Exploiting Functional Dependencies in Finite State Machine Verification C.A.J. van Eijk and J.A.G. Jess Design Automation Section, Eindhoven University of Technology P.O.Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands e-mail: C.A.J.v.Eijk@ele.tue.nl Abstract This paper proposes a novel verification method for finite state machines (FSMs), which automatically exploits the relation between the state encodings of the FSMs under consideration. It is based on the detection and utilization of functionally dependent state variables. This significantly extends the ability of the verification method to handle FSMs with similar state encodings. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by experimental results on well-known benchmarks. 1. Introduction During the design of digital circuits, several descriptions of a design are generated at various levels of detail. Verifying the consistency of these descriptions is an important aspect of the design process. At the logic level, a circuit is usually modeled as a finite state machine (FSM). Therefore, it is important to have algorithms which can efficiently verify the equivalence of FSMs. Impressive progress has been made in this area by the introduction of so-called symbolic techniques, which are based on the application of binary decision diagrams (BDDs) to traverse the state space (see e.g. [3][6][13]). Although these methods can conceivably handle large FSMs with current BDD-based implementation techniques, the biggest problem faced is still that of scale. Often, the two FSMs which have to be verified have similar state encodings, because one description has been synthesized from the other one. When e.g. a design has been retimed or optimized with respect to the non-reachable state space, there exists a relation between the state variables of both FSMs. Existing methods are not able to exploit such similarities. This paper proposes a novel method to detect and exploit the relation between the state encodings of the FSMs under consideration. It is based on the concept of functionally dependent variables; these variables are characterized by the property that their value can always be determined from the values of the other state variables. Therefore, dependent variables can be removed from the problem representation. ED&TC ’96 0-89791-821/96 $5.00 1996 IEEE As will be explained in section 3, this has several positive effects on the performance of the verification method; it may result in smaller BDD representations and reduce the number of iterations required by the symbolic traversal algorithm. Several techniques are presented to detect dependent state variables. These techniques are based on a functional analysis of both FSMs; they do not require user-supplied information or name correspondences to identify functional dependencies such as equivalent state variables. Therefore they can also be applied when different names are used in both descriptions. This paper is organized as follows: The next section introduces some preliminaries. Section 3 discusses symbolic verification methods for finite state machines and explains the efficiency gain that can be obtained by exploiting dependent state variables. Section 4 proposes a new verification method to address this problem. The detection of the dependencies is the subject of section 5. Some experimental results are reported in section 6. 2. Preliminaries A FSM M is defined as a 6-tuple (I, O, S, S 0, , ), where I is the input alphabet, O is the output alphabet, S is the state space, S 0 S is the set of initial states, : S I S is the next-state function, and : S I O is the output function. The reachable state space is the set of states which can be reached in zero or more steps from some initial state and is denoted Reach(M). B denotes the set of boolean values {0, 1}. In this paper, we only consider FSMs for which I, O, and S are boolean spaces, i.e., I B m, O B p , S B n, ( 1,..., n), and ( 1,..., p). We associate a set of boolean state variables V {v 1,...,v n} with every FSM, which represent the registers of the circuit modeled by this machine. If two finite state machines have identical input and output alphabets, it is possible to compare their behavior. Then two FSMs are called equivalent iff they produce the same sequence of output vectors for any sequence of input vectors. To formalize this requirement, the product machine is defined. Given two FSMs M A = (I, O, S A, S A,0, A, A) and M B = (I, O, S B, S B,0, B, B). The product machine M = (I, B, S, S 0, D, L) of M A and M B is defined by S + S A S B, S 0 + S A,0 S B,0, D(s A, s B, i) = (D A(s A, i), D B(s B, i)), and L(s A, s B, i) = (L A(s A, i) 5 L B(s B, i)). Equivalence of FSMs can now be formulated as follows: Two FSMs are functionally equivalent iff the output of the corresponding product machine is assigned the value 1 in all reachable states. In the sequel of this paper, M A = (I, O, S A, S A,0, D A, L A) and M B = (I, O, S B, S B,0, D B, L B) represent the two FSMs which are verified. The corresponding product machine is represented by M = (I, B, S, S 0, D, L). 3. Background and related work Sequential verification methods typically proceed as follows. They start with two FSMs which have been extracted from circuit descriptions. The product machine of these FSMs is constructed and then its reachable state space is calculated. This is typically done with a symbolic algorithm, which calculates the reachable state space in a breadth first manner and uses BDDs [2] to represent all sets and functions. The most important operation in a symbolic algorithm is the calculation of the image of a set of states; this is the set of states which can be reached in a single step from the given set of states. Several techniques have been proposed to implement this calculation efficiently (see e.g. [3][4][6][13]). Although symbolic algorithms can conceivably handle large FSMs with current BDD-based implementation techniques, sequential verification is still not feasible for many FSMs of practical size. The major limitations are the sizes of the BDD representations for the next-state function and the set of reached states, and the required number of iterations. Therefore, new techniques are needed to improve the feasibility of sequential verification. This can be done by developing still more efficient state space calculation techniques. We propose a complementary approach which exploits the functional dependencies between the state variables of the FSMs under consideration. Similar approaches are also used in the following related work. In [4], Cabodi et al. introduce the so-called general product machine; some explicitly known relation between the state encodings of both machines is exploited to construct a good encoding for the state space of this product machine. However, no methods are proposed to derive the required relation between the state encodings automatically. In [9], Hu and Dill identify functionally dependent variables as a common cause of BDD-size blowup in the verification of concurrent systems. They address this problem by allowing the user to declare the dependent variables in a system as a function of the independent variables. Some other methods exploit a specific type of dependency, namely equivalent state variables. In [8], it is shown how corresponding state variables can be identified before the reachable state space is calculated. This method is also used in the industrial verification system CVE developed at Siemens [1]. In the sequen- tial verification algorithm of the industrial synthesis system TIGER, equivalent (and opposite) variables are detected on the fly during state space traversal; it has been developed by Coudert, Madre and Touati [7]. In this paper, we propose a verification method which automatically detects and uses functionally dependent state variables. It does not require user-supplied information, and therefore, it can also be used when the dependencies are not fully known or when it is too laborious for a designer to specify them explicitly. Dependent variables are detected on the fly during the state space traversal; for every intermediate set of reached states, it is determined which variables are dependent, and how they can be expressed as a function of the independent variables. This function is then used to remove the corresponding state variable from the product machine; the set of reached states is only expressed over the independent state variables. The detection and removal of dependent state variables can lead to significant improvements. The first and most obvious advantage is that the removal of state variables effectively reduces the size of the product machine. To explain the corresponding advantages in terms of BDDs, let’s consider the case that there exists a many-to-one correspondence between the states of both FSMs; this is for example the case after state minimization and recoding. Then there exists a function F : S A ³ S B + (f 1,...,f nB) which maps every state of M A to a corresponding state of M B. Therefore, the state space of the product machine can be written as: Reach(M A) ƞ (v B,1 5 f 1(V A) ƞ ... ƞ v B,nB 5 f nB(V A)) . This shows that all state variables of M B are functionally dependent. By removing these variables, the BDD representation for the reachable state space of the product machine is reduced to that of the single machine M A. This typically also results in a representation which is less sensitive to the selected variable order. Especially with complex dependencies, it may be difficult to find a good variable order for the entire reachable state space, because it may not be possible to group related variables. Even when the dependencies are a direct correspondence (i.e., they all have the form v A,i 5 v B,j) and corresponding variables are grouped in the variable order, the removal of these dependencies still reduces the size of the BDD representation for the reachable state space by at least a factor two. Therefore, the removal of dependent state variables leads to a smaller BDD representation which is less sensitive to the selected variable order. This is also shown in [9], where an example is given of an exponentially-sized problem which is reduced to an O(n log n)-sized one by removing the dependent variables. Another important advantage is that the functional dependencies may already provide enough information to conclude the equivalence of the FSMs under consideration before the reachable state space has been completely calculated. When the non-reachable state space has not been used as a don’t-care set while transforming M A into M B, the functional dependencies exactly provide the information that is essential to prove the equivalence of both FSMs. In the next section, this will be illustrated with an example. Figure 1 shows the symbolic verification algorithm which exploits dependent variables. To improve the clarity of the algorithm, some well-known optimizations such as frontier set simplification have not been included; the integration of such techniques is however straightforward. 4. The verification method In this section, we propose a new verification algorithm which exploits dependent state variables. First the definition of a dependent state variable is given. Definition 1 A state variable v i is functionally dependent in a set R Ū B n iff there exists a function f : B n–1 ³ B such that: ô (s 1,...,s n) Ů R : s i 5 f(s 1,...,s i–1, s i+1,...,s n) . In our verification algorithm, dependent variables are detected on the fly during the state space traversal. For every set of reached states R, the state variables are partitioned into a set of independent variables V now + {v now,1,...,v now,q} and a set of dependent variables V dep +{v dep,1,...,v dep,n–q}. With every dependent variable v dep,i, a function f i : B q ³ B is associated which defines the variable as a function of the independent variables. The dependent variables can be replaced by these functions without changing the behavior of the product machine for the states in R. This results in a new representation for the set of reached states R now, such that R can be written as: R now ƞ v dep,1 5 f 1(V now) ƞ ... ƞ v dep,n–q 5 f n–q(V now) . Similarly, new next-state functions d now,i : B q ³ B and d dep,j : B q ³ B are calculated for respectively every independent and dependent state variable. Because the functional dependencies have only been proven for the states in R, these dependencies do not necessarily remain valid in the next set of reached states R next. With the following condition, the dependency of a variable v dep,i can be proven for all states in R next before this set is actually calculated: ôs Ů R now, i Ů I : d dep,i(s, i) 5 f i(D now(s, i)) , where D now(s, i) + (d now,1(s, i),..., d now,q(s, i)). This condition is called the next-state condition of v dep,i . It is used to partition the state variables into a set V next for which no dependency is known for R next and a set V \ V next for which the known dependency remains valid. The dependencies are represented by the triple (V now, V next, F) with V now Ū V next and F + (f 1,...,f n–q). The current set of reached states is expressed over the variables in V now and the next set of reached states is expressed over the variables in V next. After the image calculation, it is tested whether the variables in V next \ V now are still functionally dependent, and if so, which function expresses this dependency. This way, all dependencies can be detected automatically without fully expanding the behavior of the product machine. D 0 := init_deps(S 0) ; R 0 := S 0[D 0] ; i := 0 ; do { if (õ s Ů R i, i Ů I : L[D i](s, i) 5 0) generate counter-example and stop; i := i ) 1 ; D i,pre := test_deps (D i–1, R i–1) ; R i,pre := expand (R i–1, D i,pre) Ɵimage (D[D i,pre], R i–1) ; D i := extend_deps (D i,pre, R i,pre) ; R i := R i,pre[D i] ; } while (R i–1 0 R i) ; Fig. 1. Traversal algorithm exploiting dependencies The notation f [D] denotes the application of the given dependencies D on a boolean function f which is expressed in terms of state variables and possibly also next-state variables. The functions init_deps and extend_deps initialize and extend the dependencies; the techniques used will be explained in the next section. The function test_deps calculates V next from the given set V now by checking the next-state conditions of the dependent variables. The function expand reintroduces the state variables for which the dependency is invalidated, in the set of reached states. In an actual implementation, the next-state function and the output function are not recalculated in every iteration, but only when the functional dependencies have changed with respect to the previous iteration. When the dependent variables are replaced by their corresponding functions, it may happen that the verification condition or some of the next-state conditions become tautologies. When this happens for all conditions, the verification algorithm can stop: it has proven the invariance of these conditions, and thus the equivalence of both FSMs. This is illustrated with the example shown in fig. 2, where we verify the equivalence of two counters. All registers are initially zero. The verification of these FSMs requires 2 n ) 1 iterations with a basic symbolic algorithm, where n is the bit width of the registers R 1 and R 4. The dependencies in this example are: R 1 + (R 3+R 4) mod 2 n , R 2 + (R 3+R 4) div 2 n . The next-state condition for R 2 is: (R 1+c) div 2 n 5 (c+(R 3+R 4) mod 2 n) div 2 n à ((R 3+R 4) mod 2 n+c) div 2 n 5 (c+(R 3+R 4) mod 2 n) div 2 n à true . b carry a R2 R3 o1 c REG sum + REG c REG REG a R1 R4 sum + b carry o2 Fig. 2. An example of two counters Similarly, it can be shown that the verification condition o 1 5 o 2 and the next-state condition for R 1 become tautologies when the functional dependencies are filled in. Therefore, the equivalence of both counters is directly proven with these dependencies. The required number of iterations solely depends on the iteration in which the dependencies are discovered. 5. Detecting functional dependencies The problem of detecting functional dependencies in a given set of states can be divided into two sub-problems, namely determining the dependent state variables, and finding the functions which express the dependencies. The following theorem provides the theoretical means to solve both problems; it is a reformulation of a general theorem by Schröder to solve a boolean equation in one unknown [10]. In this theorem, R(V)| v and R(V)| v respectively denote the positive and negative cofactor of the expression R(V) with respect to a variable v. Theorem 1 A state variable v i is functionally dependent in a function R : B n ³ B iff: R(V)| vi ƞ R(V)| vi 5 0 . The set of solutions for the dependency : B n–1 ³ B of v i is defined by: R(V)| vi v (VȀ) v R(V)| vi Ɵ þR(V)| vi , where VȀ + (v 1,...,v i–1, v i+1,...,v n) Theorem 1 shows how functionally dependent variables can be detected and solved. Clearly, in general, the solution is not unique. In our specific application, this freedom is very important. It is not sufficient that the solution is valid in the current set of reached states; one should try to select a function which is also correct in all subsequent sets. Of course, this is very difficult to achieve, because these sets are not yet known. However, the available freedom can be used to find a dependency with a small support and a small representation, for example using the techniques described in [12]. The rationale is that a simple dependency is more likely to remain correct, and usually also has a relatively simple next-state condition. In our current implementation, we use a greedy algorithm to find a dependency with a small support. We will now suggest two other practical heuristics to address the problem of selecting the dependency. A special case of practical importance is formed by equivalent variables. This type of dependency has the simple form v i 5 v j or v i 5 v j , which guarantees that it can be used very efficiently. Therefore, it is useful to first try to detect dependencies of this special type. This can simply be done by testing these conditions for all the variables in the support of R(V)| vi and R(V)| vi. Sequential simulation of the product machine with random input vectors can be used before the verification is started to partition the state variables into sets of potentially equivalent variables; if for some state reached during simulation, two variables are assigned different values, it can directly be decided that these variables are not equivalent. Similarly, it can be decided whether one variable can be the complement of another variable. This reduces the number of variables which have to be taken into account. A more general technique is to test dependencies of the form v 5 (VȀ), where (VȀ) is the function of an internal point in one of the finite state machines. This may be useful in case one of the finite state machines has been retimed during synthesis. Also with this technique, simulation can be used to determine which points have to be taken into account. If there are several points of which the function correctly expresses the dependency of a variable in the current set of reached states, a function which results in a tautologous next-state condition is preferred. 6. Experimental results This section reports the results of some preliminary experiments which have been performed with the proposed verification algorithm. The method has been implemented in C++ using the BDD package developed at Eindhoven University. Image calculation is performed using a monolithic transition relation and an image cache; furthermore, frontier set simplification is applied to every set of reached states (see e.g. [3] for a description of these techniques). The sifting algorithm [11] is used to dynamically control the BDD variable order. All tests have been performed on a 99 MHz HP9000/735 workstation. The verification method has been used to compare pairs of equivalent sequential circuits from the IWLS’91 benchmark set. Furthermore, we have used the logic synthesis system SIS developed at the University of California, Berkeley, to synthesize the circuits from this benchmark set. The circuits with the postfix ‘.dc’ have been optimized with respect to the non-reachable state space. The circuits with the postfix ‘.ret’ have been mapped to the MCNC library and then retimed. The larger circuits in the benchmark set could not be synthesized successfully with SIS and have therefore been excluded from the experiments. Table 1 shows the experimental results of our method which uses the ‘internal point’ heuristic and the general method (theorem 1) to discover functional dependencies. The first two columns show the circuits which are verified and the corresponding number of state variables. The following columns list the run time, the maximum number of BDD nodes during verification, and the number of iterations of the verification algorithm without and with the detection of functional dependencies. Furthermore, the number of discovered dependencies is given. All pairs of equivalent circuits from the IWLS’91 benchmark set have identical state encodings. Our method automatically detects and uses these correspondences; this clearly reduces the required run time, the number of BDD nodes, and the number of iterations. A similar observation holds for the circuits which have been optimized with respect to the non-reachable state space. For the retimed circuits, the advantages of the proposed method are less evident. Although sufficient dependent variables are found in all circuits, the performance gain is limited. The main reason is that in many intermediate sets of reached states, dependencies between the variables of a single machine are found, which are not valid in the entire reachable state space. Circuit s838.1 cannot be verified within reasonable time because its state space is too deep. In order to test if the performance of our verification method can be improved by only selecting specific dependencies, we have repeated the experiments with a verification algorithm which only uses the ‘internal point’ heuristic of section 5 to detect the functional dependencies; note that this heuristic is also guaranteed to detect equivalent state variables. Table 2 lists the circuits for which this leads to significantly better results. When the number of iterations is zero, the equivalence of both FSMs is proven before the first image calculation. 7. Conclusions In this paper, we presented a new method for FSM verification which automatically exploits the relation between the state encodings of the FSMs under consideration. The method is based on the detection and removal of dependent state variables from the product machine while the state space is traversed. This reduces the size of the product machine and results in a smaller BDD representation for the reachable state space, which is also less sensitive to the selected variable order. Furthermore, it can reduce the number of iterations required for the state space traversal. This is also confirmed by the experimental results, which clearly show that the concept of dependent variables is of practical use. There are several aspects which require further research. The heuristics to select the functional dependencies can be further improved. The recalculation of BDDs for the nextstate and output functions can also be implemented more efficiently. A more challenging problem is the integration of the proposed verification method with the decomposition method from [4]. This may enable the verification of large FSMs which have been automatically synthesized, including sequential transformations such as retiming. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Geert Janssen and Michel Berkelaar for proofreading this manuscript. References [1] J. Bormann, et al., “CVE: An Industrial Formal Verification Environment,” Siemens internal report, 1994. [2] R.E. Bryant, “Graph-Based Algorithms for Boolean Function Manipulation,” IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. C-35 no. 8, pp. 677–691, August 1986. [3] J.R. Burch, et al., “Symbolic Model Checking for Sequential Circuit Verification,” IEEE Transactions on ComputerAided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 13 no. 4, pp. 401–424, April 1994. [4] G. Cabodi, et al., “A New Model for Improving Symbolic Product Machine Traversal,” Proc. 29th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conf., pp. 614–619, 1992. [5] H. Cho, et al., “A Structural Approach to State Space Decomposition for Approximate Reachability Analysis,” Proc. Int. Conf. on Computer Design, pp. 236–239, 1994. [6] O. Coudert, C. Berthet, and J.C. 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Touati, et al., “Implicit State Enumeration of Finite State Machines using BDD’s,” Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design, pp. 130–133, 1990. Table 1. Experimental results for the general algorithm circuits #vars s344 – s349 s382 – s400 s526 – s526n s641 – s713 s820 – s832 s1196 – s1238 s1488 – s1494 s27 – s27.dc s208.1 – s208.1.dc s298 – s298.dc s344 – s349.dc s382 – s400.dc s386 – s386.dc s420.1 – s420.1.dc s444 – s444.dc s510 – s510.dc s526 – s526n.dc s641 – s713.dc s820 – s832.dc s1196 – s1238.dc s1488 – s1494.dc s208.1 – s208.1.ret s298 – s298.ret s420.1 – s420.1.ret s510 – s510.ret s526 – s526.ret s838.1 – s838.1.ret s1488 – s1488.ret 15+15 21+21 21+21 19+19 5+5 18+18 6+6 3+3 8+8 14+14 15+15 21+21 6+6 16+16 21+21 6+6 21+21 19+14 5+5 18+18 6+6 8+10 14+31 16+26 6+18 21+47 32+52 6+11 without dependencies time (s) max. nodes #it. time (s) 6.6 9840 7 2.7 14.0 18122 151 2.8 36.1 18491 151 4.3 59.0 41953 7 8.3 0.3 4097 11 0.5 43.2 28171 3 12.8 1.4 4770 22 1.0 0.1 394 3 0.1 0.5 4097 256 0.3 14.6 67000 19 2.1 7.1 9784 7 4.0 13.6 18291 151 18.3 0.2 2809 8 0.2 90.5 17961 65536 1.7 39.0 19263 151 10.9 1.0 4436 47 0.3 46.5 35603 151 18.9 8.2 8397 7 4.1 0.3 4097 11 0.5 51.0 28520 3 12.7 1.3 4803 22 1.1 0.5 4097 256 0.7 29.6 35154 20 15.7 598.4 12955 65536 94.8 3.2 10721 48 42.7 178.2 81797 152 115.8 ––– ––– ––– ––– 1.6 6072 22 3.3 with dependencies max. nodes #it. 6039 4 5909 46 5300 42 11633 4 4097 4 19091 2 4097 5 290 3 1530 19 5015 19 7242 7 16692 151 2897 8 4097 27 9677 151 3187 9 15828 151 6048 4 4097 11 19415 2 4097 22 4097 256 18790 20 17249 65536 36954 48 69353 152 ––– ––– 5230 7 #deps 15 21 22 24 5 18 6 3 8 16 15 23 6 16 22 6 23 19 5 18 6 8 25 25 8 39 ––– 6 Table 2. Experimental results when only the ‘internal point’ heuristic is used circuits #vars s344 – s349 s641 – s713 s1196 – s1238 s344 – s349.dc s382 – s400.dc s444 – s444.dc s510 – s510.dc s526 – s526n.dc s641 – s713.dc s1196 – s1238.dc s510 – s510.ret s526 – s526.ret s1488 – s1488.ret 15+15 19+19 18+18 15+15 21+21 21+21 6+6 21+21 19+14 18+18 6+18 21+47 6+11 without dependencies time (s) max. nodes #it. 6.6 9840 7 59.0 41953 7 43.2 28171 3 7.1 9784 7 13.6 18291 151 39.0 19263 151 1.0 4436 47 46.5 35603 151 8.2 8397 7 51.0 28520 3 3.2 10721 48 178.2 81797 152 1.6 6072 22 time (s) 0.2 2.8 1.2 1.3 6.9 5.6 0.1 13.1 1.0 1.2 0.4 4.8 0.7 with dependencies max. nodes #it. 1925 0 5181 0 5099 0 6230 7 9021 151 6282 151 1709 0 8900 151 5801 0 5104 0 4097 0 5166 42 4097 5 #deps 15 24 18 15 21 21 6 21 19 18 6 21 6