Oral and Poster Presentation Schedule Oral Presentations International Room:

Oral and Poster Presentation Schedule
Oral Presentations
International Room:
1:00 pm
Stacy Elmer
Health Inequality and Historical Injustice: Reconfiguring Transnational Duties and Obligations
James W.
Political Science
Promoting Wind Energy: Evaluating the Effects of State Renewable Energy Incentives
Franziska Jung
American Studies
The Struggle Against Discriminatory Clauses of KU’s Fraternities and Sororities during the 1960s
Marjeanna Faye
Global Indigenous
Nations Studies
The Embers of the Peace Pipe Slowly Fading Away: Stoking the Fires with Deep Dialogue to Create a
More Peaceful Society
Ryan Gaston
Cultivating a Reform: Masculinity, Agricultural Policy and Conservation of the Spanish Empire in the
Early Seventeenth Century
Megan K. Young
William Simkulet
History of Art
The Space Between: Laywomen Religious and the Penitential Processions of Sixteenth and
Seventeenth Century Seville
The Morality of Objects
Nathan Colaner
“Other Than Omniscient: An Interpretation and Defense of Kant’s Rejection of Aristotle’s Notion of
Finite Reason”
Junghawa Park
Art History
Studies on the Sutra of the Goryeo Dynasty (Korea, mid 14th century) at the Spencer Research
Library, KU
Dusty Clark
Laura R. Murphy
“The Impact of Iwahashi Takeo and Helen Keller on Japanese Society”.
From Kanpō to Ranpō: Government Authority and Shifting Medical Paradigms in Meiji Japan
Geoarchaeology of the Burntwood Creek Rockshelter(14RW418), Norwest Kansas
2:15 pm
3:30 pm
Parlors ABC:
1:00 pm
J.J. De Simone
Journalism & Mass
Envirofascists or Environmentalists? An Exploration of Newspaper Frames on Green Activists
Ayesha S.
Law, Health Policy
& Management
A Case for Universal Preschool in Kansas
Ji-Yeon Lee
Curriculum and
The effect of formal pronunciation instruction using duration manipulation on acquisition of English
vowel sounds by Korean learners of English.
High-performance work practices and knowledge creation in organizations
Jamie Bone
Music and Dance
Is Your Piano Student Ready for College?
Greg Haynes
Peter Purin
Jessie Fillerup
Music and Dance
Music and Dance
Music and Dance
An Investigation of Staccato versus Legato Stroke Technique in Contemporary Percussion Practice
with Experimental Application to the Concert Snare Drum
An Analytical Approach to Performing "Company"
The Paradox of Acting: Grotesque Aesthetics in Ravel's Daphnis et Chloe
Kevin Boatright
DaMaris Hill
Humanities &
“Some Great Cause”: The Peace Ministry of William Sloane Coffin, Jr.
Notes from a True Patriot: Liberty and Justice for All
Sidney Dement
Zachary Ingle
Slavic Languages
and Literatures
Theatre and Film
Truth and Reality in Bulgakov's Master and Maragarita
“Cinema’s Popularity as its Chief Virtue: The Film Criticism of Graham Greene”
2:15 pm
3:30 pm
Pine Room
1:00 pm
Yelena Wu
Clinical Child
Discussion of Children’s Psychosocial Problems in a Kansas Family Medicine Practice
Danya Laura
Tugce Kurtis
Clinical Psychology
The Predictors of Giving In: A Propective Study of Self-Esteem and Acquiescing to Unwanted Sexual
Silence and Memory: A Cultural Psychological Analysis of American Thanksgiving Celebrations
Seungyeon Lee
Psychology &
Research in
Thinking about thinking: The impact of strategy use on problem solving
Cathy Collins
Ecology &
Leading and lagging indicators of bird species declines.
Geoffrey Akers
Jae Hyun Kim
Engineering &
Computer Science
An Approach to Ground Moving Target Indication (GMTI) Using Multiple resolutions of
Simultaneously Generated Multilook SAR Images
Mining microarray data
Bin Hu
The effect of surface tension on the epithelial spreading of non-Newtonian drug delivery vehicles:
numerical simulations
Physical Therapy
and Rehabilitation
Sciences, KUMC
Bone Density and Brain Atrophy in Early Alzheimer Disease
Fractional martingales and characterization of the fractional Brownian motion
2:15 pm
3:30 pm
Jian Song
English Room
1:00 pm
Shepard, Ryan
M. & Warnock,
Jon D.
“When water works: Strategic tears in political campaigns, and the 2008 Presidential Election”
Linsey A.
Political Science
Help America Vote? A Comparison of Voter Turnout in the 1998 and 2006 Kansas Elections
Alison E. Snider
Political Science
An Analysis of the Effectiveness of American Charter Schools and Indian Low-Fee Private Schools on
Fourth Grade Math Test Scores.
Alex Williams
Political Science
One for All and All for One: Creating Cooperative Attitudes in a Simulated Middle Eastern Conflict
Cristian Cantir
Political Science
Romanian and Bulgarian Involvement in the Iraq War: A Sequential Foreign Policy Decision-Making
Patrick O.
Vladimir Petrov
Political Science
Political Science
Human Development and Electoral Volatility in Sub-Saharan Africa
Near-Term Forecasts Of Crisis and Instability Using Hidden Markov Models
2:15 pm
3:30 pm
KuoRay Mao
Pooya Naderi &
Brian Meier
Linda Williams
Contextual Interaction and Bicultural Orientation: Identity Career of Taiwanese Immigrant Youth in
“Privatization in the Dutch Context: A Comparison of the Health Insurance Systems of the Netherlands
and the United States”
U.S. Agricultural Policy and Climate Variability in the Soviet Union in the 1970s: Drought, Policy
and Earl Butz
Poster Presentations
Big 12 Room
1:00-3:00 pm
Alejandro Ogata
Architecture and Urban Planning
Managing disruptive technologies in large A/E Kansas practices: A study on
the social impact of technological innovation on the labor force, how we
shape our technology and it in turn shapes us.
Scott Johnson
Viveka C Devadas
Erin Wurfel
Architecture and Urban Planning
Architectural Management
Aberrant Agriculture: Urban AgriCULTURE for the 21st Century
Public Transportation
Freight Analysis Framework for Major Metropolitan Areas in Kansas
Jing Guo
Civil, Environmental and
Architectural Engineering
Gas phase emissions from a heavy-duty engine using biodiesel blends.
Xiaolu Chen
Civil, Environmental and
Architectural Engineering
Civil, Environmental and
Architectural Engineering
Sedigheh (Sepideh)
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Sedimentation in Kansas Reservoirs and the Kansas Analytical Method for
Natural Channel Design
Assessment of the short and long term Effectiveness of bioretention cell
treating paved surface runoff in Lenexa Kansas
The synergistic relationship between the Pt/CeZrO2 catalyst and the
SrFeCo0.5Ox (SFC) ceramic membrane for hydrogen production
Madhav Ghanta
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Greener Oxidation of Ethylene and Propylene Minimizes Environmental
Impact and Increases Safety
Qiying Jiang
William H. Bennett
Natalie Ciaccio
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Shuang Cai
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
John Shelley
Investigation and Intensification of oxygen permeable membrane
Food Stock to Fuel Properties
Brain Cancer: New Hope for a Deadly Disease
Delivery system of intralymphatic chemotherapy for the treatment of breast
Andria L. Skinner
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Understanding the mechanism of inactivation of Phosphatase of
Regenerating Liver-1 (PRL-1), a novel protein drug target for the treatment
of cancer metastasis
Shary N. Shelton
Pharmacology and Toxicology, and
“KU135, an inhibitor of Hsp90, exerts potent antiproliferative effects in
human leukemic Jurkat T cells”
Linda Blake
Medicinal Chemistry
Lung Cancer Chemoprevention: Selective Inhibition of Cytochrome P450
Dhara Desai
Melinda L Toumi
Development of an online microdialysis-microchip electrophoresis system
for near real time monitoring of amino acids in rat striatum
Improving Biological Drug Safety
Erick Spears
Molecular Biosciences
Musashi and APC: A Link Between Wnt Signaling and Differentiation of
Colonic Epithelium
Adam Norris
Jamie Chapman
Molecular Biosciences
Molecular Biosciences
How neurons grow: live imaging the growth cone of a developing axon.
MIG-15 controls neuronal migration in C. elegans
Kellen Voss
Molecular Biosciences
GSK-3β Phosphorylation Mildly Affects Functionally Distinct Tau Isoforms
Natasha DeVore
Rafael Senos Demarco
Molecular Biosciences
Molecular Biosciences
Key Active Site Residues Controlling Phenacetin Metabolism by Human
Cytochrome P450 2A Enzymes
RACK-1 controls axon pathfinding in C. elegans
Susan A. Kary
Dietetics and Nutrition
Effect of Dietary Conjugated Glycomacropeptide and Cholesterol on Cortical
Brain Composition in Young Rats
Alexis Reed
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Ciera Martinez
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Keeping Our Forests Forested: A History of U.S. Forest Service Policy
Duplication and Divergence of Veronicaceae Floral Symmestry Genes:
Implications for the Reduction/Loss of Floral Zygomanony
Steve Davis
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Evolution of Baridine Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Baridinae)
Alvin J. BonillaRodríguez
Historic reconstruction of coral bleaching in the Caribbean region
Quantifying Surface Subsidence along US Highway 50, Reno County, KS
using Terrestrial LiDAR and Seismic Methods: Implications for Sinkhole
Development and Risk Assessment along Rapidly Developing Urban
Joshua S. Campbell
Building a First Generation Cyberinfrastructure at the Kansas Biological
Liz Legerski and Jon
Mapping Racial and Socio-Environmental Inequalities in Birth Outcomes:
An Inter-Disciplinary Analysis
Trish Jackson
Urban Gardens - Where Climate, Soils, and Society Converge
Suzanne Adlof
Speech-Language Hearing: Sciences
and Disorders
Grammatical knowledge of children with specific reading comprehension
Grace E. McConnell
Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences
and Disorders
An Investigation of the Spoken Narratives of At-Risk American Indian
Mindy Sittner Bridges
Speech-Language-Hearing: Sciences
and Disorders
Reading Achievement Growth in Children with Language Impairments
Megan Blossom
Child Language
Usage of ‘do’ in children with and without Specific Language Impairment
Alyson Abel
Child Language Doctoral Program
A comparison of children with SLI and control children on the PPVT-R and
PPVT-3: Effects of test revision on sensitivity to affectedness
Andrea Ash
Child Language Doctoral Program
The relationship between parental and standardized measures of vocabulary
Jill Hoover
Child Language Doctoral Program
The Effect of Vocabulary on Grammar Development in Young Children
Leah L. Kapa
Brian R. Earl
Child Language Doctoral Program
Communicative Disorders
Nikki Keene
Applied Behavioral Science
Executive Function in Simultaneous and Sequential Bilingual Children
Uncovering the Causes of Hearing Loss
The effects of community based participatory research on reducing risk for
adolescent substance use in Kansas City, Kansas
Victoria Frehe
Psychology and Research in
Spanish Translation Of the Children’s Hope Scale Using Quantitative
Methods for Verifying Semantic Equivalence.
Andrew Herrs
Clinical Child Psychology
Examining the Mental Health Trends and Service Utilization of Biracial
Audra Sterling
Cognitive Psychology
Informing the language phenotype of autism through research on fragile X
Alexander M.
Looking Good for Their Age? Perceptions of Anti-Aging Actions
Jacklyn Ratliff
Richard Aaron Martinez
Steve Bistricky
Is He As Relationally Aggressive As She? The Association of Gender
Stereotypes with Relational Aggression
Comparing Explicit and Implicit Measures of Compassion
Emotional Facial Expression Interpretation Differences Among Individuals
With and Without Risk Factors for Major Depression
Anna Kern
Climate Change Attitudes and Race: The Role of Scientific Skepticism,
Political Party Identification and Environmental Attitudes
Ann Raab
Unleashing the Wolf: General Order No. 11 and Civil War on the Western
Geetha Chittoor
Relationship between body morphology and lipid levels among the
Mennonites of Henderson, Nebraska.
Kristin Young
Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup diversity in three provinces of the Basque
Country, Spain.
Ryan Gibb
Political Science
NGO Registration in Uganda: Economic and Political Markets in Tropical
Serena H. Huang
The Impact of High-Skilled Immigration on Wages of U.S. Natives
Garnett Arnold
Education Leadership and Policy
Selectivity versus Open Enrollment: Improving Academic Standards, or
Returning to Academic Elitism?
Sanae Akaba
Eductional Leadership and Policy
Parental Involvement in eduction and its unintentional outcomes.
Hsiu-Chiao Fan
Curriculum and Teaching
The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategies in Facilitating Taiwanese
University Learners in EFL Reading Comprehension
Sangeeta Parikshak
Lonna Summers
Curriculum and Teaching
Empowerment and Self-Efficacy in the Lives
Elizabeth K. McClain
Belinda B Mitchell
Curriculum and Teaching, Preventive
Medicine, and Public Health
Special Education
Barriers to colorectal cancer screening study recruitment in rural primary
Exploring Walton Rural Life Center
Judith Gross, M.S.
Special Education
Identifying and Defining the Components and Indicators of Participant
Luchara Sayles Wallace
Special Education
Capturing the Pioneer Spirit: Family Perceptions of Outcomes Following the
Participant-Directed Use of the HCBS Medicaid Waiver
Sunyoung Ahn
Jake Cornett
Special Education
Special Education
The Effects of School Membership on Academic and Behavioral
Performance of At-Risk Students
A study of Instructional Coaching in secondary schools
Theresa C. Brown
Health, Sport and Exercise Science
Is there a Relationship between the Activity Class Environment and a
Person’s Decision to Exercise?
Jamie Hunt
Brian J. Nelson
Health, Sport, and Exercise Science
Music and Dance
How Tobacco Treatment is Currently Delivered in Drug Treatment
Vocalise- Vocal and Instrumental Music of Brian J. Nelson
James McAllister
Music Education and Music Therapy
Connectivity in Music Education Curricula: An Investigation into the Orff
Approach and its adaptation in Instrumental Music Education
Susan Bubna
Rob Topinka
Theater and Film
The Shape of Our State: Tracking Graduates of IA Rural High Schools in
Southeast Kansas Who have participated in Theater Arts Programs
‘She’s a Stranger Now Again’: Domesticity and Estrangement in Henry VIII