Journal of Public ADVERSE Economics 20 (1983) 121-130. SELECTION AND North-Holland Publishing STATISTICAL An analysis of Canadian automobile Company DISCRIMINATION insurance B.G. DAHLBY* Received Statistical February 1980, revised version received October 1981 discrimination occurs when a characteristic, such as sex, is used as an indicator of the The theory of adverse selection is used to explain the occurrence of st;ill\tical discrimination. A model of the market for collision insurance, which is based on the ~hcorv of adverse selection, is estimated on Canadian data. The results suggest that adverse selectjon occurs in this market. Simulations of the effect of prohibiting sexual discrimination in the 21-24 age group indicate that the premiums for single females would increase substantially and that a significant proportion would no longer purchase collision insurance. I 1\1\youp of an individual. 1. Introduction In 1978, a Board of Industry in Alberta ruled that insurance premiums based on the sex of the insured contravene The Individual’s Rights Protection Act (Statutes of Alberta, 1972). This act prohibits discrimination services or facilities customarily in the provision of ‘. . . any accomodation, available to the public, because of the race, religious beliefs, colour, sex. ancestry or place of origin of that person. ..‘. The Board of Inquiry was established because a number of males complained that automobile insurance companies charge females, with similar characteristics, lower premitims. This practice by the insurance industry is based on statistical evidence that the accident rate for young females is lower than that for young males. However, the Board of Inquiry ruled that ‘if a discrimination prohibited by law exists it is no less a prohibited discrimination because it is supported by statistics’.’ A policy of eliminating, in stages, age, sex, marital status, and geographic location as factors in setting auto insurance premiums has been initiated by the publicly-owned Insurance Corporation of British Columbia under its Fundamental Auto Insurance Rating (FAIR) program. *I would like to thank A. Buse, N. Doherty, D. Gillen and two anonymous referees for their comments and suggestions, A. Cooper and J. Lyndon of the Insurance Bureau of Canada for supplying the data, and Y.K. Lee for his research assistance. The financial support of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Alberta in the form of a research grant is gratefully acknowledged. ‘4lberta Human Rights Commission (1978, p. 18). 0047-2727/83/000&0000/$03.00 0 1983 North-Holland 122 B.G. Dahlhy, Adverse selection tmd stutisticai discrimination Whether insurance companies should be able to levy premiums based on the average risk of individuals in different sex, marital status, or age groups is a political or ethical question, but the prohibition of statistical discrimination has economic implications because it will alter the premiums that are levied in insurance markets. The objective of this paper is to analyze statistical discrimination in insurance markets using the theory of adverse selection. In section 2 the theory of adverse selection is reviewed and the nature of the equilibrium in a competitive insurance market in which statistical discrimination occurs is briefly described. In section 3 some statistics from the private automobile insurance industry are presented which suggest that there is an adverse selection problem in this market. A simple model of the market for collision insurance, which is based on the theory of adverse selection, is estimated and the results are consistent with the theory. In the final section the model is used to simulate the effect of prohibiting sexual discrimination in collision insurance in the 21-24 age group. The model suggests that the premiums for single females would increase substantially and that there would be a significant decline in the proportion of single females purchasing collision insurance. 2. Adverse selection and statistical discrimination The problem of adverse selection arises in insurance markets when the purchaser of insurance has more information about the probability of a loss than the insurance company and it has been analyzed by Akerlof (1970), Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976), Wilson (1977) Miyazaki (1977), and Spence (1977). In this literature it is usually assumed that there are two states of the world, and in one state there is an accident which costs C dollars. The cost and the probability of an accident are exogenous variables, and thus there is no problem of moral hazard. There are only two risk groups, high-risk individuals and low-risk individuals, with accident probabilities of rrn and rrr, respectively. All individuals have the same wealth in the absence of an accident and utility function which displays risk aversion. An insurance company cannot observe the risk group of an individual when he purchases an insurance policy, but the individual knows his risk group. Assuming that there are no costs in writing insurance policies and that firms are risk neutral, Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976) have shown that with a Nash equilibrium high-risk individuals purchase full coverage at an actuarially fair premium, low-risk individuals purchase partial coverage at an actuarially fair premium, and high-risk individuals are indifferent between the two types of policies. Wilson (1977) has introduced an alternative concept of equilibrium in which each firm correctly anticipates which policies will be dropped by other firms when it changes its menu of policies and his analysis has been B.C. Dahlhy, Advrrse selection und .stntistic.ul discrimincilion 123 extended by Miyazaki (1977) and Spence (1977) to allow for crosssubsidization of contracts purchased by high-risk and low-risk individuals. The theory of adverse selection can explain the existence of statistical discrimination in a competitive insurance market. [See Dahlby (1980) and Hoy (1982) for a detailed analysis of statistical discrimination based on adverse selection.] Suppose that an insurance company can observe, at no cost, the sex of the policy-holder and that the probability of an accident for a female is less than that for a male because the proportion of females who are high risk is lower than the proportion of males who are high-risk. Then a firm may find it profitable to offer policies with lower premiums to females. The insurance market will then be segmented with a Wilson equilibrium in each segment. High-risk individuals will purchase full coverage, low-risk individuals will purchase partial coverage and the policies purchased by lowrisk individuals will subsidize the policies purchased by high-risk individuals of the same sex. This theory of discrimination in insurance markets based on adverse selection is empirically testable and it may shed some light on the nature of the equilibrium in insurance markets. The model predicts that the proportion of individuals purchasing full coverage in each segment of the market will vary directly with the average probability of an accident in that segment. Cross-subsidization will occur within each segment with low-coverage Cross-subsidization between policies subsidizing high-coverage policies. different segments of the market will not occur. The model predicts that discrimination can occur under competitive conditions, but non-myopic behaviour on the part of firms is required. The Nash equilibrium concept, does not explain the existence of which assumes myopic behaviour, discrimination in insurance markets in the presence of an adverse selection problem. Thus, although Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976) have argued that the Wilson equilibrium concept is not relevant for competitive markets, it does explain discrimination in competitive insurance markets while the Nash equilibrium does not. Of course this is not conclusive evidence in favour of the Wilson concept because discrimination in insurance markets may be due to a non-competitive market structure. In the following section we have attempted to test for the presence of adverse selection in the Canadian insurance market. automobile Unfortunately, the available data do not indicate the premiums levied and the number of cars insured at different levels of coverage. Therefore, we have been unable to perform a direct test of the model of adverse selection described above which emphasizes differences in the levels of coverage purchased by high-risk and low-risk drivers and the cross-subsidization of high- and low-coverage policies within each segment of the market. Instead, we have used Akerlof’s hypothesis that low-risk individuals are more prone to drop out of an insurance market than are high-risk individuals in developing a simple model of adverse selection which is empirically testable. 124 B.G. Dahlhy, Adverse selection and statistical 3. Adverse selection in Canadian automobile discrimination insurance: An empirical analysis The characteristics which are mainly used in setting premiums by the private automobile insurance industry in Canada are the age, sex, marital status, and claim history of the principal driver of the automobile. Discrimination on the basis of sex and marital status is primarily used in the under 25 age group. Table 1 shows some statistics for the 21-24 age group in urban areas in Canada for the policy years 1975-78. There are two major types of automobile insurance, namely bodily injury and property damage (BIPD) insurance (which is also known as third party liability insurance), and collision insurance. BIPD insurance was compulsory in all of the provinces from which these data were compiled (except Ontario where most drivers took out BIPD insurance in any case because they were required to have $100,000 minimum coverage) and collision insurance was optional. The first row of the table shows that the average claim frequency for BIPD insurance was substantially higher for single males than for married males or females. Table Canadian Driver automobile BIPD statistics 1 for the 21-24 age group, 1975-78. class Age Sex Marital insurance status 21-22 23-24 Male Single Male Single 21-24 Male Married 21-24 Female Single or married 0.124 0.104 0.0980 0.0821 0.09 17 0.0783 0.0741 0.0659 0.175 0.311 0.312 0.289 0.109 0.0998 $162 $147 $96 $87 0.694 0.747 insurance Claim frequency entire class (7~~) -at least 5 years claim-free (7r.J Proportion of drivers with at least 5 years of claim-free driving Collision insurance ($100 and $250 deductible) Claim frequency entire class 0.123 0.142 (nC) Average premium in 1978 (P) $264 $192 Expected loss cost in 1978 $162 $137 (nC C) Proportion of drivers purchasing collision insurance 0.588 0.497 (Z) Source: Experience 1977 The Insurance Bureau of Canada, and 1978 Automobile Insurance Experience. Automobile Insurance B.C. Dahlby, Adverse selection and statistical discrimination 125 The second row shows that the average claim frequency for drivers with at least live years of claim-free driving was about 25 percent lower than the average claim frequency for all individuals in that driver class. These figures indicate that each class of drivers is not homogeneous with respect to the risk of an accident, but can be viewed as containing different proportions of as was assumed in the theoretical model high-risk and low-risk drivers, described in section 2. If there are members of the two risk groups in each class of drivers, then the average probability of an accident among individuals with zero accidents for n years approaches rrL as n approaches infinity. In the empirical analysis which follows, we have used the claim frequency for BIPD insurance among individuals with at least live years of claim-free driving as a proxy for the probability of an accident for a low-risk individual in that driver class. The third row of the table shows that the proportion of drivers with at least live years of claim-free driving is about the same for single males 23-24 years of age, married males, and females in spite of the differences among these classes in the average claim frequencies and the claim frequencies of individuals with live years of claim-free driving. This suggests that there may be differences in rrL between driver classes. The average claim frequency for individuals purchasing $100 or $250 deductible collision insurance is shown in the fourth row of the table. The average claim frequency for collision insurance is higher than that for BIPD insurance in each driver class. One possible explanation of higher claim frequencies for collision insurance is that it may cover accidents where there are no claims for third party damages, i.e. single car accidents where there is no damage to the persons or property of others. However, these statistics may also indicate the presence of adverse selection in the market for collision insurance. The theory of adverse selection predicts that low-risk individuals will purchase less than full coverage for collision damages if insurance companies cannot distinguish low-risk and high-risk individuals. If some lowrisk individuals do not purchase $100 or $250 deductible collision insurance, then the average accident rate among those purchasing collision insurance will exceed the average accident rate for the entire population, which in this case may be approximated by the claim frequency for BIPD insurance. Thus, the higher claim frequency for collision insurance may be explained by the decisions of some low-risk individuals not to purchase collision insurance because it is not attractive at the high premiums that must be charged because of the presence of high-risk individuals in the market. Table 1 also shows the average premium per car insured and the expected loss per car insured in 1978, where the latter variable is the product of the average claim frequency for collision insurance and the average loss cost per claim to the insurance industry. Finally, the table shows that proportion of drivers purchasing collision insurance was highest among females and lowest among single males 21-22 years of age. 126 B.G. Dnhlhy, Adverse selection und statistical discrimination In attempting to test for adverse selection in the market for collision insurance, we have utilized data from the Insurance Bureau of Canada for nine classes of drivers over the age of 20 for the years 1975-78. The figures do not include Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia which have public insurance programs. The proportion of drivers purchasing collision insurance in each driver class was obtained by dividing the number of cars insured for collision by the numbers of cars insured for bodily injury and property damage. The data include all drivers in a given driver class and not just those drivers with the same history of claims. We have treated the average loss cost per claim in each driver class, C, as an exogenous variable which proxies the average payout by the insurance industry. However, there may be systematic differences in C between driver classes because of variations in coverage, and C does not equal the average payout because it includes adjustment costs. A more detailed description of the data is given in an appendix which is available from the author upon request. In testing for adverse selection in the market for collision insurance, we have postulated the following simple model which focuses on the decision to purchase collision insurance: lnZ=a,+cc,ln(P/(~,~C))+cc,lnh-t- $ 6jDj; j=l cc,<o, cc,>o, Eq. (la) is based on the hypothesis that the proportion of individuals in a given driver class that purchase collision insurance, Z, is inversely related to the relative price of insurance for a low-risk individual and is directly related to the proportion of high-risk individuals in that class. The relative price of insurance is the ratio of the average premium, P, to the expected payout for a low-risk individual where the latter variable is the product of 7cL, the BIPD claim frequency for drivers with live or more years of claim-free driving, and C, the average loss cost per claim. A proxy for the proportion of high-risk drivers, h, is given by ((xb -xJ/Q where nb is the average claim frequency for BIPD insurance.’ A dummy variable for driver class j, Dj, is also ‘With two risk + In ((%,/RL) - 1)). groups, &’ is equal to (hn,,+(l -h)n,), and h~((n~-~~)/nJ equals (In h E.G. Dahlby, Adverse selection and statistical discrimination 127 included in the equation to reflect the effects of other variables, such as average net worth and attitudes toward risk, which may influence the decision to purchase collision insurance. In eq. (2a) the premium for collision insurance is determined by the expected loss cost per car insured, rccI C, where nc is the average claim frequency for collision insurance in that driver class, a measure of the insurance risk for that driver class, R, and a time trend t. The elasticity of the premium with respect to the expected loss cost per car should be positive but less than one because the other costs associated with providing insurance, such as administration costs, probably do not vary with the expected loss cost. A measure of insurance risk has been included in eq. (2a) because the segmentation of the insurance market may limit the extent of risk-pooling and because there may be unexpected changes in the cost of automobile repairs. The measure of insurance risk that we have used is the ratio of the variance in the loss cost per car insured to the average loss cost per car insured for the period 1975-78 in each driver class. That is, R is equal to (var (xc. C)/nTc), where n” is the average loss cost per car insured for the period 1975-78. The data indicate that this measure of insurance risk is generally lower in the driver classes where the number of cars insured is relatively large. It should be noted that this measure of insurance risk is based on the variability of the loss cost per car insured for the entire industry and thus it is probably an underestimate of the insurance risk for an individual firm. Finally, a time trend was included because a study of the Canadian insurance industry by Quirin et al. (1974) indicated a significant decline in operating costs over time. In eq. (3a), rcc is hypothesized to vary directly with h and rc,_ and inversely with Z. The latter relation arises because low-risk individuals have a greater tendency to drop out of the insurance market than do high-risk individuals. Thus. the lower the proportion of individuals in a given driver class purchasing collision insurance, the higher the ratio of high-risk individuals to all individuals purchasing collision insurance and hence the higher the average claim frequency for collision insurance. Therefore, in this simple model of adverse selection, Z, P, and 7~’ are endogenous variables, and h, rcL, C, R, t, and the Dts are exogenous variables. This system of equations was estimated using two-stage least-squares on pooled cross-section data for nine driver classes for the policy years 19755 78.” The results are shown below with the absolute values of the r-statistics 3The observation for driver class 06 (occasional male included in the regressions because the value for ((nb-~JzL) as large as it was in other years. driver under 25) in 1978 was not in that year was about three times B.C. Dahlby, Adverse selection 128 and statistical discrimination in parentheses: lnZ=0.3160-0.2893 (1.83) ln(P/(rrr,. C))+O.2441 (2.64) lnh; (4.29) R2 = 0.8475, In P= 1.3376+0.8793 (5.54) (lb) ln(n”. C)+O.O2193 In (16.67) R-0.07772t; (2.05) (5.32) R= = 0.9482, (2b) In 7cc=0.6051 +0.2175 In h+0.9916 (6.41) (10.52) (40.29) In rcL-0.07639 In Z; (1.22) R2 = 0.9826. (3b) All of the coefficients in the demand relation in eq. (lb) have the predicted signs and are significant by the t-test. (The estimated coefftcients of the dummy variables are not reported here, but are shown in an appendix which is available from the author upon request.) One problem with the log-linear specification of eq. (lb) is that Z is not restricted to be less than one. A logit specification of the demand relation was also estimated and is shown below: =4.568 - 2.609 In (P/(X,. C)) + 0.8792 In h, (5.57) R2 = 0.9205. (4) The logit specification also indicates that the proportion of individuals purchasing collision insurance in a given driver class varies inversely with the relative price of insurance for a low-risk individual and directly with the proportion of high-risk individuals in that driver class. Eq. (2b) indicates that the elasticity of the premium with respect to the expected loss cost per car insured is positive, as expected, and the null hypothesis that p2 equals one is rejected by the t-test at the 95 percent confidence level. The measure of insurance risk has a significant positive effect on premiums and the coefficient of the time trend indicates that, in the absence of increases in expected loss costs, the average premium would have declined at an average annual rate of 8 percent, which is somewhat higher than anticipated. Eq. (3b) indicates that h and zL have significant positive effects on 7~’ and that Z has B.G. Dahlhy, Adverse selection and statistical discrimination 129 a negative effect, but the null hypothesis that y4 is zero cannot be rejected at the 95 percent confidence level. The within sample predictions of Z, P, and rc’, based on reduced form equations using the estimates of the structural parameters in eqs. (lb)(3b), were calculated and the statistics in table 2 provide some measures of the predictive power of the model. The correlations between the actual and predicted values of the variables are high and the mean absolute prediction error is less than 5 percent of the mean value of Z and rcc and 8 percent of the mean value of P. Therefore we conclude that the simple model estimated in eqs. (lbH3b) is consistent with the observed behaviour of the market for collision insurance, and it supports the view that there is an adverse selection problem in this market. Table 2 Measures of the within sample predictive P Z Correlation coefficient between the actual and predicted values Regression coeffkient of actual on predicted Root-mean-squared error Mean absolute error Ratio of the mean absolute error to the mean values power of the model 71’ 0.901 0.970 1.028 0.0409 0.03 1 1.044 15.60 12.85 0.995 0.00438 0.00368 0.047 0.080 0.0381 4. Simulating the effect of prohibiting collision insurance discrimination 0.988 on the basis of sex in The model has been used to simulate the effect of prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sex in collision insurance in the 21-24 age group in 1977. This year was chosen for the simulation because the average absolute prediction error of the premiums with discrimination was smallest in this year. If discrimination on the basis of sex had been prohibited in 1977, it is assumed that uniform premiums would have been charged in three classes of drivers, namely single individuals 21-22 years, single individuals 23-24 years, and married individuals 21-24 years. The first row in table 3 shows the predicted premiums in 1977 with discrimination4 The predicted premiums in 1977 without discrimination are $221 for a single individual 21I 22 years, $187 for a single individual 23-24 years, and $153 for a married individual 21-24 years. As anticipated, the premiums paid by males decline 4The differences betweyl the actual premiums and the predicted premiums are $21 for single males 21-22 years, -$6 for single males 23-24 years, $7 for married males 21-24 years. and $16 for females 21 24 years. B.G. Dahlby, Adverse selection and statistical discrimination 130 Table 3 A simulation of the effect of prohibiting on the basis of sex in collision 23-24 Single 21-22 Single Age Marital Sex discrimination in 1977. status Male Predicted premium With discrimination Without discrimination Change Percentage change $250 $221 - $29 -11.6 Predicted proportion of drivers purchasing collision insurance With discrimination Without discrimination Change 0.47 0.49 0.02 Female $137 $221 $84 61.3 0.73 0.63 -0.10 Male $205 $187 -$18 - 8.8 0.56 0.57 0.01 Female $137 $187 $50 36.5 0.73 0.67 -0.06 insurance 21-24 Married Female Male $160 $153 -$7 -4.4 0.69 0.70 0.01 $137 $153 $16 11.8 0.73 0.71 - 0.02 and the premiums paid by females increase when discrimination on the basis of sex is prohibited. The increases in the premiums paid by single females are 62.3 and 36.5 percent in the 21-22 and 23-24 age groups, respectively, Table 3 also shows that the percentage of males purchasing collision insurance would increase slightly and that the percentage of females purchasing collision insurance would decline by 10 percentage points among single females 21-22 years, six percentage points among single females 23-24 years, and two percentage points among married females 21-24 years. Thus, the model predicts that the prohibition of sexual discrimination in collision insurance would lead to substantial increases in the premiums paid by single females and a significant decline in the proportion purchasing collision insurance. References Akerlof, G., 1970, The market for lemons: Qualitative uncertainty and the market mechanism, Quarterly Journal of Economics 84,488-500. Alberta Human Rights Commission, 1978, Report of a board of inquiry (Edmonton). Dahlby, B.G., 1980, The welfare effects of prohibiting statistical discrimination in insurance markets, Research paper 80-5, Department of Economics, University of Alberta. Hoy, M., 1982, Categorizing risks in the insurance industry, Quarterly Journal of Economics 97, 321-336. Insurance Bureau of Canada, 1977 and 1978, Automobile insurance experience (Toronto). Miyazaki, H., 1977, The rat race and internal labour markets, Bell Journal of Economics 8, 394 418. Quirin, G., et al., Competition, economic efficiency and profitability in the Canadian property and casualty insurance industry (Insurance Bureau of Canada, Toronto). Rothschild, M. and J. Stiglitz, 1976, Equilibrium in competitive insurance markets, Quarterly Journal of Economics 90, 629-649. Spence, M., 1977, Product diflerentiation and performance in insurance markets, Journal of Public Economics 10, 427447. Wilson, C., 1977, A model of insurance markets with incomplete information, Journal of Economic Theory 16, 167-207.