Analysis of the Growth of Muscle Myoblasts in the Rotary Cell Culture System Abstract Our previous experiments found that large multinucleated cells appeared when muscle myoblast cells were grown in Synthecon’s Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS). The purpose of this study was to determine if these multinucleated cells exhibited characteristics of differentiating muscle cells. A mouse muscle myoblast cell line, C2C12, was cultured as three-dimensional aggregates (without support structures) in both the RCCS and Petri dishes coated to prevent cell adhesion to the culture vessel. Cells were cultivated in growth medium with no replacement of serum type or serum deprivation. For this study, differentiation was defined as: 1) fusion of single myoblasts to form multinucleated cells (syncitia); and 2) expression of myosin, a muscle specific protein. Cell aggregates were fixed at day 3 and 7, embedded, and sectioned. Evaluation of H & E stained sections revealed higher numbers of multinucleated cells (syncitia) in the RCCS cultured cells than Petri dish suspension controls at both time points assessed. Quantification of muscle specific myosin using specific staining (immunofluorescence) revealed that RCCS cultured aggregates exhibited: 1) myosin distribution over greater areas; 2) more intense staining in myosin expressing areas compared to the suspension control; 3) the majority of syncitia and muscle specific myosin positive areas were on or near the aggregate periphery. These studies show: 1) Multinucleated muscle myoblasts exhibit characteristics of differentiation in the BR; 2) differentiation does not require conditions such as serum deprivation, changes in serum types, or attachment to a surface; and 3) this is a good model test system for studying muscle differentiation. Background/Introduction In vivo differentiation of muscle myoblast cells is thought to require 1) adhesion (sticking) to a surface or substrate and 2) removal of growth factors from the culture medium. Extra large cells have been observed on the periphery of aggregates cultured in Synthecon’s Rotary Cell Culture System (BR) without artificial substrate or the removal/depletion of growth factors. The purpose of this study was to assess if these muscle myoblasts present in aggregates exhibited characteristics of differentiating skeletal muscle cells. Methods-Cell Culture A) B) C) Mouse myoblasts C2C12 (ATCC) were cultivated in growth medium (GM) consisting of Minimal Essential Medium plus 10% Fetal Bovine Serum and antibiotics (1% Penicillin/Streptomycin). A) Mouse myoblasts growing in monolayer tissue culture. Note that each cell contains a single nucleus (white arrows). Round cells are in the process of division (red arrows). Monolayer cells were removed from the substrate by trypsin/EDTA, counted and seeded into 10 ml disposable vessels. B) The Rotary Cell Culture System (Synthecon, Inc-Houston, TX) was used to culture cells in a constant state of free fall to create 3D aggregates. C) Cells grown without support structures in a 10 ml vessel (BR). Controls consisted of cells seeded into 60 mm Petri dishes coated to prevent cells from adhering to the culture surface and remain in suspension like those in the BR (not shown). Cell Localization With Culture Method monolayer suspension Petri dish Petri dish Coated to prevent adhesion Trypsinized cells BR 3D Cells are dispersed in GM following trypsin removal. After seeding, cells in monolayer culture settle, attach to the vessel bottom, and flatten. If attachment is prevented by coating the bottom surface of the vessel, cells remain suspended, spherical in shape, and attach to each other. During BR culture, cell interaction and colocalization is facilitated and 3D aggregates form. Methodology Bioreactor cultureBR BR Fix 3 day aggregates Culture Period: 3 Days in GM SC Suspension cultureSC Stain: Myosin OR Fresh GM, continue culture, and fix 6/7 day aggregates Paraffin embed and section Stain: H&E Results: Cell Aggregation with Culture Time A) 2D Graph 3 Single Cells Remaining in Culture 100 B) % Single Cells 80 Graph of aggregate * studies 60 40 * 20 C) 0 l o ntr Co 0.5 ur ho Control Bioreactor Suspension Control r ou 1h r ou 2h Treatment r ou 3h r ou 6h D) r ou 9h * only 2 replicates * only 1 replicate Cell aggregates formed in BR and SC culture environments with time. Graph represents mean percent single cells of 3 replicate experiments with a minimum of 500 events counted per treatment per replicate. The percent of single cells remaining in culture was used as a measure of cell aggregation. The SC’s at the 6 and 9 hour time points consisted of very large aggregates and few single cells. Thus 500 events could not be counted in all replicates and were excluded from statistical evaluation. The control (black) consisted of an aliquot of cells used to seed the culture vessels (0 treatment, 0 hour). Two way ANOVA statistical analysis of the data (BR vs SC, Time) revealed a statistically significant interaction between Treatment and Time (p = <0.001). Multiple comparisons vs control (Holm-Sidak method) revealed significant differences: 1) between BR and SC at all time points ( p<0.001), 2) within the SC at all time points (p<0.001) and 3) within the BR at 2 and 3 hours (p=0.006, p<0.001, respectively). Photos-(A) suspension culture 6 hr; (B) greater than 6hr; (C) BR aggregates and (D) close-up view of BR aggregates. Results: Aggregate Viability A) B) D) C) A) B) C) D) Thin sections of aggregates with H &E staining revealed absence of dead cells (necrosis). Confocal microscopy image of a smaller aggregate stained with the Live/Dead assay (Molecular Probes). Green fluorescent staining indicates that cells are alive while red cells are dead. Confocal microscopy cross section of the image shown above at a depth of 25 m. No dead cells were observed. Confocal cross-section view of another aggregate. Three dead cells (stained red) are evident around the periphery of aggregate. Results: C2C12 Fusion/Differentiation A) B) A) Monolayer culture: Arrows highlight some of the maturing muscle cells characterized by an elongated shape and many nuclei (original mag 200X). B) BR culture: Aggregated myoblasts fused to form multinucleated cells known as syncitia in BR without stimulation (400X). Few syncitia were seen in SC aggregates (not shown). C) C) H&E staining of 7 day aggregate (400X). Red arrows indicate multinucleated syncitia. Results: BR Culture Increases Syncitia Formation Effects of Bioreactor Culture on Differentiation: Syncitia Formation Number of Syncitia per Field (Corrected) 10 8 Eight day BR aggregate. Note large cells at periphery. 6 4 2 0 s ay 3D Bioreactor, 3 days Suspension Control, 3 days Bioreactor, 6+ days Suspension Control, 6+ days s ay 3D s D 6+ ay D 6+ s ay Treatment Eight day BR aggregate sectioned and stained with H & E. The number of syncitia are increased in BR and with time in culture. H&E stained sections were used to quantify the number of syncitia per field of view. Two way ANOVA (BR vs SC, Time) revealed a statistically significant interaction between Treatment and Time (p = <0.001). Multiple Pairwise comparisons (Holm-Sidak method) revealed significant differences: 1) between BR and SC at 6+ days ( p<0.001); 2) within the SC (p=0.001); and 3) within the BR (p<0.001). Graph represents the mean number of syncitia per field of view; bars represent standard error. A minimum of 59 fields were counted per treatment (3 replicate experiments). Results: Skeletal muscle specific myosin expression increased in BR culture and with time Effects of Bioreactor Culture on Differentiation: Myosin Expression 200x103 Thresholded Area in Pixels 150x103 7 day SC aggregate sectioned and stained with MHC antibody and secondary (red). 100x103 50x103 0 ay BR 3D BR 6/7 y Da SC 3D Treatment Bioreactor, 3 Days Bioreactor, 6/7 Days Suspension Control, 3 Days Suspension Control, 6/7 Days ay y SC 6/7 Da 7 day BR aggregate treated as above. Note the increased expression of MHC. Differentiation as determined by myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression is increased in BR and with time in culture. Thin sections were deparaffinized, rehydrated, and stained using an antibody to MHC (fast and neonatal) (MY-32, Sigma) and appropriate secondary. Images were collected using a Nikon Epi 800 with a CoolPix and analyzed with Metamorph software. Two way ANOVA (BR vs SC, Time) revealed a statistically significant interaction between Treatment and Time (p = 0.009). Multiple Pairwise comparisons (Holm-Sidak method) revealed significant differences: 1) between BR and SC at 6+ days (p<0.001) and 2) within the BR (p<0.001). Graph represents the mean number of pixels per field of view; bars represent standard error. A minimum of 31 fields were counted per treatment (2 independent experiments). Conclusions Multinucleated myoblast cells grown in the Rotary Cell Culture System (BR) were found to exhibit characteristics of differentiating muscle cells: Increased muscle myoblast cell fusion was observed as evidenced by a significantly increased number of multinucleated synctia in the BR compared to the control SC. Enhanced muscle myoblast differentiation occurred as indicated by increased myosin heavy chain expression in the BR compared to the control SC. No solid supports (scaffolding or beads) or special differentiation medium is needed for this fusion and differentiation to occur. BR culture conditions reduce cell death (necrosis) in the interior of multicellular tissue constructs when compared to tissue constructs produced in suspension in coated Petri dishes. This model test system is suitable for assessing cellular and molecular alterations which occur during muscle myoblast differentiation and fusion.