S&C Vista® Underground Distribution Switchgear Outdoor Distribution S&C Vista Underground Distribution Switchgear features load-interrupter switches and resettable, vacuum fault interrupters in series with disconnect switches . . . all in a submersible, SF6-insulated, welded-steel tank. The switchgear includes clearly visible open gaps and integral visible grounds to simplify operations, enhance safety, and minimize the duration of an outage. With the optional voltage-indication feature, all routine tasks—switching, voltage testing, and grounding—can be accomplished by a single person without cable handling or exposure to high voltage. The load-interrupter switches provide three-pole switching for 600-ampere main feeders, and the fault interrupters provide single-pole switching and single-pole Overcurrent Control or three-pole fault protection for 600-ampere main feeders and 200-ampere taps, laterals, and subloops. Fault interruption is initiated by a microprocessor-based overcurrent control which is housed in a watertight enclosure mounted on the gear. The control features innovative time-current characteristic (TCC) curves with selectable instantaneous and definite-time delay attributes for superior coordination with upstream protective devices and downstream power fuses. Standard “E” speed curves can also be selected. The minimum total clearing time (from initiation of the fault to total clearing) is 40 milliseconds (2.5 cycles) allowing for easier coordination with upstream circuit breakers. Integral current transformers provide power and current sensing. Watertight enclosure Adapter cable Overcurrent control—current transformers (not shown) provide power and signal input for the control User-supplied personal computer is used to program the overcurrent control. Allows selection of TCC curves and single-pole or three-pole tripping for the fault interrupters Figure 1. User-supplied personal computer is attached to the overcurrent control for programming of the control in the field. Selectable TCCs include E-speed, coordinating-speed tap, and coordinating-speed main curves. Coordinating-speed curves can be tailored to the application using various instantaneous and definite-time settings. Supersedes Photo Sheet 681-703 dated 9-3-96 ©2004 PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY 681-703 Page 1 of 8 February 23, 2004 S&C Vista® Underground Distribution Switchgear Outdoor Distribution Available TCCs The overcurrent control was designed to meet specific coordination needs. Existing pad-mounted gear with fuses only coordinates with upstream relays and downstream current-limiting fuses through 5,000 or 6,000 amperes, even though underground distribution systems often see higher fault currents. In response, S&C has developed special new “coordinating” speed TCC curves that provide complete coordination with upstream circuit-breaker relays as well as downstream current-limiting fuses through the entire range of typical fault currents . . . all the way to 12,500 amperes. The control features phase-overcurrent curves as well as ground-overcurrent curves to coordinate with sourceside breakers or reclosers with ground-trip settings. Separate curves were designed for main and tap protection to provide complete coordination between fault interrupters applied on main feeders and those applied on associated subloop taps. Five families of curves are available as follows: • “E” speed curves—from 25E amperes through 200E amperes. • “K” speed curves—from 25K amperes through 200K amperes. • “Coordinating” speed tap curves—with minimum pickup settings from 50 amperes through 400 amperes. These curves are used in conjunction with fault interrupters feeding subloop taps and have been specifically designed to optimize coordination with load-side weaklink/backup current-limiting fuse combinations and 681-703 Page 2 of 8 February 23, 2004 Overcurrent Control source-side relays with low time-dial settings. As such, the curves are faster than “E” speed and “K” speed power fuse TCC curves. • “Coordinating” speed main curves—with minimum pickup settings from 100 amperes through 800 amperes. These curves are used in conjunction with fault interrupters on main feeders and have longer minimum response times and different shapes to coordinate with tap-interrupter curves. • Time-overcurrent relay curves conforming to IEEE C37.112-1996 IEEE Standard Inverse-Time Characteristic Equations for Overcurrent Relays —U.S. Moderately Inverse Curve U1, U.S. Inverse Curve U2, U.S. Very Inverse Curve U3, U.S. Extremely Inverse Curve U4, U.S. Short-Time Inverse Curve U5, I.E.C. Class A Curve (Standard Inverse) C1, I.E.C. Class B Curve (Very Inverse) C2, I.E.C. Class C Curve (Extremely Inverse) C3, I.E.C. Long-Time Inverse Curve C4, and I.E.C. Short-Time Inverse Curve C5. The coordinating-speed TCCs can be customized into hundreds of different curves using a variety of instantaneous (1 ka through 8 ka) and definite-time delay (32 ms through 96 ms) settings. The minimum total clearing time is 40 milliseconds (2.5 cycles) to allow proper coordination with typical upstream circuit-breaker relays. If activated, the definite-time delay attribute adds an intentional time delay to allow coordination with conventional power fuses located downstream. For even more specialized shapes, a definite-time delay setting can be combined with an instantaneous trip setting. PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY Control Settings The parameters for the TCC curves are set using a personal computer connected to the data port of the overcurrent control. Programming of the control can be done in the shop or in the field. Refer to Figure 1. Unlike other controls that use knobs and dials, the settings cannot be inadvertently or haphazardly changed by unauthorized persons. Only qualified technicians have the ability to alter the settings. There is no need to purchase and install new circuit cards or entirely new controls to make changes. For maximum reliability, there are no mechanical parts such as switches and potentiometers to wear out or malfunction. The control allows a choice of single-pole or three-pole fault interruption, and 50- or 60-hertz operation. Input parameters for the TCCs include minimum pickup levels, instantaneous pickup levels, and definite-time delays for both phase- and ground-overcurrent curves. The groundovercurrent circuit, and the instantaneous and definite- time delay attributes can be disabled if desired. When an E-speed curve is selected, only the minimum pickup level for phase overcurrents is programmed into the control. As shown in Figure 2, the settings programmed into the computer can also be viewed for verification. When the overcurrent control is programmed for single-pole tripping of the fault interrupter, only those poles that have faulted will trip. The control will not respond to ground overcurrents, but will respond to phase overcurrents whether or not a ground fault is involved. For three-pole tripping of the fault interrupter, all three poles will operate regardless of which pole has faulted. In this case, the control will operate the fault interrupter in response to ground overcurrents given that a ground-fault setting has been programmed into the control. The ability to program the control for three-pole tripping allows for three-pole protection of three-phase transformers and other three-phase loads. Figure 2. Overcurrent-control settings. PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY 681-703 Page 3 of 8 February 23, 2004 S&C Vista® Underground Distribution Switchgear Outdoor Distribution Applications Overcurrent Control 1000 Phase Overcurrent Relay Type: CO-9 Time Dial: 3 Min. Pickup Current: 720A CTI: 0.15 sec. 10 1 .1 Miscoordination 100 000 1 000 10 000 .01 100 As shown in Figure 3, the first application involves an industrial park with 1,000- and 2,000-kva transformers served by a single loop. Due to the kva sizes of the transformers, power fuses are used at the transformers. It is necessary to limit the loop to two transformers of this size because of coordination problems between the 100E fuse at the transformer, the 200E fuse in the pad-mounted gear, and the utility’s phase relay at the substation which is set to pick up at 720 amperes. The coordination plot in Figure 4 shows how this design will only coordinate through 5,600 amperes, which is not always high enough since many industrial parks are located at the beginning of a circuit where fault currents are high. When Vista switchgear is applied in the same situation, at least twice as many transformers can be served by two Subloop Fuse (200E, Standard Speed) 100 10 Increased Load-Carrying Capability and Improved Coordination TransformerPrimary Fuse (100E, Standard Speed) TIME IN SECONDS Two applications of S&C Vista Underground Distribution Switchgear are described below. Each shows how the switchgear improves coordination and reliability using the same or fewer units of gear than required with traditional equipment. CURRENT IN AMPERES Figure 4. Miscoordination between 100E transformer fuse and 200E subloop fuse. B CO-9 Relay Phase: 720A 200E 200E N.O. 100E 50E 1000 KVA 2000 KVA Figure 3. Subloop protection provided by conventional (fused) pad-mounted switchgear. 681-703 Page 4 of 8 February 23, 2004 PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY Improved Circuit Reliability and Reduced Equipment Needs 1000 100 Tap Interrupter (Phase) Min. Pickup Current: 400A Def. Time Delay: 4 cycle TransformerPrimary Fuse (100E, Standard Speed) Phase Overcurrent Relay Type: CO-9 Time Dial: 3 Min. Pickup Current: 720A CTI: 0.15 sec. TIME IN SECONDS 10 1 .1 10 000 1 000 100 .01 10 As shown in Figure 7, the second application involves the use of conventional pad-mounted gear to tap a main feeder to serve two commercial parks. The settings of the phase- and ground-overcurrent relays at the utility’s substation are 720 amperes and 480 amperes, respectively. Three 1,500-kva transformers, each protected by an internal current-limiting fuse rated 100C (which is the largest internal fuse available), are used to serve three buildings. The largest tap fuse that will carry the load of two transformers and coordinate with the substation relays is 140K. Refer to Figure 8. Thus, it is necessary to establish two loops to serve the load. The total demand of the commercial park is 3,000 kva, and three such commercial parks could be connected to one main feeder without exceeding the capacity of a 13.2-kv circuit. However, the reliability of this design may 100 000 units of gear. See Figure 5. Full coordination is also achieved—through 12,500 amperes—by using a 400ampere coordinating-speed curve. As shown in Figure 6, the tap-interrupter curve includes a 4-cycle definite-time delay to coordinate with the 100E standard-speed fuse protecting the 2,000-kva transformer. CURRENT IN AMPERES Figure 6. Coordinating-speed tap curve with definite-time delay coordinates completely with 100E transformer fuse. B CO-9 Relay Phase: 720A 400A 400A N.O. 50E 1000 KVA 100E 2000 KVA 50E 1000 KVA 100E 2000 KVA Figure 5. Vista switchgear provides increased load-carrying capability in a single subloop. PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY 681-703 Page 5 of 8 February 23, 2004 S&C Vista® Underground Distribution Switchgear Outdoor Distribution 1000 100 Subloop Fuse (140K) Transformer Weak-Link Fuse (100A) Phase Overcurrent Relay Type: CO-9 Time Dial: 3 Min. Pickup Current: 720A CTI: 0.15 sec. 10 TIME IN SECONDS be questionable, depending on the length of the main feeder and the history of cable failures. The solution until now has been to bring a second circuit into the area to serve one of the commercial parks . . . obviously very expensive. With Vista switchgear, there is a better solution involving the installation of a “main” fault interrupter with a phase-overcurrent rating of 450 amperes and ground-overcurrent rating of 400 amperes. Refer to Figure 9. When a main interrupter is used on the main feeder, not only is an additional circuit not required but the reliability of the system is substantially improved through increased sectionalization. Due to better coordination and the higher continuous-current capability of the switchgear, only two units of gear are required to serve the entire load at each commercial park where previously three units were required. Figures 10 and 11 show the improved coordination for the phase current and ground current, respectively. Overcurrent Control 1 .1 Ground Overcurrent Relay Type: CO-9 Time Dial: 2.5 Min. Pickup Current: 480A CTI: 0.15 sec. 100 000 10 000 1 000 10 100 .01 CURRENT IN AMPERES Figure 8. Coordination between 140K subloop fuse, upstream relay, and 100A (C16) transformer weak-link fuse. CO-9 Relay Phase: 720A Ground: 480A B 140K 140K 140K 140K 140K COMMERCIAL PARK N.O. 100C 1500 KVA N.O. 100C 100C 1500 KVA 1500 KVA COMMERCIAL PARK Figure 7. Commercial parks supplied by conventional (fused) pad-mounted switchgear. 681-703 Page 6 of 8 February 23, 2004 PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY MAIN PROTECTOR Phase: 450A Ground: 400A CO-9 Relay Phase: 720A Ground: 480A B TAP PROTECTOR Phase: 350A Ground: 300A COMMERCIAL PARK COMMERCIAL PARK N.O. 100C 100C 100C 1500 KVA 1500 KVA 1500 KVA Figure 9. Addition of a fault interrupter on the main feeder provides increased reliability. 1000 1000 Main Interrupter (Phase) Min. Pickup Current: 450A Tap Interrupter (Phase) Min. Pickup Current: 350A Tap Interrupter (Ground) Min. Pickup Current: 300A 100 10 1 10 100 000 10 000 .01 1 000 .01 100 .1 10 .1 1 000 1 100 TIME IN SECONDS 10 Ground Overcurrent Relay Type: CO-9 Time Dial: 2.5 Min. Pickup Current: 480A CTI: 0.15 sec. 100 000 Phase Overcurrent Relay Type: CO-9 Time Dial: 3 Min. Pickup Current: 720A CTI: 0.15 sec. Transformer Weak-Link Fuse (100A) 10 000 100 TIME IN SECONDS Main Interrupter (Ground) Min. Pickup Current: 400A CURRENT IN AMPERES CURRENT IN AMPERES Figure 10. Complete coordination between upstream phase relay, feeder interrupter (phase TCC), and subloop tap interrupter (phase TCC). Figure 11. Complete coordination between upstream ground relay, main feeder interrupter (ground TCC), and subloop tap interrupter (ground TCC). PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY 681-703 Page 7 of 8 February 23, 2004 S&C Vista® Underground Distribution Switchgear Outdoor Distribution Event Recording Overcurrent Control have faulted, the magnitude of the fault, and whether or not a ground overcurrent was involved. This information can be accessed via a personal computer connected to the data port of the control. The overcurrent control features an event log that captures the last twelve operations of a fault interrupter. As shown in Figure 12, the event log indicates which poles View Menu INTERRUPTER 1: <select number> 1. View event report (last 12 events) 2. View load current 3. View relay settings 4. View relay self-test 9. Switch to Main Menu = View FI 1 > 1 View FI 1> 1 *Eve* # 1 2 3 **Faulted Poles** 1 2 X X 3 X X **** * Amperes ***** G X X X 1 4 24 2010 2 2040 1926 22 3 1829 18 18 G 1908 1908 1992 Elapsed **Time** (Seconds) 0.019 Press <ENTER> for menu Printed in U.S.A. Figure 12. Event log showing last three events that caused the fault interrupter to operate. 681-703 Page 8 of 8 February 23, 2004 PHOTO SHEET S&C ELECTRIC COMPANY