MARKET CHANNELS STRATEGY ISSUES Lecture Notes MBA Summer 2002 ANALYZING MARKET CHANNELS 1. Major changes in marketplace are in the trading channel - 3rd party legal entities apart from the final buyer and the original seller 2. Channel marketers determine a producer's marketplace competitiveness 3. Channels perform critical functions and hence survive and flourish 4. Services performed are varied and important and helps shape the economy. Effective trading channel relationships make the difference in economic development 5. Key issues in channel management: a. a macroeconomic understanding of how and why the different types of channel services and participants evolved b. an understanding of the major changes occurring today in channels of distribution 6. Understanding how channels evolved helps to explain how and why they are likely to change in the future KEY ISSUES IN THIS UNIT 1. The modern market economy was created by wholesale merchants and retailers, not by large manufacturers 2. Technical innovations, such as the development of the telegraph and railroads, changed the village economy into a national economy. New technologies, such as computers, satellites, and jumbo jets, are changing national economies into a global economy 3. Physical distribution channels are becoming integrated by information and transportation conglomerates 4. New, low-cost distribution channels. such as Wholesale Clubs, are changing the nature of some product-markets 5. Franchising enables a new retailing innovation to spread rapidly into new geographical markets 6. Many different forms of channel intermediaries exist. They vary in their skills and competence, cost efficiencies, and willingness to allow a manufacturer to control what they do 7. A seller needs to monitor how its trading relationships with its portfolio of distributors or types of channel is changing 8. Channel resellers should be evaluated on the history of their trading performance, market positioning, competitive effort, and purchasing behavior 9. Even sellers who do not use distribution channels use facilitator relationships that help them find and serve customers more competitively 10. The global marketer has to find the unique distribution channels that exist in each national economy 11. An increase in global sources of supply increases the power and potential profits of well-managed and well-positioned distributors and retailers in the U.S. THE LESSON OF HISTORY: MARKETING CHANNELS THAT CREATED THE MODERN ECONOMY 1. Marketing folklore: Mass marketing resulted from mass production Reality (Alfred Chandler's theory): Large centralized wholesaling companies which arose from efficient distribution systems resulting from improved communication and transportation systems created and drove mass production. The impetus came from massive investment in the communication and transportation infrastructure at the turn of the century (national railroad system, telegraph, and steamship) 2. At mid-19th C, the cost of distribution beyond local markets was prohibitively high and was a constrain on the economies of scale in mass production. Merchant businesses and activities were largely proscribed by local marketed 3. A change in scale: A new class of merchant, the wholesale jobber, arose in the 1860s. They took title to the goods. Railroads accentuated the effectiveness of the salesmen's reaching the buyers with samples, catalogs, and a more reliable delivery service. The wholesaler now define its market in national terms and gain huge economies of scale from bulk purchasing and buying expertise. 4. Global and domestic politics spawned and nourished the economic innovation: The peace and stability of post-Napoleonic-War Europe saw its production rise and need for export markets. Surplus imports into the US were auctioned off to the wholesale jobbers at bargain prices. The Civil War further benefited the jobbers supplying the armies. 5. The wholesale buyer: Large orders and mass production The wholesaler's traveling sales forces spearheaded the mass marketing revolution. They introduced new products, spread merchandising innovations, and taught local retailers the rudiments of bookkeeping and retail management. The sales forces also reported back on regional economic conditions, new products and ideas, changes in demand, and retailer credit ratings (market intelligence and market research) A new breed of professional buyers who were very knowledgeable about product groups arose simultaneously. They developed skills and expertise and a broad vision of the marketplace and its needs that far exceeded that of the manufacturer or final buyer/end-user. They were given autonomy and often benefited in profit-sharing plans. The fortunes of the wholesalers depended on their skills. Specialization within the wholesaling function was nurtured. a. Buying offices were established in Europe to search for better buys and new products. b. Separate traffic depts handled the shipping and negotiated special bulk rates with the railway and steamship companies. c. Credit and collection depts introduced standardized payment terms The growing scale of the wholesalers' operations gave them not only great buying power, but also the opportunity to encourage mfgs to expand so as to be able to fill the wholesaler's large orders. Thus mass distribution led and fostered the development of mass production. 6. Making money from stock-turn rather than margins: Wholesalers flourished when they discovered that profits came from BOTH margin and stock-turn. Introduced in the 1860s, wholesalers focused on stock-turn 7. Power-shift to retailers: 1880: backward vertical integration by retailers shifted power from wholesalers to retailers. 1880: Consumers were more urban, sophisticated, and demanding. Retailers benefited from being closest to the consumers 8. Growth of mass merchandisers/retailers: TCR Department stores in NYC spread to other major urban centers. Profitability came from sales volume and stock-turn instead of margin. Macy's in 1887: 6 stock-turns in 6 months! Double that of the 1990s with computers! Dept stores' low prices wiped out small retailers. Same merchandising practice as today's: extensive local ads, money-back guarantees, and mark-down sales of slow-turning items. 9. Mail-order houses: Rural buyers' needs met by mail order firms Rapid rail and postal service expansion benefited Sears. $0.75M in 1895 to $38M in 1905. Wholesalers and retailers opposed parcel posts service introduced in 1912! 10. Chain stores: First chain stores were grocers, drug stores, and furniture stores in urban markets where dept. stores concentrated in clothing and furnishings. Great American Tea Company (A&P) Great Western Tea Company (Kroger) Jewel Tea Company Woolworth - first 5 and dime variety stores Operationally same as dept stores except with greater control over operations and logistics. Assisted by newly introduced telephones. Innovative management - local managers had minority ownership in store like today's retail franchises) Competitive advantage from large buying power, lower margins but higher stockturns, scientific selection of store locations, standardized ads, standardized store arrangement, window displays, sales training, inventory control, and cash-and-carry setup. To fight chain store explosion, Sears and Montgomery Ward opened their own stores. Other retailers resorted to the political process to fight off the chain stores - tax and price control legislations 11. The supermarket 1920s: first suburban shopping centers and shopping malls. Great Depression: lower priced supermarkets flourished while many small merchants failed Factors attributed to supermarkets' success: Refrigeration allowed for in-home, in-store, and in-transit storage of perishables was largely responsible for the success of the supermarket. (Technological innovaiton) Self-service reduced labor and inventory holding costs, enabled consumers to experiment with new products, and paved way for brand image marketing by mfgs Pillsbury and Betty Crocker (marketing innovation) New ad media introduced - radio, magazines with superior graphcis, and TV launched the golden era of household brands marekting (1950-1990) Demographic shits of 1950s:suburban shopping overtakes downtown shopping: Suburban sprawl and inner-city congestion and decay. Current form of suburban malls developed - anchor stores surrounded by specialty boutiques and service stores. 12. 1970s and 1980s innovations: No new forms of retailing New channels of distribution for pharmaceuticals and health-care services and products sold in convenience stores, discount drug stores, supermarkets, and dept stores Retailing of health-care and medical services - unbundling of services of community hospitals and new competition among health care providers Soft goods and fast foods are increasingly sold in supermarkets Mass merchandizers took business from specialty stores 9 cameras, hi-fi systems, etc. Dept stores squeezed by discount stores and off-pricing stores on one side and by premiumn fashion chains (The Limited and Lands' End) on the other Warehouse Clubs making inroads into traditional supermarkets, drugstores, and discount stores. Efficiency of WCs: 7-9% operating expenses; 19-21% for traditional grocers! TCR - competitive advantage. Wheel of Retailing 13. Changes in industrial channels: Changes not as dramatic as in consumer products channels Distribution functions integrated, leading to major changes in order-processing, transportation, and warehousing. Recent advances in distribution and channel management due to: a. Marketers rediscovered the neglected area of distribution. Found that cost reduction and/or service differentiation increases considerable competitive advantage b. Inflation in the 1970s and high interest rates of the 1980s also focused attention on distribution management c. Profit leverage arising from cost reduction in distribution than to increased sales during an era of increased competition and recession further generated more interest in channel management d. Computerized integration of order processing, warehousing, and dispatching functions did not become common until the early 1980s. e. Global marketing places a premium on logistic efficiencies. FUTURE CHANNEL RELATIONSHIP TRENDS 1. 2. Integrated Channel Information Systems a. Electronic info technology has greatly reduced inventories and dead stock b. Savings in time, documentation, and paperwork are profound c. Buyers can now consult electronic catalogs; catalogs can be updated continually rather than seasonally d. Stock can be tracked in real time via UPC codes e. Performance of channel members can be easily tracked to determine relationship profitability f. Accountability for relationship profitability increases the competitive focus of survivors Integrated Transportation Conglomerates a. Technological improvements • containerization • automated warehouse b. Deregulation and standardization has led to: • opportunity for full-service, integrated-transportation freight forwarders • innovations in delivery systems (eg. JIT) • transportation services buying title to goods shipped or offering a lease-back agreement with the customer 3. 4. The Growth of Franchising Relationships a. Estimate: By 2000, 50% of retail establishments will be franchises b. Franchisers offer services to increase franchise attractiveness c. Franchisees benefit from centralized marketing decision making (when the decision are good) The Growth of Channel Buying Groups Buying power becomes competitive when individual businesses spool their resources for mutual benefit MASS MARKET - MASS DISTRIBUTION Mass distribution is best suited for products with the following characteristics: inexpensive easy to try frequently purchased non durable low risk a mature product-market 1. Economies of scale and scope a. focus of competition: reducing cost of distribution and keeping shelves stocked b. large packaged-goods companies have the advantage of reducing fixed and variable cots in established channels c. New entries have to: i) ii) cut a deal with centralized buying organizations piggy-back on another manufacturer's distribution system iii) saturate a very localized market SPECIALTY DISTRIBUTION Consumer franchise 1. Distributor's or retailer's goodwill and reputation influence relationships 2. For mass market product, consumer franchise is based on convenience and price image 3. In specialty markets, consumer franchise is also shaped by expertise, service and image THE BASIC FUNCTIONS OF CHANNEL PARTICIPANTS Reselling products into a market that could not be reached as efficiently or effectively by the original seller 1. Intermediary's role is to facilitate: • transportation • storage 2. Additional roles of an intermediary: • customer training • customer education • aftersales maintenance and repair services 3. Risk-taking and financing of intermediaries has been reduced over time by: • selling on consignment • shelf-slotting allowances 4. Some risks are taken on seasonal products Today, most breaking down, repacking, or further processing is handled at the top of the channel Channel member communicate valuable customer info up the channel 1. Competence, cost, and control: Responsibility for distribution and marketing should be decided on these three factors 2. Predicting the future fit of a relationship: Change is expensive and potentially damaging to one or more members of a channel. Correctly anticipated change can be profitable 3. Evolutionary rigidity in trading relationships: a. evolutionary rigidity provides opportunity to innovators who correctly gauge strains re negotiation with channel members b. rigidity can effect all channel members if the competition is allowed to move freely, without imitative response to profitable innovations THE CHANNEL RELATIONSHIP AUDIT Channel change audit considers: 1. Changes in technology 2. New entrants 3. Changes in established channel relationships 4. Changes in the way existing members do business Basic questions that need answers: 1. Who are the latest new entrants in the reseller market? What is their competitive advantage? Which existing resellers are being most affected? How will it affected us? 2. What new trading coalitions between resellers are occurring? What will be their competitive advantage? How will it affect us? 3. What changes in order-processing technology are now occurring? What impact will it have on the way business is done? What competitive advantage do they provide? 4. What changes in transportation technology are now occurring? What impact will it have on the way business is done? What competitive advantage do they provide? 5. What changes in warehousing technology are now occurring? What impact will it have on the way business is done? What competitive advantage do they provide? 6. What changes in payment technology are now occurring? What impact will it have on the way business is done? What competitive advantage do they provide? CHANNEL RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS IN GLOBAL MARKETS Tribal networks work for the participants and against non-participants The U.S. has a comparatively weak tribal network for cultural reasons. 1. Global tribal relationship networks a. The Jewish tribal network Diaspora found the Jews the classic global trade intermediaries and merchants Shared estrangement and alienation and common culture led to a shared trust and deal-making rules that were necessary for survival Deals by a handshake led to low transaction costs and low risks within and across borders Dispossessed of land and property refocused the Jews on mobile human capital - emphasis on education. Ironically, this also gave them greater mobility, enabling them, as traders and financiers, to follow and expand the flow of international commerce and to become worldly wise and intensely skilled and competitive in their trading. b. The British tribal network: The British Empire spawned and spread much of the modern culture such is common trading and scientific language, and its law, science, and arts. The de facto international language of commerce, science and technology is English (maybe American; ask the French about McCrossaint, disk-drive, megabyte) Need to seek new resources, new markets, new international trade led to new lands to colonize --> aggressive colonial policy of 1600 - 1900 Empire consisted of North America, India, the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand Fortune seeking abroad driven by Calvinist acceptance of merchant profits and concern over idleness. Ben Franklin: "Remember, that time is money" Britain spread hard-technology around the world: steam engines and railways, manufacturing technology Also soft-technology: cost accounting, financial accounting, and all types of management and marketing decision-making activities c. The Japanese tribal network: Adopted and improved Western technology - manufacturing and distribution innovations - to develop the greatest modern tribal network Japanese trading companies send scouts out on global wanderings and management assignments of 2 to 5 years, supported by a network of Japanese owned hotels, spas, bars, restaurants, schools, and golf-clubs Based on clans of 300 years ago - ethos of mutual self-help that has transcended national borders. Important value - reinvesting almost all profits back into expanding the family business, into new markets, or new technologies. Result: large networks of extraordinarily adaptive, efficient, and aggressive small firms Succession tradition preserves the total enterprise c. The Chinese tribal network: Network of Overseas Chinese in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia Coupled with their extraordinary energy and enterprise is a great willingness to cooperate with local business partners Mainly family owned and operated businesses and investing in their children's education. Extended family - the clan - emphasizes discipline, self-control, a Confucian work-ethic, and frugality Many people have underestimated the importance of the above trading tribes: Europeans vilified the Jews France and Germany: Britain - a nation of shopkeepers East African nations: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda learned a bitter lesson about the importance of global tribal networks when they expelled their Indian communities and their export trade and as well as domestic channel systems promptly collapsed Emerging economies struggle to either create their own tribal network or ally with an existing one. Especially in Russia, India, Pakistan, Egypt, and Brazil. Alternative to tribal networks? Develop a close facilitating relationship with one of the existing global tribal networks or to operate at a severe and sustained competitive disadvantage.