Excerpt from the CAMC Medical Staff Organization & Functions Manual 3.I: PHYSICIAN WELLNESS CONSULTANT GROUP 3.I.1. Composition: The Physician Wellness Consultant Group shall consist of at least four members, including an appointed chair, and members appointed by the Chief of Staff for a term of membership, and ad hoc members required for assistance with individual cases. 3.I.2. Duties: The intent of the Physician Wellness Consultant Group is to provide a mechanism for early identification, intervention, assistance and monitoring of impaired or behaviorally disordered, yet willing staff members in order to allow them to regain optimal functioning and provide quality patient care while protecting the confidentiality of the staff member in question; and to protect patients by ensuring that their treating physicians are free of impairments. [Sections 3.I through 3.I.2 added 03/23/2005]