WESTERN ELECTRICITY COORDINATING COUNCIL TECHNICAL STUDIES SUBCOMMITTEE 7 May to 9 May 2014 Salt Lake City, UT MEETING AGENDA #166 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Day 1: 7 May 2014 1. SRWG Report (P. Mclean) 2:00 p.m.– 3:00 p.m. A. SRWG Topics i. Base Case Status Four cases have been approved since the last meeting (2024 HS1-S, 2014-15 LW1-S, 2014-15 HW3-OP, 2014-15 LW2-OP). Three cases are currently being complied (2014-15 LW2-OP, 2015 HSP1-OP, 2019-20 HW1). Next case is 2020HS due to WECC 2014-05-30 Request for Overcurrent relay data included in the request letter for 19-20HW1. Considerable discussion has been triggered among different utilities regarding the scope of this request. An attempt at clarification has been provided by the following wording: The scope of the data request is as follows: Submit data for any phase overcurrent protection devices that 1. protect transmission lines energized at 200kV or above or transformers where any terminal is energized at 200kV or above, and 2. are not supervised by timers or other components that limit operation operation of the device to a specific condition (such as loss-of-potential or switch-onto-fault), and 3. are not used as part of a protection scheme where they supervise other devices, and 4. are able to operate in less than sixty seconds. This request applies whether the overcurrent protection is considered “Primary”, “Secondary”, “A”, or “B”; however if the A and B protections have identical settings and operating characteristics, only one need be submitted. This request does not apply to ground, neutral or zero-sequence overcurrent relaying; or to generator protections. SRWG invites TSS members’ comments clarifying the scope of the overcurrent relay data request ii. Data Preparation Manual The DPM does not explicitly mention modeling requirements for distributed generation; however it does require a generator model for all 10+MVA Units and 20+MVA aggregation. Interpretation is that this rule applies equally to distribution-connected generators, and hence the Netted Generation Section of the DPM does not require change at this time. -1- Removed temporary bus number assignment of bus numbers 91,000-91,999 as internal bus number from the DPM SRWG received a presentation on GIC considerations, raising the question of how to collect and manage GIC data. WECC regional criteria is a potential tool for managing interconnection wide GIC modeling data. One of the most important data items to collect as a starting point is Latitude and Longitude. Alternate (BCCS) DPM is under development, addressing the major differences from the existing process: submitting PRJ files and approval process; case review and changes by additional PRJ files Need to change MDF manually; LR files. Removed all references to Master Tie-line File iii. Representation Log No new items have been added to the replog, but counts have increased. SRWG will focus on reducing the Long Load ID first. Secondary foci are unapproved models, starting with “gewtg” records as a focus area, and “PSS Required”. Model Implementation schedule is being developed by SRWG and will be posted on the SRWG webpage. iv. Annual Study Programme As reported at TSS 165, SRWG has adopted the Annual Study Programme Statement of Work from the PCC taskforce, for the 2014 Annual Study Programme. A set of Category C standard disturbances, one for each region, is being compiled to be run on every case as it is compiled as a data-check on the compiled case The Base Case compilation schedule for the 2015 Annual Study Programme is at http://www.wecc.biz/committees/StandingCommittees/PCC/TSS/SRWG/20140423/List s/Minutes/1/2015_Base_Case_Compilation_Schedule-Clean-v2.doc Light load definition was discussed extensively, with a consensus emerging that the goal is to define light load cases as a percentile on the total WECC curve, while addressing the challenge of defining the point in time in the case description since each area will have a different percentile point on the load duration curve for their light load hour. This issue is too big to answer in the timeframe required for publishing the 2015 schedule, so the Compliance SubGroup will develope a methodology to define light load cases using load duration curves. -2-