American Government Chapter 12 Bureaucracy in a Democracy Federal Civilian Employment Bureaucracy { Government run by desks { Administration { { Actual offices, tasks, and principles of organization that are employed in the most formal and sustained administration system to implement government policy Division of labor-workers are specialized Key Questions { { { { What role do the executive branch and its officials play in American democracy? What role should they play? What are the political considerations and contexts in which departments and agencies act? How do we seek to control agencies and departments? Proper Role of Politics in Governmental Administration { 19th Century Æ Patronage z z Emphasis of democracy over efficiency Meshed with party system of the day Proper Role of Politics in Governmental Administration { 20th Century ÆProfessionalized z z Created by Pendleton Act of 1883 Life-long bureaucrats are exempt from political control. { Merit based system z z Exams govern hiring and promotion. Staffed with experts from industry { Ex-military in the Department of Defense { Oil workers in the Department of Energy Changes in Federal Civilian Employment 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1821 1841 1861 1881 1901 1921 1941 1961 1981 2001 Origin of Cabinet-Level Departments Department Established Budget (2005) (billions) War 1789 State 1789 28.0 Treasury 1789 403.8 Navy 1798 Interior 1849 8.9 Justice 1870 20.7 Agriculture 1889 81.8 Labor 1903 57.0 Commerce 1903 6.2 Defense 1947 428.9 Housing and Urban Development 1965 38.9 Transportation 1966 59.0 Energy 1977 23.3 Health and Human Services 1979 574.7 Education 1979 64.3 Veterans’ Affairs 1988 67.3 Homeland Security 2002 31.0 Non-Cabinet Agencies { Independent Executive Agencies { Regulatory Commissions { Government Corporations Alan Greenspan FED Chairman Independent Regulatory Commissions Achieving Democratic Control Over a Professional Bureaucracy { { Politics get in the way of efficiency and sound management Ideally, bureaucrats would use their expertise to make govt. better z z Requires discretion and leeway Policymakers set broad direction, while bureaucrats implement policies in most efficient way Bureaucratic Arrangements are Both Valuable and Problematic { Benefits z z z { Expertise Efficiency Economies of scale Problems z z Responsiveness Accountability Inefficiency of Bureaucracies { Additional constraints imposed on public agencies to ensure compliance and faithfulness z Hierarchical chain of command must be obvious z Flow of information must be orderly and monitored z Need way of identifying individual responsibility Principal-Agent Problem { { { { Expertise and Efficiency conflict with Responsiveness and Accountability Delegation of authority must be accompanied by oversight Principal = Congress & President Agent = Bureaucracy Goals of Agents (Bureaucracy) { { { { A bureaucrat is an office manager. The bureau chief attempts to maximize his/her department’s budget. Prestige and salary Belief in department’s mission Avoiding Agency Slippage { Before the Fact Political Weapons z { Getting the right individuals After the Fact Political Weapons z Punishment Before and After Controls { President z Before-the-Fact { z After-the-Fact { { { Appointment Power Executive Orders Budgetary and Administrative Clearance Congress z Before-the-Fact { { z Specificity of Legislative Language Delegation to President After-the-Fact { { { Power of the Purse Oversight Agency Creation Types of Congressional Oversight { Police Patrol { Fire Alarm America’s Unique Bureaucracy { Hostile Political Culture z { Incoherent Organization z { Overlapping jurisdiction Divided Control z { Americans “hate” big government Two bosses: president and Congress Open Bureaucracy z Freedom of Information Act