Week 5
MKT 342 Attitude and Persuasive Communications
The Power of Attitudes
Attitude: a lasting, general evaluation of people, objects, advertisements, or issues
– Attitude object (AO)
– Help to determine a number of preferences and actions
Functional Theory of Attitudes
Katz: Attitudes exist because they serve some function
– Determined by a person’s motives
Attitude functions:
– Utilitarian
– Value-expressive
– Ego-defensive
– Knowledge
Marketers emphasize the function a product serves for consumers
Hierarchy of Effects
Ads Have Feelings Too
Commercials evoke emotion
– Pleasure
– Arousal
– Intimidation
Forming Attitudes
Classical conditioning
Instrumental conditioning
Cognitive learning/modeling
©Professor Freddy Lee
Attitude Commitment
Degree of commitment is related to level of involvement with attitude object
– Compliance
– Identification
– Internalization
Cognitive Dissonance & Harmony
Conflict of attitudes and behavior motivates us to reduce dissonance
– We make them fit by eliminating, adding, or changing elements
– Explains why evaluations of products increase after purchase
• Horse race experiment
• Marketers: post-purchase reinforcement
Self-Perception Theory
We use observations of our own behavior to determine what our attitudes are
– We must have a positive attitude toward a product if we freely purchase it, right?
– Low-involvement hierarchy
– Foot-in-the-door technique
– Low-ball technique
– Door-in-the-face technique
Social Judgment Theory
We assimilate new information about attitude objects in light of what we already
– Initial attitude = frame of reference
– Latitudes of acceptance and rejection
• Assimilation and contrast effects
• “Choosy mothers choose Jif peanut butter”
Balance Theory
Triad attitude structures
– Person
– Perception of attitude object
– Perception of other person/object
• Perception can be positive or negative
Balanced/harmonious triad elements
– Unit relation and sentiment relation
Trying to Consume
Theory of trying
– Criterion should be trying to reach goal
– Intervening factors between intent and performance
– Several new components to account for act of trying
©Professor Freddy Lee
Theory of Trying
Tracking Attitudes over Time
Attitude-tracking program
– More like a “movie” than a “snapshot” of attitudes
– Ongoing tracking studies
• Gallup Poll or Yankelovich Monitor
– Changes to look for…
• Changes in different age groups
• Scenarios about the future
• Identification of change agents
Changing Attitudes
Persuasion: effectiveness of marketing communications to change attitudes
– Reciprocity
– Scarcity
– Authority
– Consistency
– Liking
– Consensus
Communication Model
©Professor Freddy Lee
Updated Communications Model
• Consumers are now proactive in communications process
– VCRs, DVRs, video-on-demand, pay-per-view TV, Caller ID, Internet
Building Credibility
Relevant qualifications of source to the product can enhance credibility of message
Source Biases
Consumer beliefs about product can be weakened by a source perceived to be biased
– Knowledge bias
– Reporting bias (“hired gun”)
Hype vs. Buzz
Corporate paradox
©Professor Freddy Lee
Source Attractiveness
Perceived social value of source
– Physical appearance
– Personality
– Social status
– Similarity
“What Is Beautiful
Is Good”
Halo effect
– Good-looking people are thought to be smarter, cooler, and happier
– Consistency principle
Physically attractive source leads to attitude change
– Directs attention to marketing stimuli (ads with attractive models)
– Beauty = source of information (especially for attractiveness- relevant products)
Nonhuman Endorsers
Often, celebrities’ motives are suspect as endorsers of mismatched products
Thus, marketers seek alternative endorsers:
– Cartoon characters
– Mascots/animals
– Avatars
Dual Component of Brand Attitudes
Two-Factor Theory
Repetition can be a double-edged sword…
– Mere exposure phenomenon vs. habituation
©Professor Freddy Lee
Comparative Advertising
Message compares two+ recognizable brands on specific attributes
– “New OcuClear relieves three times longer than Visine”
But…confrontational approach can result in source derogation
Effective for a new product that:
– Does not merely say it is better than leading brand
– Does not compare itself to an obviously superior competitor
Emotional vs. Rational Appeals
Appeal to the head or to the heart?
Many companies use an emotional strategy when consumers do not find differences
among brands
– Especially brands in well-established, mature categories (e.g., cars and greeting
Recall of ad contents tends to be better for “thinking” ads
– Although conventional ad effectiveness measures may not be entirely valid to
assess emotional ads…
Sex Appeals
The prevalence of sexual appeals varies from country to country
Erotic ad content draws attention, but strong sexual ad imagery may make
consumers less likely to:
– Buy a product (unless product is related to sex)
– Process and recall ad’s content
Nudity/undressed models in print ads generates negative feelings/tension among
same-sex consumers
Humorous Appeals
Specific cultures have different senses of humor
Overall, humorous ads do get attention
– Funny ad as source of distraction
– Inhibits counterarguing, thus increasing message acceptance
Humor is more effective when it:
– Doesn’t “swamp” message of clearly defined brand
– Doesn’t make fun of potential consumer
– Is appropriate to product’s image
©Professor Freddy Lee
Fear Appeals
Emphasize negative consequences that can occur unless consumer changes
behavior/ attitude
Fear is common in advertising (especially in social marketing)
Not all threats are equally effective at inducing a fear response
– The strongest threats are not always the most persuasive
Most effective:
– Moderate threat
– Presented solution to problem
– Highly credible source
Message as Art Form
Marketers as storytellers (allegory)
– Using literary devices to communicate product benefits/meanings
Metaphor (“A is B”)
Similie (“A is like B”)
Resonance: play on words with picture
– Pepsi ad: “This year, hit the beach topless” with a Pepsi bottle cap lying on the
sand (see Table 8.3 for full list of examples)
• Receiver will follow one of two routes to persuasion
©Professor Freddy Lee