Status of the CSC Trigger Darin Acosta University of Florida Outline Status of the CSC Track-Finder Status of the CSC Local Trigger PHOS4 Experience TTC Jitter Measurements CPT Week, April 2002 2 Darin Acosta The CSC Track-Finder Crate Track-Finder crate (1.6 Gbits/s optical links) Muon Sorter CCB SR SR SR SR SR SR / / / / / / SP SP SP SP SP SP MS BIT3 Controller Clock and Control Board SP 2002 Card (3 Sector Receivers + Sector Processor) (60° sector) SR SR SR SR SR SR / / / / / / SP SP SP SP SP SP From MPC (chamber 4) From MPC (chamber 3) From MPC (chamber 2) From Trigger Timing Control From MPC (chamber 1B) From MPC (chamber 1A) To Global Trigger • • • To DAQ Power consumption : ~ 1000W per crate 16 optical connections per SP Custom backplane for SP ↔ CCB and MS connections CPT Week, April 2002 3 Darin Acosta CSC Track Finder Backplane Standard VME 64x J1/P1 backplane A24/D16 (but D32 possible using address lines) SRSP 12 SRSP 11 Darin Acosta SRSP 10 4 SRSP 9 Custom GTLP 6U backplane SRSP 8 SRSP 7 Muon sorter Clock and control SRSP 6 SRSP 5 SRSP 4 SRSP 3 CPT Week, April 2002 SRSP 2 Signals specified, routing to commence SRSP 1 Standard VME J2/P2 backplane Sector Processor 2002 Board Layout DC-DC Converter Phi Global LUT Eta Global LUT Phi Local LUT EEPROM EEPROM EEPROM Indicators VME/CCB FPGA TLK2501 Transceiver Front FPGA From CCB PT LUT DDU FPGA To MS Main FPGA Mezzanine Card Optical Transceiver CPT Week, April 2002 5 Darin Acosta TRANSITION BOARD WITH LVDS TRANSCEIVERS TO/ FROM BARREL ME1 SR LUT Triad FRONT FRONT FPGA FPGA A18 CLCT PAT# - 4 Q-4 CLCT_ID - 8 L/R -1 C3 A11 PHIL LUT 256K x 18 Flow Through SRAM Phi_L -10 PhiB_L - 6 PhiB_L - 6 Phi_L - 2 CSC_ID - 4 WG_ID - 7 ETAG LUT 512K x 18 Flow Through SRAM PhiB_G - 5 Eta_G - 7 MAIN MAIN FPGA FPGA CSC_ID – 4 WG_ID – 7 CSC ID - 4 CLK40P1 C3 D16 16 Bit C2 Trans ceiver Phi_L - 10 WG_ID - 5 CSC_ID - 4 PHIG LUT 512K x 36 Flow Through SRAM Phi_G -12 Phi_DT - 12 To DT C4 CLK40P2 D12 16 Bit Trans ceiver C2 CLK40 Legend: A – Address Lines D - Data Lines C – Control Lines CLK – Clock CLK40 45 synchronous memories for conversion of 15 track segments Î >64 MB per board ⇒ Need high VME bandwidth, broadcast capability to identical chips, and crate broadcast capability to SPs Î CPT Week, April 2002 6 Darin Acosta Main Sector Processor FPGA 9xD24 ME2/ ME2/ ME4 ME4 STUBS STUBS 9xD5 3xD1 6xD24 ME1 ME1 STUBS STUBS 6xD9 2xD1 MAIN MAIN FPGA FPGA C3 MUX MUX 3xD12 + 4xD1 3xA22 3xC4 PT PT LUT LUT 3xD8 3xD8 DT DT STUBS STUBS 2xD25 D8 TRAN TRAN 3xD8 3xC1 DDU DDU INT INT CCB CCB & & VME VME INT INT C2 C4 C1 D32 C2 C9 CLK40 A8 C3 CFG CFG ROM ROM D16 Legend: G – Number of Signal Groups GxAn – G Groups of n Address Lines GxCn – G Groups of n Control Lines GxDn - G Groups of n Data Lines TRAN - Transceiver CCB&VME Int – Combined CCB and VME Interface CFG ROM – Configuration ROM CLK40 – Clock 40 MHz DDU- INT – Readout Interface Placed on mezzanine card Î Firmware written in “Verilog++” (see March TSWG talk) and implemented in ORCA as well Î Latency only 4 BX Î CPT Week, April 2002 7 Darin Acosta PT LUT & MUX MAIN MAIN FPGA FPGA D32 LVTT LVTT /GTLP /GTLP D8 A22 FRAME FRAME 22 PT PT LUT LUT D32 Back Back Plane Plane C4 A22 D32 LVTT LVTT /GTLP /GTLP PT PT LUT LUT FRAME FRAME 11 C4 A22 PT PT LUT LUT D32 WIRED MUX Legend: C4 Ax – x Address Lines Dx – x Data Lines Cx - x Control Lines /OEAB=CLK40-90 /OEAB=CLK40-270 CLKAB=CLK80 Each Pt LUT is actually two 4M × 4 SRAMs Î Data multiplexed at 80 MHz onto GTLP backplane to Sorter Î CPT Week, April 2002 8 Darin Acosta DDU FPGA FRONT FRONT FPGA FPGA55 D32 FRONT FRONT FPGA FPGA44 D32 FRONT FRONT FPGA FPGA33 D32 S1 C2 S1 C2 FRONT FRONT FPGA FPGA22 D32 FRONT FRONT FPGA FPGA11 D32 DDU DDU FPGA FPGA S1 C2 D16 S1 C5 CLK80 C2 TLK TLK 2501 2501 S2 S1 C2 MAIN MAIN FPGA FPGA D32 S4 C2 CCB& CCB& VME VME FPGA FPGA D32 S1 C2 C3 CONFIG. CONFIG. ROM ROM CLK4 0 DDU FPGA collects data from input and output buffers for transmission to a single CSC DDU (aka FED) Î Optical link is bi-directional (if needed) for asynchronous xfer Î CSC TF can exist in a separate partition from CSC chambers if we are allowed to send one SLINK connection to DAQ Î CPT Week, April 2002 9 Darin Acosta Current DDU Prototype J. Gilmore CMS-EMU Meeting, Gainesville 4/5/02 4 SP2002 Interfaces ● VME Interface – updated for chip-level broadcasts (and crate broadcasts envisioned as well) ● CCB Interface – using same interface as CSC Local Trigger ● MPC Interface – updated (BC0 flag is sent through all TF cards now: MPC->SP02->MS, To/From DT) Î MPC Data Validation - updated ● DDU Interface - updated (optional bi-directional) ● FM Interface – updated (RJ-45, 4 diff. signals) Î Fast Monitoring Signals – updated (pinout) ● MS Interface – updated (BC0) ● DT Interface – updated (Synch/Calib -> BC0 ?) Detailed accounting of all bits and protocols for these interfaces are specified in documents available from CPT Week, April 2002 10 Darin Acosta DT Interface Data delivered from the Sector Receiver to the DT Track-Finder @ 40 MHz using LVDS. Signal Bits / stub φ η Quality BXN Clock BC0 Total: 12 1 3 – – – 16 Bits / 3 stubs (ME1: 30°) 36 3 9 2 1 1 52 Bits / 6 stubs (ME1: 60°) 72 6 18 4 2 2 104 Description Azimuth coordinate DT/CSC region flag Derived from 4 bit Quality 2 LSB of BXN Clock for data Bunch Crossing 0 Data delivered from the DT Track-Finder to the Sector Receiver @ 40 MHz using LVDS. Signal φ φb Quality Muon Flag BXN Clock BC0 Total: Bits / stub 12 5 3 1 2 1 1 25 Bits / 2 stubs (MB1: 60°) 24 10 6 2 4 2 2 50 Description Azimuth coordinate φ bend angle 2nd muon of previous BX 2 LSB of BXN Clock for data Bunch Crossing 0 CMS Note on DT/CSC interface ~ready to be released CPT Week, April 2002 11 Darin Acosta SP2002 FPGA Choices Front FPGAs (3 Muons per FPGA, 5 FPGAs total) Interfaces require at least 365 I/Os Choice: XC2V1000-?FF896C with 432 user I/Os Î May be socketed (BGA soldered to high-density pin array) Î Main FPGA Interfaces require at least 716 I/Os Choice: XC2V4000-?FF1152C with 824 user I/Os Î Placed on mezzanine board Î VME & CCB FPGA Î Interfaces require at least 150 I/Os Choice: XC2V250-?FG456C with 200 user I/Os DDU FPGA Î Interfaces require at least 110 I/Os Choice: XC2V250-?FG256C with 172 user I/Os Additionally, there are 51 SRAM chips Î Board will be dense! (Merger of 4 boards) CPT Week, April 2002 12 Darin Acosta CSC TF Milestones for 2002 CSC Track-Finder: Dec. 2001: Specify backplane connections 9 9 Î Apr. 2002: Conceptual design complete Reviewed by US trigger group during 2 day workshop in March Î May 2002: Schematics complete Î Sep. 2002: Layout complete Î Nov. 2002: Finish fabrication of pre-production prototypes 2 month delay from original Sep. 2002 milestone Î CPT Week, April 2002 13 Darin Acosta CSC Prototype Test Schedule MPC logic tests: 10/1/02 – 12/31/02 Î SP logic tests: 12/1/02 – 4/30/03 Î MPC → TMB: 7/1/02 – 12/31/02 Î MPC → SP: 3/1/03 – 4/30/03 Î FAST site chain test: 5/1/03 – 6/30/03 Cosmic ray test with chambers and full chain of prototypes Î Structured beam test: 7/1/03 – 9/30/03 ? Chain test with detectors in beam line, sometime in ’03 Î DT TF → CSC TF: 7/1/03 – 9/30/03 ? Crate test sometime before or after beam test Transition boards need to be designed Î Note: we still have a lot of software to design and write to perform these system tests. Must interface previous trigger test code to FAST site test code, XDAQ, etc. Fortunately, we have several students and postdocs identified to help in this area. But we could use some guidance and examples on how to get started. CPT Week, April 2002 14 Darin Acosta CSC Production and Testing Currently scheduled to complete CSC trigger production (CCB, MPC, SP) by Sep. 2004 Slice test scheduled for ~Oct. 2004 Î If production not yet complete, will use current prototypes Installation to begin Nov. 2004 Start integration with DAQ Mar. 2005 CPT Week, April 2002 15 Darin Acosta Special Triggers After commissioning, we’ll still want to monitor trigger efficiencies and alignment during data taking Some ideas: Prescaled low pT thresholds Useful to monitor efficiency, alignment, etc. Î Prescaled loose 2-station triggers or even single station triggers Useful to monitor local trigger efficiency (BTI and LCT) since this is dependant on analog chamber performance (i.e. can’t just run digital simulation) Î Accelerator muon triggers CSC Track-Finder (and GMT) will have the ability to trigger on muons traveling parallel to the beam axis during normal running Should be useful for in-situ alignment studies of chambers Î CPT Week, April 2002 16 Darin Acosta CSC Trigger Primitive Electronics Status • Wire boards: ALCT (Anode Local Charged Track) • Strip/coincidence/readout boards: TMB (Trigger MotherBoard) Hauser, CERN, April 2002 1 ALCT2001 Boards Power, computer connectors 80 MHz SCSI outputs (to Trigger Motherboard) Xilinx mezzanine card Main board for 384ch type Delay/ buffer ASICs, 2:1 bus multiplexors (other side) Input signal connectors Analog section: test pulse generator, AFEB power, ADCs, DACs (other side) Hauser, CERN, April 2002 2 ALCT Functions 1. Inputs discriminated signals from AFEB frontend boards, provides AFEB support: • Distributes power, shut-down, test pulse signals. • Sets and reads back discriminator thresholds. • Monitors board currents, voltages, and temperature. 2. Delay/translator ASIC on input does time alignment with bunch crossings. 3. Searches for muon patterns in anode signals. If found, sends information to trigger motherboard. 4. Records input and output signals at 40 MHz in case of level 1 trigger. Hauser, CERN, April 2002 3 ALCT Status • Board has been thoroughly debugged • Have extensive suite of testing software and an external test fixture. • 3 versions: • ALCT2001-384 is in pre-production (30 boards, 40 mezzanine cards) • ALCT2001-672 have 6 prototype boards being assembled • ALCT2001-288 have 6 bare prototype boards, assembly soon. • Now integrating with software for chamber tests at U Florida and UCLA Hauser, CERN, April 2002 4 TMB - Trigger MotherBoard • TMB2001 prototypes for use at FAST sites and for system tests • Produces cathode patterns from comparator outputs • Correlates cathode and anode (from ALCT) patterns • Sends chamber-level trigger decision to MPC • Raw hits data “spooled” to DMB • Interfaces to “everything” • • • • • • • • CFEBs DMB CCB ALCT MPC VME RPC (later) JTAG Hauser, CERN, April 2002 CFEBs ALCT (Future: will be via transition module) RPC via transition module 5 TMB Hardware Status • 17 TMB boards were produced (all FAST sites plus development uses) • Bad job done by assembly company: • Connectors soldered in crooked, boards could not be inserted • Connectors were removed and reinstalled properly by UCLA • Misc. errors (about seven per board) • 2 boards have been fully corrected and debugged, including CFEB, ALCT, DMB, DDU, CCB interfaces • 1 TMB was shipped to OSU for CFEB/DMB/DDU tests • The other TMB is for continued firmware development at UCLA Hauser, CERN, April 2002 6 PHOS4 Problem • PHOS4 delay chips are convenient, so were used in TMB and CCB (Clock&Control Board) • But… • They can only be reset once. This can be a big problem. • We have had a lot of difficulty getting them initialized properly (months of work). Sometimes power cycling a crate is the only solution (ugh). • They produce an asymmetric output clock, especially if one PHOS4 used in series with another. • Delay = 0 setting gives about 3 ns variance between chips, not very tight. • PHOS4 power-on sequence work-around allows board to operate • Wait 1 second, send a reset, wait 1 second, program via I2C bus • (Previously, PHOS4 chips did not power up in clocking state (dead board!), 5ns delay sometimes became 10ns etc.) • Still have very asymmetric (58/42%) output clock Hauser, CERN, April 2002 7 TMB-CFEB-LVDB Test Hauser, CERN, April 2002 8 ALCT-TMB Testing Hauser, CERN, April 2002 9 Virtex-II For Future Use in TMB • Allows faster performance and some clocking and I/O advantages • Initial layout done • Designed for “medium” (896 ball) FPGAs for TMB (or ALCT) • XC2V1000, 1500, 2000 chips • Ball locations compatible with “large” (1152 ball) FPGAs for e.g. Sector Processor • XC2V3000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000 chips Hauser, CERN, April 2002 10 PHOS4 features •CERN designed 4-channel delay ASIC with 1 ns delay precision •Radiation Hard •Programmable (write-only) over I2C bus Issues with PHOS4 The PHOS4 is intended for use with non-interruptable clock source (since the chip utilized DLL circuitry) If clock is interrupted, then the behavior is unpredictable { { { { wrong delays “dead-looking” channels no direct way to identify what is wrong with the chip Only power cycling can help Lack of dedicated “reset” pin Delay settings are not readable back via I2C bus We have suggested that the chip be redesigned Clock Interruptions? In our opinion, the clock should never be interrupted (except on power cycling) TTC tree is designed so clock won’t be interrupted A question to CMS/LHC is “How often can we expect the clock to be interrupted?” Interruptions What to do if interruptions are a problem? { PHOS4 can be simply removed from the CCB boards (all 4 socketed) and clocks wired directly to LVDS transmitters no individual slot-to-slot and module-tomodule clock adjustments no extra effort to program I2C same PCB layout, minimal on-board changes Another Question All clock lines in the custom peripheral backplane are point-to-point LVDS of the same length. Do we really need to adjust the 40Mhz clock from slot to slot and from module to module? Another Alternative If fine clock adjustments on the backplane are still needed { PHOS4 can be replaced with another device, for example, 3D7408 proposed by OSU 1-channel commercial CMOS programmable delay chip This device has 45/55 output duty cycle instead of 50/50 at 40Mhz (tested at Rice). Is it acceptable for DMB/TMB/ALCT? layout changes on a CCB board required Radiation tolerance? TTC Issues Trouble Reported At the last CMS week (and continuing) reports from many groups that they can not drive optical links with a TTC derived clock (Sorry, but nobody [but us] is documenting what they are doing, so I can’t point you to anything written on the topic) Our report is at The Issue TTC group has specified that they will deliver clock good to 50ps rms. Groups using CERN GOL (not us) claim TTCrx can’t drive their links Reports of jitter measurements ~500ps At last CMS week microelectronics group agreed to improve TTCrx z ( time scale?) Our Measurement Mezzanine Card ECP680-1102-630C TTCrx ASIC operating voltage +5.0V +3.3V +5.0V Clock40Des1 jitter, ps (no BC, no L1A) 153 170 330 Clock40Des1 jitter, ps (BC commands + L1A) 183 215 360 New TTCrx Old TTCrx ECP 6801102-610B Our Test B I T 3 PC T T C V I C C B T T C V X • •• •• • • ERROR • TTCrx • O P T O 100 m 40 Mhz VME 9U • • O P T O Clock multiplier • • 1m COPPER CABLE OPTICAL CABLE VME 6U 100 m • OLD AND NEW TTCrx BOARDS WERE TESTED WITH 40.00 Mhz CLOCK SOURCE FROM TTCvx MODULE • 40.00 Mhz CLOCK WAS MULTIPLIED BY 2 BY AV9170 CHIP • NO ERRORS OBSERVED IN PRBS TEST FROM ONE OPTOBOARD TO ANOTHER AT 80.00 Mhz (BER < 10-13 c-1) Our Result Clock jitter is lower for the newest TTCrx ASIC (Version 3.1, 12/01) Jitter increases if broadcast commands and L1A are transmitted from the TTC system Jitter distribution for ASIC Ver.3.1 looks “normal” (unlike previous version) Clock jitter is lower if the new ASIC is powered from +5V Jitter introduced by any of two TTCrx ASICs and other components in the clock distribution circuitry at our testing setup is tolerable for TLK2501 transceivers operating at 80.00 Mhz using prototype MPC-SR link