8/12/2010 Module 15 Module 15 Teams and Teamwork • Why is it important to understand teams and teamwork? • What are the building blocks of successful teamwork? • How can managers create and lead highperformance teams? 15.1 15.1 CONTINUED Teams and Teamwork Teams and Teamwork • Teams offer synergy and other benefits to organizations and their members • Teams often suffer from common performance problems • Organizations are networks of formal teams and informal groups • Organizations use committees, task forces, and cross functional teams • Virtual teams are increasingly common in organizations • Self-managing teams are a form of job enrichment for groups 1 8/12/2010 TEAMS AND TEAMWORK TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Teamwork Benefits Teamwork Benefits • Team • Synergy – collection of people with complementary skills who work together to accomplish shared goals g while holding g each other mutuallyy accountable for performance results – Results of a team effort can create results far beyond the sum of individual efforts TEAMS AND TEAMWORK TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Teamwork Problems Formal and Informal • Social loafing • Formal teams – Team members who “coast” or allow other members to do the work. – To prevent social loafing • Keep groups small • Make task assignments interesting – Officially assigned by the organization for a purpose • • • • Department Work units Teams Divisions 2 8/12/2010 TEAMS AND TEAMWORK TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Formal and Informal Types of Teams • Informal groups – Grow spontaneously from co-worker relationships • Interest groups • Friendship groups • Support groups Committee • brings together people outside of th i d il j b their daily job assignments to work in a small team for a specific purpose; the task agenda is specific and ongoing Project teams or task forces • bring together people from various parts of i t f the organization to work on common problems Cross‐functional team • has members from different f ti functional units l it TEAMS AND TEAMWORK TEAMS AND TEAMWORK Types of Teams Types of Teams • Virtual teams • Self-managing teams – Use technology to work together from different locations Employee‐ involvement team • has members who meet on a regular basis to l b i t apply their expertise to continuous improvement Quality circle • is a group of workers that meets regularly t l l to discuss and plan specific ways to improve work quality – Have authority to make decisions about how they share and complete work 3 8/12/2010 15.2 15.2 CONTINUED Successful Teamwork Successful Teamwork • Teams need the right members and inputs to be effective • Teams need the right processes to be effective • Teams move through different stages of development • Team performance is affected by norms and cohesiveness • Team performance is affected by task and maintenance roles • Team performance is affected by use of communication networks SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK Effective Teams Effective Teams • Effective teams have three output goals – Task performance – Member satisfaction – Viability for future action 4 8/12/2010 SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK Effective Teams Effective Teams • Membership composition • Inputs that affect team performance – Mix of abilities, skills, backgrounds and experiences of the members • Diverse teams – Generally more effective – Team size – Nature of the task – Organizational setting • Team process • Homogenous teams – The way members work together – May be easier to manage SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK Team Development Performance • Stages of team development • Performance is affected by norms and cohesiveness – Norms • Expected behaviors Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning • team development, one of initial task orientation and interpersonal testing. • conflict over tasks and working as a team • coordination of task and operating agendas • Effective teamwork and focused task performance. • Completion of task, team may disband – Cohesiveness • How committed team members are 5 8/12/2010 SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK Performance Roles • Team performance is affected by task and maintenance roles – Task activities contribute directly to the team’s purpose – Maintenance activities support the emotional aspects of the team as a social system SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK Roles Communication • Distributed leadership • Team performance is affected by use of communication networks – All members are responsible for recognizing when task or maintenance activities are necessary • Disruptive behaviors cause problems – Excessive joking – Aggressiveness – Non-participation – Decentralized • All members communicate directly – Centralized • Requires members to communicate through a central hub or center point – Restricted • Subgroups fail to communicate well, become antagonistic and restrict communication 6 8/12/2010 SUCCESSFUL TEAMWORK 15.3 Communication High Performance Teams • Team building helps team members learn to work together • Team performance is affected by use of decision making methods decision-making • Team performance suffers when groupthink leads to bad decisions • Special techniques can increase creativity in team decision making HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS Team building Team Decisions • Team building • Decision making – Collaborative activities to assess team function and increase effectiveness – Selecting a course of action • Consensus – After Aft th thorough h di discussion i mostt tteam members favor one decision and other members agree to support the decision 7 8/12/2010 HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS Team Decisions Encouraging Creativity • Group think • Brainstorming – Tendency of members of highly cohesive teams to lose their critical evaluative capabilities p and make p poor decisions – Contributing ideas in an open group discussion without concern for practicality • Nominal Group Technique – Uses a structured agenda to encourage participation and restrict criticism Module 15 Case • NASCAR – Fast cars, passion and teamwork create wins 8