ILLUSTRATION 11-1 INTEREST-BEARING NOTES October 1, 2005 Four months after the above date, I agree to pay $10,000 to City National Bank with interest at the rate of 9% per annum. Ed Ryon Company Oct. 1 Cash 10,000 Notes Payable 10,000 Recording cash received from note Dec. 31 Interest Expense 225 Interest Payable 225 $10,000 × 9% × 3/12 = $225 Recording three months interest expense Financial Statements at December 31 Income Statement Interest expense Balance Sheet Notes payable Interest payable 225 10,000 225 10,225 Feb. 1 Notes Payable 10,000 Interest Expense 75 Interest Payable 225 10,300 Cash $10,000 × 9% × 1/12 = $75 Recording the interest expense and payment of note and interest 11-20 ILLUSTRATION 11-2 COMMON LISTING ORDER OF CURRENT LIABILITIES • • • • Current portion of long-term debt Notes payable Accounts payable Others by order of magnitude Current Liabilities (in millions) Current portion of long-term debt Notes Payable $ 278 362 Accounts Payable 1,498 Payroll and related benefits payable 733 Taxes Payable 356 Interest Payable 190 Other liabilities 65 Total current liabilities $3,482 11-21 ILLUSTRATION 11-3 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 0% 0% PROBABILITY THAT A FUTURE EVENT WILL CONFIRM THAT A LIABILITY HAS BEEN INCURRED It is unlikely that the contingency will occur. It is reasonably possible that the contingency will occur. It is likely that the contingency will occur. Remote Possible Probable No Can amount be reasonably estimated? Yes Need not be recorded or disclosed. Disclose in notes to the financial statements. 11-22 Record liability. 100% 100% ILLUSTRATION 11-4 EMPLOYER PAYROLL TAXES EMPLOYER PAYROLL TAXES CONSISTS OF: FICA TAX ... 7.65% of first $87,000 of wages each year. Employee must also pay this tax (maximum of $6,655.50). FEDERAL UNEMPLOYMENT TAX ... Normally 0.8% on the first $7,000 of wages each year. Federal rate is 6.2% but allows the employer a maximum credit of 5.4% on the federal rate for contributions to state unemployment taxes (6.2% – 5.4% = 0.8%). STATE UNEMPLOYMENT TAX ... Basic rate of 5.4% on the first $7,000 of wages each year. State rates are adjusted according to the employer's experience rating. 11-23 Deductions Earnings Total OverHours Regular time Employee 11-24 Wages Fisher, John Dunlop, Robert Hemander, Paul Bell, Bert Total 42 42 43 44 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 1,920.00 Gross Pay 72.00 552.00 36.00 516.00 54.00 534.00 72.00 552.00 234.00 2,154.00 Paid Federal State Total Income Income United Union DeducCheck Tax Fund Dues tions Net Pay No. FICA Tax 44.16 94.00 41.28 94.00 42.72 88.00 44.16 73.00 172.32 349.00 10.32 10.32 10.68 11.04 42.36 18.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 63.00 20.00 171.48 380.52 165.60 350.40 166.40 367.60 143.20 408.80 646.68 1,507.32 Record: a. Payroll entry for the week ending January 14. b. Payroll taxes associated with the January 14 payroll. FICA (8%); Fed. Unemp. (.8%); State Unemp. (5.4%). c. Payment of the January 14 payroll on January 21. d. Payment of the January 14 payroll taxes on January 21. 1025 1026 1027 1028 ILLUSTRATION 11-5 EMPLOYER PAYROLL ENTRIES GLEASON COMPANY Payroll Register For the Week Ending January 14, 2005 ILLUSTRATION 11-5 (Continued) a. Jan. 14 Wages Expense FICA Taxes Payable Federal Income Taxes Payable State Income Taxes Payable United Fund Payable Union Dues Payable Wages Payable 2,154.00 172.32 349.00 42.36 63.00 20.00 1,507.32 To record January 14 payroll b. Jan. 14 Payroll Tax Expense FICA Taxes Payable Federal Unemployment Taxes Payable State Unemployment Taxes Payable 305.87 172.32 17.23 116.32 To record January 14 payroll taxes c. Jan. 21 Wages Payable Cash 1,507.32 1,507.32 To record payment of January 14 payroll d. Jan. 21 FICA Taxes Payable Federal Unemployment Taxes Payable State Unemployment Taxes Payable Cash 172.32 17.23 116.32 To record payment of January 14 payroll taxes 11-25 305.87