NSSE 2002 Means Summary Report University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs compared with CU Colorado Springs Variable Class Academic and Intellectual Experiences 1. a. b. c. d. Made a class presentation CLPRESEN Prepared two or more drafts of a paper or assignment before turning it in REWROPAP Worked on a paper or project that required integrating ideas or information from various sources INTEGRAT CLUNPREP Worked with other students on projects during class CLASSGRP I. j. k. b CLQUEST Came to class without completing readings or assignments h. a Asked questions in class or contributed to class discussions DIVCLASS g. Worked with classmates outside of class to prepare class assignments OCCGRP Put together ideas or concepts from different courses when completing assignments or during class discussions INTIDEAS Tutored or taught other students (paid or voluntary) Participated in a community-based project as a part of a regular course Sig a Master's Effect Size b Master's Mean Sig a -.19 2.81 NSSE 2002 Effect Size b NSSE 2002 Mean Sig a Effect Size b ** -.27 2.80 ** -.26 1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often Included diverse perspectives (different races, e. religions, genders, political beliefs, etc.) in class discussions or writing assignments. f. Mean Urban Urban Mean TUTOR COMMPROJ * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed statistics on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group standard deviation. FY 2.58 2.75 * SR 2.94 2.99 3.12 ** -.21 3.10 * -.18 FY 2.08 2.14 2.27 ** -.25 2.21 * -.17 SR 2.79 2.68 2.88 2.81 FY 2.70 2.80 2.75 2.68 SR 2.66 2.57 2.58 2.50 FY 3.00 3.04 3.06 3.04 SR 3.30 3.26 3.34 3.33 FY 2.63 2.69 2.70 2.71 SR 2.55 2.69 2.74 * -.20 FY 2.11 2.01 2.01 2.07 SR 2.07 2.07 2.05 2.11 FY 2.34 2.48 2.41 2.34 SR 2.41 2.51 2.54 FY 2.25 2.12 2.32 2.40 * -.17 SR 2.77 2.55 2.69 2.72 FY 2.42 2.41 2.44 2.47 SR 2.76 2.75 2.80 2.82 FY 1.54 1.52 1.62 1.67 SR 1.90 1.68 1.81 1.85 FY 1.41 1.28 1.43 1.42 SR 1.52 1.47 1.63 1.59 ** ** .25 .25 ** * -.22 -.16 2.73 2.45 1 NSSE 2002 Means Summary Report University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs compared with CU Colorado Springs Variable Academic and Intellectual Experiences (continued) Used an electronic medium (list-serv, chat l. group, Internet, etc.) to discuss or complete an ITACADEM assignment 1. m. Used email to communicate with an instructor EMAIL Class Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor Talked about career plans with a faculty o. member or advisor p. q. FY SR FY b FACPLANS FY SR Discussed ideas from your reading or classes with faculty members outside of class FACIDEAS Received prompt feedback from faculty on your academic performance (written or oral) FACFEED FY SR FY SR WORKHARD Worked with faculty members on activities s. other than coursework (committees, orientation, student life activities, etc.) FACOTHER FY SR FY SR Discussed ideas from your readings or classes with others outside of class (students, family members, coworkers, etc.) OOCIDEAS Had serious conversations with students of a different race or ethnicity than your own DIVRSTUD Had serious conversations with students who v. differ from you in terms of their religious beliefs, political opinions, or personal values DIFFSTU2 u. FY SR Worked harder than you thought you could to r. meet an instructor's standards or expectations. t. a FACGRADE FY SR FY SR * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed statistics on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group standard deviation. Sig a Master's Effect Size b Master's Mean Sig a NSSE 2002 Effect Size b NSSE 2002 Mean Sig a Effect Size b * -.17 ** -.22 *** *** ** *** -.35 -.27 -.23 -.28 *** ** -.31 -.26 1.53 1.81 * *** -.18 -.24 * -.19 1=never, 2=sometimes, 3=often, 4=very often SR n. Mean Urban Urban Mean FY SR 2.43 2.78 2.68 3.05 2.48 2.71 1.85 2.20 1.62 1.85 2.52 2.56 2.37 2.67 2.54 2.72 2.71 2.92 2.51 2.69 2.06 2.15 1.73 1.90 2.51 2.70 2.57 2.63 1.39 1.59 1.34 1.50 1.51 1.75 2.58 2.87 2.46 2.64 2.65 2.78 2.58 2.58 2.70 2.84 2.54 2.56 2.74 2.86 2.59 2.58 2.63 2.67 2.62 2.55 2.62 2.59 2.70 2.64 * -.23 * ** -.17 -.23 2.58 2.76 2.75 2.95 2.57 2.79 2.14 2.41 1.77 2.06 2.58 2.81 2.61 2.71 *** ** * *** -.33 -.22 -.19 -.25 *** ** -.30 -.28 * -.18 2.61 2.76 2.88 3.07 2.60 2.81 2.16 2.45 1.80 2.09 2.62 2.81 2.60 2.68 2 NSSE 2002 Means Summary Report University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs compared with CU Colorado Springs Variable Mental Activities Memorizing facts, ideas, or methods from a. your courses and readings so you can repeat them in pretty much the same form Analyzing the basic elements of an idea, experience, or theory such as examining a b. particular case or situation in depth and considering its components Synthesizing and organizing ideas, c. information, or experiences into new, more complex interpretations and relationships Making judgments about the value of information, arguments, or methods such as d. examining how others gathered and interpreted data and assessing the soundness of their conclusions Applying theories or concepts to practical e. problems or in new situations 2. Reading and Writing Number of assigned textbooks, books, or a. book-length packs of course readings Number of books read on your own (not b. assigned) for personal enjoyment or academic enrichment Number of written papers or reports of 20 c. pages or more 3. a b Mean Sig a Master's Effect Size b Master's Mean Sig a NSSE 2002 Effect Size b NSSE 2002 Mean Sig a Effect Size b * -.17 ** * -.27 -.16 *** -.44 ** * -.28 -.20 1=very little, 2=some, 3=quite a bit, 4=very much MEMORIZE FY SR ANALYZE FY SR SYNTHESZ FY SR 2.98 2.76 2.92 2.76 2.96 2.79 2.94 2.75 3.09 3.20 3.08 3.24 3.11 3.26 3.14 3.27 2.71 3.00 2.79 2.97 2.83 3.04 2.85 3.05 2.69 2.93 2.97 3.07 2.77 2.84 2.90 3.09 2.81 2.93 2.94 3.17 2.80 2.93 2.99 3.17 EVALUATE FY SR APPLYING FY SR 1=none, 2= between 1 and 4, 3=between 5 and 10, 4=between 11 and 20, 5=more than 20 READASGN FY SR READOWN FY SR WRITEMOR FY SR Number of written papers or reports between d. 5 and 19 pages WRITEMID Number of written papers or reports of fewer than 5 pages WRITESML e. Class Urban Urban Mean FY SR * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed statistics on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group standard deviation. FY SR 3.21 3.15 3.25 3.12 3.37 3.24 3.48 3.32 2.17 2.33 1.21 1.69 2.07 2.59 3.02 2.89 2.06 2.27 1.29 1.57 2.40 2.49 3.12 2.89 2.02 2.18 1.24 1.64 2.42 2.65 3.28 3.09 2.03 2.21 1.21 1.65 2.47 2.69 3.32 3.12 *** -.36 *** -.39 ** * -.24 -.17 3 NSSE 2002 Means Summary Report University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs compared with CU Colorado Springs Variable Challenge of Examinations To what extent did your exams during the current school year challenge you to do your best work? 4. EXAMS b. Community service or volunteer work FY SR ADVISE FY SR Participate in a learning community or some other formal program where groups of students take two or more classes together Work on a research project with a faculty d. member outside of course or program requirements e. Foreign language coursework INTERN FY SR VOLUNTER FY LEARNCOM FY SR RESEARCH FY SR FORLANG FY SR f. Study abroad STUDYABR FY SR g. Independent study or self-designed major INDSTUDY FY SR h. a b Effect Size b Sig a Effect Size b ** -.26 Sig a Effect Size b 5.27 5.42 5.43 5.48 5.55 5.56 5.59 5.52 ** -.30 2.77 2.46 2.71 2.53 2.89 2.85 *** -.41 2.91 2.86 *** -.42 * ** -.27 -.28 ** * -.34 -.15 *** * *** -.39 -.30 -.30 Which of the following have you done or do you plan to do before you graduate from your institution? 0=No, 1=Yes (undecided=missing) Means are the proportion of students responding "Yes." SR c. Sig a NSSE 2002 NSSE 2002 Mean 1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=excellent Enriching Educational Experiences Practicum, internship, field experience, co-op a. experience, or clinical assignment 6. Mean Master's Master's Mean 1=very little to 7=very much Quality of Advising Overall how would you evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received at your institution? 5. Class Urban Urban Mean Culminating senior experience (comprehensive exam, capstone course, thesis, project, etc.) * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed statistics on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group standard deviation. SENIORX FY SR .94 .70 .80 .56 .92 .72 .80 .57 .35 .19 .49 .24 .40 .23 .57 .25 .41 .08 .33 .37 .43 .20 .55 .35 .38 .10 .29 .23 *** .32 .45 .24 .59 .39 .49 .15 .27 .29 .70 .66 .70 .57 * .19 .73 .60 * ** -.29 -.21 .93 .76 .87 .66 * -.21 .94 .76 .89 .69 .54 .26 ** * -.39 -.17 .52 .26 *** -.29 *** -.21 * .18 .51 .28 .61 .44 .56 .20 .28 .31 .76 .63 4 NSSE 2002 Means Summary Report University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs compared with CU Colorado Springs Variable Time Usage Preparing for class (studying, reading, writing, a. rehearsing, and other activities related to your academic program) 7. b. Working for pay on campus Class Working for pay off campus ACADPR01 FY SR WORKON01 FY WORKOF01 FY SR Participating in co-curricular activities d. (organizations, campus publications, student government, etc.) Relaxing and socializing (watching TV, e. partying, exercising, etc.) Providing care for dependents living with you f. (parents, children, spouse, etc.) g. Commuting to class COCURR01 FY SR SOCIAL01 FY SR CAREDE01 FY SR COMMUTE FY SR Educational and Personal Growth 8. a. Acquiring a broad general education c. Writing clearly and effectively GNGENLED GNWORK FY SR GNWRITE FY SR d. Speaking clearly and effectively GNSPEAK FY SR a b Effect Size b Sig a NSSE 2002 Effect Size b NSSE 2002 Mean .26 .30 4.16 4.16 1.62 1.88 2.32 3.65 Sig a Effect Size b 3.79 4.07 1.41 1.69 3.50 5.03 3.73 3.88 1.40 1.53 3.80 5.01 3.91 4.00 1.56 1.71 2.85 4.20 ** -.21 1.78 1.58 4.24 3.37 1.65 3.27 2.06 2.34 1.59 1.51 4.05 3.62 2.10 2.79 2.27 2.42 1.96 1.86 4.00 3.61 1.85 2.59 1.91 2.18 * *** * * -.15 -.23 .19 -.18 ** *** *** *** .54 .50 2.10 2.04 4.11 3.75 1.56 2.23 1.80 2.06 ** *** -.23 -.32 ** -.21 * -.15 ** -.23 ** .28 *** ** *** .46 .25 .27 * .14 *** *** * *** *** -.34 -.32 -.19 -.37 -.33 3.11 3.26 2.53 3.00 2.87 3.06 2.61 2.96 *** *** * *** ** -.37 -.34 -.21 -.32 -.28 ** * -.24 -.17 1=very little, 2=some, 3=quite a bit, 4=very much FY SR Acquiring job or work-related knowledge and b. skills Sig a Master's Master's Mean 1=0 hrs/wk, 2=1-5 hrs/wk, 3=6-10 hrs/wk, 4=11-15 hrs/wk, 5=16-20 hrs/wk, 6=21-25 hrs/wk, 7=26-30 hrs/wk, 8=more than 30 hrs/wk SR c. Mean Urban Urban Mean * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed statistics on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group standard deviation. 2.82 3.00 2.33 2.70 2.63 2.92 2.46 2.83 2.94 3.07 2.39 2.92 2.82 2.93 2.57 2.78 ** * -.23 -.21 3.08 3.25 2.51 3.04 2.91 3.06 2.68 2.97 5 NSSE 2002 Means Summary Report University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs compared with CU Colorado Springs Variable Class Educational and Personal Growth (continued) 8. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. a b Thinking critically and analytically Analyzing quantitative problems Using computing and information technology Working effectively with others Voting in local, state, or national elections GNANALY GNQUANT GNCMPTS GNOTHERS GNCITIZN GNINQ Understanding yourself GNSELF Understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds GNDIVERS Solving complex real-world problems GNPROBSV Contributing to the welfare of your community Sig a Master's Effect Size b Master's Mean Sig a NSSE 2002 Effect Size b NSSE 2002 Mean Sig a Effect Size b * -.21 1=very little, 2=some, 3=quite a bit, 4=very much Learning effectively on your own Developing a personal code of values and ethics Mean Urban Urban Mean GNETHICS GNCOMMUN * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed statistics on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group standard deviation. FY 2.95 3.01 3.07 3.12 SR 3.23 3.19 3.29 3.33 FY 2.58 2.57 2.58 2.62 SR 2.88 2.85 2.89 2.90 FY 2.71 2.62 2.68 2.70 SR 2.99 2.95 3.00 3.00 FY 2.58 2.69 2.83 ** -.29 2.81 ** -.26 SR 2.81 2.95 3.13 *** -.39 3.13 *** -.39 FY 1.39 1.53 1.59 ** -.23 1.54 * -.18 SR 1.61 1.66 1.78 ** -.19 1.76 * -.17 FY 2.65 2.82 2.91 ** -.30 2.95 *** -.35 SR 2.97 2.97 3.08 FY 2.53 2.69 2.85 *** -.33 2.87 *** -.36 SR 2.64 2.77 2.97 *** -.35 3.01 *** -.39 FY 2.31 2.63 *** -.33 2.61 *** -.32 2.61 *** -.31 SR 2.41 2.61 * -.20 2.69 *** -.28 2.67 ** -.26 FY 2.30 2.38 2.48 * -.19 2.48 * -.20 SR 2.58 2.55 2.68 FY 2.41 2.40 2.61 * -.20 2.63 * -.22 SR 2.42 2.44 2.71 *** -.28 2.73 *** -.31 FY 1.92 1.93 2.13 * -.21 2.16 ** -.24 SR 2.11 2.08 2.33 ** -.22 2.35 ** -.24 * * -.16 -.19 3.11 2.70 6 NSSE 2002 Means Summary Report University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs compared with CU Colorado Springs Variable Institutional Environment Spending significant amounts of time studying a. and on academic work 9. ENVSCHOL FY SR Providing the support you need to help you ENVSUPRT succeed academically Encouraging contact among students from c. different economic, social, and racial or ethnic ENVDIVRS backgrounds Helping you cope with your non-academic d. ENVNACAD responsibilities (work, family, etc.) a. Mean Sig a Master's Effect Size b Master's Mean NSSE 2002 Sig a Effect Size b NSSE 2002 Mean Sig a Effect Size b 1=very little, 2=some, 3=quite a bit, 4=very much b. Providing the support you need to thrive e. socially Attending campus events and activities f. (special speakers, cultural performances, athletic events, etc.) 10. Quality of Relationships Class Urban Urban Mean ENVSOCAL FY SR FY SR FY SR FY SR ENVEVENT FY SR 2.94 2.96 2.93 2.51 2.99 2.97 2.76 2.60 2.25 2.05 1.93 1.59 2.05 1.71 2.49 2.33 1.90 1.69 2.07 1.82 2.30 2.05 2.32 2.10 * ** *** .20 -.24 -.28 3.09 3.09 2.98 2.87 * -.20 ** * -.25 -.19 -.42 3.13 3.11 3.01 2.87 *** *** -.41 2.53 2.40 2.10 1.92 2.29 2.08 *** *** * *** ** *** -.28 -.35 -.18 -.35 -.25 -.41 2.56 2.38 2.10 1.92 2.31 2.10 *** *** * *** *** *** -.30 -.33 -.18 -.35 -.28 -.43 2.66 2.40 *** *** -.37 -.36 2.77 2.51 *** *** -.49 -.47 -.35 5.66 5.70 *** -.36 -.30 5.39 5.55 ** -.29 -.17 4.88 4.57 * -.16 *** -.40 3.19 3.24 *** -.42 *** -.35 3.17 3.14 *** -.35 1=unfriendly, unsupportive, sense of alienation to 7=friendly, supportive, sense of belonging Relationships with other students ENVSTU FY SR 5.45 5.24 5.29 5.38 5.62 5.69 *** 1=unavailable, unhelpful, unsympathetic to 7=available, helpful, sympathetic b. Relationships with faculty members ENVFAC FY SR 5.27 5.19 5.08 5.23 5.38 5.57 *** 1=unhelpful, inconsiderate, rigid to 7=helpful, considerate, flexible c. Relationships with administrative personnel and offices Satisfaction How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution? 11. ENVADM FY SR 4.64 4.31 4.56 4.23 4.87 4.60 * 1=poor, 2=fair, 3=good, 4=excellent ENTIREXP FY SR 3.11 2.94 2.96 2.99 ** .22 3.15 3.22 1=definitely no, 2=probably no, 3=probably yes, 4=definitely yes If you could start over again, would you go to the same institution you are now attending? 12. a b SAMECOLL * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed statistics on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group standard deviation. FY SR 3.11 2.84 3.00 2.92 3.13 3.13 7 Urban Universities University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs Urban Consortium Questions 1. About how many hours do you spend in a typical week engaging in community service or some other volunteer activity off campus? 2. About how many hours do you spend in a typical week on your university’s campus, outside of time spent in class? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Variable URBA0201 URBA0202 How likely is it that your work or family commitments will delay you in completing your undergraduate education? URBA0203 How likely is it that financial problems will delay you in completing your undergraduate education? URBA0204 By the time that you expect to receive your bachelor’s degree, how long will it have taken, from when you first started attending college, to complete your undergraduate studies? URBA0205 How likely is it that you will remain living in the area after you complete your undergraduate education? URBA0206 How will your undergraduate education impact your career? URBA0207c CU Colorado Springs compared with Urban Sig a Effect size b 2.25 * .26 1.73 * .24 1.66 2.07 *** -.33 SR 2.47 2.20 FY 2.20 2.45 SR 2.45 2.06 ** .28 FY 1.35 1.57 *** -.30 SR 2.80 2.46 ** .26 FY 3.03 3.08 SR 3.26 3.56 * -.20 FY 3.45 3.37 SR 3.01 3.17 FY 3.57 3.39 SR 3.49 3.42 FY 3.08 3.19 SR 3.16 3.24 FY 3.79 3.67 * .19 SR 3.71 3.69 Class Mean Urban Mean FY 1.52 1.42 SR 1.57 1.52 FY 2.66 SR 1.99 FY FY SR 8. 9. 10. 11. How satisfied are you with the advising you receive at this university with regard to course requirements and scheduling? URBA0208 How satisfied are you with the academic support available to you when you need help with a specific course? URBA0209 As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is acquiring a broad general education? URBA0210 As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills? URBA0211 a * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed stats on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group std.dev. c Response set is categorical. b 8 Urban Universities University of Colorado at Colorado Springs CU Colorado Springs Urban Consortium Questions 12. As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is writing clearly and effectively? Variable URBA0212 13. As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is thinking critically and analytically? URBA0213 As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is developing computer and information technology skills? URBA0214 As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is working effectively with others? URBA0215 16. As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is developing your ability to make informed decisions as a citizen? URBA0216 As an outcome of your college education, how important to you is understanding people of other racial and ethnic backgrounds? URBA0217 How would you characterize the support you receive for going to college from your close friends and family? URBA0218 If you take less than a full course load (less than 15 or 16 student credit hours per term) what is the most important reason for doing so? URBA0219c 14. 15. 17. 18.* 19. CU Colorado Springs compared with Urban Sig a Effect size b 3.26 * -.21 4.65 4.41 ** .26 4.40 4.49 FY 3.78 3.23 ** .35 SR 2.83 2.97 Class Mean Urban Mean FY 3.24 3.41 SR 3.63 3.62 FY 3.67 3.56 SR 3.73 3.73 FY 3.31 3.33 SR 3.45 3.49 FY 3.59 3.49 SR 3.47 3.55 FY 3.33 3.30 SR 3.26 3.32 FY 3.09 3.20 SR 3.08 FY SR FY SR 20. What is your best estimate of your total current annual income (before taxes) or the combined income of your parents if you are listed as a dependent on their income taxes? URBA0220 a * p<.05 ** p<.01 ***p<.001 (2-tailed). Detailed stats on pp. 10-15. Effect size=mean difference divided by comparison group std.dev. c Response set is categorical. b 9 NSSE 2002 Detailed Statistics CU Colorado Springs First-Year Students Margin of error (95% level)a Significancec NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Effect sized Master's Number of respondents Urban CLQUEST CLPRESEN REWROPAP INTEGRAT DIVCLASS CLUNPREP CLASSGRP OCCGRP INTIDEAS TUTOR COMMPROJ ITACADEM EMAIL FACGRADE FACPLANS FACIDEAS FACFEED WORKHARD FACOTHER OOCIDEAS DIVRSTUD DIFFSTU2 MEMORIZE ANALYZE SYNTHESZ EVALUATE APPLYING READASGN READOWN WRITEMOR WRITEMID WRITESML Standard deviationb CU Colorado Springs Mean 2.58 2.08 2.70 3.00 2.63 2.11 2.34 2.25 2.42 1.54 1.41 2.43 2.68 2.48 1.85 1.62 2.52 2.37 1.39 2.58 2.46 2.63 2.98 3.09 2.71 2.69 2.97 3.21 2.17 1.21 2.07 3.02 2.75 2.14 2.80 3.04 2.69 2.01 2.48 2.12 2.41 1.52 1.28 2.54 2.71 2.51 2.06 1.73 2.51 2.57 1.34 2.65 2.58 2.62 2.92 3.08 2.79 2.77 2.90 3.25 2.06 1.29 2.40 3.12 2.81 2.27 2.75 3.06 2.70 2.01 2.41 2.32 2.44 1.62 1.43 2.58 2.75 2.57 2.14 1.77 2.58 2.61 1.51 2.70 2.54 2.62 2.96 3.11 2.83 2.81 2.94 3.37 2.02 1.24 2.42 3.28 2.80 2.21 2.68 3.04 2.71 2.07 2.34 2.40 2.47 1.67 1.42 2.61 2.88 2.60 2.16 1.80 2.62 2.60 1.53 2.74 2.59 2.70 2.94 3.14 2.85 2.80 2.99 3.48 2.03 1.21 2.47 3.32 .15 .12 .17 .15 .15 .12 .14 .14 .13 .13 .14 .18 .15 .13 .15 .13 .15 .14 .12 .15 .18 .17 .15 .13 .13 .16 .15 .16 .15 .10 .13 .19 .03 .03 .04 .03 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .02 .04 .04 .03 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .03 .03 .04 .03 .04 .04 .03 .04 .04 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .85 .73 1.01 .88 .86 .72 .81 .83 .75 .76 .80 1.05 .88 .79 .89 .77 .87 .82 .70 .86 1.04 1.01 .86 .76 .78 .94 .85 .92 .90 .58 .77 1.09 .85 .82 .98 .81 .91 .74 .81 .87 .80 .78 .62 1.08 .94 .84 .89 .81 .84 .83 .66 .87 1.02 1.00 .88 .79 .87 .88 .87 1.00 .96 .66 .90 1.09 .84 .79 .97 .79 .87 .72 .80 .83 .80 .81 .73 1.06 .93 .84 .89 .81 .83 .83 .78 .86 1.04 .99 .85 .78 .85 .87 .87 .99 .90 .63 .90 1.09 .85 .78 .99 .79 .88 .73 .81 .84 .80 .83 .72 1.05 .91 .85 .88 .81 .83 .84 .78 .86 1.03 .99 .87 .78 .85 .88 .86 .97 .89 .59 .90 1.08 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 130 131 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 2,386 2,381 2,381 2,381 2,378 2,384 2,381 2,387 2,381 2,384 2,379 2,385 2,383 2,384 2,381 2,379 2,378 2,380 2,382 2,381 2,379 2,381 2,381 2,380 2,381 2,377 2,380 2,361 2,361 2,361 2,354 2,361 15,176 15,169 15,151 15,162 15,148 15,134 15,151 15,162 15,136 15,153 15,135 15,160 15,142 15,148 15,157 15,146 15,154 15,146 15,147 15,139 15,140 15,134 15,139 15,134 15,120 15,133 15,136 14,976 14,988 14,958 14,976 14,983 39,229 39,213 39,179 39,196 39,171 39,156 39,168 39,199 39,142 39,179 39,136 39,179 39,154 39,164 39,168 39,150 39,168 39,151 39,144 39,144 39,132 39,125 39,144 39,129 39,108 39,116 39,120 38,642 38,692 38,638 38,655 38,675 .031 .337 .300 .634 .432 .152 .065 .082 .903 .716 .075 .238 .665 .712 .010 .125 .938 .009 .437 .338 .219 .909 .411 .825 .233 .389 .364 .694 .174 .177 .000 .273 .003 .003 .614 .475 .356 .142 .387 .354 .742 .251 .784 .106 .393 .192 .000 .024 .397 .001 .069 .114 .411 .906 .781 .817 .093 .178 .656 .050 .059 .674 .000 .006 .003 .042 .834 .568 .317 .539 .928 .050 .445 .063 .897 .047 .010 .085 .000 .008 .201 .002 .025 .034 .151 .420 .589 .456 .036 .211 .804 .001 .079 .982 .000 .002 -.19 -.08 -.10 -.05 -.07 .12 -.17 .15 .01 .03 .21 -.10 -.04 -.03 -.23 -.13 .01 -.23 .07 -.08 -.11 .01 .07 .02 -.10 -.08 .08 -.03 .12 -.11 -.36 -.10 -.27 -.25 -.05 -.07 -.08 .13 -.08 -.08 -.03 -.09 -.03 -.14 -.07 -.11 -.33 -.19 -.08 -.28 -.15 -.14 -.07 .01 .02 -.02 -.14 -.13 .04 -.16 .17 -.03 -.39 -.24 -.26 -.17 .02 -.06 -.09 .05 .01 -.17 -.06 -.15 -.01 -.17 -.22 -.14 -.35 -.23 -.12 -.26 -.18 -.19 -.13 -.07 .05 -.06 -.17 -.12 -.02 -.27 .16 .00 -.44 -.28 CU Colorado Springs compared with a The margin of error surrounding the reported mean forms a 95% confidence interval - a range of values with a 95% likelihood to contain the true population mean. Standard deviation is a measure of the average amount the individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. c This statistic represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. d Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the standard deviation of the comparison group. b 10 NSSE 2002 Detailed Statistics CU Colorado Springs First-Year Students .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .01 .02 .02 NSSE 2002 .03 .02 Master's .02 .03 Urban .02 .04 NSSE 2002 .01 .03 Master's .01 .01 Urban .01 .01 NSSE 2002 .01 .01 Master's .02 .01 .00 Urban .05 .04 .01 .02 .03 .03 .02 .02 .02 .02 .07 .05 .11 .05 .08 .08 .05 .03 .04 .04 .04 .03 .04 .04 .04 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 CU Colorado Springs Urban .19 .14 .05 .08 .11 .12 .10 .11 .11 .11 .26 .23 .43 .21 .33 .23 .18 .14 .17 .15 .15 .15 .17 .17 .15 .12 .16 .17 .16 .15 .19 .16 NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs 5.59 2.91 .94 .89 .52 .51 .61 .56 .28 .76 4.16 1.62 2.32 2.10 4.11 1.56 1.80 3.11 2.53 2.87 2.61 3.12 2.62 2.70 2.81 1.54 2.95 2.87 2.61 2.48 2.63 2.16 Master's NSSE 2002 5.55 2.89 .93 .87 .54 .45 .59 .49 .27 .73 3.91 1.56 2.85 1.96 4.00 1.85 1.91 3.08 2.51 2.91 2.68 3.07 2.58 2.68 2.83 1.59 2.91 2.85 2.61 2.48 2.61 2.13 Effect sized Urban Master's 5.43 2.71 .92 .80 .49 .43 .55 .38 .29 .70 3.73 1.40 3.80 1.59 4.05 2.10 2.27 2.94 2.39 2.82 2.57 3.01 2.57 2.62 2.69 1.53 2.82 2.69 2.63 2.38 2.40 1.93 Significancec Number of respondents CU Colorado Springs Urban 5.27 2.77 .94 .80 .35 .40 .57 .41 .33 .70 3.79 1.41 3.50 1.78 4.24 1.65 2.06 2.82 2.33 2.63 2.46 2.95 2.58 2.71 2.58 1.39 2.65 2.53 2.31 2.30 2.41 1.92 Standard deviationb NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs EXAMS ADVISE INTERN VOLUNTER LEARNCOM RESEARCH FORLANG STUDYABR INDSTUDY SENIORX ACADPR01 WORKON01 WORKOF01 COCURR01 SOCIAL01 CAREDE01 COMMUTE GNGENLED GNWORK GNWRITE GNSPEAK GNANALY GNQUANT GNCMPTS GNOTHERS GNCITIZN GNINQ GNSELF GNDIVERS GNPROBSV GNETHICS GNCOMMUN Master's Margin of error (95% level)a Mean .01 .01 .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .02 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 1.10 .83 .24 .40 .48 .49 .50 .49 .47 .46 1.54 1.35 2.48 1.21 1.94 1.36 1.02 .82 .96 .86 .90 .85 .97 .99 .90 .68 .91 .99 .96 .86 1.09 .92 1.17 .89 .27 .40 .50 .50 .50 .48 .45 .46 1.64 1.17 2.69 1.13 1.89 1.95 1.16 .81 .96 .87 .93 .82 .91 1.00 .91 .84 .88 .99 .98 .95 1.01 .92 1.09 .86 .26 .34 .50 .50 .49 .50 .45 .44 1.67 1.19 2.45 1.36 1.83 1.76 1.09 .78 .95 .84 .90 .80 .88 .96 .87 .86 .85 .95 .98 .93 1.00 .96 1.07 .87 .23 .31 .50 .50 .49 .50 .45 .42 1.74 1.22 2.18 1.40 1.82 1.46 1.03 .78 .95 .86 .92 .80 .90 .97 .88 .83 .85 .94 .98 .92 1.01 .96 131 130 98 97 69 68 98 76 69 67 131 131 131 130 131 131 130 131 131 131 130 131 129 131 131 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 2,362 2,354 1,931 1,707 1,327 1,248 1,755 1,537 1,478 1,310 2,358 2,356 2,355 2,358 2,356 2,345 2,354 2,347 2,346 2,349 2,342 2,351 2,343 2,351 2,350 2,340 2,343 2,339 2,345 2,346 2,346 2,347 14,998 14,975 12,342 11,735 8,658 7,718 11,403 9,796 9,237 7,986 14,958 14,958 14,929 14,959 14,954 14,964 14,938 14,943 14,927 14,935 14,934 14,945 14,921 14,948 14,934 14,913 14,932 14,921 14,939 14,935 14,936 14,928 38,698 38,654 32,319 30,948 22,210 20,100 30,027 25,685 23,854 21,505 38,622 38,629 38,583 38,624 38,610 38,610 38,578 38,503 38,464 38,502 38,484 38,501 38,453 38,509 38,489 38,435 38,470 38,457 38,481 38,485 38,482 38,471 .099 .395 .487 .996 .016 .581 .637 .585 .463 .969 .672 .901 .174 .089 .283 .000 .029 .094 .450 .018 .194 .432 .910 .320 .172 .028 .042 .074 .000 .293 .937 .917 .004 .104 .660 .117 .001 .411 .741 .163 .296 .619 .388 .229 .004 .091 .163 .103 .094 .000 .034 .000 .008 .108 .989 .728 .002 .002 .002 .000 .000 .019 .040 .012 .001 .051 .819 .039 .005 .059 .391 .010 .373 .265 .008 .075 .000 .003 .457 .482 .004 .000 .019 .002 .062 .024 .689 .887 .004 .012 .000 .000 .001 .016 .023 .004 -.14 .07 .06 .00 -.29 -.07 .05 .07 .09 .00 .04 .01 -.11 .16 .10 -.23 -.18 -.15 -.07 -.21 -.11 -.07 .01 .09 -.12 -.16 -.19 -.16 -.33 -.09 .01 -.01 -.26 -.14 .04 -.19 -.39 -.10 -.03 -.16 .14 -.06 -.07 -.12 .26 -.13 .13 -.11 .14 -.34 -.19 -.33 -.24 -.15 .00 .03 -.29 -.23 -.30 -.33 -.32 -.19 -.20 -.21 -.30 -.17 -.02 -.27 -.34 -.23 -.09 -.30 .11 -.15 -.21 -.17 .54 -.23 .07 .06 .25 -.37 -.21 -.28 -.16 -.21 -.04 .01 -.26 -.18 -.35 -.36 -.31 -.20 -.22 -.24 CU Colorado Springs compared with a The margin of error surrounding the reported mean forms a 95% confidence interval - a range of values with a 95% likelihood to contain the true population mean. Standard deviation is a measure of the average amount the individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. c This statistic represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. d Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the standard deviation of the comparison group. b 11 NSSE 2002 Detailed Statistics CU Colorado Springs First-Year Students Margin of error (95% level)a Significancec Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Effect sized CU Colorado Springs Number of respondents NSSE 2002 ENVSCHOL 2.94 2.99 ENVSUPRT 2.93 2.76 ENVDIVRS 2.25 2.49 ENVNACAD 1.93 1.90 ENVSOCAL 2.05 2.07 ENVEVENT 2.30 2.32 ENVSTU 5.45 5.29 ENVFAC 5.27 5.08 ENVADM 4.64 4.56 ENTIREXP 3.11 2.96 SAMECOLL 3.11 3.00 Urban Consortium Questions URBA0201 1.52 1.42 URBA0202 2.66 2.25 URBA0203 1.66 2.07 URBA0204 2.20 2.45 URBA0205 1.35 1.57 URBA0206 3.03 3.08 URBA0207e Standard deviationb Master's Urban CU Colorado Springs Mean 3.09 2.98 2.53 2.10 2.29 2.66 5.62 5.38 4.87 3.15 3.13 3.13 3.01 2.56 2.10 2.31 2.77 5.66 5.39 4.88 3.19 3.17 .13 .14 .15 .15 .14 .14 .23 .21 .26 .11 .14 .03 .04 .04 .04 .04 .04 .06 .05 .06 .03 .03 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .75 .84 .86 .89 .82 .81 1.31 1.24 1.53 .65 .82 .82 .87 .98 .93 .92 .99 1.44 1.34 1.55 .71 .84 .78 .85 .99 .95 .94 .98 1.33 1.24 1.51 .70 .83 .78 .84 1.00 .94 .94 .96 1.31 1.23 1.48 .70 .83 131 131 131 129 130 131 131 131 130 131 131 2,349 2,345 2,342 2,348 2,339 2,344 2,350 2,352 2,347 2,350 2,345 14,943 14,938 14,926 14,930 14,908 14,924 14,960 14,955 14,950 14,958 14,940 38,502 38,486 38,473 38,463 38,428 38,466 38,528 38,522 38,495 38,536 38,498 .482 .025 .003 .709 .809 .733 .189 .088 .584 .010 .134 .020 .545 .000 .035 .002 .000 .154 .287 .095 .562 .850 .004 .311 .000 .031 .000 .000 .065 .264 .072 .191 .421 -.06 .20 -.24 .03 -.02 -.03 .11 .14 .05 .22 .13 -.20 -.05 -.28 -.18 -.25 -.37 -.12 -.09 -.15 -.05 -.02 -.25 -.09 -.30 -.18 -.28 -.49 -.16 -.10 -.16 -.11 -.07 .16 .36 .22 .25 .10 .25 .03 .07 .06 .06 .04 .06 .77 1.73 1.06 1.21 .48 1.21 CU Colorado Springs compared with .66 1.57 1.24 1.36 .75 1.32 88 88 88 88 88 88 1,742 1,740 1,744 1,744 1,731 1,744 .235 .031 .001 .072 .000 .712 .15 .26 -.33 -.18 -.30 -.04 URBA0208 URBA0209 URBA0210 URBA0211 URBA0212 URBA0213 URBA0214 URBA0215 URBA0216 URBA0217 URBA0218 URBA0219e 3.45 3.57 3.08 3.79 3.24 3.67 3.31 3.59 3.33 3.09 4.65 3.37 3.39 3.19 3.67 3.41 3.56 3.33 3.49 3.30 3.20 4.41 .20 .18 .17 .09 .18 .11 .17 .13 .16 .21 .14 .05 .04 .04 .03 .04 .03 .04 .03 .04 .04 .04 .91 .87 .81 .44 .85 .54 .80 .64 .74 1.01 .66 1.10 .90 .85 .65 .75 .68 .77 .71 .81 .88 .92 77 88 86 87 86 86 87 87 87 86 86 1,658 1,738 1,724 1,724 1,715 1,713 1,720 1,721 1,722 1,721 1,709 .412 .062 .231 .015 .077 .063 .795 .197 .677 .361 .002 .08 .20 -.13 .19 -.22 .17 -.03 .13 .04 -.12 .26 URBA0220 3.78 3.23 .37 .08 1.68 1.59 81 1,626 .005 .35 a The margin of error surrounding the reported mean forms a 95% confidence interval - a range of values with a 95% likelihood to contain the true population mean. b Standard deviation is a measure of the average amount the individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. c This statistic represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. d Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the standard deviation of the comparison group. e Response set is categorical; means and mean comparisons do not apply. 12 NSSE 2002 Detailed Statistics CU Colorado Springs Seniors Margin of error (95% level)a Significancec NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Effect sized Master's Number of respondents Urban CLQUEST CLPRESEN REWROPAP INTEGRAT DIVCLASS CLUNPREP CLASSGRP OCCGRP INTIDEAS TUTOR COMMPROJ ITACADEM EMAIL FACGRADE FACPLANS FACIDEAS FACFEED WORKHARD FACOTHER OOCIDEAS DIVRSTUD DIFFSTU2 MEMORIZE ANALYZE SYNTHESZ EVALUATE APPLYING READASGN READOWN WRITEMOR WRITEMID WRITESML Standard deviationb CU Colorado Springs Mean 2.94 2.79 2.66 3.30 2.55 2.07 2.41 2.77 2.76 1.90 1.52 2.78 3.05 2.71 2.20 1.85 2.56 2.67 1.59 2.87 2.64 2.67 2.76 3.20 3.00 2.93 3.07 3.15 2.33 1.69 2.59 2.89 2.99 2.68 2.57 3.26 2.69 2.07 2.51 2.55 2.75 1.68 1.47 2.72 2.92 2.69 2.15 1.90 2.70 2.63 1.50 2.78 2.58 2.55 2.76 3.24 2.97 2.84 3.09 3.12 2.27 1.57 2.49 2.89 3.12 2.88 2.58 3.34 2.74 2.05 2.54 2.69 2.80 1.81 1.63 2.76 2.95 2.79 2.41 2.06 2.81 2.71 1.75 2.84 2.56 2.59 2.79 3.26 3.04 2.93 3.17 3.24 2.18 1.64 2.65 3.09 3.10 2.81 2.50 3.33 2.73 2.11 2.45 2.72 2.82 1.85 1.59 2.76 3.07 2.81 2.45 2.09 2.81 2.68 1.81 2.86 2.58 2.64 2.75 3.27 3.05 2.93 3.17 3.32 2.21 1.65 2.69 3.12 .13 .13 .16 .11 .14 .11 .12 .13 .13 .15 .12 .15 .13 .13 .13 .12 .12 .12 .12 .13 .14 .14 .15 .11 .12 .13 .13 .15 .16 .12 .14 .18 .03 .03 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .03 .03 .04 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .85 .85 1.07 .70 .93 .72 .79 .90 .86 1.01 .82 1.03 .83 .85 .89 .77 .78 .81 .83 .84 .94 .90 .98 .74 .82 .88 .89 .98 1.06 .77 .90 1.19 .86 .87 .99 .77 .93 .74 .85 .91 .83 .89 .77 1.03 .90 .84 .92 .82 .80 .83 .79 .84 .98 .96 .93 .77 .85 .90 .87 1.04 1.06 .73 .94 1.20 .84 .83 .98 .72 .89 .71 .83 .88 .81 .93 .83 1.04 .90 .84 .95 .86 .79 .82 .91 .83 .98 .95 .92 .75 .84 .89 .83 1.04 .99 .77 .98 1.20 .85 .84 .98 .73 .91 .74 .85 .88 .81 .95 .82 1.03 .88 .85 .96 .86 .80 .84 .94 .83 .99 .95 .93 .74 .84 .89 .84 1.04 .99 .75 .97 1.19 170 170 170 170 169 170 170 170 169 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 169 169 169 168 168 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 169 2,843 2,842 2,837 2,842 2,836 2,834 2,837 2,845 2,842 2,843 2,841 2,844 2,843 2,842 2,842 2,844 2,841 2,839 2,834 2,841 2,833 2,838 2,841 2,840 2,838 2,836 2,840 2,820 2,820 2,817 2,808 2,816 17,380 17,365 17,352 17,361 17,344 17,324 17,351 17,369 17,334 17,359 17,338 17,369 17,358 17,352 17,358 17,356 17,362 17,355 17,343 17,355 17,320 17,332 17,364 17,345 17,339 17,343 17,353 17,195 17,220 17,209 17,205 17,218 40,913 40,889 40,861 40,884 40,840 40,811 40,849 40,886 40,838 40,863 40,824 40,876 40,865 40,871 40,860 40,861 40,864 40,834 40,817 40,836 40,771 40,794 40,855 40,838 40,818 40,815 40,835 40,470 40,517 40,497 40,498 40,516 .482 .096 .281 .456 .056 .975 .090 .002 .924 .006 .502 .473 .056 .834 .518 .382 .033 .455 .212 .171 .478 .100 .927 .491 .696 .229 .707 .629 .493 .055 .166 .959 .008 .202 .315 .514 .008 .705 .026 .262 .494 .238 .088 .885 .133 .194 .002 .000 .000 .591 .010 .598 .275 .223 .677 .268 .559 .937 .132 .237 .086 .389 .353 .033 .019 .797 .052 .590 .013 .424 .453 .448 .322 .551 .242 .881 .722 .124 .000 .000 .000 .951 .000 .891 .446 .611 .872 .172 .410 .954 .128 .026 .162 .581 .154 .012 -.05 .13 .09 .05 -.15 .00 -.13 .25 .01 .25 .06 .06 .14 .02 .05 -.07 -.17 .06 .10 .11 .05 .12 -.01 -.05 .03 .09 -.03 .04 .05 .16 .11 .00 -.21 -.10 .08 -.05 -.22 .03 -.16 .09 -.06 .10 -.13 .01 .11 -.10 -.22 -.25 -.30 -.04 -.18 .04 .08 .09 -.03 -.09 -.04 -.01 -.12 -.09 .14 .07 -.07 -.17 -.18 -.02 .16 -.04 -.20 -.06 -.05 .06 -.08 .05 -.09 .01 -.03 -.12 -.27 -.28 -.31 .00 -.24 .01 .06 .04 .01 -.11 -.06 .00 -.12 -.16 .12 .04 -.10 -.20 CU Colorado Springs compared with a The margin of error surrounding the reported mean forms a 95% confidence interval - a range of values with a 95% likelihood to contain the true population mean. Standard deviation is a measure of the average amount the individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. c This statistic represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. d Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the standard deviation of the comparison group. b 13 NSSE 2002 Detailed Statistics CU Colorado Springs Seniors Margin of error (95% level)a Significancec NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Effect sized Master's Number of respondents Urban EXAMS ADVISE INTERN VOLUNTER LEARNCOM RESEARCH FORLANG STUDYABR INDSTUDY SENIORX ACADPR01 WORKON01 WORKOF01 COCURR01 SOCIAL01 CAREDE01 COMMUTE GNGENLED GNWORK GNWRITE GNSPEAK GNANALY GNQUANT GNCMPTS GNOTHERS GNCITIZN GNINQ GNSELF GNDIVERS GNPROBSV GNETHICS GNCOMMUN Standard deviationb CU Colorado Springs Mean 5.42 2.46 .70 .56 .19 .23 .25 .08 .37 .66 4.07 1.69 5.03 1.58 3.37 3.27 2.34 3.00 2.70 2.92 2.83 3.23 2.88 2.99 2.81 1.61 2.97 2.64 2.41 2.58 2.42 2.11 5.48 2.53 .72 .57 .24 .20 .35 .10 .23 .57 3.88 1.53 5.01 1.51 3.62 2.79 2.42 3.07 2.92 2.93 2.78 3.19 2.85 2.95 2.95 1.66 2.97 2.77 2.61 2.55 2.44 2.08 5.56 2.85 .76 .66 .26 .24 .39 .15 .29 .60 4.00 1.71 4.20 1.86 3.61 2.59 2.18 3.25 3.04 3.06 2.97 3.29 2.89 3.00 3.13 1.78 3.08 2.97 2.69 2.68 2.71 2.33 5.52 2.86 .76 .69 .26 .28 .44 .20 .31 .63 4.16 1.88 3.65 2.04 3.75 2.23 2.06 3.26 3.00 3.06 2.96 3.33 2.90 3.00 3.13 1.76 3.11 3.01 2.67 2.70 2.73 2.35 .21 .14 .07 .08 .06 .07 .07 .04 .08 .07 .29 .24 .42 .18 .23 .40 .11 .12 .16 .14 .13 .11 .12 .14 .14 .13 .14 .15 .16 .16 .16 .15 .05 .04 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .01 .02 .02 .06 .05 .10 .04 .06 .09 .04 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .03 .04 .04 .03 .04 .04 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .03 .02 .04 .02 .02 .04 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .01 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .02 .02 .03 .01 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 1.40 .94 .46 .50 .39 .42 .44 .27 .48 .47 1.90 1.60 2.82 1.21 1.53 2.65 .75 .81 1.07 .91 .87 .76 .80 .91 .90 .87 .93 1.01 1.04 1.06 1.05 1.02 1.22 .98 .45 .50 .43 .40 .48 .30 .42 .50 1.74 1.45 2.76 1.04 1.64 2.50 .98 .83 .94 .86 .91 .77 .88 .93 .89 .91 .89 .99 .98 .94 1.03 .97 1.17 .94 .43 .47 .44 .43 .49 .36 .45 .49 1.75 1.47 2.81 1.32 1.64 2.45 1.05 .78 .90 .83 .85 .75 .87 .90 .83 .95 .85 .95 .99 .93 1.03 1.00 1.17 .95 .43 .46 .44 .45 .50 .40 .46 .48 1.81 1.55 2.76 1.42 1.68 2.24 1.04 .78 .92 .83 .86 .74 .88 .90 .83 .94 .85 .95 1.00 .93 1.03 1.00 170 169 155 148 153 146 155 157 155 155 169 170 169 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 170 169 170 170 170 170 170 170 168 168 169 169 2,821 2,808 2,545 2,417 2,404 2,352 2,571 2,537 2,509 2,497 2,816 2,818 2,812 2,813 2,817 2,823 2,822 2,822 2,821 2,822 2,820 2,824 2,816 2,820 2,824 2,819 2,810 2,813 2,820 2,817 2,821 2,823 17,227 17,220 15,980 15,388 14,974 14,978 16,000 15,853 15,732 15,463 17,181 17,184 17,165 17,202 17,199 17,197 17,218 17,214 17,200 17,217 17,216 17,223 17,187 17,219 17,203 17,186 17,204 17,195 17,213 17,208 17,212 17,210 40,502 40,504 37,815 36,659 35,768 35,820 37,921 37,729 37,554 37,055 40,433 40,466 40,400 40,464 40,453 40,460 40,490 40,464 40,434 40,474 40,462 40,485 40,427 40,478 40,451 40,410 40,422 40,423 40,441 40,447 40,450 40,442 .638 .348 .715 .887 .119 .386 .007 .301 .001 .019 .209 .215 .929 .465 .040 .022 .159 .305 .009 .918 .451 .529 .692 .510 .051 .448 .968 .106 .018 .649 .792 .787 .212 .000 .155 .018 .020 .780 .000 .001 .036 .095 .669 .830 .000 .004 .045 .001 .011 .000 .000 .062 .036 .349 .864 .936 .000 .009 .137 .000 .001 .232 .000 .006 .395 .000 .127 .002 .036 .212 .000 .000 .156 .326 .520 .118 .000 .000 .002 .000 .000 .000 .000 .055 .061 .101 .722 .896 .000 .021 .056 .000 .002 .158 .000 .003 -.04 -.07 -.03 -.01 -.12 .08 -.21 -.08 .32 .19 .11 .11 .01 .07 -.15 .19 -.09 -.08 -.23 -.01 .06 .05 .03 .05 -.16 -.06 .00 -.13 -.20 .04 -.02 .02 -.12 -.41 -.12 -.21 -.17 -.02 -.29 -.21 .18 .13 .04 -.02 .30 -.21 -.15 .28 .14 -.32 -.37 -.16 -.17 -.07 -.01 -.01 -.39 -.19 -.12 -.35 -.28 -.11 -.28 -.22 -.08 -.42 -.13 -.28 -.15 -.10 -.39 -.30 .12 .08 -.05 -.12 .50 -.32 -.23 .46 .27 -.34 -.32 -.16 -.15 -.13 -.02 -.01 -.39 -.17 -.16 -.39 -.26 -.12 -.31 -.24 CU Colorado Springs compared with a The margin of error surrounding the reported mean forms a 95% confidence interval - a range of values with a 95% likelihood to contain the true population mean. Standard deviation is a measure of the average amount the individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. c This statistic represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. d Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the standard deviation of the comparison group. b 14 NSSE 2002 Detailed Statistics CU Colorado Springs Seniors Margin of error (95% level)a Significancec Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 CU Colorado Springs Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Urban Master's NSSE 2002 Effect sized CU Colorado Springs Number of respondents NSSE 2002 ENVSCHOL 2.96 2.97 ENVSUPRT 2.51 2.60 ENVDIVRS 2.05 2.33 ENVNACAD 1.59 1.69 ENVSOCAL 1.71 1.82 ENVEVENT 2.05 2.10 ENVSTU 5.24 5.38 ENVFAC 5.19 5.23 ENVADM 4.31 4.23 ENTIREXP 2.94 2.99 SAMECOLL 2.84 2.92 Urban Consortium Questions URBA0201 1.57 1.52 URBA0202 1.99 1.73 URBA0203 2.47 2.20 URBA0204 2.45 2.06 URBA0205 2.80 2.46 URBA0206 3.26 3.56 URBA0207e URBA0208 3.01 3.17 URBA0209 3.49 3.42 URBA0210 3.16 3.24 URBA0211 3.71 3.69 URBA0212 3.63 3.62 URBA0213 3.73 3.73 URBA0214 3.45 3.49 URBA0215 3.47 3.55 URBA0216 3.26 3.32 URBA0217 3.08 3.26 URBA0218 4.40 4.49 URBA0219e URBA0220 2.83 2.97 Standard deviationb Master's Urban CU Colorado Springs Mean 3.09 2.87 2.40 1.92 2.08 2.40 5.69 5.57 4.60 3.22 3.13 3.11 2.87 2.38 1.92 2.10 2.51 5.70 5.55 4.57 3.24 3.14 .12 .14 .14 .12 .12 .14 .21 .21 .24 .12 .13 .03 .03 .04 .03 .03 .03 .05 .05 .06 .03 .03 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .01 .02 .01 .01 .83 .91 .96 .82 .83 .92 1.37 1.43 1.62 .77 .87 .80 .88 .98 .86 .85 .92 1.36 1.34 1.67 .73 .85 .77 .87 .98 .92 .92 .97 1.27 1.27 1.65 .71 .84 .78 .87 .99 .92 .93 .97 1.27 1.26 1.66 .71 .85 170 170 169 170 170 170 169 170 170 170 170 2,822 2,820 2,816 2,813 2,810 2,814 2,825 2,824 2,824 2,822 2,818 17,221 17,219 17,191 17,206 17,163 17,186 17,242 17,237 17,229 17,242 17,226 40,473 40,456 40,417 40,417 40,365 40,410 40,499 40,504 40,477 40,491 40,460 .924 .187 .000 .127 .082 .481 .195 .723 .507 .426 .228 .060 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .024 .000 .000 .024 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .039 .000 .000 -.01 -.11 -.28 -.12 -.13 -.06 -.10 -.03 .05 -.07 -.10 -.16 -.42 -.35 -.35 -.41 -.36 -.35 -.30 -.17 -.40 -.35 -.19 -.41 -.33 -.35 -.43 -.47 -.36 -.29 -.16 -.42 -.35 .13 .22 .27 .27 .24 .29 .03 .05 .06 .06 .06 .06 .74 1.20 1.48 1.51 1.36 1.59 .23 .19 .16 .12 .10 .09 .12 .13 .16 .17 .16 .05 .04 .04 .03 .03 .02 .03 .03 .04 .04 .04 .26 .06 CU Colorado Springs compared with .75 1.13 1.49 1.38 1.32 1.48 119 119 119 118 119 119 2,079 2,077 2,079 2,078 2,061 2,076 .435 .020 .053 .007 .009 .047 .07 .24 .18 .28 .26 -.20 1.26 1.04 .86 .65 .58 .52 .69 .75 .87 .95 .88 1.24 .97 .84 .63 .62 .55 .70 .67 .82 .86 .91 117 119 119 119 119 118 119 119 119 118 119 2,023 2,075 2,055 2,059 2,051 2,052 2,057 2,055 2,056 2,052 2,029 .183 .499 .350 .638 .918 .996 .551 .234 .456 .047 .285 -.13 .07 -.09 .05 .01 .00 -.06 -.13 -.07 -.21 -.10 1.38 1.44 108 1,967 .310 -.10 a The margin of error surrounding the reported mean forms a 95% confidence interval - a range of values with a 95% likelihood to contain the true population mean. Standard deviation is a measure of the average amount the individual scores deviate from the mean of all the scores in the distribution. c This statistic represents the probability that the difference between the mean of your institution and that of the comparison group occurred by chance. d Effect size is calculated by subtracting the comparison group mean from the school mean, and dividing the result by the standard deviation of the comparison group. e Response set is categorical; means and mean comparisons do not apply. b CU Colorado Springs IPEDS#: 126580 15