Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 Research Proposal: A STUDY TO DERIVE AND VALIDATE A CLINICAL DECISION RULE FOR THE USE OF COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY IN CHILDREN WITH MINOR HEAD INJURY 1.GOALS This study will derive and validate a clinical decision rule for the use of computed tomography (CT) in children with minor head injury. 1.1 Phase I: Derivation of the Rule The goal of phase I is to derive a clinical decision rule, from variables in the history and physical examination, that is highly sensitive for detecting acute brain injury in children with minor head injury. 1.2 Phase II: Validation of the Rule The goal of phase II is to prospectively assess the accuracy, reliability, and acceptability of the decision rule in a new set of children with minor head injury. This will determine the clinical utility of the rule and is essential if such a rule is to be widely adopted into clinical practice. 2. BACKGROUND 2.1 Statement of the Problem 2.1.1 Minor Head Injuries. Head injuries are among the most common types of trauma seen in North American emergency departments. In the United States, head trauma in children accounts for approximately 600,000 visits to the emergency department and 250,000 hospital admissions each year.1,2 Between 60 and 80% of these admissions are classified as minor head injuries.3 A “minimal” head injury (sometimes referred to as trivial head injury) is defined as a head injury in which there is no loss of consciousness or amnesia and the patient has a completely normal physical exam.4 A “minor” head injury (alternatively referred to as a mild head injury) is defined as a head injury, in which there is a history of loss of consciousness or amnesia, as well as a Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score ranging from 13 to 15. Appendix 15 While most cases of minor head injury can be discharged without sequelae after a period of observation, a small proportion deteriorate and require neurosurgical intervention for an intracranial hematoma.6-9 Emergency physicians and neurosurgeons alike are aware of patients who appear well but later succumb to an intracranial hemorrhage (“talk and deteriorate”).10-17 The key to a good outcome is the early diagnosis of intracranial hematoma followed by early surgery.18 In the 1970’s it became apparent that excess mortality and delayed diagnosis could be reduced in head injury by early use of CT.6,7,9 At the same time, plain skull radiography was discouraged because of its very low yield in minor head injury and because of the greater yield of CT in moderate and severe head injury.19,20 2.1.2 Computed Tomography for Minor Head Injury. In recent years the use of CT for minor head injury has become increasingly common, especially in North America. Exact data for Canadian emergency department use of CT in children are not available. In 1992, an estimated 270,000 CTs of the head were performed in U.S. emergency departments for head injury.21 Typical U.S. charges for unenhanced CT range from 500 to 800 U.S. dollars, suggesting a national total cost of 135 to 216 million U.S. dollars. The yield of CT for intracranial lesions if applied to all children with minor head injury has been estimated to be from 0% to 7%.1,22-24 In other words depending on the setting, 93%-100% of CT scans performed for children with minor head injury would be expected to be normal and therefore to not alter management. Obviously, selective use of this low-yield and expensive investigation in children with minor head injury is desirable in order to minimize health care costs. There is, however, considerable disagreement in the literature as to the indications for CT in the large number of head trauma cases classified as “minor”. One group, primarily represented by 5a Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 neurosurgeons, feels that CT is recommended for all patients with minor head injury. Stein, a U.S. neurosurgeon, has recently written “We recommend routine and immediate cranial CT scanning of all head injury patients who have lost consciousness or are amnesic, even if all other physical findings are normal”.25 Likewise, the most recent Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines recommend that “ideally” all children with minor head injury should have a CT of the head.26 Another group, comprised of pediatricians, emergency physicians, and family physicians, endorse a more selective use of CT in minor head injury. A recent statement (December, 1999) from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Subcommittee on Management of Minor Head Injury reported that either “observation in the office, clinic, emergency department, hospital, or home under the care of a competent caregiver…” or “Cranial CT scanning along with observation” may be used in the initial evaluation and management of children with minor head injury with brief loss of consciousness”.27 However, this comprehensive report was unable to state which children with minor head injury are at risk for an intracranial hematoma and should undergo CT of the head. The Subcommittee stated that further research is required to “address the independent prognostic value of other signs and symptoms for which the clinical significance in children is uncertain”. The views of many physicians could be summed up by Hoffman who stated in an editorial in 1994 “I do not believe the residual risk in such patients (children with minor head injury) justifies the cost of dollars, time, and resources of universal CT scanning or universal admission. However, until large carefully designed prospective studies give us better data, this remains only an educated guess.”28 Without the support of widely accepted guidelines, North American physicians are likely to follow the conservative approach of ordering CT scans for most children seen in emergency departments with minor head injury. This approach is likely due to the nature of emergency department practice: high case volumes, brief physician-patient contact, uncertain follow-up, and fear of medicolegal repercussions.29-31 There is a clear need for valid and reliable guidelines to allow physicians to be more selective in their use of CT without compromising care of children with minor head injury. 2.2 Methodologic Standards for Decision Rules Recently there has been considerable interest in the area of clinical prediction or decision rules, which attempt to reduce the uncertainty of medical decision making by standardizing the collection and interpretation of clinical data.32-35 Concomitant with the reporting of various decision rules has been an interest in the methodological standards for their development and validation.36-37 These standards may be summarized as follows: a) The outcome or diagnosis to be predicted must be clearly defined and the assessment of this outcome should be made in a blinded fashion. b) The clinical findings to be used as predictors must be clearly defined and standardized and their assessment must be done without knowledge of the outcome. c) The reliability or reproducibility of the clinical findings used as predictors must be demonstrated. d) The subjects in the study should be selected without bias and should represent a wide spectrum of clinical and demographic characteristics to increase the generalizability of the results. e) The mathematical techniques for deriving the rules must be identified. f) Clinical decision rules should be sensible: have a clear purpose, be relevant, demonstrate content validity, be concise, and be easy to use in the intended clinical application. g) The accuracy of the decision rule in classifying patients with (sensitivity) and without (specificity) the targeted outcome should be demonstrated. h) Prospective validation on a new set of patients is an essential test of accuracy because misclassification is commonly higher when decision rules are tested on a population other than the original derivation set. i) Implementation to demonstrate the true effect on patient care is the ultimate test of a decision rule; transportability can be tested at this stage. 2.3 Previous Studies 5b Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 We conducted a systematic search for the existing evidence by performing a MEDLINE search from 1966 to the present with the search strategy contained in Appendix 2. This search generated 1112 references that were reviewed by two assessors. One hundred and forty one studies were deemed as potentially relevant and the manuscripts were retrieved. They were assessed for the relevance by one assessor using the following criteria: 1) children and adolescents with head injury, 2) predictor variables (e.g. clinical signs and symptoms, skull x-ray) and 3) outcome measure: CT scan of the head. Twenty-eight articles were deemed as relevant for inclusion. Of these 28 studies, 11 were case series of head injured patients and as such were limited in their ability to provide any type of clinical prediction rule.11-17,38-41 Eleven studies were retrospective cohort studies, which while helping to develop the list of predictor variables for inclusion in this study, are too prone to bias to formulate a decision rule.3,42-51 The remaining 6 studies were prospective cohort studies but none met the methodological standards for development of a decision rule according to the criteria described in section 2.2.1,2,4,52-54 The best study we identified was by Quayle and colleagues, who enrolled a prospective cohort of 322 children with non-trivial head injury, of whom 27 (8%) developed an intracranial injury.4 They found that an intracranial injury was associated with a skull fracture, signs of a basilar skull fracture, loss of consciousness for more than 5 minutes, altered mental status and focal neurologic abnormality. However, merely testing variables for their significant association with intracranial injury is of limited usefulness for the clinician when he/she is trying to decide whether or not to CT scan an individual patient. With a small sample size of only 27 positive cases, the confidence intervals for sensitivity estimate, not available from the study, would be very wide and hence imprecise. Two other prospective cohort studies dealt only with the use of skull x-ray as a predictor variable. While it is a risk factor for intracranial injury, skull x-ray is not a reliable predictor variable for use in screening minor head injury patients for the need to perform CT scan of the head.53-55 One study dealt with the EEG for predicting positive findings on CT scan, however, this is rarely available in emergency departments.52 Dietrich and colleagues concluded based on prospective enrollment of 322 patients that no clinical symptom could be predictive of a positive CT scan and concluded that all patients with minor head injury should receive a CT scan.1 Ramudo and colleagues also concluded that no single clinical feature could predict the need for a CT of the head but did not attempt to group symptoms together to develop a decision rule.2 The most highly predictive signs were focal motor deficit and pupillary asymmetry.2 Two studies have recently developed decision rules for CT scan in patients with minor head injury. Haydel et al56 enrolled all patients with minor head injury > 2 years old (mean age = 36 years , range 3 to 97). They derived a decision rule from 560 patients with 36 positive cases. All patients with a CT scan had one or more of 7 findings: a) headache, b) vomiting, c) age > 60 years, d) drug or alcohol intoxication, e) deficits short-term memory, f) physical evidence of trauma above the clavicles, or g) seizure. On a validation sample of 909 patients this rule had 100% sensitivity (95% Confidence Interval: 95% to 100%). However, the rule dictated in this sample that 77% of all patients required a CT. This would result in an increase in present CT scan rates in Canada. There are many problems with this study: 1) it was under-powered and derived a rule on too few positive cases (36 cases), 2) it did not attempt to assess the reliability of the predictor variables by having interobserver reliability measured, 3) there was no follow-up after discharge to ensure that late intracranial hematoms did not occur, and 4) the rule is not clinically sensible for the pediatric population as it would require all patients with a bruise on the head or one episode of vomiting to undergo a CT. Stiell et al57 have recently derived a highly sensitive decision rule for CT in adults with minor head injury. They found that high risk factors in adults were: a) failure to reach GCS of 15 within 2 hours of injury, b) suspected depressed skull fracture, or c) repeated vomiting. Medium risk factors 5c Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 were: d) signs of basilar skull fracture, e) age ≥ 55, f) high-risk mechanism, or g) amnesia before injury ≥ 30 minutes. This rule did not assess children and therefore cannot be applied to this population. The investigators are currently in the validation phase of the project. Risk factors from the adult CT decision rules will be specifically evaluated by this proposal in children. In summary, the above pediatric head injury studies have a great variability in design and none could be considered methodologically robust according to the criteria described in section 2.2. There exists a great need to develop, validate and implement a decision rule in children and adolescents with minor head injury, based on rigorous methodological standards. 2.4 Preparatory work by applicants Extensive background work has gone into preparing for this study to ensure that it will be both feasible and successful. 2.4.1 Research formulation workshop. A research formulation workshop, involving study investigators from across Canada, was held in Ottawa, Ontario in April 1997. This workshop, consisting of experts in pediatric emergency medicine, pediatric radiology and research methodology, discussed important methodological issues that were key in developing this proposal. The participants of this one-day conference reviewed the preliminary data from the Phase 0 study (see section 2.4.2), the survey of emergency pediatricians in Canada (see section 2.4.3), and the relevant literature. At this workshop many of the study components for this proposal were developed including methodological standards, patient selection criteria, outcome measures, and data collection methods. Importantly, the clinical predictor variables were derived at this time from the pediatric head injury literature and from consensus within the group. 2.4.2 A Canadian Study of Utilization of CT Scanning in Pediatric Minor Head InjuryPhase 0. The applicants and collaborators have recently published an intensive review of 12 months’ consecutive data for the emergency departments of the nine collaborating centers.58 Using standardized search techniques, research assistants determined the number of eligible patients with minor head injury (according to the inclusion criteria of section 4.1.1), the referral fraction for CT, the prevalence of acute brain injury (as defined in section 4.3.1), and the yield of CT. Detailed results of this study are contained in the Tables and Figure of Appendix 3. During the 12 month study period (January 1 – December 31, 1995) these nine collaborating hospitals saw 1,164 children with minor head injury (Table 1). The prevalence of any acute brain injury was low (60 of 1,164 or 5.2%) as was the rate of neurosurgical intervention (2 of 1,164 or 0.2%). Furthermore, 80.2% of patients were discharged directly from the emergency department. Overall, 171 of 1,164 (15%) were referred for CT, and 65% of CT scans were negative for any acute brain injury. Significant variation was found between centers for CT referral (more than fourfold from a low of 6% to a high of 26%), and for the portion of negative CT scans (50% to 89%). 2.4.3 Survey of Pediatric Emergency Physicians. We also performed a mail survey of all full and part time physicians working in Pediatric Emergency Departments across Canada (Appendix 4). Eighty percent (98 of 123) of eligible physicians responded to our survey. All physicians had access to a CT scanner and the vast majority (91.8%) could order a CT scan without neurological consultation. Overall, the respondents expressed very positive attitudes towards the development of a clinical decision rule for minor head injury with 73.2% saying they would use a decision rule, 23.7% saying they might use a decision rule, and only 3.1% saying they would not consider using such a rule. In addition, 86.5% responded that they would not feel comfortable using such a decision rule if it had been developed in adult patients. The mean target sensitivity of the respondents was 94.9% (range 90 to 100%) for detecting an acute lesion on CT scan and 97.5% (90 to 100%) for detecting a lesion requiring neurosurgical intervention. 5d Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 2.4.4 Pilot Study to Derive a CT head Decision Rule in Children. The applicants and 3 collaborating centres undertook a pilot study of this proposal for a one year period (June 1999 to June 2000). Data was collected prospectively on children 0 to 16 years of age with a minor head injury from pediatric tertiary care emergency departments in Ottawa, Montreal, Calgary and Winnipeg. Physicians filled in data sheets of selected predictor variables from history and physical examination prior to viewing the head CT scan (if ordered). Detailed results of this study are contained in the Tables of Appendix 5. In total, 291 of 417 eligible patients with minor head injury were enrolled (recruitment rate = 70%). Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. The rate of acute brain injury (as defined in section 4.3.1) was 5% (19 of 417) in the eligible population and 3% (8 of 291) in the enrolled group (Table 2). The group of patients not enrolled were significantly more likely to arrive by ambulance (p<0.01), have brain injury (p<0.01) and be admitted to hospital (p<0.001) (Table 3). The small number of acute brain injury cases (8) in the enrolled group was too small to allow calculation of risk factors for this outcome, however, “worsening of headache”, “irritability”, and “repeated vomiting” were all significantly associated with the likelihood of getting a CT scan (Table 4). The rate of CT scan ordering for minor head injury had more than doubled in the last 5 years (from 15% in 1995 to 39% in the past year). We again demonstrated a marked variation across centers in use of CT in similar patients (from a low of 14% to a high of 56%). Only 7% of CT scans done for minor head injury were positive (down from 35% in 1995). Epidural hematoma was present in 0.7% (2 of 291). Seven patients were independently assessed by two ED physicians. The Kappa coefficient for “loss of consciousness” was 0.67 and for “repeated vomiting” was 1.0. Although they were of interest to us, we could not estimate the degree of agreement for “irritability”, “worsening headache” and “GCS” due to small number of cases. Telephone follow-up was 90% and 93% in patients with and without CT scan, respectively (Table 5). Three patients were recalled based on failing the “proxy primary outcome” measure. Of these, two patients were sent for CT, both of which were normal. The third patient was judged to be clinically normal on reassessment and was not sent for CT scan. Much has been learned from this pilot study. We have confirmed the rising rate of CT scan referral in Canada and the marked variation between centers. We have proven our ability to recruit 70% of eligible patients and follow-up over 90% of those enrolled. We aim to improve recruitment in the proposed study by focusing on capturing the more acute patients who were not enrolled in the pilot study. The low rate of acute brain injury emphasizes the need for a large trial in order to assess the strength of association between each variable and the primary outcome. Finally, the pilot study served as a “run-in” stage where the data collection sheets, patient assessment techniques, and patient follow-up questions were evaluated and revised. 2.5. Rationale for current study What are the potential benefits of a decision rule for the use of CT in patients with minor head injury? First, patient care would be standardized and improved. The great variation in current Canadian practice and the fact that the vast majority of CT scans are negative suggests the need for accurate and reliable guidelines. Physicians working in smaller hospitals without CT scanners (70% of Canadian acute care hospitals59) would have clear directions regarding which children require costly and time-consuming transfers for a CT scan. Second, an accurate decision rule could lead to large savings for the health care system. The current variation in practice and the low yield of CT scans among children with minor head injury suggests significant potential for reducing the use of CT. Our survey of Canadian pediatric emergency physicians (see section 2.4.3) clearly indicates their willingness to adopt a decision rule for children with minor head injury. Previous studies by Dr. Ian Stiell, a co-investigator on this grant application, have shown a large reduction in the use of ankle radiography after the implementation of the Ottawa ankle rules.60-61 Based on this experience, we estimate that a 25-50% relative reduction 5e Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 could be safely achieved with a reliable decision rule. On the other hand, without selective guidelines, there is a very strong likelihood that the use of CT for minor head injury will continue to increase markedly over the next 5 years, as this technology becomes increasingly available. Third, although CT itself is a safe procedure, some healthy children require sedation or anesthesia to keep them immobile in the CT scanner. Any benefits gained from widespread CT scanning should be weighed against the possible harm of sedating and/or anesthetizing a large number of children. An accurate decision rule, by decreasing the number of CT scans required, would expose fewer children with minor head injury to the potential risks of sedation. Based on the 2 studies detailed above (sections 2.4.2 and 2.4.4), we have already found that the use of CT scanning in pediatric minor head injury has more than doubled in a 5 year period (from 15% to 39%). This has occurred despite the fact that acute brain injury rates are essentially unchanged (5.2% vs 4.6%). With more CT scanners being installed every year in Canadian hospitals the use of this expensive diagnostic technology is likely to continue to increase unless a decision rule can be developed to guide physicians in the efficient use of this resource. We feel the likelihood of a physician missing acute brain injury while using our decision rule is quite remote given: a) our intention to develop a rule with 100% sensitivity and a narrow confidence interval around this sensitivity, and b) our intention to prospectively validate the decision rule prior to recommending the rule for clinical use. Although many guidelines have had little influence on physician practice,62 we have clearly demonstrated that accurate, reliable, and clinically sensible decision rules, such as the Ottawa ankle rules, have been readily implemented by many physicians and have lead to a real change in clinical behaviour.60-61 We strongly believe that a well derived and validated decision rule would be widely adopted by emergency physicians and that the rule would significantly improve the quality of patient care. This study will achieve two goals: the derivation of a decision rule (phase I), and the prospective validation of the decision rule (phase II). Unfortunately, many proposed decision rules are not prospectively validated and, consequently, have had little impact on clinical practice. Major medical journals generally will not publish results of a clinical decision rule study without a prospective validation. We believe that the credibility and utility of the decision rule derived in phase I will be lost without validation in phase II. 2.6 Future Research Very few decision rules have undergone field trials to test their effectiveness, despite the fact that the rationale for such rules lies in their ability to alter actual patient care.36,63 Consequently, we expect, in a subsequent study, to assess the clinical effectiveness of implementing the decision rule in practice (phase III). This would involve a controlled clinical trial and would closely parallel Dr. Stiell’s previous study on the implementation of decision rules for acute ankle injuries.60,61 Other future research would involve a formal health economic analysis of the impact of implementing a decision rule for CT. 3. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 3.1 Phase I: Derivation of the Rule The goal of phase I is to derive a clinical decision rule that is highly sensitive for detecting acute brain injury and which will allow emergency department physicians to maximize the efficiency of their use of CT in children with minor head injury. Specific objectives are: 3.1.1 To develop standardized clinical assessment methods for patients with minor head injury. 3.1.2 To apply these standardized clinical assessments to patients with acute minor head injury. 3.1.3 To determine the interobserver reliability of the clinical findings. 3.1.4 To determine the association between the clinical findings and acute brain injury. 3.1.5 To use multivariate techniques to derive a highly sensitive clinical decision rule for acute patients with minor head injury to guide the use of CT. 5f Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 3.1.6 To assess the classification performance of the derived decision rule. 3.1.7 To determine the emergency physicians’ comfort in ordering no CT. 3.1.8 To determine emergency physicians’ accuracy in predicting acute brain injury without the decision rule. 3.1.9 To perform an economic analysis of the impact of implementing the decision rule. 3.2 Phase II: Validation of the Rule The goal of phase II is to prospectively assess the accuracy, reliability, and acceptability of the decision rule on a new set of patients with minor head injury. Specific objectives are: 3.2.1 To determine the classification performance of the decision rule when applied prospectively. 3.2.2 To determine the interobserver reliability of the rule. 3.2.3 To determine physicians’ comfort with implementing the rule. 3.2.4 To determine the potential of the rule to reduce the number of CTs ordered. 4. METHODS - PHASE I: DERIVATION OF THE RULE 4.1 Study Population 4.1.1 Inclusion Criteria. All children 0 to 16 years of age presenting to one of the study hospital emergency departments after sustaining acute minor head injury will be eligible. Patient eligibility as an « acute minor head injury » case will be determined by the attending staff emergency physician based on the patient having all of the following characteristics at the time of arrival in the emergency department: 1) blunt trauma to the head resulting in at least one of the following: a) definite loss of consciousness, b) amnesia, c) disorientation (These may be determined from the patient or from the report of a witness and are considered present no matter how brief. Amnesia will be determined by asking the following questions: “do you remember the injury?”, “how did you get to the hospital?” and “have you talked to me before?”), d) persistent vomiting (> 3 times over at least 4 hours), or e) irritability in children < 2 years (irritability out of keeping with the child’s normal temperament). 2) initial emergency department GCS or modified infant GCS64 of 13 or greater as ascertained by the attending emergency physician (see Appendix 1), and 3) injury within the past 24 hours. 4.1.2 Exclusion Criteria. Patients will be excluded if they meet one of the following criteria: 1) patient age greater than 16 years, 2) no clear history of trauma as the primary event (e.g., seizure or syncope as the primary event), 3) penetrating skull injury or known depressed skull fracture, 4) focal neurological deficit (motor or cranial nerve) that cannot be attributed to an extra-cerebral cause, (e.g.. traumatic mydriasis or peripheral neuropathy are not exclusion criteria), 5) referred patients who have already had a CT scan of the head, 6) severe, chronic generalized neurological delay, 7) cerebrospinal fluid shunt, 8) pregnant females, 9) previous CT head study enrollment and 10) head injury secondary to child abuse 4.1.3 Patient Selection. Consecutive patients with minor head injury will be entered into the study if they meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria and if one of the designated assessor physicians (described in section 4.2.2) is on duty, which will be virtually 100% of the time. For comparative purposes, demographic and outcome data will be collected from the record of treatment for eligible patients who are not enrolled into the study. 4.1.4 Study Setting. The patients will be enrolled from the emergency departments of nine Canadian pediatric hospitals from the provinces of Quebec (2), Ontario (3), Manitoba (1), Alberta (2) and British Columbia (1). These centers constitute 9 of the 12 pediatric hospitals in Canada and have a combined annual emergency department volume of approximately 420,000 patient visits. 4.2 Standardized Patient Assessment 5g Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 4.2.1 Patient Assessment. Full or part time staff physicians of the study hospital emergency departments will make all patient assessments. Interns and residents may see eligible head injury patients but will be asked to have staff physicians make the study assessments. The physician assessors will be trained by means of a one hour lecture and by a practical demonstration to assess the clinical variables in a uniform manner. A standardized description of each examination technique will be appended to the data collection sheets. The physicians will record their findings on the data collection sheets (Appendix 6) prior to sending the patients for CT, if a CT scan is deemed necessary. Physicians will initially assess the patients shortly after their arrival in the emergency department and will reassess patients immediately prior to CT, prior to discharge, or at 6 hours after arrival in the emergency department (whichever comes first). There will be no preset minimum period of observation but patients may be discharged from the emergency department once they have achieved normal mental status (GCS score of 15) or have had a normal computed tomogram of head. Patients will be given a standardized information sheet upon discharge. 4.2.2 Quality Assurance. There will be ongoing evaluation of the quality of the patient assessments judged by completeness of data collecting sheets and compliance in enrolling eligible patients. Based on the analysis of our pilot study, research nurses will ensure that the more acute patients are not missed by providing clinicians with monthly feedback of a general nature as well as specific review of any individual problems that may arise. Clinicians will not, however, be given any indication of the preliminary accuracy or reliability of individual variables. 4.2.3 Selection of Variables. The variables selected for assessment in the study were chosen by the investigators at the Research Formulation Workshop (section 2.4.1) based on clinical experience and data from the literature. These variables are felt to be useful in predicting whether or not the patients with minor head injury have acute brain injury. 4.2.4 Variables from History. Variables will be coded as “No/Yes” unless otherwise specified. Those variables that are to be included in the physician’s reassessment are indicated “initial and reassess”. a) Age (Years), b) Gender (Male/Female), c) Mechanism of injury (Motor vehicle collision / Motorcycle / Bicycle / Pedestrian struck/Off road vehicle) / Assault hands or feet / Assault blunt object/collision with stationary object / Fall from height > 3 feet or 5 stairs / Sports / Other, d) If motor vehicle accident, i) Speed (Stopped / City speed / Highway speed), ii) Collision, iii) Seat belt / Car seat use, e) Helmet use, f) Witnessed loss of consciousness, g) If yes, duration of loss of consciousness in seconds and minutes, h) Amnesia, i) If yes, duration of retrograde amnesia for period prior to injury in minutes and hours (initial and reassess), j) Worsening headache (initial and reassess), k) Time from injury to assessment in hours, l) vomiting, If yes, how often and how long in hours, m) seizure, If yes, on impact or after, how long after injury and duration of seizure, n) Known bleeding disorder, If yes, specify, o) Previous visit for same head injury. 4.2.5 Variables from Neurological Examination. All variables will be included in physician’s initial assessment as well as the reassessment: a) GCS or modified infant GCS64 score in emergency department; (initial and reassess; failure to improve to GCS score of 15 or deterioration of GCS will be specifically noted), b) Pupillary changes (anisocoria) (initial and reassess), c) Lateralizing motor weakness (arm drift, grip strength) (initial and reassess). 4.2.6 Variables from General Examination or Diagnostic Tests. a) Unstable vital signs, b) Lethargy (drifts off to sleep when left alone), c) Injuries other than head, If yes, specify, d) Possible skull penetration or depressed fracture, e) Any sign of basilar skull fracture (drainage from ear, CSF rhinorrhea, hemotympanum, Battle’s sign, “raccoon eyes”), f) Fracture on skull radiography (radiography ordered if physician concerned about possible skull penetration or depressed fracture). 5h Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 4.2.7 Physicians’ Judgement. The physicians will also be asked to answer three questions (not to be used as predictor variables) regarding their attitude to radiography and their clinical judgement: a) Theoretical comfort with ordering no CT for that patient, on a five point scale (very comfortable to very uncomfortable), b) Probability of acute brain injury (defined in 4.3.1), to the closest decile, and c) Probability of patient requiring neurological intervention (defined in 4.3.2), to the closest decile. 4.2.8 Interobserver Reliability. Ten percent of patients will be assessed for the clinical variables by a second emergency physician who will be blinded to the results of the first assessment. These second assessments will be performed in all centres on a feasibility basis whenever two study physicians are available in the emergency department. 4.3 Outcome Measures 4.3.1 Primary Outcome. Patients will undergo standard CT of head after the clinical assessment and their tomograms will be interpreted by fully qualified independent staff radiologists. The radiologists may be provided routine clinical information on the radiology requisition but will be blinded to the contents of the data collection sheet. CT will be without contrast, will be performed with third generation equipment, will involve a minimum of 10 mm cuts from the foramen magnum to the vertex, and will include both soft tissue and bone windows. The primary outcome, acute brain injury, is defined as any acute brain or skull finding revealed on CT, including depressed and basilar skull fractures but excluding linear fractures. The presence of acute brain injury implies that intervention or treatment may be required. Linear skull fractures, in the absence of acute brain injury, generally do not require intervention and will be considered as secondary outcomes (section 4.3.3). We believe that the primary outcome, acute brain injury, is more objective and transportable than such secondary outcomes as “need for intervention” or “need for admission”. The latter are subject to inter-physician and inter-community variability. The acute brain or skull findings on CT will be classified as follows: a) Hematoma: (i) Epidural, (ii) Subdural, (iii) Intracerebral, or (iv) Cerebellar, b) Diffuse Cerebral Edema, c) Cerebral Contusion, d) Hemorrhage: (i) Subarachnoid, or (ii) Intraventricular, e) Pneumocephalus, or f) Skull Fractures: I) Depressed or ii) Basilar. These findings will be classified as Solitary or Combined as well as Predominant (most clinically important) or Secondary. The reliability of the CT interpretations will be assessed by having all abnormal and 10% (randomly selected) of normal scans reviewed by a second radiologist who is blinded to the first interpretation. A single radiologist at the Ottawa coordinating centre will arbitrate any disagreements of interpretation which cannot be resolved locally. 4.3.2 Proxy Primary Outcome. Review of current practice at the study hospitals indicates variation from centre to centre and that many eligible patients with minor head injury routinely do not undergo CT. We believe that the study protocol cannot demand that all children have CT. This would be costly, unacceptable to physicians, and potentially dangerous for children who must be sedated or anaesthetized for the procedure. Generally, patients who are not referred for CT by the emergency physician have less severe injuries and are extremely unlikely to have acute brain injury as defined above. All such patients will have telephone follow-up and will be classified as having no acute brain injury if they meet all the following explicit criteria at 14 days: a) headache is absent or mild, b) no complaints of memory or concentration problems, c) have not had a seizure or developed focal motor findings, d) no vomiting e) return to baseline, appropriate for age, normal daily activities (e.g., sleep, eating, play, school or sports). The assessment of these criteria will be made by a research assistant who is unaware of the patient’s status for the individual predictor clinical variables. Patients who cannot fulfil these criteria will be recalled for clinical assessment and possible CT. This list of criteria was developed by the investigators based on their clinical judgement and is similar in concept to questionnaires applied in 5i Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 previous ankle and knee injury studies. We feel that this measure is appropriate as Dr. Stiell has recently confirmed the validity of a similar “proxy primary outcome tool” on a sub-sample of patients from his adult Canadian CT Head Rule study.65 As with the adult tool, we will assess the validity of these criteria to exclude acute brain injury in children by applying the telephone follow-up questionnaire to all patients, including those with normal and abnormal CT scan results. 4.3.3 Secondary Outcomes. The ability to predict the following secondary outcomes will also be modeled: a) Need for neurological intervention defined as the need for any of the following within seven days: craniotomy, elevation of skull fracture, intubation, intracranial pressure monitoring, or anticonvulsant medication, b) Admission to hospital, and c) Death prior to hospital discharge. The secondary outcomes will be determined from the medical record by a research assistant who is unaware of the contents of the data collection sheet. Assessment of long-term outcomes, such as neurological deficit or neuropsychological deficit, is felt to be beyond the scope of this study. Assessment of all patients at six months by a neuropsychologist, for example, would be extremely expensive. 4.4 Data Analysis 4.4.1 Interobserver Agreement. The interobserver agreement for each variable will be measured by calculating the kappa coefficient, the proportion of potential agreement beyond chance, along with 95% confidence intervals.66-67 For variables with three or more ordered categories, a weighted kappa measure of interobserver agreement will be calculated.68 A variable will be deemed to have acceptable interobserver agreement if the kappa coefficient has a value of at least 0.6. The value of 0.6 is considered to represent “substantial agreement”66-67 and has proven to be a satisfactory threshold in previous research involved with decision rule development. 4.4.2 Univariate Analysis. Univariate analyses will be used to determine the strength of association between each variable and the primary outcome, acute brain injury. This process will aid selection of the best variables for the multivariate analyses. The appropriate univariate technique will be chosen according to the type of data: for nominal data, the chi-square test with continuity correction; for ordinal variables, the Mann-Whitney U test; and, for continuous variables, the unpaired 2-tailed t-test, using pooled or separate variance estimates as appropriate. 4.4.3 Multivariate Analysis. Multivariate analyses will derive a model to predict acute brain injury. Those variables found to be both reliable (kappa > 0.6) and strongly associated with the outcome measures (P < 0.05) will be combined using one of two different multivariate techniques, recursive partitioning or logistic regression. Second order interaction among predictor variables will be evaluated using the Mantel-Haenszel and logistic model procedures and appropriate composite variables will be considered for incorporation into the multivariate analyses. The objective will be to find the best combinations of predictor variables that are highly sensitive for detecting the outcome measure while achieving the maximum possible specificity. To be clinically acceptable, the model must be nearly 100% sensitive. The derived models must be easy to use by clinicians and therefore should contain as few variables as possible. A model will only be acceptable, therefore, if it fulfils these criteria: a) 99% or greater sensitivity, b) adequate specificity to lead to a 20% relative reduction in use of CT, and c) has no more than six component variables. Assuming more than one model meets the minimum acceptable criteria, the best model will be the one which has the highest specificity and the fewest number of component variables. Recursive partitioning will be used to determine the most significant variables in a model highly sensitive for the primary outcome measure and will be performed using KnowledgeSEEKER Version 2.1 Software (Angoss Software International, Toronto).69-72 Dr. Ian Stiell has had extensive experience in using recursive partitioning to develop decision rules for ankle and for knee injury radiography. Our experience suggests that recursive partitioning may be more suitable than logistic regression when the objective is to correctly classify one outcome group at the expense of the other, 5j Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 i.e. where high sensitivity is more important than overall accuracy. Identification of all acute brain injury cases is the priority of the model building and misclassification of some cases without injury will be quite acceptable. We can deliberately drive the analysis to correctly classify the acute brain injury outcome group at the expense of the group with no brain injury. We can also deliberately avoid complex models with significant interactions that would be difficult for clinicians to interpret or apply. Attempts will also be made to find the best model by performing logistic regression as an alternate multivariate technique to recursive partitioning. Model building will proceed with forward stepwise selection until no variables meet the entry (0.05) or removal (0.10) criteria for the significance level of the likelihood-ratio test. In order to provide a more simple model for clinicians, cutpoints will be sought for continuous variables. Variables selected for the model will be given weights equal to the coefficient rounded to the nearest whole number. This approach has been used successfully in the past for developing a decision rule for delayed functional recovery in knee injury patients. The variables chosen by the best model will constitute the decision rule for selecting patients with minor head injury for CT. The decision rule will be presented in clear narrative form that does not require computation or use of statistical aids. A hypothetical example of the decision rule is as follows: “Children with acute minor head injury require CT if they demonstrate any one of these findings: (i) loss of consciousness greater than five minutes, (ii) retrograde amnesia for a period of greater than 60 minutes, (iii) any focal deficit or deterioration in GCS within 6 hours of injury, or (iv) failure to achieve Glasgow Coma Score of 15 within 6 hours of injury.” 4.4.4 Classification Performance. The derived decision rule will be cross-validated by comparing the classification of each patient to their actual status for the primary outcome, acute brain injury. This will allow an estimate, with 95% confidence intervals, of the sensitivity and specificity of the rule. A more robust validation will be carried out prospectively on a new set of patients in Phase II. The sensitivity and specificity of the rule will also be calculated for the subgroups and for the secondary outcomes. 4.4.5 Physicians’ Judgement. Data from the three questions on physicians’ comfort and predictions will be tabulated in a simple descriptive format. In addition, information on the predicted probabilities will be used to calculate receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and likelihood ratios for determining acute brain injury as well as the need for neurological intervention, respectively. The accuracy of the physicians’ predictions will be compared to that of the derived decision rule by ROC curve analysis. 4.4.6 Interim Analysis. Multivariate analyses will initially be performed after 80% of the phase I sample size has been accrued in order to determine the likelihood of achieving a satisfactory decision rule (defined in section 4.4.3). The expectation of deriving a satisfactory decision rule will permit the investigators to plan for the timely start-up of phase II (validation of the rule) without a prolonged period between phases I and II. A prolonged downtime between phases would result in loss of cooperation of the participating physicians as well as inefficient use of the paid study personnel. On the other hand, the investigators will abandon plans to proceed to phase II if a satisfactory decision rule cannot be derived during phase I. In such a case, funding for the latter two years of the study will be returned to the CIHR. 4.5 Sample Size Based on our retrospective multi-center study of 1995 data, we know there were 1164 patients per year eligible at our study sites and 5.2% of those patients had positive CT scans (n=121 patients). (Appendix 3) Prior experience with recruitment in decision rule studies has resulted in patient recruitment rates of around 70%. We are confident with this recruitment rate as it is in complete 5k Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 agreement with our Pilot study which also found a recruitment rate of 70% (291 of 417 patients). If over 2 years there are 2328 patients and 70% are recruited this means that we can realistically recruit 1630 patients with minor head injury over the 2 year study period. 5.2% of these patients (n=85) will have a positive finding on CT scan as defined in section 3.6.1. Based on our survey of physicians working in pediatric emergency departments, we estimate that a 99% sensitivity will be an acceptable level for a decision rule detecting a positive finding on CT scan. Based on sample size calculations by Arkin and Wachtel, this means that this study can generate a 95% confidence interval around 99%, ranging from 97% to 100%.73 These estimates are well within the range of comfort indicated by the emergency physicians where the mean target sensitivity was 94.9%. 5. METHODS - PHASE II: VALIDATION OF THE RULE 5.1 Study Population The inclusion and exclusion criteria will be those used for Phase I and will be prospectively applied to a new group of patients in the same nine hospital centres. We believe that the transportability and generalizability of the decision rule will be clearly demonstrated by assessing the rule: a) in new patients, b) in a large number of hospitals from different areas of Canada. To validate the rule in hospitals different from those of phase I would not be feasible for the current research team i.e. would require an entirely new group of collaborators. 5.2 Standardized Patient Assessment All eligible patients will be assessed by the same staff emergency physicians to determine the patients’ status for each of the component variables within the decision rule derived in Phase I. The physicians will record these findings along with their interpretation of the decision rule itself on the data collection sheets prior to radiography. Variables not found to be useful in phase I will not be assessed in phase II. A subset of patients, when feasible, will be independently assessed by a second emergency physician to judge interobserver agreement for interpretation of the rule itself as well as for the component variables. In addition, the physicians will indicate, on a five-point scale, their theoretical comfort in applying the rule for each patient. 5.3 Outcome Measures The primary outcome measure will be ascertained in the same manner as in phase I (4.3.1). Acute brain injury will be determined by standard CT of the head which will be interpreted by a staff radiologist blinded to the contents of the data collection sheet. The treating physicians will be encouraged not to alter their normal radiography ordering practice. Consequently, we expect that some patients will have their outcome status determined by telephone follow-up, using the same proxy primary outcome as in phase I. Patients will be considered not to have acute brain injury if they fulfil the same criteria listed in section 4.3.2. This judgement will be made at 14 days by a research assistant unaware of the classification on the data collection sheet. Patients who do not fulfil the criteria will be recalled for reassessment and CT. As in phase I (4.3.3), secondary outcomes (need for neurological intervention, admission, and death) will be determined from the medical record by a research assistant who is unaware of the classification indicated on the data collection sheet. 5.4 Data Analysis 5.4.1 Classification Performance. The ability of the rule to classify patients for acute brain injury will be calculated with 95% confidence intervals for sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value. Calculation of likelihood ratios will allow one to estimate the probability of acute brain injury for patients, given a negative status for the decision rule. Classification performance will also be determined for the secondary outcomes, need for neurological intervention and death. The actual performance of the rule will be compared to the predictions of physicians made in phase I. 5l Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 5.4.2 Interobserver Agreement. The kappa, and in some cases the weighted kappa, coefficient will be calculated for each of the component clinical variables in the decision rule as well as for interpreting the actual rule. The overall accuracy of the physicians in interpreting the rule will be calculated. 5.4.3 Physicians’ Theoretical Comfort. Data will be tabulated in a simple descriptive format to allow some interpretation of the physicians’ acceptance of the decision rule and the potential for implementation into actual clinical practice. 5.4.4 Potential CT Saving. The referral fraction for CT of the head according to the decision rule will be compared to the baseline referral fractions of the Retrospective Study at the study hospitals. This will estimate the potential for reducing the cost and number of computed tomograms ordered, if the rule had been applied. 5.5 Sample Size Sample size assumptions are similar to those for phase I. To validate that the decision rule is 99% sensitive for detecting acute brain injury with clinically acceptable 95% confidence bounds, 85 patients with acute brain injury will be enrolled. This will yield the upper and lower confidence levels of 100% and 97.0% respectively (95% confidence interval). This, in turn, requires a total of another 1630 patients with minor head injury and an approximate accrual period of 24 months. 6. RELEVANCE Each year physicians in North American emergency departments treat approximately 420,000 children with minor head injury (i.e. loss of consciousness or amnesia with GCS of 13-15). Only 5.2% of these patients have suffered any type of brain injury visible on CT scan and only 0.5% have suffered a potentially life-threatening epidural hematoma. There are no widely accepted guidelines to help physicians standardize quality of care or to maximize the efficiency of their use of CT for minor head injury. Authoritative voices in editorials and the ATLS guidelines are calling for CT scanning of all children with minor head injury. Our data clearly show that Canadian emergency physicians accept and endorse the concept of selective ordering of CT. At the present time, there is considerable variation among Canadian hospitals in the referral rate for CT (ranging from 14% to 56% for similar patients). This rate has more than doubled in the last 5 years without any change in the acute brain injury rate. Use of CT is not efficient with 93% of CT scans ordered in Canadian centres being negative for any injury. Inefficient use of CT scans significantly contributes to health care costs. Our pediatric emergency research collaboration has recently successfully validated the Ottawa ankle rules for use in children.74 As a result the research nurses and physicians in collaborating centers are experienced in carrying out studies on the development of decision rules. Building on our Pilot Study and using techniques successfully applied to ankle and knee radiography, we propose to develop (phase I) and prospectively validate (phase II) a clinical decision rule which will permit physicians to be more accurate in their diagnosis of acute brain injury among children with minor head injury. Through the use of this rule physicians will be more selective in their use of CT without jeopardizing the quality of patient care. Such a decision rule should, therefore, lead to improved patient care as well as considerable savings for North American health care systems. The potential impact of this decision rule will be similar to that of the Ottawa ankle rules that have been readily adopted by many physicians and which have been shown to significantly reduce health care costs. 5m Osmond, Martin Henry $145,845 7. REFERENCES 1. Dietrich AM, Bowman MJ, Ginn-Pease ME, Kosnik E, King DR. 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