Unit Learning Guide School of Humanities and Communication Arts Professional Writing and Editing Unit Number 101929 Teaching Session Spring 2015 Unit Weighting 10 credit points Unit Level Undergraduate Unit Level 2 Unit Co-ordinator(s) Dr Ray Archee (Werrington South) and Ms Myra Gurney (Parramatta) Other Teaching Staff Dr Roger Dawkins Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 1 of 34 Student Consultation Face-to-face consultations can be arranged by email. Email your tutor for an appointment time. Student Communication Students must use their UWS student e-mail address in all correspondence with the Unit Coordinator and Tutors. Attendance Requirements Attendance is expected at all tutorials in which you are registered. Students are expected to attend a minimum of 80% of classes. Records will be taken for verification purposes. Lectures and tutorials are an essential part of your learning. Students have the responsibility to keep up with the unit content by viewing the unit website and by attending tutorials. No consideration will be made or consideration will be given to students who do not attend regularly except in the case of illness or misadventure. Non-attendance due to illness or misadventure or for other legitimate reasons should be documented and submitted to the Unit Coordinator. Changes and Improvements to the Unit as a Result of Student Feedback The University values student feedback in order to improve the quality of its educational programs. As a result of student feedback, the following changes and improvements to this unit have recently been made: Revamped website, changed structure of tutorials, included new topics, improved assessment guidelines. Expectations of Students Students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the terms of the UWS Student Code of Conduct. Students should be familiar with the University of Western Sydney’s Work Health and Safety Policy. Raising Concerns If you have a concern about this unit, please contact your lecturer or tutor in the first instance. If the matter is not resolved, then you may contact the unit coordinator (see inside front cover). If you would prefer to speak to someone else, you are advised to contact the Director of Academic Program, Associate Professor Kaye Shumack, k.shumack@uws.edu.au, responsible for the unit. Please note the Director of Academic Program may refer your concern to a delegate to review and to respond to you. The University also has a confidential Complaints Resolution Unit (see link below). Staff in that unit can provide you with advice on addressing your concerns within the School and, in some circumstances, they may undertake an investigation. Concerns must be raised with the Complaints Resolution Unit within a six month timeframe. http://www.uws.edu.au/about_uws/governance/complaints_management_and_resolution Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 2 of 34 Unit Details Handbook Summary Professional communicators require advanced writing and editing skills. This unit explores the nature of writing and preparation of texts for use across different media platforms and in various contexts. In particular, the unit develops skills in editing and re-purposing of writing, and further develops understanding of key writing tools such as voice, emphasis, tone, grammar and punctuation and Plain English for professional purposes. Through in-class workshops and time-restricted editing tasks, students will demonstrate a range of professional writing skills from corporate communications to advanced editing. UWS Graduate Attributes 1. Commands multiple skills and literacies to enable adaptable lifelong learning 2. Demonstrate knowledge of indigenous Australia through cultural competency and professional capacity 3. Demonstrates comprehensive, coherent and connected knowledge 4. Applies knowledge through intellectual inquiry in professional or applied contexts 5. Brings knowledge to life through responsible engagement and appreciation of diversity in an evolving world Course Learning Outcomes A Graduate of the UWS Bachelor of Arts will be able to: 1. Demonstrate skills in understanding, critically interpreting and evaluating logic and argument 2. Communicate skilfully and effectively 3. Use a range of research methods and technologies to find, order, evaluate and present information and ideas 4. Operate with a high level of social and cultural awareness 5. Demonstrate an awareness of Indigenous Australia 6. Demonstrate a coherent body of knowledge within a recognised academic discipline 7. Use a skill set appropriate to at least one academic discipline and recognise connections and applications to other disciplinary fields 8. Demonstrate high standards of scholarly and social values and ethics in their studies 9. Work effectively with texts of different sorts appropriate to the recognised academic discipline of their chosen major Unit Learning Outcomes The Unit’s Learning Outcomes specifically support the BA Course Learning Outcomes. At the successful completion of this unit, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Apply theories of writing Re-purpose information for a variety of media platforms Identify and remediate instances of faulty writing Use voice, coherence, emphasis, concision and Plain English appropriately Use basic English grammar and punctuation effectively Edit texts for length, audience, medium and purpose Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 3 of 34 7. Use professional layout, design and visuals/charts to enhance readability and professional presentation. Student Workload The expected workload in this unit is: 10 hours per week (for all 10 credit point units), including 2 hours in class and 8 hours in own study time. Note: All readings are available online via links in the Schedule and within the tutorial page of the relevant week. Schedule Learning and Teaching Activities 1. This unit will use a specially designed webpage to coordinate the tutorial activities. This can be found at the following URL http://school.hca.uws.edu.au/units/wp_101929_spr/ This link can be accessed either directly or via the unit’s vUWS homepage. 2. As participation in tutorial activities requires the use of a PC or iPad, students must come to class with these items. Week: Date Week 1: 20 July Tutorial Introduction to professional writing and editing or ‘It’s only people like you’ who care about this stuff. Background Reading: Petelin, R. & Durham, M. (2003). Writing in a Business Environment in The Professional Writing Guide: Writing well and knowing why Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin pp. 1-13 Discussion Question: A student once told me in a previous writing unit, that it was only ‘people like me’ who worried about the micro issues of writing and editing. Do you agree? Is there a need for attention to clear writing in organisations? Is attention to technical detail still relevant in the age of digital publishing and the internet? Week 2: Audience and readers 27 July Background Reading: Schriver, K. A. (1997). How documents engage readers’ thinking and feeling Dynamics in Document Design (Ch 3) pp. 152-188 New York: John Wiley & Sons Suggested older reading(s): Redish, J. (1993). Understanding Readers. In Barum. C.M. & Carliner, S. (eds.) Techniques for Technical Communicators (Ch. 1) New York, Macmillan pp. 1541 2. Floreak, M. (1989). Designing for the real world: Using research to turn a target audience into 'real Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Workshop Course outline, explanation of assignments. Weekly tutorials allocated to student teams. Exercise: Compare several different forms of professional writing. Writing Genre Exercise: Autobiography Write a short article about yourself as if you were a famous celebrity. We will showcase these next week, so make sure to start in class and finish by your next class. Writing Genre Exercise Health Information Critique Audience analysis of the drug rape or ecstasy brochures Revision/Editing workshop Page 4 of 34 people' Technical Communication 4th Quarter pp. 373-381 Yopp, J. et al (2010). Understanding today's audiences In Yopp, J. et al Reaching audiences: A guide to media writing (Ch. 1) Boston: Allyn and Bacon pp. 1-19 Marnell, G. (2008). Measuring Readability pt. 1 in Southern Communicator Issue 14, June 2008 pp. 1216 Discussion Question: How are audiences different? And what influence might these differences have on how readers engage with documents. Find examples of your own (eg an instruction manual, brochure, report) and using the points made by Redish and Yopp and others, identify some the strengths/weaknesses for the intended audiences. Week 3: 3 August What’s in a word? Language and professional writing Background Reading: Archee. R. et al (2013). Chapter 2 Language and communication practice Communicating as professionals 3e Melbourne: Cengage Learning pp. 28-58 Suggested older reading(s): Lutz, W., (1999). Language and the Interpretation of Reality in The New Doublespeak pp.27-56 Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors we live by in O'Brien, J. (ed) The Production of Reality (4th ed.) pp. 103-114 Orwell, G. (1949). Chapter 5 Nineteen Eighty-Four Penguin Chandler, D. (1995). The Medium of Language (Ch. 2) The Act of Writing: A Media Theory Approach Aberystwyth: University of Wales Discussion Question: What are some of the various perspectives about how language operates to confer meaning? What might these perspectives tell us about language choices in professional writing? Is it possible to choose language which 'narrows the range of thought'? Week 4: Voice and tone in professional writing 10 August Background Reading: Booth. W. (1987). Voice (Ch. 9) In Booth. W. & Gregory, M.W. Writing as thinking, thinking as writing pp. 258-287 Suggested older reading(s): Felton. G. (1988). Body copy 1: Voice (Ch. 8) Advertising: concept and copy pp. 105-129 James, N. (2007). Tone (Ch. 8) Writing at Work Crows Nest: Allen and Unwin pp. 152-168 Zinsser, W. (2006). The sound of your voice (Ch. 20) Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Writing Genre Exercise: Postcard from somewhere. Write a short travel article for the first edition of Virgin Air’s new in-flight magazine describing a novel destination or activity. Write it for two different audiences: a young group of inexperienced travellers, and an older group of people. What are the differences in language that you might use? Revision/Editing workshop Writing Genre Exercise: The Review Write a film, or book, or music concert review for the free magazine, Sydney Living. Rewrite it framing it both positively or negatively. Or write the hippest, coolest piece you can think of, for the craziest free mag you can find. Page 5 of 34 On Writing Well (7e) New York: Harper Collins pp. 231-240 Check out the Groupon website. Discussion Question: What do we mean by the notion of voice and tone in written text? How important is this to professional writing generally and genres like advertising in particular? Give examples to support your answer. Week 5: 17 August Intercultural Communication Background Reading: Archee. R. et al (2013). Chapter 4 Intercultural Communication Communicating as professionals 3e Melbourne: Cengage Learning pp. 85109 Suggested older reading(s): Deutscher, G. (2011). Through the Language Glass: Why the world looks different in other languages [prologue] London: Arrow Books pp. 1-22 Kirkman, J. (2005). Writing for International Audiences In Good Style: Writing for Science & Technology (2nd ed) (Ch. 22) London, E & FN Spon Horton, W. (1993). The Almost Universal Language: Graphics for international documents Technical Communication Quarterly Fourth quarter 1993 pp. 682-693 Marnell, G. (2004). 'Writing English for an International Audience' first published in Tech Talk. Available from http://www.abelard.com.au/writing_English_for_an_int ernational_audience.pdf Language and Culture: An introduction to human communication Available from: http://anthro.palomar.edu/language/default.htm From Plain English to Global English Available from: http://www.webpagecontent.com/arc_archive/139/5/ Writing Genre Exercise: Check out the South Vietnamese brochure from the Cu Chi Tunnels, or the War Remnants Museum in Saigon. Analyse the language and the political perspective. Revision/Editing workshop Discussion Question: How might international audiences be different and how might different cultures read differently? What strategies should be considered for writing across cultures? Week 6: The Plain English debate 24 August Background Reading: James, N. (2009). Speketh so Pleyne: an historical approach to Plain English pts. 1 & 2 Southern Communicator, February (16), 15-20 & June (17), 16-19. Older reading(s): Cutts, M. (2009). Oxford Guide to Plain English (3e) Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Writing Genre Exercise: Plain English Find a policy at UWS and rewrite it using principles of Plain English to make it easier to understand. Any policy at any organisation will probably work here. Revision/Editing workshop Page 6 of 34 Oxford: Oxford University Press Eagleson, R.D. (2009). Ensnaring perceptions on communication: Underlying obstacles to lawyers writing plainly Clarity 62, Nov 2009 pp. 9-13 Eunson, B. (2012). Plain English in Two Australian Organisations: Readability and Style Analysis Paper presented at the ANZCA Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century, Adelaide, South Australia. Exercise: 500 word proposal for your document evaluation assignment must be posted to the Writing Lab for discussion in class this week. You may edit this further but it must be included with your Document Evaluation Report as a preamble. History of Plain English Retrieved from http://stc2.uws.edu.au/PWE/Assets/historyofPE.html James, N. (2006). Plain Language developments in Australia Clarity Plain English Foundation pp. 1-5 Kimble, J. (2003). Answering the critics of Plain English Available from: http://www.plainlanguagenetwork.org/kimble/critic s.htm Lumby, C. (2005) Political Speak: Double Talk vs Plain English 2005 Sydney Writers’ Festival panel session Penman, R., (1992). Plain English: wrong solution to an important problem Australian Journal of Communication Vol. 19 (3) pp. 1-18 Watson, D. (2003). Death Sentence: The Decay of Public Language [extract] Melbourne: Knopf Discussion Question: What are the arguments and critiques of the Plain English movement. Is it effective? Find some of your own examples to illustrate your view Week 7 Visual Literacy in professional writing 31 August Background Reading: Kress & Van Leeuwin (2006) ‘The Meaning of Composition’ Ch. 6 Reading Images: The grammar of visual design (2e) London: Routledge pp. 175-210 Suggested older reading(s): Amare, N. and Manning, A. (2007). The Language Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Writing Genre Exercise: Writing humorously. Try to write about a humorous incident. Use description, autobiography or satire to make your point. If there is a ‘moral’ to the piece all the better. Page 7 of 34 of Visuals: Text + Graphics = Visual Rhetoric IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication Vol 50, No. 1 March 2007 pp. 57-70 Harrison, C. (2003). Visual social semiotics: Understanding how still images make meaning Technical Communication Vol. 50, No. 1 Feb 2003 pp. 46-60 Revision/Editing workshop Discussion Question: How might visual semiotics help us understand how readers read texts? What are some of the issues (design, readability, ethical) that need to be considered when using graphics in professional texts? Week 8: Layout and Design Writing Genre Exercise: 7 September Background Reading: Lester, P. (2011) ‘The Sensual & Semiotic analysis of advertisements. What are the rules of contemporary layout and design in terms of paper? Has the Web changed them? Perceptual Theories of Visual Communication’ Ch. 5 Visual Communication: Images with messages (5e) Boston: Wadsworth pp. 47-61 Suggested older reading(s): Williams, R. (1994). The Non-Designers Design Book California: Peachprint Press [multiple copies in UWS Library] Revision/Editing workshop Winn, W. (2009). “Proof” in Pictures: Visual Evidence and Meaning Making in the Ivory-billed woodpecker controversy Journal of Technical Writing and Communication Vol. 39(4) pp. 351379 Wong, I. (2007). Wong words and wisuals Southern Communicator Issue 13, December 2007 pp. 13-18 Discussion Question: What is the difference between visual sensation and visual perception? How do ‘gestalt’ theories of perception explain how we make meaning from visual texts? Why do professional writers need to be conscious of these perspectives? Week 9: 14 Sept Intra-Session Break Week 10 No presentations this week 21 September Business report writing Background Reading: Archee, R. (2014) Beginners’ guide to report writing North, T. (2009). Report Writing (free sample chapter) Perth, WA: Scribe Consulting Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Writing Genre Exercise: Advocacy/Activism Unions, churches, charities and community groups all have an axe to grind. Imagine you are member of an advocacy groups such Page 8 of 34 as Amnesty, Save the Whales or Students Union. Write copy for a new campaign. Week 11: 28 September Political correctness, taboo and non discriminatory language Writing Genre Exercise: Taboo subjects Background Reading: Allan, K. & Burridge, K. (2006). Forbidden Words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge University Press. [available as an e-book via UWS Library. Student log in needed] Taboo subjects in our society relate to various ideas which society sees as dangerous, illegal, racist, or downright weird. Using the first person will probably intensify the impact of a taboo subject. Suggested older reading(s): Advocacy for Inclusion (2006). Advocacy for Inclusion Information Sheet – Non-discriminatory Language Cotter, M. (2007). The Influence and Effects of Discriminatory Language in New Zealand The International Journal of Language Society and Culture Issue 22.6 pp. 52-55 Gurney, M. (2001). The Curse: Advertising, language and the cultural implications of the ‘Scarlet P’ Unpublished MA (Communication & Cultural Studies) paper ‘Feminist Critiques of Language’ Hughes, G. (1991) Swearing: a Social History of Foul Language, Oaths and Profanity in English USA: Blackwell Hunt, M. (nd). Cunt: The History of the C Word Retrieved from http://www.matthewhunt.com/cunt/index.html Miller, C & Swift, K. (1988). Handbook of non sexist writing (2e) New York: Harper Perennial Poynton, C. (1989) Language and gender: Making the difference Oxford: Oxford University Press Summers, A. (2012). Her Rights at Work (R-rated version): The Political Persecution of Australia’s First Female Prime Minister 2012 Human Rights and Social Justice Lecture University of Newcastle 31 August 2012 Retrieved from http://annesummers.com.au/speeches/her-rights-atwork-r-rated/ Wajnryb, R. (2005). Language most Foul Crows Nest: Allen and Unwin Revision/Editing workshop Discussion Question: The term 'political correctness' has become a kind of 'sneer term' in recent years. It is often used pejoratively to hijack an argument. It often is used to imply that the writer or speaker is overly sensitive or has an ideological agenda and is using a form of forced, unnatural language. Examine the arguments as they apply to a range of different contexts e.g. sexism and misogyny, racial discrimination, ageism etc. What are the implications for professional writers and editors of the difference between censorship and Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 9 of 34 appropriate standards? Week 12: 5 October (note that Monday 5 Oct is a PH) The impact of technologies on professional writing and editing Writing Genre Exercise: Technical Writing Background Reading: Archee. R. et al (2013). (Ch. 5) Mediated Communication Communicating as professionals 3e Melbourne: Cengage Learning pp. 110145 You need to explain how to use a new piece of hardware or software. Or find a set of instructions that need work, and rewrite them. Most manuals are poorly written. Suggested older reading(s): Brockman, J. (ed.) (2011). How is the internet changing the way you think?: The net’s impact our minds and future London: Atlantic Books [a series of short chapters on issues related to the topic] Carr, N. (2010). The Shallows: what the internet is doing to our brains London: Norton [extract] Crystal, D. (2009). Txting: the gr8 db8 Oxford: Oxford University Press [extract] See also various YouTube clips from David Crystal Gregory, J., (2004). 'Writing for the Web vs. Writing for Print: Are They Really So Different?' Technical Communication Vol. 51, No. 2, May 2004 pp. 276(10) James, N. (2010). Long live the e-revolution Sydney Morning Herald May 15-16 2010 pp. 12-13 Keen, A. (2007). The Cult of the Amateur: How Today's Internet Is Killing Our Culture New York: Doubleday Redish, J. (2012). Letting go of the words: Writing web content that works (2e) USA: Morgan Kaufman Publishers Self, T. (2009). 'What if Your Readers Can’t Read?' Southern Communicator i16 Feb 2009 pp.5-9 Simons, M. (2010). Reading in an age of change Overland198 Autumn 2010 pp. 11-16 Exercise: Ethos in technical communication Revision/Editing workshop Discussion Question: Consider the extent to which different electronic communication technologies merely replace traditional forms of communication. Do they change the nature of the reading and writing experience? How might this impact on choices made for professional writers? What issues do they raise for professional writers. Week 13: Ethics and professional writing 12 October Background Reading: Longstaff, S. (1994). Selfinterest detracts from the lustre of the professions Available from Sydney Morning Herald 18 April 1994 Cheney, G. et al (2010). (Re)framing ethics at work (Ch. 1) Just a job?: Communication, ethics and professional life New York: Oxford University Press pp. 21-47 Suggested older reading(s): Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Writing Genre Exercise: Ethical case studies Revision/Editing workshop Final Evaluation Report Page 10 of 34 Archee, R. (1996) Ethics and the Internet Dragga, S. & Voss, D., Hiding Humanity: Verbal and Visual Ethics in Accident Reports Technical Communication Vol. 50, No 1 Feb 2003 pp. 61-79 Heller, S.,(1997) ‘In spin we trust’: a conversation with Stuart Ewen (media scholar and critic)' Print v51 n3 (May-June 1997) pp. 94 (7) Light, B. & McGrath, K. (2010). Ethics and social networking sites: a disclosive analysis of Facebook Information Technology & People, Vol. 23 Iss: 4, pp. 290 - 311 Loughlan, P. (2007). “You wouldn’t steal a car …” Intellectual property and the language of theft European Intellectual Property Review, Vol. 29, No. 10, pp. 401-405 Available from Sydney Law School Research Paper No. 08/35 April 2008 Ornatowski, C.A. (2001). Ethics and the internet Lore: Rhetoric, Writing, Culture Simmons, P., & Spence, E. (2006). The practice and ethics of media release journalism Australian Journalism Review, 28(1), pp. 167-181 Simmons, P. (2010). Disliking public relations: Democratic ideals and the habits of ethical communicators ANZCA 10 Refereed conference proceedings due by Friday uploaded to vUWS Discussion Question: Ethics has many perspectives in relation to professional writing and communication. What are some of the main issues identified by some of the suggested readings and what are the challenges for professional writers remaining ethical? Week 14: 19 October Writing for an Online Audience Kosarek, J. (2013). Desktop & mobile: one content strategy to rule them all. HubSpot. Available: http://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/desktop-mobilecontent-strategy-var Nicol, M. (n.d.) 10 principles of writing for the web. Daily Writing Tips. Available: http://www.dailywritingtips.com/10-principles-ofwriting-for-the-web/ Pick, M. (2013). Surveying the big screen. A List Apart. Available: http://alistapart.com/article/surveying-the-big-screen Stokes, R. (2014). eMarketing: the essential guide to marketing in a digital world (5th ed.) (pp. 165-197). Quirk eMarketing. Available: http://www.redandyellow.co.za/product/te xtbook-digital/ Writing Genre Exercise: TBA Revision/Editing workshop Discussion Question: What are some the problems and solutions for writers when it comes to online contexts such as writing for websites, blogs, social Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 11 of 34 media (Twitter, Facebook), forums and online assessment? Week 15 STUVAC 26 October Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Writing & Editing Portfolio due Page 12 of 34 Assessments Assessment Requirements Assessments for this unit will be based on the following components Assessment Item 1. Critique and Seminar Presentation 2. Document Evaluation Report 3. Writing and Editing Portfolio Length and Due Week Brief Online Critique: 600 words, due on Sun before seminar = 10% Seminar Presentation: 5-7 minute individual oral presentation on day of seminar = 20% In two parts: 1. Brief Proposal (500 words) posted to Writing Lab Week 6 2. Final Report (1500 words) due Week 13 Selected exercises (see Assignment details below). Revised exercises due Week 15 Weighting (%) 30 30 40 An overall mark of at least 50% is required to pass the unit and students must complete all assessment tasks to receive a final grade for this unit. Final marks and grades are subject to confirmation by the School Assessment Committee which may scale, modify or otherwise amend the marks and grades for the unit, as may be required by University policies. Submission of Assessment Tasks Students are required to keep a copy of ALL written work submitted. DUE DATES FOR Assessment 1 Critique and Seminar Presentation: Due in class on date to be advised/negotiated in Week 1 of semester Assessment 2: Document Evaluation Report 1. Part 1 Brief Project Proposal due Week 6 written up and posted to the Writing Lab 2. Part 2 Final Evaluation Report due Week 13 submitted through Turnitin and hard copy if requested by your tutor (e.g. Ray Archee’s classes) Assessment 3: Writing and Editing Portfolio: Due Week 15 uploaded to vUWS and in hard copy if requested by your tutor. This unit requires online submission of all assessment tasks unless specifically requested by your tutor. Please note: you do no need to include a cover sheet for Turnitin Submissions. All submissions using Turnitin are presented with a declaration to students attached upload via the Turnitin interface. The declaration is: By submitting your work using this link you are certifying that: Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 13 of 34 I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied for any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in other (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer/Tutor/Unit Coordinator for this unit No part of the assignment/product has been written/produced for me by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the unit lecturer/tutor concerned I am aware that this work will be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking) I am aware that this work may be de-identified and reproduced in part or in full as an example for future students. At UWS, plagiarism falls within the framework of the UWS Student Academic Misconduct Policy. For my information about possible penalties for plagiarism, please refer to Misconduct – Student Academic Misconduct Policy. Return of Assessment Material Students will be able to view feedback and marks for their assessments once they have been released on vUWS. Resubmission NO resubmission will be permitted. Late Submission Work submitted late without consultation with the Unit Coordinator will not be accepted. A student who submits a late assessment without approval for an extension will be penalised by 10% per day up to 10 days, i.e. marks equal to 10% of the assignment’s weight will be deducted as a ‘flat rate’ from the mark awarded. For example, for an assignment that has a possible highest mark of 50, the student’s awarded mark will have 5 marks deducted for each late day. Saturday and Sunday each count as one day. Assessments will not be accepted after the marked assessment task has been returned to students who submitted the task on time. Extension of Due Date for assessment task/s Requests for extensions, with evidence of extenuating circumstances, may be submitted before, on or up to two days after (by 5.00pm) the due date of the assessment. The Request for Extension Form no longer contains the instruction that it must be submitted no later than three days before the due date, after which the student must apply for special consideration (form available at: Request for Extension form) If a late application is not approved the late penalty will apply from the due date. Special Consideration for multiple assessment tasks and/or whole of the teaching session A student may apply for Special Consideration (via online eForm) if extenuating circumstances outside their control and sufficiently grave in nature or duration, cause significant disruption to their capacity to study Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 14 of 34 effectively. More information about Special Consideration can be found at Special consideration information web page. If you have been granted Special Consideration, when submitting your assignment please indicate on the assignment cover sheet that it has been granted. Please note: Lodgement of an Application for Special Consideration does not automatically result in the granting of Special Consideration and students should make every effort to submit assessments as soon as practicable (if possible), even though an application has been submitted. Writing and Presentation High quality written expression is an expectation of all UWS graduates. All written pieces of assessment in this unit must meet the minimum writing standard required. These are specified below. Any piece of written work that does not meet the required standard will be failed on this basis. Literacy Minimum Standards Level 2/3 At this level, your written expression should be clear, concise and direct, free of major structural and presentational faults and, most importantly, not require any ‘deciphering’ on the part of the reader such. In other words, it can be read and understood on a first read through. Formal writing requirements Complete sentences, typically with Subject Verb Object order. Avoidance of minor sentences, sentence fragments and run-ons. Conciseness, coherence and cohesion. Grammatical agreement and consistency including the correct use of tense, syntax, word class and lexical choices. Correct and consistent spelling and punctuation. Correct and consistent use of terminology relating to the unit that the student is writing for. Correct use of phrases, clauses and conjunctions. Consistency in the register appropriate for the unit that the student is writing for. Correct use of cohesive devices linking sentences and paragraphs: including topic sentences and thesis statements. Use of formal structure: including introduction and conclusion. Integrated use of quoted and paraphrased material: including meta-commentary and linking phrases. The following site provides a good range of resources to help you develop your writing: http://tdu.uws.edu.au/languagelearning/ Academic conventions Integrated use of source material (quotes, paraphrases etc.) Accurate and consistent use of a recognised referencing system Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 15 of 34 Where required, your work has been submitted through Turnitin. Formatting and presentation Well formatted No handwriting 12 point Times Roman or equivalent (as approved or direct by unit learning guide) Double-spaced Page numbers and SID in footer or header Stapled (if hard copy submission) Good print quality in black ink (if hard copy submission) Cover sheet attached (if hard copy submission) Other elements Accurate spelling No txt abbreviations Assessment details including Criteria and Standards Assessment 1: Seminar Presentation and Online Critique Due Date: In class on a date to be advised/negotiated with your tutor Aims/Objectives The primary aim of the seminar presentation is to work, both individually and as a team, to develop critical awareness of the various theoretical perspectives that underlie professional writing and editing practice. Assessment Requirements There are TWO (2) components to this assessment task: 1. A Written Online Critique (500-600 words) on an aspect of your allocated seminar topic published in the PWE Writing Lab (found on the PWE website) = 10% 2. Group Seminar Presentation and Class Discussion on the allocated topics = 20% Both elements of this assessment are assessable and compulsory. You will be assigned a weekly topic during week 1. ONLINE CRITIQUE OF A WEEKLY THEME (10%) 1. In the first session you will be asked to form teams of 2-4. Your team will select or be allocated one of the weekly topics to research. Your team should base their presentation around the weekly theme and discussion question and the set reading but are invited to find additional references. So, for example, if your team selected Week 12, your team would be exploring a range of issues related to technology and professional writing. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 16 of 34 2. Each team member should then identify one sub-topic to individually research from any of the various suggested readings. This involves choosing one key idea or issue from one of set readings to research for their critical appraisal of the sub topic. For example if we continue the Week 12 example above, team members might choose from sub topics such as copyright, intellectual property, privacy and censorship. You might also wish to focus on a contentious argument e.g. the dumbing down of content or the outsourcing of expert opinion and personal relationships. 3. Post a 500-600 word critical appraisal of that idea, issue or problem to the Writing Lab. Using their specific sub topic, each team member must research and write a piece that briefly engages with the issue. The post should not just summarise, but critique and evaluate, the ideas that you will be presenting. Use your research (citing your sources in APA) to inform your piece, but write in an engaging and interesting way. You are welcome to either agree or disagree with your proposition, but you must support your arguments with examples and in an informed and interesting way. Place a properly formatted APA style reference list at the end of your appraisal (not included in word count). 4. Give your online critique an interesting title. For example, you might individually choose to look at the arguments in the Brockman (2011) text and decide to write under the controversial heading “Google is making us stupid”. It is important that your title captures the focus of your post and that it is interesting (so it entices your peers to read and comment on it). Your title should be concise, 12 words or less to, ensure it can be easily found on the weekly writing lab listings. PRESENTATION AND CLASS DISCUSSION PREPARATION (20%) Using the information in your online critique as a basis, each team member must prepare a 5-7 presentation for the class. In preparation for your team presentation 1. Meet with the people assigned to your team BEFORE your set week to ensure you are looking at different topics and to ensure you are collectively prepared to facilitate an active and lively discussion. 2. Decide on your speaking order and on who will deliver the introduction and conclusion. You must also decide if you will use any visuals and arrange to get a laptop from the library if necessary or to use one of your own. 3. Each team member must submit a hard copy of their online critique along with a set of at least four questions related to their online critique at the end of their post before the team presents. On the day of your presentation 1. Arrive early (at least 5 minutes before the tutorial) in order to have all presentations ready to go and to ensure you are set up and prepared. If speakers are using PowerPoint or Keynote (not absolutely necessary), we suggest placing all presentations in ONE slideshow to avoid time wasting. 2. Be prepared to speak for between 5-7 minutes per team member on your sub topic. The tutor will strictly time these presentations. During your presentation 1. Do not just read your critique. You should summarise it quickly and then either expand upon your argument or focus on one element more deeply. Give interesting examples or use graphics or visuals to engage the audience. 2. Avoid too much reading. You may use notes to guide you but eye contact and body language are important presentation techniques. 2. Consider how you might use visuals or other media. You may wish to play some media that you then talk around but limit this content to one minute only. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 17 of 34 After the presentation 1. Each member of the team will lead a small discussion group for about 15 minutes. Have your prepared questions on hand to help facilitate discussion. 2. At the end of this time one of you should lead everyone back into the full class discussion and each of you should sum up key issues that arose from your small group discussions. Your discussion plan will set out the questions you will ask and any other relevant information regarding what you will do to engage discussion. Assessment Criteria You will be assessed on how well you individually, and as a team, prepare for your presentation and lead the discussion groups, through carefully prepared questions and/or activities and by keeping time and ensuring everyone participates through moderation (i.e. inviting people’s responses or inputs). As a team you must: 1. Initially read the background reading and/or the recommended additional readings 2. Discuss and allocate the general topic into specific sub-topic areas or aspects of the topic. Each team member must select a specific sub-topic area. Discuss this with your tutor if you have difficulty. 3. Work together to prepare a brief 1-2 minute introduction/overview and brief 1 minute summary/conclusion and decide which team members will deliver these 4. Contribute to a set of questions that will guide the class discussion at the conclusion of the presentation. 5. Lead the subsequent class discussion on your topic. Each team member must have a prepared list of discussion questions ready to be handed to your class tutor on the day. As an individual team member, you must: 1. Research and prepare your own segment of the presentation on one sub topic that emerges either from the set of weekly readings or from your own research. 2. Prepare a presentation that should be 5-7 minutes in length. 3. Research and write your own 500-600 word online critique. 4. Post your individual online critique to the Writing Lab on Sun before your class so that your classmates and tutor and can read through them before the tutorial classes. 5. Prepare your own set of PowerPoint or Prezi slides that will be integrated into the team presentation. 6. Contribute to the preparation of the questions, introduction and conclusion of the team presentation Once scheduled, presentations cannot be rescheduled. Non-attendance presenters without documented evidence will mean zero marks for this component for the person(s) not attending. Due to reduced class time available, you will not be allowed to present this topic in another week and may have to present on another topic. Pressure of other work (university or otherwise) is not considered an excuse. A formal application for Special Consideration may be required for this to be considered. If late in the semester it may not be possible to reschedule. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 18 of 34 Marking Criteria Assignment 1 (part 1): Online critique = 10 marks FAIL PASS HIGH PASS Research You have not done additional research. Your references are missing and/or not in APA style. You have used only the most basic additional references. These are not set out correctly in APA style. Content You have either not read the background reading or have failed to understand its point or themes. Your ideas are unclear or poorly explained. They offer unsubstantiated opinion rather than an informed response. Your critique is too brief. Your critique is poorly written and has too many expression and editing errors to be acceptable. It may be too brief and have been submitted late. You merely summarise rather than argue. You have done only basic preparation. Your critique is very brief, too general, and mostly descriptive rather than analytical. It may not meet the required word length. You have used some additional references but these are more general than academic. They are mostly correctly set out in APA style. Your critique is meets the required word length but is general and more descriptive than analytical. It shows a general understanding of the topic and themes. Your critique is written only at a basic level. There are numerous editing and expression errors. It may be too brief and may have been submitted late. You attempt some argument and critique. Your critique is mostly well written but may need additional editing for wordiness or style. You attempt some argument and critique. It is the correct length. It was submitted on time. Writing Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 CREDIT DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION You have used and integrated other relevant academic sources. They are set out correctly in APA style. Your have read widely from a high level of relevant academic and other references. They are set out correctly in APA style. You do not merely describe the issue but attempt to argue and critique the main themes and how they answer the question. You show an above average understanding of the topic and themes. Your critique is very well written and is likely to be engaging. It may contain minor editing or style issues. It was submitted on time. You show a high level of understanding of the topic and themes. You argue clearly and engagingly and use examples that will engage the readers. Your background academic references are highly pertinent and above the expected level for this course. They are set out correctly in APA style Your critique shows a sophisticated understanding of the topic and goes beyond the requirements to address the main themes. Your critique is highly engaging and extremely well written. It uses effective and appropriate language to engage the reader. There are no editing issues. It was submitted on time. Page 19 of 34 Your critique highly sophisticated and effectively written. It is likely to be highly engaging. There are no editing issues. It was submitted on time. Marking Criteria Assignment 1 (part 2): Seminar Presentation = 20 marks FAIL PASS HIGH PASS CREDIT DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION Preparation and Structure Poor preparation. No apparent reading of background resources. No additional new references used. Incorrect APA style. Ideas unclear or poorly explained. Little evidence of teamwork. Poorly prepared to speak. Fairly basic preparation. Minimal understanding of the topic. No clear intro or conclusion. Some areas require further explanation or examples. Used only the most basic additional refs. Only basic evidence of teamwork. Good preparation and structure. Summarises seminal resources and used several additional references to explain sub topic. Small problems with APA style. Evidence of teamwork. Presentation is clear, logical and cohesive. Excellent structure. Understands the issues of the topic well. There is a high level of cooperation between team members. Presentation is clear, logical and cohesive. Excellent structure, and engaging style. Examples are original and highly pertinent to the audience. Choice of references is outstanding. Highly cohesive team. Content No understanding of the main theme. Poor attempt to cover sub topic. Extra material is poorly chosen, too simple or irrelevant. Does not attempt to construct an informed response to Discussion question. Fairly basic attempt to cover the sub topic or engage with the discussion question. Most of the main themes or points are referred to but mostly in a descriptive rather than analytical way that only offer generalised insights. Supporting material is mostly drawn from popular or average level academic sources. A nervous speaker who does not try to engage audience. Presentation was not rehearsed. Speaker read from notes or slides. Little eye contact and poor body language. Visual aids poorly edited, Presentation was delivered only at a basic level. Speaker read from notes or slides with minimal eye contact. Visual aids may have been too cluttered, used sentences rather than In depth coverage of sub topic based on well-chosen additional material. Critical insights show a high level of understanding of the issue and concepts. Highly pertinent examples Content is of a superior quality and clearly addresses the main themes with excellent supporting academic sources. A highly confident and enthusiastic speaker with confident body language. Speaker either spoke without notes or used them minimally. Visual aids were clear, well edited Content is of an outstanding academic quality and goes beyond the requirements to address the main themes and sub topic. Highly pertinent critical insights that show an advanced understanding of the subject matter. Interesting, pertinent and original examples. Delivery Reasonable attempt to engage with the discussion question and reference at least some points of the reading(s). Good coverage of sub topic with good but not necessarily original examples. Supporting material is adequate and is drawn from a reasonable variety of popular and academic sources. Presentation was delivered reasonably well. Speaker mostly read aloud from notes or slides but made some effort to use eye contact and to vary your voice. Visual aids Presentation is clear and well organised with good structure. Insights linked to main themes. Shows an above average understanding of specific topic. Few main points may be confusing or not relevant. Clearly discussed the main themes and sub topic. Supported this with evidence from the readings and additional academic sources. Attempted to use and integrate other relevant academic sources and pertinent and original examples. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 A confident speaker who used notes to aid the presentation with minimal use of notes. Eye contact and body language was effective. Voice was audible and varied. Page 20 of 34 A highly accomplished and enthusiastic speaker with confident body language. Speaker spoke without notes engaged the audience with eyes and positive body language. Visual hard to read or missing. Presentation poorly paced. Language used difficult to follow or inappropriate for topic or audience. Presentation considerably less than the required time of 5-7 minutes. Discussion questions either not developed, poorly constructed, predictable or too simple. You did little to engage your small group in a developed discussion. key points, had insufficient information or been poorly edited. Too many “umms” and “ahhs”, spoken too softly or too loudly or in a monotone. Presentation less than the required time of 5-7 minutes. Discussion questions very basic and did not challenge the group. Basic group facilitation Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 were adequate using key points and visuals for interest. Presentation either short of time or slightly longer than required. Discussion questions well developed, but fairly predictable. Good effort at engaging group discussion. Visual aids were wellprepared, interesting and used key points and relevant. Presentation delivered within the allotted time. Questions were well developed and challenging. Discussion group was run effectively with good discussion. Page 21 of 34 and highly relevant. Discussion questions well written and challenging. Speaker’s enthusiasm generated good interaction within the discussion group. Presentation delivered within the allotted time. aids of professional quality. Discussion questions well written and reflected a sophisticated understanding of the themes. Excellent group facilitation skills generating excellent interaction within the discussion group. Presentation delivered within the allotted time. Assessment 2: Document Evaluation Report 30% Due Dates Part 1: Brief Project Proposal written up and posted to the unit Writing Lab. You must include this as a Preamble when you submit your Final Report. Due before your scheduled tutorial class time in Week 6 Part 2: Final Evaluation Report uploaded to Turnitin by Week 13 Friday 16th October (at the latest) Aims/Objectives To evaluate a faulty professional document by using audience analysis methods and techniques To apply the basic principles of report layout and design to produce a professional, readable and functional report To write clearly and professionally, with attention to the editing of spelling, grammar and format to ensure the written document is free of errors and is successful in its purpose Assessment Description Much of the focus of this unit will be on workshopping how to evaluate documents that are used for different purposes in a range of professions – e.g. brochures, technical instructions, newsletters, posters, websites and other formal documents. Your brief is to choose one document with numerous problems to discuss, evaluate and critique. You will write up both an initial brief Project Proposal (memo report format) and an Evaluation Report (using long business report format) of your findings and recommendations. Assessment Requirements Part 1: Brief document evaluation project proposal with 2 minute class ‘show and tell’ Locate an organisation you are familiar with or research one with which you are unfamiliar. We suggest that you start this search as early as possible. Source and research one of that organisation’s documents, most probably a brochure, flyer, newsletter or even a website. By week 6 you should have selected the document you are going to evaluate, and understand its background, distribution, audience and especially its issues. You will be asked to write a brief (500 word) proposal about what you initially see as the potential problems with this document. You should publish your brief proposal in your Writing Lab space and other students will be able to read and make comments and suggestions. You must include this with your Document Evaluation Report as a Preamble (compulsory). You should use a few headings and subheadings to make your proposal clear and easy to read. You should include a scan of the document in your proposal. You will be asked to briefly discuss this with the class in Week 6 and so that your peers and tutor can give you feedback. Part 2: Final Document Evaluation Report Using a long report format, you will write up the evaluation of your chosen document. You should write the report as if you were a consultant and it should be addressed to your tutor as if they were the commissioning agent. This assignment builds upon work from previous units. The broad section headings should be supplemented with added sub-sections in the usual manner, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 etc. The most difficult section is Section 3.0 where you employ audience evaluation methods. Such methods must include one or more of the following: a brief survey of document users Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 22 of 34 interviews needs analysis rhetorical analysis usability testing protocol methods, or evaluations involving culture, plain language, or ethical considerations. Use of tables and/or graphs is an appropriate way to summarise results of such testing, rather than “I think that this graphic is boring …”. Use scholarly references in order to support your arguments at all times. These must be set out in APA style. The final Document Evaluation Report itself should use the following headings to structure your formal evaluation for assessment: Title Page Table of Contents Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Method 3.0 Results 4.0 Discussion (Conclusions or Recommendations), 5.0 References 6.0 Appendices. Your Report must: Use long business report format (we will discuss and model this in class) Use appropriate sub-headings, headers/footers and page numbers throughout Use heading with a decimal numbering system to guide the reader through the report Have an introduction (use the sub-heading ‘Introduction’) which explains what the report is about e.g. ‘I have evaluated the brochure titled …’ i.e. the reader learns what you intend to do As part of the introduction, give a brief overview to the (real) organization (industry, size, location, staff numbers etc.) for whom the report is to be written. This gives the reader a background and context by which to make sense of your report Include the document in the Appendix of the report Identify and describe the readership for the document and discuss selection of methods of audience analysis appropriate for the report Provide evidence for your findings/results in the form of tables and graphs and EXPLAIN your findings. You might also take mini screenshots of relevant extracts to place within the text of the report to illustrate your discussion. Like all visuals, these should be labelled and titled (eg Fig. 1 The homepage of XYZ organisation). Give recommendations in text and/or in terms of visuals Include an academic reference list in APA style Be around 1500 words (not inclusive of Executive Summary, tables, graphs, References and Appendices). Be uploaded to Turnitin (vUWS) Include a copy of your original proposal published in Week 6. Label this ‘Preamble’. NOTE: As this assignment is designed to have you learn and practice a particular genre of professional writing, it is essential that this is your own work i.e. do not copy another student’s assignment. Collusion will be penalised. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 23 of 34 Marking criteria Assignment 2: Document Evaluation Report Research Analysis & Recommendations FAIL Very little, if any, primary research necessary to understand the needs of your document. Methods are based on opinion rather than any primary research. PASS Only the bare minimum amount of research. Only a simplistic understanding of the needs of the document. The research methods used to evaluate the document are basic and the data gathered basic and obvious. For the most part relies on opinion rather than evidence gathered from primary research. Analysis is either missing, brief or unsubstantiated. Recommendations are either missing or inappropriate to the specific document and audience; for example it may be the case if your document is a website your recommendations are out of step with industry accepted best-practice guidelines. Analysis is basic and recommendations are obvious. Recommendations could apply to a range of documents - in other words, they aren't based on a thorough use of specific research that takes into account the particularities of your document and the organisation that has created it. Recommendations are not well argued and not convincing. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 CREDIT A good amount of research and a more than satisfactory and an above average understanding of the needs of the document. More than satisfactory amount of data from a good range of sources has been gathered. Research contains the potential for insights beyond the obvious. Frequently, however, there is not enough research and too much personal opinion. Analysis is satisfactory but overall does not demonstrate much thought beyond the obvious. Mostly general recommendations and many things suggested could apply to a range of documents. Evidence used occasionally to support recommendations, but still too simplistically (i.e. potential for more sophisticated and innovative insights). Recommendations are reasonable but not convincing. DISTINCTION A superior use of primary and secondary research overall. A sophisticated understanding of the needs of the document. Initiative shown in your research and interesting and insightful data has been gathered. Still some minor areas of improvement needed such as a minor need for additional research, or an additional method(s). HIGH DISTINCTION Outstanding primary and secondary research. A sophisticated understanding of the needs of the document. Initiative shown in the research and interesting and insightful data has been gathered. The research contains the potential for genuinely innovative insights. Analysis is detailed and recommendations are based on a sophisticated use of evidence and are appropriate to your document. There is room for some improvement; for instance, perhaps some recommendations need some more critical thought, or you overlook some potential for genuine insight, or you could be more detailed at times. As a result your recommendations could still be more convincing. Outstanding analysis that is detailed and demonstrates a wellconsidered critique. Recommendations are both appropriate to your document and its audience, and also demonstrate real insight and an a strong ability to 'think outside the box'. A thoroughly convincing set of recommendations. Page 24 of 34 Organisation & Writing You have not written in the report format and/or the organisation of the report is illogical or missing required and important elements. The writing is poor, hard to follow and/or is not clear. It contains too many expression and editing errors. Material not referenced your material using APA style. Organisation and writing is satisfactory. You have satisfactorily followed the report format with occasional errors. It is likely that your writing, while readable, contains some errors. The writing is logical and easy enough to follow and satisfactorily follows the principles of simple English outlined in the unit. Some errors in APA referencing. Organisation and writing is of a more than satisfactory standard. There are minor errors in the implementation of the report format. The writing is mostly logical and mostly easy to follow - with some room for improvement; for example, perhaps some transitions between paragraphs need to be more logical, or there are inconsistencies in your use of voice, tone etc. Some errors in APA referencing. Superior organisation and writing. You follow the report format very well and your writing is clear, uses professional style and is mostly error free. It is logical and easy to find all the information needed. Minor moments of confused or weak expression, or one or two minor typos or mistakes in your referencing. With some work your report would be good enough to use in a professional context. Outstanding organisation and writing. Your report, theoretically, is good enough to be used in a professional context. Assessment Criteria Identification and description of the communication needs of the organization. Remember the emphasis is on assessment and recommendations for improvement Use of appropriate audience analysis – clear purpose and appropriate methods likely to meet the contextual needs of the recipient and organisation Understanding of the report format structure and inclusion of required elements (see above) Style, clarity, appropriateness of the writing – clear, well written sentences, appropriate use of active and passive voice, minimal nominalisation, use of parallel structures, clearly structured sentences and paragraphs, appropriate language for a professional reader Editing – care with spelling, punctuation, grammar, consistency/appropriateness of headings/style, transitions, variety and structure of sentences and paragraphs Use of a clear, consistent and professional layout Use of appropriately chosen, formatted and labeled graphics (including screenshots, tables, graphs etc. where appropriate and useful for the audience and purpose of the report). Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 25 of 34 Assessment 3: Writing and Editing Exercise Portfolio (40%) Due Date Week 15 (Stuvac) Aims/Objectives To have students engage more closely with weekly themes and issues through a series of writing lab responses To practice principles of Plain English and professional writing style via a series of self-paced style exercises To practice principles of Plain English and professional writing editing via a series of real world text examples To practice writing in a range of different professional writing genres through a series of writing lab responses To demonstrate professional writing, editing and written presentation skills in a professionally presented document Assessment Description Weekly exercises will be posted on the unit’s web page. This can be accessed directly or via a link on vUWS. These aim to consolidate its main themes and skills. Assessment Requirements Throughout the course, you will be drafting and revising a range of different writing tasks plus a series of writing ‘style’ exercises. Many of these can be done in class, while others will require additional work. You will be required to post your drafts and revisions, plus your responses to the unit’s Writing Lab. The Writing Lab is available on our unique website. You may do as many exercises (or as few) from a particular week as you choose but must complete a minimum number in each category overall. You must compile your exercises into a single portfolio document. This should include a Contents page, organised into four sections, which relate to the four types of exercises. 1. Writing genre exercises = 10 marks: You should submit a series of up to 10 different exercises that will be posted weekly on the unit website each week. These will require you to write in a different genre, e.g. autobiography, travel, review, or humour. These must be submitted to the Writing Lab. The aim of these exercises is to extend your writing creativity in terms of non-fiction, and for you to have copy to change and edit in later weeks. These exercises MUST be posted to the Writing Lab no later than by the following Friday of the week after the exercise is described on the webpage tutorial. Evidence of week-by-week posts is required in the form of Writing Lab screenshots for drafts of all 10 (or more) exercises. This means that you cannot do all of these at the end of the semester. Exercises not accompanied by screenshots will not be marked. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 26 of 34 Students may continue to revise their original posts and to include their revisions in the final portfolio. Revisions may either be added to the end of the original post or posted separately. These revisions can be submitted as part of your required exercises as described below in 2.3. 2. Other writing exercises = 30 marks In order to learn and practise fundamental principles and improve your professional writing skills, some weeks you will be asked to complete a set of ‘style’ exercises. In each set there will be an available set of suggested answers for some questions. These exercises will both cover some of the main principles of Plain English and then ask you to apply these to a series of real text examples. Constructive criticism of other work is fundamental to professional writing and collaboration. We expect you to read and edit other students’ work, and also undertake structured Revision exercises. Thus, you are required to complete three other types of writing exercises: 2.1 Style exercises: You should complete at least 5 sets of explanatory exercises asking you to revise text according the specific principle in question = 10 marks 2.2 Editing exercises: You need to show a minimum of 5 instances of insightful reading/critiquing of other students’ writing on the Writing Lab = 10 marks 2.3 Revision exercises: You will be asked to revise your own work according to specific principles. In some weeks handouts will be used to guide the exercise. You must show a minimum of 5 examples of revision = 10 marks Remember: The numbers of required exercises in each category are a MINIMUM. Good students will complete as many as possible from each category for possible higher marks. General feedback on these exercises will be given progressively in class but not all exercises will necessarily receive individual comments. Students may use this feedback to polish work for submission. Assessment Criteria Depth and appropriateness of research for the short answer/research exercises. All secondary information must be properly referenced using APA conventions and a reference list included at the end of each exercises where appropriate Depth and appropriateness of analysis of the problem/issue Writing style – clarity, language choice, appropriateness, succinctness. Appropriate use of the professional writing style conventions studied in this unit Structure and layout – appropriate descriptive headings, professional layout, appropriate use of white space, readable font, numbering system, page numbers Editing – punctuation, grammar, spelling. You are encouraged to have someone read through your exercises before you submit them in the portfolio Professional layout and formatting of final portfolio document including a contents page, labeled content sections and page numbers. Evidence of Writing Lab submission via inclusion of a screenshot of the initial post by the due date Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 27 of 34 Marking criteria Assignment 3: Writing and Editing Portfolio Engagement Writing & Presentation FAIL PASS HIGH PASS CREDIT DISTINCTION HIGH DISTINCTION Fewer than the required minimum number of exercises submitted. Those submitted may be too brief and/or need more development and/or editing. Exercises do not demonstrate that you have grasped the principles taught. Insufficient evidence of on-time submission using screenshots for Writing Genre exercises. Insufficient number of comments on other students’ work. Work is poorly written and formatted with numerous errors. No evidence of editing or revision. You have not referenced your material using APA formatting (where applicable). The minimum number of exercises submitted. Only a basic understanding of the needs of exercises and/or goals of the writing activities. Evidence of on-time submission for Writing Genre exercises. Comments on other students’ work only superficial. More than the minimum number of exercises submitted. You demonstrate a straightforward understanding of concepts, exercises and writing activities. Screenshots included for Writing Genre exercises. Comments on other students’ work reasonable More than the minimum number of exercises submitted. You demonstrate a commendable understanding of concepts, exercises and writing activities. Screenshots included for Writing Genre exercises. Thoughtful comments on other students’ work. More than the minimum number of exercises submitted. You demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of concepts, exercises and writing activities. Screenshots included for Writing Genre exercises. Highly constructive comments on other students’ work. You have submitted nearly all the available exercises and writing activities. You demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the needs of the writing activities and exercises. Screenshots included for Writing Genre exercises. Insightful and valuable comments on other students’ work. Work is poorly written and formatted with frequent errors. Your exercises need more revision. It is likely that your APA referencing also contains frequent errors (where applicable). Work is written and formatted to a satisfactory standard but still contains some errors. It is likely that your exercises need further revision. It is likely too that your APA referencing also contains some errors (where applicable). Writing and formatting is of a commendable standard. Minor errors in your work and there is some room for improvement. There may be inconsistencies in your use of voice, tone etc. Some minor errors in referencing (where applicable). Superior writing and formatting that is for the most part easy to follow and use. There still may be one or two minor moments of weak or confused expression, or one or two minor typos or mistakes in your expression. Perfectly referenced (where applicable). Outstanding writing and formatting. Your work is of the highest standard throughout, and is professionally formatted and perfectly referenced (where applicable). Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 28 of 34 Learning Resource Information Prescribed Text There is no prescribed text for this unit but we recommend that students purchase a copy of the McKerihan text listed below. Essential texts Cutts, M. (2009). Oxford Guide to Plain English (3rd ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Eagleson, R.D. (1990). Writing in Plain English Canberra ACT, AGPS, Eunson, B. (2012). Communicating in the 21st Century (3rd ed) Queensland, John Wiley & Sons Ltd Hall, E.T. (1959). The Silent Language Anchor NY, Doubleday (an important text for the theory of non verbal and cross cultural communication) James, N. (2007). Writing at Work: How to write clearly, effectively and professionally. Sydney: Allen and Unwin. McKerihan, S. (2015). Clear and concise: Become a better business writer Melbourne, Black Inc. Petelin, R. & Durham, M. (2003). Writing in a Business Environment in The Professional Writing Guide: Writing well and knowing why. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin Snooks & Co: (2002). Style Manual for Authors, Editors and Printers (6th ed) Milton: John Wiley & Sons Strunk, W. & White, E.B (2000). The Elements of Style (4th Ed) New York, Longman Truss, L. (2003). Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The zero tolerance approach to punctuation! UK Profile Books Williams, J.M. & Colomb, G.G. (2010). Style: The Basics of Clarity and Grace (4th ed). New York: Longman. Williams, R. (2008). The Non-Designer's Design Book. Berkeley, CA: Peachprint Press. Use of vUWS This unit uses vUWS as a portal to access a specially designed website used for all workshop activities. Some additional general resources will be available there. Students are expected to login to the unit’s vUWS site at least weekly. Students are required to submit all their assignments online via Turnitin (accessed from vUWS) Key Weblinks Teaching activities and research resources are located at http://school.hca.uws.edu.au/units/wp_101929_spr/ Students can access this link either directly or via vUWS. Literacy Resources Links to academic literacy resources are available on both the unit website and vUWS Referencing Requirements The Referencing Style required for this unit is the APA. Full details of referencing systems can be found at “Citing Resources”: http://library.uws.edu.au/citing.php A short APA style guide is provided in both the unit reader and on the unit vUWS site. A full range of resources for searching and citing references can be found at “Training and Support”: http://library.uws.edu.au/training.phtml Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 29 of 34 Referencing and assignment writing resources are provided in vUWS and will be discussed in tutorials Links to Key UWS Policies and Information Affecting Students Key Policies and Information Affecting Students Policies Student Support Course and Unit Rules UWS Handbook Current Students Student Administration Forms E-learning Support Site Student Support Course and unit rules UWS handbook UWS Students web page Student Central Student Forms and Student Online Forms E-Learning Student Support Site and vUWS Information for Students. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 30 of 34 School Policy for vUWS use: Courtesy and Respect Online In the interests of promoting the welfare and safety of students and staff at UWS, please ensure that you conduct yourself with courtesy and respect while in vUWS. This applies to all online communications such as tutorials, discussion groups, chat rooms, email correspondence, blogs, journals and so on. A unit vUWS site is an online teaching and learning environment at UWS. The rules are the same as in lectures, tutorials and seminars. Keep in mind that vUWS is a public space and your comments in online discussions and chat rooms can be read by other students and academic staff. Your blog and journal entries in vUWS may be read by your lecturer or tutor. The unit coordinator may allow students to read each other’s blog or journal entries as a way of reflecting on the learning material and process or for assessment purposes. • • • • • • • • • • It is very easy to be polite, courteous and friendly. Avoid bad, offensive or discriminatory language. Respect the point of view of other students, lecturers, tutors and the unit coordinator. Be aware of cultural differences and cultural sensitivities. Humour or sarcasm does not translate well from the real world to the virtual world. Avoid capitals, or it will seem like you’re SHOUTING. No-one wants to be misunderstood. Write clearly and concisely so that you will not be misinterpreted in terms of your intention and meaning. Keep posts and emails short and simple. Re-read your message before you hit send. Respect the privacy of other students, lecturers, tutors and the unit coordinator. Respect the online literacy levels of other students. Remember that you can communicate face-to-face with others as well (recommended if you are not certain what you write may offend others). The rules of copyright and plagiarism apply in vUWS. If you use someone else's ideas, cite them appropriately. Giving other students the answers to assessment questions or online quizzes in online discussions, chat rooms or emails risks an Academic misconduct allegation. The rules of Academic and Non-Academic misconduct apply in vUWS. Non-Academic misconduct in vUWS includes but is not limited to: harassing, vilifying, abusing or threatening students or staff, bullying or disparaging students or staff, inappropriate conduct. Problems, complaints or concerns should be directed to the unit coordinator, privately by email, telephone or in person. You can read more about the UWS Student Non-Academic Misconduct Policy at: http://policies.uws.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00104 Your unit coordinator, lecturer or tutor will provide more detailed guidelines for the appropriate use of vUWS in your unit. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 31 of 34 What is Academic Misconduct? Academic Misconduct may involve one or more of the following: Plagiarism Plagiarism involves submitting or presenting work in a unit as if it were the student's own work done expressly for that particular unit when, in fact, it was not. Most commonly, plagiarism exists when: a) the work submitted or presented was done, in whole or in part, by an individual other than the one submitting or presenting the work; b) parts of the work are taken from another source without reference to the original author; or c) the whole work, such as an essay, is copied from another source such as a website or another student's essay. Acts of plagiarism may occur deliberately or inadvertently Inadvertent plagiarism occurs through inappropriate application or use of material without reference to the original source or author. In these instances, it should be clear that the student did not have the intention to deceive. The University views inadvertent plagiarism as an opportunity to educate students about the appropriate academic conventions in their field of study. Deliberate plagiarism occurs when a student, using material from another source and presenting it as his or her own, has the intention to deceive. The University views a deliberate act of plagiarism as a serious breach of academic standards of behaviour for which severe penalties will be imposed. Collusion Collusion includes inciting, assisting, facilitating, concealing or being involved in plagiarism, cheating or other academic misconduct with others. Cheating Cheating includes, but is not limited to: a) dishonest or attempted dishonest conduct during an examination, such as speaking to other candidates or otherwise communicating with them; b) bringing into the examination room any textbook, notebook, memorandum, other written material or mechanical or electronic device (including mobile phones), or any other item, not authorised by the examiner; c) writing an examination or part of it, or consulting any person or materials outside the confines of the examination room, without permission to do so; d) leaving answer papers exposed to view, or persistent attempts to read other students' examination papers; or e) cheating in take-home examinations, which includes, but is not limited to: f) making available notes, papers or answers in connection with the examination (in whatever form) to others without the permission of the relevant lecturer; g) receiving answers, notes or papers in connection with the examination (in whatever form) from another student, or another source, without the permission of the relevant lecturer; and h) unauthorised collaboration with another person or student in the formulation of an assessable component of work. For the full definition of academic misconduct and the consequences of such behaviour, students are advised to read the Misconduct - Student Academic Misconduct Policy in its entirety. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 32 of 34 Assignment Cover Sheet School of Humanities and Communication Arts Student name: Student number: Unit name and number: Tutorial group: Tutorial day and time: Lecturer/Tutor: Title of assignment: Length: Date due: Date submitted: Campus enrolment: Declaration: I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in another (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer/Tutor/ Unit Co-ordinator for this unit. No part of the assignment/product has been written/produced for me by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the subject lecturer/tutor concerned I am aware that this work will be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking) Signature:______________________________________ Note: An examiner or lecturer/tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has not been signed. Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 33 of 34 Professional Writing and Editing 101929 Spring 2015 Page 34 of 34