Research Insight ® Data Items List PoPulatIon & CoveRage

Research Insight®
Data Items List
Population & Coverage
Clean consistent data
Standard & Poor’s Compustat® provides comprehensive fundamental and market data used by money/portfolio
managers, investment bankers, management consultants, corporations, leading business schools and analysts for
their research, portfolio and trading strategies.
Research Insight® North America provides you with up to 20 years of annual and monthly data and up to 48 quarters
of quarterly data for more than 28,500 U.S. and Canadian companies.
History from 1950
53,000 companies from
103 countries
75,000 securities
3,000 validity checks
Data Collection and Standardization
Transparent data is the underlying factor for producing superior company and market analysis. Our Compustat
research team rigorously examines original company sources by carefully extracting financial information, removing
reporting biases and reconciling data discrepancies.
Our in-depth collection process includes:
• Alignment of data according to Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), Securities & Exchange Commission
(SEC) and GAAP (including IFRS) guidelines and principles
• Using staff analysts with expertise in global accounting practices that ensure the quality of data integrated from
third-party partners
• Extracting valuable information from the financial statement notes for added insight
• Completing comprehensive data reviews for logic, reasonability, acceptable value, data integration and trends, and
performing over 17,000 system-based validity checks on annual and quarterly data sets
Companies often present their financial results in a variety of formats, making it difficult to construct parallel company
comparisons on an “apples-to-apples” basis. After collecting data from a diverse set of sources, we standardize it by
financial statement and by specific data item definition, preparing information that is comparable across companies,
industries and time periods.
The data described here is available through Standard & Poor’s Research Insight® North America.
More than 25,500 U.S. Active & Inactive Companies
More than 3,000 Canadian Companies
600+ S&P Indexes
Fundamental Data for S&P Indexes
Business & Geographic Segments for 7 Years
More than 1,000 Data Items, Ratios & Growth Rates
Annual & Quarterly Financial Data
Up to 20 years of Monthly Prices & Dividends
10 years of Daily Prices *
Daily updates
Thomson First Call and I/B/E/S Earnings Estimates *
Annual Data back to 1950*
Textual Databases: Business Descriptions, Trends & Projections
Data Item Name
Balance Sheet
Accounts Payable - Note
Accounts Payable - Quarterly
Accounts Payable - Quarterly - Note
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Accumulated Depreciation Total - Quarterly - Note
Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization - Total
Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization - Total - Note
Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization - Total - Quarterly
Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization - Total - Quarterly - Note
Adoption of Accounting Changes
Assets - Other
Assets - Other - Excluding Deferred Charges
Assets - Other - Quarterly
Assets - Total
Assets - Total - Note
Assets - Total - Quarterly
Assets - Total - Quarterly - Note
Assets/Level 1 (Quoted Prices)
Assets/Level 2 (Observable)
Assets/Level 3 (Unobservable)
Assets/Netting & Other Adj
Capital Surplus
Capital Surplus - Note
Capital Surplus - Quarterly
Capital Surplus - Quarterly - Note
Cash and Equivalents
Cash and Equivalents - Quarterly
Common Equity - Total
Common Equity - Total - Quarterly
Common Stock
Common Stock - Note
Common Stock - Per Share Carrying Value
Common Stock - Quarterly
Common Stock - Quarterly - Note
Current Assets - Other
Current Assets - Other - Excluding Prepaid Expenses
Current Assets - Other- Quarterly
Current Assets - Total
Current Assets - Total - Quarterly
Current Liabilities - Other
Current Liabilities - Other - Quarterly
Current Liabilities - Other Excluding Accrued
Current Liabilities - Total
Current Liabilities - Total - Quarterly
Debt - Total
Debt - Total - Quarterly
Debt Due in 1st Year
Debt in Current Liabilities
Debt in Current Liabilities - Quarterly
Debt in Current Liabilities - Quarterly - Note
Deferred Charges
Deferred Tax Assets (Long-Term)
Deferred Taxes (Balance Sheet)
Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit
Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit - Quarterly
Income Tax Refund
Income Taxes Payable
Income Taxes Payable - Note
Income Taxes Payable - Quarterly
Income Taxes Payable - Quarterly - Note
Inventories - Total
Inventories - Total - Quarterly
Invested Capital - Total
Invested Capital - Total - Quarterly
Investment Tax Credit (Balance Sheet)
Investments and Advances - Equity Method
Investments and Advances - Other
Liabilities - Other
Liabilities - Other - Quarterly
Liabilities - Total
Liabilities - Total - Quarterly
Liabilities/Level 1 (Quoted Prices)
Liabilities/Level 2 (Observable)
Liabilities/Level 3 (Unobservable)
Liabilities/Netting & Other Adj
Long-Term Debt - Total
Long-Term Debt - Total - Note
Long-Term Debt - Total - Quarterly
Long-Term Debt - Total - Quarterly - Note
Minority Interest (Balance Sheet)
Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) - Quarterly
Notes Payable
PP&E (Gross) - Total
PP&E (Gross) - Total - Quarterly
PP&E (Net) - Total
PP&E (Net) - Total - Note
PP&E (Net) - Total - Quarterly
Preferred Stock
Preferred Stock - Nonredeemable
Preferred Stock - Note
Preferred Stock - Quarterly
Preferred Stock - Redeemable
Preferred Stock - Redeemable - Quarterly
Prepaid Expenses
Real Estate Property - Total
Real Estate Property - Total - Quarterly
Receivables - Current Other including Tax Refunds
- Quarterly
Receivables - Estimated Doubtful
Receivables - Other Current
Receivables - Total
Receivables - Total - Quarterly
Receivables - Trade
Retained Earnings
Retained Earnings - Cumulative Transaction
Retained Earnings - Note
Retained Earnings - Quarterly
Retained Earnings - Quarterly - Note
Short-Term Investments
Stockholders’ Equity
Stockholders’ Equity - Quarterly
Total Fair Value Assets
Total Fair Value Changes Included in Earnings
Total Fair Value Liabilities
Treasury Stock - Dollar Amount - Total
Treasury Stock - Dollar Amount - Total - Quarterly
Treasury Stock - Number of Common Shares
Unbilled Receivables
Business Segment
Availability Codes - Segment
Business Segment Name
Business Segments - Actual Number
Capital Expenditures (Business Segment)
Capital Expenditures (Business Segment) - Note
Customer Name(s) - Primary (Business Segment)
Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization (Business
• Employees (Business Segment)
• Employees (Business Segment) - Note
• Equity in Earnings - Unconsolidated Subsidiaries
(Business Segment)
• Equity in Earnings - Unconsolidated Subsidiaries
(Business Segment) - Note
• Foreign Governments (Business Segment)
• Identifiable Assets - Business Segment
• Identification Codes - Segment
• Investments at Equity (Business Segment)
• Operating Profit (Business Segment)
• Operating Profit (Business Segment) - Note
• Order Backlog (Business Segment)
• Principle Product Names (Business Segment)
• Principle Product(s) SIC(s) (Business Segment)
• R&D - Company Sponsored (Business Segment)
• R&D - Company Sponsored (Business Segment) Note
• R&D - Customer Sponsored (Business Segment)
• Sales of Principle Product(s) (Business Segment)
• Sales (Net) (Business Segment)
• Sales (Net) (Business Segment) - Note
• Sales to Domestic Government (Business Segment)
• Sales to Foreign Government (Business Segment)
• Sales to Principal Customer(s) (Business Segment)
• Sales to Principal Customer(s) (Business Segment)
- Note
• SIC Codes - Business Segment (Primary and
• Source Code - Business Segment
• Update Code - Business Segment
Canadian Data
Consumer Price Index - All Items - Canada
Employment - Canada
Government Bonds 10 Year and Over - Canada
Government Bonds - 30 Year - Canada
Government Notes - 5 Year - Canada
Government Notes - 10 Year - Canada
Gross Domestic Product - Canada
Housing Starts (Units) - Canada
Industrial Product Price Index - Canada
Prime Interest Rate - Canada
Raw Material Price Index - Canada
Retail Sales - Total - Canada
Sale of Passenger Cars - Canada
Treasury Bill - 3 Month - Canada
Treasury Bill - 12 Month - Canada
Unemployment Rate - Canada
Common Stock Float Shares - Canada
EPS - 12-Month Moving Historical - Canada
Market Float Value - Canada
Market Float Value - Monthly - Canada
Price to Historical Earnings Per Share - Canada
Columbine Capital Data
Beta (Columbine Capital Services)
Book Value (Columbine Capital Services)
Cash Flow (Columbine Capital Services)
Columbine Alpha - Decile
Columbine Alpha - Score
Columbine/First Call - Decile
Columbine/First Call - Score
Combo Model - Decile
Columbine Sector Model - Decile
Combo Model - Score
Columbine Sector Model - Percentile
Core Model - Decile
Data Item Name
Core Model - Score
Dividend Yield (Columbine Capital Services)
Earnings Change
Earnings Growth
Earnings Surprise
Earnings Volatility
Estimate Revision
Estimated Earnings Yield
Growth Model - Decile
Growth Model - Score
Income Model - Decile
Income Model - Score
Market Liquidity
Momentum Model - Decile
Momentum Model - Score
Reported Earnings Yield
Small-Cap Model - Decile
Small-Cap Model - Score
Valuation Model - Score
Valuation Model - Decile
Value Model - Decile
Value Model - Score
Compustat Classic Overview
• Compustat Classic Data Items
• Date Company First Time on Compustat Database
Financial Ratios
Assets for Sale to Assets
Available for Interest
Available for Interest - Quarterly
Average Collection Period
Average Collection Period - Quarterly
Bad Debt Reserve Ratio
Berry Ratio
Cash Flow
Cash Flow - Alternate Definition
Cash Flow Quarterly
Cash Flow Margin
Cash Flow Margin - Quarterly
Cash Flow Margin - Alternate Definition
Cash Flow per Share
Cash Flow per Share - Quarterly
Cash to Current Assets
Cash to Current Assets - Quarterly
Cash to Current Liabilities
Cash to Current Liabilities - Quarterly
Cash Reinvestment Ratio
Cash Reinvestment Ratio - Quarterly
Cash Turnover
Cash Turnover - Quarterly
Coefficient of Determination - Cash Flow - 3 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Cash Flow - 5 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Cash Flow - 10 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Common Equity (Book
Value) - 3 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Common Equity (Book
Value) - 5 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Common Equity (Book
Value) - 10 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Dividends per Share by
Ex-Date - 3 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Dividends per Share by
Ex-Date - 5 Year
Coefficient of Determination - Dividends per Share by
Ex-Date - 10 Year
Coefficient of Determination - EPS Basic - Excluding
- 3 Year
Coefficient of Determination - EPS Basic - Excluding
- 5 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - EPS Basic - Excluding
- 10 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Income Before Extra
Items - 3 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Income Before Extra
Items - 5 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Income Before Extra
Items - 10 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated EPS Basic Excluding - 3 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated EPS Basic Excluding - 5 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated Sales - 3
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated Sales - 5
• Coefficient of Determination - Sales - 3 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Sales - 5 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Sales - 10 Year
• Common Equity Turnover
• Common Equity Turnover - Quarterly
• Compound Growth Rate - Five Year - Sales - Net
• Compound Growth Rate - Five Year - Dividends Per
Share by Ex-Date
• Compound Growth Rate - Five Year - EPS Basic Excluding
• Compound Growth Rate - Five Year - Income Before
Extraordinary Items
• Current Ratio
• Current Ratio - Quarterly
• Days to Pay Accounts Payable
• Days to Pay Accounts Payable - Quarterly
• Days to Sell Inventory
• Days to Sell Inventory - Quarterly
• Earning Assets - Total
• Earning Assets - Total - Quarterly
• Earnings Predictability
• Earnings Retention Rate
• Earnings Retention Rate - Quarterly
• Earnings Retention Rate - 3 Year Average
• Earnings Retention Rate - 5 Year Average
• Earnings Retention Rate - 10 Year Average
• Earnings Before Taxes and Interest Margin
• EBITDA Margin
• Equity Growth Rate
• Equity Growth Rate - Quarterly
• Equity Growth Rate - 3 Year Average
• Equity Growth Rate - 5 Year Average
• Equity Growth Rate - 10 Year Average
• Financial Leverage Index
• Financial Leverage Index - Quarterly
• Fixed Assets/Common Equity
• Fixed Assets/Common Equity - Quarterly
• Fixed Assets/Total Equity
• Fixed Assets/Total Equity - Quarterly
• Fixed Assets Turnover
• Fixed Assets Turnover - Quarterly
• Foreign Sales - Total as a Percentage of Sales
• Free Cash Flow
• Free Cash Flow - Quarterly
• Free Cash Flow - 12 Months Moving
• Free Cash Flow Per Share
• Free Cash Flow Per Share - Quarterly
• Free Cash Flow Per Share - 12 Months Moving
• Funds Flow Adequacy Ratio
• Funds Flow Adequacy Ratio - Quarterly
• Funds Flow Adequacy Ratio 12MM
Gross Assets
Gross Assets - Quarterly
Gross Profit Margin
Gross Profit Margin - Quarterly
Gross Profit Margin - 12-Months Moving
Income Percentage Change - 1-Year
Income Percentage Change - 3-Year
Income Percentage Change - 5-Year
Income Percentage Change - 10-Year
Interest Coverage After Tax
Interest Coverage After Tax - Quarterly
Interest Coverage Before Tax
Interest Coverage Before Tax - Quarterly
Interest Expense (FS) % of Liabilities
Internal Funding of Capital Expenditures
Internal Funding of Capital Expenditures - Quarterly
Inventory Turnover
Inventory Turnover - Quarterly
Invested Capital - Total
Invested Capital - Total - Quarterly
Leased Asset Turnover
Liquidity Index
Liquidity Index - Quarterly
Long-Term Debt - Common Equity
Long-Term Debt - Common Equity - Quarterly
Least Squares Growth Rate - Book Value (Common
Equity) - 3 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Book Value (Common
Equity) - 5 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Book Value (Common
Least Squares Growth Rate - Cash Flow
Least Squares Growth Rate - Cash Flow
Least Squares Growth Rate - Cash Flow - 10 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Dividends Per Share by
Ex-Date - 3 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Dividends Per Share
by Ex-Date
Least Squares Growth Rate - Dividends Per Share by
Ex-Date - 10 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Earnings per Share
Diluted/ 3 Yr.
Least Squares Growth Rate - EPS Primary - Excl. - 3
Least Squares Growth Rate - EPS Primary - Excl. - 5
Least Squares Growth Rate - EPS Primary - Excl. - 10
Least Squares Growth Rate - Income Before Extra.
Items - 3 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Income Before Extra.
Items - 5 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Income Before Extra.
Items - 10 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated EPS Primary
- Excl. - 3 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated EPS Primary
- Excl. - 5 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated EPS Primary
- Excl. - 10 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated Sales - 5 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated Sales - 3 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Sales - 3 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Sales - 5 Year
Least Squares Growth Rate - Sales - 10 Year
Long-Term Debt/Shareholder’s Equity
Long-Term Debt/Shareholder’s Equity - Quarterly
Long-Term Debt/Tangible Assets
Data Item Name
Long-Term Debt/Total Capital
Long-Term Debt/Total Capital - Quarterly
Net Charge-Offs
Net Charge-Offs % of Net Income
Net Interest Margin
Net Loans Percentage of Assets
Net Loans Percentage of Deposits
Net Operating Assets
Net Operating Assets - Quarterly
Net Profit Margin
Net Profit Margin - Quarterly
Net Trade Cycle - Quarterly
Net Trade Cycle
Nonoperating Income (Expenses) % of Net Interest
Nonperforming Assets % of Assets - Total
Nonperforming Assets % of Common Equity
Operating Cycle
Operating Cycle - Quarterly
Operating Margin After Depreciation
Operating Margin After Depreciation - Quarterly
Operating Margin Before Depreciation
Operating Margin Before Depreciation - Quarterly
Pretax Profit Margin
Pretax Profit Margin - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Assets
Pretax Return on Assets - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Average Assets - Fixed
Pretax Return on Average Assets - Fixed - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Average Assets - Total
Pretax Return on Average Assets - Total - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Average Equity
Pretax Return on Average Equity - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Average Investment
Pretax Return on Average Investment - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Equity
Pretax Return on Equity - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Fixed Assets
Pretax Return on Fixed Assets - Quarterly
Pretax Return on Investment
Pretax Return on Investment - Quarterly
Provision for Loan/Asset Losses
Provision for Loan/Asset Losses % of Assets
Quick Ratio
Quick Ratio - Quarterly
Receivables Turnover
Receivables Turnover - Quarterly
Reinvestment Rate
Reinvestment Rate - Quarterly
Reinvestment Rate - 3-Year Average
Reinvestment Rate - 5-Year Average
Reinvestment Rate - 10-Year Average
Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses % of Nonperf. Assets
Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses
Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses % of Assets
Return on Assets
Return on Assets - Quarterly
Return on Average Assets
Return on Average Assets - Quarterly
Return on Average Equity
Return on Average Equity - Quarterly
Return on Average Investment
Return on Average Investment - Quarterly
Return on Equity
Return on Equity - Quarterly
Return on Investment
Return on Investment - Quarterly
Sales Percentage Change - 1-Year
Sales Percentage Change - 3-Year
Sales Percentage Change - 5-Year
Sales Percentage Change - 10-Year
Securities Percentage of Assets
Short-Term Debt as a Percentage of Total Debt
Short-Term Debt as a Percentage of Total Debt Quarterly
Tax Rate
Tax Rate - Quarterly
Tax Retention Rate
Tax Retention Rate - Quarterly
Tax Retention Rate - 3-Year Average
Tax Retention Rate - 5-Year Average
Tax Retention Rate - 10-Year Average
Total Asset Turnover
Total Asset Turnover - Quarterly
Total Assets/Common Equity
Total Assets/Common Equity - Quarterly
Total Assets/Total Equity
Total Assets/Total Equity - Quarterly
Total Debt/Tangible Assets
Total Debt/Total Assets
Total Debt/Total Assets - Quarterly
Total Debt/Total Capital
Total Debt/Total Capital - Quarterly
Total Debt/Total Equity
Total Debt/Total Equity - Quarterly
Total Equity Turnover
Total Equity Turnover - Quarterly
Working Capital (Balance Sheet)
Working Capital Per Share
Working Capital Per Share - Quarterly
Working Capital Turnover
Working Capital Turnover - Quarterly
Z Score - Measure of Bankruptcy
Financial Services
Interest Expense - Total (FS)
Interest Expense (FS) % of Liabilities
Interest Income - Total (FS)
Internal Funding of Capital Expenditures 12 MM
Net Asset Value
Net Charge-Offs
Net Charge-Offs % of Net Income
Net Interest Income
Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent)
Net Interest Margin
Net Loans Percentage of Assets
Net Loans Percentage of Deposits
Nonoperating Income (Expenses) % of Net Interest
Nonperforming Assets - Total
Nonperforming Assets % of Assets - Total
Nonperforming Assets % of Common Equity
Provision for Loan/Asset Losses
Provision for Loan/Asset Losses % of Assets
Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses
Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses % of Assets
Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses % of Nonperf. Assets
Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Tier 1
Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Tier 2
Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Total
Securities Percentage of Assets
Tax Equivalent Adjustment
Float Shares
• Common Shares 5% or More Ownership Float
Adjustment - Current
• Common Shares Float Date Adjustment - Current
• Common Shares Insider Ownership Diluted Float
Adjustment - Current
• Common Shares Insider Ownership Float Adjustment
- Current
• Common Shares Float Note
• Common Stock Float Shares - Canada
• Common Stock Float Shares - Canadian Issue
• Float Common
• Float Common - Current Company Level
• Float Common - Current Issue
• Float Common % of Shares Outstanding
• Float Common % of Shares Outstanding - Current
Company Level
• Float Common % of Shares Outstanding - Current
• Float Diluted
• Float Diluted - Current Company Level
• Float Diluted - Current Issue
• Float Diluted % of Shares Outstanding
• Float Diluted % of Shares Outstanding - Current
Company Level
• Float Diluted % Shares Outstanding - Current Issue
• Float Management Common
• Float Management Common - Current Company
• Float Management Common - Current Issue
• Float Management Common % of Shares
• Float Management Common % of Shares
Outstanding - Current Company Level
• Float Management Common % of Shares
Outstanding - Current Issue
• Float Management Diluted
• Float Management Diluted - Current Company Level
• Float Management Diluted - Current Issue
• Float Management Diluted % of Shares Outstanding
• Float Management Diluted % of Shares Outstanding
- Current Company Level
• Float Management Diluted % of Shares Outstanding
- Current Issue
• Market Float Management Value Common
• Market Float Management Value Common - Current
Company Level
• Market Float Management Value Common - Current
• Market Float Management Value Diluted
• Market Float Management Value Diluted - Current
Company Level
• Market Float Management Value Diluted - Current
• Market Float Value Common
• Market Float Value Common - Current Company Level
• Market Float Value Common - Current Issue
• Market Float Value Diluted
• Market Float Value Diluted - Current Company Level
• Market Float Value Diluted - Current Issue
• S&P Float Shares
• Float Methodologies
@ABS - Absolute value
@AGG - Aggregate
@ALPHA - Returns the intercept of the Y axis
@AND - Logical AND
@PBETA - Returns the slope of the line
@CAVG - Average across a set
@CCOR - Correlation coefficient across a set
@CCOUNT - Counts companies containing data in
Data Item Name
a set
@CGMN - Geometric mean across a set
@CHGCO - Company transformation
@CHGSET - Set transformation
@CMAX - Maximum value across a set
@CMED - Median value across a set
@CMIN - Minimum value across a set
@CONCATENATE Combines text strings
@CORR - Returns the R2 of the correlation
@CPROD - Multiplication across a set
@CSIZE - Counts companies in a set
@CSTD - Standard deviation across a set
@CSUM - Sum across a set
@CWAVG - Weighted average across a set
@DATE - Inserts calendar date
@DAY - Identifies period day
@DB Return formula from the specified layer
@DESC - Displays descriptions
@ELEMENT - Specifies Group Item
@EXCLUDEDB Exclude Specified Database Layer
@EXP - Exponent
@EXPSMOOTH - Exponentially Weighted Average
@FIND - Finds a specific value in a text string
@FORECAST- Returns a predicted value
@FRAC - Measures relative standing within a set
@GEO - Returns geographic segment data
@IF - Returns a value when conditions are met
@INRANGE - Determines membership in a range
@INT - Integer
@ISAF - Determines annual figure data code
@ISCF - Determine combined figure data code
@ISIF - Determines insignificant figure data code
@ISMEMBER - Identifies Members of a Set
@ISNA - Determines not available figure data code
@ISNC - Determines not calculable data code
@ISNM - Determines not meaningful data code
@ISS - Returns issue data
@ISSF - Determines semiannual figure data code
@ISVALUE - Determines existence of data
@ISXE - Determines not available currency data code
@LEFT - Returns the leftmost characters in a text
@LN - Natural log
@LOG - Log
@MID - Returns the middle characters in a text string
@MNT - Identifies period month
@MRALPHA Returns the intercept of the y axis in the
multiple regression equation
@MRBETA Returns the slope of the line for the
specified variable
@MRCORR Calculates the coefficient of multiple
determination (R2) between 3 or more items from a
multiple regression equation
@MRFSTAT Determines the f-statistic in the
multiple regression equation
@MRSTDERR Calculates the standard error of the
y (independent variable) in the multiple regression
@NATIVE - Displays data in native currency
@NOT - Logical NOT
@CNTILE - Creates fractiles within a set
@OR - Logical OR
@PARM - Displays currency description
@PAVG - Average across time
@PCGR - Compound growth rate
@PCOR - Correlation Coefficient Over Time
@PCOUNT - Count Periods
@PDEC - Decrease across time
@PERCENTILE Determines the Value at a Break Point
@PERIOD - Displays period number
@PFIRST - Locates First Occurrence of Data
@PFRAC Measures Relative Standing Over Time
@PFSTPD - Locates First Time Period Occurrence
of Data
@PGMN - Geometric mean across time
@PINC - Increase across time
@PLAST - Locates Last Occurrence of Data
@PLASTPD - Locates Last Time Period Occurrence
of Data
@PLSG - Least squares growth rate
@PLSGR - Fit of least squares growth rate
@PMAX - Maximum value across time
@PMAXPD - Period for maximum value across time
@PMED - Median value across time
@PMEDPD - Period for median value
@PMIN - Minimum value across time
@PMINPD - Period for minimum value across time
@PNTILE Creates Fractiles Over Time
@PPROD - Multiplication across time
@PRANK Calculates Relative Rank Over Time
@PSTD - Standard deviation
@PSUM - Sum across time
@PWAVG - Weighted average across time
@QTR - Identifies fiscal period quarter
@CRANK - Ranks order within a set
@RIGHT - Returns the rightmost characters in a text
@RND - Round
@SCALE - Returns data in millions
@SEG - Returns business segment data
@SET - Selects companies based on condition
@SIC2 and @SIC3 - Generalize SIC codes
@SQRT - Square root
@STDS Standard Deviation for a Sample of a
@TEXT - Returns a string of characters
@TRIMPCT - Trim Outlying Values (Percent)
@TRIMSTD - Trim Outlying Values (Standard
@VALUE - Generates a data value
@WK - Identifies period week
@YR - Identifies fiscal period year
ALPHA Calculation
BETA Calculation
Calculation of Standard Deviation for a Sample of the
Compound Growth Rate Calculation
Correlation Coefficient Calculation
Fit of Least Squares Growth Rate Calculation
Forecast Calculation
Geometric Mean Calculation
Least Squares Growth Rate Calculation
Multiple Regression Alpha Calculation
Multiple Regression Beta Calculation
Multiple Regression Standard Error Calculation
R2 Coefficient of Multiple Determination Calculation
R2 Correlation Coefficient
Standard Deviation Calculation
Weighted Average Calculation
Function Categories
Currency Functions
Database Control Functions
Growth Functions
Historical Analysis Functions
Information Functions
Logical Functions
Mathematical Functions
Period Reference Functions
Reference Functions
Screening Functions
Set Analysis Functions
Statistical Functions
Text Functions
Function Calculations
• ALPHA Calculation
• BETA Calculation
• Calculation of Standard Deviation for a Sample of the
• Compound Growth Rate Calculation
• Correlation Coefficient Calculation
• Fit of Least Squares Growth Rate Calculation
• Forecast Calculation
• Geometric Mean Calculation
• Least Squares Growth Rate Calculation
• Multiple Regression Alpha Calculation
• Multiple Regression Beta Calculation
• Multiple Regression Standard Error Calculation
• R2 Coefficient of Multiple Determination Calculation
• R2 Correlation Coefficient
• Standard Deviation Calculation
• Weighted Average Calculation
General Company Information
Address - City
Address - State
Address - Street or Post Office Box
Address - ZIP Code of Company
Aggregate Number of Companies - Qtly
Aggregate Number of Companies
Auditor’s Opinion
Business Segments - Actual Number
Central Index Key Number
CEO Signoff
CFO Signoff
Common Shareholders
Company Name
Company Name (Issue Level)
Company Short Name
Company Status Code - Quarterly
Company Web Site Address
Concepts without lag for S&P Backtester
County - Primary Location
Currency Translation Rate
Currency Translation Rate - Quarterly
Current Period (Company)
Current Period - Daily (Company)
Current Period - Monthly (Company)
Current Period - Quarterly (Company)
Current Period - Weekly (Company)
CUSIP Number
Data Comparability Code - Quarterly
Date - Day
Date - Month
Date - Quarter
Date - Year
Economic Sector Code - Current
Economic Sector Code - Historical
Employees - Note
Employer Identification Number
Fax Number
First Reported Source - Quarterly
Data Item Name
Fiscal Year
Fiscal Year - Quarterly
Foreign Incorporation Code
Format Code
Format Code - Quarterly
Fortune Industry Code
Fortune Rank
GICS Group
GICS Industry
GICS Sector
GICS Sub-Industry
GLOBAL Vantage Key
GVKEY Issue Identifier
Industry Sector Code
Industry Sector Code - Historical
Initial Public Offering Date
Internal Control Auditor
Internet Download Date - Annual
Internet Download Date - Daily
Internet Download Date - Monthly
Internet Download Date - Quarterly
Internet Download Date - Scalar
Internet Download Date - Weekly
Inventory Valuation Method
Last Filing Date
Long Business Description
Long-term Issuer Credit Ratings
Major Index Markers - Current
Major Index Markers - Monthly
NASDAQ NMS Identification Code
North American Industry Classification System
Officer Code(s)
Officer Name(s)
Officer Title(s)
Order Backlog
Pending Class Change Code
Period Reference - Final Quarter
Phone Number
Primary GICS Code - Annual
Primary GICS Code - Current
Primary GICS Code - Monthly
Primary Issue IID
Primary SIC Code
Research Company - Deletion Date
Research Company Reason for Deletion
Russell Available Shares
Russell Index ID
Russell Market Value
Russell Percent
S&P Commercial Paper Rating
S&P Domestic Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating Current
S&P Domestic Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating Monthly
S&P Domestic Short-Term Issuer Credit Rating Current
S&P Domestic Short-Term Issuer Credit Rating Monthly
S&P Index Code - Current
S&P Index Code - Historical
S&P Index Code - Monthly
S&P Industry Index Code - Current
S&P Industry Index Code - Historical
S&P Industry Index Code - Monthly
S&P Quality Ranking - Monthly
S&P Senior Debt Rating - Current -Note
S&P Senior Debt Rating Categories
S&P Senior Debt Rating Monthly - Note
S&P Subordinated Debt Rating - Current
S&P Subordinated Debt Rating - Monthly
Short Business Description
Short-Term Issuer Credit Rating
SIC Code - Historical
SIC Code(s) - All Products and Segments
SIC Codes - Business Segment (Primary and
Source Code
Source Code - Quarterly
State - Primary Location
State Incorporation Code
Status Alert
Stock Exchange
Stock Ownership
Ticker (Issue Level)
Ticker Symbol
Unadjusted concepts for S&P Backtester
Update Code
Update Code - Quarterly
Value/Growth Indicator
Geographic Areas
Availability Codes - Geographic
Capital Expenditures - Geographic Segment
Capital Expenditures - Geographic Segment - Note
Depreciation, Depletion, and Amortization Geographic Segment
Foreign Sales - Total
Foreign Sales - Total as a Percentage of Sales
Identification Codes - Geographic
Geographic Segments - Actual Number
Geographic Segment Area Code(s)
Identifiable Assets - Geographic Segment
Operating Profit - Geographic Segment
Operating Profit - Geographic Segment - Note
Sale - Aggregate Export - Geographic Segment
Sales (Net) - Geographic Segment
Sales (Net) - Geographic Segment - Note
Source Code - Geographic Segment
Update Code - Geographic Segment
GICS Aggregate Data
GICS Aggregate Population and Coverage
GICS Aggregate Data Periodicity
GICS Aggregate Methodology
GICS Aggregate vs. Index Fundamentals
GICS Aggregate Data Item List
Aggregate Number of Companies
Aggregate Number of Companies - Qtly
Cash Flow Per Share - 12-Months Moving for
Core Earnings Per Share - 12-Months Moving for
EBIT Per Share - 12-Months Moving for Aggregate
EBITDA Per Share - 12-Months Moving for
Free Cash Flow - 12-Months Moving for Aggregate
Price to Basic Earnings - 12-Months Moving for
Price to Basic Earnings from Ops - 12-Months
Moving for Aggregate
Price to Book for Aggregate
Price to Cash Flow - 12-Months Moving for
Price to Diluted Earnings - 12-Months Moving for
Price to Diluted Earnings from Ops - 12-Months
Moving for Aggregate
Price to Free Cash Flow - 12-Months Moving for
Price to Sales - 12-Months Moving for Aggregate
Primary GICS Code - Monthly
Primary GICS Code - Current
Sales Per Share - 12-Months Moving for Aggregate
Working Capital Per Share - 12-Months Moving for
Income Statement
After-Tax Stock Compensation
After-Tax Stock Compensation Note
Amortization of Intangibles
Cash Dividends - Preferred
Cash Dividends - Preferred - Quarterly
Common Shares for 12-Months Moving Earnings
Per Share
Common Shares for Basic Earnings Per Share
Common Shares for Basic Earnings Per Share Quarterly
Common Shares for Diluted Earnings Per Share
Common Shares for Diluted EPS - Quarterly
Common Stock Equivalents - Dollar Savings
Common Stock Equivalents - Dollar Savings Quarterly
Cost of Goods Sold
Cost of Goods Sold - Note
Cost of Goods Sold - Quarterly
Cost of Goods Sold - Quarterly - Note
Cost of Goods Sold - 12-Months Moving
Deferred Taxes - Federal
Deferred Taxes - Foreign
Deferred Taxes - State
Deferred Taxes (Income Account)
Deferred Taxes (Income Account) - Quarterly
Depreciation and Amortization
Depreciation and Amortization - Note
Depreciation and Amortization - Quarterly - Note
Depreciation and Amortization - Quarterly
Depreciation and Amortization - 12-Months Moving
Discontinued Operations
Discontinued Operations - Quarterly
Extraordinary Items
Extraordinary Items - Quarterly
Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations
Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Quarterly
Gain/Loss on Sale of Real Estate
Gain/Loss on Sale of Real Estate - Quarterly
Income Before Extraordinary Items
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Quarterly
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Quarterly - Note
Income Before Extraordinary Items - 12-Months
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjst. for
Common Stock Equivalents
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjst. for
Common Stock Equivalents - Note
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjst. for
Common Stock Equivalents - Quarterly
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjst. for
Common Stock Equivalents - Qtly Note
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjusted for
Common Stock Equivalents - 12MM
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Available for
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Available for
Common - Quarterly
Data Item Name
• Income Before Extraordinary Items - Available for
Common - 12 Months Moving
• Income Taxes - Note
• Income Taxes - Federal
• Income Taxes - Foreign
• Income Taxes - Other
• Income Taxes - State
• Income Taxes - Total
• Income Taxes - Total - Note
• Income Taxes - Total - Quarterly
• Income Taxes - Total - Quarterly - Note
• Income Taxes - Total - 12 Months Moving
• Interest Expense
• Interest Expense - Note
• Interest Expense - 12-Months Moving
• Interest Expense - Quarterly
• Interest Expense - Quarterly - Note
• Interest Income
• Minority Interest (Income Account)
• Minority Interest (Income Account) - Quarterly
• Minority Interest - 12 Months Moving
• Net Income Adjusted for Common Stock Equivalents
• Net Income (Loss)
• Net Income (Loss) - Note
• Net Income (Loss) - Quarterly
• Net Income (Loss) - 12-Months Moving
• Nonoperating Income (Expense)
• Nonoperating Income (Expense) - Quarterly
• Nonoperating Income/Expense 12 Months Moving
• Nonoperating Income (Expense) - Excluding Interest
• Operating Income After Depreciation
• Operating Income After Depreciation - Note
• Operating Income After Depreciation - Quarterly
• Operating Income After Depreciation - 12-Months
• Operating Income Before Depreciation
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - 12-Months
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly
• Other Expense - Noninsurance
• Other Insurance Expense
• Other Underwriting Expenses (Insurance)
• Pretax Income
• Pretax Income - Note
• Pretax Income - Quarterly
• Pretax Income - 12-Months Moving
• Sales (Net)
• Sales (Net) - Note
• Sales (Net) - Quarterly
• Sales (Net) - Quarterly - Note
• Sales (Net) - 12-Months Moving
• Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses
• Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses - Note
• Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses Quarterly
• Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses Quarterly - Note
• Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses 12-Months Moving
• Special Items
• Special Items - Quarterly
Index Fundamentals Overview
• Index Fundamentals Coverage
• Index Fundamentals Calculation
Index Fundamental Data Items
Capital Expenditures - Quarterly - Index
S&P Index - Percentage of Equity Updated Annually
S&P Index - Percentage of Equity Updated Quarterly
S&P Index - Number of Companies Annually
S&P Index - Number of Companies Quarterly
Industry-Specific Data
Airline Industry Data
Aircraft Leased
Aircraft Owned
Average Age of Aircraft (Years)
Average Fuel Price per Gallon (cents)
Available Seat Kilometers (ASKs)
Available Seat Miles (ASMs)
Break-even Load Factor
Fuel Consumed (Gallons)
Fuel Expense
Operating Expenses per Aircraft Seat Miles
Passenger Load Factor
Passenger Revenue
Passenger Revenue Per Aircraft Seat Miles
Passenger Revenue per Revenue Passenger Miles
Revenue Passengers Carried
Revenue Passenger Kilometers (RPKs)
Revenue Passenger Miles (RPM)
Total Aircraft in Service
Total Revenue per Aircraft Seat Miles
Gaming Industry Specific Data
Casino & Gaming Expenses
Casino & Gaming Revenues
Casino Square Footage
Food & Beverage Expenses
Food & Beverage Promotional Costs
Food & Beverage Revenues
Gaming Tables
Guestrooms & Suites
Other Gaming-Related Expenses
Other Gaming-Related Revenues
Other Promotional Costs
Promotional Allowances
Promotional Allowances - Footnote
Rooms Expenses
Rooms Promotional Costs
Rooms Revenues
Slot Machines
Total Gaming & Related Revenue
Total Promotional Costs
Healthcare Industry Data
Admissions - Percentage Change
Average Daily Census / Average Patient Days
Average Length of Stay
Average Length of Stay - Note
Bad Debt - Percentage of Revenue
Beds in Service - End of Period
Beds - Licensed - End of Period
Equivalent Admissions
Equivalent Admissions - Percentage Change
Hospitals and Facilities - End of Period
Managed Care - Percentage of Revenue
Medicaid - Percentage of Revenue
Medicare - Percentage of Revenue
Medicare - Percentage of Revenue - Note
Number of Surgeries and Procedures
Occupancy Rate
Other Healthcare - Percentage of Revenue
Outpatient Services - Percentage of Revenue
Outpatient Visits
Patient Days
Revenues - Percentage Change
Revenues per Equivalent Admissions - Percentage
• Salaries and Benefits - Percentage of Revenue
• Salaries and Benefits as Percetnage of Revenue
- Note
• Supplies - Percentage of Revenue
HMO Industry Data
Days in Medical Cost Payable
Enrollment - Total
Government Enrollment - Total
Government Plan Revenue - Total
Healthcare Premiums - Total
Healthcare Premiums - Total - Note
Medicaid Enrollment
Medicaid Revenue
Medical Cost - Total
Medicare Enrollment
Medicare Part D (PDP) Enrollment
Medicare Part D (PDP) Revenue
Medicare Revenue
Net Investment Income (HMO)
Other Revenue (HMO)
Overall Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) %
Overall Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) % - Note
Prior Period Reserve Develop
Prior Period Reserve Development - Note
Tricare Enrollment
Tricare Revenue
Homebuilding Industry Data
Backlog - Average Price
Backlog - Average Price - Note
Backlog - Exact Units
Backlog - Value
Backlog - Value - Note
Deliveries/Closings - Average Price
Deliveries/Closings - Exact Units
Deliveries/Closings - Value
Deliveries/Closings - Value - Note
Deliveries/Closings - Average Price - Note
Finished Homes/Construction in Progress
Homesites/Lots Owned
Homesites/Lots Under Option
Inventories Not Owned/Deposits
Land Under Development
New Orders/Contracts - Average Price
New Orders/Contracts - Average Price - Note
New Orders/Contracts - Exact Units
New Orders/Contracts - Value
New Orders/Contracts - Value - Note
Total Homebuilding Inventories
Undeveloped Inventories Owned
Lodging Industry Specific Data
Average Daily rate
Hotel/Motel Properties
Hotel/Motel Rooms
Revenues Per Available Room
Revenues Per Available Room - Footnote
Room Occupancy Rate
Mining Industry Data
Coal Production
Coal Proven and Probable Reserve
Copper Cathode Production
Copper Production
Copper Proven and Probable Reserve
Data Item Name
Copper Proven and Probable Reserve - Footnote
Copper Reserve Average Ore Grade
Copper Reserve Average Ore Grade - Footnote
Copper Sales Price
Gold Cash Cost
Gold Production
Gold Production Cost
Gold Proven and Probable Reserve
Gold Proven and Probable Reserve - Footnote
Gold Reserve Average Ore Grade
Gold Reserve Average Ore Grade - Footnote
Gold Sales Price
Iron Ore Production
Iron Ore Proven and Probable Reserve
Metallurgical Coal Production
Metallurgical Coal Proven and Probable Reserve
Mining Exploration Expense
Nickel Production
Nickel Proven and Probable Reserve
Nickel Proven and Probable Reserve - Footnote
Nickel Reserve Average Ore Grade
Nickel Reserve Average Ore Grade - Footnote
Nickel Sales Price
Silver Cash Cost
Silver Production
Silver Production Cost
Silver Proven and Probable Reserve
Silver Proven and Probable Reserve - Footnote
Silver Reserve Average Ore Grade
Silver Reserve Average Ore Grade - Footnote
Silver Sales Price
Zinc Production
Zinc Proven and Probable Reserve
Zinc Proven and Probable Reserve - Footnote
Zinc Reserve Average Ore Grade
Zinc Reserve Average Ore Grade - Footnote
Zinc Sales Price
Oil & Gas Industry Data
Average Sales Price - Natural Gas Liquids
Average Sales Price - Natural Gas
Average Sales Price - Oil
Company-Operated Fuel Sites
Company-Operated Fuel Sites - Quarterly - Footnote
Crude Processing: Residual Processing
Dry Hole Expense
Exploration Expense
Fuel Margin
Fuel Margin - Footnote
Fuel Volume
Fuel Volume - Footnote
Gross Developed Acreage
Gross Undeveloped Acreage
Heavy/Sour Crude
Light Sweet Crude
Medium Crude
Merchandise Margin
Merchandise Margin - Footnote
Merchandise Sales
Merchandise Sales - Footnote
Net Developed Acreage
Net Undeveloped Acreage
Number of Refineries
Number of Refineries - Footnote
Other Feedstocks and Blendstocks
Product Sales: Distillates Sold
Product Sales: Gasoline Sold
Product Sales: Petrochemicals Sold
Product Sales: Residuals and Other Products Sold
Product Yield: Distillates
Product Yield: Gasoline
Product Yield: Petrochemicals
Product Yields: Residuals and Other Products
Product Yields: Residuals and Other Products Footnote
Production - Natural Gas (Per Day)
Production - Natural Gas (Total)
Production - Natural Gas Liquids (Per Day)
Production - Natural Gas Liquids (Total)
Production - Oil (Per Day)
Production - Oil (Total)
Proved Developed Reserves - Natural Gas Liquids
Proved Developed Reserves - Natural Gas
Proved Developed Reserves - Oil
Refining Capacity Utilized
Refining Capacity Utilized - Footnote
Reserve Replacement Ratio
Throughput Capacity
Throughput Capacity - Footnote
Total Crude Oil Processed
Total Product Sales
Total Product Sales - Footnote
Total Product Yield
Total Product Yield - Footnote
Total Proved Reserves - Natural Gas Liquids
Total Proved Reserves - Natural Gas
Total Proved Reserves - Oil
Total Throughput
Total Throughput - Footnote
Retail Industry Data
Comparable Sales (%)
Contingent Rental Expense
Minimum Rental Expense
Net Sales per Retail Square Foot
Number of Stores at Period End
Number of Stores Closed During Period
Number of Stores Opened During Period
Other Rental Expense
Total Retail Square Footage
Semiconductors Industry
Specific Data
Book-to-Bill Ratio
Insider Trading Data
Summarized Transactions
Form 4
Insider Amend Sells Note Available
Insider Comb Sells Note Available
Insider Beginning Date - Top Ten Buys
Insider Beginning Price - Top Ten Buys
Insider Ending Date - Top Ten Buys
Insider Ending Price - Top Ten Buys
Insider Name - Top Ten Buys
Insider Rank - Top Ten Buys
Insider Relation - Top Ten Buys
Insider Share Holdings - Top Ten Buys
Insider Shares Executed - Top Ten Buys
Insider Transaction Note - Top Ten Buys
Insider Transaction Value - Top Ten Buys
Insider Beginning Date - Top Ten Sells
Insider Beginning Price - Top Ten Sells
Insider Ending Date - Top Ten Sells
Insider Ending Price - Top Ten Sells
Insider Name - Top Ten Sells
Insider Rank - Top Ten Sells
Insider Relation - Top Ten Sells
Insider Share Holdings - Top Ten Sells
Insider Shares Executed - Top Ten Sells
Insider Transaction Note - Top Ten Sells
Insider Transaction Value - Top Ten Sells
Insider Buys Shares - Summary Data
Insider Sells Shares - Summary Data
Insider Net Shares - Summary Data
Insider Buys Transactions - Summary Data
Insider Sells Transactions - Summary Data
Insider Net Transactions - Summary Data
Insider Number of Sells Latest Month
Insider Number of Buys Latest Month
Insider Top 10 Buys - Note Avail
Insider Top 10 Shares Held - Buys
Insider Top 10 Shares Executed - Buys
Insider Top 10 Transaction Value - Buys
Insider Top 10 Shares Held - Sells
Insider Top 10 Shares Executed - Sells
Insider Top 10 Transaction Value - Sells
Insider Top 10 Sells - Note Available
Insider Total Shares Held - Common
Insider Total Shares Held - Date
Insider Total Shares Held - Diluted
Insider Total Shares Held - Options
Insider Total Shares Held Note
Insider Total Shares Held - Common % of Shares
• Insider Total Shares Held - Diluted % of Shares
Institutional Ownership Data
• 13F Form
• Institutional Owner Percent Total Shares
Outstanding - Current Quarter
• Institutional Owner Percent Total Shares
Outstanding - Qtr minus 1
• Institutional Owner Percent Total Shares
Outstanding - Qtr minus 2
• Institutional Owner Percent Total Shares
Outstanding - Qtr minus 3
• Institutional Owner Percent Total Shares
Outstanding - Qtr minus 4
• Institutional Ownership Institution Rank - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Institution Name - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership New Position Indicator - Top
Ten Buys
• Institutional Ownership Period End Date - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Previous Period End Date Top Ten Buys
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Previous Top Ten Buys
• Institutional Ownership Shares Executed - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Institution Name - Top Ten
Changes in Shares Held
• Institutional Ownership Institution Rank - Top Ten
Changes in Shares Held
• Institutional Ownership Period End Date - Top Ten
Changes in Shares Held
• Institutional Ownership Previous Period End Date Top Ten Changes in Shares Held
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Top Ten
Changes in Shares Held
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Previous -
Data Item Name
Top Ten Changes in Shares Held
• Institutional Ownership Shares Executed - Top Ten
Changes in Shares Held
• Institutional Ownership Institution Name - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Institution Rank - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Period End Date - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Previous Period End Date Top Ten Holdings
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Previous Top Ten Holdings
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Closed Position Indicator Top Ten Sells
• Institutional Ownership Institution Name - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Institution Rank - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Period End Date - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Previous Period End Date Top Ten Sells
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Previous Top Ten Sells
• Institutional Ownership Share Holdings - Top Ten
• Institutional Ownership Shares Executed - Top Ten
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Buys
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Changes
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Holdings
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Sells
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Previous - Buys
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Previous Changes
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Previous Holdings
• Institutional Top 10 Share Holdings - Previous - Sells
• Institutional Top 10 Shares Executed - Buys
• Institutional Top 10 Shares Executed - Changes
• Institutional Top 10 Shares Executed - Sells
• Institutional Total Percent Change in Shares - Buys
• Institutional Total Percent Change in Shares Changes
• Institutional Total Percent Change in Shares Holdings
• Institutional Total Percent Change in Shares - Sells
• Institutional Buys Shares - Summary Data
• Institutional Closed Positions - Summary Data
• Institutional Net Shares - Summary Data
• Institutional New IO Buyers - Summary Data
• Institutional Percent Change from Prior Quarter Summary Data
• Institutional Total IO Buyers - Summary Data
• Institutional Total IO Holders - Summary Data
• Institutional Total IO Sellers - Summary Data
• Institutional Sells Shares - Summary Data
• Institutional Total Shares Held - Summary Data
• Institutions Buying
• Institutions Selling
• Last Calendar Quarter End Month
Issue Data - Daily Prices
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Ex-Date
- Annual
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Ex-Date
- Current
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Ex-Date
- Daily
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Ex-Date
- Monthly
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Ex-Date
- Quarterly
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Ex-Date
- Weekly
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Payable
Date - Annual
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Payable
Date - Current
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Payable
Date - Daily
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Payable
Date - Monthly
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Payable
Date - Quarterly
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Cumulative by Payable
Date - Weekly
• Adjustment Factor (Issue) - Current Date Daily
• ADR Ratio - Current
• Availability Codes - Issue
• Average Price - 10-Day Moving
• Average Price - 50-Day Moving
• Average Price - 200-Day Moving
• Average Trading Volume - 1 Year
• Common Shares Outstanding - Current Issue
• Common Shares Outstanding - Current Issue - Note
• Dividend Distribution Type - Daily (Issue) - Ex-Date
• Dividend Distribution Type - Daily (Issue) - Payable
• Dividend Payment Method - Daily (Issue) - Ex-Date
• Dividend Payment Method - Daily (Issue) - Payable
• Dividend Yield - Daily (Issue)
• Dividends per Share by Ex-Date - Daily (Issue)
• Dividends per Share by Payable Date - Daily (Issue)
• Earnings per Share - Current (Issue)
• Earnings per Share - Current (Issue) - Note
• Earnings Yield - Daily
• High Price - Daily - 1 Year
• Identification Codes - Issue
• Indicated Annual Dividend - Current
• Indicated Annual Dividend - Current - Note
• Issue CUSIP Number
• Issue Description
• Issue Trading Exchange
• Issue Trading Status Code
• Issue Trading Symbol
• Issue Type Code
• Low Price - Daily 1-Year
• Margin Requirement Code
• Previous Issue CUSIP
• Price - Daily - Close
• Price - Daily - High
• Price - Daily - Low
• Price - Current Company
• Price Status Code - Daily
• Trading Volume - Current
• Trading Volume - Daily
Market Ratios
Book Value per Share - 3 Year Average
Book Value per Share - 5 Year Average
Book Value per Share - 10 Year Average
Book Value per Share Liquidation - 3 Year
Book Value per Share Liquidation - 5 Year
Book Value per Share Liquidation - 10 Year
Book Value per Share - Year-End
Dividend Payout
Dividend Payout - 3 Year Average
Dividend Payout - 5 Year Average
Dividend Payout - 10 Year Average
Dividend Yield - Current
Dividend Yield - Current Month Daily
Dividend Yield Current Month - Monthly
Dividend Yield - Current Price (Company)
Dividend Yield - Daily (Issue)
Dividend Yield - Fiscal Year-End (Company)
Earnings Yield - Daily
Earnings Yield - Monthly
Enterprise Value
Market Return 1 Year
Market Return by Ex-Date - Daily
Market Return by Ex-Date - Fiscal
Market Return by Ex-Date - Monthly
Market Return by Ex-Date - Quarterly
Market Return by Payable Date - Daily
Market Return by Payable Date - Fiscal
Market Return by Payable Date - Quarterly
Market Return Year to Date
Market Value Consolidated - Total
Market Value Monthly 1 Year Change
Market Value - Total
Market Value - Traded Issues - Issue Level - Current
Market Value - Traded Issues - Issue Level - Daily
Market Value - Traded Issues - Fiscal Year-End
Market Value - Traded Issues - Monthly
Market Value - Traded - Quarterly
Net Asset Value
Price Percentage Change - 1-Year Close
Price Percentage Change - 3-Year Close
Price Percentage Change - 5-Year Close
Price Percentage Change - 10-Year Close
Price Percentage Change - 1-Year Low
Price Percentage Change - 3-Year Low
Price Percentage Change - 5-Year Low
Price Percentage Change - 10-Year Low
Price Percentage Change - 1-Year High
Price Percentage Change - 3-Year High
Price Percentage Change - 5-Year High
Price Percentage Change - 10-Year High
Price to Book Ratio - Current
Price/EPS Diluted from Operations
Price/Cash Flow Per Share - Daily
Price/Cash Flow Per Share - Monthly
Price/Earnings - Quarterly
Price/Free Cash Flow Per Share - Daily
Price/Free Cash Flow Per Share - Monthly
Price/Sales Per Share - Daily
Price/Sales Per Share - Monthly
Price to Book Ratio
Price to Book Ratio - Daily
Price to Book Ratio - Fiscal Year-End
Price to Earnings Ratio
Price to Earnings Ratio - Current
Price to Earnings Ratio - Daily
Price to Earnings Ratio Monthly
Price to EPS From Operations
Price to Historical Earnings Per Share - Canada
Price to Historical Earnings Per Share - Monthly Canada
Data Item Name
Price to Net Asset Value
Relative Dividend Yield - S&P500
Relative Dividend Yield - S&P Industrials
Relative Dividend Yield - S&P MidCap
Relative Dividend Yield - S&P Sector
Relative Price to Book - S&P500
Relative Price to Book - S&P Industrials
Relative Price to Book - S&P Sector
Relative Price to Earnings - S&P 500
Relative Price To Earnings - S&P MidCap
Relative Price to Earnings - S&P Industrials
Relative Price to Earnings - S&P Sector
Relative Price - S&P 500 Daily
Relative Price - S&P 500 Monthly
Relative Price - S&P Industrials - Daily
Relative Price - S&P Industrials - Monthly
Relative Price - S&P MidCap - Daily
Relative Price - S&P MidCap - Monthly
Relative Price - S&P Sector
Relative 5 YR Total Return - S&P 500
Relative 10 YR Total Return - S&P 500
Relative 5 YR Total Return - S&P Industrials
Relative 10 YR Total Return - S&P Industrials
Relative 5 YR Total Return - S&P MidCap
Relative 10 YR Total Return - S&P MidCap
Relative 5 YR Total Return - S&P Sector
Relative 10 YR Total Return - S&P Sector
1 Year Indexed Total Return
3 Year Indexed Total Return
5 Year Indexed Total Return
10 Year Indexed Total Return
6 Month Total Return Daily
6 Month Total Return - On-line
1 Year Total Return
3 Year Total Return
5 Year Total Return
10 Year Total Return
Total Return Factor - Current Date
Total Return Factor - Daily
Total Return Factor - Monthly
Total Return Factor - On-line
Total Return - Month to Date
Total Return - Quarter to Date
Total Return - Year to Date
MSCI Index Items
Index Value - Total Return - Net Dividends
Index Value - Total Return Monthly - Gross Daily
Index Value - Total Return Monthly - Net Daily
Index Value - Total Return - Dividends
Price - Monthly - Close
Price - Daily - Close
Pension Data
Employer Contributions - Expected Next Year
Employer Contributions - Expected Next Year Note
Pension - Accrued Benefit Liability
Pension - Accumulated Benefit Obligation
Pension - Accumulated Benefit Obligation
Pension - Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income
Pension - Additional Contributions Expected
Pension - Additional Minimum Liability
Pension Asset Allocation - Debt
Pension Asset Allocation - Equity
Pension Asset Allocation - Equity Note
Pension Asset Allocation - Other
• Pension Asset Allocation - Real Estate
• Pension Beginning Plan Assets
• Pension Benefits - Assumed Rate of Return
(Maximum Rate)
• Pension Benefits - Assumed Rate of Return
(Minimum Rate)
• Pension Benefits - Discount Rate (Assumed Rate of
• Pension Benefits - Information Date
• Pension Benefits - Net Assets Available
• Pension Benefits Paid
• Pension Benefits - Present Value Nonvested
• Pension Benefits - Present Value Vested
• Pension Costs - Unfunded Past Service
• Pension Costs - Unfunded Vested Benefits
• Pension - Current Liability
• Pension Employer Contribution
• Pension - Intangible Asset
• Pension - Long-Term Asset
• Pension - Long-Term Liability
• Pension - Other Adjustments
• Pension Other Adjustments
• Pension - Other Adjustments (Underfunded)
• Pension - Other Asset/Liability
• Pension Participant Contributions
• Pension Plan Assets
• Pension Plan Assets (Underfunded)
• Pension Plans - Anticipated Long-Term Rate of Return
on Plan Assets
• Pension Plans - Anticipated Long-Term Rate of Return
on Plan Assets Max Rate
• Pension Plans - Anticipated Long-Term Rate of Return
on Plan Assets Min Rate
• Pension Plans - Expected Return on Plan Assets
• Pension Plans - Interest Cost
• Pension Plans - Other Periodic Cost Components
• Pension Plans - Other Periodic Cost Components
• Pension Plans - Rate of Compensation Increase
• Pension Plans - Rate of Compensation Increase Max
• Pension Plans - Rate of Compensation Increase Min
• Pension Plans - Expected Return on Plan Assets
• Pension Plans - Service Cost
• Pension Plans - Service Cost
• Pension - Funded Status
• Pension - Funded Status - Note
• Pension - Prepaid/Accrued Cost (Underfunded)
• Pension - Prepaid/Accrued Cost (Underfunded) Note
• Pension - Prepaid Benefit Cost - Asset
• Pension - Projected Benefit Obligation
• Pension - Projected Benefit Obligation (Underfunded)
• Pension - Unrecognized Prior Service Cost
• Pension - Unrecognized Prior Service Cost
• Pension - Vested Benefit Obligation
• Pension - Vested Benefit Obligation (Underfunded)
• Periodic Cost Discount Rate - Maximum
• Periodic Cost Discount Rate - Minimum
• Periodic Cost Discount Rate
• Periodic Cost Discount Rate Note
• Periodic Pension Cost
• Periodic Postretirement Benefit Cost
• Postretirement Accumulated Benefit Obligation
• Postretirement - Amortization of Unrecognized
Transition Obligation
Postretirement Beginning Plan Assets
Postretirement - Funded Status
Postretirement Benefit Obligation
Postretirement Benefits Paid
Postretirement - Current Liability
Postretirement Employer Contributions
Postretirement Ending Plan Assets
Postretirement -Long-Term Asset
Postretirement - Long-Term Liability
Postretirement Net Total Other Costs
Postretirement Other Adjustments (Net Benefit
Postretirement Other Adjustments (Plan Assets)
Postretirement Participant Contributions
Postretirement Prior Service
Postretirement Unrecognized Transition Obligations
Point-in-Time Data
• 12 Month Moving - Concepts - Point in Time
• Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Accounts Payable - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Accounts Payable - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilites - Increase
(Decrease) - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilites - Increase
(Decrease) - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization - Total - Quarterly - Note
• Accumulated Depreciation, Depletion, and
Amortization - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Acquisitions - Quarterly - Concepts - Point in Time
• Acquisitions - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Assets - Other - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Assets - Other - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Assets - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Assets - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Assets and Liabilities - Other Net Change - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Assets and Other Liabilities - Other Net Change Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Book Value per Share - Point in Time
• Capital Expenditures - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Capital Expenditures - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Capital Surplus - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Capital Surplus - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Cash and Equivalents - Changes - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Cash and Equivalents - Changes - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Cash and Equivalents - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Cash and Equivalents - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Cash Dividends - Preferred - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Cash Dividends - Preferred - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Cash Dividends - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Cash Dividends - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Common Equity - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Common Equity - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Common Shares for 12-Months Moving Earnings
Per Share - Quarterly (Unadjusted) - Concept - Point
Data Item Name
in Time
• Common Shares for 12-Months Moving Earnings Per
Share - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Common Shares for 12-Months Moving Earnings Per
Share - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Common Shares for Basic Earnings Per Share Quarterly (Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• Common Shares for Basic Earnings Per Share Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Common Shares for Basic Earnings Per Share Quarterly - Point in Time
• Common Shares for Diluted EPS - Quarterly
(Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• Common Shares for Diluted EPS - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Common Shares for Diluted EPS - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company - Quarterly
(Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Common Stock - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Common Stock - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Common Stock Equivalents - Dollar Savings Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Common Stock Equivalents - Dollar Savings Quarterly - Point in Time (PIT)
• Cost of Goods Sold - Quarterly - Concepts - Point in
• Cost of Goods Sold - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Current Assets - Other- Quarterly - Point in Time
• Current Assets - Other- Quarterly - Point in Time
• Current Assets - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Current Assets - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Current Debt - Changes - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Current Debt - Changes - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Current Liabilities - Other - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Current Liabilities - Other - Quarterly -Concept - Point
in Time
• Current Liabilities - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Current Liabilities - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Data Code Periodicity Quarterly Point in Time
• Data Date
• Debt in Current Liabilities - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Debt in Current Liabilities - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Deferred Taxes (Income Account) - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Deferred Taxes (Income Account) - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Deferred Taxes - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Deferred Taxes - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit - Quarterly
- Concept - Point in Time
• Deferred Taxes and Investment Tax Credit - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Depreciation and Amortization - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Depreciation and Amortization - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Depreciation and Amortization - Quarterly C/FConcept - Point in Time
• Depreciation and Amortization - Quarterly C/F- Point
in Time
• Dilution Adjustment - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Dilution Adjustment - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Dilution Available - Excluding Extraordinary Items Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Dilution Available - Excluding Extraordinary Items Quarterly - Point in Time
• Discontinued Operations - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Discontinued Operations - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Dividends per Share by Ex-Date - Quarterly
(Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• Dividends per Share by Ex-Date - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Dividends per Share by Ex-Date - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Dividends per Share by Payable Date - Quarterly
(Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• Dividends per Share by Payable Date - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Dividends per Share by Payable Date - Quarterly Point in Time
• Price/Sales per Share - Monthly - Point in Time
• EPS - 12 Months Moving Historical - Canada - Point
in Time
• EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items (12-Months Moving) Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items (12-Months Moving) Point in Time
• EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items - 12MM (Unadjusted) Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items - Quarterly
(Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Point in
• EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly (Unadjusted)
- Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Point in
• EPS Basic from Operations - Quarterly (Unadjusted) Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Basic from Operations - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• EPS Basic from Operations - Quarterly - Point in Time
• EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items - 12 MM (Unadjusted)
- Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items - 12 MM - Concept Point in Time
• EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items - 12 MM - Point in
• EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items Quarterly
(Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items Quarterly - Point in
• EPS Diluted - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly
(Unadjusted) - Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Diluted - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• EPS Diluted - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Point in
• EPS Diluted from Operations - 12 MM (Unadjusted) -
Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Diluted from Operations - 12 MM - Concept Point in Time
• EPS Diluted from Operations - 12 MM - Point in Time
• EPS Diluted from Operations - Quarterly (Unadjusted)
- Concept - Point in Time
• EPS Diluted from Operations - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• EPS Diluted from Operations - Quarterly - Point in
• EPS From Operations - 12 MM (Unadjusted) Concept - Point in Time
• EPS From Operations - 12 MM - Concept - Point in
• EPS From Operations - 12 MM - Point in Time
• Equity in Net Loss (Earnings) - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Equity in Net Loss (Earnings) - Quarterly - Point in
• Exchange Rate Effect - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Exchange Rate Effect - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Extra. Items and Discontinued Operations - Quarterly
- Concept - Point in Time
• Extra. Items and Discontinued Operations - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Extraordinary Items - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Extraordinary Items - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations Quarterly - Point in Time
• Financing Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Financing Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly Point in Time
• Financing Activities - Other - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Financing Activities - Other - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Foreign Currency Adjustment - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Foreign Currency Adjustment - Quarterly - Point in
• Funds From Operations - Other - Quarterly - Point in
• Funds From Operations - Other - Quarterly - Point in
• Funds From Operations - Total - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Funds From Operations - Total - Quarterly - Point in
• Income Before Extraordinary Items (Cash Flow) Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Income Before Extraordinary Items (Cash Flow) Quarterly - Point in Time
• Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjst. for
Common Stock Equivalents - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Income Before Extraordinary Items - Adjst. for
Common Stock Equivalents - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Income Before Extraordinary Items - Available for
Common - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Income Before Extraordinary Items - Available for
Common - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Income Before Extraordinary Items - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Income Before Extraordinary Items - Quarterly - Point
Data Item Name
in Time
• Income Taxes - Accrued - Increase (Decrease) Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Income Taxes - Accrued - Increase (Decrease) Quarterly - Point in Time
• Income Taxes - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Income Taxes - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Income Taxes Paid - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Income Taxes Paid - Quarterly - Note
• Income Taxes Paid - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Income Taxes Payable - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Income Taxes Payable - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Indicated Annual Dividends - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Indicated Annual Dividends - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Interest Expense - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Interest Expense - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Interest Expense - Total (FS) - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Interest Expense - Total (FS) - Quarterly - Point in
• Interest Income - Total (FS) - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Interest Income - Total (FS) - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Interest Paid - Net of Capitalized Interest - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Interest Paid - Net of Capitalized Interest - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Inventories - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Inventories - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Inventory - Decrease (Increase) - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Inventory - Decrease (Increase) - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Invested Capital - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Invested Capital - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Investing Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Investing Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly Point in Time
• Investing Activities - Other - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Investing Activities - Other - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Investments - Increase - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Investments - Increase - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Issuance of Long-Term Debt - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Issuance of Long-Term Debt - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Liabilities - Other - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Liabilities - Other - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Liabilities - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Liabilities - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Long-Term Debt - Reduction - Quarterly - Concept Point in Time
• Long-Term Debt - Reduction - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Long-Term Debt - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Long-Term Debt - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Market Value Consolidated - Total - Point in Time
• Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Minority Interest (Balance Sheet) - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Minority Interest (Income Account) - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Minority Interest (Income Account) - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Net Charge-Offs - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Net Charge-Offs - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Net Income (Loss) - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Net Income (Loss) - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent) - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Net Interest Income (Tax Equivalent) - Quarterly Point in Time
• Net Interest Margin - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Net Interest Margin - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Nonoperating Income (Expense) - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Nonoperating Income (Expense) - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Nonperforming Assets - Total - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Nonperforming Assets - Total - Quarterly - Point in
• Operating Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Operating Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly Point in Time
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Point in Time
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Point in Time
• Point-in-Time Concept Definition
• Point-in-Time Item Definition
• PP&E (Gross) - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• PP&E (Gross) - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• PP&E (Net) - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• PP&E (Net) - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Preferred Stock - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Preferred Stock - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Preferred Stock - Redeemable - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Preferred Stock - Redeemable - Quarterly - Point in
• Pretax Income - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Pretax Income - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Price - Monthly- Point in Time
• Price to Book - Point in Time
• Price/Sales per Share - Monthly - Point in Time
• Provision for Loan/Asset Losses - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Provision for Loan/Asset Losses - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock - Quarterly
- Concept - Point in Time
• Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Quarterizer - Point in Time
• Receivables - Decrease (Increase) - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Receivables - Decrease (Increase) - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Receivables - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Receivables - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Research and Development Expense - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Research and Development Expense - Quarterly Point in Time
• Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses - Quarterly - Concept
- Point in Time
• Reserve for Loan/Asset Losses - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Retained Earnings - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Retained Earnings - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Return on Assets - Quarterly - Point in Time Concept
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Operating Income Before Depreciation - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Tier 1 - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Tier 1 - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Total - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio - Total - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Sale of Common and Preferred Stock - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Sale of Common and Preferred Stock - Quarterly Point in Time
• Sale of Investments - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Sale of Investments - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Sale of PPE and Investments - Loss (Gain) - Quarterly
- Concept - Point in Time
• Sale of PPE and Investments - Loss (Gain) - Quarterly
- Point in Time
• Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment - Quarterly Point in Time
• Sales (Net) - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Sales (Net) - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses Quarterly - Point in Time
• Short-Term Investments - Change - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Short-Term Investments - Change - Quarterly - Point
in Time
• Sources of Funds - Other - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Sources of Funds - Other - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Sources of Funds - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Sources of Funds - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Special Items - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Special Items - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Stockholders’ Equity - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Stockholders’ Equity - Quarterly - Point in Time
Data Item Name
• Treasury Stock - Dollar Amount - Total - Quarterly Concept - Point in Time
• Treasury Stock - Dollar Amount - Total - Quarterly Point in Time
• Use of Funds - Total - Quarterly - Concept - Point in
• Use of Funds - Total - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Uses of Funds - Other - Quarterly - Concept - Point
in Time
• Uses of Funds - Other - Quarterly - Point in Time
• Working Capital Changes - Other - Increase
(Decrease) - Quarterly - Concept - Point in Time
• Working Capital Changes - Other - Increase
(Decrease) - Quarterly - Point in Time
Prices, Dividends, Earnings and
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Ex-date - Current
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Ex-date - Daily
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Ex-date - Monthly
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Ex-date - Quarterly
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Ex-date - Weekly
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Payable Date - Annual
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Payable Date - Current
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Payable Date - Daily
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Payable Date - Monthly
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Payable Date - Quarterly
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Cumulative by
Payable Date - Weekly
• Adjustment Factor (Company) - Current Date Daily
• Average Trading Volume - 10 Year
• Average Trading Volume - 3 Year
• Average Trading Volume - 5 Year
• Cash Equivalent Distributions Per Share by Ex-Date
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company - Quarterly
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company - Quarterly
- Note
• Common Shares Reserved for Conversion Convertible Debt
• Common Shares Reserved for Conversion - Preferred
• Common Shares Reserved for Conversion - Stock
• Common Shares Reserved for Conversion - Total
• Common Shares Reserved for Conversion - Warrants
and Other
• Dividend Rate - Current
• Dividends per Share by Ex-Date
• Dividends per Share by Ex-Date - Monthly
• Dividends per Share by Ex-Date - Quarterly
• Dividends per Share by Payable Date
• Dividends per Share by Payable Date - Quarterly
• Earnings Before Depreciation
• Earnings Before Interest and Taxes
• EPS - 12-Month Moving Historical - Canada
EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items
EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items (12-Months Moving)
EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items - Note
EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items - Quarterly
EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Note
EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items
EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items (Restated)
EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items - Note
EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly
EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly - Note
EPS Basic Excluding Extra Items - Consolidated Qtly
EPS Basic from Operations
EPS Basic from Operations - Note
EPS Basic From Operations - Quarterly - Note
EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items
EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items - 12 MM
EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items Quarterly
EPS Diluted - Incl. Extra. Items
EPS Diluted - Incl. Extra. Items - Quarterly
EPS Diluted from Operations
EPS Diluted from Operations - 12 MM
EPS Diluted from Operations - Quarterly
EPS From Operations - 12 MM
EPS Percentage Change - 1 Year
EPS Percentage Change - 10 Year
EPS Percentage Change - 3 Year
EPS Percentage Change - 5 Year
High Price - 10-Year Average
High Price - 12-Months Moving
High Price - 3-Year Average
High Price - 5-Year Average
Index Value - Total Return - Dividends
Index Value - Total Return - Net Dividends
Index Value - Total Return Monthly - Gross Daily
Index Value - Total Return Monthly - Net Daily
Indicated Annual Dividends - Quarterly
Low Price - 10-Year Average
Low Price - 12-Month Moving
Low Price - 3-Year Average
Low Price - 5-Year Average
Preferred Shares Outstanding - Nonredeemable
Preferred Shares Outstanding - Redeemable
Price - Calendar Year - Close
Price - Calendar Year - High
Price - Calendar Year - Low
Price - Fiscal Year - Close
Price - Fiscal Year - High
Price - Fiscal Year - Low
Price - Monthly - Close
Price - Monthly - High
Price - Monthly - Low
Price - Weekly
Raw Adjustment Factor - Ex Date
Raw Adjustment Factor - Pay Date
Reported Date of Quarterly Earnings Per Share
Repurchase Price - Average per Share - Quarterly
Shares Held Portfolio
Short Interest
Trading Volume - Annual (Calendar Year)
Trading Volume - Annual (Fiscal Year)
Trading Volume - Current
Trading Volume - Daily
Trading Volume - Monthly
Trading Volume - Quarterly
Trading Volume - Weekly
Property, Plant and Equipment
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Beginning
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Buildings
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI)
Construction in Progress
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Ending
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Land and
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Leases
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Machinery
and Equipment
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Natural
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Other
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI) Other
• Accumulated Depreciation - (Schedule VI)
• Depletion Expense (Schedule VI)
• Depreciation Expense (Schedule VI)
• PP&E (At Cost) - Buildings
• PP&E (At Cost) - Construction in Progress
• PP&E (At Cost) - Land and Improvements
• PP&E (At Cost) - Leases
• PP&E (At Cost) - Machinery and Equipment
• PP&E (At Cost) - Natural Resources
• PP&E (At Cost) - Other
• PP&E - Beginning Balance (Schedule V)
• PP&E - Capital Expenditures (Schedule V)
• PP&E - Ending Balance
• PP&E - Other Changes
• PP&E - Retirements
• PP&E (Net) - Buildings
• PP&E (Net) - Construction in Progress
• PP&E (Net) - Land and Improvements
• PP&E (Net) - Leases
• PP&E (Net) - Machinery and Equipment
• PP&E (Net) - Natural Resources
• PP&E (Net) - Other
Restated Data
• Assets - Total (Restated)
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated Sales - 10
• Capital Expenditures (Restated)
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated EPS Basic Excluding - 3 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated EPS Basic Excluding - 5 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated EPS Basic Excluding - 10 Year
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated Sales - 3
• Coefficient of Determination - Restated Sales - 5
• Common Shares for Basic Earnings Per Share
• Cost of Goods Sold (Restated)
• Depreciation and Amortization (Restated)
• EPS Basic - Excl. Extra. Items (Restated)
• EPS Basic - Incl. Extra. Items (Restated)
• EPS Diluted - Excl. Extra. Items (Restated)
• EPS Diluted - Incl. Extra. Items (Restated)
• Employees (Restated)
• Extra. Items and Discontinued Operations (Restated)
• Income Before Extraordinary Items (Restated)
• Income Taxes - Total (Restated)
• Interest Expense (Restated)
• Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated EPS Primary
Data Item Name
- Excl. - 3 Year
• Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated EPS Primary
- Excl. - 5 Year
• Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated EPS Primary
- Excl. - 10 Year
• Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated Sales - 3 Year
• Least Squares Growth Rate - Restated Sales - 5 Year
• Long-Term Debt - Total (Restated)
• Minority Interest (Income Account) (Restated)
• Net Income (Loss) - Restated
• Nonoperating Income (Expense) - (Restated)
• Pretax Income (Restated)
• PP&E (Net) - Total (Restated)
• Retained Earnings (Restated)
• Sales (Net) (Restated)
• Selling, General and Administrative Expenses
• Stockholders’ Equity (Restated)
• Working Capital (Restated)
Standard & Poor’s Core
As Reported Core After Tax
As Reported Core After Tax Footnote
As Reported Core After Tax Quarterly
As Reported Core After Tax Quarterly Footnote
As Reported Core Basic EPS Effect
As Reported Core Basic EPS Effect Footnote
As Reported Core Basic EPS Effect 12MM
As Reported Core Basic EPS Effect 12MM Footnote
As Reported Core Basic EPS Effect Quarterly
As Reported Core Basic EPS Effect Quarterly
As Reported Core Diluted EPS Effect
As Reported Core Diluted EPS Effect Footnote
As Reported Core Diluted EPS Effect 12MM
As Reported Core Diluted EPS Effect 12MM Footnote
As Reported Core Diluted EPS Effect Quarterly
As Reported Core Diluted EPS Effect Quarterly
Core EPS Basic Percent Change
Core EPS Basic 1 Yr % Change
Core Implied Option EPS Basic
Core Implied Option EPS Basic 12MM
Core Implied Option EPS Basic Quarterly
Core Implied Option EPS Diluted
Core Implied Option EPS Diluted 12MM
Core Implied Option EPS Diluted Quarterly
Core Implied Option Expense
Implied Option Expense Footnote
Core Implied Option Expense Quarterly
Implied Option Expense
Implied Option Expense Quarterly Footnote
Core Implied Option Expense 12MM
Implied Option Expense
Implied Option Expense 12MM Footnote
Core Pension Adjustment
Core Pension Adjustment Footnote
Core Pension Adjustment 12MM
Core Pension Adjustment 12MM Footnote
Core Pension Adjustment Quarterly
Core Pension Adjustment Quarterly Footnote
Core Pension Adjustment Preliminary
Core Pension Adjustment Preliminary Footnote
Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Effect Footnote
Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS 12MM
Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS 12MM Footnote
• Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS 12MM
• Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS 12MM
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Quarterly
• Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Footnote
• Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Preliminary
• Core Pension Adjustment Basic EPS Preliminary
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS 12MM
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS 12MM
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS 12MM
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS 12MM
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
Quarterly Preliminary
• Core Pension Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
Quarterly Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment After Tax
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment After Tax Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment After Tax Quarterly
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment After Tax
Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment After Tax
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment After Tax
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax Footnote
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax Quarterly
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax Quarterly
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax Preliminary
• Core Pension Interest Adjustment Pretax Preliminary
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment After Tax
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment After Tax
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment After Tax
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment After Tax
Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment After Tax
Quarterly Preliminary
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment After Tax
Quarterly Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Basic EPS
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Basic EPS
Effect Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Basic EPS
Effect Quarterly
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Basic EPS
Effect Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Basic EPS
Quarterly Preliminary
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Basic EPS
Quarterly Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS
Effect Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS
Effect Quarterly
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS
Effect Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS
Effect Quarterly Preliminary
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Diluted EPS
Effect Quarterly Preliminary Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Pretax
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Pretax
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Pretax
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Pretax
Quarterly Footnote
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Pretax
• Core Pension W/O Interest Adjustment Pretax
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Quarterly
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Quarterly Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Preliminary
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Preliminary
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM Basic EPS
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM Basic EPS
Effect Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM Basic EPS
Effect Preliminary
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM Basic EPS
Effect Preliminary Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
Quarterly Footnote
Data Item Name
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Basic EPS Effect
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
12MM Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
Quarterly Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
• Core Postretirement Adjustment Diluted EPS Effect
Preliminary Footnote
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM Diluted EPS
Effect Preliminary
• Core Postretirement Adjustment 12MM Diluted EPS
Effect Preliminary Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale After Tax
• Gain/Loss on Sale After Tax Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale After Tax 12MM
• Gain/Loss on Sale After Tax 12MM Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale After Tax - Quarterly
• Gain/Loss on Sale After Tax Quarterly Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale Basic EPS Effect
• Gain/Loss on Sale Basic EPS Effect Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale Basic EPS Effect 12MM
• Gain/Loss on Sale Basic EPS Effect 12MM Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale Basic EPS Effect - Quarterly
• Gain/Loss on Sale Basic EPS Effect Quarterly
• Gain/Loss on Sale Diluted EPS Effect
• Gain/Loss on Sale Diluted EPS Effect Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale Diluted EPS Effect 12MM
• Gain/Loss on Sale Diluted EPS Effect 12MM
• Gain/Loss on Sale Diluted EPS Effect - Quarterly
• Gain/Loss on Sale Diluted EPS Effect Quarterly
• Gain/Loss on Sale Pretax
• Gain/Loss on Sale Pretax Footnote
• Gain/Loss on Sale Pretax - Quarterly
• Gain/Loss on Sale Pretax Quarterly Footnote
• Implied Option Expense Preliminary
• Implied Option Expense Preliminary Footnote
• Implied Option EPS Basic
• Implied Option EPS Basic Footnote
• Implied Option EPS Basic 12MM
• Implied Option EPS Basic 12MM Footnote
• Implied Option EPS Basic Quarterly
• Implied Option EPS Basic Quarterly Footnote
• Implied Option EPS Basic Preliminary
• Implied Option EPS Basic Preliminary Footnote
• Implied Option 12MM EPS Basic Preliminary
• Implied Option 12MM EPS Basic Preliminary
• Implied Option EPS Diluted
• Implied Option EPS Diluted Footnote
• Implied Option EPS Diluted 12MM
• Implied Option EPS Diluted 12MM Footnote
• Implied Option EPS Diluted Quarterly
• Implied Option EPS Diluted Quarterly Footnote
• Implied Option EPS Diluted 12MM Preliminary
• Implied Option EPS Diluted 12MM Preliminary
• Implied Option EPS Diluted Quarterly Preliminary
• Implied Option EPS Diluted Preliminary Footnote
• Pension Actual Return on Plan Assets
• Pension Actual Return on Plan Assets Footnote
• Periodic Pension Cost (Net) Footnote
• Pension Plans Interest Cost Footnote
• Pension Plans Return on Plan Assets (Expected)
• Pension Plans Service Cost Footnote
• Periodic Postretirement Benefit Costs Footnote
• Postretirement Actual Return on Plan Assets
• Postretirement Actual Return on Plan Assets
• Postretirement Benefit Asset (Liability) (Net)
• Postretirement Expected Return on Plan Assets
• Postretirement Expected Return on Plan Assets
• Postretirement Interest Cost
• Postretirement Interest Cost Footnote
• Postretirement Service Cost
• Postretirement Service Cost Footnote
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition After Tax
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition After Tax
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition After Tax
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition After Tax
12MM Footnote
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition After Tax
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition After Tax Qtly
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
12MM Footnote
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
Effect Qtly
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
Effect Qtly Footnote
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Diluted EPS
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Diluted EPS
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Diluted EPS
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Diluted EPS
12MM Footnote
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Diluted EPS
Effect Quarterly
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Diluted EPS
Effect Quarterly Footnote
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Pretax
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Pretax Footnote
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Pretax
• Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Pretax
Quarterly Footnote
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) After Tax 12MM
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) After Tax 12MM
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) After Tax Footnote
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) After Tax
Quarterly Footnote
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS 12MM
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS 12MM
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Basic EPS
Quarterly Footnote
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS
12MM Footnote
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS
• Settlement (Litigation/Insurance) Diluted EPS
Quarterly Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings - Annual
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings 12MM
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings 12MM Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings - Quarterly
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings Preliminary
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings 12MM Preliminary
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings 12MM Preliminary
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings - Quarterly Preliminary
• Standard & Poor’s Core EPS - Annual Basic
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Basic Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Basic 12MM
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Basic 12MM
• Standard & Poor’s Core EPS - Basic - Quarterly
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Basic Quarterly
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Basic 12MM
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Basic 12MM
Preliminary Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Basic
Preliminary Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core EPS - Basic - Quarterly Preliminary
• Standard & Poor’s Core EPS - Annual Diluted
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Diluted
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Diluted 12MM
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Diluted 12MM
• Standard & Poor’s Core EPS - Diluted - Quarterly
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Diluted
Quarterly Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Diluted 12MM
• Standard & Poor’s Core EPS - Diluted - Quarterly Preliminary
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Diluted
Preliminary Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings EPS Diluted 12MM
Preliminary Footnote
• Standard & Poor’s Price/Core EPS - Basic
• Standard & Poor’s Price/Core EPS - Diluted
• Stock Compensation Expense
• Stock Compensation Expense Footnote
Data Item Name
Stock Compensation Expense - Quarterly
Stock Compensation Expense Quarterly Footnote
Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings - Profit Margin
Standard & Poor’s Core Earnings Return on Equity
Statement of Cash Flows/
Statement of Changes
• Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities - Increase
• Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities - Increase
(Decrease) - Quarterly
• Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilites - Increase
(Decrease) - 12MM
• Acquisitions
• Acquisitions - Quarterly
• Acquisitions 12MM
• Assets and Liabilities - Other (Net Change)
• Assets and Liabilities - Other (Net Change) Quarterly
• Assets and Liabilities - Other Net Change - 12MM
• Capital Expenditures
• Capital Expenditures - Note
• Capital Expenditures - Quarterly
• Capital Expenditures - Quarterly - Note
• Capital Expenditures 12MM
• Capital Expenditures 12MM Note
• Cash and Equivalents - Changes
• Cash and Equivalents - Changes - Quarterly
• Cash and Equivalents - Changes - 12MM
• Cash Dividends
• Cash Dividends - Quarterly
• Cash Dividends 12MM
• Cash Reinvestment Ratio 12MM
• Current Debt - Changes
• Current Debt - Changes - Quarterly
• Current Debt - Changes -12MM
• Deferred Taxes
• Deferred Taxes - Quarterly
• Deferred Taxes - 12MM
• Depreciation and Amortization
• Depreciation and Amortization - Quarterly C/F
• Depreciation - 12MM
• Equity in Net Loss (Earnings)
• Equity in Net Loss (Earnings) - Quarterly
• Equity in Net Loss (Earnings) 12MM
• Exchange Rate Effect
• Exchange Rate Effect - Quarterly
• Exchange Rate Effect 12MM
• Extra. Items and Discontinued Operations
• Extra. Items and Discontinued Operations - Quarterly
• Extraordinary Items and Discontinued Operations
- 12MM
• Financing Activities - Net Cash Flow
• Financing Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly
• Financing Activities - Net Cash Flow 12MM
• Financing Activities - Other
• Financing Activities - Other - Quarterly
• Financing Activities - Other 12MM
• Format Code
• Format Code - Quarterly
• Funds From Operations - Other
• Funds From Operations - Other - Quarterly
• Funds from Operations - Other 12MM
• Funds from Operations - Other Excluding Option Tax
• Funds From Operations - Total
• Funds From Operations - Total - Quarterly
• Funds from Operations - Total 12MM
Income Before Extraordinary Items
Income Before Extraordinary Items - Quarterly
Income Before Extraordinary Items - 12MM
Income Taxes - Accrued - Increase (Decrease)
Income Taxes - Accrued - Increase (Decrease) Quarterly
Income Tax - Accrued - Increase (Decrease) 12MM
Income Taxes Paid
Income Taxes Paid - Quarterly
Income Taxes Paid 12MM
Interest Paid - Net of Capitalized Interest
Interest Paid - Net of Capitalized Interest - Quarterly
Interest Paid - Net Capitalized Interest 12MM
Inventory - Decrease (Increase)
Inventory - Decrease (Increase) - Quarterly
Inventory Decrease (Increase) 12MM
Investing Activities - Net Cash Flow
Investing Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly
Investing Activities - Net Cash Flow 12MM
Investing Activities - Other
Investing Activities - Other - Quarterly
Investing Activities - Other - 12MM
Investments - Increase
Investments - Increase - Quarterly
Investments - Increase - 12MM
Issuance of Long-Term Debt
Issuance of Long-Term Debt - Quarterly
Issuance of Long Term Debt 12MM
Long-Term Debt - Reduction
Long-Term Debt - Reduction - Quarterly
Long Term Debt - Reduction - 12MM
Operating Activities - Net Cash Flow
Operating Activities - Net Cash Flow - Quarterly
Operating Activities Net Cash Flow 12MM
Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock
Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock - Quarterly
Purchase of Common and Preferred Stock 12MM
Receivables - Decrease (Increase)
Receivables - Decrease (Increase) - Quarterly
Receivables Decrease (Increase) 12MM
Sale of Common and Preferred Stock
Sale of Common and Preferred Stock - Quarterly
Sale of Common and Preferred Stock 12MM
Sale of Investments
Sale of Investments - Quarterly
Sale of Investments 12MM
Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment
Sale of Property, Plant, and Equipment - Quarterly
Sale of Property, Plant and Equipment - 12MM
Sale of PPE and Investments - Loss (Gain)
Sale of PPE and Investments - Loss (Gain) - Quarterly
Sale of PP&E and Investments - Loss (Gain) 12MM
Short-Term Investments - Change
Short-Term Investments - Change - Quarterly
Short Term Investments - Change - 12MM
Sources of Funds - Other
Sources of Funds - Other - Quarterly
Sources of Funds - Other 12MM
Sources of Funds - Total
Sources of Funds - Total - Quarterly
Sources of Funds - Total 12MM
Tax Benefit of Stock Options - Cash Flow Operating
Tax Benefit Stock Option
Tax Benefit Stock Option Quarterly
Uses of Funds - Other
Uses of Funds - Other - Quarterly
Uses of Funds - Other 12MM
Use of Funds - Total
• Use of Funds - Total - Quarterly
• Uses of Funds - Total 12MM
• Working Capital Changes - Other - Increase
• Working Capital Changes - Other - Increase
(Decrease) - Quarterly
• Working Capital - Change - Other Increase
(Decrease) 12MM
• Working Capital Changes - Total
• Working Capital Changes - Total - Quarterly
• Working Capital Change - Total - 12 Month Moving
Supplemental Balance Sheet
• Accumulated Depreciation of Real Estate Property
• Accumulated Depreciation of Real Estate Property
- Quarterly
• Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Derivative Unrealized Gain/Loss
• Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income - Other
• Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Pension/Postretirement Adjustment
• Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Marketable Securities Adjustment
• Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income Unrealized Gain/Loss in Retained Interest and
Securitized Assets
• ADR Ratio
• ADR Ratio - Current
• ADR RATIO - Quarterly
• Assets - Long-Term - Other - Quarterly
• Assets - Other - Excluding Discontinued Operations
• Average Short-Term Borrowings
• Average Short-Term Borrowings Rate
• Common Equity - Liquidation Value
• Common Equity - Tangible
• Common Shares Issued
• Common Shares Issued - Quarterly
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company - Quarterly
• Common Shares Outstanding - Company - Quarterly
- Note
• Common Stock - Per Share Carrying Value
• Compensating Balance
• Contingent Liabilities - Guarantees
• Contingent Liabilities - Guarantees - Notes
• Convertible Debt and Preferred Stock
• Current Assets - Discontinued Operations
• Current Assets - Other - Excluding Discontinued
• Days to Pay Accounts Payable
• Days to Pay Accounts Payable - Quarterly
• Days to Sell Inventory
• Days to Sell Inventory - Quarterly
• Debt - Capitalized Lease Obligations
• Debt - Capitalized Lease Obligations - Note
• Debt - Consolidated Subsidiary
• Debt - Consolidated Subsidiary - Note
• Debt - Convertible Subordinated
• Debt - Convertible Total
• Debt - Debentures
• Debt Due in 2nd Year
• Debt Due in 3rd Year
• Debt Due in 4th Year
• Debt Due in 5th Year
• Debt Due in 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Years - Note
• Debt - Finance Subsidiary
• Debt - Finance Subsidiary - Note
• Debt - Mortgage and Other Secured
Data Item Name
Debt - Notes
Debt Components - Note
Debt - Other Long-Term
Debt - Senior Convertible
Debt - Senior Convertible - Note
Debt - Subordinated
Debt - Unamortized Debt Discount and Other
Deferred Compensation
Deferred Compensation - Quarterly
Deferred Revenue - Current
Deferred Tax Residual
Dividend Rate - Assumption
Dividend Rate - Assumption Note
Earning Assets - Total
Earning Assets - Total - Quarterly
Gain/Loss on Ineffective Hedges
Goodwill - Quarterly
Intangibles - Other
Intangibles - Other - Quarterly
Interest Capitalized
Inventories - Finished Goods
Inventories - Other
Inventories - Raw Materials
Inventories - Work in Process
Inventory Valuation Method
Life of Stock Options - Assumption
Life of Stock Options - Assumption Note
LIFO Reserve
Long-Term Assets of Discontinued Operations - Other
Long-Term Debt Tied to Prime
Long-term Deferred Revenue
Long-Term Investments - Total - Quarterly
Marketable Securities Adjustment
Nonperforming Assets - Total
Options Cancelled
Options Outstanding at End of Year
Options Outstanding at End of Year - Price
Options Outstanding at End of Year - Price Note
Options - Fair Value of Options Granted
Options - Fair Value of Options Granted Note
Options Cancelled - Price
Options Cancelled - Price Note
Options Exercisable
Options Exercisable Note
Options Exercisable - Price
Options Exercisable - Price Note
Options Exercised
Options Exercised - Price
Options Exercised - Price Note
Options Granted
Options Granted - Price
Options Granted - Price Note
Options Outstanding at Beginning of Year
Options Outstanding at Beginning of Year - Price
Options Outstanding at Beginning of Year - Price Note
Other Accumulated Comprehensive Income
Other Accumulated Comprehensive Income Quarterly
Preferred Dividends in Arrears
Preferred Stock
Preferred Stock - Convertible
Preferred Stock - Liquidating Value
Preferred Stock - Redemption Value
Receivables - Estimated Doubtful
Rental Commitments - Min. (1st Year)
Rental Commitments - Min. (2nd Year)
Rental Commitments - Min. (3rd Year)
Rental Commitments - Min. (4th Year)
Rental Commitments - Min. (5th Year)
Rental Commitments - Min. (5 Years Total)
Rental Commitments - Min. - Note
Rent Commitments - Thereafter
Retained Earnings - Cumulative Transaction
Retained Earnings - Other Adjustments
Retained Earnings - Restatement
Retained Earnings - Unadjusted
Retained Earnings - Unadjusted - Quarterly
Retained Earnings - Unadjusted - Note - Quarterly
Retained Earnings - Unrestricted
Risk Free Rate - Assumption
Risk Free Rate - Assumption Note
Stockholders’ Equity Adjustments
Stockholders’ Equity Adjustments - Quarterly
Tax Asset - Current Deferred
Tax Asset - Net Deferred
Tax Asset (Liability) - Total Net Deferred
Tax Liability - Current Deferred
Tax Liability - Net Deferred
Tax Loss Carry Forward
Total Shares Repurchased - Quarterly
Treasury Stock - Dollar Amount - Common
Treasury Stock - Dollar Amount - Common - Note
Treasury Stock - Dollar Amount - Preferred
Treasury Stock - Memo Entry
Treasury Stock - Number of Common Shares
Volatility - Assumption
Volatility - Assumption Note
Working Capital (Balance Sheet)
Supplemental Income
Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect
Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect - Note
Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect - Quarterly
Accounting Changes - Cumulative Effect - Note Quarterly
Acquisition/Merger After-Tax
Acquisition/Merger After-Tax - Quarterly
Acquisition/Merger Basic EPS Effect
Acquisition/Merger Basic EPS Effect - Quarterly
Acquisition/Merger Diluted EPS Effect
Acquisition/Merger Diluted EPS Effect - Quarterly
Acquisition/Merger Pretax
Acquisition/Merger Pretax - Quarterly
Acquisitions - Income Contribution
Acquisitions - Sales Contribution
Acquisitions - Sales Contribution - Note
Advertising Expense
Cash Dividends - Common
Claims Incurred (Insurance)
Comprehensive Income - Beginning Net Income
Comprehensive Income - Currency Translation
Comprehensive Income - Derivative Gains/Losses
Comprehensive Income - Pension/Postretirement
Comprehensive Income - Other Adjustments
Comprehensive Income - Securities Gains/Losses
Comprehensive Income - Total
Comprehensive Income - Total - Note
Death Benefits (Insurance)
Depreciation and Amortization of Real Estate
Depreciation and Amortization of Real Estate
Property - Quarterly
Dilution Adjustment
Dilution Adjustment - Quarterly
Dilution Available - Excluding Extraordinary Items
Dilution Available - Excluding Extraordinary Items Quarterly
Equity in Earnings - Unconsolidated Subsidiary
Equity in Earnings - Unconsolidated Subsidiary - Note
Excise Taxes
Extinguishment of Debt After-tax
Extinguishment of Debt After-Tax Note
Extinguishment of Debt Basic EPS Effect
Extinguishment of Debt Basic EPS Effect Note
Extinguishment of Debt Diluted EPS Effect
Extinguishment of Debt Diluted EPS Effect - Note
Extinguishment of Debt Pretax
Foreign Currency Adjustment
Foreign Currency Adjustment - Note
Foreign Currency Adjustment - Quarterly
Foreign Currency Adjustment - Quarterly - Note
Gain/Loss After-Tax
Gain/Loss After-Tax - Quarterly
Gain/Loss Basic EPS Effect
Gain/Loss Basic EPS Effect - Quarterly
Gain/Loss Diluted EPS Effect
Gain/Loss Diluted EPS Effect - Quarterly
Gain/Loss Pretax
Gain/Loss Pretax - Quarterly
Goodwill Amortization
Goodwill Amortization - Note
Goodwill Amortization - Quarterly
Goodwill Amortization - Note - Quarterly
Impairments of Goodwill After-Tax
Impairments of Goodwill After Tax Footnote
Impairments of Goodwill After-Tax - Quarterly
Impairments of Goodwill After Tax Quarterly
Impairments of Goodwill After Tax 12MM
Impairments of Goodwill After Tax 12MM Footnote
Impairments of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect
Impairments of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect Footnote
Impairments of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect - Quarterly
Impairments of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect Quarterly
Impairments of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect 12MM
Impairments of Goodwill Basic EPS Effect 12MM
Impairments of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect
Impairments of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect Footnote
Impairments of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect Quarterly
Impairments of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect
Quarterly Footnote
Impairments of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect 12MM
Impairments of Goodwill Diluted EPS Effect 12MM
Impairments of Goodwill Pretax
Impairments of Goodwill Pretax - Quarterly
Implied Option Expense
Implied Option Expense
Implied Option Expense
Implied Option Expense Footnote
In Process Research & Development
In Process Research & Development - Quarterly
In Process R&D Expense
In Process R&D Expense After-tax - Note RI
In Process R&D Expense Basic EPS Effect
In Process R&D Expense Basic EPS Effect - Note
Data Item Name
In Process R&D Expense Diluted EPS Effect
In Process R&D Expense Diluted EPS Effect - Note
Interest Capitalized
Interest Expense on Long-Term Debt
Investment Tax Credit (Income Account)
Investment Tax Credit (Income Account) - Note
Labor and Related Expenses
Labor and Related Expenses - Note
Net Income Effect Capitalized Interest
Nonrecurring Income Taxes After-Tax
Nonrecurring Income Tax After-Tax - Note
Nonrecurring Income Tax Basic EPS
Nonrecurring Income Tax Basic EPS - Note
Nonrecurring Income Tax Diluted EPS Effect
Nonrecurring Income Tax Diluted EPS Effect - Note RI
Nonrecurring Portion of Discontinued Operations
Pension and Retirement Expense
Pretax Income - Domestic
Pretax Income - Foreign
Rental Expense
Rental Expense - Note
Rental Income
Research and Development Expense
Research and Development Expense - Note
Research and Development Expense - Quarterly
Research and Development Expense - Quarterly Note
R&D Expense 12-Months Moving
Restructuring Costs After-Tax
Restructuring Costs After-Tax - Quarterly
Restructuring Costs Basic EPS Effect
Restructuring Costs Basic EPS Effect - Quarterly
Restructuring Costs Diluted EPS Effect
Restructuring Costs Diluted EPS Effect - Quarterly
Restructuring Costs Pretax
Restructuring Costs Pretax - Quarterly
Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
Reversal - Restructuring/Acquisition Basic EPS
Effect - Note
Settlement After-Tax
Settlement After-Tax - Quarterly
Settlement Basic EPS Effect
Settlement Basic EPS Effect - Quarterly
Settlement Diluted EPS Effect
Settlement Diluted EPS Effect - Quarterly
Settlement Pretax
Settlement Pretax - Quarterly
Special Items After-Tax - Other
Special Items After-Tax - Other - Quarterly
Special Items Basic EPS Effect - Other
Special Items Basic EPS Effect - Other - Quarterly
Special Items Diluted EPS Effect - Other
Special Items Diluted EPS Effect - Other - Quarterly
Special Items Pretax - Other
Special Items Pretax - Other - Quarterly
Stock Compensation Expense
Stock Compensation Expense - Quarterly
Writedowns After-Tax
Writedowns After-Tax - Quarterly
Writedowns Basic EPS Effect
Writedowns Basic EPS Effect - Quarterly
Writedowns Diluted EPS Effect
Writedowns Diluted EPS Effect - Quarterly
Writedowns Pretax
Writedowns Pretax - Quarterly
Thomson First Call Estimates
• Peg Ratio with Thomson First Call Estimate - Cash
• Thomson First Call Last Revision Date - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Consensus Recommendation Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Momentum Revisions Date - Cash
• Thomson First Call Latest Report Date - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year Current - Surprise Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year Current - Previous
Mean Estimate - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year Current - Latest Actual
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Coefficient of
Variation - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Fiscal Year - Cash
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 7 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 7 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 7 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Implied Price/Cash
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - High Estimate Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Low Estimate - Cash
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Mean Estimate Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Median Estimate
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Number of Analyst
Estimates - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Standard Deviation
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 7 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 7 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 7 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Up - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - High Estimate Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Median Estimate
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Low Estimate - Cash
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Mean Estimate Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Number of Analyst
Estimates - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Standard Deviation
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Growth Rate - High - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Growth Rate - Low - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Growth Rate - Number of Analysts
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Growth Rate - Standard Deviation
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Growth Rate - Variance - Cash
• Thomson First Call Mean Growth Rate - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Median Long-Term Growth Rate
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 7 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - Latest Actual
Per Share - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - Previous Mean
Estimate - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - Surprise - Cash
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 7 Day Revisions Down
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 7 Day Revisions Mean
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 7 Day Revisions Up Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 30 Day Revisions Up
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 60 Day Revisions Up
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
Data Item Name
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 90 Day Revisions Up
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 12 Months Moving Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - Coefficient of Variation
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - Quarter & Fiscal Year
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - Implied Price/Cash
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 7 Day Revisions Down
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 7 Day Revisions Mean
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 7 Day Revisions Up Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 30 Day Revisions Up
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 60 Day Revisions Up
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 90 Day Revisions Up
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Quarter 4 - 12 Months Moving Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
0B - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
1B - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
2B - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
3B - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call 1 Year Ago - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Expected Report Date - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Expected Report Date - Footnotes
- Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call High Estimate - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Low Estimate - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Mean Estimate - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Median Estimate - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Number of Analyst Estimates Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call Standard Deviation - Cash Flow
• Thomson First Call High - Growth Rate
• Thomson First Call Low - Growth Rate
• Thomson First Call Variance - Growth Rate
• Thomson First Call Number of Analysts - Growth Rate
• Thomson First Call Standard Deviation - Growth Rate
• Thomson First Call Mean - Growth Rate
• Thomson First Call Median Long-Term - Growth Rate
• Peg Ratio with Thomson First Call Estimate
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year Current - Latest Actual
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year Current - Previous
Mean Estimate - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year Current - Surprise Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 7 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 7 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 7 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Up - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Up - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Up - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Coefficient of
Variation - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Fiscal Year Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - High Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Implied Price/
Earnings - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Low Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Mean Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Median Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Number of Analyst
Estimates - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 1 - Standard Deviation
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 7 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 7 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 7 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Up - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Up - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Up - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - High Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Low Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Mean Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Median Estimate Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Number of Analyst
Estimates - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Fiscal Year 2 - Standard Deviation
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 7 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 30 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 60 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - Latest Actual Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - Previous Mean
Estimate - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Current Quarter - Surprise Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 12 Months Moving Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 7 Day Revisions Down
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 7 Day Revisions Mean
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 7 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 30 Day Revisions Mean
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 30 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 60 Day Revisions Mean
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 60 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - 90 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - Coefficient of Variation
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - Implied Price/Earnings
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 1 - Quarter & Fiscal Year Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 7 Day Revisions Down
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 7 Day Revisions Mean
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 7 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 30 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
Data Item Name
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 30 Day Revisions Mean
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 30 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 60 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 60 Day Revisions Mean
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 60 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Down - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 90 Day Revisions
Mean - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 2 - 90 Day Revisions Up Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Quarter 4 - 12 Months Moving Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
0B - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
1B - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
2B - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Surprise
3B - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call 1 Year Ago - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Previous - 1 Year Ago - Earnings
Per Share
• Thomson First Call Expected Report Date - Footnotes
- Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Last Revision Date - Earnings Per
• Thomson First Call Momentum Revisions Date Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Latest Report Date - Earnings Per
• Thomson First Call Note - Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Consensus Recommendation Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call High Estimate - Earnings Per
• Thomson First Call Expected Report Date - Earnings
Per Share
• Thomson First Call Median Estimate - Earnings Per
• Thomson First Call Number of Analyst Estimates Earnings Per Share
• Thomson First Call Mean Estimate - Earnings Per
• Thomson First Call Standard Deviation - Earnings
Per Share
• Thomson First Call Low Estimate - Earnings Per Share
Thomson I/B/E/S Estimates
Currency for IBES Estimates
Currency for IBES Estimates - Current
Peg Ratio with IBES Estimate
Thomson I/B/E/S EPS Actual Quarterly Average
Thomson I/B/E/S EPS Actual Quarterly Est. Standard
Thomson I/B/E/S EPS Actual Quarterly Number of
Thomson I/B/E/S EPS - Last 4 Quarters Actual
Thomson I/B/E/S EPS - Latest Actual
Thomson I/B/E/S EPS - Latest Actual - Quarterly
Thomson I/B/E/S Estimated Date - Monthly
Thomson I/B/E/S Estimated Date - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Average Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Average Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year - Coefficient of Variation Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year - Coefficient of Variation
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Est. Standard Dev. - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Est. Standard Dev.
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Forecast
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Forecast - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year High Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year High Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year - Implied P/E - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year - Implied P/E
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Low Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Low Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Median Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Median Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Number of Estimates Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Number of Estimates
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Number of Est. Down Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Number of Est. Down
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Number of Estimates Up Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Year Number of Estimates Up
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Average Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Average Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year - Coefficient of Variation Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year - Coefficient of Variation
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Est. Standard Dev. - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Est. Standard Dev.
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year High Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year High Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year - Implied P/E - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year - Implied P/E
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Low Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Low Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Median Estimated - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Median Estimated
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Number of Estimates Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Number of Estimates
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Number of Est. Down Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Number of Est. Down
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Number of Estimates Up Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Year Number of Estimates Up
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth Avg. Est. - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth Avg. Est.
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Est. Std. Dev. Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Est. Std. Dev.
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - High Est. - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - High Est.
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Low Est. - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Low Est.
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Median Est. Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Median Est.
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Number of
• Thomson I/B/E/S 5 Year Growth - Number of
Estimates - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Average Est. - Current
• Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Average Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Est. Std. Dev. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Est. Std. Dev.
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter Forecast
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter Forecast - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - High Est. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - High Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Low Est. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Low Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Median Est. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Median Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Number of Estimates
- Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Number of Estimates
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Number of Estimates
Down - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Number of Estimates
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Number of Estimates
Up - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 1 Quarter - Number of Estimates
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Average Est. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Average Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Est. Std. Dev. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Est. Std. Dev.
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - High Est. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - High Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Low Est. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Low Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Median Est. - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Median Est.
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Number of Estimates
- Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Number of Estimates
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Number of Estimates
Down - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Number of Estimates
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Number of Estimates
Up - Current
Thomson I/B/E/S 2 Quarters - Number of Estimates
Thomson I/B/E/S Percentage of Unexpected
Thomson I/B/E/S Standard Unexpected Earnings
U.S. Economic Data
Capital Asset Pricing Model
Consumer Price Index - All Urban - All Items
Employment - Nonfarm
Federal Funds Rate
Government Bonds
Government Notes
Gross Domestic Product
Housing Starts
Inflation Rate
LIBOR - 1 Month
LIBOR - 2 Month
Market Indicator
Money Supply - M1
Money Supply - M2
Prime Interest Rate
Producer Price Index - Finished Goods - All Items
Retail Sales - Total
Sale of Passenger Cars
Treasury Bills
Unemployment Rate
Data Item Name
Client Support
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. EST
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Client Sales
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Standard & Poor’s has established policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of non-public information received during each analytic process. Information contained in this
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