 3839.9437 0.0046 0.0087 0.0116 0.0121 0.0090 STEP32 5 3.9846 8.7978 10.8038 13.2688 14.0003 9.3700 STEP32 6 7.9784 4.1272 4.5065 6.5949 6.0530 4.4541 STEP32 7 15.9720 1.9204 2.2554 3.2808 2.9552 2.1444 STEP32 8 31.9651 0.9941 0.9860 1.6360 1.7167 1.0443 STEP32 9 63.9643 0.4879 0.4782 0.8197 0.8467 0.5142 STEP32 10 95.9636 0.2933 0.3156 0.4722 0.4692 0.3219 STEP32 11 127.9628 0.2027 0.2000 0.3325 0.3390 0.2288 STEP32 12 159.9620 0.1535 0.1482 0.2573 0.2453 0.1761 STEP32 13 191.9612 0.1251 0.1427 0.2105 0.2055 0.1430 STEP32 14 223.9605 0.0981 0.1315 0.1778 0.2044 0.1199 18 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP32 15 255.9597 0.0882 0.1022 0.1538 0.1728 0.1035 STEP32 16 287.9589 0.0736 0.0927 0.1363 0.1459 0.0914 STEP32 17 319.9581 0.0654 0.0845 0.1220 0.1281 0.0816 STEP32 18 351.9574 0.0579 0.0663 0.1108 0.1073 0.0741 STEP32 19 383.9566 0.0509 0.0638 0.1014 0.1027 0.0680 STEP32 20 415.9558 0.0469 0.0590 0.0935 0.1015 0.0629 STEP32 21 447.9550 0.0415 0.0609 0.0866 0.0977 0.0583 STEP32 22 479.9543 0.0382 0.0590 0.0809 0.0973 0.0547 STEP32 23 511.9535 0.0361 0.0518 0.0761 0.0804 0.0519 STEP32 24 543.9527 0.0333 0.0515 0.0715 0.0794 0.0491 STEP32 25 575.9519 0.0303 0.0461 0.0679 0.0664 0.0466 STEP64 5 3.9846 8.7978 10.8038 13.2688 14.0003 9.3700 STEP64 6 7.9784 4.1272 4.5065 6.5949 6.0530 4.4541 STEP64 7 15.9720 1.9204 2.2554 3.2808 2.9552 2.1444 STEP64 8 31.9651 0.9941 0.9860 1.6360 1.7167 1.0443 STEP64 9 63.9643 0.4879 0.4782 0.8197 0.8467 0.5142 STEP64 10 127.9615 0.2389 0.2738 0.4104 0.4322 0.2549 STEP64 11 191.9587 0.1469 0.1764 0.2364 0.2416 0.1599 STEP64 12 255.9559 0.1022 0.1021 0.1670 0.1729 0.1142 STEP64 13 319.9530 0.0748 0.0899 0.1296 0.1290 0.0886 STEP64 14 383.9502 0.0608 0.0706 0.1062 0.1018 0.0723 STEP64 15 447.9474 0.0491 0.0604 0.0898 0.0819 0.0609 STEP64 16 511.9446 0.0417 0.0461 0.0780 0.0744 0.0528 STEP64 17 575.9418 0.0380 0.0447 0.0689 0.0647 0.0468 STEP64 18 639.9389 0.0306 0.0384 0.0622 0.0677 0.0421 STEP64 19 703.9361 0.0280 0.0322 0.0563 0.0526 0.0383 STEP64 20 767.9333 0.0246 0.0339 0.0517 0.0497 0.0353 STEP64 21 831.9305 0.0228 0.0341 0.0477 0.0530 0.0327 STEP64 22 895.9276 0.0206 0.0277 0.0443 0.0433 0.0306 STEP64 23 959.9248 0.0188 0.0302 0.0414 0.0443 0.0288 STEP64 24 1023.9220 0.0173 0.0269 0.0388 0.0416 0.0272 19 Table 1. Minimum background uncertainty; no source (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP64 25 1087.9192 0.0158 0.0250 0.0367 0.0367 0.0259 STEP8 5 3.9846 8.7978 10.8038 13.2688 14.0003 9.3700 STEP8 6 7.9784 4.1272 4.5065 6.5949 6.0530 4.4541 STEP8 7 15.9720 1.9204 2.2554 3.2808 2.9552 2.1444 STEP8 8 23.9656 1.2530 1.3447 1.8845 1.8617 1.3302 STEP8 9 31.9592 0.8597 0.9450 1.3244 1.4206 0.9429 STEP8 10 39.9528 0.6722 0.7888 1.0258 1.3105 0.7237 STEP8 11 47.9464 0.5289 0.6004 0.8358 0.8594 0.5846 STEP8 12 55.9400 0.4496 0.5814 0.7056 0.8290 0.4895 STEP8 13 63.9336 0.3610 0.4225 0.6126 0.6604 0.4200 STEP8 14 71.9272 0.3262 0.3208 0.5393 0.5691 0.3679 STEP8 15 79.9208 0.2730 0.3448 0.4856 0.4987 0.3287 STEP8 16 87.9144 0.2435 0.2897 0.4388 0.4451 0.2967 STEP8 17 95.9080 0.2110 0.2824 0.4020 0.4288 0.2715 STEP8 18 103.9016 0.1952 0.2712 0.3690 0.4312 0.2491 STEP8 19 111.8951 0.1711 0.2149 0.3434 0.3760 0.2311 STEP8 20 119.8887 0.1603 0.2257 0.3194 0.3118 0.2164 STEP8 21 127.8823 0.1510 0.2015 0.2987 0.3096 0.2029 STEP8 22 135.8759 0.1367 0.2088 0.2817 0.2995 0.1922 STEP8 23 143.8695 0.1289 0.1985 0.2658 0.3123 0.1820 STEP8 24 151.8631 0.1178 0.1726 0.2516 0.2650 0.1730 STEP8 25 159.8567 0.1116 0.1592 0.2380 0.2495 0.1649 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MCAMRR 5 1.5116 24.6152 30.0277 33.3051 36.5845 34.4904 MCAMRR 6 1.8140 19.0963 25.5626 28.5872 28.9847 28.8891 MCAMRR 7 2.1163 15.8637 25.1893 25.1189 28.6854 24.9865 MCAMRR 8 2.4186 13.1977 21.4848 22.5884 26.0344 22.1745 20 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MCAMRR 9 2.7210 11.4132 18.7213 20.5613 20.5231 20.0097 MCAMRR 10 3.0233 10.0151 19.0039 18.9287 20.4210 18.3407 MCAMRR 11 3.3256 8.7911 17.9016 17.5690 19.1804 16.9856 MCAMRR 12 3.6279 7.9397 14.4452 16.4563 15.2038 15.8652 MCAMRR 13 3.9303 7.1112 13.3009 15.4856 14.7303 14.9256 MCAMRR 14 4.2326 6.3576 14.8211 14.6868 14.9831 14.1476 MCAMRR 15 4.5349 5.8363 13.9544 13.9547 14.3954 13.4675 MCAMRR 16 4.8372 5.4002 12.7533 13.3160 14.8241 12.8704 MCAMRR 17 5.1396 4.9669 13.1723 12.7569 14.2612 12.3549 MCAMRR 18 5.4419 4.6916 11.3646 12.2449 13.1608 11.8768 MCAMRR 19 5.7442 4.3284 11.7776 11.7916 13.0971 11.4584 MCAMRR 20 6.0466 3.9750 11.0319 11.3797 11.5782 11.0853 MCAMRR 21 6.3489 3.7650 11.9776 11.0067 12.2565 10.7442 MCAMRR 22 6.6512 3.5397 9.7668 10.6635 10.7227 10.4310 MCAMRR 23 6.9535 3.3294 10.7332 10.3406 11.3649 10.1463 MCAMRR 24 7.2559 3.1822 10.3154 10.0528 10.2840 9.8831 MCAMRR 25 7.5582 2.9638 9.7875 9.7787 10.6816 9.6445 MIF1024 5 1.5116 24.6152 30.0277 33.3051 36.5845 34.4904 MIF1024 6 1.8140 19.0963 25.5626 28.5872 28.9847 28.8891 MIF1024 7 2.1163 15.8637 25.1893 25.1189 28.6854 24.9865 MIF1024 8 2.4186 13.1977 21.4848 22.5884 26.0344 22.1745 MIF1024 9 63.9930 0.5550 0.6827 0.7169 0.7765 0.6254 MIF1024 10 127.9902 0.2619 0.3633 0.3654 0.3875 0.3232 MIF1024 11 255.9833 0.1295 0.1996 0.2088 0.2146 0.1723 MIF1024 12 383.9764 0.0791 0.1199 0.1313 0.1239 0.1164 MIF1024 13 511.9694 0.0558 0.0868 0.0979 0.0948 0.0887 MIF1024 14 639.9625 0.0423 0.0807 0.0794 0.0815 0.0726 MIF1024 15 767.9556 0.0335 0.0699 0.0672 0.0675 0.0619 MIF1024 16 895.9487 0.0278 0.0580 0.0590 0.0662 0.0546 MIF1024 17 1023.9418 0.0232 0.0589 0.0529 0.0604 0.0491 MIF1024 18 1024.2441 0.0209 0.0505 0.0528 0.0649 0.0467 21 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF1024 19 1024.5464 0.0192 0.0523 0.0528 0.0632 0.0455 MIF1024 20 1024.8487 0.0178 0.0485 0.0527 0.0486 0.0451 MIF1024 21 1025.1511 0.0170 0.0542 0.0527 0.0587 0.0449 MIF1024 22 1025.4534 0.0164 0.0452 0.0528 0.0552 0.0451 MIF1024 23 1025.7557 0.0159 0.0505 0.0528 0.0548 0.0453 MIF1024 24 1026.0580 0.0155 0.0510 0.0527 0.0591 0.0456 MIF1024 25 1026.3604 0.0150 0.0487 0.0528 0.0556 0.0461 MIF2048 5 1.5116 24.6152 30.0277 33.3051 36.5845 34.4904 MIF2048 6 1.8140 19.0963 25.5626 28.5872 28.9847 28.8891 MIF2048 7 2.1163 15.8637 25.1893 25.1189 28.6854 24.9865 MIF2048 8 2.4186 13.1977 21.4848 22.5884 26.0344 22.1745 MIF2048 9 127.9889 0.2753 0.3372 0.3528 0.3824 0.3081 MIF2048 10 255.9820 0.1304 0.1808 0.1819 0.1931 0.1608 MIF2048 11 511.9812 0.0646 0.1000 0.1048 0.1075 0.0865 MIF2048 12 767.9804 0.0395 0.0607 0.0663 0.0622 0.0588 MIF2048 13 1023.9797 0.0279 0.0439 0.0497 0.0479 0.0451 MIF2048 14 1279.9789 0.0212 0.0411 0.0404 0.0415 0.0370 MIF2048 15 1535.9781 0.0168 0.0357 0.0343 0.0344 0.0317 MIF2048 16 1791.9773 0.0139 0.0298 0.0302 0.0340 0.0280 MIF2048 17 2047.9766 0.0116 0.0303 0.0271 0.0309 0.0253 MIF2048 18 2048.2789 0.0105 0.0261 0.0271 0.0333 0.0241 MIF2048 19 2048.5812 0.0096 0.0269 0.0271 0.0323 0.0235 MIF2048 20 2048.8836 0.0089 0.0250 0.0270 0.0250 0.0233 MIF2048 21 2049.1859 0.0085 0.0279 0.0270 0.0300 0.0232 MIF2048 22 2049.4882 0.0082 0.0234 0.0271 0.0284 0.0233 MIF2048 23 2049.7905 0.0080 0.0261 0.0271 0.0280 0.0234 MIF2048 24 2050.0929 0.0078 0.0262 0.0270 0.0302 0.0235 MIF2048 25 2050.3952 0.0075 0.0250 0.0271 0.0284 0.0238 MIF3072 5 1.5116 24.6152 30.0277 33.3051 36.5845 34.4904 MIF3072 6 1.8140 19.0963 25.5626 28.5872 28.9847 28.8891 MIF3072 7 2.1163 15.8637 25.1893 25.1189 28.6854 24.9865 22 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF3072 8 2.4186 13.1977 21.4848 22.5884 26.0344 22.1745 MIF3072 9 127.9889 0.2753 0.3372 0.3528 0.3824 0.3081 MIF3072 10 255.9820 0.1304 0.1808 0.1819 0.1931 0.1608 MIF3072 11 639.9802 0.0537 0.0809 0.0862 0.0893 0.0702 MIF3072 12 1023.9784 0.0306 0.0458 0.0503 0.0490 0.0446 MIF3072 13 1407.9766 0.0207 0.0323 0.0365 0.0348 0.0332 MIF3072 14 1791.9748 0.0154 0.0297 0.0292 0.0295 0.0268 MIF3072 15 2175.9730 0.0120 0.0254 0.0246 0.0245 0.0228 MIF3072 16 2559.9712 0.0099 0.0213 0.0215 0.0235 0.0200 MIF3072 17 3071.9684 0.0081 0.0212 0.0201 0.0231 0.0176 MIF3072 18 3072.2707 0.0072 0.0181 0.0201 0.0233 0.0167 MIF3072 19 3072.5730 0.0065 0.0186 0.0201 0.0238 0.0162 MIF3072 20 3072.8754 0.0060 0.0171 0.0201 0.0176 0.0160 MIF3072 21 3073.1777 0.0058 0.0191 0.0201 0.0216 0.0159 MIF3072 22 3073.4800 0.0055 0.0160 0.0201 0.0208 0.0160 MIF3072 23 3073.7823 0.0053 0.0179 0.0201 0.0211 0.0160 MIF3072 24 3074.0847 0.0052 0.0179 0.0201 0.0222 0.0161 MIF3072 25 3074.3870 0.0050 0.0170 0.0201 0.0208 0.0163 MIF512 5 1.5116 24.6152 30.0277 33.3051 36.5845 34.4904 MIF512 6 1.8140 19.0963 25.5626 28.5872 28.9847 28.8891 MIF512 7 2.1163 15.8637 25.1893 25.1189 28.6854 24.9865 MIF512 8 2.4186 13.1977 21.4848 22.5884 26.0344 22.1745 MIF512 9 31.9879 1.1269 1.4053 1.4867 1.6097 1.2917 MIF512 10 63.9871 0.5287 0.7390 0.7423 0.7851 0.6567 MIF512 11 127.9843 0.2602 0.4017 0.4185 0.4313 0.3465 MIF512 12 191.9815 0.1588 0.2391 0.2616 0.2482 0.2327 MIF512 13 255.9786 0.1118 0.1729 0.1943 0.1887 0.1766 MIF512 14 319.9758 0.0847 0.1602 0.1571 0.1615 0.1441 MIF512 15 383.9730 0.0671 0.1385 0.1329 0.1335 0.1227 MIF512 16 447.9702 0.0557 0.1144 0.1166 0.1300 0.1079 MIF512 17 511.9674 0.0464 0.1160 0.1043 0.1194 0.0969 23 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF512 18 512.2697 0.0419 0.0993 0.1040 0.1273 0.0920 MIF512 19 512.5720 0.0383 0.1030 0.1040 0.1250 0.0897 MIF512 20 512.8743 0.0355 0.0955 0.1039 0.0956 0.0887 MIF512 21 513.1767 0.0340 0.1067 0.1039 0.1158 0.0884 MIF512 22 513.4790 0.0327 0.0889 0.1040 0.1089 0.0887 MIF512 23 513.7813 0.0318 0.0995 0.1040 0.1080 0.0891 MIF512 24 514.0836 0.0310 0.1003 0.1038 0.1170 0.0898 MIF512 25 514.3860 0.0300 0.0961 0.1041 0.1100 0.0907 SCAMRR 5 1.0150 36.6593 44.7196 49.6006 54.4847 51.3660 SCAMRR 6 1.2180 28.4401 38.0696 42.5742 43.1662 43.0240 SCAMRR 7 1.4210 23.6258 37.5136 37.4089 42.7203 37.2119 SCAMRR 8 1.6240 19.6552 31.9965 33.6403 38.7723 33.0240 SCAMRR 9 1.8270 16.9976 27.8808 30.6214 30.5643 29.8000 SCAMRR 10 2.0300 14.9155 28.3017 28.1899 30.4124 27.3143 SCAMRR 11 2.2330 13.0925 26.6599 26.1650 28.5647 25.2963 SCAMRR 12 2.4360 11.8245 21.5125 24.5078 22.6424 23.6277 SCAMRR 13 2.6390 10.5907 19.8083 23.0622 21.9373 22.2283 SCAMRR 14 2.8420 9.4683 22.0723 21.8725 22.3137 21.0696 SCAMRR 15 3.0450 8.6919 20.7816 20.7822 21.4384 20.0568 SCAMRR 16 3.2480 8.0424 18.9928 19.8310 22.0769 19.1675 SCAMRR 17 3.4510 7.3971 19.6168 18.9983 21.2387 18.3997 SCAMRR 18 3.6540 6.9871 16.9246 18.2359 19.6000 17.6878 SCAMRR 19 3.8570 6.4463 17.5397 17.5607 19.5049 17.0646 SCAMRR 20 4.0600 5.9200 16.4291 16.9473 17.2430 16.5089 SCAMRR 21 4.2630 5.6072 17.8375 16.3919 18.2530 16.0010 SCAMRR 22 4.4660 5.2717 14.5451 15.8807 15.9688 15.5345 SCAMRR 23 4.6690 4.9585 15.9843 15.3999 16.9253 15.1106 SCAMRR 24 4.8720 4.7392 15.3621 14.9712 15.3156 14.7186 SCAMRR 25 5.0750 4.4140 14.5759 14.5630 15.9076 14.3632 SPARS256 5 767.9930 0.0441 0.0509 0.0630 0.0597 0.0530 SPARS256 6 1023.9923 0.0306 0.0408 0.0491 0.0461 0.0412 24 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) SPARS256 7 1279.9915 0.0237 0.0379 0.0406 0.0427 0.0341 SPARS256 8 1535.9907 0.0189 0.0317 0.0350 0.0375 0.0296 SPARS256 9 1791.9899 0.0159 0.0269 0.0309 0.0305 0.0264 SPARS256 10 2047.9892 0.0135 0.0273 0.0278 0.0309 0.0240 SPARS256 11 2303.9884 0.0116 0.0256 0.0254 0.0292 0.0221 SPARS256 12 2559.9876 0.0103 0.0204 0.0235 0.0236 0.0206 SPARS256 13 2815.9868 0.0092 0.0186 0.0219 0.0221 0.0193 SPARS256 14 3071.9861 0.0082 0.0203 0.0205 0.0216 0.0183 SPARS256 15 3327.9853 0.0074 0.0192 0.0193 0.0212 0.0174 SPARS256 16 3583.9845 0.0069 0.0172 0.0184 0.0196 0.0166 SPARS256 17 3839.9837 0.0063 0.0180 0.0175 0.0213 0.0160 SPARS256 18 4095.9830 0.0059 0.0155 0.0167 0.0172 0.0154 SPARS256 19 4351.9822 0.0054 0.0159 0.0160 0.0184 0.0148 SPARS256 20 4607.9814 0.0050 0.0148 0.0154 0.0150 0.0143 SPARS256 21 4863.9806 0.0047 0.0161 0.0149 0.0176 0.0139 SPARS256 22 5119.9799 0.0044 0.0132 0.0144 0.0145 0.0135 SPARS256 23 5375.9791 0.0041 0.0144 0.0139 0.0156 0.0132 SPARS256 24 5631.9783 0.0040 0.0137 0.0135 0.0134 0.0128 SPARS256 25 5887.9775 0.0037 0.0130 0.0131 0.0143 0.0125 SPARS64 5 191.9869 0.1759 0.1995 0.2477 0.2348 0.2072 SPARS64 6 255.9841 0.1218 0.1591 0.1920 0.1806 0.1598 SPARS64 7 319.9813 0.0945 0.1469 0.1583 0.1667 0.1315 SPARS64 8 383.9784 0.0750 0.1214 0.1361 0.1454 0.1135 SPARS64 9 447.9756 0.0630 0.1026 0.1198 0.1171 0.1005 SPARS64 10 511.9728 0.0536 0.1037 0.1076 0.1191 0.0909 SPARS64 11 575.9700 0.0460 0.0969 0.0980 0.1119 0.0835 SPARS64 12 639.9671 0.0410 0.0771 0.0904 0.0908 0.0776 SPARS64 13 703.9643 0.0364 0.0697 0.0840 0.0845 0.0727 SPARS64 14 767.9615 0.0323 0.0765 0.0787 0.0828 0.0687 SPARS64 15 831.9587 0.0293 0.0721 0.0741 0.0811 0.0653 SPARS64 16 895.9558 0.0271 0.0646 0.0703 0.0751 0.0624 25 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) SPARS64 17 959.9530 0.0247 0.0674 0.0669 0.0811 0.0598 SPARS64 18 1023.9502 0.0232 0.0578 0.0638 0.0655 0.0574 SPARS64 19 1087.9474 0.0214 0.0595 0.0611 0.0698 0.0554 SPARS64 20 1151.9445 0.0196 0.0555 0.0587 0.0569 0.0536 SPARS64 21 1215.9417 0.0185 0.0602 0.0566 0.0665 0.0519 SPARS64 22 1279.9389 0.0173 0.0488 0.0546 0.0550 0.0504 SPARS64 23 1343.9361 0.0162 0.0537 0.0528 0.0590 0.0490 SPARS64 24 1407.9332 0.0155 0.0513 0.0512 0.0506 0.0478 SPARS64 25 1471.9304 0.0144 0.0486 0.0497 0.0542 0.0466 STEP1 5 2.9882 12.3917 14.4633 17.5389 18.9155 15.2802 STEP1 6 3.9859 8.3795 11.1236 12.8245 13.6307 11.3288 STEP1 7 4.9835 6.4296 9.9028 10.2374 10.9701 9.0972 STEP1 8 5.9811 5.0383 8.0596 8.6390 10.5632 7.6979 STEP1 9 6.9787 4.1927 6.7417 7.5223 7.5269 6.7246 STEP1 10 7.9764 3.5522 6.7262 6.7036 7.1640 6.0270 STEP1 11 8.9740 3.0288 6.2756 6.0724 7.2364 5.4907 STEP1 12 9.9716 2.6864 4.9728 5.5780 5.4160 5.0666 STEP1 13 10.9692 2.3789 4.4616 5.1695 5.1722 4.7222 STEP1 14 11.9669 2.1018 4.9031 4.8402 5.1811 4.4446 STEP1 15 12.9645 1.9055 4.5960 4.5492 5.0119 4.2073 STEP1 16 13.9621 1.7566 4.1185 4.3091 4.6785 4.0033 STEP1 17 14.9597 1.5972 4.2786 4.0961 4.8226 3.8294 STEP1 18 15.9574 1.5013 3.6616 3.9086 4.0006 3.6703 STEP1 19 16.9550 1.3788 3.7679 3.7419 3.9379 3.5324 STEP1 20 17.9526 1.2608 3.5117 3.5963 3.7735 3.4106 STEP1 21 18.9502 1.1888 3.7982 3.4624 3.8951 3.3001 STEP1 22 19.9479 1.1155 3.0752 3.3446 3.3358 3.1994 STEP1 23 20.9455 1.0437 3.3867 3.2335 3.7535 3.1083 STEP1 24 21.9431 0.9968 3.2353 3.1352 3.2076 3.0246 STEP1 25 22.9407 0.9265 3.0570 3.0432 3.2589 2.9489 STEP128 5 3.9846 9.5579 10.8797 14.1957 14.7818 11.3184 26 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP128 6 7.9784 4.4302 5.6174 7.0388 7.3325 5.5198 STEP128 7 15.9720 2.1822 3.0561 3.5065 3.8183 2.7395 STEP128 8 31.9651 1.0453 1.5316 1.7576 1.9715 1.3795 STEP128 9 63.9643 0.5262 0.7298 0.8785 0.9856 0.6979 STEP128 10 127.9615 0.2649 0.4051 0.4398 0.4500 0.3556 STEP128 11 255.9546 0.1312 0.2138 0.2203 0.2303 0.1813 STEP128 12 383.9477 0.0802 0.1240 0.1333 0.1359 0.1201 STEP128 13 511.9408 0.0564 0.0887 0.0979 0.0953 0.0906 STEP128 14 639.9338 0.0427 0.0822 0.0789 0.0828 0.0738 STEP128 15 767.9269 0.0338 0.0708 0.0666 0.0675 0.0627 STEP128 16 895.9200 0.0280 0.0585 0.0584 0.0606 0.0552 STEP128 17 1023.9131 0.0233 0.0593 0.0523 0.0622 0.0495 STEP128 18 1151.9062 0.0204 0.0485 0.0475 0.0447 0.0451 STEP128 19 1279.8992 0.0178 0.0477 0.0437 0.0490 0.0416 STEP128 20 1407.8923 0.0156 0.0414 0.0407 0.0360 0.0388 STEP128 21 1535.8854 0.0141 0.0439 0.0381 0.0413 0.0364 STEP128 22 1663.8785 0.0128 0.0342 0.0360 0.0345 0.0345 STEP128 23 1791.8716 0.0116 0.0377 0.0341 0.0388 0.0328 STEP128 24 1919.8646 0.0108 0.0343 0.0324 0.0341 0.0313 STEP128 25 2047.8577 0.0099 0.0310 0.0310 0.0306 0.0300 STEP16 5 3.9846 9.5579 10.8797 14.1957 14.7818 11.3184 STEP16 6 7.9784 4.4302 5.6174 7.0388 7.3325 5.5198 STEP16 7 15.9720 2.1822 3.0561 3.5065 3.8183 2.7395 STEP16 8 31.9651 1.0453 1.5316 1.7576 1.9715 1.3795 STEP16 9 47.9582 0.6599 0.9358 1.0559 1.1489 0.9063 STEP16 10 63.9513 0.4652 0.7856 0.7743 0.7844 0.6828 STEP16 11 79.9444 0.3478 0.6633 0.6200 0.6191 0.5534 STEP16 12 95.9374 0.2764 0.4915 0.5240 0.5562 0.4702 STEP16 13 111.9305 0.2300 0.4000 0.4571 0.4187 0.4122 STEP16 14 127.9236 0.1929 0.4176 0.4085 0.4165 0.3702 STEP16 15 143.9167 0.1660 0.3840 0.3705 0.4090 0.3376 27 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP16 16 159.9098 0.1481 0.3276 0.3411 0.3568 0.3121 STEP16 17 175.9028 0.1294 0.3424 0.3171 0.3633 0.2914 STEP16 18 191.8959 0.1182 0.2873 0.2966 0.2896 0.2736 STEP16 19 207.8890 0.1064 0.2897 0.2791 0.3090 0.2588 STEP16 20 223.8821 0.0957 0.2620 0.2645 0.2611 0.2463 STEP16 21 239.8752 0.0887 0.2799 0.2519 0.2683 0.2353 STEP16 22 255.8682 0.0820 0.2232 0.2407 0.2447 0.2258 STEP16 23 271.8613 0.0757 0.2450 0.2305 0.2510 0.2173 STEP16 24 287.8544 0.0717 0.2299 0.2217 0.2398 0.2097 STEP16 25 303.8475 0.0662 0.2132 0.2137 0.2263 0.2029 STEP2 5 3.9846 9.5579 10.8797 14.1957 14.7818 11.3184 STEP2 6 5.9786 5.6537 7.3956 8.5415 8.9325 7.3199 STEP2 7 7.9726 4.0279 6.0300 6.2327 6.5431 5.4556 STEP2 8 9.9665 3.0119 4.6579 5.0069 5.4536 4.4117 STEP2 9 11.9605 2.4194 3.8142 4.2221 4.5505 3.7404 STEP2 10 13.9545 2.0000 3.7317 3.6861 3.7816 3.2837 STEP2 11 15.9485 1.6696 3.4569 3.2848 3.8342 2.9462 STEP2 12 17.9424 1.4585 2.7069 2.9847 3.0249 2.6880 STEP2 13 19.9364 1.2808 2.3852 2.7398 2.6882 2.4832 STEP2 14 21.9304 1.1214 2.6020 2.5476 2.8642 2.3212 STEP2 15 23.9244 1.0082 2.4279 2.3793 2.6631 2.1851 STEP2 16 25.9183 0.9259 2.1512 2.2440 2.3630 2.0699 STEP2 17 27.9123 0.8355 2.2407 2.1250 2.4827 1.9727 STEP2 18 29.9063 0.7819 1.9100 2.0213 2.0606 1.8848 STEP2 19 31.9003 0.7154 1.9586 1.9286 2.1099 1.8092 STEP2 20 33.8942 0.6526 1.8152 1.8496 1.8613 1.7429 STEP2 21 35.8882 0.6133 1.9598 1.7770 2.0491 1.6832 STEP2 22 37.8822 0.5744 1.5805 1.7131 1.6310 1.6291 STEP2 23 39.8762 0.5358 1.7407 1.6534 1.9080 1.5805 STEP2 24 41.8701 0.5111 1.6582 1.6007 1.7121 1.5359 STEP2 25 43.8641 0.4744 1.5613 1.5525 1.6373 1.4958 28 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP256 5 3.9846 9.5579 10.8797 14.1957 14.7818 11.3184 STEP256 6 7.9784 4.4302 5.6174 7.0388 7.3325 5.5198 STEP256 7 15.9720 2.1822 3.0561 3.5065 3.8183 2.7395 STEP256 8 31.9651 1.0453 1.5316 1.7576 1.9715 1.3795 STEP256 9 63.9643 0.5262 0.7298 0.8785 0.9856 0.6979 STEP256 10 127.9615 0.2649 0.4051 0.4398 0.4500 0.3556 STEP256 11 255.9546 0.1312 0.2138 0.2203 0.2303 0.1813 STEP256 12 511.9538 0.0648 0.0951 0.1112 0.1131 0.0931 STEP256 13 767.9530 0.0402 0.0606 0.0674 0.0598 0.0619 STEP256 14 1023.9523 0.0283 0.0521 0.0498 0.0551 0.0470 STEP256 15 1279.9515 0.0213 0.0428 0.0401 0.0381 0.0383 STEP256 16 1535.9507 0.0170 0.0349 0.0341 0.0383 0.0327 STEP256 17 1791.9499 0.0138 0.0345 0.0299 0.0344 0.0288 STEP256 18 2047.9492 0.0118 0.0279 0.0268 0.0238 0.0259 STEP256 19 2303.9484 0.0101 0.0271 0.0244 0.0278 0.0236 STEP256 20 2559.9476 0.0088 0.0232 0.0225 0.0214 0.0218 STEP256 21 2815.9468 0.0078 0.0245 0.0210 0.0222 0.0203 STEP256 22 3071.9461 0.0070 0.0190 0.0197 0.0199 0.0191 STEP256 23 3327.9453 0.0063 0.0209 0.0185 0.0206 0.0181 STEP256 24 3583.9445 0.0059 0.0188 0.0176 0.0186 0.0172 STEP256 25 3839.9437 0.0054 0.0168 0.0168 0.0163 0.0164 STEP32 5 3.9846 9.5579 10.8797 14.1957 14.7818 11.3184 STEP32 6 7.9784 4.4302 5.6174 7.0388 7.3325 5.5198 STEP32 7 15.9720 2.1822 3.0561 3.5065 3.8183 2.7395 STEP32 8 31.9651 1.0453 1.5316 1.7576 1.9715 1.3795 STEP32 9 63.9643 0.5262 0.7298 0.8785 0.9856 0.6979 STEP32 10 95.9636 0.3288 0.5281 0.5284 0.5502 0.4606 STEP32 11 127.9628 0.2282 0.4126 0.3867 0.3877 0.3465 STEP32 12 159.9620 0.1715 0.2937 0.3108 0.2954 0.2810 STEP32 13 191.9612 0.1376 0.2318 0.2624 0.2494 0.2386 STEP32 14 223.9605 0.1127 0.2355 0.2294 0.2394 0.2095 29 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP32 15 255.9597 0.0949 0.2137 0.2045 0.2143 0.1878 STEP32 16 287.9589 0.0831 0.1806 0.1861 0.2104 0.1714 STEP32 17 319.9581 0.0717 0.1876 0.1713 0.1934 0.1584 STEP32 18 351.9574 0.0647 0.1565 0.1590 0.1621 0.1475 STEP32 19 383.9566 0.0577 0.1564 0.1487 0.1635 0.1385 STEP32 20 415.9558 0.0516 0.1400 0.1402 0.1341 0.1310 STEP32 21 447.9550 0.0475 0.1489 0.1329 0.1362 0.1246 STEP32 22 479.9543 0.0437 0.1180 0.1266 0.1257 0.1190 STEP32 23 511.9535 0.0401 0.1296 0.1208 0.1300 0.1141 STEP32 24 543.9527 0.0379 0.1206 0.1158 0.1203 0.1098 STEP32 25 575.9519 0.0349 0.1110 0.1114 0.1090 0.1060 STEP64 5 3.9846 9.5579 10.8797 14.1957 14.7818 11.3184 STEP64 6 7.9784 4.4302 5.6174 7.0388 7.3325 5.5198 STEP64 7 15.9720 2.1822 3.0561 3.5065 3.8183 2.7395 STEP64 8 31.9651 1.0453 1.5316 1.7576 1.9715 1.3795 STEP64 9 63.9643 0.5262 0.7298 0.8785 0.9856 0.6979 STEP64 10 127.9615 0.2649 0.4051 0.4398 0.4500 0.3556 STEP64 11 191.9587 0.1624 0.2775 0.2645 0.2688 0.2345 STEP64 12 255.9559 0.1126 0.1839 0.1945 0.1995 0.1768 STEP64 13 319.9530 0.0857 0.1397 0.1559 0.1534 0.1433 STEP64 14 383.9502 0.0680 0.1365 0.1320 0.1447 0.1220 STEP64 15 447.9474 0.0557 0.1214 0.1151 0.1199 0.1069 STEP64 16 511.9446 0.0477 0.1015 0.1031 0.1098 0.0960 STEP64 17 575.9418 0.0405 0.1045 0.0938 0.1109 0.0876 STEP64 18 639.9389 0.0360 0.0864 0.0862 0.0874 0.0808 STEP64 19 703.9361 0.0318 0.0857 0.0800 0.0927 0.0752 STEP64 20 767.9333 0.0282 0.0756 0.0750 0.0756 0.0707 STEP64 21 831.9305 0.0257 0.0803 0.0707 0.0774 0.0668 STEP64 22 895.9276 0.0235 0.0631 0.0671 0.0679 0.0635 STEP64 23 959.9248 0.0214 0.0693 0.0638 0.0731 0.0607 STEP64 24 1023.9220 0.0202 0.0639 0.0610 0.0634 0.0581 30 Table 2. Minimum background uncertainty; no source; high ampglow (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP64 25 1087.9192 0.0185 0.0583 0.0585 0.0558 0.0559 STEP8 5 3.9846 9.5579 10.8797 14.1957 14.7818 11.3184 STEP8 6 7.9784 4.4302 5.6174 7.0388 7.3325 5.5198 STEP8 7 15.9720 2.1822 3.0561 3.5065 3.8183 2.7395 STEP8 8 23.9656 1.3209 1.9526 2.1134 2.3684 1.7979 STEP8 9 31.9592 0.9430 1.3861 1.5459 1.6615 1.3492 STEP8 10 39.9528 0.7154 1.2635 1.2422 1.2372 1.0955 STEP8 11 47.9464 0.5609 1.1206 1.0459 1.1946 0.9308 STEP8 12 55.9400 0.4655 0.8468 0.9142 0.9042 0.8166 STEP8 13 63.9336 0.3969 0.7117 0.8152 0.8072 0.7324 STEP8 14 71.9272 0.3390 0.7567 0.7412 0.7828 0.6691 STEP8 15 79.9208 0.2968 0.7009 0.6802 0.7394 0.6185 STEP8 16 87.9144 0.2685 0.6041 0.6331 0.6362 0.5775 STEP8 17 95.9080 0.2373 0.6330 0.5928 0.6790 0.5438 STEP8 18 103.9016 0.2190 0.5341 0.5579 0.5443 0.5143 STEP8 19 111.8951 0.1984 0.5426 0.5276 0.5897 0.4894 STEP8 20 119.8887 0.1796 0.4951 0.5027 0.4894 0.4680 STEP8 21 127.8823 0.1673 0.5311 0.4804 0.5242 0.4491 STEP8 22 135.8759 0.1555 0.4256 0.4607 0.4688 0.4324 STEP8 23 143.8695 0.1441 0.4674 0.4422 0.5032 0.4175 STEP8 24 151.8631 0.1369 0.4414 0.4265 0.4558 0.4040 STEP8 25 159.8567 0.1266 0.4119 0.4122 0.4324 0.3920 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MCAMRR 5 1.5116 22.4389 24.7412 28.5510 26.9684 25.2285 MCAMRR 6 1.8140 18.0473 18.4376 23.9134 22.5610 20.1832 MCAMRR 7 2.1163 14.5509 15.6656 20.5343 19.0454 16.6998 MCAMRR 8 2.4186 12.1456 14.9297 18.0501 19.1770 14.1940 31 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MCAMRR 9 2.7210 10.2801 14.2764 16.0843 18.0290 12.3142 MCAMRR 10 3.0233 8.9679 10.9055 14.5138 15.4772 10.8096 MCAMRR 11 3.3256 7.8120 9.6434 13.2201 13.2426 9.6684 MCAMRR 12 3.6279 6.9521 7.9097 12.1806 12.0661 8.7217 MCAMRR 13 3.9303 6.4178 8.6022 11.2415 12.1448 7.9654 MCAMRR 14 4.2326 5.7879 8.0244 10.4875 10.9711 7.3304 MCAMRR 15 4.5349 5.3159 6.1198 9.7662 9.6988 6.7628 MCAMRR 16 4.8372 4.7870 6.0171 9.2022 8.7168 6.3004 MCAMRR 17 5.1396 4.4680 5.3166 8.6574 8.0386 5.8887 MCAMRR 18 5.4419 4.0856 4.9802 8.2181 8.2264 5.5700 MCAMRR 19 5.7442 3.7979 5.0918 7.8000 7.5390 5.2560 MCAMRR 20 6.0466 3.5978 4.6639 7.4037 7.4028 4.9821 MCAMRR 21 6.3489 3.3138 4.5323 7.0828 7.1945 4.7474 MCAMRR 22 6.6512 3.1284 4.1809 6.7426 7.0638 4.5348 MCAMRR 23 6.9535 2.9013 4.1817 6.4734 6.8851 4.3413 MCAMRR 24 7.2559 2.7374 3.7890 6.2101 6.8063 4.1765 MCAMRR 25 7.5582 2.5789 3.5666 5.9728 5.6146 4.0152 MIF1024 5 1.5116 22.4389 24.7412 28.5510 26.9684 25.2285 MIF1024 6 1.8140 18.0473 18.4376 23.9134 22.5610 20.1832 MIF1024 7 2.1163 14.5509 15.6656 20.5343 19.0454 16.6998 MIF1024 8 2.4186 12.1456 14.9297 18.0501 19.1770 14.1940 MIF1024 9 63.9930 0.5036 0.6588 0.7470 0.7391 0.5891 MIF1024 10 127.9902 0.2280 0.3158 0.3944 0.3736 0.3158 MIF1024 11 255.9833 0.1167 0.1808 0.2434 0.2391 0.1883 MIF1024 12 383.9764 0.0720 0.1562 0.1657 0.1719 0.1410 MIF1024 13 511.9694 0.0511 0.1019 0.1310 0.1133 0.1167 MIF1024 14 639.9625 0.0397 0.0946 0.1110 0.1068 0.1019 MIF1024 15 767.9556 0.0321 0.0822 0.0978 0.0887 0.0915 MIF1024 16 895.9487 0.0269 0.0882 0.0882 0.0965 0.0839 MIF1024 17 1023.9418 0.0238 0.0774 0.0809 0.0854 0.0779 MIF1024 18 1024.2441 0.0204 0.0695 0.0808 0.0715 0.0756 32 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF1024 19 1024.5464 0.0191 0.0796 0.0809 0.0880 0.0747 MIF1024 20 1024.8487 0.0177 0.0698 0.0808 0.0805 0.0740 MIF1024 21 1025.1511 0.0173 0.0721 0.0809 0.0764 0.0738 MIF1024 22 1025.4534 0.0159 0.0795 0.0809 0.0870 0.0736 MIF1024 23 1025.7557 0.0154 0.0687 0.0809 0.0700 0.0735 MIF1024 24 1026.0580 0.0150 0.0696 0.0809 0.0798 0.0734 MIF1024 25 1026.3604 0.0147 0.0728 0.0809 0.0806 0.0734 MIF2048 5 1.5116 22.4389 24.7412 28.5510 26.9684 25.2285 MIF2048 6 1.8140 18.0473 18.4376 23.9134 22.5610 20.1832 MIF2048 7 2.1163 14.5509 15.6656 20.5343 19.0454 16.6998 MIF2048 8 2.4186 12.1456 14.9297 18.0501 19.1770 14.1940 MIF2048 9 127.9889 0.2497 0.3630 0.3938 0.3973 0.3244 MIF2048 10 255.9820 0.1141 0.1824 0.2197 0.2047 0.1870 MIF2048 11 511.9812 0.0595 0.1135 0.1410 0.1353 0.1183 MIF2048 12 767.9804 0.0370 0.1024 0.1011 0.1069 0.0919 MIF2048 13 1023.9797 0.0267 0.0684 0.0824 0.0715 0.0778 MIF2048 14 1279.9789 0.0212 0.0643 0.0712 0.0687 0.0688 MIF2048 15 1535.9781 0.0174 0.0565 0.0636 0.0575 0.0624 MIF2048 16 1791.9773 0.0147 0.0613 0.0580 0.0630 0.0575 MIF2048 17 2047.9766 0.0133 0.0546 0.0536 0.0576 0.0537 MIF2048 18 2048.2789 0.0113 0.0480 0.0536 0.0480 0.0523 MIF2048 19 2048.5812 0.0106 0.0548 0.0536 0.0576 0.0517 MIF2048 20 2048.8836 0.0098 0.0486 0.0536 0.0534 0.0514 MIF2048 21 2049.1859 0.0096 0.0501 0.0536 0.0511 0.0512 MIF2048 22 2049.4882 0.0088 0.0552 0.0536 0.0580 0.0512 MIF2048 23 2049.7905 0.0085 0.0479 0.0536 0.0471 0.0511 MIF2048 24 2050.0929 0.0082 0.0485 0.0536 0.0529 0.0510 MIF2048 25 2050.3952 0.0081 0.0507 0.0536 0.0536 0.0511 MIF3072 5 1.5116 22.4389 24.7412 28.5510 26.9684 25.2285 MIF3072 6 1.8140 18.0473 18.4376 23.9134 22.5610 20.1832 MIF3072 7 2.1163 14.5509 15.6656 20.5343 19.0454 16.6998 33 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF3072 8 2.4186 12.1456 14.9297 18.0501 19.1770 14.1940 MIF3072 9 127.9889 0.2497 0.3630 0.3938 0.3973 0.3244 MIF3072 10 255.9820 0.1141 0.1824 0.2197 0.2047 0.1870 MIF3072 11 639.9802 0.0496 0.1012 0.1237 0.1206 0.1030 MIF3072 12 1023.9784 0.0290 0.0853 0.0848 0.0878 0.0778 MIF3072 13 1407.9766 0.0202 0.0577 0.0682 0.0597 0.0652 MIF3072 14 1791.9748 0.0160 0.0530 0.0586 0.0558 0.0574 MIF3072 15 2175.9730 0.0130 0.0469 0.0522 0.0469 0.0518 MIF3072 16 2559.9712 0.0110 0.0503 0.0475 0.0508 0.0477 MIF3072 17 3071.9684 0.0098 0.0450 0.0437 0.0466 0.0437 MIF3072 18 3072.2707 0.0083 0.0392 0.0437 0.0384 0.0424 MIF3072 19 3072.5730 0.0077 0.0442 0.0437 0.0457 0.0419 MIF3072 20 3072.8754 0.0072 0.0397 0.0437 0.0429 0.0416 MIF3072 21 3073.1777 0.0069 0.0403 0.0437 0.0410 0.0416 MIF3072 22 3073.4800 0.0064 0.0452 0.0437 0.0466 0.0415 MIF3072 23 3073.7823 0.0061 0.0392 0.0437 0.0380 0.0414 MIF3072 24 3074.0847 0.0059 0.0395 0.0437 0.0418 0.0414 MIF3072 25 3074.3870 0.0058 0.0421 0.0437 0.0440 0.0414 MIF512 5 1.5116 22.4389 24.7412 28.5510 26.9684 25.2285 MIF512 6 1.8140 18.0473 18.4376 23.9134 22.5610 20.1832 MIF512 7 2.1163 14.5509 15.6656 20.5343 19.0454 16.6998 MIF512 8 2.4186 12.1456 14.9297 18.0501 19.1770 14.1940 MIF512 9 31.9879 1.0233 1.2599 1.4902 1.4490 1.1281 MIF512 10 63.9871 0.4593 0.5814 0.7481 0.7178 0.5684 MIF512 11 127.9843 0.2319 0.3078 0.4437 0.4476 0.3186 MIF512 12 191.9815 0.1424 0.2489 0.2875 0.2943 0.2276 MIF512 13 255.9786 0.1002 0.1580 0.2199 0.1920 0.1826 MIF512 14 319.9758 0.0765 0.1443 0.1820 0.1761 0.1561 MIF512 15 383.9730 0.0616 0.1236 0.1576 0.1439 0.1383 MIF512 16 447.9702 0.0513 0.1296 0.1402 0.1554 0.1254 MIF512 17 511.9674 0.0447 0.1114 0.1272 0.1315 0.1156 34 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) MIF512 18 512.2697 0.0386 0.1028 0.1268 0.1101 0.1116 MIF512 19 512.5720 0.0360 0.1178 0.1270 0.1402 0.1098 MIF512 20 512.8743 0.0333 0.1019 0.1269 0.1256 0.1085 MIF512 21 513.1767 0.0325 0.1056 0.1271 0.1198 0.1081 MIF512 22 513.4790 0.0300 0.1158 0.1271 0.1351 0.1077 MIF512 23 513.7813 0.0292 0.1000 0.1270 0.1088 0.1074 MIF512 24 514.0836 0.0284 0.1012 0.1271 0.1249 0.1072 MIF512 25 514.3860 0.0278 0.1061 0.1271 0.1256 0.1072 SCAMRR 5 1.0150 34.3952 30.1576 42.5646 36.2418 37.5264 SCAMRR 6 1.2180 27.1920 28.9286 35.5854 36.0088 30.0531 SCAMRR 7 1.4210 22.6139 25.7494 30.6182 33.1889 24.9093 SCAMRR 8 1.6240 19.1377 21.8398 26.8760 27.6065 21.1277 SCAMRR 9 1.8270 16.0288 19.6068 23.9328 24.3322 18.2771 SCAMRR 10 2.0300 14.2549 15.9632 21.5650 21.6256 16.0918 SCAMRR 11 2.2330 12.3986 14.6843 19.6865 20.4763 14.3430 SCAMRR 12 2.4360 10.8942 13.2389 18.0715 19.1036 12.9756 SCAMRR 13 2.6390 9.9095 10.1925 16.7035 17.1461 11.8075 SCAMRR 14 2.8420 8.8685 10.6757 15.5766 15.0082 10.8526 SCAMRR 15 3.0450 7.9960 9.6203 14.5478 14.2207 10.0455 SCAMRR 16 3.2480 7.3132 8.5425 13.6655 12.2808 9.3465 SCAMRR 17 3.4510 6.6955 7.7278 12.8807 11.3852 8.7442 SCAMRR 18 3.6540 6.1823 8.2787 12.1943 13.8909 8.2287 SCAMRR 19 3.8570 5.7772 6.5348 11.5750 11.3221 7.7638 SCAMRR 20 4.0600 5.3643 7.6303 11.0126 10.5833 7.3972 SCAMRR 21 4.2630 4.9715 6.7760 10.4803 10.0878 7.0351 SCAMRR 22 4.4660 4.6735 6.0527 10.0485 9.9086 6.7202 SCAMRR 23 4.6690 4.3496 5.8505 9.6151 10.5413 6.4139 SCAMRR 24 4.8720 4.1018 5.6344 9.2347 9.3262 6.1755 SCAMRR 25 5.0750 3.9004 5.7287 8.8557 9.1583 5.9472 SPARS256 5 767.9930 0.0472 0.1024 0.0985 0.1073 0.0946 SPARS256 6 1023.9923 0.0336 0.0810 0.0817 0.0824 0.0800 35 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) SPARS256 7 1279.9915 0.0277 0.0686 0.0712 0.0692 0.0707 SPARS256 8 1535.9907 0.0222 0.0660 0.0639 0.0646 0.0642 SPARS256 9 1791.9899 0.0193 0.0547 0.0583 0.0565 0.0591 SPARS256 10 2047.9892 0.0172 0.0518 0.0540 0.0518 0.0552 SPARS256 11 2303.9884 0.0155 0.0589 0.0505 0.0591 0.0519 SPARS256 12 2559.9876 0.0141 0.0460 0.0476 0.0456 0.0492 SPARS256 13 2815.9868 0.0124 0.0489 0.0451 0.0490 0.0468 SPARS256 14 3071.9861 0.0116 0.0433 0.0430 0.0426 0.0448 SPARS256 15 3327.9853 0.0103 0.0433 0.0412 0.0423 0.0430 SPARS256 16 3583.9845 0.0100 0.0450 0.0395 0.0442 0.0415 SPARS256 17 3839.9837 0.0092 0.0373 0.0381 0.0364 0.0400 SPARS256 18 4095.9830 0.0086 0.0396 0.0368 0.0402 0.0387 SPARS256 19 4351.9822 0.0081 0.0407 0.0356 0.0391 0.0376 SPARS256 20 4607.9814 0.0076 0.0354 0.0345 0.0367 0.0365 SPARS256 21 4863.9806 0.0070 0.0379 0.0335 0.0353 0.0355 SPARS256 22 5119.9799 0.0067 0.0339 0.0326 0.0333 0.0346 SPARS256 23 5375.9791 0.0064 0.0374 0.0318 0.0353 0.0338 SPARS256 24 5631.9783 0.0063 0.0362 0.0310 0.0336 0.0330 SPARS256 25 5887.9775 0.0056 0.0315 0.0303 0.0310 0.0323 SPARS64 5 191.9869 0.1674 0.2564 0.2760 0.2902 0.2401 SPARS64 6 255.9841 0.1153 0.2014 0.2185 0.2271 0.1921 SPARS64 7 319.9813 0.0952 0.1709 0.1837 0.1886 0.1635 SPARS64 8 383.9784 0.0755 0.1460 0.1604 0.1568 0.1447 SPARS64 9 447.9756 0.0617 0.1250 0.1434 0.1420 0.1309 SPARS64 10 511.9728 0.0561 0.1133 0.1304 0.1238 0.1204 SPARS64 11 575.9700 0.0478 0.1249 0.1201 0.1365 0.1120 SPARS64 12 639.9671 0.0434 0.1006 0.1118 0.1098 0.1053 SPARS64 13 703.9643 0.0378 0.1050 0.1049 0.1121 0.0995 SPARS64 14 767.9615 0.0356 0.0893 0.0991 0.0991 0.0948 SPARS64 15 831.9587 0.0306 0.0906 0.0941 0.0928 0.0906 SPARS64 16 895.9558 0.0296 0.0951 0.0897 0.1005 0.0870 36 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) SPARS64 17 959.9530 0.0271 0.0778 0.0857 0.0804 0.0837 SPARS64 18 1023.9502 0.0248 0.0806 0.0823 0.0906 0.0808 SPARS64 19 1087.9474 0.0233 0.0843 0.0793 0.0856 0.0782 SPARS64 20 1151.9445 0.0219 0.0724 0.0766 0.0813 0.0758 SPARS64 21 1215.9417 0.0202 0.0775 0.0740 0.0750 0.0737 SPARS64 22 1279.9389 0.0190 0.0694 0.0718 0.0742 0.0717 SPARS64 23 1343.9361 0.0180 0.0783 0.0697 0.0763 0.0698 SPARS64 24 1407.9332 0.0176 0.0751 0.0677 0.0706 0.0681 SPARS64 25 1471.9304 0.0155 0.0649 0.0660 0.0669 0.0666 STEP1 5 2.9882 11.6337 11.5830 15.8580 14.0215 12.3437 STEP1 6 3.9859 7.6156 8.1820 11.1811 10.9380 8.6856 STEP1 7 4.9835 5.7215 6.5680 8.6551 8.2038 6.6480 STEP1 8 5.9811 4.7334 5.4639 7.0531 7.4729 5.3177 STEP1 9 6.9787 3.8785 4.5376 5.9755 6.6957 4.4457 STEP1 10 7.9764 3.3421 4.1450 5.1852 5.0280 3.8140 STEP1 11 8.9740 2.7771 3.3903 4.5961 4.8902 3.3467 STEP1 12 9.9716 2.4115 3.0769 4.1138 3.8861 2.9651 STEP1 13 10.9692 2.1479 2.4329 3.7229 3.7422 2.6634 STEP1 14 11.9669 1.9427 2.2255 3.4118 3.3451 2.4373 STEP1 15 12.9645 1.6946 2.0270 3.1528 2.7133 2.2436 STEP1 16 13.9621 1.5385 2.0416 2.9214 2.9281 2.0768 STEP1 17 14.9597 1.4327 1.7027 2.7267 2.7483 1.9378 STEP1 18 15.9574 1.2955 1.6862 2.5554 2.3601 1.8156 STEP1 19 16.9550 1.2168 1.7072 2.4097 2.5451 1.7190 STEP1 20 17.9526 1.1393 1.4833 2.2796 2.2141 1.6296 STEP1 21 18.9502 1.0658 1.4787 2.1558 2.0140 1.5484 STEP1 22 19.9479 0.9787 1.5382 2.0503 2.3673 1.4797 STEP1 23 20.9455 0.9138 1.2975 1.9564 2.0464 1.4168 STEP1 24 21.9431 0.8596 1.2624 1.8741 1.9397 1.3617 STEP1 25 22.9407 0.7978 1.2304 1.7899 1.8915 1.3118 STEP128 5 3.9846 9.0534 7.9651 13.3626 12.8810 9.4304 37 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP128 6 7.9784 4.2207 4.5648 6.6385 7.0299 4.5097 STEP128 7 15.9720 2.0227 2.2642 3.3397 3.3652 2.2108 STEP128 8 31.9651 0.9959 1.2666 1.7000 1.7666 1.1193 STEP128 9 63.9643 0.4815 0.5933 0.8780 0.7634 0.5862 STEP128 10 127.9615 0.2421 0.3380 0.4657 0.4077 0.3237 STEP128 11 255.9546 0.1211 0.1924 0.2574 0.2529 0.1904 STEP128 12 383.9477 0.0749 0.1391 0.1694 0.1665 0.1418 STEP128 13 511.9408 0.0530 0.1019 0.1327 0.1256 0.1173 STEP128 14 639.9338 0.0407 0.1068 0.1117 0.1141 0.1021 STEP128 15 767.9269 0.0334 0.0966 0.0981 0.1013 0.0918 STEP128 16 895.9200 0.0270 0.0792 0.0883 0.0826 0.0840 STEP128 17 1023.9131 0.0234 0.0788 0.0810 0.0796 0.0781 STEP128 18 1151.9062 0.0207 0.0789 0.0753 0.0783 0.0733 STEP128 19 1279.8992 0.0187 0.0726 0.0706 0.0748 0.0693 STEP128 20 1407.8923 0.0168 0.0607 0.0664 0.0578 0.0657 STEP128 21 1535.8854 0.0153 0.0571 0.0631 0.0572 0.0628 STEP128 22 1663.8785 0.0139 0.0543 0.0602 0.0559 0.0602 STEP128 23 1791.8716 0.0128 0.0481 0.0577 0.0496 0.0579 STEP128 24 1919.8646 0.0119 0.0470 0.0554 0.0487 0.0558 STEP128 25 2047.8577 0.0109 0.0564 0.0535 0.0529 0.0541 STEP16 5 3.9846 9.0534 7.9651 13.3626 12.8810 9.4304 STEP16 6 7.9784 4.2207 4.5648 6.6385 7.0299 4.5097 STEP16 7 15.9720 2.0227 2.2642 3.3397 3.3652 2.2108 STEP16 8 31.9651 0.9959 1.2666 1.7000 1.7666 1.1193 STEP16 9 47.9582 0.6025 0.7489 1.0029 0.9063 0.7284 STEP16 10 63.9513 0.4277 0.5974 0.7238 0.6988 0.5438 STEP16 11 79.9444 0.3287 0.4274 0.5727 0.6329 0.4388 STEP16 12 95.9374 0.2542 0.3630 0.4779 0.4976 0.3726 STEP16 13 111.9305 0.2095 0.2887 0.4127 0.3969 0.3266 STEP16 14 127.9236 0.1786 0.2769 0.3643 0.3350 0.2923 STEP16 15 143.9167 0.1566 0.2668 0.3280 0.3306 0.2671 38 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP16 16 159.9098 0.1326 0.2344 0.2991 0.2959 0.2463 STEP16 17 175.9028 0.1195 0.2353 0.2756 0.2945 0.2304 STEP16 18 191.8959 0.1086 0.2273 0.2566 0.2700 0.2171 STEP16 19 207.8890 0.0996 0.2207 0.2406 0.2664 0.2058 STEP16 20 223.8821 0.0910 0.1868 0.2251 0.2037 0.1951 STEP16 21 239.8752 0.0831 0.1807 0.2133 0.2141 0.1866 STEP16 22 255.8682 0.0765 0.1622 0.2022 0.2073 0.1788 STEP16 23 271.8613 0.0700 0.1464 0.1936 0.1821 0.1724 STEP16 24 287.8544 0.0645 0.1354 0.1849 0.1741 0.1660 STEP16 25 303.8475 0.0606 0.1611 0.1782 0.1617 0.1613 STEP2 5 3.9846 9.0534 7.9651 13.3626 12.8810 9.4304 STEP2 6 5.9786 5.1921 6.0651 7.7041 8.2727 5.8156 STEP2 7 7.9726 3.7565 4.3451 5.4274 6.3994 4.1147 STEP2 8 9.9665 2.9212 3.1987 4.2131 4.4805 3.1779 STEP2 9 11.9605 2.2282 2.6022 3.4425 3.4450 2.5684 STEP2 10 13.9545 1.7985 2.1371 2.9217 2.9064 2.1623 STEP2 11 15.9485 1.5917 1.5909 2.5352 2.3018 1.8654 STEP2 12 17.9424 1.3507 1.5572 2.2485 2.4903 1.6466 STEP2 13 19.9364 1.1978 1.1336 2.0167 1.7430 1.4721 STEP2 14 21.9304 1.0619 1.3229 1.8302 1.8049 1.3353 STEP2 15 23.9244 0.9091 1.2109 1.6801 1.6687 1.2241 STEP2 16 25.9183 0.8218 0.9860 1.5504 1.4832 1.1322 STEP2 17 27.9123 0.7625 1.0854 1.4424 1.2105 1.0568 STEP2 18 29.9063 0.6946 0.8919 1.3461 1.4157 0.9912 STEP2 19 31.9003 0.6559 0.8753 1.2589 1.2833 0.9345 STEP2 20 33.8942 0.5965 0.8800 1.1909 1.1059 0.8870 STEP2 21 35.8882 0.5622 0.8019 1.1237 1.2853 0.8435 STEP2 22 37.8822 0.5000 0.8166 1.0731 1.0940 0.8067 STEP2 23 39.8762 0.4795 0.6880 1.0182 1.0893 0.7720 STEP2 24 41.8701 0.4477 0.7645 0.9731 1.0898 0.7440 STEP2 25 43.8641 0.4241 0.7062 0.9303 0.9762 0.7154 39 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP256 5 3.9846 9.0534 7.9651 13.3626 12.8810 9.4304 STEP256 6 7.9784 4.2207 4.5648 6.6385 7.0299 4.5097 STEP256 7 15.9720 2.0227 2.2642 3.3397 3.3652 2.2108 STEP256 8 31.9651 0.9959 1.2666 1.7000 1.7666 1.1193 STEP256 9 63.9643 0.4815 0.5933 0.8780 0.7634 0.5862 STEP256 10 127.9615 0.2421 0.3380 0.4657 0.4077 0.3237 STEP256 11 255.9546 0.1211 0.1924 0.2574 0.2529 0.1904 STEP256 12 511.9538 0.0608 0.1206 0.1493 0.1511 0.1190 STEP256 13 767.9530 0.0383 0.0820 0.1038 0.1006 0.0923 STEP256 14 1023.9523 0.0274 0.0822 0.0837 0.0855 0.0780 STEP256 15 1279.9515 0.0218 0.0706 0.0719 0.0706 0.0689 STEP256 16 1535.9507 0.0172 0.0588 0.0640 0.0597 0.0625 STEP256 17 1791.9499 0.0146 0.0592 0.0583 0.0577 0.0577 STEP256 18 2047.9492 0.0127 0.0600 0.0539 0.0580 0.0538 STEP256 19 2303.9484 0.0115 0.0534 0.0503 0.0539 0.0506 STEP256 20 2559.9476 0.0102 0.0449 0.0473 0.0421 0.0479 STEP256 21 2815.9468 0.0094 0.0415 0.0449 0.0412 0.0456 STEP256 22 3071.9461 0.0085 0.0395 0.0427 0.0395 0.0436 STEP256 23 3327.9453 0.0079 0.0340 0.0409 0.0344 0.0419 STEP256 24 3583.9445 0.0074 0.0344 0.0393 0.0344 0.0403 STEP256 25 3839.9437 0.0067 0.0407 0.0379 0.0376 0.0390 STEP32 5 3.9846 9.0534 7.9651 13.3626 12.8810 9.4304 STEP32 6 7.9784 4.2207 4.5648 6.6385 7.0299 4.5097 STEP32 7 15.9720 2.0227 2.2642 3.3397 3.3652 2.2108 STEP32 8 31.9651 0.9959 1.2666 1.7000 1.7666 1.1193 STEP32 9 63.9643 0.4815 0.5933 0.8780 0.7634 0.5862 STEP32 10 95.9636 0.3013 0.4211 0.5304 0.4760 0.3965 STEP32 11 127.9628 0.2137 0.3037 0.3911 0.4139 0.3060 STEP32 12 159.9620 0.1581 0.2465 0.3148 0.3229 0.2542 STEP32 13 191.9612 0.1262 0.1880 0.2670 0.2378 0.2206 STEP32 14 223.9605 0.1051 0.1896 0.2332 0.2223 0.1965 40 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP32 15 255.9597 0.0905 0.1811 0.2089 0.2109 0.1792 STEP32 16 287.9589 0.0755 0.1562 0.1900 0.1757 0.1652 STEP32 17 319.9581 0.0673 0.1575 0.1751 0.1763 0.1546 STEP32 18 351.9574 0.0607 0.1533 0.1631 0.1659 0.1457 STEP32 19 383.9566 0.0554 0.1458 0.1531 0.1620 0.1383 STEP32 20 415.9558 0.0503 0.1235 0.1438 0.1269 0.1313 STEP32 21 447.9550 0.0458 0.1199 0.1365 0.1329 0.1256 STEP32 22 479.9543 0.0419 0.1095 0.1298 0.1268 0.1206 STEP32 23 511.9535 0.0384 0.0996 0.1244 0.1145 0.1163 STEP32 24 543.9527 0.0354 0.0910 0.1192 0.1086 0.1121 STEP32 25 575.9519 0.0331 0.1101 0.1151 0.1084 0.1089 STEP64 5 3.9846 9.0534 7.9651 13.3626 12.8810 9.4304 STEP64 6 7.9784 4.2207 4.5648 6.6385 7.0299 4.5097 STEP64 7 15.9720 2.0227 2.2642 3.3397 3.3652 2.2108 STEP64 8 31.9651 0.9959 1.2666 1.7000 1.7666 1.1193 STEP64 9 63.9643 0.4815 0.5933 0.8780 0.7634 0.5862 STEP64 10 127.9615 0.2421 0.3380 0.4657 0.4077 0.3237 STEP64 11 191.9587 0.1507 0.2332 0.2925 0.2973 0.2297 STEP64 12 255.9559 0.1044 0.1790 0.2214 0.2221 0.1840 STEP64 13 319.9530 0.0796 0.1347 0.1825 0.1649 0.1570 STEP64 14 383.9502 0.0639 0.1385 0.1573 0.1562 0.1387 STEP64 15 447.9474 0.0539 0.1305 0.1398 0.1450 0.1259 STEP64 16 511.9446 0.0443 0.1088 0.1267 0.1176 0.1158 STEP64 17 575.9418 0.0390 0.1092 0.1166 0.1168 0.1082 STEP64 18 639.9389 0.0348 0.1077 0.1086 0.1103 0.1019 STEP64 19 703.9361 0.0317 0.1015 0.1020 0.1084 0.0966 STEP64 20 767.9333 0.0286 0.0845 0.0960 0.0823 0.0917 STEP64 21 831.9305 0.0260 0.0817 0.0912 0.0859 0.0877 STEP64 22 895.9276 0.0237 0.0764 0.0869 0.0826 0.0842 STEP64 23 959.9248 0.0217 0.0687 0.0834 0.0739 0.0812 STEP64 24 1023.9220 0.0201 0.0641 0.0800 0.0705 0.0783 41 Table 3. Example of moderate to high countrate (Continued) Seqname read Texp (sec) lsline (anal) lsline (empir) wtdiff (anal) wtdiff (empir) Poisson (anal) STEP64 25 1087.9192 0.0186 0.0784 0.0773 0.0752 0.0760 STEP8 5 3.9846 9.0534 7.9651 13.3626 12.8810 9.4304 STEP8 6 7.9784 4.2207 4.5648 6.6385 7.0299 4.5097 STEP8 7 15.9720 2.0227 2.2642 3.3397 3.3652 2.2108 STEP8 8 23.9656 1.2845 1.2689 1.9507 1.7967 1.4068 STEP8 9 31.9592 0.8581 0.9014 1.3866 1.3247 1.0250 STEP8 10 39.9528 0.6743 0.7641 1.0869 1.1984 0.8109 STEP8 11 47.9464 0.5117 0.7488 0.8991 0.9345 0.6736 STEP8 12 55.9400 0.4352 0.5472 0.7670 0.8068 0.5783 STEP8 13 63.9336 0.3584 0.4804 0.6723 0.6403 0.5116 STEP8 14 71.9272 0.3002 0.4370 0.5997 0.5807 0.4601 STEP8 15 79.9208 0.2596 0.4253 0.5423 0.5546 0.4196 STEP8 16 87.9144 0.2490 0.3952 0.4949 0.5449 0.3878 STEP8 17 95.9080 0.2174 0.3839 0.4581 0.4840 0.3611 STEP8 18 103.9016 0.1994 0.3194 0.4252 0.4125 0.3400 STEP8 19 111.8951 0.1801 0.3271 0.3979 0.3962 0.3210 STEP8 20 119.8887 0.1619 0.3220 0.3750 0.4097 0.3052 STEP8 21 127.8823 0.1530 0.2411 0.3534 0.3638 0.2912 STEP8 22 135.8759 0.1419 0.2723 0.3354 0.3301 0.2785 STEP8 23 143.8695 0.1281 0.2497 0.3192 0.2701 0.2678 STEP8 24 151.8631 0.1188 0.2550 0.3053 0.3113 0.2583 STEP8 25 159.8567 0.1120 0.2308 0.2918 0.2829 0.2493 42 7. Figures Figure 2: Example simulation; 200 trials showing empirical and analytical error estimates in good agreement. Figure 3: Comparison of errors from two algorithms. 43 Figure 4: Uncertainty in derived countrate as a function of exposure time for all sequences (data from Table 1) using least-squares fit of straight line. Figure 5: Uncertainty in derived count rate for example MIF sequence and different amp glow contributions, Tables 1 and 2. 44 Figure 6: Uncertainty in derived count rate for all sequences for the high amp glow case showing the degradation of S/N in the detector corners due to a large number of reads, data of Table 2. 45