PROGRAM OUTCOMES EVALUATION 2011 The questionnaire was distributed to 42 graduates of the Business Administration Program, and was answered by 30. Accounting=11 Construction Management=6 General Management =2 Industrial Management=2 Marketing= 9 The legend was: 3-Strongly 2-Substantially 1-Moderately 0-Slightly Not Covered N/A- Don't Know Program Outcomes Evaluation- Alumni Survey 80% 70% 67% 70% 63% 60% 60% 50% 47% 50% 45% 52% 40% 47% 40% 33% 23% 30% 23% 31% 20% 14% 10% 7% 10% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 0% OA OB OC OD OE OF OG 3-Strongly 2-Substantially 1-Moderately 0-Slightly Not Covered N/A-Don't Know 70% 23% 7% OH Outcome A Demonstrate ability to gather and analyze information for research and creative problem solving % Students 52% Strongly 3% Substantially Moderately Slightly Not Covered 45% N/A- Don't Know Outcomes B Utilize effective communications skills in ways appropriate for a variety of business situations and daily work environment 3% % Students 3% Strongly Substantially 31% Moderately Slightly 63% Not Covered N/A- Don't Know Outcome C Acquire ability to utilize leadership skills, influence and support others to perform complex and ambiguous tasks. % Students 33% Strongly Substantially Moderately Slightly 67% Not Covered N/A- Don't Know Outcome D Demonstrate ability to work effectively as a team member and team leader % Students 3% Strongly Substantially 47% 50% Moderately Slightly Not Covered N/A- Don't Know Outcome E Develop the ability to manage technological change, and understand its role in the global business environment % Students 10% 3% Strongly 40% Substantially Moderately Slightly Not Covered 47% N/A- Don't Know Outcome F Demonstrate ability to evaluate oneself, modify behavior, and understand the relevance of business ethics and social responsibility 3% % Students 14% Strongly Substantially Moderately 23% Slightly 60% Not Covered N/A- Don't Know Outcome G Develop the ability to integrate and apply their knowledge of the various business disciplines, to improve the decision making process % Students 7% 23% Strongly Substantially Moderately Slightly Not Covered N/A- Don't Know 70% Outcome H Acquire the ability to conceptualize, plan, develop and apply the necessary skills to engage in an entrepreneurial endeavor % Students 3% 3% 24% Strongly Substantially Moderately Slightly 70% Not Covered N/A- Don't Know COMMENTS OUTCOME A Organizational Behavior En las clases de concentración de gerencia general OUTCOME B Organizational Behavior OUTCOME C Organizational Behavior, Public Relationship OUTCOME D Public Relationship OUTCOME E Comp 2010 and 3010 OUTCOME F Organizational Behavior En la clase de ética los profesores(a) no están preparados para dar es clase OUTCOME G Organizational Behavior OUTCOME H Organizational Behavior, Public Relationship