Marketing Mix Strategy 1. PRODUCT/SERVICE a. What level of quality product/service will be produced and/or sold? b. How much inventory should be carried? c. How are you positioning your product/service? 2. PROMOTION a. What type of advertisement will be used: word of mouth, direct mail, local newspapers, radio, TV, specialty advertising, yellow pages, a specific promotion campaign? And how? b. Will personal selling be utilized? How will it be done and by whom? c. Will sales promotion be used? If so, what and how? d. What public relations or publicity type of activities are planned? 3. DISTRIBUTION (PLACE) a. How is product/service sold and distributed? Direct to user, wholesalers, sales representatives, etc. b. How is site location suited for customer proximity, parking, inventory storage, security, compliance with laws, zoning and code, and potential for expansion? c. What is the floor layout plan for the business? d. Have you identified the manufacturers, wholesalers, and/or retailers that will be utilized? 4. PRICE a. b. c. d. What will be the pricing policy? What is the customer’s average purchase? What are terms and conditions of sale? Will you offer credit terms? How? 5. PEOPLE a. b. c. d. What is your customer service plan? How will you identify the customer needs? How will you satisfy the customer needs? How will you treat your customers and staff?