Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai NOTICE INVITING TENDER SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING & COMMISSIONING (SITC) OF DIGITAL SIGNAGE SYSTEM AT BANK’S PROPOSED E-LOBBY/ IES AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN THE COUNTRY (APPROX. 50 LOCATIONS) Bank of Baroda, Estate Management Dept, BCC, Mum bai, i nvites o ffers f rom p rosp ect i ve sup p lie rs/ ve nd ors f or Sup p l y, I nstal latio n, Te sti ng & Co mmi ssi oni ng o f D ig ita l Si gna ge S yste m at Ba nk’ s p rop ose d E - lo bbies approx. 50 locations. Interested bidders can download the tender document from the Bank’s website from 05.06.2013 onwards. Date of commencement of issue of tender documents Last date for submission of tender documents Date of Opening of tender (Technical Bid) Earnest Money Deposit - 06.06.2013 20.06.2013 06.06.2013 ` 65,000.00 The agencies that are desirous of bidding for above work and fulfill following minimum criteria/requirement only need to apply:1. Experience of having successfully & satisfactorily completed similar* work during last 7 years (as of 30.04.2013) as follows: One similar* completed work costing not less than ` 53 lakh OR Two similar* completed works each costing not less than ` 33 lakh OR Three similar* completed works each costing not less than ` 27 lakh *Similar work shall mean – Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of D ig it al si gnag e S ys tem f or re pu ted or gan iza ti on/s i n I nd ia . 2. Average annual turn over for the last three years shall not be less than ` 20 lakh. 3. The bidder should have support / service centres at major cities in India. (List of service centres to be enclosed) The TENDER response shall be submitted in two parts. Part I shall comprise of Technical Bid plus EMD and Part II shall contain Commercial Bid. These bids shall be submitted in two separate envelopes. The Technical Bid Envelope shall be superscribed as “TECHNICAL BID for SITC of DIGITAL SIGNAGE SYSTEM at Bank’s Proposed E-LOBBIES (Approx. 50 Locations)” shall include only the technical part of the bid duly signed and sealed by the bidder along with supporting documents. The commercial bid shall be enclosed in the second envelope superscribed as “COMMERCIAL BID for SITC of DIGITAL SIGNAGE SYSTEM at Bank’s Proposed Page 1 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai E-LOBBIES (Approx. 50 Locations)” and shall include only Financial bid. No other condition shall be stipulated by the bidder in the financial bid. Along with these two envelopes; bidder shall submit one more envelope containing demand drafts/banker’s Cheque /pay order towards EMD (` ` 65,000/-) favouring Bank of Baroda payable at Mumbai. Please note that firms/agencies claiming exemption from submission of EMD under any statutory authority/law (eg. NSIC etc.) shall be required to submit necessary documentation viz. valid registration certificate etc. to the satisfaction of the Bank. Such firms shall ensure to submit copy of valid Registration Certificate duly signed and stamped in a separate cover (in lieu of the EMD) . The proposal shall be prepared in English. Name of contact person, e-mail address and phone/fax numbers of the bidder shall also be indicated on the sealed envelopes. All the three envelopes i.e. envelope containing Technical Bid, Commercial Bid and EMD(or Registration Certificate) should kept in one single master Envelope Superscribed as “ TENDER for SITC of DIGITAL SIGNAGE SYSTEM at Bank’s Proposed E-LOBBIES (Approx. 50 Locations)”. If the envelopes are not sealed, Bank will assume no responsibility for Bid’s misplacement. Similarly if the bids are not marked, Bank will not be responsible for premature opening of Bid. The sealed Envelope shall be addressed to : The General Manager Bank of Baroda,1st floor, Estate Management Baroda Corporate Centre,C-26, G- Block Bandra Kurla Complex,Mumbai – 400 051 In case of any clarification you may please contact following officials:1) N Kirankumar, CM (EM) - 022 6698 5101 / 2) Manu Mathew, Officer (EM) – 022 6698 5119 / All the pages of tender documents are to be stamped and signed by the tenderer. Last date of receipt of tenders in the prescribed form is 20.06.2013 up to 1500 hrs. Tender cover - I (Technical Bid) will be opened at 1st floor Estate Management on 20.06.2013 at 1530 hrs in the presence of representatives of bidders present. After the technical evaluation of the tender, the price bid of only technically qualified bidders (as per the criteria mentioned hereinabove) shall be considered for price bid evaluation. The Bank reserves its right to seek and obtain substantiating data from the bidders for verification of the credentials submitted. The Date of opening of Price Bid Part-II shall be advised separately to all technically qualified bidders. Bank may at its discretion, request the shortlisted bidders to give a demonstration of their proposed system at their cost before opening of price bid. This will also be considered as a part of technical evaluation. Page 2 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai TERMS & CONDITIONS 1. Scope of Work Bank of Baroda, proposes to open approximately -50- self service e-lobbies during the next 6 months across India. At present the immediate need is for 22 nos within 20 days. The e-lobby shall accommodate Cash Dispenser (ATM), Bunch Note Acceptor (BNA), Self Service Automatic Passbook Printing Kiosk, Cheque Deposit Machine (CDM), Internet Banking KIOSK, and hot line to Bank’s Contact Centre. Offers are invited for supply and installation of digital signage system at proposed elobbies for displaying banking news / advertisement through a dedicated central server to be provided by the vendor and kept at Transaction banking Department, Baroda Sun Tower Building, BKC. The central server software shall have a capacity to cater minimum -300- e-lobbies and have scheduling / push content facility. The proposed system shall be working on 24 x 7 x 365 basis. Necessary software components, including server management software are to be provided and maintained by the bidder. The electrical points, UPS Power, LAN Ports etc required for the installation of digital signage system at each e-lobby shall be provided by Bank. However installation and configuration of LED Display / Media Player and configuration of central server are covered under the scope of the bidder. The bidder shall further impart onsite training regarding entire operations of central server such as scheduling, data uploading; generating logs and reports, etc to Banks authorized personnel/s. The network (MPLS / Lease Line / VSAT) for connecting each e-lobby with central server shall be provided by Bank separately. 2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Earnest Money Deposit of ` 65,000/- (Rupees Sixty Five thousand only) has to be submitted by way of Demand Draft / Banker's Cheque / Pay Order drawn in favour of "Bank of Baroda" payable at Mumbai. Earnest Money Deposit will not carry any interest. The Earnest Money Deposit of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded on acceptance of the work order by the successful bidder. The EMD of successful bidder will be adjusted while settling the final bill. The Earnest Money Deposit will be forfeited if: The bidder withdraws his tender before processing of the same. The bidder withdraws his tender after processing but before acceptance of “Letter of appointment” to be issued by the Bank The selected bidder withdraws his tender before furnishing Bank Guarantee/Security Deposit as required under this Tender. Page 3 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai The bidder violates any of the provisions of the terms and conditions of this RFP specification Initial Security Deposit An amount equivalent to 5% of the accepted tender value shall be deposited by the successful bidder towards the initial security deposit after adjusting the EMD amount. Thus, the contractor has to submit the difference amount only. The security deposit will be refunded by the bank after the expiry of warranty (three years from the date of successful commissioning of the system). Amount of Security Deposit will be rounded off to the nearest thousand. Bank Guarantee in lieu of Security Deposit is not acceptable. 3. Performance Bank Guarantee: The selected bidder has to provide an unconditional and irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee of 5 % of the contract value from a Public Sector Bank in India (other than Bank of Baroda) towards due performance of the contract in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions of Tender document, within 15 days from the date of letter of indent (LOI). The Performance Bank Guarantee shall be kept valid three months, beyond the warranty period. 4. Place of Order Order will be placed by our Mumbai office & Payment will also be released either by our office or by the respective Zonal/Regional office where the machine has been delivered and installed on production of following documents. a. b. c. d. Original copy of Invoice Original copy of Delivery Challan Original copy of Installation report Tests & acceptance of Bank Bidders shall make necessary arrangements for processing the purchase orders including the road permit, if any. 5. Repeat Orders Initial order shall be for -22- locations. After the Purchase Contract is awarded to a Supplier, the Bank may, at its discretion, award further Purchase Contracts to the same Supplier for all / some of the goods originally quoted by him at the same/reduced prices up to a period of 6 (six) months from the date of the first Purchase Contract without calling for fresh quotations. This order shall be for another approx. 28 locations as per requirement. 6. Fall Clause : If the vendor reduces its price or sales or offers to sell similar system to any other organization during the validity period of the tender at a price lower than the agreed price for Bank of Baroda, then the agreed price will be automatically reduced for all Page 4 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai subsequent supplies under the rate contract with effect from the date from which such offers were made to the outsiders and the rate contract will be amended accordingly. 7. Transportation and Insurance The costs shall include insurance and freight (c.i.f). However, the Bidder has the option to use transportation and insurance cover from any eligible source. Insurance cover shall be provided by the Bidder till the successful installation of the System. The Bidders, by submitting this offer, also assure and indemnify the Bank that the goods would be replaced at no cost to Bank in case insurance cover is not provided. 8. Pre-Shipment Inspections: Bank of Baroda reserves the right, but not any obligation, to undertake a pre-shipment inspection of the complete central system in a factory test environment. For this purpose, Bank of Baroda's personnel may visit the factory site, if required. 9. Delivery: The orders for entire quantity would not be placed in one go. It would be placed piece meal spread over a period of -6- months. The equipments shall be delivered within 15 days from the date of purchase order. Bidder will be responsible for ensuring proper packing, delivery and receipt of all the components related at the Location. Sealed packs will be opened in the presence of Bank of Baroda officials. The complete sets of manuals & licenses shall be delivered together with the system. Any component which has not been delivered or is not operational after delivery, will be deemed/treated as non-delivery thereby excluding the Bank from all payment obligations under the terms of this contract. Partial delivery of products is not acceptable and payment would be released as per terms only after full delivery and installation. 10. Completion Period The work shall be completed in all respect within 20 days from the date of issue of work order. 11. Validity Period of The Offer The offer shall remain valid for -6- months from the date of submission of tender document. 12. Submission of Commercial Offer The prices offered to the Bank must be in Indian rupees. Rate quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes present i.e. excise, sales tax, custom tax, service tax etc. No price increase on account of exchange rate fluctuations shall be permitted. Page 5 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Octroi and Entry tax will be payable separately as per actuals. Rate quoted shall be inclusive of 3 years onsite comprehensive maintenance and warranty. CAMC (Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract) rate for a period of 2 years after expiry of warranty to be quoted separately. Any price increase on account of change in tax structure ( + or - ) shall be payable/recoverable during the contract period. Commercial quote shall be submitted as per format of Annexure-VII in a separate sealed envelope. 13. Opening of Technical Bid The Technical Bids will be opened on 20.06.2013 at 1530 hrs in the presence of Bank’s authorized committee. The representatives of the bidders may remain present during the opening of Technical bids. No separate intimation will be given to the bidders in this regard. 14. Evaluation Process Technical Bids will be evaluated on the basis of compliance to eligibility criteria, technical specification, other terms and conditions stipulated in the tender document. Financial Bids of only those bidders who qualify in the technical evaluation / demonstration, based on the criteria laid down hereinabove, will be opened. The Bank reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the tenderer. 15. Evaluation of Commercial Quotes L1 (Lowest Bidder) will be arrived on the basis of - 5 – (Five) Years TCO( Total Cost of Operation) (i.e. Price, with 3 years onsite comprehensive maintenance and warranty, plus 2 years CAMC, inclusive of all taxes except octroi /entry tax) 16. Authorized Signatory: The selected Bidder shall submit, at the time of signing the contract, a certified copy of the extract of the resolution of their Board, authenticated by Company Secretary, authorizing an official or officials of the company or of Attorney copy to discuss, sign agreements/contracts with the Bank. The Bidder shall furnish proof of signature identification for above purposes as required by the Bank. The selected Bidder shall indicate the authorized signatory/ies who can discuss and correspond with the bank, with regard to the obligations under the contract. 17. Bank of Baroda reserves the right to: Reject any or all responses received in response to the Tender Waive or Change any formalities, irregularities, or inconsistencies in proposal format delivery Page 6 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Cancel the selection process as per Tender at any stage, without assigning any reason whatsoever 18. Cancellation of contract and compensation: The Bank reserves the right to cancel the contract of the selected Bidder and recover expenditure incurred by the Bank in the following circumstances: I. The selected Bidder commits a breach of any of the terms and conditions of the Tender/contract. II. The selected Bidder becomes insolvent or goes into liquidation voluntarily or otherwise III. The progress regarding execution of the contract, made by the selected Bidder is found to be unsatisfactory. IV. If the delivery is delayed by more than two weeks from the due date of delivery. V. If the selected Bidder fails to complete the due performance of the contract in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions VI. An attachment is levied or continues to be levied for a period of 7 days upon effects of the tender. The Bank would provide 30 days notice to rectify any breach/ unsatisfactory progress 19. No Legal Relationship No binding legal relationship will exist between any of the Recipients / Respondents and Bank of Baroda until execution of a contractual agreement. 20. Disqualification: Any form of canvassing/lobbying/influence/query regarding short listing, status etc will be a disqualification. 21. Liquidated damages & Penalty: • • • Bidder will have to pay penalty/ liquidated damages (LD) to Bank of Baroda @ 1% of the contract value inclusive of all taxes, duties, levies etc., per week or part thereof, for late delivery beyond due date of delivery. If delay exceeds two weeks from due date of delivery, Bank of Baroda reserves the right to cancel the entire order including forfeiture of EMD. Bidder will have to pay penalty/Liquidated Damages to Bank @ 0.1% of the contract value per day or part thereof subject to maximum of 0.5%, for delay in installation, if the delay is caused owing to reasons attributable to the Bidder plus forfeiture of Performance Guarantee. If the selected Bidder fails to complete the due performance of the contract in accordance to the specifications and conditions agreed during the final contract negotiation, the Bank reserves the right either to cancel the contract as a whole or to accept performance already made by the bidder and get the remaining Contract performed by another contractor. All expenses incurred by the Bank in calling fresh bids will be borne by the bidder subject to a maximum of 5 % of contract value as Liquidated Damages for non-performance. Page 7 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 • 22. Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai If the penalty/ Liquidated Damages exceeds the maximum of 10% of contract value, Bank may de-list the Bidder from participating in any of our banks tender in future for a period of three years. Payment Terms 75% of the total cost on delivery, successful installation and commissioning of system and testing for minimum 15 days, 100% of Octroi /entry tax as per actual on production of original receipt. 15% of total cost after one month of successful installation and satisfactory functioning. Balance amount of 10% will be retained till the end of warranty period plus three months (i.e. three years plus three months). Bidder shall have an option of submitting a Bank Guarantee of equivalent amount from any scheduled bank (other than Bank of Baroda) valid till three years plus three months from the date of completion of the work. The same shall be released after successful completion of the above period. No advance payment shall be permitted under any reason whatsoever. The Bank will release the payments, on receipt of all the relevant documents, within a period of 15 working days from the date of receipt of undisputed relevant documents. Any dispute regarding the relevant documents will be communicated to the selected Bidder within 15 days from the date of receipt of the relevant documents. After the dispute is resolved, Bank shall make payment within 15 working days from the date the dispute stands resolved. 23. Warranty The digital signage system to be installed at Bank’s each e-lobby shall be NEW as on date of installation and shall be having all components required for displaying advertisement / Banking news through a Central Server ( located at Bank’s Corporate Office, BKC, Mumbai). The entire System including accessories will remain under onsite comprehensive maintenance and warranty for a period of three years from the date of successful commissioning and testing. The bidder shall impart onsite training regarding entire operations of central server such as scheduling, data uploading, generate logs and MIS Reports to Banks authorized personnel/s to enable them effectively operate the system. The training shall be conducted at site where the central server to be installed and up to a comfort level of user/s and at no cost to the bank. Page 8 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai 24. Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC) on Expiry of Warranty Period The Bidder has to enter into a CAMC agreement with the bank, at the discretion of the Bank, after the expiry of warranty period to support the equipments supplied for a minimum period of – 2- (Two) years at the rate quoted in “Commercial Bid”. 25. Force Majeure Should either party be prevented from performing any of its obligations under this proposal by reason of any cause beyond its reasonable control like riots, civil commotion, war, lightning ,earthquake, flood, fire, strike etc. then the time for performance shall be extended until the operation or such cause has ceased, provided the party affected gives prompt notice to the other of any such factors or inability to perform, resumes performance as soon as such factors disappear or are circumvented. 26. Arbitration In the event of a dispute or difference of any nature whatsoever between Bank and the Bidder during the course of the assignment arising as a result of this proposal, the same will be settled through the process of arbitration conducted by Sole Arbitrator appointed by Bank. The place of Arbitrational proceedings shall be at Mumbai. The provisions of Indian Arbitration Act & Conciliation Act 1996 with the revisions thereof shall apply to the Arbitration proceeding. 27. Indemnity The Bidder shall indemnify and keep indemnified, protect and save the Bank against all claims, losses, damages, costs, expenses, action suits and other proceedings, resulting from infringement of any patent, trade marks, copyrights etc. by the Bidder. The Bidder shall always remain liable to the bank for any losses suffered by the Bank due to any technical error and negligence or fault on the part of the Bidder. The bidder shall execute an indemnity in favour of Bank on adequate non judicial paper as per Bank ’s satisfaction. 28. Demonstration The bidders who are technically qualified shall demonstrate one such installation of Digital Signage system installed by them, preferably of a similar quantum /configuration of the models quoted at any of the location, with mutually convenient time and date, at the bidder’s cost. This will be the part of technical evaluation and at the discretion of Bank. Page 9 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Annexure-I COMPANY PROFILE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a) Name of the applicant / organization b) Address of the Registered Office with Phone Nos, Fax Nos. & E-mail ID & Contact Person Year of establishment Type of the organization (Whether sole proprietorship, Partnership, Private Ltd. or Ltd. Co. etc.) (Enclose certified copies of documents as evidence) Name & Qualification of the Proprietor / Partners / Directors of the Organisation / Firm ( Enclose certified copies of document as evidence) Details of registration – Whether Partnership firm, Company etc, Name of Registering Authority, Date and Registration number (Enclose certified copies of document as evidence) Whether / registered with Government / Semi – Government / Municipal Authorities of any other PSUs and if so, since when? (Enclose certified copies of document as evidence) a) No. of years of experience in the field b) Whether ISO certified, furnish the details Area of business activities other than digital signage system, if any, and place of business. Address of office through which the proposed work of the Bank will be handled and the Name & Designation of officer in charge. (a) Yearly turnover of the organization during last 3 years (year wise) and furnish audited balance sheet and Profit & Loss A/c (Audited) for the last -3- years. 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 Page 10 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 11 12 13 14 15 17 PAN No. Details of registration for sales tax Detailed description and value of works done (Annexure II) and works on hand (Annexure III) Details of Key Personnel Permanently employed (Annexure-IV) Furnish the names of -3- responsible persons along with their designation, address, Tel.No. etc. for whose organization, you have completed the above mentioned jobs and who will be in a position to certify about the performance of your organisation No. of supplementary sheets attached Page 11 of 20 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai 1. 2. 3. Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Annexure II Work ‘EXECUTED’ as Prime Contractor on works of similar nature (of value not less than ` 27 lakh) over the last -7- years (as of 30/04/2013) Project Name Name of address of Client Descriptio n of work Contract No. Value of work (lacs) Date of issue of Work Order Stipulated period of completion Actual date of complet ion Remarks explaining reason for delay Notes : 1. Information has to be filled up specifically in this format. Please do not write remark “ As indicated in Brochure” 2. For certificates, the issuing authority shall not be less than an Executive In charge. 3. Document proofs of work orders and performance certificates from the clients needs to be attached. Page 12 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Annexure III Work ‘IN HAND’ as Prime Contractor on works of similar nature (of value not less than ` 27 lakh): Project name Name Descripti of on of addre work ss of Client Con Value of tract work No. (lacs) Date of issue of Work Order Stipulated period of completion Actual date of completion Remar ks explain ing reason for delay Note : 1. Information has to be filled up specifically in this format. Please do not write emark “As indicated in Brochure”. 2. For certificates, the issuing authority shall not be less than an Executive In charge. 3. Document proofs of work orders from the clients needs to be attached. Page 13 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Annexure IV Details of key personnel, giving details about their technical qualification & experience including that in your establishments No 1 Name and designation 2 Age 3 QualifiCation ExperiEnce Nature of Works Handled Name of The Projects Handled Costing Over ` 34 lakh Date from Which Employed In your Organisation Indicate Details of Experience To similar Projects 4 5 6 7 8 9 Notes: 1. Information has to be filled up specifically in this format. Please do not write remark “ As indicated in Brochure” 2. Indicate other points, if any, to show your technical and managerial competency to indicate any important point in your favour. Page 14 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Annexure-V Technical Specification 1) Industrial Grade LED Display Unit Sr No 1 Specification of Industrial Grade LED Display Unit Specification Compliance (Y / N) 46” inch Full HD Wall Mount 2 3 4 5 6 LED Panel Board Max. Resolution : 1920 X 1080 Super Slim Design with 30 mm Width Brightness – 500 cd/m2 6mm Tempered Glass as protector layer 7 Full HD 1080p Video Output Remark 2) Digital Media Player Specification of Digital Media Player, hardware Sr No Specification Solid state media player with Real Time OS (Non PC based) with built in Ethernet & wifi(802.11b). 1 Should support HDMI video with low power consumption (less than 10W) Compliance (Y / N) Remark 3) Digital Signage Solution, Central Server (Software) Functional Specification of Digital Signage Solution Sr No Specification Compliance (Y / N) A Digital Signage Solution Software a.1 Deployment of Signage Screen at a particular location and provide it with Unique Identification Number (UIN) for future reference. a.2 Capability to identify UIN should be a logical combination for easy identification – [fields such as IP address, Branch code, Branch Name, Address, Contact Info, Type of Screen etc to be added] a.3 Ability to power ON/OFF Screens from a centralized location a.4 Ability to broadcast information (live text alert, image, audio, video etc.) from a central location (BKC,Mumbai) on a real-time basis as well as on Page 15 of 20 Remark Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 a.5 a.6 a.7 a.8 a.9 a.10 B b.1 b.2 b.3 b.4 b.5 b.6 b.7 b.8 b.9 b.10 b.11 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai an offline basis i.e. store and show technique. Logically grouping Signage Screens / Media player by Location / Zones / Region / Subsidiaries etc. Capability to support Regional languages. Ability to manage the Digital Signage Solution based on maker checker concept. Ability to manage the Digital Media Player centrally. Ability to manage the display layout / design on individual screen from a centralized location based on clustering. Single screen or split screen. Facility of Scrolls crawls to separate multiple displays on separate regions on the screens. Complete Audit to be maintained of the information added/modified/deleted in the system by user/IP address Content Creation, Management, Access and Display: Content that has to be displayed on the screens would be created centrally at BCC, Mumbai. The Solution shall have the following features: Add/modify/delete/combine content in any of the file formats which results in audio, video, graphical or text format (this includes pdf, word, ppt, media files, etc) Add textual content on image, video and scrolling messages. Ability to view the final content by Bank authorized personnel’s before the final upload. Tool to create designs, display designers, preview of display designs before publishing. Transmitting / downloading /deploying content to a logically grouped branches / locations Ability to manage the content in terms of time to display, screen split, duration of display etc Content creation module should be able to compress the content during transmission and as decompressed at the Media player/LED @ a particular location. Design the content with ease in any media format. (Drag and drop content for effective placement on the screen as per the requirement) Multi-lingual / regional language contents as per the location/region the Digital Signage Screen. Facility to remotely view the current playback status of any screens by way of screen shots, same display on screen, etc. Content deployment can happen on real-time basis or on a scheduled date and time Smart downloading • Option to schedule downloading- Better Page 16 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai bandwidth management. • Divide big files in smaller fragments. b.12 Provision to Push as well as Pull for the Digital Media player b.13 b.14 Content Repository facility for reusing the content Logs to be made available and back-up of the same made available for audit purpose Monitoring and Control Module Capable to centrally Control the content to be displayed on the particular Signage Screen Provision to identify the Media Player not getting updates due to Media Player switched off, network failure etc Remotely monitoring status of Signage screens and notification User Management & Security Module User management - Create users and groups with different access levels Assign displays to the users that they can manage Password protected access Forgot Password option Antivirus Management on all DMPs and the Solution. Connectivity Capability of the Digital Signage Solution to work with all kinds of Wired / Wireless internet connections i.e., Broadband, Wireless dongle, VSAT, WiFi, etc. The Solution should be capable of connecting with the Banks’ LAN network. Module at the central location shall have intelligence to check the network usage and then accordingly transmit content i.e., store and forward. MIS Module The solution shall also provide access to bank officials to generate report and view dashboards w.r.t. the digital signage i.e. Downtime, uptime, ticket logged, content created, content deployed, Digital Media/LCD's working status etc (also the one explained in the MIS module) MIS on what content played where and at what time MIS on the frequency of content review and update Frequency of switching on/off the LED Bandwidth utilization for Branch / Region/ Zone Proof of play reports: Audit log report on content played for each player Bandwidth Utilization reports: The bandwidth utilization report provides the bank with necessary C c.1 c.2 c.3 D d.1 d.2 d.3 d.4 d.5 E e.1 e.2 F f.1 f.2 f.3 f.4 f.5 Page 17 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 G H I J j.1 j.2 4) Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai details of DMP wise / Region wise / Total bandwidth utilized for upload and download of video files. These reports can be Daily/Weekly/Periodic. Display real-time download and upload speeds, and logs to history. File Fragmentation - Bigger Media Content are downloaded into small part and then transmitted from the server to the respective Media Player on the client side. This avoid network load on the bank network. Delta file downloading - Contents are downloaded in a incremental fashion which mean of a file downloaded half way and after sometime if there is any network error then this file gets auto regained from the last point it had stopped the download. Other Capabilities Ability of the proposed solution to integrate with Queue management system. Ability to manage a separate channel for Pan India Broadcast. Central Server ( Hardware) Minimum Configuration of Central Server, hardware Sr Specification No Dual Core Intel® Xeon® E3110, 3.0 GHz, 6MB Cache, 1 1333MHz FSB 4GB, DDR2, 800MHz, 4x1GB, Dual Ranked DIMMs 2 3 4 5 Compliance (Y/N) Remark Hard Drive Configuration Add-in SAS6iR (SATA/SAS Controller) supports 2 Hard Drives – RAID1 Primary Hard Drive 500GB 7.2K RPM Serial ATA 3Gbps 3.5in Cabled Server Grade Hard Drive 2nd Hard Drive 250GB 7.2K RPM Serial ATA 3Gbps 3.5-in Cabled Hard Drive Network Adapter On-Board Single Gigabit Network Adapter Page 18 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 1 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Annexure VI DECLARATION In case my / our Offer is accepted, I / we undertake the following and declare as under:1. Will provide items as per specifications laid down in this tender, which would be new in nature as on date of installation. 2. If any fault is being reported, the service will be provided within 24 working hours. If the service provider fails to do so, the warranty may be exceeded by the delay incurred. 3. All the laws applicable to Union, State and local laws, ordinance, regulations and codes will be complied. 4. I / We agree that the decision of Bank of Baroda in selection of Contractor will be final and binding to me / us. 5. All the information furnished by me/us hereunder is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 6. I / We agree that I / We have no objection if enquiries are made about the work listed by me / us in the accompanying sheets. Authorised Signatory (Name & Designation, seal of the Service Provider Date:Place:- Page 19 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder Bank of Baroda Envelope 2 Baroda Corporate Centre, Mumbai Annexure VII COMMERCIAL BID BILL OF QUANTITIES A Sr No Item Qty 1 22 2 3 4 Industrial Grade LED Display 46” Size Digital Media Player Digital Signage Solution ( Central Server Software) Central Server Model Unit rate Amount Amount in word (` `) 22 1 1 TOTAL (A) 1 1 2 B Installation and commissioning charges for the total project TOTAL (B) C CAMC (Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract) for 4th year (i.e. after completion of 3 yr warranty) for whole system CAMC (Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract) for 5th year (i.e. after completion of 3 yr warranty) for whole system TOTAL (C) SUB TOTAL (A+B+C) Rebate if any (-) GRAND TOTAL Rupees……………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 20 of 20 Seal & Signature of the bidder