100 East 8th Street, Suite 270 Holland, MI 49423 (616) 395-7919 Number 274 Website: www.hope.edu/hasp Date: Time: Place: Program: Monthly Bulletin June 2011 Email: hasp@hope.edu Tuesday, June 7, 2011 12:00 noon Haworth Conference Center, Hope College HASP Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon Please plan to join your fellow HASP members at the Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at HAWORTH Inn and Conference Center. Annual reports from the six standing committees are included in this bulletin. Please take some time to read this information. Your 2011 HASP Review will also be available for you at the June luncheon. Deadline for luncheon reservations is Friday, May 27th, 2011. Please call the office. No guests for this business meeting. Our lunch will be a Gorgonzola Salad w/chicken, glazed walnuts, apples and dried cranberries. If you require a special diet please contact the HASP office (395-7919). HASP continues to grow in membership and opportunities for learning and serving Hope College and our community. The Board of Directors works to acknowledge and celebrate these opportunities as well as to discuss and implement policies and decisions that support them and secure a strong future for HASP. A special THANK YOU to our retiring members for their insight, leadership, dedication and support: Gerald VanWyngarden - President Bill Bocks – Member at Large Charlotte Leaske – Member at Large Eileen Nordstrom – Special Events Ann Weller – Communications Bill Mungall, Hope College Liaison I would also like to take this opportunity to thank several committed office volunteers for their faithful service and support: Erwin Gutsell, Ruth Kronemeyer, Lois Kronemeyer, Mary deForest, Jan VerHelst, Rita Snow, and Bill and Judy Parr. Words cannot express my appreciation for your cheerful willingness to help with any task. It continues to be a blessing for me to serve as Executive Director to such a remarkable group and to be inspired daily by your commitment to lifelong learning and dedicated service. I thank you for supporting the addition of Amy Berarducci, Administrative Assistant, who helps me enjoy the work even more! It is wonderful to have a faithful partner in the office. We look forward to another exiting year! Upcoming Monthly Programs: July – Mary Rottschaefer, Critter Barn August – Ben Reuschel, Appalachian Trail MONTHLY MEETING PARKING: Lot Z – behind Anderson-Werkman building is reserved for HASP members (marked with orange cones), there are some available spaces in Lot U (for Haworth guests, behind the Kepple House by Dykstra Hall), Pillar Church parking lot, street parking where available, and the lot behind New Holland Brewery and 84 East where available. If you live at Freedom Village, please consider taking their bus over. MEMBERSHIP HASP Annual Dues notices and renewals will be sent to you via mail in July. Our yearly membership fee will again be $100.00 per member for the 2011-12 year. Please DO NOT send payments prior to receiving your notice and renewal paperwork in the mail. Our sympathy is expressed to member Janet Morrow and her family in the death of her husband David who died May 9th, 2011. David joined HASP in October 2010 following a career as a Presbyterian minister. COMMUNICATIONS Your 2011 HASP Review will be available at our Annual Business Meeting and Luncheon on June 7, 2011. Please see the Communications Annual Report included in this bulletin for further distribution information. THANK YOU to all the HASP members who contributed this year to make yet another memorable and enjoyable collection of essays, poetry, memoirs, and artwork! CURRICULUM Do you have an idea for a HASP course? HASP FALL 2011 COURSE PROPOSAL DEADLINE: All proposals for Fall 2011 offerings must be received by the appropriate Curriculum Committee Sub-Committee Chairperson by JUNE 6, 2011. Fine Arts- Barb Stegink (bstegink@yahoo.com) Humanities- Judy Paar (parr.judyandbill@gmail.com) Science & Technology-Ed Anderson (edanderson22@chartermi.com) Social Sciences- John Buttrey (buttreys2@charter.net) June courses: For Cello Lovers – Monday, June 13 Evolution Wars – Tuesday, June 14, 21, 28 *Memoirs – Wednesday, June 15 and 29, 1:00 p.m. Japanese Nuclear Crisis – Wednesday, June 15 and 22 Geography: Horn of Africa – Thursday, June 16 and 23 *Great Conversations – Thursday, June 16, 23, 30 End of Life Decision Making – Tuesday, June 21, 1:00 p.m. Income Tax and Health Care Reform – Monday, June 27 Computer Experiences – Tuesday, June 28, 1:00 p.m. Audubon: His Life and Legend – Wednesday, June 29 American Arts and Crafts Movement – Thursday, June 30 (* indicates course meets in the HASP Conference Room.) SPECIAL EVENTS (See LAST page for reservation forms for the following trips. Please make separate checks if signing up for more than one event!) UPPER PENINSULA ADVENTURE, Monday-Thursday, July 18 – 21, 2011 Join your HASP colleagues for an exciting trip to the UP. We will stay three nights in Manistique and travel from there on Tuesday and Wednesday. Points of interest: FAYETTE HISTORIC TOWNSITE, once a bustling industrial community that manufactured pig iron between 1867 and 1891, is located on the Garden Peninsula. Fayette offers visitors the unmatched serenity of a Lake Michigan Harbor, white dolomite bluffs and verdant forests. This well-preserved museum village recalls another time when it was a noisy, dirty company town with an immigrant population that shared daily hardships, joys and sorrows. This stop will involve walking, some on uneven ground if you are adventurous. BIG SPRING, KITCH-ITI-KIPI, 200 feet across and forty feet deep, is Michigan’s largest spring. Over 16,000 gallons a minute gush from fissures in the underlying limestone. We will travel across the spring by means of a covered self operated observation raft. SEUL CHOIX POINT LIGHTHOUSE PARK & MUSEUMS – Hundreds of years ago, Native Americans and French fur traders traveled in canoes across the rough waters of Lake Michigan. On one occasion, a group of French sailors were caught in a terrifying storm which forced them to seek shelter. They landed on the rocky shore of a harbor and found refuge in the bay while waiting out the storm. Before leaving, they named the harbor Seul Choix, which translates to “Only Choice.” PICTURED ROCKS BOAT CRUISE – The crystal clear blue green waters of Lake Superior have created masterpieces of colors and rock formations found nowhere else in the world. They are viewed from the boat during the 2 ½ to 3 hour tour. We will enjoy lunches in Mackinaw City, Fayette (picnic), Munising and, on the way home, at Legs Inn in Cross Village, a delightful spot on Lake Michigan with interesting décor and specializing in Polish cuisine. Dinners are in and around Manistique. Cost of the trip is $280 per person (double occupancy), $377 per person (single occupancy) - all inclusive except for three breakfasts and one dinner at the Three Seasons Café, adjacent to our motel, The Gray Wolf Lodge. The Lodge has Lake Michigan access. There will be opportunities for sitting at the beach or taking a walk. Manistique boasts a two mile boardwalk. Leave time from the Municipal Stadium is 8:00 a.m. on Monday, July 18, with arrival back in Holland late afternoon on Thursday, July 21. HSRT AND PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION, Tuesday, August 2, 2011 HASP members are invited to a theater reception hosted by President and Mrs. Bultman at the Presidents home on 10th St. Hors d’oeuvres and sweets will be served. The Hope Summer Repertory Theater’s production of “I Remember Mama” will follow at the the DeWitt Theater. The cost per person is $20.00 due with your reservation. This event is limited to 46 people so don’t wait to make your reservation! VAN ANDEL INSTITUTE TOUR, Thursday, August 18, 2011 Here is your chance to get an inside view of Van Andel Institute. Enjoy a tour and experience a firsthand look at research and science education taking place at VAI. Your tour will include a visit with Marcia Bishop, Associate Director of Van Andel Education Institute’s Science Academy. Marcia is a former Superintendent of Holland Public Schools. Also, a member of VAI’s scientific staff will share information on cancer and neurodegenerative research. Founded by Jay and Betty Van Andel in 1996, VAI is committed to improving the health and enhancing the lives of current and future generations through disease research and science education. Van Andel Research Institute researchers work to translate discoveries at the molecular level into effective therapies for patients with cancer and other diseases such as osteoporosis, Parkinson’s and diabetes. The Education institute offers a full spectrum of training opportunities, supporting a continuum of learning that extends from the elementary school to professional development level. The bus will depart from the Holland Stadium at 8:30. Following the tour we will enjoy lunch at the Watermark Country Club. The bus will return to Holland following lunch. Cost for the day is $35 per person. Join your HASP friends for a great day of learning, eating and good fellowship. HASP OFFICE NEWS HASP Website: www.hope.edu/hasp Several items have been added this year to our website. Please consult the HASP website to access current contact information, our Constitution and By-laws, membership information book, current curriculum calendar and course descriptions and monthly bulletins. You may also refer interested friends and acquaintances to this site for additional information. HASP summer office hours begin the week of May 30th. The office will be closed on Fridays. HASP Presidents Annual Report to the Membership June 2011 The talented members of HASP represent many colleges and universities with 165+ Hope College alumni. HASP promotes life long learning with opportunities to share with each other expertise in many academic areas. Courses and activities allow the brain to stay sharp. Opportunities for socialization make our gatherings a pleasant experience. To coordinate the many activities of our members is the responsibility of the Executive Director, Kim Mendels. This is a huge responsibly which she performs very well. However, with increased membership and courses it became very evident that help was needed in the HASP office. Past presidents have expressed a need for placing another person in the office. The new administrative assistant is Amy Berarducci, chosen from a list of 71 résumés by the personnel committee with assistance from the human resources department of Hope College. This assistance provided time for Kim to work on a number of projects. A new booklet was produced providing information for new members. It states the purpose for HASP, explains the operation of our committees, and summarizes the operation standards as written in our constitution and by- laws. She also placed the Board policy changes over the past years into one document and completed numerous other goals as discussed in her yearly personnel review. Thanks goes to all of our committee members and their chairpersons. Our Monthly Program committee chaired by Paul Kleinheksel has provided excellent programs each month. The Curriculum committee, chaired by Tom TenHoeve accomplished a great deal in fitting all the course offerings into a very tight schedule. So many courses were proposed that double sessions were placed on Tuesday mornings in the fall and more afternoon sessions were scheduled. The Communications committee chaired by Ann Weller, Membership committee chaired by Mary deForest, Special Events committee chaired by Eileen Nordstrom, and Service committee chaired by Gordon Stegink all deserve our special THANKS. Elliot Tanis via our Service committee has again served dutifully as our liaison with Hope professors who often request access to HASP members as resources for their classes. Thank you Elliot! Bill Mungall (who is retiring) and Mary Remenschneider deserve our appreciation for serving as Hope College liaison members to our board. We appreciate the leadership of President Bultman and Hope College for arranging a favorable lease for our classroom, office space and the use of Haworth Center. Serving as HASP president this past year has been a very enjoyable privilege. HASP is a great organization. It serves us all very well. Gerald Van Wyngarden, President HASP Treasurer’s Annual Report - Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2011 My first year as your treasurer has been interesting and challenging. The best part has been working with the Board and the staff. The challenging parts have been finding decent interest rates and negotiating a new lease for our office and classroom. HASP has had three CDs for several years. The money for the CDs was in part accumulated during the years when the budget supported a minimal Executive Director salary as we were fortunate to have much of the time and work of the position “volunteered” , and no salary paid to an Associate Director; a position which has been vacated since 1998. This money was noted as Future Facilities Contingency and invested. The interest from the CD’s has been used to support our annual operating budget. The CD’s all matured in January of this year and the interest rates available were discouraging to say the least. We (the Board) decided to retain two of the CD’s and cash in the third which leads to the lease negotiation. Our current lease ran for two years at a yearly rent of $8,000 plus a 5.5% draw from the HASP Facilities Endowment Fund held and managed by Hope College. The endowment was created to support our partnership with Hope and was funded by a campaign that began in 1996 as a three-year plan to raise funds. Hope College manages this fund for HASP. By agreeing to transfer $80,000 to the Endowment Fund on July 1, 2011, Hope agreed to extend the term of the lease to four years, reduce the draw from the endowment to 4.5% and retain the monthly rent of $8,000. The market value of the Facilities Endowment at March 31, 2011, was $209,603.00; up from approx $190,000.00 in June 30, 2010. The HASP Scholarship balance at March 31, 2011, was $38,092.00. I would like at this point to thank the generous members who have contributed to our Endowment and Scholarship Fund this year and I would also like to thank Tulip Time which contributes approximately $600 each year for our work as Trolley Guides to our Scholarship Fund. Now a few notes about the financial statement following. Hope deducted 4.5% from the Endowment and then charged HASP for the additional 1% called for in the lease. That amount $2,083.00 is what has caused the overage in additional rental/lease contingency. The rest is rent for the Knickerbocker for classes too large to accommodate in our regular classroom. Equipment purchases were classroom speakers, a new computer for the office assistant, and replacements for the DVD and CD player for the classroom. All in all, it has been a good year for HASP. The increase in dues ($10 per member effective July 2010) and course fees have supported additional office staff and our move to the Haworth for Monthly Programs. It appears to not have had a negative effect on membership and class enrollment which remains high. HASP is in a strong financial position and the Board and staff carefully consider revenue and costs in order to remain viable for the future. We are grateful to our members for their support which makes possible the array of programs and opportunities HASP has to offer. Jeanne Gerow, Treasurer HASP Receipts and Disbursements July 1, 2010 - May 10, 2011 Budget Receipts: Actual (5/10/11) 2011/12Budget Lifetime Membership Dues 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,300.00 Lifetime Membership Dues Discount (1,200.00) (1,200.00) (1,300.00) Membership Dues 56,000.00 56,600.00 56,000.00 Mini-Course Receipts 18,000.00 19,722.00 21,000.00 Interest Earned 3,000.00 2,763.95 1,000.00 77,000.00 79,085.95 78,000.00 Salaries 32,298.00 26,939.90 33,273.43 Payroll Expense 5,200.00 4,566.86 5,381.62 Rent- Office/Classroom 8,000.00 7,333.37 8,000.00 Addl. Rent 2,000.00 2,683.00 1,000.00 Hospitality 902.00 768.87 902.00 Mini-course Expenses 1,200.00 979.65 1,200.00 Monthly Meeting 11,000.00 10,354.10 11,000.00 Monthly Program Honorarium 1,300.00 1,108.78 1,500.00 Orientation 350.00 158.70 Annual Luncheon 4,500.00 4,268.21 Gifts and Recognition 200.00 224.84 Postage and Delivery 4,250.00 3,573.92 4,250.00 Copy Costs 2,000.00 1,081.44 2,000.00 Supplies 1,000.00 1,166.58 1,200.00 Telephone 600.00 728.13 800.00 Repairs 200.00 105.00 200.00 Equipment Expense 1,000.00 1,315.09 Board Expense 800.00 750.75 800.00 Miscellaneous 200.00 138.95 242.95 Total Expense 77,000.00 68,246.14 Total Receipts Disbursements: 350.00 4,500.00 200.00 1,200.00 78,000.00 10,839.81 Net Receipts less Disbursements The fiscal year ends June 30, 2011 and HASP operates on a cash basis so future costs have not been accrued. - HASP Membership Committee Annual Report - June 2011 HASP membership has continued to increase this year and we are quickly nearing a membership of 600. Orientation meetings for new members in April and October continue to be very well attended and received. May 1, 2010 - May 15, 2011 New Members 62 Resignations/Non payment of dues 49 Deceased 10 Total Membership May 15, 2011 587 We fondly remember those who have died since our last annual meeting: Don Nienhuis June 8, 2010 Carl Hazelbauer June 17, 2010 Victor Maddox November 11, 2010 Richard Oudersluys November 20, 2010 Hal Franken December 13, 2010 Evie VanDorp January 23, 2011 Lars Granberg March 2, 2011 Ann Holland March 26, 2011 Elizabeth Gutsell April 13, 2011 David Morrow May 9, 2011 Committee members serving this year have been: Mary deForest, chair; Gerry Van Heest, vice chair; Linda Gebben, membership secretary; Joan Heneveld, new member contact; Connie Oppenhuizen, newsletter biographies, Jan VerHelst, orientation; Phyllis Brown, Peg Van Grouw, ex-officio (HASP Vice President). Elizabeth Clark has recently joined us and will serve as our recording secretary. We sincerely thank Joan Heneveld who will be retiring from our committee in June, for all her hard work and dedication. Respectfully submitted, Mary deForest, Chair HASP Special Events Committee Annual Report – June 2011 It was a busy year for the Special Events Committee. More overnight trips were added. We clarified some items in our regulations and with the assistance of our Executive Director, established committee membership terms. Members will now be rotating off on a regular basis. Four members are leaving at the end of the current term. New members will join the committee in July. Ron South will take over as chair in July. The committee is quite large, enabling us to share the load of event planning without overburdening anyone. We now appoint a back-up chair for each event planned. The committee attempts to keep a balance between day trips and overnights as well as cost. Recap of the year’s events: 2010 3/31 4/29 5/12 6/24 7/19 7/21 9/16 10/13 Fair Oaks Dairy Farm Adventure Ottawa County Parks Tour Spring Fling Chihuly Exhibit, Meijer Gardens Mississippi River Cruise 3 nights, 4 days HSRT and President’s Reception Mystery Trip St. Joe Stratford, Ontario Canada 2 nights, 3 days 2011 1/14 Calvin Series – Lunch at Boatwerks 2/19 Hope “Under Milkwood” play and Dinner at Maas Conference Room 3/11 Local Industry Tour – Haworth and JCI 4/13 Spring Fling 5/18 Gilmore Car Museum – Kellogg Manor House 6/8 Morton Arboretum Tour Looking Ahead 7/18-21 8/2 8/18 9/13-15 Upper Peninsula Trip HSRT and President’s Reception Van Andel Institute Niagara-on-the-Lake Eileen Nordstrom, Chair HASP Communications Committee Annual Report – June 2011 Committee members: Christine Broersma, Lorelle Eberly, Ralph Gutierrez, Mary Heideman, Jack Hyde, Duncan McCune (Archivist), Mary Porter, Sally Shimp, Juliana Steensma, Mike VanDoornik, Ann Weller and Cecil Williams. Ralph Gutierrez and Cecil Williams joined the committee in the 2010-11 year. Sally Shimp, Juliana Steensma, and Ann Weller are leaving the committee. Christi Broersma will be chair in the next term. HASP Review: The nineteenth edition of the HASP Review has been edited and organized by the committee from essays, memoirs, articles, poems and artwork contributed by some 40 HASP members. Monthly “prompts” intended to interest members in contributing appeared in the HASP Bulletin September through March. The committee is grateful for the assistance given by Executive Director Kim Mendels; her husband, Kevin; office assistant Amy Berarducci; and the Hope College printing office in producing the Review. This year’s Review—at 115 pages and 65 entries—is somewhat smaller than the two previous years’ publications; however, it includes more artwork, acknowledging the scope of creative talent in HASP. The percentage of contributors, compared with current membership, was 6.1 percent; in 2010 that figure was 10 percent. 460 copies will be printed, allowing one copy per current mailing address, complimentary copies to Hope officials, libraries, and new members who join HASP in the coming year. Distribution: Continuing with the system established in 2010, unlabeled copies of the Review will be distributed at the June 2011 Annual Meeting. Each household (same address) attending the Annual Meeting is entitled to one copy. Before the meeting, labeled copies will be delivered to Freedom Village and The Warm Friend. Remaining copies will be kept at the HASP office until August 31; members who have not received a Review at the Annual Meeting or otherwise can arrange to receive their issue or have a friend pick up one for them. After that date, unclaimed copies will be in the hands of the Membership Committee and the Executive Director for distribution to incoming members. Monthly Bulletin: When requested by the Executive Director, the committee will assist in production of the monthly Bulletin that is mailed or emailed to each address. Archivist: Duncan McCune works independently to create a record of the year’s HASP activities. Ann Weller, Chair HASP Monthly Program Committee Annual Report – June 2011 The function of this committee is to provide interesting and informative programs for our membership on the first Tuesday of every month. The programs presented for the 2010-2011 year were as follows: July Mary Schakel and actors--The Hope Summer Repertoire Theater Aug John Scholtz—Ottawa County Parks Sept Dr. William Howard Arnold—Nuclear Energy in the World Oct Kurt Dykstra and Al McGeehan—Mayors Past and Present Nov Larry Wagonaar – Michigan Historical Trust Dec Zeeland Madrigals – Christmas Musical Program Jan Andy Mellema – Remembering WW II Feb Bill Holsinger-Robinson--Art Prize Grand Rapids Mar Randy Thelan – Lakeshore Advantage Apr Elden Greig – Climate Change May Joseph Byrd – St. Francis of Assisi June Annual Meeting Many good programs come as a result of suggestions from the membership. Any committee member can be contacted with a program idea. The members are as follows: Kathy Beal Anita Brooks Peter Deede Terry Hofmeyer Karen Michmerhuizen Jerry Redeker Paul Kleinheksel, Monthly Program Chairman Dr. Ted VanderVeen Al VerSchure Mary Voss HASP Service Committee Annual Report 2010 – 2011 The HASP Service Committee thanks all of the members who have volunteered in many different ways with the Hope College community and the greater Holland area. The committee has adopted several service projects, each with a group of volunteers and a leader who is a member of the committee. Tulip Time Trolley Guides HASP volunteers (along with a few non HASP members) continued to act as guides on the Tulip Time trolleys. They wore Dutch Costumes and wooden shoes on each 65 to 75 minute tour. This year we had 40 guides and 208 trolley runs. This year 25 runs had to be canceled due to lack of sales and/or weather. Of the remaining runs, the vast majority were sold out. Coordinator Colleen Hill was more than pleased with this year’s success. Of the 40 guides, six were new. In preparation, the guides attended a training session in mid April where they were given training and script material as reference. New guides were given additional training along with a practice run to complete the day. Grand Rapids Symphony Orchestra School Concert Ushers On January 25, 2011 there were two performances, each with 780 children. 16 volunteers assisted. On March 8, 2011 there were two performances, the first with 1700 fifth graders, and the second with 1000. Again, 16 volunteers assisted. The March 22, 2011 concert was cancelled due to lack of school participation. Service to Hope College Thank you, HASP members, for volunteering to enrich the lives of Hope College students by volunteering for Hope classes. During this past year requests were received for 24 classes and activities from 13 different disciplines. Volunteers were provided for 22 of these requests. Names of 138 HASP members were provided to Hope faculty. Several HASP members participated in more than one class while some HASP members were not needed because there were too many volunteers. The names of all of you who volunteered were sent to the appropriate professor who is then asked to correspond directly with the volunteers. Holland Museum/Cappon House There was no action to report. We will discuss our continued participation with the volunteer directors. We may redirect our effort to a more limited but more active level of volunteering. Children’s Advocacy Center This is a new undertaking for our committee this year. On February 11 we assisted at the CAC in the cutting out of paper hands. These hands are available at many business locations around town. When donations are made to the CAC the donor’ name is written on the hand and posted at the location where the donation was made. HASP volunteers are not being used at the CAC golf outing this year. On August 12, 2011 a group of volunteers will assist at the Millenium Triathlon in Grand Rapids. They will register participants and distribute packets. OAR, Inc This is another new project for our committee. Our first activity with OAR was cancelled! However, 9 HASP volunteers are all set to have a Work Day in May, 2011. As a committee we say “Thank You” for your willingness to participate in these projects, and invite HASP members to become involved in these projects for the coming year. Janice Fike, Elsa Hyde, Myra Karachy, Larry Lynn, Max Murphy, Gordon Stegink (Chairman), Elliot Tanis HASP Curriculum Committee Annual Report – June 2011 FROM PAST... The HASP BY-LAWS describe the role and responsibilities of the Curriculum Committee as follows: “The Curricular Committee shall conceive, initiate, promote and supervise seminars, mini-courses, and study and discussion groups which address membership interests and needs." The Curriculum Committee is composed of the Curriculum Chairperson, and the Sub-Committee Chairpersons in communication with the Executive Director. The Chairperson is appointed by the Board of Directors, acting upon the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. TO PRESENT... Presently the 4 Sub-Committees are: Fine Arts-- Barbara Stegink, Chairperson Humanities-- Judy Parr, Chairperson Science & Technology-- Ed Anderson, Chairperson Social Sciences-- John Buttrey, Chairperson Sub-Committees are responsible for specific areas of interest: Fine Arts-- visual arts & performing arts Humanities-- creative writing, foreign languages and cultures, literature, philosophy, religion Science & Technology-- biology, chemistry, physics, computers, environmental issues, health, medicine, transportation Social Sciences-- anthropology, business/economics, education, history, law/justice, political science, psychology, sociology Sub-Committees meet periodically, as called by their Chairpersons, to generate, evaluate and recommend courses to the Curriculum Committee for its action. Courses are offered during the Fall, Spring, and Summer sessions. During 2010-11 approximately 40 HASP members served on the SubCommittees. All members are encouraged to submit course proposals and to lead classes. During both Fall and Spring semesters over 100 class sessions were offered; for Summer 2011, 38 sessions are scheduled. Course enrollments since 2007 have increased over 10% (in spite of increased course charges), totaling over 300 in both Fall and Spring semesters, and 200 in the Summer. Operationally: Increased enrollments necessitated implementation of double schedule times on Tuesday mornings; additional staffing enabled more afternoon course offerings. Written Class Guidelines are provided for Course Coordinators. Some interdisciplinary courses have been instituted. Attendance statistics are monitored; concerns on attendance drop-off during the length of courses are addressed. A balance in subjects offered each semester is regularly sought. Course offering cost analyses are made by the Executive Director. The HASP Conference Room new permanent video capacity is being implemented this summer. Online course registration potential is being pursued. TO PRESCIENCE... A goal of life in our vast restless, shrinking arena is no longer being a "match to light the world," but is now being a proponent of critical thinking on ponderable social ethics and high-tech applications in ALL subject fields. To comprehend the present we certainly must study the past. But, to pursue the future as an academic academy, HASP curriculums should now move beyond the somewhat-static state of "comfort food" programming; we should move into a more dynamic total-member interface with astute, challenging "young turk types" and "gentile geriatric gurus," on piercing extant, and potential, matters of body, mind and soul. Your input on endeavors to accomplish such a challenge is most welcome! Respectfully submitted, Tom TenHoeve, Curriculum Chair RESERVATION FORM UPPER PENINSULA ADVENTURE – JULY 18 – 21 $280 (double occupancy) $377 (single) Name(s)_____________________________________________________________ No. of people:____________________Check in the amt. of:____________________ Emergency contact name and #: I can walk up one flight of stairs: Yes____ No______ Menu choice(s) Picnic at Fayette _________Chicken salad on croissant _________Roast beef/cheese wrap _________Turkey and cheese on wheat bread Dinner at Three Mile Supper Club – includes soup, salad bar and NA drink _________Broiled Fresh Lake Michigan Whitefish (baked potato) ______Plain ______Lemon Pepper ______Lemon Herb Seasonings _________Chicken Parmesan (Chicken Breast, Mozzarella Cheese, Marinara Sauce) _________8 oz. New York Strip Steak (baked potato) Lunch at Legs Inn in Cross Village Polish Hearty Lunch – Combination of Golabki (tender cabbage roll) ________ and (2) Pierogi (Polish style dumplings) _________Pierogi – Polish style dumplings steamed on the grill and filled with your choice of lightly seasoned ground sirloin, potato with Farmer’s Cheese or sauerkraut with mushrooms _________Legs Inn Burger - French fries, vegetables or Kopytka (mashed potato Dumpling) _________Grilled Chicken Sandwich – French fries, vegetables or kopytka (mashed potato dumpling) _________Larger version of house salad NA beverage and dessert included. Any special needs?___________________________________________________________________ RESERVATION FORM HSRT AND PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION Tuesday, August 2, 6:30 p.m., $20.00pp Name(s) ___________________________________________________________________ No. of people: ___________________ Check in the amount of: ____________________ Emergency contact name and #: ___________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESERVATION FORM VAN ANDEL INSTITUTE TOUR Thursday, August 18, 2011, $35.00pp Name(s)______________________________________________________________ No. of people:______________________Check in the amt. of:__________________ Emergency contact name and #___________________________________________ Menu choice(s): __________Hard Cider Pork Tenderloin - Perfectly slow roasted tenderloin topped with A hard cider demi glace. Served with fresh vegetables. __________Tuscan Salmon - Grilled Atlantic Salmon with a pesto cream sauce. Served with a hash of artichoke hearts, roma tomatoes and black olives __________Butter Basil Angel Hair Pasta - Angel hair pasta tossed with a basil sauce And served with fresh vegetables. All meals include: salad, roll, coffee, water and ice cream. ________________________________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------