New Zealand - CGD :: The Comptroller General's Department

Cost/Benefit Study of the Implications for
of Greater Cooperation on
Government Procurement
Australia and New Zealand
Edmund Sim and Supprakanya Geschumpol
Hunton & Williams
Jane Drake-Brockman and Anna Plotkin
Moulis Legal
Basic Government
 Australia
Basic Government
 Federation of six States and two Territories
 Independent
 Constitution gives specific areas of responsibility to
Commonwealth (Federal) government
 States and Territories responsible for all matters in their
physical area of responsibility other than those set out in
the Australian Constitution which are within the
Commonwealth’s powers.
Basic Government
Commonwealth Government
The Department of Finance and Deregulation is the main body responsible for
procurement policy at a Federal level.
Major Procurement Legislation
 Financial Management Act 1997: covers government agencies
 Commonwealth Authorities and Companies Act 1997: covers corporatised government
Major Procurement Policies
 Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines: mandatory rules
 Guidance on Procurement Publishing Obligations
States and Territory Governments
Own systems of procurement, generally following the Commonwealth System
Basic Government
Commonwealth Departments
 Dept. Finance and Deregulation
 Dept. Agriculture, Fisheries and
 Dept. Attorney General
 Dept. Environment, Water, Heritage
and the Arts
 Dept. of Broadband, Communications
and the Digital Economy
 Department of Prime Minister and
 Department of Treasury
 Department of Human Services
 Department of Education, Employment
and Workplace Relations
 Department of Innovation, Industry,
Science and Research
 Department of Resources, Energy and
 Department of Families, Housing,
Community Services and Indigenous
 Department of Health and Ageing
 Department of Foreign Affairs and
 Department of Immigration and
 Department of Infrastructure,
Transport, Regional Development and
Local Government
Basic Government
 New Zealand
Basic Government
New Zealand
 Unicameral democracy
 16 regions created by authority of central government
Basic Government
New Zealand
New Zealand Government
 The Ministry for Economic Development is the main body
responsible for procurement policy for the New Zealand Government
Major Procurement Policies
 Mandatory Rules for Procurement by Departments
 Policy Guide for Purchasers
Mandatory Rules for Procurement apply to core New Zealand
Departments listed in the State Sector Act 1988 (NZ): apply to ‘core
departments’ only
Basic Government
New Zealand
Core Departments
Archives New Zealand
Crown Law Office
Department of Building and Housing
Department of Conservation
Department of Corrections
Department of Internal Affairs
Department of Labour
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Education Review Office
Government Communications Security Bureau
Inland Revenue Department
Land Information New Zealand
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Education
Ministry for the Environment
Ministry of Fisheries
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Māori Development
Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs
Ministry of Research, Science and Technology
Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Women's Affairs
National Library of New Zealand
New Zealand Customs Service
New Zealand Food Safety Authority
Serious Fraud Office
State Services Commission
Statistics New Zealand
The Treasury
New Zealand Police
New Zealand Defence Force
Types of Procurement
Direct/by negotiation
E-auction (Thailand): no equivalent in ANZ)
Types of Procurement
Free competition if submission complies
with published invitation: all interested
suppliers may submit a tender
Most widely publicised
Free competition amongst invited
Eg tenderers on a Multi Use List (MUL)
Types of Procurement
 Special/Limited
 Like Select Tendering (from WTO text)
 Direct Sourcing/ by negotiation
 Not publicised
 Obtain quotes and negotiate with known suppliers
Types of Procurement
Multi Use Lists
 Regulated by CPGs (for Australian Commonwealth
 Operates like a non-specific tender: pre-qualification
 In practice, expensive for suppliers, efficient for the
procuring entity
 No guarantee of contracts
 Doorway to Select Tendering
 Published on AusTender
Types of Procurement
Established for services like legal, accountancy, design
Established by open tender
Include price for services for specified term
No guarantee of contracts
No further negotiation required
 Covered by CPGs
 Additional approvals required
 Agency Chief Executive/ Minister for Finance /Cabinet
 Most State/Territory based. Commonwealth will increase use.
Procurement that is readily accessible to Thai Firms
 Open tendering
 MULs
 (Select Tendering)
Basic rules for Open
 Thresholds for covered contracts
 Basic principles of assessment
Thresholds for Open Tenders
Category/ notes
AUD/NZ threshold
Thai Baht threshold*
Not mandated
Western Australia
Cth FMA bodies
Cth CAC bodies
South Australia
(NB: must have approved
acquisition plan for contracts
AUD110,000 and up)
Not mandated
Aust. Capital Territory
(NB: can have select contract up
to AUD250,000)
Northern Territory
New Zealand
Core departments
All government agencies
*exchange rate as at 4 August 2008
Basic rules for
Open Tendering
Basic principles of assessment:
Commonwealth (States and Territories)
 Value for money
 All costs and benefits over life of contract
 Performance history/ risk
 Free and fair competition
 Non-discrimination
 Foreign connection not itself relevant
 Subject to SME protection: 10% by annual value of contracts of
each entity
Basic rules for
Open Tendering
Commonwealth (States/Territories) continued
 Efficient, effective and ethical use of resources
 Avoid conflicts of interests
 Equal dealing: time/ extension of time/ correction of mistakes
 No gifts/ hospitality accepted
 Accountability and transparency
Publication on AusTender: Open Tendering and MULs
Full information
All pre-conditions to be specified (eg inclusion on a MUL)
Pre-conditions cannot include prior contracting with the agency
Performance and functional basis for requirements: not
description/ design. International standards where possible.
Basic rules for
Open Tendering
Commonwealth (States/Territories) continued
 At least 25 days from notice of procurement
 At least 30 days for AusTender
Motor vehicles
Defence items
Plasma fractionation
Basic rules for
Open Tendering
Basic principles of assessment:
New Zealand
 Publication of notices of intended procurement, annual
procurement plans and requests for tender/ MUL on
 Non-discrimination subject to full opportunity to local
 Value for money
 No off-sets
 Departmental lists of preferred suppliers via GETS
Basic rules for
Open Tendering
( New Zealand) continued
 Public health
 Education
 welfare services
Basic procedures for
States and Territories
 Policies, procedures, investigation of grievances: by
State Contracts Control Board, also NSW Treasury
 Publication of tendering opportunities on
Basic procedures for
States and Territories
 Central body: Victorian Government Purchasing Board,
delegates powers to departmental Accredited
Purchasing Bodies
 Publication of tendering opportunities on and in business tenders section
of Herald Sun newspaper each Wednesday
Basic procedures for
States and Territories
 Central body: Queensland Chief Procurement Office and
Procurement Board of Management
 Publication of tendering opportunities on
Basic procedures for
States and Territories
Western Australia
 Central body: State Supply Commission
 Publication of tendering opportunities on ‘GEM’
Domestic Preferences
• Commonwealth Australia
 10% by value of contracts granted per agency per year to go to
Australian or New Zealand SMEs
Small to Medium Enterprise: a fuzzy concept
 Less than 20 employees (services)
 Less than 100 employees (manufacturers)
 Or less than 200 employees
New Zealand
 Less than 20 employees
Domestic Preferences
Australian States and Territories
 Plenty to target
 some specific, some require local content or attempt to source
 Dispersed so effect is less
 No preference schemes operate in Australian Capital
Domestic Preferences
New Zealand
 Non-discrimination principle applies but must not deny
full, fair, reasonable opportunity to domestic suppliers
 ie. must give reasons for rejecting local supplier for
contracts valued at NZ$100,000 or more: assistance
from Manadatory Rules
Domestic Preferences
 3% price preference to domestically supplied contracts
for works
 7% price preference to goods meeting TIS/ISO 9001 or
TIS/ISO 9002
 5% price preference to domestic products registered with
Ministry of Industry
 Must have Thai leading firm for services. If not possible,
50% Thai personnel to be engaged on the project
Note: Tariffs provide additional protection
Blacklisting and Review
 Thailand
 Allowed
 Australia
 Not allowed, but past performance relates to ‘value for money’ (
 Some States maintain registers with review procedures: does
not amount to blacklisting
 New Zealand
 Not allowed
What is the GPA?
Where is Thailand now?
 Not compliant with the GPA
Towards the GPA continued…
ANZ attitude to GPA
 Australia
 New Zealand
ANZ attitudes to FTAs
 Australia-US FTA
 Australia-Chile FTA
New Zealand
 No commitments yet
 Will negotiate
The Economic Consequences
Commercial Implications
of reforming
Government Procurement
in Thailand
First; the Economics
• We need to impose some economic
discipline because “you cant manage what
you can’t measure”
• Can we construct a useful economic model?
• How can we estimate the economic benefits
we might obtain if we reform Government
Procurement practices in Thailand?
• How significant are our results?
A Simple but Powerful Model
We don’t need to start with complex econometrics
In any case we don’t have much data
Lets keep it simple and think about this together
Government Procurement accounts for roughly 15
percent of the Thai economy. 15% is a very big
• So we know immediately that any efficiency gain
we can achieve, will necessarily have a big impact
on the economy
• What kind of efficiency gains might we be able be
• Having looked at the Thai system and compared it with
practice elsewhere, we think that reform of the Thai
system could readily generate, over a short period, a
10% improvement in “Value-for-Money”
• A 10% improvement across 15% of Thai GDP is worth an
extra 1.5% of Thai GDP
• A 1.5% increase is a very significant boost to Thai
productivity and economic growth
• The economic logic to a 1.5% gain in GDP growth would
be overwhelming - wouldn’t it?
• (And Thailand could do this unilaterally, independently of
any trade negotiation, if it chooses to)
• So where did we find this 10 % efficiency gain we have
“assumed” is possible
• Before we look too deeply, there is one very obvious
source of prospective efficiency gain (“low hanging
• We know that the Thai Government automatically
provides a price margin for all local suppliers of Thai
goods - in the range of 3% to 7%.
• Lets deliberately estimate this at the low end and call it
an average price margin of 5%. We can readily
extrapolate this to the services sector (where the local
preference is provided by a quantity rather than a price
• I think you can see that this 5% price reduction across
15% of Thai GDP by itself generates 0.75% increase in
GDP growth. This represents a minimum that is
achieveable, not over a period of time, but immediately
and with a high degree of policy certainty
From a 5% price reduction
in goods to an overall 10% increase
in Value-for-Money
1.The starting point of a 5% price reduction is based on
contracts only for goods. In services, which is more than
50% of Government Procurement, all contracts must go to
lead Thai firms, employing at least 50 % Thai nationals.
Anecdotal business evidence suggests this generates a
price differential of considerably more than 5%!
2.Value-for-Money is not only about Price: it’s also about
Quality and about Risk. There are a number of other
reforms which Thailand could make, in keeping with the
APEC Principles on Government Procurement, which would
over a short period of time, deliver additional economic
efficiency gains in transparency, open and effective
competition, fair dealing, accountability and due process.
Some rough proxy indicators for these can be found in
Thailand’s rankings in eg World Bank Doing Business index
Second; the Commercial Gains
• In addition to the economy-wide efficiency gains from domestic
reform, there are distinct opportunities to increase potential
market access for Thai firms in the context of bilateral, regional
and multilateral negotiation
• The Australian Government Procurement market is more than
AU$140 billion and the New Zealand Government Procurement
market is around NZ$20 billion a year
• In Australia, the non-defence budget is around $20 billion at
Federal Government level and at least that much again at State
Government level (concentrated in New South Wales,
Queensland and Western Australia)
• In both countries, there are Government Procurement
preferences of various kinds which are provided to local firms,
which could be targetted by Thailand in inter-governental trade
negotiations, thereby increasing the size of the market
potentially open to Thai firms.
Market opportunities
• Thailand has a strong trade surplus with Australia, in
both goods and services. Australia imports from
Thailand are roughly double Australia’s exports to
• Thailand already has a demonstrated competitive edge
in the Australian market and this could be enhanced by
a good deal on Government Procurement
• In both the Australian and New Zealand Government
Procurement markets, there are likely to be growth
opportunities for Thai firms in eg manufacturing
components and supplies, furniture cement, glass,
infrastructure construction and maintenance,
automobiles and auto parts, catering (processed
foods), textiles, health services and professional
services such as logistics
Are there any Costs?
The strong economy wide gains we have identified
are net gains. And the market access gains we
have identified are “icing on the cake”. But as with
any structural reform, there may also be some
actual and perceived transitional distributional
Perceived industry policy losses
Losses in terms of other social or economic
policy objectives to which Government
Procurement has been directed
Administrative costs
Commercial impacts from greater
competition with foreign suppliers
Afternoon Panel: The Trade Policy Context
How could Thailand take some initial steps to reform
Government Procurement ?
How much reform might bilateral partners require of
Thailand in a Free Trade Agreement?
What might Thailand expect to gain in return?
What progress is Thailand making in applying the APEC
How much domestic reform would be required for Thailand
to join the WTO GPA?
Afternoon Panel: The Trade Policy Context
What progress is Thailand making in applying the
APEC Principles?
How much domestic reform would be required for
Thailand to join the WTO GPA?
How much reform might bilateral partners require
of Thailand in a Free Trade Agreement?
What might Thailand expect to gain in return?