Energy Flow in Global Systems Research Report Step One: Choose a country that no other student has chosen and report your country choice to Mr. Cripps Step Two: Choose a city within that country that you will focus on for all the assignments specific questions (usually the capital city works the best) Step Three: By the end of the unit you should be able to answer the following questions; • Are there relationships between solar energy, global energy transfer processes, climate and biomes? • What evidence suggests our climate may be changing more rapidly than living species can adapt? • Is human activity causing climate change? • How can we reduce our impact on the biosphere on global climate, while still meeting human needs? Keep these in mind as you work your way through the next couple weeks. Assignment requirements: Title Page (including your name, class, date, and the name of the unit, name of your country) Table of Contents (listed by headings) In your Report use Headings to distinguish the different questions References (using the guide provided all material that has not been taken from the textbook or MR. Cripps must be properly referenced) See Attached Rubric to determine what you will be marked on 1 Computer Lab Assignment Expectations (bolded words are what needs to be included in your project) Day 1: Complete the title page Explain how climate change affects the lives of people and other species (Read page 349-351 and page 342. How does weather differ from climate? Determine the climate of your country, apply the information you have learned from reading the above pages to your country. Explain the need to investigate climate change (Summarize 352-354) minimum 2 paragraphs Explain how the Sun as the source of Energy for Earth (To help you out remember what you learned about photosynthesis from the beginning of the year and think how the sun supports photosynthesis. How does the sun provide energy for the entire Earth…think about food chains)- look at the sun as a source diagram Day 2: Explain what the biosphere is and what components make up the biosphere (page 343 and page 346). Outline and briefly explain the layers of the atmosphere (page 343-346). Air Temperature and Altitude Lab (page 347, include Title, Question, Hypothesis, Observation (chart on sheet), Variables, Procedure (follow graph rules from physics, draw out your graph, computer generated graphs will not be accepted) Analysis #1 and #2 and Conlusions #3, #4 and #5 (questions must be written out and answered in complete sentences) Day 3, 4 and 5: • How does the transfer of thermal energy (heat) by the hydrosphere (water) and the atmosphere (air) contribute to latitudes of net radiation deficit (cooler) and a variety of climate zones? Basically what this question is asking you to do is to explain how water and air transfer heat around the world causing temperatures in some locations to be warm, and temperatures in other locations to be cool. Pages 376-399 (hydrosphere) and pages 370-375 (atmosphere). After you have explained using your textbook use the diagrams to apply to what you would estimate your country would have for warm/cool water and wind currents. Please be sure to discuss Radiation, Conduction, Convection, Atmospheric Pressure, Coriolis Effect, Jet Streams, Specific Heat Capacity, Quantity of thermal energy, phase changes in the water cycle, Heat of fusion, heat of vaporization, heat of condensation • Practice problems #1-15 (starts on page 379) 2 Day 5, 6, and 7: Describe the relationship among solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface and time of year, angle of inclination, length of daylight, cloud cover, albedo effect and aerosol or participate distribution. (pages 357-363) After you have explained what these are please apply this information to your country. You will need to know the latitude of your country to apply the angle of incidence, the hemisphere your country is located in to answer the angle of inclination, the surface of your country (rocky, dirt, trees) and the amount of cloud cover to determine the albedo. Explain the net radiation budget, using per cent, solar energy input, terrestrial energy output, net radiant energy (pages 365-369). You have already determined the temperatures of your country. Knowing these temperatures explain if your country would have a net radiation deficit or surplus. Describe and explain the greenhouse effect, the role of various gasesincluding methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor-in determining the scope of the greenhouse effect. (page 365) Research whether or not your country contributes any of the above gases to the natural greenhouse effect. Day 8: Read pages 391-402 Describe a biome as an open system in terms of input and output of energy and compare it to that of a cell. Relate the characteristics of 2 major biomes to net radiant energy, climate factors (temperature, moisture, sunlight and wind) and topography (mountain ranges, large bodies of water) (Choose the 2 major biomes within your country and discuss how that biome has a net radiant energy, what the climate is, including: temperature, rainfall, sunlight and wind, include topography. A map of your countries biome would be good to include as well). Use your textbook as a resource for your biome research. Identify the potential effects of climate change on environmentally sensitive biomes (What are the effects of climate change on your biome) Day 9: page 403-406 Analyze the climatographs of two major biomes and explain why biomes with similar characteristics can exist in different geographical locations, latitudes and altitudes. (Complete Inquiry Lab on page 406. Include a Question, Hypothesis, Materials and Equipment, Observation chart, Procedure, Graphs, Analysis and Conclusions) Day 10: page 410-430 Investigate and identify human actions affecting biomes that have a potential to change a climate. Within your country, find out about any activities that may cause climate change (deforestation and large scale burning for example) and describe the activity and the effects or possible effects it may have on the climate. 3 Identify evidence to investigate past changes in Earth’s climate. How can scientists tell if the climate has changed in an area (your country) over the last number of years? Give specific example from within your chosen country and tell how the weather or climate may have changed there. Describe and evaluate the role of science in furthering the understanding of climate and climate change. How has science helped or hindered the understanding of the roles involved in understanding climate and climate change. Give an example of how science is trying to make a difference in your chosen country Describe limitations of scientific knowledge and technology in making predictions related to climate and weather. Assess the variety of perspectives the risks and benefits of human activity and its impact on the biosphere and climate. Within the country you have chosen, research why they do some of the activities that you have discussed that may cause climate to change. Why are they good/bad? Who sees the different sides of the argument- who is involved? 4 Evaluation Rubric Research Projects Criteria Use of resources (at least one book needs to be included) Level 1 Uses a limited range of research strategies Information is accessed from limited sources Quality of Information (has met the requirements of assignment in relation to the expected information) Recording information (Information needs to be referenced according the handout) Accesses information from more than one resource Level 3 Uses workable research process Accesses information from a variety of different resources Locates information of limited usefulness to the issue, concept or topic Locates information that is somewhat related to the issue, concept or topic Located information that is clearly related to the issue, concept or topic Copies main ideas from resources, acknowledges sources when prompted Summarizes some main ideas from resources in own words, acknowledges sources but does not use correct biographic conventions Recording of information reflects some organization Summarizes main ideas from resources in own words, generally acknowledges sources correctly Shows little evidence of having formulated own ideas/opinions, presents information with little evidence of organization, Attempts to combine research with own ideas and opinions, presents information with own ideas/opinions. Combines research with own ideas/opinions with skill, presents information in an organized manner. Has some difficulty handling questions Demonstrates some competence in handling questions Handles questions competently Recording of information lacks organization Use of information Level 2 Uses some effective research strategies Summarizes information following a prescribed system of organization Level 4 Uses a systematic research process Accesses information from a wide range of resources Locates information that reflects a sophisticated understanding of the issue, concept or topic Reorganizes main ideas from resources to suit purpose, routinely acknowledges all sources correctly. Systematically records information according to the needs of the task. Combines research with own ideas/opinions in a fluent and skillful manner, presents information that is skillfully organized. Handles questions insightfully 5 Unit Exam Review Outline Outcomes Part One: Explain how climate change affects the lives of people and other species. Explain the need to investigate climate change Identify the Sun as the source of all energy of Earth Analyze the net radiation budge, using per cent, solar energy input, terrestrial energy output, net radiant energy Describe the major characteristics of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, lithosphere and explain how they contribute to the Earth’s biosphere. Describe and explain the greenhouse effect, the role of various gases-including methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor-in determining the scope of the greenhouse effect. Outcomes Part Two: Describe how thermal energy is transferred through the atmosphere by global wind patterns, jet stream, Coriolis effect, and weather systems. Describe how thermal energy is transferred through the hydrosphere by ocean currents and large bodies of water. How does the transfer of thermal energy by the hydrosphere and the atmosphere contribute to latitudes of net radiation deficit and a variety of climate zones. Describe the relationship among solar energy reaching the Earth’s surface and time of year, angle of inclination, length of daylight, cloud cover, albedo effect and aerosol or participate distribution. How does uneven variations in thermal properties of materials lead to uneven heating and cooling Explain how evaporation, condensation, freezing and melting transfer thermal energy Outcomes Part Three: Describe a biome as an open system in terms of input and output of energy and compare it to that of a cell. Relate the characteristics of 2 major biomes to net radiant energy, climate factors (temperature, moisture, sunlight and wind) and topography (mountain ranges, large bodies of water) Analyze the climatographs of two major biomes and explain why biomes with similar characteristics can exist in different geographical locations, latitudes and altitudes. Identify the potential effects of climate change on environmentally sensitive biomes Outcome Part Four: Investigate and identify human actions affecting biomes that have a potential to change a climate. Identify evidence to investigate past changes in Earth’s climate Describe and evaluate the role of science in furthering the understanding of climate and climate change Describe limitations of scientific knowledge and technology in making predictions related to climate and weather Assess the variety of perspectives the risks and benefits of human activity and its impact on the biosphere and climate. 6