1 Item 5B Monthly Finance Report For October 2014 Prepared by: Stephen Dunham Financial Controller Charlotte Sparrow Head of Financial Performance and Decision Support Steven Davies NHS Finance Director & Deputy Chief Financial Officer Presented By: Charles Nall Chief Financial Officer Action for Board: For information For consideration For decision Board of Directors Meeting 20th November 2014 Date produced November 2014 13th 2 Contents of Main Report Page Number Executive Financial Summary 3 Detailed Income and Expenditure Position 4 Underlying Position 5 NHS Income 6 NHS Operating Expenditure 8 Efficiency Scheme Performance 11 Research & Development and Commercial Trading Position 12 Cashflow 13 Debtors Management and Credit Control 14 3 Executive Financial Summary Overall Position Surplus / (Deficit) NHS (exc. R&D) Income Expenditure Overall Position In Month Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 1.7 0.2 Research & Development Position Commercial Trading Unit Position (1.5) Actual (£M) Actual (£M) 3.6 3.6 13.6 11.7 14.3 13.2 1.2 0.4 % Full Year achieved Full Year % forecast Actual (£M) 0.1 0.2 Actual (£M) 0.7 (1.5) 85.5 80.3 91.3 82.8 (0.8) 0.7 4.1 Actual (£M) 0.5 (0.3) Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 5.0 3.0 40% Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 74% 2.5 1.7 0.1 Actual (£M) 5.8 (2.5) 148.3 141.3 155.7 144.2 7.4 (2.9) 3.4 (0.9) 3.4 3.8 Actual (£M) 0.6 0.9 Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 4.4 3.2 Var (£M) 0.3 (0.8) Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 2.3 (1.5) 4 4 Continuity of Service Risk Rating 4 (1.2) Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 1.2 1.1 0.1 Var (£M) (3.8) Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 4.7 (1.5) Comment Rating of 4 (highest rating) is maintained in October. Year End 2013/14 End of Quarter 1 End of Quarter 2 Prior Month Current Month Forecast Qtr 3 Forecast Year End (Qtr 4) 24.29 17.76 16.91 16.91 18.45 14.91 12.60 6 Mths + (£M) 3- 6 Mths (£M) 2 Mths (£M) 1 Mth (£M) Total (£M) Overdue Debts Debtors Var (£M) (6.2) Cash Balance (£M) Cash Flow Var (£M) Full Year Forecast YTD Debt Service Cover Liquidity Var (£M) Full Year Forecast Year to Date Var (£M) Var (£M) Full Year Forecast Var (£M) (0.8) Plan (£M) (2.0) Plan (£M) Year to Date Var (£M) Key Risks and Actions Required Var (£M) Full Year Forecast Var (£M) Year to Date 70% In Month Plan (£M) 0.0 Plan (£M) In Month Plan (£M) Full Year Forecast Var (£M) Year to Date Var (£M) Indicator Continuity of Service Risk Rating Plan (£M) In Month Plan (£M) YTD % achieved Efficiency Scheme Performance Year to Date Var (£M) Last Qtr Total (£M) NHS Contract Debts 1.78 1.87 1.49 2.44 7.59 5.38 Commercial Debts 2.13 0.66 0.27 0.53 3.60 3.89 Other TOTAL 0.41 4.32 0.23 2.76 0.13 1.89 0.23 3.20 1.01 12.20 1.12 10.39 Key Income and Expenditure Risks: The net position in month is below plan for both the NHS and Commercial Trading Units. The year to date position benefits from non-recurrent items. Commercial position was a deficit of £0.3M in month and the full year forecast has worsened to a deficit of £1.5M. NHS income is above plan in month by £0.7M but is more than offset by expenditure overspends of £1.5M (although above budget, the October position is marginally above forecast). Additional capacity being provided is increasing the clinical pay cost base but not generating sufficient additional clinical activity. No confirmation has yet been given of the R&D infrastructure funding. Actions: Focus on NHS expenditure control. Ensure utilisation levels of both inpatient and outpatient capacity are improved. Continue to pursue an increase in referrals and a decrease in DNA’s at new satellites. Efficiency schemes with delayed start dates this year should be reassessed for their recurrent impact. Cashflow and Balance Sheet Risks: Debt recovery. Overdue debts total £12.2M, with £7.6M of NHS contract debts. Higher total capital spend and lower operational cash performance forecast for 2014/15 imply lower than budgeted cash balances. Actions: Maintain high level dialogue with relevant NHS organisations and levy interest charges where appropriate. Monitor cash position carefully in conjunction with authorisation of capital purchases. 4 Detailed Income and Expenditure Position - Surplus / (Deficit) In Month Overall Trust I&E Summary Year to Date Full Year Forecast Prior Year YTD Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Actual Variance £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s NHS Clinical Income Commercial Trading Units Other Income Total Income 12,452 3,018 2,020 17,490 12,899 2,140 2,227 17,265 447 (879) 207 (224) 79,330 19,648 12,461 111,438 81,532 15,253 15,761 112,546 2,202 (4,395) 3,300 1,108 138,003 34,745 21,033 193,780 141,803 26,633 24,274 192,710 3,800 (8,112) 3,242 (1,070) 68,017 18,608 11,541 98,166 13,515 (3,355) 4,221 14,380 NHS Expenditure Pay Exenditure Medical Nursing Scientific, Theraputic & Technical Admin and Clerical Ancillary Services Research & Development Pay Total Pay Expenditure 2,385 1,766 927 2,003 167 594 7,842 2,780 1,985 917 2,021 170 537 8,410 (394) (219) 10 (19) (3) 56 (569) 16,169 12,026 6,339 14,104 1,165 4,213 54,016 17,259 12,409 6,122 13,841 1,141 3,916 54,687 (1,090) (383) 217 263 24 297 (671) 28,027 20,865 10,975 24,050 1,990 7,160 93,066 30,068 21,535 10,532 24,070 1,954 7,174 95,332 (2,041) (670) 443 (20) 36 (14) (2,266) 14,032 10,273 5,771 10,737 1,113 3,503 45,429 (3,227) (2,136) (350) (3,104) (28) (414) (9,258) Non-Pay Exenditure Drugs Clinical Supplies and Services Premises Other Expenditure Research & Development Non-Pay 1,733 1,169 711 869 175 2,094 1,372 681 1,217 143 (360) (204) 30 (347) 32 11,028 7,677 4,813 7,026 1,349 11,419 8,174 4,788 7,604 1,021 (391) (497) 24 (578) 328 19,097 13,519 8,269 14,486 2,165 19,991 14,238 8,617 13,200 1,907 (893) (719) (347) 1,286 257 7,708 6,724 4,738 7,187 470 (3,710) (1,450) (51) (417) (551) Total Non-Pay Expenditure 4,657 5,507 (850) 31,892 33,006 (1,114) 57,536 57,952 (416) 26,827 (6,179) Total NHS Expenditure 12,499 13,918 (1,419) 85,907 87,693 (1,785) 150,602 153,285 (2,683) 72,255 (15,437) Commercial Trading Unit Costs 2,421 2,391 31 16,444 15,922 523 28,428 26,688 1,739 14,658 (1,264) Total Expenditure 14,920 16,308 (1,388) 102,352 103,614 (1,263) 179,030 179,973 (943) 86,913 (16,701) EBITDA EBITDA Margin % 2,569 14.7% 957 (1,612) 9,087 8.2% 8,931 (155) 14,750 7.6% 12,737 (2,014) 11,253 11% (2,321) 5.5% 687 683 4 4,575 4,533 42 8,163 8,302 (139) 3,855 (678) 906 3,606 783 3,616 123 1,588 5,000 1,433 154 3,002 (1,998) 803 6,595 20 (2,979) 0 3,606 0 3,616 8,500 (3,500) 8,500 (5,498) (1,998) 0 6,595 0 (2,979) 5,883 6.4% 1,309 9,600 9.9% 5,067 3,717 8,433 5.3% 271 12,792 7.7% 4,491 4,359 7,302 9% 3,448 2,298 3,203 16.3% 2,298 (669) -4.4% (1,451) (3,872) 6,317 18.2% 4,729 (56) -0.2% (1,489) (6,373) 3,950 21% 3,147 (4,619) Income NHS Interest, Dividends, Depreciation Trading Unit Interest, Depreciation, Dividends Surplus / (Deficit) - before impairment 134 61 73 1,748 213 (1,536) Impairment Surplus / (Deficit) 0 0 0 1,748 213 (1,536) NHS EBITDA NHS EBITDA Margin % NHS Surplus / (Deficit) 1,973 13.6% 1,286 1,208 8.0% 525 (764) Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Margin % Commercial Trading Unit Surplus / (Deficit) 597 19.8% 463 (251) -11.7% (312) (848) (761) (775) 7.9% 10 0 10 3,758 (3,749) 6.6% 0 4,220 (6,218) 1,620 (4,599) 5 Underlying Position In Month Overall Trust I&E Summary Previous Month Qtr 2 Qtr 1 Year to date Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s Total Income 17,490 17,265 16,842 16,609 48,323 50,684 45,626 44,597 111,438 112,546 Total NHS Expenditure 12,499 13,918 12,609 13,145 37,307 37,925 36,102 35,850 85,907 87,693 Commercial Trading Unit Costs 2,421 2,391 2,380 2,277 7,003 7,046 7,020 6,485 16,444 15,922 Total Expenditure 14,920 16,308 14,989 15,422 44,309 44,971 43,122 42,335 102,352 103,614 EBITDA EBITDA Margin % NHS Interest, Dividends, Depreciation Trading Unit Interest, Depreciation, Dividends Surplus / (Deficit) 2,569 14.7% 687 134 957 1,854 1,187 11.0% 653 133 7.1% 636 121 4,013 8.3% 1,914 398 5,712 5.5% 683 61 11.3% 1,949 361 2,504 7.0% 1,974 374 2,262 6.7% 1,901 360 9,087 7.0% 4,575 906 8,931 6.7% 4,533 783 1,748 213 1,068 430 1,702 3,402 156 1 3,606 3,616 (307) (307) (307) (307) 0 (307) (307) Adjustment to Reach Underlying Position: Income - Release of prior year provision - Project Oriel Total Income (3,486) 0 (3,486) (3,486) Expenditure - Non-recurrent benefits Staff award provision release Fellow back-pay release (91) (211) NHS rental and facilities charges prior 2013/14 (307) (3,793) (91) (211) (391) (391) - Non-recurrent costs Project Oriel 243 Pay Restructuring costs RTT Enhanced Pay Costs Total Expenditure 139 243 506 506 264 264 770 770 (120) 314 314 148 351 490 0 139 243 271 506 780 264 (38) 770 881 Total (307) (168) 243 271 506 (2,706) 264 (38) 463 (2,912) Revised Underlying Position 1,441 45 1,311 701 2,208 696 420 (37) 4,069 704 Notes: Underlying position in month is break even. Last month’s underlying position is also shown here and was a surplus of £0.7M. This month has seen increased costs in both NHS and Commercial divisions, which is above the increase in income, compared to last month. Increase in NHS costs is on activity related expenditure. The year to date underlying surplus is £0.7M compared to a year to date planned surplus of £4.1M. Non-recurrent expenditure items total £0.9M in the year to date position, with a mixture of benefits and costs. The full year forecast has reduced to £3.0M surplus before impairments, inclusive of non-recurrent items which total a benefit of £2.9M year to date. 6 NHS Income Commentary: NHS income is above plan in October, £0.4M from clinical activity and £0.2M from other income. The overperformance in clinical activity income is driven mainly by high cost drugs and AMD injection activity which has performed above the year to date trend. Outpatient income was also above plan in October which is also an improvement on the year to date trend. Elective income and A&E income continue to be above plan. Moorfields North was above plan in income in month which is an improvement on last month. Patient activity income is coming through from the new developments, although still below plan in month. Ealing, Loxford and Potter’s Bar have high levels of overperformance in month. 7 Elective Activity Analysis (Inpatients and Outpatients) Elective income is above target again this month. However the plan for elective income anticipated theatre closures for routine maintenance equivalent to 3 working days of activity. The closures did not go ahead which explains the increase in actual income per working day from £144k to £153k. The increase in target per working day from £134k to £146k is due agreed increased capacity in existing and new sites. Overall, activity has not increased in line with these plans. Any additional activity in areas where extra capacity has been utilised has been offset by a decrease elsewhere. 20 17 21 23 18 22 20 20 18 21 20 22 129 130 129 132 133 134 146 146 148 146 146 145 Target per working day (£'000) Workings Days Inc. adjustments 142 13 151 21 131 1 134 2 161 28 144 10 153 6 Actual per working day (£'000) Variance (£'000) Forecast is for improvement in November, a drop in line with budget for December and slight overperformance to the end of the year. Outpatient income is above plan in October which is an improvement on trend. Actual income per working day has increased up to £242k, from £234k in September. The increases are at City Road in paediatrics, glaucoma and medical retina. Moorfields North also has increases in outpatient income this month at Ealing and Potter’s bar and activity has started at Darent Valley. The forecast is to continue to achieve plan. 20 227 222 (5) 17 228 233 5 21 227 221 (7) 23 222 212 (10) 18 235 235 1 22 233 234 1 23 236 242 7 20 237 18 239 21 237 20 237 22 Workings Days Inc. adjustments 236 Target per working day (£'000) Actual per working day (£'000) Variance (£'000) 8 NHS Operating Expenditure – Pay Costs by Staff Group and Area Staff Group & Directorate Medical Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Additional Enhanced RTT costs Corporate Departments Total Average Monthly Expenditure (£'000) Current Year to Date Month Increase / 2014/15 2014/15 (Decrease) 175 231 56 374 496 122 1,063 1,149 86 789 868 79 24 (11) (35) 41 48 7 2,466 2,780 314 Staff Group & Directorate Nursing Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Additional Enhanced RTT costs Corporate Departments Total Average Monthly Expenditure (£'000) Current Year to Date Month Increase / 2014/15 2014/15 (Decrease) 374 429 55 272 319 47 487 503 16 652 645 (7) 43 138 94 28 27 (1) 1,855 2,060 204 - Costs have increased further this month by £314k (13%) compared to - Costs have increased further this month by £204k (11%) compared to the year to date average. - The increases are across all 4 directorates but particularly in Moorfields South where is have been necessary to use medical locums at both St. Georges and Croydon. - Medical staff costs have increased to boost capacity with additional lists at City Road and in Moorfields North. the year to date average. - £94k of the increase is relating to the enhanced element being paid for all nursing bank shifts as part of the initiative to improve RTT waiting times. Other Clinical Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Corporate Departments Total Year to Date 2014/15 47 29 739 57 2 875 Current Month 2014/15 64 35 756 59 3 917 Increase / (Decrease) 17 6 16 2 1 42 - Again, an increase in expenditure this month in other clinical staff, £42k (5%) compared to the year to date average. - Agency pharmacist usage has been necessary in month to cover a vacancy at City Road and to deliver the service at Darent Valley. Non-Clinical Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Corporate Departments Total Year to Date 2014/15 180 157 370 243 1,170 2,120 Current Month Increase / 2014/15 (Decrease) 194 13 150 (7) 285 (85) 306 63 1,257 86 2,191 71 - Increase in expenditure of £71k (3%) compared to year to date average. - The significant decrease in Outpatients and Diagnostics is due to decrease in temporary staff usage. This is unfortunately offset by an increase in Surgical Services due to pressures in medical records and medical secretaries and corporate departments filling vacant posts. NB. Research and Development Pay is excluded from the tables above and shown as part of the Research and Development position on page 11. Research and Development have a separate quarterly board report. 9 NHS Operating Expenditure – Pay Costs Agency and Bank Analysis Staff Type Current Month Year To Date Average Average Prior Year Comments Nursing Expenditure Current Month Nursing Expenditure YTD Average Average Nursing Expenditure Prior Year Increase in nursing costs has been mainly through increased bank usage which is preferential to increased agency usage. The means the % of employed staff has reduced. Employed Bank Agency Employed Bank 3% Nursing Employed 75% Bank Agency Employed 0% Bank Specific recruitment drives for overseas nurses are being successfully undertaken with first recruits due to start in December. 91% Other Clinical Expenditure YTD Average 5% Agency 2% 82% Other Clinical Expenditure Current Month Employed Bank 7% 15% 22% 0% Agency 3% Agency Average Other Clinical Expenditure Prior Year Employed 5% Bank Agency 0% 5% This staff group has seen a 4% increase in costs compared to last financial year. Other staff groups costs have increased by 20% in the same timeframe. This should be investigated as it could indicate a future cost pressure. Other Clinical 95% 95% Non Clinical Expenditure Current Month Employed Non-Clinical Bank Employed 15% Bank 18% 8% Agency Average Non Clinical Expenditure Prior Year Employed 0% Bank Agency 76% Non-clinical pay costs have increased by 3% but this has been through increase in employed staff as temporary staffing expenditure this month has reduced slightly. 17% 6% 77% Staff Type Nursing Other Clinical Non-clinical Agency 95% Non Clinical Expenditure YTD Average Increase in costs by 5% compared to the year to date average through agency usage of pharmacists. 83% Current Month (£'000) Year To Date Average (£'000) Average Prior Year (£'000) Employed Bank Agency Total % Change Employed Bank Agency Total % Change Employed Bank Agency Total 1,552 449 59 2,060 11% 1,532 270 54 1,855 20% 1,411 104 38 1,553 872 0 45 917 5% 834 2 39 875 4% 795 2 40 837 1,688 176 327 2,191 3% 1,609 120 391 2,120 20% 1,457 2 303 1,762 The temporary staffing reduction is in patient administration at City Road where a lot of agency and bank was used in the first half of the year. Employed staff increases have been seen in corporate areas. 10 NHS Operating Expenditure – Non-Pay Costs Comments: October has a significant increase in non-pay expenditure across the Directorates. The largest increase is in drugs expenditure at £2.1M, this is £0.5M above the year to date average. Two thirds of this is due to high cost drugs expenditure. This is offset by income overperformance in this area of £0.3M. Further drugs overspend this month is due to stocking the pharmacy at Darent Valley and late backdated invoices for high cost drugs from Croydon Health Services NHST exceeding the accruals made for them. Clinical consumables were also high in October, £0.2M above the year to date average. The majority of this increase is within Moorfields North due to increased set-up costs and increased stock holdings at sites to reflect anticipated activity increases. Comments: Corporate department’s non-pay costs have decreased from the peak seen in September but are still above budget and above the average year to date. This month is overspent on external consultants but this level of expenditure is consistent with the year to date trend. Other areas of overspend in month included nurse course fees, legal fees, IT networking charges and utilities charges in estates. The forecast is to remain at the level of expenditure with a consistent overspend until the end of the year. 11 Efficiency Scheme Performance Breakdown of Forecast Achievement Efficiency Schemes Profile and Forecast 400 Clinical Supplies 350 12% 27% 300 Amount (£'000) 10% 42% 9% 250 Non-clinical supplies Pay Revenue 200 Target Summary of Performance: Actual 150 Forecast 50 0 Period YTD Target (original phased budget)(£) YTD Amount Achieved (£) - Year to date (YTD) achievement is £1,746k, 70% of YTD target and 40% of the full year target. - The year to date shortfall against the original phased target (including a phased share of unidentified schemes) is £737k. - Total schemes worth £4,081k have been identified. This is 94% and only £279k below the target of £4,359k. - Full year forecast delivery however, is only 74% of the target at £3,228k as achievement against identified schemes decreases due to delays in implementation. All schemes not delivering will be re-assessed for their potential full year recurrent value as part of setting the budget for next financial year. 100 Directorate / Corporate Department Drugs Year to Date % YTD Variance (£) Achievement Value of Full Year Target Schemes (£) Identified (£) Full Year Forecast Amount (£) Forecast % YTD Amount Achievement of Achieved as % of Target Full Year Target Actions on Shortfall and Unidentified Amount Although the full year forecast amount will exceed the original target, it is £184k below the value of schemes identified. The schemes that have underperformed 49% are all related to additional revenue. Moorfi el ds North 260,513 202,094 -58,419 78% 413,676 648,083 510,193 123% Moorfi el ds South 173,579 146,179 -27,400 84% 325,359 325,359 276,084 85% 45% Forecast achievement remains at 85%. Outpa ti ent & Di a gnos ti c Servi ces 908,595 653,954 -254,641 72% 1,579,730 1,457,366 1,026,635 65% Unidentified amount of the full year target is £123k, however forecast 41% achievement is £533k below the target. 651,426 1,994,112 6,314 15,257 18,228 25,391 29,491 16,686 187,632 82,168 39,651 347,945 1,350,172 6,314 15,257 18,228 25,391 0 16,686 187,632 82,168 9,158 -303,481 -643,940 0 0 0 0 -29,491 0 0 0 -30,492 53% 68% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 23% 1,082,281 3,401,046 10,819 26,154 31,248 43,527 61,014 31,096 399,748 140,860 67,972 748,901 603,584 3,179,709 2,416,496 10,819 10,824 26,154 26,154 31,248 31,248 43,527 43,527 50,909 32,319 28,605 28,605 321,654 321,654 140,860 140,860 15,700 15,700 56% 71% 100% 100% 100% 100% 53% 92% 80% 100% 23% Unidentified amount has remained at £333k. Forecast full year achievement is 32% £604k, which is £478k below the full year target. 40% 58% 58% 58% 58% 0% 54% 47% 58% 13% Unidentified amount of £52k 56,318 23,666 -32,652 42% 126,716 212,996 141,997 112% Scheme has achieved 42% of target in month. The forecast is to achieve 67% of the 19% identified schemes which will exceed the original target. 10,967 488,101 10,967 395,467 0 -92,635 100% 81% 18,800 957,954 18,800 901,272 18,800 811,688 100% 85% 58% 41% 2,482,214 1,745,639 -736,575 70% 4,359,000 4,080,981 3,228,184 74% 40% Surgi ca l Servi ces Clinical Directorates Chi ef Executi ve's Offi ce Chi ef Opera ti ng Offi cer Corpora te Governa nce Di rector of Nurs i ng Di rector of Stra tegy Educa ti on Es ta tes a nd Fa ci l i ti es Fi na nce Huma n Res ources Informa ti on Technol ogy Qua l i ty a nd Sa fety Corporate Department Initiatives TRUST TOTAL 12 Research and Development Position In Month Year to Date Full Year Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s Total Income 881 872 (9) 6,320 6,015 (305) 10,725 10,392 (332) Expenditure Pay Costs Non-Pay Costs Total Expenditure Interest, Dividends, Depreciation 594 175 769 26 537 143 680 26 56 32 88 0 4,213 1,349 5,562 142 3,916 1,021 4,937 142 297 328 625 0 7,160 2,165 9,324 226 7,174 1,907 9,081 226 (14) 257 243 0 Total Contribution to overhead 86 165 79 616 936 320 1,174 1,085 (89) Research and Development Income: Income is on plan in month and adverse year to date by £0.3M. Income is forecast to end the year below plan by £0.3M. Expenditure Expenditure is £0.1M favourable in month and £0.6M favourable year to date. Expenditure is forecast to end the year £0.2M below plan as additional income receipts are anticipated to be spent in year. Contribution remains significantly below the level for full cost recovery. Commercial Trading Unit Position In Month Commercial Trading Units Year to Date Full Year Prior Year YTD Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance Actual £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s Total Income 3,095 2,158 (937) 20,079 15,463 (4,616) 35,525 26,966 (8,560) 19,145 (3,682) Expenditure Pay Costs Non-Pay Costs Total Expenditure 872 1,549 2,421 897 1,493 2,391 (25) 56 31 6,063 10,381 16,444 6,355 9,567 15,922 (292) 815 523 10,503 17,925 28,428 10,682 16,006 26,688 (179) 1,919 1,739 5,861 8,797 14,658 (494) (770) (1,264) 674 (233) (906) 3,634 (459) (4,093) 7,098 277 (6,820) 4,487 (4,946) Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Margin % Variance 21.8% -10.8% 18.1% -3.0% 20.0% 1.0% Interest, Dividends, Depreciation 134 61 73 906 783 123 1,588 1,433 154 23% 803 20 Commercial Trading Unit Surplus / (Deficit) 539 (294) (833) 2,729 (1,242) (3,970) 5,510 (1,156) (6,666) 3,684 (4,926) Internal Sales (77) (18) (58) (431) (210) (221) (781) (333) (448) (537) 327 Commercial Trading Unit Surplus / (Deficit) discounting internal sales 463 (312) (775) 2,298 (1,451) (3,749) 4,729 (1,489) (6,218) 3,147 (4,599) Income: Income is £0.9M behind plan in month and adverse year to date by £4.6M. Income is forecast to end the year below plan by £8.6M. Expenditure Expenditure is on plan in month and £0.5M favourable year to date. Expenditure is forecast to end the year £1.7M favourable to plan. Overall Position £0.3M deficit in the with a year to date deficit position of £1.5M. Position is forecast to end the year with a £1.5M deficit. 13 Cash Flow Current forecast 45,000 Receipt of loan funding with associated expenditure for property purchase in the following week. 40,000 Q3 Plan £21.0M Forecast £15.4M. (£5.6M adverse) Additional property purchase costs and commercial under performance offset by timing of other capital expenditure. 35,000 30,000 Q4 Plan £23.5M Forecast £12.6M (£10.9M adverse) 1: additional asset acquisition costs 2: forecast commercial under-performance 25,000 20,000 15,000 Spikes around the middle of each month as £9M+ of SLA income is received. 10,000 5,000 03 Apr 15 27 Mar 15 20 Mar 15 13 Mar 15 06 Mar 15 27 Feb 15 20 Feb 15 13 Feb 15 06 Feb 15 30 Jan 15 23 Jan 15 16 Jan 15 09 Jan 15 02 Jan 15 26 Dec 14 19 Dec 14 12 Dec 14 05 Dec 14 28 Nov 14 21 Nov 14 14 Nov 14 07 Nov 14 Oct 2014 actual Sept 2014 actual Aug 2014 actual July 2014 actual June 2014 actual May 2014 actual April 2014 actual Actual 13/14 YE 0 14 Debtors Management and Credit Control 6 Mths + 5 Mths 4 Mths 3 Mths 2 Mths 1 Mth Apr 14 1,154 631 1,785 2,134 0 414 May 14 8 143 151 107 0 50 Jun 14 7 912 919 164 118 52 Jul 14 21 782 803 224 50 131 Aug 14 13 1,472 1,485 182 84 134 Sep 14 19 2,426 2,445 468 65 235 4,333 308 1,253 1,208 1,885 3,213 12,200 4,521 16,721 Prior month £k Change - £k Change - % 5,908 (1,575) (26.7%) 248 60 24.2% 503 750 149.1% 1,448 (240) (16.6%) 1,454 431 29.6% 829 2,384 287.6% 10,390 1,810 17.4% 4,525 (4) (0.1%) 14,915 1,806 12.1% Type of Debt Total Type of Debt Welsh Debts only NHS Service Income Total Contract Debts Private Patients Pharmacy Sales Sundry Debtors TOTAL Welsh Debts only NHS Service Income Total Contract Debts Private Patients Pharmacy Sales Sundry Debtors TOTAL Total Overdue Current 1,222 (3) 6,366 1,923 7,588 1,920 3,279 659 317 432 1,016 1,510 12,200 4,521 Total Total Overdue Current 1,222 (3) 6,366 1,923 7,588 1,920 3,279 659 317 432 1,016 1,510 Oct 14 Total 1,219 8,289 9,508 3,938 749 2,526 Oct 14 Sep 14 Sep 14 Sep 14 % Var % Var % Var Total 1,219 8,289 9,508 3,938 749 2,526 Overdue 1,191 4,190 5,381 3,585 301 1,123 Current 13 2,898 2,911 840 350 424 Total 1,204 7,088 8,292 4,425 651 1,547 Overdue 2.5% 34.2% 29.1% (9.3%) 5.0% (10.5%) Current 551.4% (50.8%) (51.7%) (27.3%) 19.0% 71.9% Total 1.2% 14.5% 12.8% (12.3%) 13.1% 38.8% 16,721 10,390 4,525 14,915 14.8% (0.1%) 10.8% Please note: Values shown in the above tables are for the stated types of debt only. Additional items comprise overall debt for the Trust, including provisions and accruals. Monthly highlights NEL CCGs settled £1.1M of prior year debts in October, contributing to the significant fall in 6 month+ overdue debts. Overdue debts increased by £1.8M in October due to £3.2M of current debts coming through, offset by collection efforts for the older balances. Working Capital & Treasury Manager appointed to the Finance team in October, with responsibility for the Accounts Receivable team (amongst others) and reporting to the Financial Controller. Duties will include working capital forecasting and balance sheet management information / reporting. 15 Overdue Debts by debtor, £k as at October 2014 4,521 Overdue CCG debts NEL, NWL and SWL CCGs and London Specialist Commissioning collectively account for £4.5M (59%) of overdue contract debts, significantly up from £2.8M (52%) at Q2. (£1.8M of this debt is 1 month overdue) Total Contract Debts 7,588 Private Patients Pharmacy Sales Sundry Debtors 1,016 NEL had an overdue balance of £1.9M as at M7, of which £0.4M related to 2013/14. This is a significant improvement on Q2 due to settlement of £1.1M prior year debts in month. Current NWL has an overdue balance of £1.8M as at M7, of which £0.1M related to 2013/14 and continues to be actively pursued. 317 3,279 NCA (Non-Contract Activity) debt includes Kent & Sussex Area CCGs with £0.6M overdue as at M7 (£0.3M Q2), of which £0.2M related to 2013/14. As is the case with all NCA debts, an individual targeted approach is made for each debtor. Overdue Debts by age, £k as at October 2014 4,333 4,521 6 Mths + 5 Mths 4 Mths 3 Mths 308 1,253 2 Mths 1 Mth Current 3,213 1,208 1,885 Overdue Sundry debts Overdue sundry debts decreased by 9.5% in October. The total comprises 316 debtors, the largest of which is Pfizer at £94k and remains under dispute. A note on collection and overdue contract debts Standard NHS payment terms are 30 days from the invoice date. SLA payments are mostly made on the 15th of each month and, once set up, tend to run smoothly. Delays in payment occur when data is delayed or disputed, or queries arise which require investigation. Overdue contract debts are inevitable to some degree due to entrenched commissioner-side behaviours related to withholding total amounts rather than only disputed amounts.