Muon Trigger Electronics in the Counting Room Darin Acosta DOE/NSF Review February 18, 1999 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 1 Outline Overview of System Design • Evolution since May 98 Lehman Review Issues Concerning CSC/DT Interface Progress Plans US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 2 CSC Muon Trigger Scheme Strip FE cards Strip LCT card LCT CSC Track-Finder Motherboard Port Card Sector Receiver Sector Processor OPTICAL FE SR TMB PC 2µ / chamber 3µ / port card SP LCT FE Wire FE cards 3µ / sector Wire LCT card In counting house CSC Muon Sorter RPC On chamber In periphery crate 4µ DT 4µ 4µ Global µ Trigger Global L1 4µ US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 3 Muon Track-Finding Link trigger primitives into tracks Assign PT, ϕ, and η Send highest PT candidates to Global L1 θ ϕ US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 4 CSC Track-Finder Requirements High efficiency Trigger Rate: • Single muon rate < few kHz at L = 1034cm-2 s-1 Resolution: • σPt / Pt ≤ 30% (Requires η information) Selection: • ≤ 3 muons per 60° sector Redundancy • Require only 2 stations out of 3 (or 4) Minimal latency, pipelined, programmable US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 5 Muon Rate dN/dηdt (Hz) CSC Muon Trigger Rates 10 7 10 34 • Single µ rate from Pythia, convoluted with efficiency curve -2 -1 L = 10 cm s 6 10 5 50% 10 4 40% 10 3 10 2 30% • Require rates < 1 kHz per unit rapidity 10 1 10 10 • Thresholds set for 90% efficiency 20% CSC resolution from CMSIM -1 10% resolution -2 1 PYTHIA6 10 10 2 Effective PT Threshold (GeV/c) US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 • Not satisfied for PT resolution worse than 30% 6 Trigger Regions in η Overlap 1.2 > η > 0.9 Separate trigger regions DT η = 0.5 η = 1.1 η = 1 MB/1/4 MB/2/4 YB/1/3 YB/2/3 ME/1/3 7.380 m 7.000 m MB4 5.975 m MB3 4.905 m MB2 YB/0/3 MB/1/3 MB/0/3 YB/2/2 YB/1/2 YB/0/2 MB/2/2 YB/2/1 MB/1/2 YB/1/1 MB/0/2 YB/0/1 MB/2/1 MB/1/1 MB/0/1 ME/1/2 ME/2/2 MB/2/3 4.020 m 3.800 m MB1 CB/0 2.950 m 2.864 m 2.700 m ME/1/1 YE/1 HB/1 1.9415 m HE/1 1.711 m HF/1 1.811 m EB/1 EE/1 η = 3.0 ME/2/1 ME/3/1 ME/4/1 4 YE/2 η = 2. YE/3 10.86 m CSC ME/3/2 ME/4/2 η = 1.479 MB/0/4 1.290 m 1.185 m SB/1 0.440 m η = 5.31 0.00 m ME3 ME2 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 ME1 0.000 m 2.935 m 3.90 m 4.332 m 5.68 m 6.66 m 6.45 m 7.24 m 8.495 m 9.75 m 10.83 m 10.63 m 10.91 m 14.53 m 14.96 m 14.56 m SE/1 CMS - PARA- 003 - 14/10/97 PP /pg/hr 7 Trigger Regions in ϕ ME1/3 MB2/2 Illustration of overlap region US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 MB2/1 8 Overlap Region Issues • CSC and DT segments are required for efficient coverage of 0.9 < |η| < 1.2 • Agreement with Vienna and Bologna on Barrel/Endcap boundary • Barrel and Endcap Track-Finders are fundamentally different (2D vs. 3D) • Information sent both ways • MB2/1+MB2/2 ⇒ CSC T-F ME1/3+ME2/2 ⇒ DT T-F • Programmable sharp η boundary • Avoids duplication of single muon in overlap region • Separate sorting of CSC and DT muons US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 9 Sector Partitioning for ME1 has Changed 20° 20° 20° Sector Sector Sector 30° → 20° sectors ME1 Left ME1/3 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° ME1/2 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° ME1/1 ME1/A 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° 3 → 2 µ / MPC Muon Port Card 16µ ME2/2 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° ME2/1 20° 20° 20° ME3/2 10° ME3/1 10° 10° 10° 10° 10° 20° 2µ 2µ 18µ 16µ Muon Port Card Sector Receiver Accommodates split of ME1/1 into two regions 60° Sector 20° 20° ME2 and ME3 60° sectors are unchanged 10° 10°10°10° 10°10° 16µ 2 → 3 MPC 60° Sector ME1 Center ME1 Right Muon Port Card 18µ Muon Port Card Muon Port Card 2µ 3µ 6µ Barrel CSC Sector Processor OVR Sector Processor 6µ 3µ Sector Receiver Barrel MPC and SR designs preserved Barrel US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 10 Sector Receiver Functionality • Receives 6 µ segments via 12 optical links from 2 Muon Port Cards (3 in ME1) • Synchronizes the data • Reformats the data • LCT bit pattern → η, ϕ, Ψ, ... via LUT • Applies alignment corrections • Design changes since last review: • Communicates to Sector Processors via custom backplane (Channel Link) • Fans out signals to DT Track-Finder • No longer repeats signals to Sector Receivers in overlap crates } US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 11 Sector Receiver Block Diagram FPGAs RAM FPGA Optical Links Channel Links US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 12 Sector Processor Functionality • Initial system design is new since 5/98 review • Functional block diagram developed • FPGA and board partitioning started • Identify and measure muons from ~ 600 bits every 25ns (3 GB/s) US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 EU7 3-4 EU6 2 -4 TAU 4 EU5 2-3 TAU 3 FSU EU4 1**-3 TAU 2 EU3 1*-3 TAU 1 EU2 1**-2 EU1 1*-2 MUX CLOCKED FIFO • Perform all possible station-to-station extrapolations in parallel • Simultaneously search roads in ϕ and η • Assemble 2-, 3- and 4-station tracks from 2-station extrapolations • Cancel redundant short tracks if track is 3 or 4 stations in length • Select the three best candidates • Calculate PT, ϕ, η and send to CSC muon sorter: 22 bits × 3 = 66 bits 13 Pt LUT Sector Processor Block Diagram EU7 3-4 3–4 (9 Extrapolations or 18 bits) Extrapolation Units Track Assembler 4 (3x21) 2-3 TAU 4 AST4 TAU 3 AST3 Final Selection Unit - Control Line - Downloading/ Readout Line 2 (3x21) EU5 2-3 2–3 (18 bits) 3-4 2-3 1*-3 3 (3x21) EU4 1**(3x21) 1**-3 1** – 3 (18 bits) 2-4 2-3 EU3 1*-3 2 (3x21) EU2 1**-2 2 (3x21) 2-4 EU1 1*-2 1** – 2 (18 bits) TAU 1 AST1 1*-2 Assignment Unit 1* – 2 (18 bits) CLOCKED FIFO 1*(3x21) AST2 1* – 3 (18 bits) 2-3 1**(3x21) TAU 2 1**-2 3 (3x21) 1*(3x21) FSU STA - Data Line 3 (3x21) Input Data 15x26=390 Control INPUT DATA & CONTROL INTERFACE 9U CUSTOM BACKPLANE 1**-3 Data VME BUS EU6 2 -4 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 MUX LID 6x21 Pt LUT Output Data 3x22=66 OUTPUT CONNECTOR 2 (3x21) 3-4 DOWNLOADING/ READOUT INTERFACE Input 2–4 (18 bits) 15x1 4 (3x21) 3 (3x21) 14 Extrapolation Unit Detail η1 5 η2 5 η1−η2 6 LUT SM & Match η 64x1 η1 5 η road finder η1−η2 LUT LUT 32x6 32x1 η2 5 LUT LUT 32x6 32x2 Input Data 42 Bits η1 η2 5 5 φ1 7 φ2 ψ1 SL MUX 2x1 5 8 7 SM φ1−φ2 6 LUT LUT 32x6 6 6 6 6 LUT 6 CMP η∗, ∆φ 6 CMP η∗∗, ∆φ 6 CMP η∗∗∗, ∆φ 3 LUT 6 6 6 64x6 Q1 3 Q2 3 6 PRE LUT 16x2 2 3-2 Match φ 2 Output Data 2 & q1,q2 Result quality Coarse PT assign & 8x1 6 ψ2 z SM 7 ∆φ−ψ1 SM 7 ∆φ−ψ2 LUT Match ψ1 128x1 LUT Match ψ2 ϕ road finder 128x1 ϕ 2 64x2 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 15 Muon Sorter Functionality • New processor added since last review • The 3 highest rank muons from each Sector Processor are sent to the CSC muon sorter, which selects the 4 highest rank • Total muon count: • 3 muons × 6 sectors × 2 endcaps × 2 regions = 72 muons for CSC and OVL regions • Sort is based on 7 bits (5 bits for PT and 2 bits for quality) • Basic sorting unit design (4 best out of 8) is complete • Input: 72 × 22 bits = 1584 bits • Output: 4 × 22 bits = 88 bits • Sent to Global L1 Muon Trigger for association with RPC and DT triggers US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 16 Muon Sorter Block Diagram US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 17 Old CSC Track-Finder Crate Organization Endcap 1 360° Endcap 2 CSC OVL OVL CSC Rack 1 Rack 2 Rack 3 Rack 4 180° ϕ 0° CSC Counting House electronics: Racks: 4 Three 60° sectors per crate Crates: 8 (including power supply, controller, CCC) Sector Receivers: 48 Sector Processors: 24 US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 18 New CSC Track-Finder Crate Organization Endcap 1 360° CSC+OVL Endcap 2 CSC+OVL CSC and overlap regions now handled in same crate 240° 120° ϕ Two 60° sectors per crate 0° CSC Counting House electronics: Racks: 3 or 4 Crates: 6 (was 8) Sector Receivers: 24 (was 48) Sector Processors: 24 Muon Sorter: 1 (new) US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 19 New Layout for CSC Track-Finder Crate S R C S C S SP SP R CSC OVL C S C ME 1 ME2,3 208 D T I M S R C S C S SP SP R CSC OVL C S C ME 1 D T I M C C C C P U ME2,3 208 208 208 204 204 • Two 60° sectors housed in one 9U VME crate with custom backplane • Each SR-CSC sends 6 CSC muon stubs × 34 bits and 4 bits BXN = 208 bits • Each DT-IM sends 8 DT muon stubs × 25 bits and 4 bits BXN = 204 bits US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 20 Required Precision of Data Azimuthal angle ϕ: • 12 bits / 60° ⇒ 1 bit / 0.26 mrad (0.1 strip) Bend angle Ψ: Ψ • 6 bits / ±45° ⇒ 1 bit / 60 mrad ϕ2 ϕ1 Polar angle η: • 6 bits / 1.5 units ⇒ 1 bit / 0.025 ∆ϕ Quality: • 3 bits Chamber i.d.: • 6 bits 34 bits per CSC segment to Sector Processor Accelerator µ flag: 1 bit US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 21 Track Segments per 60° Sector Region Station Chamber Segments No. of ϕ per sector sectors No. of Extrapsegments olations CSC 1 2 3 4* ME1 ME2 ME3 ME4* 2 3 3 3* 3 1 1 1* 6 3 3 3* 12, 15* OVL 1 2 3 4 MB1 MB2 ME1 ME2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 4 4 6 3 17 81 106 Segments sent by Muon Port Cards to Sector Receivers via optical links. Processed by Sector Processor US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 22 Design Progress • Full conceptual design from trigger primitives to Global L1 Trigger • Bit counts fully documented • Crate design underway • Sector Receiver functionality defined • Sector Processor algorithms defined • Sort algorithms defined • Simulation of Track-Finder performance underway • resolution, efficiency, rate, chamber misalignment • Prototyping started US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 23 Milestones / Schedule √ D387 – 1999 Mar, Sector Receiver Initial System Design √ D331 – 1999 Mar, Sector Processor Initial System Design D390 – 1999 Sep, Sector Receiver Prototype Design D332 – 1999 Sep, Sector Processor Prototype Design started D391 – 2000 Jan, Sector Receiver Prototype D334 – 2000 Jan, Sector Processor Prototype D335 – 2000 Apr, Sector Receiver / Processor Crate Test tests to do: MPC → SR optical link test 2 × SR + SP + CCC crate test 3 × MPC + 2 × SR + SP + CCC sector test US CMS DOE/NSF Review: February 17-19, 1999 24