Master of Engineering Space Operations REQUIRED CORE COURSES (24 credit hours)

Master of Engineering
Space Operations
REQUIRED CORE COURSES (24 credit hours)
SPCE 5005 Engineering Analysis for Space Applications
Specialized mathematical topics related to space systems.
Course will include elements of: Linear Algebra, coordinate
transformation, kinematics and dynamics, complex
number, probability, numerical methods, introduction to
MATLAB, ordinary differential equations, difference
equations, and introduction to estimation theory; and will
also integrate essential math concepts directly drawn from
space applications. 3 credits
SPCE 5045 Space Mission Analysis
A survey of various spacecraft bus subsystems and
tradeoffs to satisfy space mission requirements. Spacecraft
subsystems considered include communications, data
handling, control, power, thermal, structures, sensors, and
mechanisms. 3 credits; Prer. SPCE 5005, SPCE 5025
SPCE 5085 Space Communications
Fundamentals of digital data transmission; noise
characterizations and calculations; communications link
calculations; error probabilities for basic digital
modulations schemes – BSPK, QPSK, OPSK, MSK, serial
MSK; system degradations, carrier and clock recovery;
multiple access techniques – FDMA, TDMA, CDMA; packet
satellite networks; “orbital” parameters; comparison of
satellite communication systems with fiber optic links. 3
SPCE 5125 Spacecraft Dynamics
Three-dimensional rigid body rotational spacecraft
kinematics. Euler angles, Euler’s equation of motion,
torque-free and constant torque behavior. Gravity
gradient and spin stabilization; gyrostats, momentum
exchange devices, reaction thruster, and magnetic
torquers. 3 credits; Prer. SPCE 5005, SPCE 5025
SPCE 5025 Fundamentals of Astronautics
Introduces the fundamental principles of astrodynamics
applied to satellite motion. Includes orbital mechanics,
coordinate systems, two-body problems, orbit
determination, and orbital maneuvers. 3 credits; Prer.
SPCE 5005
SPCE 5065 Spacecraft Environment Interactions
Introduction to the properties and effects of the
environment in which spacecraft and astronauts must
operate. Intensive coverage is given to the earth-sun-lunar
system. Topics include: earth’s environment ionosphere,
atmospheric chemistry, radiation belts, magnetosphere,
aurora, geomagnetic storms, celestial background, and
bio-astronautic effects. 3 credits; Prer. SPCE 5005, SPCE
SPCE 5105 Remote Sensing in Space
Introduction to the fundamental technologies associated
with various remote sensing techniques: optical, infrared,
microwave, and nuclear sensors and imaging systems.
Background effects and effects of propagation through the
atmosphere are included as well as tradeoffs of systems
and platform capabilities. 3 credits; Prer. SPCE 5005, SPCE
SPCE 5595 Space Mission Design
Capstone project course to be taken at or near the end of
the degree program. Students will be asked to bring
together their knowledge of space operations to configure
and design a spacecraft bus to fulfill defined mission
requirements. 3 credits; Prer. SPCE 5005, SPCE 5025, SPCE
Master of Engineering
Space Operations
ELECTIVE COURSES (6 credit hours)
Students chose two from the following electives
SPCE 5605 Engineering Simulation
Designed for the builder of mathematical models,
analytical model users, and engineers who use computer
simulations in the exercise of their disciplines. The course
covers the fundamentals of mathematical modeling in the
context of dynamic, optimizing and stochastic models, and
includes an examination of discrete-event computer
simulations. 3 credits; Prer. SPCE 5005
SPCE 5625 Global Positioning System (GPS)
A graduate level treatment of Global Positioning System
satellite-based navigation with applications on earth and
near-space. Effects of atmospheric propagation will be
included. Surveys of usage for both military and civilian
applications. 3 credits; Prer. SPCE 5005
SPCE 5645 Space Policy
An overview of space policies and strategies, both
domestic and international. The course provides students
with a perspective of how these policies and strategies
have evolved over time. Emphasis will be on
understanding current national security strategy, military
space-related doctrines, domestic laws and policies, and
international laws, treaties and agreements. 3 credits
SPCE 5665 Systems Engineering Processes
Focus on the systems engineering life cycle process and
the derivation of engineering/technical requirements from
customer/operational requirements. Analytical tools which
support fielding of effective systems consistent with
developed requirements will be covered. Major emphasis
is placed on systems reliability and life-cycle costing. 3
SPCE 5685 Enterprise/Systems Architecture for Space
Systems: A Technical Course
This course focuses on structured decision-making across
the space systems life cycle. Emphasis is to identify,
evaluate and use formal architecture to structure shape
information for strategic, engineering and operating
decisions and programs. The role of technical standards is
examined. 3 credits