PHY 2005 Applied Physics 2 - Summer C 2010

PHY 2005 Applied Physics 2 - Summer C 2010
Course Instructors:
Tomoyuki Nakayama (May 10 – June 18) Phone: 392-0310, Email:,
Office: 2155 NPB, Office Hours: T5 (2:00pm -3:05pm) & F7 (5:00pm -6:05pm)
Daniel Barrow (June 28 – August 6), Phone: 392-2921, Email:,
Office: 2062 NPB, Office Hours: R3 (11:00am – 12:05pm) & F3 (11:00am-12:05pm)
MWF, 2nd period (9:30am-10:35am) in 1002 NPB
Frederick Bueche & David L. Wallach, Technical Physics (4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1994)
Course Description:
We will cover chapters 19-28 and several topics from chapters 29-31 of Technical Physics by Bueche
& Wallach, the topics of which contain electricity, magnetism, optics and modern physics. This course
will be taught with an emphasis on conceptual understanding rather than technical details, with
experimental demonstrations to help you to grasp physical backgrounds behind each physical law
given in a mathematical form.
You are expected to attend all lectures to learn basic concepts and how to apply them in solving
problems. We strongly urge you to work on suggested homework problems. Although homework
assignments are not collected or graded, working problems is essential to understanding the material
and thus to achieving a good grade. You are assumed to have a working knowledge of algebra,
geometry and elementary trigonometry functions. Since there is a lot of material covered in one week,
you should complete reading assignments as specified in the Course Schedule before class.
Announcement will appear occasionally on the course web page and will often be made at the
beginning of lectures. You are responsible for being aware of all such announcements.
Your final grade is based on:
Two mid-terms 2×25 = 50%
Final exam: 30%
Clicker quizzes: 20%
Your overall grade will be calculated based on these elements and there will be no rounding. The final
letter grade will be assigned by the following approximate scale shown in the table below.
A- 80-84.999%
B+ 75-79.999%
C+ 60-64.999%
D+ 45-49.999%
D- 35-39.999%
Less than 35%
Exam 1 13/15
Exam 2 8/15
Make-up 11/15
Final 15/18
Quiz grade: 16.666
Grade = (13/15)×25(Exam1)+(11/15)×25(Make-up)+(15/18)×30(Final)+16.666(Quiz) = 81.666(A-)
There will be two midterms and one comprehensive final. All exams are held in class. You must bring
your photo ID, No. 2 pencils, an eraser and a calculator. You are allowed to bring a single hand written
crib sheet (8.5”×11”, both sides) during exams. The exams will ask you conceptual questions as well
as questions which require calculations at the level of suggested homework problems. Further, expect
several questions on each exam to come straight from the homework problems assigned. Each
midterm will have 15 questions and the final exam have 18 questions. The final exam is cumulative,
but we put an emphasis on the topics covered after Exam 2.
There will be one optional make-up exam. This make-up exam will have 15 questions on the topics
covered in the two midterms. This make-up exam will replace the lowest mid-term exam even if the
make-up score is lower than either of the two midterms.
Exam Schedule
Monday, June 7
Exam 1
Chapters 19-21
Monday, July 12
Exam 2
Chapters 22-25
Monday, July 26
Chapters 19-25
Friday, August 6
Final Exam
Chapters 19-28, parts of 29-31
Clicker Quizzes:
In most of the classes, clicker quizzes will be posed using the H-ITT remote system. Each of you need
to purchase the H-ITT remote transmitter associated with the in-class student response system. It is
your responsibility to ensure that your remote is functioning properly and that you are sending on the
correct channel. We recommend that you set the channel at the beginning of each lecture. For each
quiz, you will receive 2 points for correct answer, 1 point for incorrect answer and 0 point for no
answer. 90% of the possible total score will be graded as the full credit.
Example: If a student answers 40 problems correctly, 10 problems incorrectly and missed 10
problems, he/she will get:
The bare quiz score = 2×40+ 1×10 + 0×10= 90
The possible total score = 2×60 = 120
90 % of the total score = 120×0.9 = 108
Final quiz grade = 90/108×20 = 16.666
Students with Disabilities:
Students who require accommodation for disabilities must first contact the Dean of Students Office.
That office provides you with documentation, which the student must bring to his/her instructors
during the first week of the semester.
Academic Honesty:
Each student is expected to hold himself/herself to a high standard of academic honesty. Under the UF
academic honesty policy, unauthorized assistance or the use of unauthorized resources is strictly
forbidden on work-for-credit. You are to work alone on all graded assignments. This includes exams
and clicker quizzes. Fabrication or falsification of excuses or related documentation is also a violation
of the UF academic honesty policy. Violations of this policy will be dealt with strictly. There will be
no warnings or exceptions.