Flagship Facilities 2011 Anticipated J date of a completion A District Type Of R&M Facility Scope Of Work Orginal Budget District 1 Roll Over Projects Good Hope Centre Roof repairs 701 250.00 701 250.00 350 625.00 350 625.00 701 250.00 - 31.10.2010 Siyolo Mguda District 1 Roll Over Projects Observatory Major Repairs Major repairs to Roof, incl plumbing & electrical repairs 662 215.31 662 215.31 340 678.34 321 536.97 662 215.31 - 31.08.2010 Banzi District 1 Roll Over Projects Hartleyvale Stadium Repair of structuretural members & replacing of the canvass canopy at the hockey stadium 2 308 518.00 2 289 018.00 - 2 289 018.00 2 289 018.00 - 31.12.2010 Daniel Ludidi District 1 Roll Over Projects Wesfleur Sport Grounds Repairs to floodlight lights & general lighting. Repairs of 2 x sub-stations 2 019 257.52 804 905.64 731 539.29 73 366.35 804 905.64 - 31.12.2010 Daniel Ludidi 258 663.34 258 663.34 258 663.34 258 663.34 - 30.10.2010 Siyolo Mguda Lateral wall 490 625.82 490 625.82 421 535.91 69 089.91 490 625.82 - 15.09.2010 Banzi Revamp 45 867.25 45 867.25 45 867.25 - 45 867.25 30.09.2010 Project completed 41 580.00 - 41 580.00 30.09.2010 Project completed 1 097 338.86 1 097 338.86 31.12.2010 Siyolo Mguda Budget Roll Over Projects Roll Over Projects Roll Over Projects Langa Indoor sports complex Moullie Point Public Toilets District 2 Roll Over Projects Muizenberg Pavillion Reinstatement of tarmac walkway 41 580.00 41 580.00 District 2 Roll Over Projects Miller's Point Slipway Demolish and remove old jetty and replace with a new one. 1 097 338.86 1 097 338.86 District 2 Roll Over Projects Fishhoek - Jaggers Walk District 2 Roll Over Projects Solo Str Sports Grounds District 1 District 1 Commitment Assigned Available Project Manager c Repaint the entire exterior of the Sea Point Swimming facility with marine paint and to Pool repair\replace all broken gutters and downpipes. District 1 Actual Repair Ablutions 60 381.10 60 381.10 1 316 800.10 1 316 800.10 897 861.45 - 60 381.10 60 381.10 - 418 938.65 1 316 800.10 - P 30.10.2010 r Siyolo Mguda o P r 30.11.2010 o Daniel Ludidi j e P r o j e 30.09.2010 Siyolo Mguda c t C o m P r o j e Daniel Ludidi c t C o District 2 Roll Over Projects Princessvlei Eco Centre Repairs to all wooden equipment & cables. Repair window frames, gutters,cracked walls & replacing of roof slates. District 2 Roll Over Projects Gildale Transformer Replacing of transformers, replacing of cables and electric meter repairs 1 085 911.79 1 085 911.79 District 2 Roll Over Projects Bruce Rd Comm Centre Roofwork, painting, tiling, plumbing, electrical, masonery,carpentry 1 200 000.00 1 200 000.00 District 2 Roll Over Projects Concrete repairs to Muizenberg Pavillion 659 766.50 659 766.50 302 841.00 356 925.50 659 766.50 - Siyolo Mguda District 3 Roll Over Projects Khayelitsha Resource Centre Roof and general upgrade 357 200.00 353 925.00 348 746.24 5 178.76 353 925.00 - Daniel District 3 Roll Over Projects Monwabisi Resort Repairs & Renovations ast Monwabisisi Resort Ablutions Nad brick paving 92 931.25 92 931.25 92 931.25 92 931.25 - District 3 URP Projects Monwabisi Resort District 4 Roll Over Projects Vygieskraal Stadium Replace of roof 444 933.50 444 933.50 317 855.00 127 078.50 444 933.50 - 686 433.94 399 477.85 1 085 911.79 - - 1 200 000.00 Siyolo Mguda 1 000 000.00 1 000 000.00 949 374.05 50 625.95 1 000 000.00 - P 30.11.2010 r o 609 396.50 609 396.50 582 788.65 26 607.85 609 396.50 - 30.11.2010 Banzi Daniel Ludidi District 4 Roll Over Projects Gugulethu Indoor Centre District 5 Roll Over Projects Kenridge Tennis Club District 5 Roll Over Projects District 5 Roll Over Projects District 5 District 5 Roll Over Projects Roll Over Projects 724 734.45 724 734.45 724 734.45 724 734.45 Repair two courts 42 000.00 42 000.00 42 000.00 42 000.00 Parow North Pool Redesign to existing pool and building 1 779 200.00 1 668 883.13 1 668 883.13 1 668 883.13 - Daniel Ludidi Goodwood Sport Complex Repair to existing grand stand 1 029 237.67 985 635.17 432 073.49 985 635.17 - Daniel Ludidi Adriaanse Hall Repair to Roof 1 434 709.09 1 434 709.09 - 1 434 709.09 30.12.2010 Siyolo Mguda Leonsdale Civic Centre Repair to Roof 259 198.25 259 198.25 - 259 198.25 30.12.2010 Siyolo Mguda Uitsig Hall Repair to Roof 307 017.54 307 017.54 - 307 017.54 200 432.35 200 432.35 200 432.35 200 432.35 - 31.10.2010 Denovan van Rhodie 102 207.21 478 167.19 - 31.10.2010 P Daniel Ludidi r 553 561.68 - 30.01.2011 Daniel Ludidi 30.11.2010 Leon January / Stephen Lawrence District 5 Roll Over Projects District 6 Roll Over Projects Hendon Park Resort Repair Managers House and ablution/laundry facility.Repair ablution block at Caravan Sites. General Repairs to chalets District 6 Roll Over Projects Malibu Sport Ground Upgrade of 4 soccer pitch 739 977.19 478 167.19 District 1 Major R&M City Hall Scope to be provided by District 1 500 000.00 1 500 000.00 - 1 500 000.00 Siyolo District 2 Major R&M Parkwood Community Centre 500 000.00 500 000.00 - 500 000.00 Siyolo District 2 Major R&M Kalk Bay tidal pool Repairs to tidal pool walls 400 000.00 400 000.00 - 400 000.00 Siyolo District 2 Major R&M St James tidal pool Repairs to tidal pool walls 150 000.00 150 000.00 - 150 000.00 Siyolo 375 959.98 Daniel Ludidi District 2 Major R&M Soetwater Resort Resite Waterline 500 000.00 650 000.00 District 6 Major R&M Strand Pavillion Repair Water proofing, repairs to facaia board and facaia roof 500 000.00 District 3 Major R&M Strandfontein Sports Field Replace existing roof 650 000.00 Wadiah B 350 000.00 350 000.00 District 6 425 000.00 400 000.00 400 000.00 District 3 Major R&M Repairs to ablutions, urinals, 15 toilets, 4 showers, tiling of facility Khayelitsha Resource floors, repair ceiling, repair glass Centre timber panels with facebricks, repair kitchen cupboards & tiling. 500 000.00 500 000.00 - 500 000.00 Daniel District 3 Major R&M Site B Hall replace leaking asbestos roof, general repairs to the facility, repairs to kitchen cupboards, repairs to ablutions, replacing tiles 500 000.00 500 000.00 - 500 000.00 Siyolo District 4 Major R&M Delft Pool Painting Inside & Outside, Tiling of Ablutions 1 000 000.00 250 000.00 District 4 Major R&M Bonteheuwel MPC Painting, Tiling 300 000.00 300 000.00 District 4 Major R&M Bonteheuwel Pool Tiling & Painting 300 000.00 300 000.00 District 4 Major R&M Bonteheuwel Civic Replace Tiling & Cisterns, Strip & Seal Floors 250 000.00 District 4 Major R&M Downs Comm Centre Painting Inside & Outside, Tiling of Ablutions & Replace cisterns District 4 Major R&M Lansport Comm Centre District 4 Major R&M District 4 District 3 15 020.25 122 967.00 122 967.00 250 000.00 District 4 61 060.00 61 060.00 300 000.00 District 4 11 968.00 122 788.00 300 000.00 District 4 250 000.00 - 250 000.00 District 4 425 000.00 425 000.00 - 425 000.00 Siyolo Painting Inside & Outside, Tiling of Ablutions & Replace cisterns 425 000.00 425 000.00 - 425 000.00 Siyolo Athlone Pool Repair Doors, Ceiling Roof, entrance and change rooms 500 000.00 400 000.00 Major R&M KTC Hall Painting Inside & Outside & Tiling of Ablutions & Kitchen & Foyer 1 000 000.00 District 4 Major R&M Zolani Comm Centre Repair ablutions and replace toilet cisterns District 5 Major R&M District 5 District 5 110 820.00 74 390.00 322 390.00 400 000.00 District 4 250 000.00 103 000.00 103 000.00 250 000.00 District 4 800 000.00 200 000.00 51 600.00 51 600.00 200 000.00 District 4 Jan Burger / Parow North Sports Com 500 000.00 500 000.00 - 500 000.00 Major R&M Goodwood Bowling Club 1 000 000.00 1 000 000.00 - 1 000 000.00 Major R&M Florida Park Sports Complex 800 000.00 600 000.00 - 600 000.00 Repairs to caretakers cottage 248 000.00 Denovan R Siyolo District 5 District 6 Major R&M Harmony Park Refurbish Main Building 800 000.00 1 351 850.00 - 1 351 850.00 District 6 Major R&M Harmony Park Repair Pier & Tidal Pool 1 700 000.00 500 000.00 - 500 000.00 Johan Kriegler District 6 Major R&M Voortrekker Park Repairs & Refurbishment - Admin bldg , Conference Facility & Chalets 1 000 000.00 700 000.00 - 700 000.00 Johan Kriegler District 1 Flagship Allocations Big Bay Public Toilets Repairs to ablutions: Tiling, Painting, Plumbing 195 000.00 195 000.00 - 195 000.00 Siyolo District 1 Flagship Allocations Sea Point Pool Electrical repairs to raw seawater pump 235 151.00 235 151.00 235 151.00 - Siyolo District 1 Flagship Allocations Sea Point Pool Major Repairs 764 849.00 764 849.00 - 764 849.00 Siyolo 590 000.00 590 000.00 47 229.00 449 912.00 140 088.00 Tengo 235 151.00 Denovan R District 3 Flagship Allocations Soccer,baseball repairs to changerooms & ablutions: Tilling,benches,wash basins. Replace Westridge Sportsfield netting and cricket net frame and run up area. Repair brickwork and screeting of seating area. Resurfing of netball court. District 4 Flagship Allocations Belhar Indoor Centre Repairs to Belhar Indoor 955 000.00 955 000.00 97 400.00 97 400.00 857 600.00 Sarel van Deventer Building Repairs cash office, first aid room & staff toilets, Building Repairs to chlorine room & toilets, Constructs walkway Bellville pool phase 1, Constructs walkway around pool decks Bellville pool phase 2,Staff room, kitchen, offices, plant room & storeroom, Fit 2100mm high Palisade fencing 1 200 000.00 1 200 000.00 305 062.00 305 062.00 894 938.00 Stephen Lawrence 1 000 000.00 1 000 000.00 - 1 000 000.00 Denovan 1 500 000.00 1 500 000.00 32 795.67 1 467 204.33 Denovam 43 184 143.38 . 38 158 137.13 District 5 Flagship Allocations Bellville Pool District 6 Flagship Allocations Hendon Park Resort District 6 Flagship Allocations Malibu Sports Field Repairs of Clubhouse and ablution facilities , Tarring of parking area 402 683.00 32 795.67 7 879 533.70 10 154 974.47 18 019 487.92 20 922 454.21 0.00