PI Title Department Sponsor Award Month Michael Kenny/ Laura Engleman Student clinical training at Pikes Peak Hospice & Palliative Care Psychology Pikes Peak Hospice & June Palliative Care Anatoliy Pinchuk/ Kathrin Spendier Nano and Microscale Molecular Machines for Innate Immune Sensing of Candida Physics University of New Mexico June David Khaliqi 2015 Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program Pre-Collegiate Support and Success Center The Academy of Applied Science June Andrew Ketsdever Mechanical and Diagnostic Development for Advanced Aerospace Monopropellant Thrusters Engineering ERC May Friedman Foundation May Leadership, Research and Foundations/ An Examination of the Relationship Dick Carpenter/ Rebecca between School Choice Programs and Geography and Theobald Environmental Private School Populations Studies Department Jonathan Ventura CRII: RI: High-Speed Vision-Based Motion Estimation Katie Kaukinen The nature and extent of absconding School of Public and escape among CDOC inmates and Affairs parolees Colorado Department of Corrections April Russell Elsberry Transition of the 32 day and 15 day Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Events to Trauma, Health Office of Naval Operations in the Western North and Hazards Center Research Pacific and Extension to other Ocean Basins April Terrance Boult Janus Face Recognition Computer Science University of Maryland April Carley Ries Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative Extended Studies CDHE March Grant Clayton Student Teaching Effectiveness Project Curriculum and (STEP) Pilot Study Instruction The Colorado Education Initiative March Computer Science NSF May Pre-Collegiate Support and Success Center/ Pre-Collegiate Development Program Technology Student March Association Pre-Collegiate Support and Success Center The Harris Foundation Zbigniew Celinski/ Microwave and Millimeter Wave Robert Camley/ Anatoliy Components Glushchenko Physics Cobham Advanced February Electronic Solutions Stephanie Ryon School of Public ASU David Khaliqi/ Josephine UNITE Bridge to Engineering Benavidez David Khaliqi 2015 ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp: Mars Rovers, Robots, and Extreme Environments Sex Purchase Prevalence Study: Valid February January Estimates of Demand and Actionable Information Affairs Mark Wickert Communications, Signal Processing, Electrical and and Geolocation Solutions Prototyping Computer Support Engineering Stephanie Ryon CEASE Network Evaluation Steve Jennings/Rebecca Colorado 2014-2015 Alliance Theobald Cosmic Advanced Engineering Solutions December School of Public Affairs Demand Abolition December Geography and Environmental Science National Geographic Society Education November Foundation Google ATAP Continuous Authentication Computer Science Google November Steven Tragesser/ Bret Windom Colorado Space Grant Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering UC Boulder November Teri Switzer State Grants For Libraries Kraemer Family Library Colorado State Library October Phillip Morris Building Resilience and Success: Holistic Student Veteran Support Veteran and Military Student Affairs JPMorgan Chase Foundation October Richard White/ Edward Chow/ Terry Boult RAMCAP Review and Enhancement Computer Science UT-Battelle October Rebecca Webb W-Band Propulsion Development Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering October Terry Boult AACTIONS: Automated Animal Classification and Tracking in Outdoor Computer Science Securics Niche Setting Michael Kenny/ Laura Engleman Student Clinical Training at Peak Vista Community Health Centers Psychology Russell Elsberry NASA Hurricane and Severe Storm Sentinel (HS3) Observations for Testing Environmental control of Hurricane Formation and Intensification Trauma, Health NASA and Hazards Center September Steven Tragesser Wheelchair Modifications for Paralympic Shooting Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering USA Shooting September Gregory Plett/ Scott Trimboli Physics-Based Reduced-Order Modeling for Vehicle BSE Electrical and Computer Engineering General Motors September David Khaliqi STEM By Me CSTEME Agilent Technologies September Foundation Roche Lindsey/ Karin Larkin Archaeological Assessment of UCCS Quarry Activity Site Anthropology Colorado Historical Society Kotaro Shoji Parent-Child Processes Affecting Long Trauma, Health University of Term Post-Disaster Psychosocial and Hazards Center California Santa Terry Boult Leidos Peak Vista Community Health Centers October September September September Adjustment Henriikka Weir/ Katie Kaukinen Diverse Long-Term Effects of Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence: Development of Externalizing Behaviors Barbara School of Public Affairs Department of Justice September Daisy McConnell UCCS Galleries of Contemporary Art 2014-2015 Exhibit & Program Season GOCA Colorado Creative Industries September Drew Martorella Colorado Creates Theatreworks Colorado Creative Industries September Brandon Gavett Development of a novel test to jointly measure episodic memory and Psychology performance validity Joe Zhou/ Jia Rao CSR: Small: Moving MapReduce into the Cloud: Flexibility, Efficiency, and Elasticity Computer Science NSF September Mary Coussons-Read/ Phillip Morris/ Barbara Gaddis Gateways to Success VCAA/ Veteran and Military Student US Department of Affairs/ Student Education Success September Michael Kenny/ Laura Engleman Integrated Care Programs for Seniors and Caregivers Psychology Colorado Health Foundation August Ida Bauer Child Care Access Mans Parents in School Program (CCAMPIS) Family Development Center US Department of Education August Michael Kenny/ Laura Engleman Aging Families and Caregiver Program Individual Counseling and Public Psychology Information PPACG August Anatoliy Glushchenko EAGER: Single-step processing of selfassembled magneto-dielectric hybrid composites for microwave phased array sensors Physics NSF August Marcus Winters Research on 3rd Grade Reading Retention Policies in Florida and Arizona Leadership, Research and Foundations WestEd August James Dawes/ Craig Elder Influence of compression garments on selected physiological, perceptual and Health Sciences performance measures while traversing extreme terrain at altitude 2XU USA August Heather Song Design Study of Terahertz sheet beam Electrical TWTA Engineering Agency for Defense Development August Andrew Ketsdever Model-Based Simulation for system of Mechanical Engineering systems Engineering Millenium Engineering & Integration August Janusz Hankiewicz/ Zbigniew Celinski/ Robert Camley Development of contrast for Magnetic Biofrontiers/ Resonance Imaging for Non-Invasive in Physics vivo Temperature Measurement State of Colorado Economic Development and International Trade July Qing Yi SHF: Small: Specializing Compilers For National Academy of September Neuropsychology Computer Science NSF July High Performance Computing Through Coordinated Data and Algorithm Optimizations David Khaliqi Southern Colorado Girls STEM Initiative CSTEME Women's Foundation of Colorado July Michael Kenny/ Laura Engleman Integrated Behavioral and Medical Health Services Psychology Caring for Colorado July Janel Owens MRI: Acquisition of High Performance Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Chemistry and Spectrometry Instrumentation to Biochemistry Support Research and Undergraduate Education in Southern Colorado NSF July Katie Kaukinen UCCS Research Services Colorado Department of Corrections July School of Public Affairs