1 Item 4c Monthly Finance Report For November 2014 Prepared by: Stephen Dunham Financial Controller Charlotte Sparrow Head of Financial Performance and Decision Support Steven Davies NHS Finance Director & Deputy Chief Financial Officer Presented By: Charles Nall Chief Financial Officer Action for Board: For information For consideration For decision Board of Directors Meeting 18th December 2014 Date produced December 2014 11th 2 Contents of Main Report Page Number Executive Financial Summary 3 Detailed Income and Expenditure Position 4 Underlying Position 5 NHS Income 6 NHS Operating Expenditure 8 Efficiency Scheme Performance 11 Research & Development and Commercial Trading Position 12 Cashflow 13 Debtors Management and Credit Control 14 3 Executive Financial Summary Overall Position Surplus / (Deficit) NHS (exc. R&D) Income Expenditure Overall Position In Month Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 0.7 (0.3) (1.0) Actual (£M) 12.5 11.7 13.1 12.6 0.2 (0.1) Actual (£M) 4.4 3.4 Actual (£M) 0.6 (0.9) 98.0 92.1 104.4 95.3 (0.3) 0.8 4.0 Full Year % forecast 74% 2.5 In Month Actual (£M) 0.1 Commercial Trading Unit Position Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 0.5 (0.2) Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 5.0 2.0 Actual (£M) 1.7 0.0 Actual (£M) 6.4 (3.2) 148.3 141.3 156.3 145.6 8.0 (4.3) 3.2 (0.9) 2.7 3.8 Actual (£M) 0.7 1.0 In Month Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 4.4 3.2 Var (£M) 0.3 (0.7) Indicator Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 2.8 (1.7) 4 4 Continuity of Service Risk Rating 4 (1.2) Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 1.2 1.1 0.1 (4.5) Plan (£M) Actual (£M) 4.7 (1.7) Debtors Key Income and Expenditure Risks: The net position in month is below plan for both the NHS and Commercial Trading Units. The year to date position benefits from non-recurrent items. Commercial position was a deficit of £0.2M in month and the full year forecast is a deficit of £1.7M. NHS income is above plan in month by £0.6M but is more than offset by expenditure overspends of £0.9M. Additional capacity being provided is increasing the clinical pay cost base but not generating sufficient additional clinical activity. No confirmation has yet been given of the R&D infrastructure funding. Actions: Focus on NHS expenditure control. Ensure utilisation levels of both inpatient and outpatient capacity are improved. Focus on commercial trading unit recovery plan Focus on temporary staff expenditure and external consultancy expenditure (actions commenced). Comment Rating of 4 (highest rating) is maintained in November. Year End 2013/14 End of Quarter 1 End of Quarter 2 Prior Month Current Month Forecast Qtr 3 Forecast Year End (Qtr 4) 24.29 17.76 16.91 18.45 15.44 12.39 10.84 6 Mths + (£M) 3- 6 Mths (£M) 2 Mths (£M) 1 Mth (£M) Total (£M) Overdue Debts Var (£M) (6.4) Cash Balance (£M) Cash Flow Var (£M) Full Year Forecast Var (£M) YTD Debt Service Cover Liquidity Var (£M) Full Year Forecast Year to Date Var (£M) Var (£M) Full Year Forecast Var (£M) (0.8) Plan (£M) (3.0) Plan (£M) Year to Date Var (£M) Key Risks and Actions Required Var (£M) Full Year Forecast Var (£M) Year to Date 70% 40% 0.1 (1.0) Plan (£M) % Full Year achieved Plan (£M) Full Year Forecast Var (£M) Year to Date Var (£M) Plan (£M) Research & Development Position Continuity of Service Risk Rating Plan (£M) In Month Plan (£M) YTD % achieved Efficiency Scheme Performance Year to Date Var (£M) Last Qtr Total (£M) NHS Contract Debts 1.43 1.60 3.30 0.79 7.12 7.59 Commercial Debts 2.08 0.74 0.34 0.53 3.69 3.60 Other TOTAL 0.44 3.95 0.24 2.58 0.09 3.73 0.77 2.09 1.53 12.34 1.01 12.20 Cashflow and Balance Sheet Risks: Debt recovery. Overdue debts total £12.4M, with £7.1M of NHS contract debts. Higher total capital spend and lower operational cash performance forecast for 2014/15 imply lower than budgeted cash balances. Actions: Maintain high level dialogue with relevant NHS organisations and levy interest charges where appropriate. Monitor cash position carefully in conjunction with authorisation of capital purchases. 4 Detailed Income and Expenditure Position - Surplus / (Deficit) In Month Overall Trust I&E Summary Year to Date Full Year Forecast Prior Year YTD Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Actual Variance £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s NHS Clinical Income Commercial Trading Units Other Income Total Income 11,677 2,985 1,707 16,369 12,191 2,157 1,760 16,107 514 (828) 53 (262) 91,007 22,633 14,168 127,808 93,723 17,409 17,521 128,653 2,716 (5,223) 3,353 846 138,003 34,745 21,043 193,790 141,916 26,639 24,745 193,300 3,913 (8,106) 3,703 (490) 78,133 21,250 13,348 112,730 15,590 (3,840) 4,174 15,923 NHS Expenditure Pay Exenditure Medical Nursing Scientific, Theraputic & Technical Admin and Clerical Ancillary Services Research & Development Pay Total Pay Expenditure 2,363 1,771 951 2,053 167 593 7,899 2,473 1,971 897 2,008 165 590 8,104 (110) (200) 55 44 2 4 (205) 18,532 13,796 7,290 16,157 1,332 4,807 61,914 19,732 14,380 7,018 15,849 1,305 4,506 62,791 (1,200) (584) 272 307 26 301 (877) 27,997 20,887 11,035 24,145 1,990 7,160 93,214 29,996 21,864 10,608 24,034 1,967 7,160 95,629 (1,999) (977) 427 111 22 0 (2,415) 16,137 11,767 6,655 12,400 1,262 4,076 52,298 (3,595) (2,612) (363) (3,449) (43) (430) (10,493) Non-Pay Exenditure Drugs Clinical Supplies and Services Premises Other Expenditure Research & Development Non-Pay 1,584 1,169 698 952 166 1,610 1,260 767 1,441 150 (26) (91) (70) (489) 16 12,612 8,845 5,510 7,977 1,515 13,029 9,433 5,556 9,045 1,171 (417) (588) (45) (1,068) 343 19,097 13,519 8,269 14,353 2,165 20,137 14,493 8,554 13,951 1,923 (1,040) (973) (285) 401 242 8,787 7,810 5,422 8,029 739 (4,242) (1,624) (133) (1,016) (432) Total Non-Pay Expenditure 4,568 5,228 (661) 36,460 38,234 (1,775) 57,403 59,058 (1,655) 30,787 (7,447) Total NHS Expenditure 12,466 13,332 (866) 98,374 101,025 (2,651) 150,617 154,687 (4,070) 83,085 (17,940) Commercial Trading Unit Costs 2,362 2,259 103 18,806 18,181 625 28,455 26,919 1,536 17,002 (1,179) Total Expenditure 14,828 15,591 (764) 117,180 119,206 (2,026) 179,072 181,606 (2,534) 100,087 (19,119) EBITDA EBITDA Margin % 1,541 9.4% 516 (1,026) 10,628 8.3% 9,447 (1,181) 14,718 7.6% 11,694 (3,024) 12,643 11% (3,196) 3.2% NHS Interest, Dividends, Depreciation 663 653 9 5,237 5,186 51 8,130 8,218 (87) 4,432 (754) Trading Unit Interest, Depreciation, Dividends Surplus / (Deficit) - before impairment 134 124 10 (997) 1,588 5,000 155 (1,006) 907 3,354 1,432 (262) 1,040 4,351 133 745 2,044 (2,956) 916 7,295 9 (3,941) Impairment Surplus / (Deficit) 0 0 0 745 (262) (1,006) 0 4,351 0 3,354 (997) 8,500 (3,500) 8,500 (6,456) (2,956) 0 7,295 0 (3,941) NHS EBITDA NHS EBITDA Margin % NHS Surplus / (Deficit) 918 6.9% 255 618 4.4% (35) (300) 6,801 6.5% 1,564 10,219 9.2% 5,032 3,417 8,428 5.3% 298 11,975 7.2% 3,757 3,546 8,395 9% 3,963 1,824 Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Margin % Commercial Trading Unit Surplus / (Deficit) 623 20.9% 489 (102) -4.7% (227) (726) 3,827 16.9% 2,787 (771) -4.4% (1,678) (4,598) 6,290 18.1% 4,702 (281) -1.1% (1,713) (6,570) 4,248 20% 3,332 (5,019) Income (290) (716) 7.3% 0 3,468 (4,465) 6.0% 0 3,459 (6,415) 1,069 (5,010) 5 Underlying Position In Month Overall Trust I&E Summary Qtr 2 Qtr 1 Year to date Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Actual £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s Total Income 16,369 16,107 48,323 50,684 45,626 44,597 127,808 128,653 Total NHS Expenditure 12,466 13,332 37,307 37,925 36,102 35,850 98,374 101,025 2,362 2,259 7,003 7,046 7,020 6,485 18,806 18,181 14,828 15,591 44,309 44,971 43,122 42,335 117,180 119,206 1,541 9.4% 663 134 516 4,013 8.3% 1,914 398 5,712 3.2% 653 124 11.3% 1,949 361 2,504 7.0% 1,974 374 2,262 6.7% 1,901 360 10,628 7.0% 5,237 1,040 9,447 6.7% 5,186 907 745 (262) 1,702 3,402 156 1 4,351 3,354 0 (307) (307) Commercial Trading Unit Costs Total Expenditure EBITDA EBITDA Margin % NHS Interest, Dividends, Depreciation Trading Unit Interest, Depreciation, Dividends Surplus / (Deficit) Adjustment to Reach Underlying Position: Income - Release of prior year provision - Project Oriel Total Income (3,486) 0 0 (3,486) (3,486) Expenditure - Non-recurrent benefits Staff award provision release Fellow back-pay release (91) (211) NHS rental and facilities charges prior 2013/14 (307) (3,793) (91) (211) (391) (391) - Non-recurrent costs Project Oriel 88 88 506 Pay Restructuring costs RTT Enhanced Pay Costs 135 506 264 264 857 857 314 314 351 625 Total Expenditure 88 223 506 780 264 (38) 857 1,103 Total 88 223 506 (2,706) 264 (38) 550 (2,690) 832 (39) 2,208 696 420 (37) 4,900 664 Revised Underlying Position Notes: Underlying position in month is break even. NHS income overperformance in month of £0.6M is offset by expenditure overspends of £0.7M when the impact of enhanced pay costs for RTT are discounted. The year to date underlying surplus remains at £0.7M compared to a year to date planned surplus of £4.9M. Non-recurrent expenditure items total £1.1M in the year to date position, with a mixture of benefits and costs. The full year forecast has reduced to £2.0M surplus before impairments, inclusive of non-recurrent items which total a benefit of £2.7M year to date. 6 NHS Income Commentary: NHS income is above plan in November by £0.6M, £0.5M from clinical activity and £0.1M from other income. The overperformance in clinical activity income is driven mainly by outpatient income which is an improvement to the year to date trend and also clinical activity at Bedford. Outpatient income increases are mainly due to agreed contract changes around visual field tests in outpatient appointments. The impact was seen across most areas but particularly in glaucoma, medical retina and corneal services at City Road and within Moorfields North at Ealing and Northwick Park. Elective income is £0.1M below plan, a deterioration on the year to date trend. This is despite the additional pay expenditure for extra lists to address RTT. Activity decreased significantly in surgical specialities at City road, particularly cataract and adnexal. Moorfields North saw low activity in St Ann’s. 7 Elective Activity Analysis (Inpatients and Outpatients) Elective income is below target this month, a change to the overperformance seen in the last 3 months. Income per working day fell to £141k, the lowest since July which was before additional lists for RTT started. Activity decreased particularly in the surgical specialities in City Road. The RTT Saturday lists for cataracts were not run in November. 20 17 21 23 18 22 20 20 129 130 129 132 133 134 146 146 142 13 151 21 131 1 134 2 161 28 144 10 153 6 141 (5) 18 148 21 146 20 146 22 Workings Days Inc. adjustments 145 Target per working day (£'000) Actual per working day (£'000) Variance (£'000) This decrease was not in the forecast for November and discussions have commenced with the relevant directorate. The overperformance forecast for the last 3 months of the year relies on surgical activity in City Road to remain at the levels seen in August to October. Moorfields North have reduced their forecast in the remaining four months by £0.4M across St Ann’s and Darrent Valley. Outpatient income is above plan in November. The positive variance is a price variance due to an agreed contractual change. Actual income per working day has increased up to £254k, from £242k in October. The increase is across most areas. The forecast is to continue to achieve plan. 20 227 222 (5) 17 228 233 5 21 227 221 (7) 23 222 212 (10) 18 235 235 1 22 233 234 1 23 236 242 7 20 237 254 16 18 239 21 237 20 237 22 Workings Days Inc. adjustments 236 Target per working day (£'000) Actual per working day (£'000) Variance (£'000) 8 NHS Operating Expenditure – Pay Costs by Staff Group and Area Staff Group & Directorate Average Monthly Expenditure (£'000) Staff Group & Directorate Medical Year to Date Current Month Increase / 2014/15 2014/15 (Decrease) 183 237 54 379 411 32 1,057 1,016 (41) 786 766 (20) 21 2 (19) 41 41 0 2,466 2,473 6 Nursing Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Additional Enhanced RTT costs Corporate Departments Total - Costs this month are £6k above the monthly average but have decreased since the high value of £2,780k in October. - The Surgical Services decreases this month are a correction in allocation of costs of one post, transferred to Moorfields North which has an increase in costs. Additional sites explain a further £5k increase for Moorfields North. - Outpatients & Diagnostics medical costs have decreased in paediatrics and medical retina. Other Clinical Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Corporate Departments Total Year to Date Current Month Increase / 2014/15 2014/15 (Decrease) 49 65 16 29 29 0 739 739 (1) 58 59 2 2 4 2 877 897 19 - Expenditure this month in other clinical staff is £19k (2%) above the year to date monthly average. - Increases are in Moorfields North at Northwick Park. Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Additional Enhanced RTT costs Corporate Departments Total Average Monthly Expenditure (£'000) Year to Date Current Month 2014/15 2014/15 380 426 274 289 492 525 649 632 55 141 28 32 1,879 2,046 Increase / (Decrease) 46 15 34 (17) 86 4 167 - Costs remain high at £2,046k which is £167k (9%) above the year to date amount. This is due to bank rates remaining at the enhanced level to support additional RTT work. Non-Clinical Moorfields North Moorfields South Outpatient & Diagnostic Servs Surgical Services Corporate Departments Total Year to Date Current Month 2014/15 2014/15 184 208 156 147 366 338 247 276 1,174 1,200 2,126 2,169 Increase / (Decrease) 24 (9) (28) 29 26 43 - Increase in expenditure of £43k (2%) compared to year to date average. - Increase in Surgical Services is in health records library. Directorate is still within budget for non-clinical pay in month. - Corporate departments are £26k (2%) above the year to date average. - Moorfields North increases due to additional admin support in Bedford and Northwick Park. NB. Research and Development Pay is excluded from the tables above and shown as part of the Research and Development position on page 11. Research and Development have a separate quarterly board report. 9 NHS Operating Expenditure – Pay Costs Agency and Bank Analysis Staff Type Current Month Year To Date Average Average Prior Year Nursing Expenditure Current Month Nursing Expenditure YTD Average Average Nursing Expenditure Prior Year Employed Bank Agency Employed Bank 3% Nursing Employed 76% Bank Agency Employed 0% Bank Employed staff costs as a % of total expenditure have decreased which is also linked to the enhanced rates for bank rather than a decrease in employed staff overall. 91% Other Clinical Expenditure YTD Average 5% Agency 2% 82% Other Clinical Expenditure Current Month Employed Bank Agency Average Other Clinical Expenditure Prior Year Employed 5% Bank Agency 0% 5% 95% Non Clinical Expenditure Current Month Employed Non-Clinical Bank Employed 15% Bank 18% 7% Agency Average Non Clinical Expenditure Prior Year Employed 0% Bank Agency 76% Non-clinical pay costs have increased by 2% in month compared to the year to date average with increase employed staff and bank usage. Enhanced bank rates do not apply to non-clinical staff. 17% 6% 78% Staff Type Nursing Other Clinical Non-clinical Agency Increase in costs compared to last year is now 5%, still below other staff groups. 95% Non Clinical Expenditure YTD Average Increase in costs by 2% compared to the year to date average. Agency usage remains at 5% of total costs. Increase in costs for this staff group for some areas like optometry are achieved through overtime of employed staff. Other Clinical 95% Increase in nursing costs is due to bank expenditure driven by enhanced rates agreed to encourage bank availability to assist in achievement of RTT targets. 7% 15% 21% 0% Agency 3% Comments 83% Current Month (£'000) Year To Date Average (£'000) Average Prior Year (£'000) Employed Bank Agency Total % Change Employed Bank Agency Total % Change Employed Bank Agency Total 1,567 425 54 2,046 9% 1,536 290 54 1,879 21% 1,411 104 38 1,553 850 0 47 897 2% 836 1 40 877 5% 795 2 40 837 1,699 158 312 2,169 2% 1,620 125 381 2,126 21% 1,457 2 303 1,762 Increase in costs on non-clinical pay expenditure compared to last financial year is 21% and matches the increase in nursing costs. 10 NHS Operating Expenditure – Non-Pay Costs Comments: After the significant increase in non-pay expenditure in October, it has fallen in November by £0.6M and is £0.2M below forecast for the month. Drugs and clinical consumables expenditure is £0.6M below last month and back to average year to date levels. Comments: Corporate department’s non-pay costs have increased in month above budget and year to date trend. This month expenditure under “Other Costs” is £0.2M above the previous month. This includes £0.1M on external consultancy for achievement of RTT targets. A further £0.1M is for projects principally Project Oriel. The forecast is for expenditure to remain above plan to the end of the year. This will be revised next month to take in to account the recent review of external consultant usage. 11 Efficiency Scheme Performance Breakdown of Forecast Achievement Efficiency Schemes Profile and Forecast 400 Clinical Supplies 10% 47% 350 22% 300 Amount (£'000) 12% 9% 250 Non-clinical supplies Pay Revenue 200 Target Summary of Performance: Actual 150 Forecast 50 0 Period YTD Target (original phased budget)(£) YTD Amount Achieved (£) - Year to date (YTD) achievement is £2,052k, 71% of YTD target and 47% of the full year target. - The year to date shortfall against the original phased target (including a phased share of unidentified schemes) is £826k. - Total schemes worth £4,151k have been identified. This is 95% of the full year target and has increased by the replacement scheme in IT. - Full year forecast delivery however, is only 75% of the target at £3,257k as achievement against identified schemes decreases due to delays in implementation. All schemes not delivering will be re-assessed for their potential full year recurrent value as part of setting the budget for next financial year. 100 Directorate / Corporate Department Drugs Year to Date % YTD Variance (£) Achievement Value of Full Year Target Schemes (£) Identified (£) Full Year Forecast Amount (£) Forecast % YTD Amount Achievement of Achieved as % of Target Full Year Target Actions on Shortfall and Unidentified Amount Although the full year forecast amount will exceed the original target, it is £184k below the value of schemes identified. The schemes that have underperformed 66% are all related to additional revenue. Moorfi el ds North 318,634 273,093 -45,541 86% 413,676 648,083 468,486 113% Moorfi el ds South 203,935 172,160 -31,775 84% 325,359 325,359 276,084 85% Outpa ti ent & Di a gnos ti c Servi ces 1,042,110 778,973 -263,137 75% 1,579,730 1,457,366 1,201,725 76% Surgi ca l Servi ces 741,454 2,306,134 7,216 17,436 20,832 29,018 42,775 19,070 214,436 93,907 45,315 402,930 1,627,156 7,216 17,436 20,832 29,018 0 19,070 214,436 93,907 10,467 -338,524 -678,977 0 0 0 0 -42,775 0 0 0 -34,848 54% 71% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 100% 100% 100% 23% 1,082,281 3,401,046 10,819 26,154 31,248 43,527 61,014 31,096 399,748 140,860 67,972 748,901 603,584 3,179,709 2,549,879 10,819 10,824 26,154 26,154 31,248 31,248 43,527 43,527 50,909 0 28,605 28,605 321,654 321,654 140,860 140,860 15,700 15,700 56% 75% 100% 100% 100% 100% 0% 92% 80% 100% 23% Unidentified amount of the full year target is £123k, however forecast 49% achievement is £378k below the target. Unidentified amount has remained at £333k. Forecast full year achievement is 37% £604k, which is £478k below the full year target. 48% 67% 67% 67% 67% 0% 61% 54% 67% 15% Unidentified amount of £52k 70,000 18,800 707,372 55% 100% 74% Original scheme around staffing resource will not achieve any savings this year due to ongoing difficulties with recruiting permanent staff to replace contract staff. A non-recurrent replacement scheme around the managed print service will offset this shortfall by £70k. Next year the managed print service initiative will 0% deliver futher savings. 67% 44% 4,150,981 3,257,251 75% Clinical Directorates Chi ef Executi ve's Offi ce Chi ef Opera ti ng Offi cer Corpora te Governa nce Di rector of Nurs i ng Di rector of Stra tegy Educa ti on Es ta tes a nd Fa ci l i ti es Fi na nce Huma n Res ources Informa ti on Technol ogy Qua l i ty a nd Sa fety Corporate Department Initiatives TRUST TOTAL 31,509 12,533 534,047 0 12,533 424,915 -31,509 0 -109,132 0% 100% 80% 126,716 18,800 957,954 2,840,180 2,052,071 -788,109 72% 4,359,000 282,996 18,800 971,272 53% Forecast achievement remains at 85%. 47% 12 Research and Development Position In Month Year to Date Full Year Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Variance Budget Forecast Variance £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s Total Income 872 809 (63) 7,192 6,824 (368) 10,725 10,392 (332) Expenditure Pay Costs Non-Pay Costs Total Expenditure Interest, Dividends, Depreciation 593 166 759 11 590 150 740 11 4 16 19 0 4,807 1,515 6,321 153 4,506 1,171 5,677 153 301 343 644 0 7,160 2,165 9,324 220 7,160 1,923 9,082 220 0 242 242 (0) Total Contribution to overhead 101 58 (44) 717 993 276 1,180 1,090 (90) Research and Development Income: Income is £0.1M behind plan in month and adverse year to date by £0.4M. Income is forecast to end the year below plan by £0.3M. Expenditure Expenditure is on plan in month and £0.6M favourable year to date. Expenditure is forecast to end the year £0.2M below plan as additional income receipts are anticipated to be spent in year. Contribution remains significantly below the level for full cost recovery. Commercial Trading Unit Position In Month Commercial Trading Units Year to Date Budget Actual Variance Budget Actual Full Year Variance Budget Forecast Prior Year YTD Variance Actual Variance £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s £000s Total Income 3,051 2,179 (872) 23,130 17,642 (5,488) 35,525 26,975 (8,551) 21,885 (4,243) Expenditure Pay Costs Non-Pay Costs Total Expenditure 873 1,489 2,362 885 1,374 2,259 (12) 115 103 6,936 11,870 18,806 7,240 10,941 18,181 (304) 929 625 10,503 17,952 28,455 10,669 16,251 26,919 (166) 1,702 1,536 6,740 10,262 17,002 (500) (679) (1,179) 690 (80) (769) 4,324 (538) (4,862) 7,070 55 (7,015) 4,883 (5,421) Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Commercial Trading Unit EBITDA Margin % 22.6% -3.6% 18.7% -3.1% 19.9% 0.2% Interest, Dividends, Depreciation 134 124 10 1,040 907 133 1,588 1,432 155 22% 916 9 Commercial Trading Unit Surplus / (Deficit) 555 (204) (759) 3,284 (1,445) (4,729) 5,483 (1,377) (6,860) 3,967 (5,412) Internal Sales (66) (23) (43) (497) (233) (264) (781) (336) (445) (635) 402 Commercial Trading Unit Surplus / (Deficit) discounting internal sales 489 (227) (716) 2,787 (1,678) (4,465) 4,702 (1,713) (6,415) 3,332 (5,010) Income: Income is £0.9M behind plan in month and adverse year to date by £5.5M. Income is forecast to end the year below plan by £8.6M. Expenditure Expenditure is £0.1M behind plan in month and £0.6M favourable year to date. Expenditure is forecast to end the year £1.5M favourable to plan. Overall Position £0.2M deficit in the month with a year to date deficit position of £1.7M. Position is forecast to end the year with a £1.7M deficit. 13 Cash Flow 14 Debtors Management and Credit Control 6 Mths + 5 Mths 4 Mths 3 Mths 2 Mths 1 Mth May 14 1,155 278 Jun 14 15 751 Jul 14 21 664 Aug 14 0 147 Sep 14 30 3,276 Oct 14 (3) 794 Private Patients 1,433 2,084 766 142 685 202 147 170 3,306 300 791 403 7,128 3,301 1,123 771 8,251 4,072 Pharmacy Sales 0 0 138 86 44 124 392 860 1,252 Sundry Debtors 442 64 68 106 92 765 1,537 1,545 3,082 TOTAL 3,959 972 1,093 509 3,742 2,083 12,358 4,299 16,657 Prior month £k 4,333 308 1,253 1,208 1,885 3,213 12,200 4,521 16,721 Change - £k (374) 664 (160) (699) 1,857 (1,130) 158 (221) (63) Change - % (8.6%) 215.6% (12.8%) (57.9%) 98.5% (35.2%) 1.3% (4.9%) (0.4%) Type of Debt Welsh Debts only NHS Service Income Total Contract Debts Type of Debt Welsh Debts only NHS Service Income Total Total Overdue Current 1,218 0 5,910 1,123 Nov 14 Total 1,218 7,033 Oct 14 Oct 14 Overdue Current 1,222 (3) 6,366 1,923 Total Total Overdue Current 1,218 0 5,910 1,123 Nov 14 Total 1,218 7,033 % Var % Var % Var Total 1,219 8,289 Overdue (0.3%) (7.2%) Current (100.0%) (41.6%) Total (0.1%) (15.1%) Oct 14 Private Patients 7,128 3,301 1,123 771 8,251 4,072 7,588 3,279 1,920 659 9,508 3,938 (6.1%) 0.7% (41.5%) 16.9% (13.2%) 3.4% Pharmacy Sales 392 860 1,252 317 432 749 23.7% 99.2% 67.2% Sundry Debtors 1,537 1,545 3,082 1,016 1,510 2,526 51.3% 2.3% 22.0% 12,358 4,299 16,657 12,200 4,521 16,721 1.3% (4.9%) (0.4%) Total Contract Debts TOTAL Please note: Values shown in the above tables are for the stated types of debt only. Additional items comprise overall debt for the Trust, including provisions and accruals. Monthly highlights Overdue debts increased slightly by £0.2M in November to £12.4M. Balances in each business area remained relatively stable. January 2015 is expected to see payments begin as a result of completed reconciliations of Q1 14/15 performance invoices. CCG administrative processes continue to be a concern and are being addressed at a number of levels within both sets of organisations. Within Private Patients, work is ongoing to deal with historic debt and contracting activities, with a new structure and new positions within the PP Finance team contributing to this aim. 15 Overdue Debts by debtor, £k as at Nov 2014 4,299 Total Contract Debts 7,128 Private Patients Pharmacy Sales Sundry Debtors 1,537 Current 392 3,301 Overdue CCG debts NEL, NWL and SWL CCGs and London Specialist Commissioning collectively account for £4.2M (59%) of overdue contract debts, £3.2M of which is 3 months overdue or less. NEL had an overdue balance of £1.8M as at M8, of which £0.2M related to 2013/14. Q1 14/15 performance invoices (£0.7M) should be paid in January. NWL has an overdue balance of £1.9M as at M8. The data reconciliation process with NWL remains slow, and Q1 14/15 performance invoices of £1.1Min particular remain unreconciled. NCA (Non-Contract Activity) debt includes Kent & Sussex Area CCGs with £0.5M overdue as at M8, of which £0.1M related to 2013/14. £0.2M of this has been settled in December to date. As is the case with all NCA debts, an individual targeted approach is made for each debtor. Overdue Debts by age, £k as at Nov 2014 1,545 3,959 6 Mths + 5 Mths 2,083 4 Mths 3 Mths Overdue Sundry debts Overdue sundry debts decreased by 51% in November (£1.0M to £1.5M), mainly due to a Project Oriel invoice for £367K becoming overdue during the month and has been escalated to DoF level. The total comprises 345 other debtors, the next largest of which is a commercial supplier to the R&D function at £94k and should be resolved by early January. A note on collection and overdue contract debts 2 Mths 972 3,742 1,093 509 1 Mth Current Standard NHS payment terms are 30 days from the invoice date. SLA payments are mostly made on the 15th of each month and, once set up, tend to run smoothly. Delays in payment occur when data is delayed or disputed, or queries arise which require investigation. Overdue contract debts are inevitable to some degree due to entrenched commissionerside behaviours related to withholding total amounts rather than only disputed amounts.