Elizabeth Sykes Cutter College of Education University of Colorado Colorado Springs 1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Office: (719) 255-4184 Email: ecutter@uccs.edu EDUCATION Graduate M.A.T., Humanities, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO 1991-1993 Undergraduate B.A., English, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 1970-1974 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Senior Instructor, College of Education, University of Colorado Colorado Springs Instructor, College of Education, University of Colorado Colorado Springs Adjunct Lecturer, University of Colorado Colorado Springs Curriculum Consultant, Academy School District #20 Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Douglas County School District Re.1 Assistant Principal, Pine Creek High School, Academy School District #20 English Teacher, Pine Creek High School, Academy School District #20 Assistant Principal, High Plains Elementary School, Academy School District #20 Teacher on Special Assignment for Curriculum, Academy School District #20 English Teacher, Rampart High School, Academy School District #20 English Teacher, Air Academy High School, Academy School District #20 20132010-2013 2008-2010 2006-2008 2004-2006 1999-2004 1998-1999 1996-1998 1992-1996 1982-1992 1974-1982 REFEREED PUBLICATIONS 1. Cutter, B. (2012). Serving up shrimp and literacies: Expanding disciplinary literacy. Statement: Journal of the Colorado Language Arts Society, 48 (2), 12-15. 2. Cutter, B. (2010). Supporting content area teachers with disciplinary literacy. Colorado Reading Council Journal, 21 (2), 23-29. PRESENTATIONS 1. Cutter, E. (2014). Facilitating a program evaluation team. Presentation for UCCS-District #20 Principal Licensure Cohort. Colorado Springs, CO. 2. Cutter, E. (2012). TELP and the educator effectiveness rubrics. Workshop for UCCS Teacher Education and Licensure Program site professors. Colorado Springs, CO. 3. Cutter, E. (2011). TELP and the Colorado teacher quality standards. Workshop for UCCS Teacher Education and Licensure Program site professors. Colorado Springs, CO. Elizabeth S. Cutter – CV Page 2 of 3 4. Callan, D., Cutter, B., & Moran, S. (2004). Where everybody knows your name: Developing an advisement program. Presentation at the Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE) annual convention. Breckenridge, CO. 5. Cutter, B., Moran, S., Munsell, W. & Turner, K. (2003). Keeping it simple: Aligning district accreditation and NCA performance accreditation. Presentation at the Colorado Association of School Executives (CASE) annual convention. Breckenridge, CO. COURSES TAUGHT University of Colorado Colorado Springs 1. CURR 5018 Secondary School Residency and Teaching Seminar (online) 2. CURR 5020 Secondary Teaching Seminar in Education (online) 3. CURR 5400 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas (online) 4. CURR 5491 Secondary English Methods (online) 5. TED 4720 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas 6. TED 4730 Secondary Student Teaching Internship 7. UTED 4720 Teaching Reading and Writing in the Content Areas RECOGNITIONS AND AWARDS University of Colorado Colorado Springs 1. College of Education Outstanding Instructor Award 2011 PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Colorado Association of School Executives Colorado Council of the International Reading Association (CCIRA) Colorado Language Arts Society (CLAS) International Reading Association (IRA) National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Phi Delta Kappa, Chapter 1205 (PDK) 19921996-2008 2008-2013 1978200619761996-2012 SERVICE Department Level Interview Committees 1. Curriculum and Instruction Senior Instructor (UCCS Teach) 2. Curriculum and Instruction Senior Instructor 3. Curriculum and Instruction Instructor 4. TELP Candidates for Professional Year Fall 2012 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 2010-2013 Program Development Committees 1. M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction: Emphasis in Literacy Committee 2011-2013 Elizabeth S. Cutter – CV Page 3 of 3 Special Projects 1. edTPA Transition 2013o Facilitate move to edTPA for Alternative Licensure Program supervisors and candidates o Develop practice assignments aligned to edTPA expectations for CURR 5018 and 5020 o Assist Director of Teacher Education with training for site professors 2. Alternative Licensure Program State Reauthorization 2012-2013 o Complete, submit reauthorization application to CDE o Plan, facilitate external reviewers’ visit 3. Teacher Standards Transition 2011-2013 o Develop, update TELP/ALP effectiveness rubrics aligned to Colorado Teacher Quality Standards o Develop, update TELP/ALP observation forms aligned to Colorado Teacher Quality Standards 4. Teacher Work Sample Handbook 2011-2012 o Revise prompts and scoring rubrics to align with Colorado Teacher Quality Standards 5. TaskStream Rubrics 2011-2012 o Produce, update rubrics in TaskStream for evaluation of capstone Projects (Teacher Work Sample and Standards Portfolio) 6. Alternative Licensure Program 2010o Develop, maintain Blackboard shells for CURR 5018 and CURR 5020 o Develop, update Resident Teacher Handbook, Mentor Handbook o Facilitate monthly instructor meetings o Produce monthly newsletter for candidates in pre-employment pipeline o Conduct program orientations o Provide program data as needed for accreditation and other reports College Level 1. College Advisory Board 2. Curriculum Committee 3. Assessment and Accreditation Committee 201420122010-2012 Peer Review Journal Reviewer 1. Colorado Reading Council Journal Reviewer 2010-2013 Other Public Service – Community Activities 1. Program Review Chair, Academy District #20 Assessment Office 2. Program Review Chair, Academy District #20 Curriculum Office 3. Pikes Peak Region Student Achievement Consortium UCCS Liaison 4. Community Prep Charter School Governing Board 5. NCAA Middle School Madness Writing Contest Head Judge 6. Academy District #20 District Accountability Committee 7. Academy District #20 DAC Accreditation Subcommittee Co-chair 8. Pine Creek High School School Accountability Committee 2013 2013 201220122012 2008-2013 2011-2013 2008-2011