SAND Survey Form The last four digits of your student ID: 1. Your


SAND Survey Form

The last four digits of your student ID:

1. Your age:

2. Your are: female male

3. You are a: Undergraduate Graduate student Professional Other

4. Have you worked in transportation planning or engineering before (including internships)?

Yes No

5. If so, how many years of working experience do you have in the field of transportation:

(in years)

6. Do you plan to pursue a transportation career? Yes No Maybe

7. List any transportation planning or engineering courses you have taken before:


8. Of the following words, check any one(s) that describe your learning style or learning preferences:

Concrete experience (feeling)

Reflective observation (watching)

Abstract conceptualization (thinking)

Active experimentation (doing)


9. Between “Sensing” (concrete, practical facts and procedure oriented), and “Intuitive”

(conceptual, innovative, theories and meanings oriented), which of the following options describe your learning preference best:

Highly Sensing

Moderately Sensing

Mildly Sensing or Intuitive

Moderately Intuitive

Highly Intuitive

10. Between “Visual” (prefer visual representations, i.e. charts) and “Verbal” (prefer written or spoken explanations), which of the following options describe your learning preferences best:

Highly Visual

Moderately Visual

Mildly Visual or Verbal

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Moderately Verbal

Highly Verbal

11. Between “Active” (doing) and “Reflective” (thinking), which of the following options describe your learning preferences best:

Highly Active

Moderately Active

Mildly Active or Reflective

Moderately Reflective

Highly Reflective

12. Between “Sequential” (linear, orderly, learn in small increments) and “Global” (holistic, system thinkers, learn in large steps), which of the following options describe your learning preferences best:

Highly Sequential

Moderately Sequential

Mildly Sequential or Global

Moderately Global

Highly Global

13. Innovative teaching strategies motivate you to learn.

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

14. Rate from 1 to 5 between the two statements: “1: I search for information I’m interested to learn” vs. “5: I am comfortable with learning what instructors teach”:

1 2 3 4 5

15. How would you rate your computer proficiency?

Very proficient Proficient Have some proficiency

A little proficiency None

16. Your weekly computer usage: (in hours)


A. Overall reaction

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1. Based on your experience with homework assignment, SAND is

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A. Hard Easy

B. Frustrating Satisfying

C. Dull Stimulating

2. Rate your overall satisfaction with homework assignment:

Unsatisfying Satisfying

3. Rate the quality of the design of homework assignment:

Poor Very Good

4. Time spent on homework assignment outside of class (in minutes):

5. Compared to other assignments I believe the assignment took:

Too much time Too little time

6. Supporting information (assignment sheet, instruction, user’s manual, and etc.) for lab assignments was sufficient:

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

7. Supporting information for lab assignments was clear:

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

B. Screen and Interface

8. Reading characters on the screen is

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Hard Easy

9. Organization of the information is

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Confusing Clear

10. Information about the progress of the model is adequate:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Never Always

11. The interface of SAND is

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Unpleasant Pleasant

C. System

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12. Outside of class (lab) where did you use SAND?

At school , please specify which lab:

At home , please specify:

1) your computer type: (e.g. Desktop, Pentium IV1.5G, 256M);

2) your internet connection: Dial-up Modem DSL Cable

13. System speed

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Too slow Fast enough

If too slow, what do you think the main cause is (check one):

Computer system Internet Browser/Java Simulator (SAND)

D. Effectiveness

Through this assignment,

14. Your understanding of transportation planning is enhanced

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

15. Your understanding on travel demand management is enhanced

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

16. Your understanding of transportation network design is enhanced

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

17. Your ability to form opinions regarding practical issues on transportation planning and network design is enhanced

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

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