Disability Services at WSSU
Presented by Myra Waddell, Director
Greetings to All Students at Winston ‐ Salem State University.
Thank you for allowing me time to share some basic information about our Department of Disability
This is a brief overview of who we are, what we hope to achieve and how you may pursue accommodations for yourself or become a resource for others to begin their formal request for services.
These are the topics that will be covered in this brief presentation.
Of the information students need to know about the Department of Disability Services, these are the highlights.
There are quite a few differences in Services and Processes once one has graduated from High School.
This is a chart of the most common differences.
Each syllabus should have the same generic Accessibility Statement.
It is sent out each year through email.
Students with a documented disability should come to the Department of Disability Services.
If unsure of whether or not something may be considered a disability, please schedule a meeting to discuss your concerns with the department.
Everyone involved will receive an email clearly stating the approved accommodations.
Once registered, the focus should remain on the accommodations and not the disability.
You may contact waddellm@wssu.edu
at any time during the process to ask questions about the progress of a referral
Disability Services does not attempt to make a diagnosis, however, the professional submitting the documentation must be qualified to do so for the area in which the disability may manifest itself.
IEP’s, Prescription Pad notes, or 504 plans are NOT considered adequate documentation.
There are certain guidelines pertaining to documentation that the Federal Government requires.
I check for those items.
This changes periodically.
Disability Services becomes the storehouse for that documentation.
After mid ‐ term, disclosures will most of the time be considered timely for the next semester because they are not retroactive.
The burden of self ‐ disclosure, testing for documentation and personal aids/assistance is on the student.
This office does not have a list of local psychologists, pharmacists or clinicians that are able to update or complete initial evaluations.
One’s personal health care provider would be the best place to have that conversation about referrals to other licensed professionals.
We do have the responsibility for finding resources to accommodate reasonable requests.
On all syllabi at WSSU, there should be this generic statement.
There should be no additions or deletions from this statement.
This helps to eliminate confusion about the instructor’s and the student’s responsibility in this process.
If you notice something different, please share that information with the Department of Disability
Answers to questions about Disability Services may be located on our website.
The link is at the bottom of this page.
If you have been approved by your doctor and the Department of Motor Vehicles for an accessible parking placard, you will also be eligible to purchase a university accessible parking permit instead of one for a specific lot.
Please take the state placard and your license with you when you go to purchase your university permit.
Thank you for allowing me a few moments to share some very general and basic information about the
Department of Disability Services.