Application to Conduct a Survey of

Application to Conduct a Survey of
Hope College Students, Faculty, Staff or Alumni
Individuals/offices wishing to conduct a survey that is covered by the survey policy must complete and submit
this form to the Frost Research Center at least two weeks prior to the start date of the survey. Please be as
detailed as possible in completing the form so that we can make our decision based on all available information.
Frost Research Center reserves the right to ask for additional information and to adjust your timeline based on
customer demand. In the unlikely event that this is necessary, every effort will be made to come to an agreed
upon timeline.
Contact information
Names of all persons who will be conducting the project:
Main contact person’s name:
Main contact person’s department:
Main contact person’s email:
Main contact person’s phone number:
Project Description
Title and subject of project:
Purpose of the project (what do you want to learn from the results?):
Is the project grant funded?
☐ Yes
Is the survey needed for evaluation? ☐ Yes
How do you plan to use or share the results?
☐ No
☐ No
Sample Description
Who do you plan to study?
What kind of sample will you use?
What kind of contact information will you need (i.e. emails, phone numbers)?
Research Administration
How will the survey be conducted (online, focus group, paper/pencil, telephone)?
What is your timeframe for launching and ending the survey?
How long will it take the respondent to complete the survey (in minutes)?
Reporting and Protection of Respondents
Briefly describe your reporting plan including: to whom will you present your report? Will it be presented off
campus? Will Hope College be identified as the campus studied?
Will the survey collect specific demographic information that may make it possible for researchers to identify
specific participants?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please explain:
Where will the data be stored after it is collected?
Who will have access to the data?
Do you have Human Subjects Review Board approval? If not, please click here.
Please submit a draft copy of the survey questions, any email communication you’d like included to the
respondents along with this completed form to:
Frost Research Center will review the survey application and provide a response to the applicant within 48
hours based on the following:
Highest priority
• Projects required by federal or state mandates
• Surveys required by external grants or their assessment plans
• Assessment activities conducted by faculty and staff departments, committees or offices
• Student survey projects assigned by faculty members