Chemistry Paper-1 Chapter-1 Max. Marks: 07 Marks with Options: 10 Introduction • Solution: Homogeneous mixture of two or more components Mixture obtained when one substance is completely dissolved in the other Examples: Salt dissolved in water Ethanol in acetone Hard water Etc. • Components of Solution: • Solvent • Solute – Solvent: Medium of the solution OR Larger component of a Solution – Solute: Substance being dissolved OR Smaller component of a Solution Note: The two components of solution must be non-reacting. Example: When sugar is dissolved in water, water is solvent and sugar is solute. • • • • • • • All components in one phase All particles are molecules or ions Uniformly distributed particles Particles cannot be seen in any microscope Particles cannot be filtered out by any filter paper Particles do not reflect or diffract the light May be solid, liquid or gas • Concentration Amount of solute dissolved in given amount of solution or solvent. • Dilute solution Contains lesser amount of solute i.e. Low concentration of solute Such as dilute HCl • Concentrated solution Contains larger amount of solute i.e. High concentration of solute Such as Concentrated H2SO4 • Ideal Solution: – Solution which follows the Raoult’s at all temperatures and concentrations. – Other solutions are called Real Solutions – In practice no solution is Ideal Solutions – Some solutions behave ideally at very dilute concentrations and moderate temperatures – Examples: Benzene + toluene, n-hexane + n-heptane • Properties of Ideal solution: • • • • No heat of dilution Vsolution = V1 + V2 + … + Vn Follows the Law of Gases Follows the Raoult’s law • Amount of solute dissolved in given amount of solution or solvent • Different units of Concentration are used in different areas of Science • A solution whose concentration is exactly known is called as Standard Solution • Temperature units involving “volume” are dependent on temperature • Temperature units not involving “volume” but “mass” or weights only are independent of temperature Normality: Molarity Molality Mole fraction Percent • Definition: No. of gram equivalents per liter of solution • How to Calculate: normality gram equivalents 1000 ml of solution OR normality grams of solute 1000 equivalent wt. ml of solution • 1 N Solution: 1 gram equivalent dissolved in 1 L solution • Gram Equivalent: Equivalent wt. expressesed in grams. gram equivalent grams of solute equivalent wt. • Example: If 10 g NaOH (i.e. 0.25 g eq) is dissolved in 500 mL solution, 0.5 N solution is obtained. • Normality of Dilution: Before dilution N1V1 = After dilution N2V2 • Normality of Mixing: Let V1 mL solution of N1 normality is mixed with V2 mL solution of N2 normality. Then the normality the new solution will be: N N1V1 V1 N 2 V2 V2 Note: Learn at Home: What is equivalent weight? What are the Eq. wts. of: NaOH, H2SO4, Na2CO3, H2C2O4? What will be normality of solution containing 4 g NaoH dissolved in 250 ml solution? Molarity • Definition: No. of gram moles per liter of solution • How to Calculate: molarity gram moles 1000 ml of solution OR molarity grams of solute 1000 molecular wt. ml of solution • 1 M Solution: 1 gram mole dissolved in 1 L solution • Gram Mole or Mole: Molecular wt. expressesed in grams. gram moles grams of solute molecular wt. • Example: If 49 g H2SO4 (i.e. 0. 5 mole) is dissolved in 250 mL solution, 2 M solution is obtained. • Molarity of Dilution: Before dilution M1V1 = After dilution M2V2 • Molarity of Mixing: Let V1 mL solution of M1 molarity is mixed with V2 mL solution of M2 molarity. Then the molarity the new solution will be: M M1V1 V1 M 2 V2 V2 • Relation between Molarity and Normality: Normality = n x molarity Where, n is the acidity of base or basicity of acid. Note: Normality is equal to or greater than molarity. Note: Learn at Home: What is molecular weight? What is acidity of a base and basicity of an acid? Give acidity or basicity of the following: NaOH, Ca(OH)2, NH4OH, Al(OH) 3 H2SO4, CH3COOH, H3PO4, HCN What are the M. wts. of: NaOH, H2SO4, Na2CO3, urea, glucose and H2C2O4? How much amount of urea will be needed to prepare 2 Lit of its 0.2 M solution? Molality • Definition: No. of gram moles per 1000 g (1 kg) of solvent OR Or Number of moles of solute in 1 kg solvent • How to Calculate: molality gram moles 1000 wt. of solvent OR molality grams of solute 1000 molecular wt. wt. of solvent • 1 m Solution: 1 gram mole dissolved in 1 kg solvent • Example: • • • • If 45 g glucose (i.e. 0.25 mole) is dissolved in 500 g water, 0.5 m solution is obtained. This unit of concentration does not involve volume of solution or solvent. Therefore this unit of concentration is independent of temperature The concentration terms involving V are dependent of T And the terms involving w only are independent of T Relation between molality (m) and molarity (M): M/m = W/V Where: W is the weight of solvent in gm V is the volume of solution in mL When the density of the solution is given: m M d M M2 Where: d is the density of the solution M2 is the molecular wt. of the solute Note: Learn at Home: Relationship between E. wt. and M. wt.? Relationship between normality and molarity? What is the molality of a solution containing 0.2 mole sugar dissolved in 500 g water? How much oxalic acid is needed to prepare 0.05 m, 0.5 L solution? Calculate the molality of pure water. Normality Molarity w 1000 E v w 1000 M v Molality w2 M 1000 w1 • Ratio of the no of moles of a constituent to the total number of moles of all constituents • Mole fraction of SOLUTE: X2 X2 n2 n1 n2 • Mole fraction of SOLVENT: X1 X1 n1 n1 n2 • For a 2 component-solution: X1 + X 2 = 1 • This unit of concentration does not involve volume of solution or solvent • Therefore this unit of concentration is independent of temperature • Mole fraction is a relative quantity • It does not give the actual quantity of the components • It only gives the quantity of a component relative to the total quantity of all components • If a mole fraction is multiplied by 100 it will give the % mole of the component • Total of the % mole is equal to 100 Percent Weight Grams of solute dissolved per 100 g of solution percent by weight grams of solute grams of solution 100 For example: 5% glucose solution It means 5 g glucose dissolved in 100 g glucose solution It does not mean 5 g glucose in 100 g water Note % by wt. means gms of solute per 100 g of solution % by vl. means gms of solute per 100 mL of solution Relation between normality, molarity and wt %: 1. Normality and % by wt.: normality % by wt. d 10 E 2. Normality and % by vl.: normality % by vl. 10 E 3. Molarity and % by wt.: molarity % by wt. d 10 M 4. Molarity and % by vl.: molarity % by vl. 10 M Property of dilute solutions which depends on the no. of particles in the solution • It depends only on the no. of particles of solute in the solution • It does not depend on the nature of particles of the solute • There are four Colligative properties which are related to each other • They are used to calculate molecular wt. of the solute There are following four Colligative Properties: Lowering of vapor pressure Elevation of boiling point Osmotic pressure Depression of freezing point A. LOWERING OF VAPOR PRESSURE Vapor pressure: – – – – Equilibrium pressure exerted by the vapors of the liquid on it VP increases exponentially with the increase in temperature VP is inversely proportional to the intermolecular forces With rise in T: • • • • Intermolecular forces breakdown Kinetic energy of molecules increases Molecules at the surface pass into vapor state Ultimately VP increases – Liquids with high VP (Low BP) are volatile (eg: ether, benzene) – Liquids with low VP (high BP) are non-volatile (eg: water, oil) – Relation between VP and T is derived by Clausus and Clapeyron • Lowering of vapor pressure: On addition of non-volatile solute, the VP of liquid decreases P = Po – P Po > P If more solute is added, lowering of VP will increase • Relative lowering of vapor pressure: – Ratio of Lowering of VP to the VP of pure solvent Po P Po – The relation between the RL of VP and amount of solute is given by Raoult • If more solute is added, lowering of VP will increase • Raoult’s Law gives the relation between the RL of VP and amount of solute added to the solution (concentration) “Relative lowering of VP is equal to the mole fraction of the solute” Po P Po n2 n2 n1 Alternate Statement: “Partial VP of liquid over its solution is proportional to its mole fraction” VP1 α X1 or VP1 = Po x X1 Limitations of Raoult’s Law It is applicable only to very dilute solutions non-volatile solutes unionized solutes unassociated solutes Ostwald and Walker Method • Used to calculate Relative lowering of VP • Lowering of VP is used to calculate M Wt. of solute • Limitations of the Method: – All limitations of Raoult’s Law • Only for non-volatile solutes • Applicable for very dilute solutions • Solute should be ionised or associated – Uniform temperature is needed – Low air pressure is necessary The Relative Lowering of Vapor Pressure is calculated using the following formula This formula is derived from the observations of the above experiment o P P o P Where: m2 m2 m 1 m2 is loss in wt of solvent m2 + m1 is gain in wt of CaCl2 Calculation of M. Wt. of solute from Relative L of VP o P Po P w 2 M1 w 1 M2 In the above formula: The Relative Lowering of Vapor Pressure is calculated from the Ostwald-Walker Method. w2 is the wt. of solute. w1 is the wt. of solvent. M1 is the Mol. wt. of the solvent. Therefore, M2, the Mol. wt. of the Solute can be calculated. B. ELEVATION IN BOILING POINT • Boiling Point: – “The temp. at which VP of liquid equals Atmospheric Pressure (AP)” – VP increases exponentially with the increase in T – With rise in T: • Intermolecular forces breakdown and the kinetic energy of molecules increases • They pass into the vapor phase and VP increases • When VP equalizes the AP, liquid starts boiling • This T is the BP of the liquid – Boiling of liquid takes place throughout the liquid while vaporization takes place only on the surface • Elevation of Boiling Point: – “Increase in the boiling point of liquid on addition of solute” – – – – – – On adding non-volatile solute, VP decreases Therefore, temperature required to equalize VP to AP increases Ultimately, the B. Pt. of the liquid increases (elevated) This is called as E of BP E of BP is the Colligative Property If equal no. of moles of solute is dissolved in equal wt. of solvent, the two solutions have same E of BP – E of BP is proportional to the molality • Formula: Tb = T – To (T > To) Landsberger and Walker Method: • Used to calculate Elevation of B. Pt. • Elevation of B. Pt. is used to calculate M Wt. of solute o • First T is determined • Then T is determined • Then is Tb calculated • Using following Formula • Tb = T – ToU • This experiment is called as Ebullioscopy Calculation of M. Wt. of solute from Elevation of B. Pt. Tb Kb w 2 1000 w 1 M2 OR Tb Kb m In the above formulae: w2 is the wt. of solute. w1 is the wt. of solvent. M2 is the Mol. wt. of the solute. Kb is the molal elevation constant. Therefore, Tb, the elevation in boiling point can be calculated. • Molal elevation constant or Ebullioscopic Constt., Kb: – Elevation in B. Pt. when 1 mole solute is dissolved in 1000 g solvent OR – Elevation in B. Pt. of 1 molal solution • Unit: – K m-1 or K kg mol-1 • Kb of water: – 0.52 K m-1 – Kb is constant for a solvent – It is independent of the nature of solute • Note that: – Sea water boils at higher temperature than the fresh water – E of BP is proportional to Molality (concentration) – It is inversely proportional to the M2 C. DEPRESSION OF FREEZING POINT • Freezing Point: – Temperature at which VP of liquid equals VP of its solid – At FP the liquid and solid co-exist in equilibrium – At FP the liquid and solid have same temperature • Depression of Freezing Point: – – – – Decrease in the Freezing pt. of liquid on addition of solute On adding non-volatile solute, VP decreases Therefore, temperature required to equalise VP to AP decreases Ultimately, the FP of the liquid decreases (depressed) • Formula: Tf = To – T (To > T) Beckmann Method: • Used to calculate Depression of F. Pt. • Depression of F. Pt. is used to calculate M Wt. of solute o • First T is determined • Then T is determined • Then is Tf calculated • Using following Formula • Tf = To – T • This experiment is called as Cryoscopy Calculation of M. Wt. of solute from Depression of F. Pt. Tf Kf w 2 1000 w 1 M2 • Molal depression constant or Cryoscopic Constt., Kf: – Depression in F. Pt. when 1 mole solute is dissolved in 1000 g solvent (i.e. 1 molal solution) OR – Elevation in B. Pt. of 1 molal solution • Unit: – K m-1 • Kf of water: – 1.825 K m-1 or K kg mol-1 • On addition of Non volatile solute to a liquid – Its VP decreases – Its BP increases – Its FP decreases – More is the LVP, more is the EBP and more is the DFP • Deviation from Raoult’s Law: – When VP of liquid is less than calculated from Raoult’s law, it is –ve deviation – When VP of liquid is more than calculated from Raoult’s law, it is +ve deviation – Binary solutions with –ve deviation boil at higher T than the components – Binary solutions with +ve deviation boil at lower T than the components – At –ve deviation from Raoult’s law: V = +ve and H = +ve – At +ve deviation from Raoult’s law: V = –ve and H = –ve D. OSMOTIC PRESSURE OSMOSIS • Osmosis: The passage of a solvent through a semipermeable membrane from a dilute to a more concentrated solution Osmosis was first observed by Abbe Nollet in 1784 • Diffusion: Uniform distribution of solute in the solution • Comparison of Osmosis and Diffusion: Osmosis is the spontaneous passage of solvent from low to high conc. through semipermeable membrane Diffusion is the movement of the solute from high to low conc. Osmosis can be reversed or stopped by applying opposite pressure Diffusion can not be stopped or reversed Osmosis occurs in solutions only Diffusion occurs in gases also For osmosis semipermeable membrane is necessary In diffusion semipermeable membrane is not needed In osmosis only solvent moves In Diffusion solvent and solute both move Osmosis is unidirectional Diffusion is bidirectional Osmosis happens due to differential OP Diffusion takes place due to differential concentration • Semipermeable membrane Allows the flow of solvent molecules only There are two types of Semipermeable Membrane 1. 2. Natural: parchment paper, cell wall, gall bladder, egg membrane Artificial: Cu-ferrocynide membrane, cellulose nitrate membrane They serve as molecular filters • Osmotic Pressure: Hydrostatic pressure developed within the solution which is just sufficient to stop the osmosis OR External pressure just needed to stop the osmosis • Reverse Osmosis: Flow of solvent from high conc. to low conc. through semipermeable membrane This is possible when external pressure is applied in the high conc. area Types of Solutions (Based on Osmotic Pressure) Isotonic solns: Hypertonic soln: Hypotonic soln: Having same OP Having higher OP Having Lower OP When a plant cell is put in hypotonic solution, water diffuses in and the cell swells When a plant cell is put in hypertonic solution, water diffuses out and the cell shrinks When isotonic solutions are separated by SPM there is no net flow of water Solvent flows from hypotonic to hypertonic solution 0.91% NaCl solution is isotonic to human blood cells Blood cells put in 4% NaCl solution will shrink and put in o.1% NaCl will swell • • • • • • Behaviour of dilute solution resembles a gas Solute particles behave like gas molecules OP of a dilute solution resembles gas pressure Gas laws are applicable to dilute solutions Equation similar to Ideal gas equation can exist There are following Laws of OP: 1. Boyle-Van't Hoff Law 2. Pressure-Temperature Law At constt. Temperature, Osmotic Pressure is proportional to concentration of solution. Po C But: C = n/V, therefore C = 1/V Therefore: Po 1 V (n = 1) • At given Concentration, Osmotic Pressure is proportional to the Temperature of solution. Van't Hoff Equation for Solutions • It is similar to Ideal Gas Equation • It is drawn from the 2 Laws of OP • R’ is called as Van’t Hoff constant Po V nR' T Calculation of M. Wt. of solute from Osmotic Pressure Since: PoV = nR’T And: n = w/M Therefore: M wRT Po V • When solute gets ionised or associated, actual no. of particle increases or decreases • Therefore the OP being collegative property, increases or decreases • To consider this fact Van’t of Factor, i , is introduced in the equation PoV = i.nR’T Where: i actual number of particles after ionisation number of particles if there is no ionisation Complied and Presented by Presentation owned by