1. Go to the Animals Lab table for supplies.
2. Use 1 White, Green, Yellow, Blue, and Red paper to create a complementary strand of
3. Double check your answers with three people and then Glue it to Page 81.
4. Draw a box around 1 nucleotide and label it.
5. Draw a small venn diagram:
Compare and contrast one nucleotide to another.
• Draw a 1-3 frame cartoon of what would happen if….. Your cells did not have DNA.
• Use at least 3 colors.
1. Create a table with the stages on the left hand side. And then a place for pictures on the right.
2. With the socks at your table to represent chromosomes… create each stage of the cell cycle to help you with your drawing.
Stages of Cell Cycle Picture
Interphase– G1
Interphase– S
Interphase – G2
Mitosis – Prophase
Mitosis – Metaphase
Mitosis – Anaphase
Mitosis –Telophase
• People make millions of dollars off of T-Shirt design. Sometimes funny, sometimes just cool, sometimes to create awareness.
• Design a t-Shirt that would explain how the cell cycle causes cancer.
• You may trace the Shirt Design on Page 84 to get started.
• Go to www.cool2bnerdy.com
• Review the Prezi – about testable hypotheses.
• Write notes.
• Create 3 testable hypotheses and then three hypotheses that cannot be tested . Make sure they are labeled!!
• Make sure they are different from the ones in the presentation.
• Recreate this
Food web.
Make a Key and
Identify the
Following roles
In the food web.
producer consumer (1’2’3’…) decomposer scavenger
• Thinking about the following food web….
• Pull 2 organisms from the p. 87 organism container…
• Pull 1 Statement from the p. 87 statement container..
Write all your statements on page 87…. At least 10
When the container is empty… refill it.
• If we increase the ____________ population then the ___________________ population will __________________.
• If we decrease the ____________ population
• Then the _________________ population will
Coopers Hawk
Bracket Fungus
Puff ball
Living leaf
Dead animal fox alligator lizard millipede bacteria pill bug cricket dead leaf rotting log
• Write a letter (to the editor, to your parent, etc.) describing your experiences about
• For example, you might be an electron, writing about your travels through the electron transport system of a chloroplast.
• You could be a hydronium ion looking for a mate in a neutralization reaction.
• You should include a picture in your letter.
p.89 Ecological Pyramid on Planet
• Draw a Ecological Pyramid from the planet
Zinghow ( a far away planet much like earth).
Label all the parts.
• The graphic should also include where decomposers would go as well as the sun.
• Must use at least 4 colors
• Use a Red color to show the transfer of energy within the graphic.
• Create a Window Pane foldable for the following symbiotic relationships.
– Mutualism
– Commensalism
– Parasitism
– Predation
Include a definition, and example, and picture!
-- Sort the Symbiosis cards into the appropriate categories. And check your answers!!
• Go to the Protist table.
• Set up p. 91 like the example.
• Turn the microscopes on.
• Draw different structures on slides provided.
But make sure you calculated include the total magnification.
• Create Folding Fact Sheets for the following terms.
– Cell membrane
– Chloroplasts
– Mitochondria
– Nucleus
• Make a simplified version of this diagram on your notebook page.
• Use at least 4 colors.
• Write a sentence for each of the numbered arrows.
• Create an Haiku for the word Fermentation make sure to include how it contributes to cell energy.
• Haiku is a minimalist, contemplative poetry from Japan that emphasizes nature, color and contrasts. There are 3 lines and 17 syllables distributed in a 5, 7 and 5 syllable pattern. A haiku should communicate a sensation or the “distilled essence” of a specific fact or concept.
• 5 syllables in the first line
• 7 syllables in the second line
5 syllables in the third line.
Chromosomes pairing
Then pulled apart by spindles
It’s the dance of life!
• Your haiku must follow the metric pattern and deal with any aspect of topic covered in class. Create a border and artwork reflecting the topic or your insight. Then write a 3- to 5-sentence explanation telling how the haiku demonstrates an understanding of the assigned term or concept.
• Draw a simplified version of this diagram on your page.
• Using the diagram, write the equation for photosynthesis and cellular respiration.
• Draw a box around each Product
• Circle each reactant.
• Use at least 4 colors on this page.
p. 96 Density Independent and
Dependent Factors
• Draw a venn diagram that compares and contrasts these two population factors
• Include 2 colors
• Draw a diagram that explains the words:
– Equilibrium
– Isotonic
– Hypertonic
– Hypotonic
• Write a short story about a fish.
• Make sure to include the words:
– Equilibrium
– Isotonic
– Hypertonic
– Hypotonic
• You are a beam of light!!
• Draw a flow map of how your solar energy is converted in a plant.
• Make thinking map
• It must include pictures and definitions of these words
• Use at least 3 colors
– Active transport
– Passive transport
– Exocytosis
– Endocytosis
– Osmosis
– Diffusion
– Facilitated diffusion
– Protein Pumps
– Protein channels
• Make a chart and fill in the blanks!
Nucleic Acids
Monomers nucleotides
Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids
Sugars Found in
Naming conventions
Used for
All life functions
End in –id
• Write a 3 sentence summary of what the world would be like without enzymes.
• Go to the fungi lab table.
• Sort out the macromolecules there into 4 categories
– Nucleic acids
– Lipids
– Proteins
– Carbohydrates.
– Write down what they have in common to let you know how to sort them.
• Draw graphs that show how the following circumstances would effect enzyme activity.
– Increase temperature
– Decrease temperature
– Increase pH
– Decrease pH