Series Capacitance Comparison Bridge R1 Most common Capacitance bridge circuit. Usually R3 and R1 are variable so that bridge reads capacitance and D R2 D C3 Rx R3 R1 R2 D L3 Lx R3 Scherring Bridge Maxwell-Wien Bridge Most common inductance bridge. R2 R1 D Cx C3 Rx = R3 R2 R1 Lx = L3 R2 R1 Q= ω L3 R3 Rx = R2 C1 C3 Cx = R3 R1 R2 D = ω R1C1 R2 R3 R1 Lx = R2 R3C1 D Q = ω R1C1 Lx R3 Rx R1 Rx ≈ ω 2C12 R1 R2 R3 R2 C1 Lx ≈ R2 R3C1 for Q > 10 D Lx R3 Wien Bridge Useful for determine frequency of a voltage source D = ω R3C3 Rx = R2 C1 Useful for parallel inductance measurements or high-Q measurements where R3 of Maxwell bridge would have to be impractically high. Also used for measurements with dc current bias because all current applied across bridge flows in Lx R1 R2 Rx R1 Hay Bridge Cx = C3 Rx C1 Used in high-voltage bridges with a high voltage capacitor as C3. Used in high-frequency bridges because variable capacitors can be used for both adjustments. Use in dielectric measurements because C1 gives highresolution loss measurement. R2 R1 Cx Series Inductance Comparison Bridge Basic inductance comparison bridge . Additional resistance added to inductor with lower Q to get resistance balance. Rx = R3 Rx R1 R2 C1 f = D R3 C3 R2 R1 C3 = + R4 R3 C1 Rx 1 2π C1C3 R1 R3