JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY 42, 94-107 (1987) Robust Trading Mechanisms* KATHLEEN M. HAGERTY Department of Finance, Kellogg Northwestern University, Graduate School of Management, Evanston, Illinois 60201 AND WILLIAM P. ROGERSON Department of Economics, Northwestern lJniversit.v, Evanston, Illinois 60201 Received September 4, 1985; revised April 29. 1986 We consider the problem of designing a trading institution for a single buyer and seller when their valuation of the good is private information. It is shown that posted-price mechanisms are essentially the only mechanisms such that each trader has a dominant strategy. A posted-price mechanism is one where a price is posted in advance and trade occurs if and only if all traders agree to trade. Journal of ;c’ 1987 Academic Press. Inc. Economic Literature Classification Numbers: 022,026. INTRODUCTION In a very thought-provoking paper, Myerson and Satterthwaite [8] consider the problem of designing a trading institution for a buyer and seller.’ The problem is that the buyer’s and seller’s valuation of the good are private information. The only public information is a prior distribution of values for the two players. The buyer’s and seller’s values are distributed independently of one another conditional on publicly available data. They show that it is generally impossible to design a trading mechanism which satisfies four requirements: (1) Bayesian-Nash Incentive Compatibility Given their priors over the other trader’s valuation, form a Bayesian-Nash equilibrium. the players’ strategies * We would like to acknowledge extremely helpful comments and discussions with Roger Myerson. Rogerson’s work was supported by NSF Grant SES-8504034. ’ See D’Aspermont and Gerard-Varet [2], Laffont and Maskin [S], Myerson [6], Vickery [9], and Wilson [lo, 11, 121 for related literature. 94 0022-0531/87 $3.00 Copyright All rights 0 1987 by Academic Press, Inc. of reproduction in any form reserved. ROBUST TRADING MECHANISMS 95 (2) Interim Individual Rationality2 Given their priors over the other trader’s valuation, each trader always prefers to participate in the trading institution than not to participate. (3) Budget Balancing (BB) The price paid by the buyer equals the price received by the seller. (4) Ex-post Efficiency The mechanism transfers the good to the buyer if and only if the buyer’s valuation of the good is higher than the seller’s. They go on to characterize the set of mechanisms which satisfy ( l)--(3) and then to calculate joint welfare maximizing (second-best) institutions from this set. For the case of uniform priors, they show that rather simple “split-the-difference” rules first investigated by Chatterjee and Samuelson [ 1 ] are second best. Furthermore, these techniques have the potential to be applied to problems with different prior distributions or larger numbers of traders to yield a theory of the design of trading institutions. Some of this work has been begun,by Gresick and Satterthwaite [3]. The key shortcoming of this approach is that it relies heavily on the assumption that there exists a common prior over traders’ valuations known to all participants. In particular, an institution which produces a very efficient outcome for one prior might perform very poorly under some other prior. This creates two related problems. First, a social planner may not be able to ascertain exactly what traders’ priors are when choosing an institution. Second, given the costs of creating new institutions, a trading institution (such as a stock exchange, for example) is often chosen with the intention that it will be used by a variety of traders over a long period of time. A variety of priors might be expected to occur over this time. These problems suggest that an important concern when choosing a trading institution is that it work “fairly well” over a broad range of priors, i.e., that it be robust with respect to changes in the information structure of the market. A second, related, shortcoming of this approach is that the techniques used appear to be very dependent on the assumption that traders’ valuations are distributed independently of one another conditional on publicly available data. This assumption is clearly violated by many exchange environments of great interest such as stock or commodity exchanges. In fact, it is in general violated whenever the traders have private information concerning some characteristic of the good which is important to both of them. ’ The terminology “interim” individual Myerson [4] where they distinguish it from they term ex ante and ex post. rationality two other was introduced possible individual by Holmstrom and rationality concepts 96 HAGERTY AND ROGERSON These two shortcomings can be totally avoided at the cost of restricting consideration to a smaller class of mechanisms than those which satisfy (1 )-( 3), namely those under which each trader has a dominant strategy independent of other traders’ valuations. Formally, this class is created by substituting conditions (l*) and (2*), below, for (1) and (2). ( 1*) Dominant Strategy Incentive Compatibility (DIC) Each trader has an optimal strategy independent of the other trader’s strategy. (2*) Ex-post Individual Rationality (EIR) Ex Post, no trader is ever made worse off by participating than by not participating, in the institution If a mechanism satisfies these properties, each player will choose to participate and will choose a particular strategy independent of his prior over the other trader’s valuation. Thus no information about traders’ priors is necessary in order to predict the outcome of the institution as a function of traders’ valuations. Of course if a social planner wished to choose an institution which maximized expected performance he would still have to select a prior over valuations with which to calculate this expectation. However, the strategies of traders would not depend on them agreeing with this prior (or agreeing on any prior). Nor would the prior used by the planner have to exhibit independent valuations across traders. Given the desirable properties of this class of institutions, it is of some interest to investigate how large it is and what levels of efficiency can be attained while maintaining this level of robustness to the informational environment. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the set of all mechanisms in the Myerson Satterthwaite model which satisfy DIC, EIR, and BB. Our results suggest that the only such mechanisms are postedprice mechanisms, i.e., the social planner posts a price which does not depend on any private information and the buyer and seller can trade at that price or not trade at all. Formally, it is shown that posted-price mechanisms are the only mechanisms satisfying DIC, EIR, and BB within a class of mechanisms including3 (i ) (ii) any set of (iii) arbitrarily all differentiable mechanisms, all mechanisms such that the probability of trade is 0 or 1 for valuations, all mechanisms which are step functions where the steps can be small. ’ This class is defined more precisely in the body of the paper. ROBUST TRADING MECHANISMS 97 These results, particularly (iii), strongly suggest that the result is also true over the set of all mechanisms for two person trading problems. This is obviously an important question to resolve. An equally interesting direction of research concerns extending the result to n-person trading problems. We conjecture that posted price mechanisms may be the only ones which satisfy DIC and EIR in that environment as well. We interpret this result as essentially negative. Requiring that a mechanism induce dominant strategies means that no use at all can be made of traders’ private information. If one hopes to remove all opportunities for strategic interaction between traders (in the sense that dominant strategies are induced), the best that can be done is to post a price independent of traders’ information. The lack of mechanisms satisfying this strong robustness criteria suggests that an interesting avenue of research would be to investigate whether weaker notions of robustness can be developed which are satisfied by a much broader range of trading institutions. Mechanisms satisfying DIC and EIR might be thought of as being robust with respect to the informational environment of the traders. Alternative notions of robustness are also possible such as robustness with respect to traders’ utility functions or the number of traders. Another interesting avenue of research would be to explore definitions of these alternative notions of robustness, what their relationship is to strategic robustness and what sorts of trading institutions exhibit these properties. Section 2 presents the model and notation. Section 3 presents the key characterization of robust mechanisms. Then Section 4 shows that postedprice mechanisms are the only ones which satisfy this characterization within the classes (i)-(iii). 2 The notation used will be the same as in Myerson and Satterthwaite [8]. See Myerson and Satterthwaite [S] for a fuller discussion of the economic interpretation of this model. Individual 1 owns an object which individual 2 whishes to buy. Let 11, denote the value of the object to individual i. Each a, is drawn from the interval [_v, V] and each individual knows only his own valuation at the time of trade. It is assumed that individuals are risk neutral and have additively separable utility in money and the object. An allocation rule is a pair of functions (p, x) defined over b, 51’ such that p maps into [O, l] and x is real valued. The function p(u,, u2) is the 98 HAGERTY AND ROGERSON probability that a trade occurs and x(v,, u2) is the expected payment from the buyer to seller given the types ui and Q.~ The goal of this paper is to investigate what allocation rules can be achieved by trading institutions where each trader has a dominant strategy (where not participating is one of his strategy options). By the revelation principle5 it is sufficient to consider trading institutions where traders report their type or choose not to play and each trader has a dominant strategy to truthfully report his type. A trading mechanism is therefore defined as a pair of functions (p, G) which determine the probability of a trade and the price of exchange if trade occurs. Let p(z), , u2) denote the probability of a trade for valuations U, and u2. Let r denote the price of exchange if trade occurs and let G(r; v , , u2) denote the distribution of r conditional on valuations u,, v*.~ A mechanism will be defined to exhibit a price of zero if no trade occurs since this is an immediate implication of BB and EIR. Let x(v,, u,) denote the expected payment from the buyer to seller conditional on valuations u, and u?. This is determined by Let U;(t),, u2) be the expected return to Mr. i given the values v, and v2. These are given by U,(v,, ~‘zl’X(V1, Lb-do,, u2) Ul (2) and ~,(v,,~,)=P(~,,v,)v,-.~(~,,v,). (3) The properties DIC and EIR will now be formally defined. (By definition, all mechanisms satisfy BB.) A mechanism satisfies DIC if for every U, , u2 and li in [_v, V], U,(v,- u*) 2 x(6 u2) -P(fi, u*) Ul (4) 4 An allocation rule could be more fully detined as a triple (p, G, H) where p is as above and G( ; u,, rz) and H( ; vr. u2) are distribution functions determining the payment from buyer to seller contingent on v, and u2 if, respectively, trade occurs or trade does not occur. However, since all traders are risk neutral, all traders are indifferent between any two allocation rules with the same (p, I). Therefore an allocation rule is simply defined in terms of the expected payment it induces; allocation rules which yield the same probability of trade and expected payment for all types will be viewed as the same rule. 5 See Myerson [6. 71 and Myerson and Satterthwaite [S] for a more complete discussion of this point. h G is defmed only for values of (u,, 11~) such that ~(a,, u2) > 0. ROBUST TRADING 99 MECHANISMS and Equation (4) is the requirement that it is a dominant strategy for the seller to report his type truthfully. Equation (5) is the similar requirement for the buyer. A mechanism satisfies EIR if support(3.; ul, U,)E Cu,,4 (6) for (or, u2) such that p(u,, u2) > 0 where “support G” denotes the support of G. The characteristic of interest can now be defined. An allocation rule, (p, x), is said to be DIC-EIR implementable if there exists a mechanism (p, G) such that (i) (p, G) satisfies DIC and EIR, (ii) (p, G) induces the expected payment satisfy (1). rule X, i.e., p, G, and x 3 Theorem 1 provides the characterization of allocation rules which are DIC-EIR implementable. The results of Section 4 are based on this characterization. THEOREM 1. The allocation rule (p, x) is DIC-EIR only if the following six conditions are satisfied. p is nonincreasing in u, and nondecreasing 02 P(UI 3%)(Uz - 01) = s P(o,, 5) +P(& 01 ~2) dfi x(u,, u2) =p(uI, u2) u2 -J^“‘p(u,, 01 x(u,, Q=P(u~, ~2) ~1 +~“‘P(z? 1,I x(u,, u2)=0 ti) dt; uJdfi implementable if and in u2, (7) if (8) Ol>U2, (9) .for u1 d for 0, <u2, (10) f or 2’1Gu,, (11) for u,>u2. (12) 02, 100 HAGERTY AND ROGERSON Proof: First it will be shown that (7k(12) are necessary for DIC-EIR implementability. Suppose that (p, x) is DIC-EIR implemented by the mechanism (p, G). By EIR (8) and (12) are true. By using arguments similar to those in Myerson and Satterthwaite [S] it can be shown that DIC implies (7) and, furthermore, that U,(u,, u2)= U,(O, 112)+ !^” p(& JJ2)di 1’1 (13) and (14) By (8) these can be rewritten as and (16) for u, < u2. Substitution of (2) and (3) into (15) and (16) yields (10) and (11). Subtract (11) from ( 10) to yield (9). Now it will be shown that (7t( 12) are sufficient for DIC-EIR implementability. Suppose that (p, x) satisfies (7)-(12). Create a mechanism (p, G) by defining G( ; ri, u2) to have a single mass point on x(u,, u,)/p(u,, u2). (Recall that G only need be defined for values of (u, , u2) such that p(u, , v2) > 0.) Clearly, p, x, and G satisfy ( 1). It will now be shown that this mechanism satisfies DIC and EIR. First DIC will be checked. The case of the buyer will be considered; the case for the seller is similar. It must be shown that (5) is true. Equations (lo), (12), and (8) imply that w x(~,,u*)=P(~l,~2)~2sL’ Au,,fi)d; for every (0, , u2) E b, L’] 2. Substitute must be shown that (17) (16) and then (17) into (5). Then it ROBUST TRADING MECHANISMS This follows immediately from the fact that p is nondereasing argument. EIR follows immediately from (10) and (11). 101 in its second Q.E.D. 4 Posted price mechanisms are one obvious class which satisfy DIC and EIR. They can be described as follows. An auctioneer announces in advance that he will post some price r, drawn according to a distribution function, F(r). (The support of F may lie partially or totally outside of [_v, 61.) After observing the value of r, the buyer and seller announce whether they are willing to trade. Trade occurs if and only if both are willing to trade and it occurs at price r. The formal mechanism generated by this rule is determined as follows. For any (ul, a,), a trade occurs if and only if r is within the interval with lower endpoint v, and upper endpoint oz. Whether the interval includes its endpoints or not depends on whether indifferent traders choose to trade or not. Therefore P(U, 7 4 = F(G - F(u, 1 (19) almost everywhere. Then G(r; ul, u2) is simply F(r) restricted to the interval with lower and upper endpoints, respectively, of u1 and u2. Once again, whether the endpoints are included depends on how traders behave when indifferent. It is straightforward to directly verify through integration by parts that the x(0,, u2) generated by this mechanism (defined according to (1)) together with p(v,, u2) satisfy (7)-( 12). The above discussion motivates the following definition. DEFINITION. ’ An allocation rule which is DIC-EIR implementable is said to be implementable by posted price if (19) is satisfied almost everywhere. The next three corollaries show that all DIC-EIR implementable allocation rules are implementable by posted price within various classes of allocation rules. ’ This definition ignores one fine point. Namely, (19) must hold except possibly at points of discontinuity of F. Furthermore at these points of discontinuity F(o,) must be replaced by some point in the interval [lim, _ “, F(u), F(u,)] where the limit is taken from the left. Formally taking this point into account does not change the following results or methods of proof. However, it adds to the notational and expositional complexity. Therefore they will be ignored. 102 HAGERTYANDROGERSON COROLLARY 1. Suppose that (p, x) is DIC-EIR implementable and that p is twice continuously difSerentiable. Then (p, x) is implementable by posted price. Proof It is sufficient to show that if p is twice differentiable and satisfies conditions (7) - (9), that (19) is satisfied almost everywhere. Differentiate (9) with respect to V, and u2 to yield -g&-P(W*)(%-u,)=O. 1 Therefore p is additively (20) 2 separable, i.e., p can be written P(O,54) = s(Q) - t(u,) (21) for two nondecreasing functions s and t. Substitute (21) into (9) to yield s “* s(B) - t(C) d6 = 0 L’I for every u, < u2. It is clear from (22) that s must equal t almost everywhere. (22) Q.E.D. Many mechanisms of interest are not differentiable but rather map into { 0, 1 }. That is, trade never occurs probabilistically. This, for example, is true of the optimal mechanisms found by Myerson and Satterthwaite [8] and studied by Chatterjee and Samuelson [ 11. Corollary 2 shows that the only mechanisms satisfying DIC and EIR within this class are posted price mechanisms. COROLLARY 2. Suppose that (p, x) is DIC-EIR implementable and that p maps into (0, l}. Then (p, x) is implementable by posted price. Proof: It is sufficient to show that if p maps into (0, 1) and satislies conditions (7))(9) that (19) is satisfied almost everywhere. Consider any (0 r, u2) such that p(uI, u2) = 1. By (7), there exist values vi* and uz* in [u,, uz] such that P(4, C)= i 0 1 for for ti<u: fi>u,* 0 for for I?>u: d<u: and P(C u,)= i 1 (23) ROBUST It will now impossible. tradiction, parts such TRADING 103 MECHANISMS be shown that VT = vf. The case of VT < uz will be shown to be The case of the reverse inequality is similar. Suppose, for conthat VT -CO;. Then the integral in (9) can be broken into three that the integrand is constant over each part. This yields (24) which equals v~-v,+(vz*-v~). (25) This is greater than the 1.h.s. of (9) which equals v2 - ul, thus yielding a contradiction. An implication of the fact that v1* = UT is that if p(v,, v2) = 1 there exists a v* E [v,, v2] such that for JJ(v,,v)= :, 1 for v>v* v<v*, 0 P(Ul v,) = * u>u* v<v*. for for (26) It will now be shown that (26) implies that p must have the following form. There must exist some v* E [_o,U] such that 1 P(V,? 02) = o for for vl<v* v,>u* and or v2 > v* t.2 < v*. (27) On the boundary lines between the two regions p can be 0 or 1. This is illustrated by Fig. 1.8 To see this consider the point (0, 1). If ~(0, 1) = 0 we are done trivially. If ~(0, 1) = 1, there exists a v* with the properties defined by (26). By (7) it must be that p(vl, vq) equals zero if v1 > v* or v2 < v*. The other part of (27) follows from applying (26) to the points { (0, v): v> v*} and ((v, 1): u<V*}. Equation (27) is the posted price mechanism such that a price v* is announced with probability 1, i.e., p satisfies (19) almost everywhere for the function F defined by for for v<v* v>v*. (28) Q.E.D. * Figure 1 is drawn for the case _o= 0. 104 HAGERTYANDROGERSON “2 / / V* , / I i “1 FIG. 1. p maps into {0, 1). Corollary 3 considers the class of functions which will be called block functions. These are two-dimensional step functions defined as follows: DEFINITION. Divide the square [_v, V]’ into n2 equal sized smaller blocks. Let B, be the interior of the block i steps from the left and j steps from the bottom, i.e., (II,,u~):~+~ i-1 (---_v)<u,<~+~(v-_v) u n (29) Consider any function p defined over {(a,, u2): v, < u2 and (vi, u2) E . a block function if it is a constant over each of the [_v,I?]‘}. Then p IS blocks { Bu}ici, i.e., there exist numbers (b,i}iGi such that p(u,, u2) = b, for (01, uz)EBij. COROLLARY 3. Suppose that (p, x) is DIC-EIR implementable and that p restricted to {(u,, v2): u, < v2 and (u,, U~)E [_o,I?]‘} is a block function. Then (p, x) is implementable by posted price. ROBUST TRADING MECHANISMS 105 Proof: It is sufficient to show that if p is a block function which satisfies (7)-(9) that (19) is satisfied almost everywhere. This proof will be in three steps. Step 1. hi, = 0 for every i. Choose any (u,, 11~)in Bii for some i Then, letting b,; be the value of the block, (9) can be rewritten as b,,(u?_- u,) = 26ii(v2 - u, ). (30) This is satisfied if and only if !I,~ = 0. Let /I,,;+, = z, for ie ( l,..., n - 1 > where zi is any value. Then values of p in the remaining blocks above the diagonal, jb,,: 1 <i<n--2 and i + 2 <j 6 n }, are determined by Step 2. the (31) This is illustrated by Fig. 2.9 The proof is by induction. Suppose that (3 1) is true for every (i,j) such that j < i+ k.” It will now be shown that it is true for (i, i + k + 1). Choose To make notation less cumbersome, define any ~~4~4.~+~+~. i &=_U+-(G-11) n (32) and 6=_v+ itk n (5-y). (33) The variables E and 6 are, respectively, the upper value of u, and lower value of v2 which occur in B, i+k+, . Also let b denote b,,,+k + t and let z denote Cjz” zi. Then, from Fig. 2 it can be seen that (9) can be written as (34) which, in turn can be rewritten as (6-c)b=(6-c)z. (35) Since 6 > E, it follows from (35) that b = z. ’ Figure 2 is drawn for the case D = 0. “The basis of induction is established because (31) is true for k = 1 by assumption. 106 HAGERTY AND ROGERSON "1 FIG. 2. p is a block function. Step 3. Referring to Fig. 2, it is clear that if (ul, u2) E B, for some i <j that p can be written as (36) where 0 F(v) = i (37) (i+ l)(V-_v) 2, n j= I This corresponds to the posted price mechanism where price is announced Q.E.D. according to the distribution F. REFERENCES I. K. CHATTERJEE AND W. SAMUELSON. Bargaining under incomplete information, Oper. 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